I'm taking today as an off day because I'm very depress. I will resume training tomorrow.

I've changed my mind. I can't allow this depression to take me away from PE. I'm training today. I will update this log later today.
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I'm taking today as an off day because I'm very depress. I will resume training tomorrow.

I've changed my mind. I can't allow this depression to take me away from PE. I'm training today. I will update this log later today.

That’s the enemy telling you that you’re depressed, I’m so glad you told the enemy to fuck off and you got out there and get your thing! All glory to God!
There is this lady in my neighbourhood that I am trying to make my girlfriend. She is playing hard to get. She said she can't date me unless I move out of the neighbourhood. Her house is very close to mine.

Yesterday, I saw her with another guy and my heart was broken. I don't understand how I allowed myself to develop feelings for this lady even without sleeping with her. I'm so emotionally down.

I'm done for today

20mins length master dld blasters

20mins length master dld blasters

20mins length master dld blasters
Sorry to hear about that, Huge. Unrequited affection is a crappy feeling... Keep in mind that you developed feelings for a fantasy of this lady (you weren't in a relationship with her, so you don't really know her *that* well) and then go let the Led out with some 'Since I've Been Loving You' because it's going to ache anyway.

You've been around the block, though. You know how it goes. Just keep moving forward, looks like you're already on it!
There is this lady in my neighbourhood that I am trying to make my girlfriend. She is playing hard to get. She said she can't date me unless I move out of the neighbourhood. Her house is very close to mine.

Yesterday, I saw her with another guy and my heart was broken. I don't understand how I allowed myself to develop feelings for this lady even without sleeping with her. I'm so emotionally down.

I'm done for today

20mins length master dld blasters

20mins length master dld blasters

20mins length master dld blasters

Don’t get down my Brother, I am myself and many others have gone through this time and time again. I can tell you this much it’s not the first time and it won’t be the last. But the beautiful thing is you’re looking for the right person and in time with patients she will come.
I’m glad you took time off and I hope you’re feeling better. It looks like you got a good session today so give yourself a pat on the back.
Looking forward to tomorrow’s report. Get a good nights sleep and get back to us with an incredible update.
I've taken a total of 4 off days this month already. I won't be taking anymore off days

I'm done for today

20mins length master dld blasters

20mins length master dld blasters

20mins length master dld blasters

That’s not too bad, I wouldn’t worry too much on it. When you do get work and you’re getting awesome work in so just need the extra little bit of motivation to keep things daily
I need your prayers and I also need deliverance and self control from smoking marijuana. Each time I smoke, I come unproductive, too lazy to do my routine. Most of the time that I wasn't able to complete my 1 hour daily routine is because I smoked marijuana on those days.

Whenever I complete my 1 hour routine, just know that I didn't smoke that day. May God help me

I'm done for today

20mins length master dld blasters

20mins length master dld blasters

20mins length master dld blasters
I need your prayers and I also need deliverance and self control from smoking marijuana. Each time I smoke, I come unproductive, too lazy to do my routine. Most of the time that I wasn't able to complete my 1 hour daily routine is because I smoked marijuana on those days.

Whenever I complete my 1 hour routine, just know that I didn't smoke that day. May God help me

I'm done for today

20mins length master dld blasters

20mins length master dld blasters

20mins length master dld blasters
And there are those who claim that weed is non addictive?
I need your prayers and I also need deliverance and self control from smoking marijuana. Each time I smoke, I come unproductive, too lazy to do my routine. Most of the time that I wasn't able to complete my 1 hour daily routine is because I smoked marijuana on those days.

Whenever I complete my 1 hour routine, just know that I didn't smoke that day. May God help me

I'm done for today

20mins length master dld blasters

20mins length master dld blasters

20mins length master dld blasters

I will be praying. What are you doing to take steps to stop smoking marijuana? Do you have any local support groups to tap into? Who do you need to stop hanging around that may tempt you to do it or buy it?
I will be praying. What are you doing to take steps to stop smoking marijuana? Do you have any local support groups to tap into? Who do you need to stop hanging around that may tempt you to do it or buy it?

There is a friend of mine that always come around and whenever he does, I always feel the urge to smoke. He came around this afternoon and I almost smoked but I was lucky not to. I told him to stop coming around me because of the negativity that comes with his presence.

I don't really have any support group. It's just myself and prayers
And there are those who claim that weed is non addictive?

Well, it's not that addictive unlike cigarette. I can stay without it but some times, if I hang around certain people that smokes, I feel the urge to smoke. I really need to break away from weed. It brings too much bad energy and delay into my life.
There is a friend of mine that always come around and whenever he does, I always feel the urge to smoke. He came around this afternoon and I almost smoked but I was lucky not to. I told him to stop coming around me because of the negativity that comes with his presence.

