I am really pissed. I measured a few times since I had to take a break for a few days. I either was measuring wrong by pushing too hard in the ruler before and really measuring BP instead of NBP or something. I am still just a tad over 6 and 3 quarters long erect. My girth at the base is 5.25 now on a positive note. I am a little bit discouraged. Actually, I'm downright depressed here. Is hanging working for me or what? This is nearly demoralizing.
Hey, Hey hey. We'll have none of that. You work harder than anyone around. Keep it going. Plus you can't go by one sitting of measuring. Maybe you weren't getting good blood flow.

Wanted to ask you if you made your hanger or bought one?
Thanks man. Last night I measured and I am actually still a tad over 6.75 inches NBP. I'm trying out a new routine where I have one really heavy set to reach fatigue and then about 40 minutes of hanging 10 lbs sets. I'm actually happy I haven't gotten to 7 inches yet. I wsa getting a little complacent with myself. I mean I've been doing this for a while now and from where I came from I can't complain. We all do this for progress and self improvement for ourselves and others. So regardless, I know by this time next year I'll be HUGE!

I bought my hanger from Bib. It's great. Hey did you ever sell your Kaplan(sp) Pump? I've never been interested in that as I try to stay away from anything that encapsulates my penis and expands it's vessels and shit lol But I can see the appeal. It must feel amazing to see your penis that engorged and fat afterward.
I would like to get into hanging, but don't have the cash to buy a bib and don't know if I would spend that amount of money for something that prolly took 5 minutes and 5 dollars worth of crap to make. I've also been to busy to make one on my own and been a little lazy too I would guess.

Nah never sold the pump. Never bothered with flea bay either. I'm moving back home with the rents soon and I'll prolly end up throwing it out. I dunno. lol
HAPPY 4th of JULY boys for those in the States anyway.

I've been hanging for about 1 hour to 1 hour 40 minutes. Trying to hang for 2 hours today and tomorrow, but we'll see. Having a weird week. Flirted with this gorgeous woman albeit she'd had more than a few, but it was nice. What sucks though is this past week I've gotten four zits on the side of my face and two on my cheek because all I do is sweat outside for 8 hours a day. By the time I get home my face is all crusty and sweaty as hell. Sucks balls, but hey it's not that bad. It'll be gone probably tomorrow hopefully. I've got some pretty strong medicine from my doc and it should clear up relatively soon.
still hanging each day, but not as much time to post.

I'm feeling pretty shitty lately...i just want to relax right now. I'll hang at 9:30 tonight for 1 hr and 20 minutes or something like that. need rest
lol that shit didn't clear up. It got a little worse actually. gotta call my doc...made an appointment but this is getting to me...thought i had this problem licked.
It's clearing up finally. Maybe it will be gone before I leave for vacation.

Been hanging off and on and I think that the few times I've done clamping lately has helped increase some girth. Clamping for me has been sporadic and light in terms of time length, but I feel like this is perfect for my schedule and penis. Got a 5.5 measurement at the base and 5.25 + at midshaft before my workout. Measured just over 5.5 at the base and just over 5.25 at midshaft still. 15 minutes is all I need I think.
still feeling pretty crappy. Probably going to get blown off by this girl I'm supposed to go with somewhere today. Probably won't even get a phone call. God I can't wait to get the fuck out of here and just relax and forget all the shit going on here. I'm not sure if I care what she does or not at this point, but I know I probably do and am in denial. I mean it's not like I'm not going to see her again either. Incredrulous the way people treat others sometimes. There's no courtesy anymore. I'm probably being selfish though because I know she's really busy at the moment and will be for at least another 3 weeks. At least after today I'll know how much of a friend I have in her though. I thought she liked me and I didn't show much interest in her when it was obvious, but now when I ask her to go somewhere just the two of us she has shit to do and doesn't bother letting me know what's what. If she ends up not calling me I'll be pretty disappointed to say the least. Fuck it. I'm gone. I'm not letting it get to me.
feeling like shitty mcshitty here.

