lol some of these posts i have...lord..

ah well.

1 hour of hanging 1 10 13 15 all 20 minute sets
[words=]extender[/words]- 4 hours 25 minutes...or 4 hours 45 minutes...can't remember if i marked down the last set or not...i know did one more extra one so I am saying 2 hours and 45 minutes. Had a chat with someone while in the [words=]extender[/words] and i stayed to chat with them an extra set... so 2 45 it is.

250 wet jelqs
i am having some difficulty here today trying to come up with the sure fire way to get about 5 hours a day in the [words=]extender[/words]. I don't want to give up the [words=]extender[/words] that is staying in my jelqs need to stay but i can do 250 wet jelqs in like 15 minutes or 20 minutes...or faster depending on what i want to do...i hang for an hour a day now as a part of my i don't know what to do...

i'm thinking i'll do one ten minute set at 13 lbs to warm up and then do a 15 lbs set for 20 minutes to reach fatigue. Hopefully i can get to fatigue on most days within those two hanging sets and then put on the [words=]extender[/words] for 20-25 minute'll be a task to balance this with school.
going for 5 hours today...

yesterday....1 hour of hanging
[words=]Extender[/words]- 4 hours 5 minutes

250 wet jelqs

today...??? will report in a couple hours...
40 minutes of hanging today
[words=]extender[/words]- 5 Hours 30 Minutes

no wet jelqs...tomorrow will make sure to do so
hanged 40 minutes
[words=]extender[/words]- 5 hours

250 wet jelqs

I'm getting a measurement of just under 8.25 with the [words=]extender[/words] when I have the rods at just below the max stretch. I have yet to measure when I am fully stretched out to the maximum.
whattup Cock? lol

Hey the [words=]extender[/words] feels awesome. It's a whole new kind of stretch. Never got this much stretch before out of manual Penis Enlargement. I hope with time (6 months??) I gain a few inches. All I need is the time.

I got a measurement of 8.25 exactly when I was fully stretched. I don't know how much farther I could stretch this bad boy though as of right now so I can only imgaine what the measurement for the max stretch will be with the longest rods attached to the [words=]extender[/words]. The jelqs are what's helping me I think. I haven't felt like this about Penis Enlargement since I first started. I thought I was into hanging for a while there but it always felt uncomfortable. This rocks.

Hoping for 5 hours again tonight at least. Going on 2 here soon.
Good stuff man.

It's definitely settled..I'm going to get an [words=]extender[/words].
I just hope that I can gain 1.5 inches in the next 6 months with a steady [words=]extender[/words] and jelqing routine. Hanging 4 or 5 days a week alongside it as well should do the trick. I would think that after 1 month the first change I'd see is in the fsl. My goal for that is 7.75. It's at about 7.25. I've got 7.25 marked off too now on a note card that I have (well it's actually two index cards taped together 8 inches long.) I figure that I need a visual aid for motivation.

Going on hour 5 here and I'm thinking of doing one more 30 minute set in the [words=]extender[/words] after this. Then it's jelqing time. I'm going to struggle getting in 45 hours a week though which is my goal starting in week 8. Weeks 8-12 will be tough as hell on the young chap. I aimed for 12 hours for the first week I see. That's funny because I think I'll have about 30 hours at least after the 7th Also...I exceeded my wet jelq goal of 500 the first week by 1000 once I've done them today.

Good start. If I keep up the pace I'm at the 2nd week shouldn't be a problem. I'm not going out to have any kind of fun (no bars..parties...hanging out) until I reach 7 inches NBPenis EnlargementL. This way I'll keep to my studies and stay focused on achieving that long penis I've always wanted.
at least I have some excuse I can use to convince myself I have an actual reason to stay up tonight. Completely too tired to make it to my morning nothing like the first day of the new school year. Went to my others though. And now I am trying to get in 5.5 hours of [words=]extender[/words] time. Going on 5 hours total time in about 9 minutes here. Then 1 more set and on to the 250 wet jelqs.

Kept to what I said I'd do for last night...5 hours 30 minutes [words=]extender[/words] time and before that 40 minutes of hanging. 250 wet jelqs to boot.

I did not do any hanging today however as time would not permit.
6 hours in the [words=]extender[/words]

40 minutes hanging

250 wet jelqs

I hope I can get in 6 hours again. It'll be tough though. This whole pledge to not go out to have fun until I reach 7 inches might be trickier than I thought.
no hanging for 9-24 either but did do my 250 wet jelqs

7 hours in [words=]extender[/words]

250 wet jelqs

today...going for 6 hours in the [words=]extender[/words]. 250 jelqs

i won't hang again for at least another few days...the setup takes a while for me.
just logged in my 2nd hour for the day extending.