I don't really have any support group. It's just myself and prayers

You can start here, find a local group, and go to the meetings:

Well, it's not that addictive unlike cigarette. I can stay without it but some times, if I hang around certain people that smokes, I feel the urge to smoke. I really need to break away from weed. It brings too much bad energy and delay into my life.
I have a friend who's been smoking weed since her teens and is now 62. Take her pot away and she's climbing the walls. May only be psychological, but that can be as bad or worse than physical withdrawal symptoms. It takes some will power, but you can do it! Think of it this way: Get your PE workout in, and reward yourself with a joint. Best choice of course is just to quit for health reasons, but if that's not an option, it can be used as an incentive to success in your PE efforts, if that makes sense.
I have a friend who's been smoking weed since her teens and is now 62. Take her pot away and she's climbing the walls. May only be psychological, but that can be as bad or worse than physical withdrawal symptoms. It takes some will power, but you can do it! Think of it this way: Get your PE workout in, and reward yourself with a joint. Best choice of course is just to quit for health reasons, but if that's not an option, it can be used as an incentive to success in your PE efforts, if that makes sense.

The best option is to quit. Weed fries the skin. It prevent the smokers from looking fresh. Each time I quit smoking for up to a month, my skin starts glowing.

Look at majority of weed smokers, they don't look fresh when compared to non smokers. No need to reward myself with a joint after my PE session for the day.

I haven't even talked about how it turns me into a glutton on a daily basis. Weed is useless in my life
I need your prayers and I also need deliverance and self control from smoking marijuana. Each time I smoke, I come unproductive, too lazy to do my routine. Most of the time that I wasn't able to complete my 1 hour daily routine is because I smoked marijuana on those days.

Whenever I complete my 1 hour routine, just know that I didn't smoke that day. May God help me

I'm done for today

20mins length master dld blasters

20mins length master dld blasters

20mins length master dld blasters

Cannabis is a gift from God and cannot be abused. If it is abused it will no longer be effective in the way of positivity. If you feel as though cannabis is causing you to be lazy try stopping cannabis for a couple weeks and see if you’re still lazy. I can tell you for myself it is the medication that has saved my life.
Cannabis is a gift from God and cannot be abused. If it is abused it will no longer be effective in the way of positivity. If you feel as though cannabis is causing you to be lazy try stopping cannabis for a couple weeks and see if you’re still lazy. I can tell you for myself it is the medication that has saved my life.

I smoke it mostly at the wrong time. I'm suppose to only smoke it right before going to bed. ButI always fail to do that. I smoke it in the afternoon instead of night time when I'm done with all my activities for the day.
The best option is to quit. Weed fries the skin. It prevent the smokers from looking fresh. Each time I quit smoking for up to a month, my skin starts glowing.

Look at majority of weed smokers, they don't look fresh when compared to non smokers. No need to reward myself with a joint after my PE session for the day.

I haven't even talked about how it turns me into a glutton on a daily basis. Weed is useless in my life

I rest my case.

Quitting is the best option for me. It's 4:50am here. I woke up to pee. I prayed to God just now asking him to guide me on this journey of recovery from marijuana addiction. I will keep on praying about it on a daily basis and do my best to avoid it for the rest of my life. I will keep you all updated about my progress.
Cannabis is a gift from God and cannot be abused. If it is abused it will no longer be effective in the way of positivity. If you feel as though cannabis is causing you to be lazy try stopping cannabis for a couple weeks and see if you’re still lazy. I can tell you for myself it is the medication that has saved my life.
Saved your life? Please elaborate. I recognize that cannabis is reported to be beneficial for "some" medical issues, such as pain management. And I know people for whom this has been effective. But this is not true for some. I am one of them. I had a major motorcycle accident 13 years ago and almost died. My left leg was shattered and remains problematic to this day. I have a friend that strongly and repeatedly encouraged me to try cannabis oil for pain management. I was having problems with insomnia as well, and he stated unequivocally that it relieved his pain and helped him sleep like a baby. I resisted at first because I've had some bad experiences with high potency cannabis in the past, but after several months, I relented and tried a small amount of oil. How small? About the size of a half grain of rice. I took it orally and went to bed about an hour later. 2 hours later, I woke up and my first thoughts were "Oh No!" I got up, staggered to the bathroom, then went into the living room where I turned on my computer. While waiting for the comp to boot up, I was getting intense rushes from my feet to my head. It also felt like my heart was pounding, but I attributed that to the rushes. To be sure, I hooked my arm up into my blood pressure monitor which also measures heart rate, and found I was at 130 BPM. This continued for 4 freakin' hours. I would have called 911 but knew there was nothing that could be done except wait it out, which I did, but it was very, very unpleasant. Did I take too much? Yes, at least for me. I know others that consume 5 times that amount and function just fine. Not me. As far as addictive potential, I already pointed out a close friend that is totally hooked and has told me many times "I can't quit." She MUST have her weed. I've had discussions with her about the effects of cannabis on me. If I use cannabis of any potency, I have extreme anxiety and paranoia. My friend thinks this is ridiculous, as this never happens to her. I once went into a local cannabis shop and discussed this with the owner. He said that anxiety and paranoia is extremely common, and that on one occasion, after consuming a particularly potent form of cannabis, he drove himself to the hospital, certain that he was having a heart attack. He told me to tell my lady friend that she is dead wrong, and that cannabis can have very unpleasant effects on many people.
You claim is is a "gift from God", but I have to ask...How do you know that? Which God, or interpretation of God, are you referring to? And from what source do you determine it is one of his/her/it's gifts? One man's salvation can be another man's poison.
Huge-Girth said, "The best option is to quit. Weed fries the skin. It prevent the smokers from looking fresh. Each time I quit smoking for up to a month, my skin starts glowing.

