I hope so. I was just thinking yesterday in class that I've been into Penis Enlargement heavily for 15 months. How much bigger am I going to be in another 15 months at this rate of activity? It seems so far away you know, but really it isn't.
today: 3 20 minute 15 lbs sets SD and 4 20 minute 13 lbs sets SD

Did some Squeezes last night Ulis that is. Probably did it for about 15 minutes. I'm really concerned about losing girth as I just noticed I had. can't wait for the cable clamps.

I have done the DLD expressive stretching two different nights and it seems like a promising exercise. Will do them again tonight for about 5 minutes. Just going to try them out a little bit.
today: 3 20 minute 15 lbs sets and 4 20 minute 13 lbs sets SD

I didn't do the expressive stretches last night but will MAKE SURE to relatively soon after I hang and warm down.

My flaccid stretch length after warming down is usually at 7.75, but after hanging it is usually an incomprehensible 7 inches. It's really odd. I thnk my penis really gets worked to the point where I just can't stretch it past how far it was stretched as it hanged. Started really doing reverse kegels periodically during sets. Don't know what to expect, but it's worth a shot to find out if it will provide any quick gains.

Don't know when I'll do Ulis again. Hope to as soon as I get my cable clamp. Haven't done shit for school for like almost five days now. It's crazy how much I've been working to fuck myself in school lately. I'll have to buckle down and get going. The problem is lack of concentration. My mind is on too many stupid things right now. Need to focus on studies and the papers that are do.
I took a BREAK!

My penis was feeling awfully sore after my workout, but it quickly subsided. What made me take a day off was a sharp pain in the side of my shaft around my nutsack during one of the last sets yesterday. Going to do the Expressive stretch tonight for about 10 minutes. Maybe even afterward I will see how many Ulis I can get in.
Back in action today.

changing a little on my paper and getting stuff done. good good

3 20 minute 15 lbs sets and 4 20 minute 13 lbs sets all SD standing up.

Last night I did do 15 minutes of expressive stretching. No Ulis.

I took more pictures of my erect penis last night and I have four side shots total that are about 3 months in between. I need to measure my girth again because my girth at least from the side looks bigger in the recent ones compared to the ones from 3 months back and I thought I'd lost .10 inches of girth since then. Need to measure that girth tonight.
Damn I haven't measured base girth for a long time. It's always been a little under sized compared to mid shaft, which by the way was 5.0 and 5.10. I'm saying 5 inches still because I just got back from class and was a bit motivated to measure what with the tail and all. I'll mark the 5.10 down for a future reference to see if that is the case whenever I am as "motivated" as I was tonight. Might measure again later tonight after my 5 minute expressive stretch session. But whenever I do measure my girth from now on it will be mid shaft and base girth to keep track of gains.
I did 3 20 minute 15 lbs SD sets and 4 20 minute 13 lbs SD sets

I don't know if I am doing something wrong or what, but the area beneath my head is really feeling like I should move the wrap down some because the hanger then grabs that area when it really should not. I've got to adjust my wrapping style now. Today's session was great though. No problems whatsoever.

I'm gaining. I just know it. haha..just some self encouragement.

I just had like the worst erection ever. I know I wasn't as hard as I can get and I know I've not slept well these last oh I'd say 3 years going on now...no really these last 6 weeks or so I've really had a tougher time than usual getting to sleep. I should go to bed right now. But my erection was so weak. I need to get back to doing 500 kegels a day. I've been slacking at doing 200 and occasionally only a handful.

that does it...I'm doing 500 fast kegels and then 2 1 minute long kegels

no Expressive stretching tonight. Too tired...off to kegel and hopefully sleep.
Man, I wake up and I just don't feel like doing a damn thang today. I've got 3 big papers still to write. I started one of them, but I am certain my professor is going to say I need to choose a different topic. It seemed like she didn't want me to do it in the first place. Then I have a paper a policy paper or something...and some literature paper.

One thing I have to do today lol is hang! nah. I am either going to do it in a few minutes or a few hours. Hopefully by then I'll have a few paragraphs for at least one of the papers.

I need to workout too. I did an ab workout last night. I haven't lifted in about 3 days so maybe it doesn't matter if I do today or tomorrow. I know it won't, but I don't want to be getting in a habit of not being used to lifting the weight I'm up to now.
well, didn't get shit done. HA. Screwed myself there.

Hanged 3 20 min 15 lbs sets SD and 4 20 min 13 lbs sets SD.

I got a little research done, but nothing that is ultimately going to be used. This sucks my balls!!

3 20 min 15 lbs sets SD and 4 20 min 13 lbs sets SD.