2 hours of hanging last night. Felt pretty good having hanged 2 hours each night the past few nights. Don't think I'll do it again tonight, but I'll go for at least 1 hour 20 minutes and not exceed 13 lbs. I couldn't do it the other night and got in a few 13 lbs sets. Lately, it's feeling like I'm going to rip at the seems in my abdomen when hanging. This vacation is probably what I need. I'll gete back and hang 5 to 10 lbs and 13 lbs at the most, but will start back slow and work my way up to 15 lbs again.
Hope you feel better brother, life can get us all down at times.

But next that bitch. So many others, who gives a fuck about her.

And soon...

Oh yes soon....

EIGHT INCHES WILL BE YOUR BITCH! And you can impale as many hoes as you wish with your giant fuckstick.

Don't get caught up with menial hoes, the sea is full of women and soon you'll have a huge hook to reel them all in. ;)

Keep your head up bro.
hey thanks

that kind of made me smile fellas.

It was weird because I knew she was really busy helping out with a bridal shower the day before we were supposed to go, but a phone call which I never got would have been nice to let me know she couldn't make it. I got an explanation but it was by chance. She wasn't probably going to explain herself unless I pressed the issue. It was weird how it worked out.

I'm going to ask her to go out with me again soon, but if she has plans or something I'm not worried about anything. Just will have to get over the fact she doesn't want to get to know me like I thought she did.

Man as for my Penis Enlargement...I just got back from about 13 days of no hanging and I'm trying to hang 10 lbs right now and it's not so bad, but the length I am going to try to hang for is just too much time. I have a month before classes start up again, but damn 2 hours of hanging is like almost 4 real time hours. That's some crazy shit. I don't know if I've even gained anything from it for certain. My base girth is legit though as it was really the only thing I could make myself see on the tape measure. I worked on girth for 3 days while on vacation too. About 15 minutes in the shower of Ulis and squeezes.

I don't know guys I just think I need to focus on having fun regardless of whether or not I have a girl on my arm.
Originally posted by Cocksoluion
But next that bitch. So many others, who gives a fuck about her.

He's right ya know. 8 I would'nt spend time worrying about 1 female, there's lots of them to go around. Anyway, focus on your goal of 8 inches, then the females will be worrying about you.
I got a BP measurement of near 7.25 last night. It felt great. I did 1 hour 20 minutes of hanging at 5-10 lbs and then got an erection and waited 15 minutes to finish the rest of the 2 hour session. It feels good to be back getting into hanging again. One day I can look at my dick and know it's huge. Right now I'm in an in-between stage where I can honestly say I am comfortable with my size to an exent. But that's not really a factor for me when it comes to this one girl. I'm completely infatuated with this one but I'm also confused. I've many things working against me though with her. She's just getting out of a long term relationship where they were engaged and she knows my immediate family. It's weird though because the more I think about her the more I'm ready to either get over her or ask her out and let her know the way I feel for her.
I'm going to wet jelq next week and do that 3 times a week from now on.

It'll look something like this: Monday wet jelq, then hang at night....Tuesday Hang....Wednesday wet jelq, then hang...Thursday Hang....Friday wet jelq, then hang...Saturday Hang....Sunday Hang.

I actually hanged today for 2 hours and 20 minutes instead of 1 hour and 40 minutes.
iwant8inches said:
going nuts over this girl. I'm not sure what to do.