Look at majority of weed smokers, they don't look fresh when compared to non smokers. No need to reward myself with a joint after my PE session for the day.

I haven't even talked about how it turns me into a glutton on a daily basis. Weed is useless in my life"

Useless in mine as well.
Saved your life? Please elaborate. I recognize that cannabis is reported to be beneficial for "some" medical issues, such as pain management. And I know people for whom this has been effective. But this is not true for some. I am one of them. I had a major motorcycle accident 13 years ago and almost died. My left leg was shattered and remains problematic to this day. I have a friend that strongly and repeatedly encouraged me to try cannabis oil for pain management. I was having problems with insomnia as well, and he stated unequivocally that it relieved his pain and helped him sleep like a baby. I resisted at first because I've had some bad experiences with high potency cannabis in the past, but after several months, I relented and tried a small amount of oil. How small? About the size of a half grain of rice. I took it orally and went to bed about an hour later. 2 hours later, I woke up and my first thoughts were "Oh No!" I got up, staggered to the bathroom, then went into the living room where I turned on my computer. While waiting for the comp to boot up, I was getting intense rushes from my feet to my head. It also felt like my heart was pounding, but I attributed that to the rushes. To be sure, I hooked my arm up into my blood pressure monitor which also measures heart rate, and found I was at 130 BPM. This continued for 4 freakin' hours. I would have called 911 but knew there was nothing that could be done except wait it out, which I did, but it was very, very unpleasant. Did I take too much? Yes, at least for me. I know others that consume 5 times that amount and function just fine. Not me. As far as addictive potential, I already pointed out a close friend that is totally hooked and has told me many times "I can't quit." She MUST have her weed. I've had discussions with her about the effects of cannabis on me. If I use cannabis of any potency, I have extreme anxiety and paranoia. My friend thinks this is ridiculous, as this never happens to her. I once went into a local cannabis shop and discussed this with the owner. He said that anxiety and paranoia is extremely common, and that on one occasion, after consuming a particularly potent form of cannabis, he drove himself to the hospital, certain that he was having a heart attack. He told me to tell my lady friend that she is dead wrong, and that cannabis can have very unpleasant effects on many people.
You claim is is a "gift from God", but I have to ask...How do you know that? Which God, or interpretation of God, are you referring to? And from what source do you determine it is one of his/her/it's gifts? One man's salvation can be another man's poison.
Huge-Girth said, "The best option is to quit. Weed fries the skin. It prevent the smokers from looking fresh. Each time I quit smoking for up to a month, my skin starts glowing.

Look at majority of weed smokers, they don't look fresh when compared to non smokers. No need to reward myself with a joint after my PE session for the day.

I haven't even talked about how it turns me into a glutton on a daily basis. Weed is useless in my life"

Useless in mine as well.

It’s mention four times in the Bible so it is biblical. It’s saved my life because I was dealing with depression and anxiety I cannot get out of the kidney stuck in the house. Today I’m able to do so many things without anxiety. So I give all glory to God for flower as “medicine and meat and the sleeves are made to heal the nations.”
I smoke it mostly at the wrong time. I'm suppose to only smoke it right before going to bed. ButI always fail to do that. I smoke it in the afternoon instead of night time when I'm done with all my activities for the day.

You need to respect it and use it for the right reasons. For some people it just does not work so you may need to find something different to take care of whatever issues you’re going through. I’m always praying for you my brother.
You need to respect it and use it for the right reasons. For some people it just does not work so you may need to find something different to take care of whatever issues you’re going through. I’m always praying for you my brother.