5 minute Expressive Stretching routine.
I decided against buying the ball weights. 90 dollars is not something I can part with at the moment. I pay 170 bucks for car insurance and I haven't worked in over a week. I won't have time to wear that thing anyway. I'm going to be starting a new job in the summer so I'll have money then, but not the time. Doesn't add up for me.

Plus maybe I can stretch my balls with DLD's testicle health routine. I don't want my balls hanging to the point where I can't sit down without thinking twice.
Did 10 minutes of Expressive Stretching tonight.

I like this exercise and as I am hanging instead of doing manual stretching I can just do the exercise whenever I want to however long I want to without any concerns.
no class till tonight so I have time to do hw. But I'm just about beat. Can barely stay awake right now. Was going to hang, but am going to have to wait till tonight or something. I have no time to be on here as it is. I'll be updating this thread in a few days from now, but I don't think I'll be on here unless I've got girth work to do haha. Porno Paradise will be a haven for me if I decide to do girth instead of hang tonight.
I'll most likely hang though. Gotta drink some tea or coffee or something.
yeah I can't think and I have nothing. My studying and writing has gone to shit the last week or two with the exception of like 2 days. I am working on a first draft finally on one of my papers, but damn I have really nothing solid to base an argument on right now.
I got a measurement of 9 inches while in the hanger. I don't know what that translates to without the hanger on what with there being a difference to factor in because the tape runs over the top of the hanger itself. In any case 9 inches !!!!
I've been working without any goals lately. I don't know what to aim for, but I want to be realistic.

Let's say by July 31st I want to be 7.25 inches NBPenis EnlargementL X 5.25 girth.

I tried clamping last week, but couldn't stay hard. I was nervous about the way it would feel and sure enough it felt weird so I could only do 3 minutes worth.I need a better form of wrap. Gonna try theraband once to see if it could work for me first. I'll use wet jelqing again once school's out. I'm going to die before it let's out though. I'm crawling to the finish as it is. Just finished a paper though about a half hour ago.

Recently purchased Rise to Globalism, Imperial Hubris, In Democracy's Shadow, The 9/11 Commission Report, and What Went Wrong In Ohio. I already know what went wrong in Ohio, but I had to read the book for more assurance anyway. Bought a book called The Fuck Up too a while back when the quarter started, but haven't even glanced at it yet. Summer is so faaaar away.
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tonight I reached a point that I've never before in that I couldn't finish my routine the way I'd planned.

3 20 minute sets at 15 lbs SD and 2 20 minute sets at 13 lbs 1 20 minute set 13 lbs SO and 1 20 minute set 10 lbs SD and 1 10 minute set SD

I was screaming after the first two minutes of the 3rd set 13 lbs SD so I had to sit down and do something different. SO tired right now as it's 4 am and I got enough done for my final paper in one of my classes so I can finish it tomorrow if I play my cards right...er well I guess it'd be today I mean I can finish it. God I'm killing myself here lately. I sure as hell hope I gained or something. Don't know if I can go on hanging with the way I'm dragging my body too with no sleep.
Well I figured the time was approaching fast. I just cannot hang tonight. Last night I all but killed myself trying to finish my sets. I did get in a nice session, but tonight after 2 full 20 minute sets SD I CANNOT hang at 15 lbs. I'm going down to 10 lbs for 1 more set and then quiting for a few days. My skin is raw and blood blistered so much it's not funny. I got blood blisters for the first time ever last night. It'll do me some good hopefully. I'll wet jelq tomorrow though and contune to do kegels. I'm telling you I can't go on much longer tonight. 1 more set then I'm out and anyone who keeps up with this thread knows I am dedicated and do a lot of hanging, but DAMN. Shit is too sore and exhausted. I've always been afraid to stop when I didn't have to like when I'd go out or go out of town or something, but right now I HAVE to.
Today: Rest from hanging...I believe that is either day 6 or 7 total of rest since I started hanging in February. Hopefully it's all I need. I know it's not my actual ligs that are hurting. I started wrapping too low on the shaft and about 2 inches of skin rises up and out over the wrap during my sets and causes bruising and discoloration. It's so fat and mangled after sessions it's gross. It's like my frenulum gets a fat lip. I'm resting today and waiting to see what it looks like tomorrow.