8, If I were you I would'nt spend too much time drooling over 1 female. Don't let her think that your "sweating" her. There's alot of girls out there man.
It just has to do with a lot of different things going on in her life and that has gone on in her life. We both poured our feelings for each other out a few nights ago, but the message was basically, I like you but I don't want to hurt you...EVER (she kept saying this and emphasizing ever. She sadi she thinks about me every day, which was a huge surprise. But she just got out of a 3 year relationship and was engaged. She had something traumatic happen to her about 9 months ago and it ultimately lead to her breaking off the engagement and the relationship fell apart. She wants to see what out there for her, but she seems to think that (she hasn't said this but this what I think it is) I'm not mature enough to handle the idea of a non-exclusive relationship. Like I don't know she's out some nights with another guy she's met and might even be having sex with the guy. I don't have a problem with that. I have a problem with the fact that she won't give me the same chance as that some random guy. TO reject my feelings for her when she's admitted with sterling eyes that she feels the same and all the while telling me that I don't need to get involved with a girl like her. That's not acceptable to me. I don't accept that as a reason why she wants to go as slow as possible with me. That's what she told me last night. Yet I know (she doesn't know that I know) she's already been out with a guy that was apparently under the impression that she was his girlfriend. Let me think about this for a second....either the guy is crazy or she has given him a reason to think otherwise. We haven't even kissed on the lips yet. I'm not sure what to say to her right now. She likes to party and I like to go out from time to time, but she wants to just be free from any committment I'm sure. She basically told me Friday night that I should back off meanwhile telling me she likes me. I don't know when to call her now. I am thinking of just waiting until next week. But I need to ask her just what exactly it is that makes her feel like she can't just give me the same chance as anyone else. There are so many factors working against me with this woman. I get sick to my stomach thinking about her and when I'm around her lately it's like I'm going to actually get sick. I'm just going to do the opposite of what I would usually do. I'm going to fight. I'm not just going dawdle off and wait for her to make up her mind or wait for her to be ready to date just one guy. I know she likes me enough to do whatever she's doing with other guys (possibly even right now...she's out partying most likely) but with all she's told me it's hard to know whether or not I should just ask her to go somewhere and flirt and try to get a little intimacy with her. Believe me guys if this were a normal situation I'd have tried to at least hold her hand or kissed her, but for her to tell me what she's told me(and I'm getting the feeling that only a few people know what she told me) she has to know that I care about her regardless of what happens between us. good night fellas
I feel I've been in your situation before. I would have done anything for this one girl, she liked me, yet she liked messing around with another guy. She wouldn't get into relationships, but liked me and had a great time with me. We never did anything and I didn't want to b/c of the other guy. I'll tell you it was best for me was to stay away from her after I learned over time. It wasn't worth it. I found a girl that's 10 times better and the girl I liked before got an std and now is on her second child. IMO if you're looking for love you're not going to find it. If your looking for fun or some sex you might get it, but with pain in the end. My advice, although I realize I don't have the whole picture is to walk away. Good luck with it all. ;)
8, it really sounds like a sticky situation to me alright. I had the same expeirence a few years back, my girlfriend at the time was a total party animal, and probably went out every night, not to mention she had alot of male friends. Me on the other hand, probably could count my true friends on one or two hands, and very rarely go out. But we made it work for awhile, then when we starting arguing alot, we split because we both wanted out.

