MikeShlort;497553 said:
^ Lol these women are trash.

And what I was asking is why would a girl flirt with a guy who is a known loser to get an ego boost?

Those women are every day people, pillars of their community.

They wouldn't but you'd have to work pretty hard to be known for losing. lol
petersouth;497554 said:
Those women are every day people, pillars of their community.

They wouldn't but you'd have to work pretty hard to be known for losing. lol

Is 9 years enough time?

And I don't think someone who stays home all day and fucks any man that enters her husbands house is a pillar of anything. Can't even support herself, let alone a community.

I think the real problem here is selfish husbands with tiny peckers and poor health who would rather spend their time "watchin' the game" with their idiot beer drinking friends than fucking their woman good. They don't deserve wives or girlfriends, I'm glad they get used for their finances and turned into a cuckold. Stupid fucks. Maybe this shit would stop happening if weak men who can't live alone would stop allowing themselves to be treated like a doormat by women and fucking up the game for the rest of us who happen to be real men.
MikeShlort;497556 said:
Is 9 years enough time?

And I don't think someone who stays home all day and fucks any man that enters her husbands house is a pillar of anything. Can't even support herself, let alone a community.

I think the real problem here is selfish husbands with tiny peckers and poor health who would rather spend their time "watchin' the game" with their idiot beer drinking friends than fucking their woman good. They don't deserve wives or girlfriends, I'm glad they get used for their finances and turned into a cuckold. Stupid fucks. Maybe this shit would stop happening if weak men who can't live alone would stop allowing themselves to be treated like a doormat by women and fucking up the game for the rest of us who happen to be real men.

Why don't you get a job or start working toward something? How can you as a self proclaimed loser stand in judgement of "weak men" who work for a living and pay all the bills? Somewhere there is a disconnect in your thinking. I don't like sports that much either but what do women watch that is so great? Maybe he should leave her for watching dumb shows.

Another poor scHydromaxuck bites the dust. His crime? He's dull.

From the previous link
I'm a serial Tradesman lover. Ive had affairs with plumbers, electricians etc. Its not that i dont get enough from my hubby. I just love sex so much i'd go mad. Ive been married for 13 years and hardly a week goes by i dont have a new lover. I know i have a problem, but whats a girl to do when her hubby works shifts ??
I am working towards something. I have no respect for suckers and I will sit here and judge them. Fucking tools. I've been paying my way since 19. Only difference this past year is I haven't had to pay rent. So what? I pay all my other bills. I have no respect for Jimmy Everyman, givin' er. Everyone does it, everyone has to do it. I do it. And then some. I like it when Jimmy wakes up everyday to drive the cube van and his wife stays home and fucks black cock. Makes me smile. That's what he gets for being a common turd.

I'm a loser in the sense that I don't have friends, I refuse to follow trends, I refuse to act fake nice in front of females, I refuse to groom myself everyday or care about my appearance at the gym, I refuse to play the social ladder climbing game to get pussy, I refuse to be content working a shit job to go out on the weekend and have a laugh. I refuse to play the game so I am a loser. But I'll still shit all over anyone that fucks with me. Problem is, they don't do it to my face, and when I try to fight them face to face, they refuse. Thrice.
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No respect for everyman but you want to be married. I wonder what you think that entails? Believe me you'll be doing everything she says or you'll be standing tall before the man including working that shit job or yer going to jail.

I admit they are tools but I don't see how you think you will do better, I also fail to see how they deserve it

You said men with small dicks deserve to get cheated on. How small and how is that his fault? I don't think very many men even know this stuff works and I somehow doubt it's only men with small dicks.

What about women with small tits and flat asses? Do they deserve to get cheated on as well?
I have to say if you don't care about your appearance, have a decent job, groom yourself or go to the gym you can't really complain. I was really more referring to guys who aren't that cool or tall or rich or connected, average clean guys who try hard. You have to ask yourself what you would think of a woman who had those characteristics, you would definitely get cheated on by the first guy who found a bar of soap and a razor.

If you want to live like that then hookers would be best but you'll have a better time if you are buff and well groomed. Hard to get away with that unless your in Motley Crue or something.

You will also have no chance of holding a marriage together without a good job. You talk about small penis but a good body is just as important, it's like a fat woman with big tits. Who cares? Women are constantly getting offers and they can leave any time they want. You can't. Standards are higher for men because women can be more picky about everything.

Anyway I was only telling you how to get rid of gold diggers, not how to get them to hit on you. If you are not getting hit on consider yourself lucky, the shit annoys me that's why I shoo them off. It's not some kind of reverse psychology.

The only time it gets tricky is at work because sometimes these women get really pissed off and try to get you fired or something, this is happening to me right now. I have been a victim of sexual harassment several times in my career and I can't do much about it.

You think it is all fun and games but some attractive woman can sit next to you and wrap her legs around you and you can't do shit about it. If you touch her and she doesn't like it you are dead. If you tell her to stop she will fuck you over.
petersouth;497568 said:
No respect for everyman but you want to be married. I wonder what you think that entails? Believe me you'll be doing everything she says or you'll be standing tall before the man including working that shit job or yer going to jail.

I admit they are tools but I don't see how you think you will do better, I also fail to see how they deserve it

You said men with small dicks deserve to get cheated on. How small and how is that his fault? I don't think very many men even know this stuff works and I somehow doubt it's only men with small dicks.

What about women with small tits and flat asses? Do they deserve to get cheated on as well?