I have to say my balls are getting kind of rubbed raw. I might be doing something different with the setup or something. It doesn't hurt but the skin does get grabbed a little bit when I take it off. Weird. Nothing really other to report other than flaccid gains. I haven't measured but I am certain my hang is a little longer lately. When I wake up in the morning I don't really have that shriveled up thing I usually would have when I'd get up to pee in the morning. It's been kind of fat like and longer. I like this thing.
I think I made a bit less than .25 inch from it in length and about .5 inch in base girth. I experimented with SO and SD sitting position, but I would say I gained the most from hanging SD standing up. Hanging is a pain to me in my mind. I hope I can gain from the [words=]extender[/words] though as it seems promising. I mean I haven't really made a whole lot of gains in length the last 12 months really and that's all I've been working on. I didn't even jelq in about 10 of those months either so if nothing else I gained nice base girth that I can hopefully get the rest of my penis to fill out to.
tonight...I did 6.5 hours in the [words=]extender[/words].

and will do 250 wet jelqs.

Tomorrow planning for 6-6.5 hours in the [words=]extender[/words] with maybe even a hanging set. I bled that last time I tried hanging and that was why I only did 10 minutes worth. It is most certainly the pressure placed on the head of the penis/meatus. I might just not hang anymore and do like 10 minutes of manual before I extend.
Oh..yeah...and Tom DeLay and Bill Frist...been waiting for a while for these two to get theirs. Crooked politicians especially in their mold need to get the fuck out.
going to end the day with 6.5 hours in the [words=]extender[/words]
not sure if I will do wet jelqs as it will be about 3 something am by the time i finish

did the wet jelqs last night though when i thought i wouldn't....
I'm going to change my rotuine a bit. I had been using the [words=]extender[/words] for a max stretch for 20 minutes at a time. That is far too long apparently from reading a few posts by monkeybar. 10 minutes from now on and then I'll twist down the rods to a lesser [words=]traction[/words] for 20 more minutes. This way I'll get 30 minutes at a time and 10 minutes of max stretching instead of 20. My erections the last two days were very weak and tight feeling. I know I my erection was about as hard as it could get today at one point but it looked much smaller. I've been staying till like 3 or 4 in the morning to get the [words=]extender[/words] hours in so maybe it's the lack of sleep and going to hard in the max stretched state. Don't know. Hopefully at the end of the first 4 weeks I can take a day off to measure and then everything will be all right again. I think it's stress with school starting back too.

i logged 7 hours in the [words=]extender[/words] the way i planned and got in 250 wet jelqs. the erection quality was great or at least it felt great...ligs were still tightened and it felt shorter in my hands than before i started. It might be that I am experiencing some retraction from the ligs but I don't know if that is possible... I might just have to wait and see. I don't have anything to lose really.

103 hours and 5 minutes total plus about 3750 wet jelqs and some odd hours in the hanger....not bad. i think if i keep it up my dick will get bigger. That 123 hour correlation that that rich guy came up with is not looking like it'll hold for me. I might need around 150 but we'll see. I know i need to do more manual stretching but shit man i thought 6 hours a day for 3 months would be enough. Hopefully it will be.
BPenis EnlargementL 6.75 and 6.5 NBPenis EnlargementL

MS Girth 5 inches

Base girth 5.5 inches

FSL 7.25 inches

I haven't measured in about a month and am not going to measure for another 10 days or so. Going on day 20 with the [words=]extender[/words].
iwant8inches said:
BPenis EnlargementL 6.75 and 6.5 NBPenis EnlargementL

MS Girth 5 inches

Base girth 5.5 inches

FSL 7.25 inches

I haven't measured in about a month and am not going to measure for another 10 days or so. Going on day 20 with the [words=]extender[/words].

Nice, so glad I got to catch up to your progress. Keep up the good work:)
Man...i think all this touching my dick and balls these last few weeks (3) has not been to my advantage skin wise. Need to wash my hands more thoroughly or something. My face is breaking out again...flare up or something is typical as of late (like the last 2 months or so) but I have these two puss looking follicles one on my shaft and one on my ballsack. It's definitely related to the base of the auto-extender being on so much. Putting neosporene on it the last two days, so maybe it will go away but yeah i just realized that I've never Penis Enlargement'd this much before and sitting here putting the [words=]extender[/words] on and off then at times not realizing I'm scratching my face for an itch or something might not be too hygenic of a thing to do. Gonna buy some hand sanitizer to sit on my desk for this reason.
lol i know

I should have known earlier.

