@ no newcomer 2008

You asked me to put an eye on your post , wich I did.

I think you are already being adviced very good, by the people who are suffering from the same problems. Also this mailing group is very good - the guys really did their homeworks and are on the right tracks.

From my point of view , and don't get me wrong I don't won't to discourage anyone your goals can't really be biopsy, or genetic engeneering or any sorts of operations. Your goal should be to recover a smuch as u can naturally and maintain that and above all that get your mind of your problem. Remember even the organically healthiest penis will be out of buisness if the owner worries too much.

From the top of my head , here are the things that I tried, tested and also saw work for others. Some of them I 'm still doing today, but I really don't concern too much and I don't attend Penis Enlargement related Forums too much so my mind is focused on more important things:

(Most of these things I already mentioned in my former posts , and some were mentioned here too) Anyways here goes :

- No Penis Enlargement (but light pumping, more on this later)
- Drink 3 liters of water daily
- Apply hot/cold treatments to your penis as often as u can manage on a daily basis
- Massage your penis , balls , ligaments , pubic area , stomach , lower rib cage , whenever u can find time (while watching TV) Thisway u clean the pathway from heart to penis, remove possible blockages and activate the lymphatic system so it can remove any shit that may be cloggin up your veins arteries or lymph vessels, tissues and so forth
- Use a tens unit , designed for the penis (In german the unit is called "schniedel hoch", as often as adviced by the makers of it.
This will train your penile tissues and arteries and muscel cells incase ur nerves are dislocated. With the tens you just bridge "the gap" of the nerve dislocation and still can workout your penis.
- Take Ginko in high poteny versions from for example docotors best , the prices are crazy low in america, the effect is well documented by thousands of studies Make sure its always : Extra Strength Ginkgo Extract supplies premium quality Ginkgo biloba standardized extract, guaranteed to contain a minimum 24% flavonglycosides and 6% terpene lactones.
Take 120 mg one tablet in the morning and 120 mg in the evening.
You will experience better erections , lower hang , fuller penis , warm hands , good well being all ebcause of strongly improoved bloodcirculations. This Ginko make the hamoglobin more flexible and don't allow the red blood cells to stick together this way they can't clogg up and will pass through even the tiniest arteries to supply cells with blood wich otherwise would remain fucked up.
(Good if you damaged your arteries or have some blockage)
- Take Highest potency "Pomberry ELixier". Forget about every other pomberry product such as juices and pills all of these don't work.
I only know of one supplier worldwide wich is here in Germany
"http://www.drjacobsmedical.de/" wich has the highest quality. A teaspoon of this stuff has the equal antioxidant power of 70 bottles redwine combined. Can u imagine how good this stuff is for your arteries ? Many studies have been made on this stuff , and a huge amount of "prostate cancer" patients use this stuff. Thats how I stumbled across it. This juice stops prostate cancer from further developing the patients die from everything but their cancer when on this stuff. 20 ml is the daily dose needed. Other effects are 30% increases in diameter of even your biggest arteries (stomach aorta, neck arteries) after regular intake of one year. Investigate for yourself.
The price is very high with 37.50€ for one month supply (=one bottle) but there are many "versand apotheke" here wich sell for 20 to 25 €. Or find equal quality in amerika or anyplace u are , I haven't yet.

- Take either Viagra , Or Cialis or Vardenafil on a daily basis. Again its well documented that it permanetly increases bloodflow after 3 month or 6 month of daily intake of either 50mg viagra nigthly or 5- 7 mg cialis daily , vardenafil is too new to have many studies but it will have the same effect.
It trains your penilie tissues , muscle cells , nerves and instantly restores your sexual abilitys and confidence in your sexgame wich is one of the most important things as I mentioned in the beginning of this post.

- Take either 6gramm high grade L-Arginine daily. This is the amount that was found to be effective to help with ED. L-Arginine and its effects are also well documented. So research yourself. The most interesting effect is the L-Arginine combine with either viagra or cialis or vardenfail reverses fibrosis , thats right it reverses scar tissues everywhere in your body.