Anyways, your girl seems alot like the one I was talking about in one sense, that she likes to party and hang out with other guys. It sounds to me like maybe she's playing you man. If you say maybe she engages in sexual relations with other guys, and she dosen't even kiss you, I'd stay away from that man. But I don't know the Whole story.
nah, I don't know that she is engaging in sexual relations with other guys. I wouldn't say she's a slut or anything just that she's been through one of the most horrible things that any woman can experience and that I can tell she puts herself out there in a way that would make her seem like she wants to do things in spite of herself. When she was explaining her situation to me her voice was all ashamed and choked up. It isn't like she's playing me. We've only been out once so far and before that we were just casual friends. I want to know what she wants right now and tell her that I'm fine being just someone she's hanging out with even if she is hanging out with other guys. She does have a lot male friends, but I am not sure if she is actually like that with her friends. If she is then that's who she is and I'll find out sooner or later. But I'd like to know what's what, but like I said we're not a couple or dating or anything so it matters little to me what she's doing right now. We're just hanging out too. It's just that she's a friend of the family and it's probably hard to deal with feelings for someone's son whom you are close.
8, why don't you just ask her what your status is? And to find out if she is a slut, as her what her roster looks like. I would rather just "hang out" with girls, rather than be a couple, as it's the best way to kill the love that brought both of you together in the first place. For example: some couples are completely shut-off from the outside world, as they are so much into eachother, nothing else exists.
I'm just asking for the same chance she'd give anyone else. This whole I don't want to hurt you ever shit doesn't make sense. Saturday night she then said she wanted this to go as slow as possible. I'm not sure I can just ask her what my status is with her. I know I'm a friend at the moment and that she likes me enough to tell me that she is attracted to me. She's just confused right now. I mean I don't think she is out there partying and having sex with random or any guys at the moment. It just wouldn't fit with the story she's told me. Especially after she has said that she doesn't want to be tied to one person, that she wants to go as slow as possible, that she's just only recently gotten out of a relationship with one guy for the last 3 years and was engaged to him, and then called it off because of something absolutely horrible. She asked me how I can expect her to trust any guy after what happened to her. I'd think that she has a few guys she's already been out on a date with or just hung out I should say since then. She hasn't had a boyfriend since her breaking off the engagement. I know for sure one guy at the least who she went to high school with and talks to on the internet has taken her to a family function. I'm not worried about what is happening with the other guys so much as I am with what she is doing with her life. I talked to her today and she was getting sick again. Everytime and I mean everytime we hang out she gets sick. She literally has gotten a cold that week we have gone out. She sounded bad on the phone. I'm completely into her, but I don't want to be a sap about it. I was telling her to get her ass off the couch and get to work tomorrow. I was messing with her of course. I guess she didn't go or something. She went to a concert yesterday. Probably she was half hung over and half getting sick. Who knows though. I asked if she was getting enough sleep and she said no, I slept fine last night. I'm trying to just be myself around her again. It was a tough turnaround from the middle of the week when she asked me to go somewhere with her this weekend to Friday when we told each other the way we feel in which she basically tugged me one way and then pushed me the other way to Saturday when I still had too many questions to ask to feel comfortable enough to make any kind of affectionate move. All I was looking to do was hold her hand. I think that's slow enough. I am wondering where I could ask her to go next. I was thinking a baseball game because we were talking about how we've both only ever really been to a few professional sports games in person. But probably not this weekend. I have plans already and I'm not sure if she already has plans. I'll ask Wednesday what she's doing this weekend. I mean if anything I can't afford to do is to let communication break off. I've never been one to constantly call someone anyway (so a call twice during the week is probably something I can and will do) and just gab unless it was all I could do with the girl at the moment. It's been a long time for me (being in any kind of relationship...hell a date) and I'd like to get her to be comfortable with the fact that I'm not some pushover and that I'm not afraid to show her I want something physical even if it is only holding hands. I'm a sensitive guy though and when she told me what happened to her several months ago I definitely got a bit less interested in how well I was going to entice her on Saturday and how devestating her life had become. So I will continue talking to her and doing whatever feels right.
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actually hung for 2 hours 20 minutes last night and am doing so again right now....then if I go out tonight I'll hang again for an hour when I get back.
just thought of something.

I don't have shit to do right now.

Maybe I'll hang for a 3 hour block today something I have yet to do.

then hang tonight as well.

Wet jelq for a bit tomorrow and then hang for 2 hours 20 minutes.

I'm measuring on the 26th and then measuring again on September 26th.
damn I'm not sure if I have to work today now.

I could use some money though. I need to find a higher paying job soon too. I'd like to move out by next summer. If I can transfer schools this winter I could probably move into an apartment with a few people. For now though I'm feeling like a huge loser.
hanged 8 20 minute sets....1 10 lbs...2 13 lbs....2 15 lbs... 1 18 lbs.... 2 13 lbs...

tonight....wet jelq....then 1 10 lbs 20 minute set and 2 20 minute 13 lbs set....
didn't wet jelq

Just not in the mood to get hard.