I woke up the other day before class and I was like SHIT! Why the hell do i have like five bumps on my cheek and like 4 on the other? What the fuck happened? Then later that day I looked at my nuts and saw this puss and I happened to be scratching my nose and then I got to thinking...okay...that's obviously infected with some kind of bacteria now...and I'm touching my face after putting on the [words=]extender[/words].
Columbus Bluejackets update:

Ok. This Ovechkin mofo is pissing me off. lol Dude is going to be a great one.

what I say though...Dan Fritsche is going to be something to watch. I can tell Nash is being coddled a bit tonight and rightly so. It's a long season and there is no reason to rush him back and give him any heavy minutes the first game. Zherdev looks like he is going to score a goal in this game at some point and maybe even Brule too. My prediction for tonight's finish is Columbus 5 Washington 4.
All right.

Tonight 6.5 hours and no wet jelqs...I've been slacking on the wet jelqs but I did them last home real late and only had a few hours logged in the [words=]extender[/words] so I stayed up till 4 to get 6.5 hours in and got 250 wet jelqs in the process. Man I wanted to get started writing this paper i've got due this coming week but shit I just forgot. I was reading for research this afternoon then got distracted.
I'm so pissed at myself for doing only 3 hours in the [words=]extender[/words] yesterday. No wet jelqs the last 3 days going on 4 lol because i'm tired. 7 hours in the [words=]extender[/words] today though. I'll meet my goal for the week but man I wanted to get more.
Well, I put in 8 hours in the [words=]extender[/words] yesterday. Today I'm going for 6.5-7 and 250 wet jelqs. I performed 300 wet jelqs last night as well. I am stoked and I think over the next month I might need to change the rods to the longest set. I just need to stick with this the next two months and I know I should see a longer penis on me.
I had to take a break this weekend from Penis Enlargement and the internet in general. I didn't measure and I won't until next month. I want to give this thing a full 8 weeks to measure.
I can't imagine what life is going to be like for me in a year or so, but I want to make some changes in my life. I just need to figure out what to change and for what purpose would I make the changes.

so vague.

But that's my life the last couple years practically. It's like I crawled into a shell and never came out again. Shit. By this winter I can't say I hope to be modeling in Fiji or something, but I want to be somewhere different in my life. I need to move onto a new stage in life otherwise I'm going to get stuck for another 2 years and that would be most unfortunate.
Pretty pretty pretty good things going on here today. Got a few things done today...

I got an [words=]ADS[/words] the other day from the autoextender site and it is OUTSTANDING. I tried it for the first time last night for an hour. I wore it again for 2 hours long while I was out earlier today. Now I'm in the [words=]extender[/words] and after about 6.5 hours of extnder work I'll wear the [words=]ADS[/words] for a few more hours. I'll do some wet jelqs tonight as well. I wonder if I've gained any girth lately.
I will be updating my signature to get my progress up to date soon. I want to get in 6.5 hours of [words=]extender[/words] work today, but I've only got 2 in right now. I also wanted to do 250 wet jelqs. Might not be able to get in more than 5.5 hours today if I want to do wet jelqs. I did get in 3 hours in my [words=]ADS[/words] though in class.
Bluejackets update: They blow! Rick Nash is out, Klesla is out, the rookie Brule is out, Fritsche is out, man. We're just doomed from the start. There is still a lot of season left to be played, but seriously who is next? That's all from Columbus...The home of the Columbus ONTHESHELF Bluejackets.
Hey those sonsabitches won last night!


Nash, Klesla, and Fritsche all could return next week. That will be sweet. I'm tired of watching them on FSN Ohio and losing all the time.
All right back to Penis Enlargement. I wanted to try to get in 7 hours total in the [words=]extender[/words] tonight so I am working on this last set until it's 2 past 3 am. No jelqs tonight. I'm too tired.
I'm just going for 6 hours today. 250 wet jelqs as well. That fucking puss or white shit is back on my nuts. It's sick. I don't know what the fuck it is though. It's where the base of the autoEXT sits.

I can't wait for this 2 month mark. It is 8 days away now.