The problem is. If you would take 6gramms l-arginine and 50 mg viagra at the same time YOU WILL DIE couple of hours later because your blood pressure will drop completely and your heart will race like crazy.

A dose wich I tolerate well is 3 gramms l-arginine spread throughout the day and 50 mg viagra daily.

Doses of l-arginine of less than 3 gramm don't have any ED related or erection related effects. So find your toleratable dose wich reverses fibroses but doesn't kill you.

As you see, l- arginine is uncombinable with cialis daily , because of the long lasting of the cialis and the build up. Sooner or later your heart wil start racing and u will die. So be carefull.

-Pumping ! Light pumping at 5gh after warm up every other day. Is all what is needed to gain if u still want to Penis Enlargement or if you have curvages or a deformed penis, unequal chambers and so forth, or want to train or help with fibrosis reversal. pressure is applied equally on all party while in tube , so its the safest Penis Enlargement. Or penile training.

- HAVE SEX ! Fuck women. Buy whores, date girls , Marry someone who love you for you , no matter how the status of ur dick recovery is. Gain back your sexual confidence as quick as possible. Sex is not just about stiff dick in pussy. This will come back with time, but you can have millions of differents of varieties of fun with a naked female body and yours. Remeber YOUR WORLD , YOUR GAME , YOUR RULES. Women will love that it will make u special , original and stand out. Just don't become unsocial. Be "dreist", I don't know the english word but its the opposite of shy spiced with alpha male behavior, self confidence and sexy arrogance.

- Well some things wich are common sense , wich I see now I forgot are :

Eat right. You are what you eat so is your dick. Mc donalds and fatty bullshit will clogg up all your body with shit. Eat vegitables, fruits and so on as often as you can , rice, pasta...
-High potency Vitamin C - 1000 mg
- High potency Vit B ..all group including B3 , B6 , B12 and so on...

Well thats pretty much it ( I'll add something if i forget).

Seems like alot of stuff , but infact I use almost all of it daily and its managable within minutes once u get the hang of it , how to combine what and when. As you see all of it but the viagra is natural so expect your health and everything overall to improove. Its also everything very cheap just find the right sources in your country and look for quality...

Good luck and take care.

P.S. To all the guys from the mailing group. YOur life hppens NOW not in 10 years when genetic engeneering will be ready to repair penises. If at all.
So don't chase miracles ,don't obsess, don't think about it, win back what is possible , accept the fact that it will never be as it used to be and enjoy what you still have that will be pure HAP-Penis EnlargementNIS , Happyness ^^ for you !!!
ok more stuff I forgot.

Don't expect any of this to work , if u smoke cigarettes or weed even rarely or if you drink alcohole regular.

All of these damage your body , and your arteeries in way wich would need weeks of writing to cover up all possible damages and damage locations.

Also. Don't expect good health or good penile health if you sit around in your job or freetime everyday.

Joggin or any kind of running activity is absoultely essential for penile health.
The penile arteries derive from the bigbadass arteries wich feed your legs especially your quadriceps ( upper legs). Noticed how pornstars almost always have nice physique for obvious reasons and strong strong upper legs..guess why..)

The better trained your legs are the better your penile blood supply the better your erection. The more you run , weat and sweat and sweaaat the better the cleaning ability of your lymphatic system, and arteries and veins and all tissues.

- Kegels... well I don't like these and don't think they are needed or usefull anymore because for me they just lead to premature ejaculation wich i never have problems with. Lots of sex will be all the kegel workout u ever need.
- One place where they still make sense if you pump at 5 gh ..hold a kegel for a minute to further imrpoove the even expansion of your tissues and lessen the fluid build up from pumping.

- remove any stress , or things that stress u or pull you down , or people with destrcutive behavior (that brings no fun! ^^) get rid of such company..

k...peace people
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wow, reading through this thread has been a scary experience... I hope all you guys get better. Im now having a careful think about how I proceed with my own Penis Enlargement.
I just try and accept that my penis isn't going to be fully normal again. I really wish I wasn't so insecure about this whole penis size issue at the time yeah I am "average" in penis size but so what? Why are us guys so bothered with this. The fact remains that you don't actually need a big penis to hit the g spot or give women orgasms.