She was at my place this weekend....called ME up. I had no idea she was going to and she decides to come over....everything is fine except she is on the other couch...ever since I told her I like her she has been less flirty...we were cool though and laughing and there was a moment where she was commenting on her getting "old" and I was telling her I was going to throw her in my pool (she said she wanted to on the phone...decided against it as she'd be drinking she said) I kept saying don't say that shit around me...if you say anything about you being old again I'm throwing your ass in that pool...and she smiles to herself and says sort of under her breath "I'm getting old..." I didn't do anything...I'm still cautious around this woman. She's been through sooo much in the last year alone and then I mess things up not a half hour later trying to share the worst experiences of my life and it strikes a nerve with her and she gets offended and is all quiet and then I fuck up and look at her and it came out in such a terrible rude way...telling her she's done after that beer she had in her hand....she gets up "all right..."gets up as quick as I've ever seen anyone get up and just gets her keys off the counter and leaves...and says "...just don't ever go there with me again..." I literally drink four corona lights in 15 minutes. 3 in about 10 minutes. I'm fucking crying because I was trying to open up to her some intimate shit. I end up waking up at 6 in the morning and look up flower shops and I go get all these flowers...carefully picked them out and got a vase and delivered it myself to her doorstep....I also wrote her a letter explaining myself for the night before and what I was trying to tell her. I think that the letter might have set me back with her...she's said before that she wants to take it as slow as possible and after I call her and she actually answers...she's cool with it...everything....and that no one has gotten her flowers in years...she said that it was all right...(I've never been a wuss around a woman that I like except with her) but then she said..."it's all right...we'll just pick up where we left off...as friends..." this made me wonder just exactly how much she really was thinking of coming over that night because this would seem contradictory to what I assumed that night for two reasons...she said she was sitting next to her dad though while she was talking so maybe she said this because I've never met her dad and two the reason I think she does like me...she knew my parents were out of town that night too...she was like "your parents are out of town aren't they? Okay..then I'm definitely coming over to swim in your pool".... man I blew it! I wasn't going to try to have sex with her or anything...just get a kiss or some form of contact....I haven't talked to her since that day...I called her monday and she hasn't called me back...she's busy though....she has to get a dress and shoes still for her brother's wedding...plan the rest of the bachelorette party....etc...so this weekend I probably won't be going out with her or even see her at all. I need to call her or talk to her or something before Friday most likely otherwise I think this will be the last time I see her or hear from her in a while if I let it go longer than tomorrow. The wedding is next weekend. I'm just hoping she isn't going with someone that likes her and she likes him you know? I wish I could explain her situation to someone but I'd be betraying her trust completely. I feel ashamed for posting this right now.

I've gotten the you don't want to get involved with a girl like me....I'm not ready for a relationship yet (but even her best friend says this to my parents...she didn't say it to me...) we're just friends...but I've also gotten let's just take things slow...She's said to me "I mean it's obvious I like you...but I just broke up with a..." long time bf/fiancee.

I don't know what to do...every time I see her we either get into a tense situation or it becomes awkward or we argue about whether or not she really wants anything with me...I'm getting a little sick of it, but that's really too selfish of me...I want this girl and I know it's going to take patience like no time I've ever known.

I need some advice...should I call her and ask if she wants to do something Sunday or should I just call her up and see what's going on? I mean literally like what's going on for the wedding/bachelorette party etc.? I will call her today or tomorrow.
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yesterday 3 hours 20 minutes of hanging

today....???? so far 2 hours 20 minutes...might do one more set at 13 lbs for 20 minutes...then maybe even some more...feeling small and confused right now...might as well hang some more....then lift and then Hydromaxmm....drink myself to sleep?????

I probably shouldn't drink though...not tonight.

I will hang for a little while longer. Take a 12-15 minute break after this set which will make it be 2 hours 20 minutes then go for another 2 sets at 13 and 10 lbs. Then I'll lift....maybe even jelq....before that I'll go to the store...rent some movies or something....then hang for an hour tonight....1 10 lbs set and 2 13 lbs sets.
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plus last night I got in 200 wet jelqs.

Gave up the opportunity to go out and party last night. I was probably feeling down for the stupidest reasons, but whatever. I'm not hungover and I am hanging right now.