Tonight: 5 minutes of DLD's Expressive Stretching. That doesn't cause any skin discomfort.
Been able to do my regular routine. Last night though I skipped the last 10 minute 10 lbs set. You know what guys...HANGING SUCKS ASS SOMETIMES. Idon't know how the hell I;m going to do this a whole year. I'm taking a 2 week break in August. I'll jelq and expressive stretcg but i won't hang. I;m not getting bored with it. It's just a pain in the ass.
Well tonight was another disaster. Last night I did 3 20 minute 15 lbs sets SD and 4 20 minute 13 lbs sets SD


I'm not sure what the hell I'm going to have to do. It seems I'll be able to get in 2 days in a row before having to rest completely. I do not want to have this be the cause of me not being able to gain. 2 days rest wouldn't be bad. I think I should've rested 2 days at least like I said instead of just one like I ended up doing. I'm torn over this. I hate not Penis Enlargementing. But I hate even more the feeling that my shaft skin is on fire. Anyone think a lotion or gel meant to prevent peeling from sunburnt skin would help soothe the burning during hanging???? I'll try it tomorrow and if it doesn't work then I guess I'll rest until my skin is completely healed. I HATE THIS!
I did 1 set SD 20 minutes at 15lbs and 3 20 minute sitting in a chair at 15lbs...not sure if this is doing anything, but what the hell.

Hate to have to do it, but I've got to rest tomorrow and Saturday until my next session. If I can't go then I'll have to figure out what the hell happened and figure out a new plan.
Dont stress buddy , if you cant hang foir a few days because of a rug burn sensation just do a little stretching. Even on my days off i try do some stretching because you dont want any repairing of those bloody tissues !!! Now there evil ;p
Haven't been able to do any :P. I'm stressing over a long ass paper I'm writing and it's taking forever. Won't be able to Penis Enlargement for another couple days, but the good news is I've gotten rid of that raw and discolored skin. The discolorization actually is still a bit present, but the rawness and burning is gone. Just got to figure out how I can prevent it next time I hang.
Finished everything and am now done with it all for a while at least.

I'm going to hang a little bit tonight then I'll do more tomorrow. It's the longest break I've taken since I started hanging. Don't want to injure myself, which was the problem in the first place that lead to me to want to take the break. It turned out to be a good thing although since I stopped I haven't felt right. I can't believe I let my dick get so beat up though. All that is pretty much healed.

I'm going to try to hang differently now.
Start off at 10 lbs SD for 20 minutes
then at 13 lbs SD for 20 minutes
then 2 sets at 15 lbs SD for 20 minutes
then at 13 lbs SD for 20 minutes
then at 10 lbs SD for 20 minutes

Tonight though: light work at 10 lbs SD for 2 20 minute sets and 1 20 minute set at 13lbs SD Then I'm done for the night.
Last night:

2 20 minute 10 lbs sets 2 20 minute 13 lbs sets 1 10 minute 15 lbs set and 1 20 minute 10 lbs set all SD

Tonight: 1 20 minute 10 lbs set 3 20 minute 13 lbs sets 1 10 minute 15 lbs set 1 20 minute 10 lbs set all SD
I'm going to start wet jelqing again. Twice a week 200 wet jelqs each time. I haven't done them in a while and the last time I started I swore I'd keep with it. Never did. This time I won't put any pressure on myself to do it every day, but just 2 times a week. It should get me going. I'll start tomorrow after I hang.
Jelqed for 40 minutes tonight without having to "get back up". I usually lose the erection after 15 minutes or so when wet jelqing. I had adult entertainment this time which I don't always do when jeqling and this helped tremendously. I will do the same tomorrow.

Also hanged briefly for 20 minutes at 10 lbs and 15 minutes at 10 lbs and 5 minutes at 13 lbs.

A few days ago I hanged for 2 hours and 40 minutes at different weights. 2 sets of 15 lbs at 20 minutes and the rest at 10 lbs in 20 minutes sets.
Porno aids me in those type of exercises. Especially when theres someone on screen with a size I would like to have banging an awesome chick. lol

You should be pretty tired from 40 minutes of jelqing.
Yeah. I'm working two jobs right now and it's going to be a hamper on my hanging and Pe in general. No time, but just enouigh energy to workout 2 X a week and hang one hour at night like I am right now lol. I'm using very low weight right now for the whole session. 10 lbs 20 minute sets 3X. Can't afford to lost much more sleep.
Yeah, it's disappointing too though because I thought I'd be able to gain .5 inch in length this year, but decreasing weight and time to hanging probably won't help that along. I look at my girth and it looks so skinny to me. My balls are hanging crazy lately because of all the ball stretching I've done in the shower every day during my kegel sessions. Flaccid hang has definitely improved since I started doing this.
When hanging? Sort of, but nothing like when you grab the stems and pull down on them and hold.

I've got a bit of turkey neck as well, but I'm not too concerned with the look as much as the size. Keep it going!