@ MrNilsen ! Hats off to you my man ! Infact you are the very first person , that I know off who is willing to follow advice and actually try something -as in: do the work , then do the talk !!!! My respect for that. I wish you all the best.
@Provider ! Just out of interest ! Am I correctly assuming that u haven't tried all the available remedys as suggested to you, and basically just gave it up and gave a fuck about it... ???
Be honest about it. (..mostly to yourself
@Everyone else:
Guys, reading this " Boo Boo's and Band-Aids" Forum is really making me said sometimes. Such a huge lack of information, always the same questions, always lack of patience and lack of motivation to try things to the end.
Just some facts and some Food for thought ( to get your heads right):
-ED is NOT a myth !
-Every form of ED is curable nowadays !
- The only question u ever need to ask yourself when it comes to yourself , your Dick and any ED is A) Can I have SEX with it.
If the answer is YES ! You are perfectly healthy...
-Ed is not a myth but it is indeed a long and stressfull way to diagnose and pinpoint the EXACT reason for your lack of erection strength:
Why ? Because SO MANY things can be responsible for ED. I call it variables.
Variables divert your attention from the REAL reason behind your ED.
Thus Variables have to be excluded one by one first, in order to find the real reason ! Why ? Because each of them could be solely responsible for your ED.
There are many variables: (I just give you a couple, random list straight out of my mind. not step by step guide!)
- Food. Eating habits.
- Water intake.
- Sleep. RhytHydromax and duration.
- Psychology. Menthal setup.
- Biochemistry balance inside your brain. Serotonin/ Dopamin
- Hormonal Balance inside your body. Testosterone. DHT. Oestrogen. Lactin.
- Stress
- Genetic setup. Anatomy of your penis.
- Nerves. Nerve damage.
- Vein Damage. Small Vein leakage. Dorsal vein leakage. Vein Blockage. Damaged vein valves.
- Ateries. Artery damage. Artery blockage. Plaques.
Wrong Cross Junctions between arteries and veins.
- Bloodflow. blood inflow out flow ratio.
- Heart. Heart problems.
- Diabetis
- Liver problems.
- Peyronies. penile bending.
- erectile tissue damage. erectile tissue fibrosis.
- Penis Enlargement. Overtraining.
- Bodybuilding. Overtraining. Even regular training.
- Damage in the tunica albuginea. Inability of the tunica albuginea to expand and thus clamp of the veins so erection can occur.
- Masturbation. Frequency. Overmasturbation. Lack of it. use it or loose it
Lack of stimulus. Too much adult entertainment.
- Propecia/Finasteride. Surpressing of hormones.
- Drug abuse. Alkohole. Weed. Extasy. Speed.
Ok I realize I'm beginning to repeat myself because many of these are interdependent and lead to each other.
But your are getting an idea of it don't u ?
The list goes on and on. And if you want a 100% functioning dick you better make sure u can exclude ALL of these.
Besides u CAN be, in like half of these groups and still Have a functioning dick
as long as you can Answer the most importent question ( A) !!!!! ) With yes.
Can I have sex with this dick ? Yes ? = I'm Fine.
No ? Exclude variables ! How ?
Again there are so so many different ways to exclude those variables..
wich start at observing your own health related habits...going to urologists,
having your hormones tested, menthal therapy..and continue into more risky, invasive stuff such as cavernosographie ( to display the venous/arterial system of ur ED- dick via x-ray thus finding/excluding possible vein leakage or arterie blockages.)
The cures are also a big list. Starting from eating, sleeping , drinking, thinking, sporting right, to natural supplements, such as tribulus, arginine, maca, red ginseng, and zillions others, to chemicals such as caverjet injection or my favourites viagra, cialis, vardenafil wich INFACT work wonders for men even with severe ED. Reversing fibrosis by daily viagra intake (50 mg), permanently increasing blood in flow by daily 50 mg viagra/cialis intake, And again then come the risky invasive cures, such Penis Enlargement ( yes it can fuck u up but it can heal u too - you will realize what its doing when its too late, thats the sad truth) then vein ligation. dorsal vein ligation. vein sclerosing. arterie sclerosing. revascularization (= redirecting arteries or hooking penile arteris to bigger main arteries inside the body for stronger blood inflow), penile straightening for bends or peyronies, patching of holes inside the tunica, and last but not least penile implants, but even there u have many options starting with simple
mechaincal implants and the most expensive penile implants with hydraulic pumps that simulate natural erection by inflating deflating with water or air.
As you can see there is cure for EVERYTHING !!!
Its up to you really and YOUR priorities.
You have to make priorities.
Your highest should always be question A) Can I have sex with this dick ?
Because thats what a dick is made for. FUCKING! Reproduction..not showers, gyms, Penis Enlargement, your buddys or anything else. Its really only fucking.
Why priorities ? Because thinking logically, its better to have a 90%, 80%, working dick or even 60 % working dick wich you can always extra-boost to 110% with viagra rather then do any of the risky stuff (screening , surgery , Penis Enlargement !!! ) and end up with less than u had...
Whats the good news ? None of you people, alomost nobody here has severe ED to a point where he would need Penile implants. All u people can fuck on viagra, u have no loss of quality in your life. And the best news, most of your conditions are completely permanantly reversable by doing simple things, such as eating, sleeping, drinking , not obsessing, INFORMING !!!!!!!!!! yourselves, taking viagra, cialis sporadically or as a daily treatment and
most important : DON't worry be happy with what u (still) have !!!!!!! You always could have less , and the little bit more is NEVER worth the risk...
If you DO take the risk..good luck to you , but pls shut the fuck up whining later, because u yourself was a greedy bastard, who wasn't happy with what he had in the first place !!!