I done Penis Enlargement a few times and I damaged my penis from doing some of the exercises there is no doubt about it. I am still convinced that I have a small venous leak because the glands tend to loose blood pretty quickly while the rest of the shaft remains hard and rigid. Sometimes when I get an erection the glands just tend to stay pretty soft unless I keep masturbating then glands do get larger and more shiny. My theory is the damage with the glands was from jelqing perhaps maybe a little too erect. I know though that things could be worse and I am fortunate I didn't injure myself too badly, I don't need surgery or even Viagra to get a hard erection, I do get erections that are hard like before it's just the glands don't get as big as before or stay as engorged.

I think that some of us were just niave and didn't take any of the risks into consideration enough. I realize in life for most things you need to take some risk to get results but when it comes to my cock no damage is worth it. I think Penis Enlargement is like playing with fire and we just got burnt unfortunately but I have little doubt that Penis Enlargement works and clearly has for others.
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BeBobBox;341168 said:
smoking marijuana temporarily restores my sexual function... some of you guys should try it if you havent. for those who dont know, it enhances your perceptions --food tastes better, music sounds better, ect, and for me... it makes my dick feel a lot more pleasureable. check this out...


Hey BBB! Long time no see. I hope all is well. I am a HUGE proponent of Marijuana.
littlejohn;304658 said:
1. STOP ALL Penis Enlargementing
2. Give your penis a rice sock/warm compress for 30 minutes a day (I ran mine in hot shower water though). It should be warm enough that your unit radiates heat a few minutes after.
3. Take "Ginkgo Biloba" 120-240mg pills until everything is back to normal. It helps improve circulation.
4. Take Fish Oil pills

I am DEFINITE that these really helped with the ED and loss of sensation. You guys should try it too. I hope it helps you as much as it helped me.

This did nothing for me.

After 8 pages of essays and 5 years, has anyone actually reached a conclusion as to what the problem is ?
Any updates?
I have soft glans/cs, my superficial dorsal vein is enlarged (through Penis Enlargement) and when i occlude it manually, my penis is how it used to be..
anyone else? I think i shall have it tied off..
Dr Pepper;517634 said:
Any updates?
I have soft glans/cs, my superficial dorsal vein is enlarged (through Penis Enlargement) and when i occlude it manually, my penis is how it used to be..
anyone else? I think i shall have it tied off..

What do you mean tied off?
Also, I read about a theory saying that if your smooth muscle isnt big enough to fill the stretched tunica resulting from length exercises then you need to do routines that will give you more girth which you were doing in the beginning, and if your dick is super hard but you aren't getting any length then you need to work that area.

Maybe you are just very susceptible to length growth so even if you do a little, it shows. And maybe its harder for you to gain girth thus you need to work more at it to fill up the stretching you've already accomplished.. Idk, sort of just rambling here. Hope I said something useful.
houseofr00bees;517692 said:
Also, I read about a theory saying that if your smooth muscle isnt big enough to fill the stretched tunica resulting from length exercises then you need to do routines that will give you more girth which you were doing in the beginning, and if your dick is super hard but you aren't getting any length then you need to work that area.

Do you have a link to this? I am interested in reading it.
doublelongdaddy;517675 said:
What do you mean tied off?

I just posted a thread for approval in the injuries/boobies section. It is about my surgery tomorrow morning. Its a relatively quick simple procedure. It is explained in the thread. Basically they tie off the vein so blood cannot leave through it.
pleasehelpme;299029 said:
Hi guys,

I'd like to make a few points about the conditions that I think we might be suffering.

Scar Tissue, Nerve Damage, or Suspensory Ligament

1.Our condition (far from being detectable) seems to be scar tissue, either in the erectile bodies, or of the tunica caused by vague trauma (Penis Enlargement exercises, excessive masturbating, sex injury). Some people have then postulated nerve damage, because the sensation is less. I think the sensation is less perhaps because the erection is not stable, rather than nerve damage. Some of you have also pointed to a sensation of coldness. I think it could actually be colder, rather than just feeling colder.