Weed will never work for me. It brings all kinds of negativity to my life. I'm done with it.
DLD said:

"It’s mention four times in the Bible so it is biblical. It’s saved my life because I was dealing with depression and anxiety I cannot get out of the kidney stuck in the house. Today I’m able to do so many things without anxiety. So I give all glory to God for flower as “medicine and meat and the sleeves are made to heal the nations.”
DLD, this quote is so problematic, I'm not sure where to start. I guess the first place would be to point out that "speech to text" is often inaccurate without proofreading, and this is clearly seen in your statement. "I cannot get out of the KIDNEY stuck in the house?" I think you meant kitchen? Then you said "medicine and meat and the SLEEVES are made to heal the nations." I suspect you meant LEAVES? Of course I can see your reason for using speech to text as it is much faster and you have so many posts to address on a daily basis. A daunting task for sure, and I commend you for it. But that said, what you have done is taken 2 unrelated biblical passages and combined them into one to somehow support your position that cannabis is a "gift from God." The first is from Genesis 1:29 (which occurs at the BEGINNING of creation), and then combined that with Revelation 22:2 (which occurs at the end of time, after the final judgement). In other words, you've pulled 2 passages out of context and combined them to subtly say something they do not say. The "leaves" for the healing of the nation come from the tree of life found on each side of the river of the water of life, and has nothing to do with cannabis.

You claim that cannabis use is mentioned 4 times in the bible. I challenge you to show me where. There is no passage ANYWHERE in the bible that specifically names cannabis as a medicine. Even if it did, can we rely on the bible for guidance? The bible explicitly states that homosexuals should be put to death. Do you support this? The bible explicitly and clearly states that children who are disobedient and curse their parents should be executed. Do you support this? There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of folks world wide that claim the earth is 6000 years old, that it is flat, and that the sun, moon and stars revolve around it. And they use the bible to support that position. I could go on and on, but you get my point. The bible has been used to support just about anything throughout history, and still is. There are hundreds if not thousands of Christian denominations that hold contradictory viewpoints on all kinds of things, but have one thing in common...they all use the bible to support their positions.

You are the Guru of PE, no question. But I am no slouch either, and have been at this game for over 40 years. I've tried just about every method that's ever been devised and have spent thousands of dollars on every device and tool ever created. So I know a lot about PE. But what I know about PE pales in comparison to what I know about the bible, having studied it ferociously since I was one of the Jesus People back in the early 70's. I am confident I could hold my own with anyone short of biblical scholars. And I am certain that there is no passage in scripture, anywhere, that explicitly states that cannabis use is a gift from God. But I am equally certain that the bible can be used and interpreted to say just about anything you want it to say. It's done all the time.

When I used cannabis in my teens and early 20's, I did not know of a single person who used cannabis medicinally. They (and I) used it to get stoned. I dare say the majority still do. That said, I recognize that cannabis does have medicinal properties such as pain management and epilepsy and if used responsibly can be effective. And it appears you have had personal success in that regard. But a blanket statement that implies that cannabis is a gift from God supported by the Bible is simply not true. I could show you examples of dozens of plants and leaves that would kill you if ingested. Are they a gift from God too?

That all said, I don't think a PE forum is the best place to get into this kind of discussion. Unless of course there was interest from enough members to perhaps warrant a sub forum to discuss further. I will leave that to the readers. If you would like to engage in a biblical discussion, on any topic, I am game and would enjoy doing that. I have recently sent you a PM to that effect, but you did not reply, even though you welcomed such a discussion in an earlier PM.

The offer still stands. If you have the time or inclination, I would be happy to engage you on any biblical position or topic. Perhaps we could both benefit.

I answer hundreds of questions a day, I use speech to text for everything.

I stated cannabis is a gift from God you, will not find that in scripture but you will find four places in the Bible that specifically speak of cannabis. It’s referenced in many other ways also. I highly recommend the book Taboo Tabernacle, It really gets into the subject deeply. If you follow this link it will show you all the places in the Bible where cannabis is mentioned.

First so you know I believe in every word of the Bible, Every word.

I’ve been a minister for 10 years and I’ve written quite a bit on this subject. So if you want to join one of my ministries I can send you a links and you can read where it is found in scripture and Gospel.

You should also know that I do not believe in religion whatsoever, I am a biblical Christian only. I teach the grace message, Jesus without religion. I also teach that cannabis is a holy flower that should be respected and used for spiritual reasons. I also condone the use of it as medicine as the Bible states. So please join me in these discussions.

Here is a link to one of my ministries

Let’s get this thread back on topic.
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