Someone told me that it is simply damage to the suspensory ligament and gave me the following. Whilst damage to such a ligament would cause E.D., it wouldn't account for some of the other things we are experiencing, such as firm flaccidness, temperature change. Also, for some of us, the pumping mechanism of injury does not square with such damage. This is more probably relevant who damaged their penis by a penis fracture or sex injury - some sort of bending of the erection.
The Penile Suspensory Ligament: Abnormalities And Repair - Medical News Today

If scar tissue is the cause, we may have something in common with people with Peyronie's, except whereas their scar tissue is focalised and a plaque, our fibrosis is diffuse and throughout the cavernosa. Please read the following
Defining Peyronies Disease - The struggle to understand the disease - Peyronies Society Forums [Page 2]
for an excellent discussion of the such similarities.

There has been a fair amount of research done on the matter, and whilst it is informative, it lacks depth. Here is a link that documents basically the entire research done in the field of scar tissue in the penis: http://lib.bioinfo.pl/meid:72935 . It will save you a lot of time if you want to know what's been researched. These are no doubt, the greatest minds in the planet on the topic of E.D.

If such scar tissues is present, then our smooth tissue is prevented from contracting properly (hence it appears firmer than usual in flaccid state) and ALSO from relaxing properly which prevents proper erectile function. I still don't know why this sort of thing can't be detected. Or maybe it can...

Biopsy - Is this THE diagnostic tool?
A lot of us have gone through a lot of tests - Doppler US, Caverject, NPT, and the very painful cavernosagram (I do not recommend this based on some of the other members' experience). None of these are apt to show whether E.D. is present and in fact have a problem. IN fact, they do more harm than good, because it reinforces to the doctor that we don't have a problem. This is not the correct conclusion. If we fail one of these tests, then we definately do have a problem. But just becasue we pass them does not mean we are 100% normal. A lot of doctors I have seen use positive results on the test to say that it is psychological.

Michele, have you tried this yet?

IN contrast, I think we need more powerful diagnostic equipment and that we have such equipment at hand - the biopsy. It can determine the structure of the penis (e.g. % of smooth muscle etc) and to compare it to a normal person. This will tell us exactly about the scar tissue etc I was referring to becasue it is evidenced as collagen or fibrin. Here is a link that explains the usefulness of the biopsy test http://www.current-reports.com/article.cfm?PubID=SH01-2-1-01&Type=Article&KeyWords=

My question is has anyone ever tried this, or even know if they can try it. I don't think we have this in Australia. other members believe it to be unsafe and to actually cause further fibrosis, but I don't think it would cause more than injectables.... I think if we took this test, it could give us the right diagnostics. Opinions, anyone?

Gene Therapy. Tissue Engineering and other cures?

Lastly, I still believe Science is on our side. They are constantly developing new methods of stimualting erection. Here are some of the options currently available, and others on the horizon

1. Injectables - inject hormones that stimulate erection. I personally responded well to PGE-1 two weeks after injury, but not sure if I would at this point in time. Alpostridil TD cream is the same thing, but hte mechanism of absorption is via a cream rather than a needle, as is MUSE.
2. PDE-5s/Pills/Viagra - inhibit PDE-5 which allows for greater creation of NO
3. Gene Therapy ( 5 years away from commercial viability) - inserts a gene which tells the smooth tissue to allow more Potassium Ion Channels to open. The overexpression of these ions stimulate erections. This is a major advance and I personally believe this will work with Cialis.
4. Tissue Engineering (Attala has shown a working prototype at least for Rabbits) but is decades off.... unless of course, someone will fund it. Here, I believe the technology is pretty much there, but it is not economical to begin research because even if they could create new penises (they can actually clone people ffs, why is this so difficult?), they won't because the few people who need this sort of procedure (us) could not afford the 100,000 it would cost, and I doubt our insurances would cover it.

For all of those of you who are having somewhat darker thoughts, I believe you should be at least patient because gene therapy is fairly novel.

I invite discussion on anything I just said.


Just commenting on this post here from 2008, Atala still has not done any human clinical studies, much less any commercial availability and here we are, 9 years later. I had been following his work for this past decade, speaking to his assistants at Wake Forrest. Disappointing, to say the least