I would never marry a woman without a pre-nuptual agreement and sitting down with a lawyer, drawing up a contract that makes it clear our separate finances will never become part of the relationship. I would have it drawn out so the x amount of dollars she or I put into a house or anything we own will be kept track of and each party will keep exactly 100% of what they own once the relationship ends. I will see to it that she signs it and make sure that it is legally binding, no loopholes, no possibility of re-negging, iron clad. This is the only way I would live common law or get married.

Think I can't find a woman willing to sign this? Well see.
MikeShlort;497701 said:
I would never marry a woman without a pre-nuptual agreement and sitting down with a lawyer, drawing up a contract that makes it clear our separate finances will never become part of the relationship. I would have it drawn out so the x amount of dollars she or I put into a house or anything we own will be kept track of and each party will keep exactly 100% of what they own once the relationship ends. I will see to it that she signs it and make sure that it is legally binding, no loopholes, no possibility of re-negging, iron clad. This is the only way I would live common law or get married.

Smart man.
MikeShlort;497701 said:
I would never marry a woman without a pre-nuptual agreement and sitting down with a lawyer, drawing up a contract that makes it clear our separate finances will never become part of the relationship. I would have it drawn out so the x amount of dollars she or I put into a house or anything we own will be kept track of and each party will keep exactly 100% of what they own once the relationship ends. I will see to it that she signs it and make sure that it is legally binding, no loopholes, no possibility of re-negging, iron clad. This is the only way I would live common law or get married.

Think I can't find a woman willing to sign this? Well see.

We do have a lot of ground to cover.

Prenups don't hold up very well by and large, if the judge decides it's not fair it gets tossed. If children are involved the prenup isn't worth the paper it's printed on.

Just look at what you have to look forward to, two nice Canadian guys.


"I'm happy to give away half my money, that would be great," he said on the podcast. "But I'm literally obligated to give away 400 percent of my income, or otherwise go to jail.

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petersouth;497727 said:
We do have a lot of ground to cover.

Prenups don't hold up very well by and large, if the judge decides it's not fair it gets tossed. If children are involved the prenup isn't worth the paper it's printed on.

Just look at what you have to look forward to, two nice Canadian guys.


"I'm happy to give away half my money, that would be great," he said on the podcast. "But I'm literally obligated to give away 400 percent of my income, or otherwise go to jail.


I skimmed through those, nowhere does it say they had signed a prenup.

Where do you get your information that a prenup doesn't hold up?
MikeShlort;497730 said:
I skimmed through those, nowhere does it say they had signed a prenup.

Where do you get your information that a prenup doesn't hold up?

It's common knowledge. They have kids, enough said.

A family court judge can do whatever he wants, a prenup is something he'll look at if he feels like it.
How to Break a Prenup


Again this has no bearing on child support and child support cannot be lowered once assessed.

But it can be raised ;) You start making a little money like you get an extra job to feed yourself they'll tack that on and you won't be able to quit. How you like them apples.

Yeah I know a few divorced guys. My uncles been in and out of prison as long as I knew him. His kids are in their early 30s and he still owes 40k.

My half brother went to jail a couple months ago, he's in their with rapists and murderers. His child support got assessed when he was making 5k a month cleaning pools but his joints quit on him he can't do that any more. Then he was making 1500 a month working at home depot or something. Fuck you, pay me.

I would say I have met around 10 men about half of those in my immediate family or circle of acquaintances that are either serving time, dodging warrants from other states or that are in jail for inability to pay child support. The small business I worked at the CEO's brother was in jail for a while and told me about it. I played in a band last summer and the drummer disappeared. Turned out he was dogging a warrant. lol

Pussy is one hell of a drug.
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Keep in mind that Canada's legal system is different from the United States.

So I'll videotape us both signing the pre-nup, to show she is in a sane frame of mind. I will make sure she lets her lawyer look over it. I will make sure it is well before any wedding date plans.

"According to Felder, infidelity alone isn't grounds to throw out a prenup. "
So if I happen to cheat, that doesn't necessarily void the prenup, unless it is stated in the contract a clause against cheating.

I will make her sign a document with her lawyer that agrees she was not tricked or rushed into signing the prenup.

"If the couple had been living together, was already involved sexually and had perhaps made babies together, their relationship is unique," Hennenhoefer said. "If the prenup does not reflect that, it can be tossed out. If the couple was established, they have a confidential relationship, which is different from the sort of fiduciary relationship two people looking to enter a business contract might have."
I will make the prenup cover various scenarios - ie, children, living together etc. It won't just be one scenario.

I imagine many of these prenups are thrown out because people are stupid and don't take the necessary precautions to ensure that it is iron clad.

I'm not too worried about it. Sounds like you just know a bunch of guys who don't know how to use condoms.
hepcat;497794 said:
"But don't you trust me and love me?' Fuck no I don't trust you! Best thing to do is don't have any kids and never get married! If you have enough time living together to be considered a common law marriage make her keep a studio apartment for herself. And kick her out of your crib every 6.5 years. Anything less is asking for a ruined life.:)

I don't necessarily agree.
I imagine I can maneuver around all the bullshit with careful planning and a big cock (leverage).
hepcat;497913 said:
But why get married if it's causing you to come up with elaborate plans to secure your assets. Sounds like a headache to me. You said you're about to turn 26. Do you really believe that you or she will/can be with only one person for the rest of your lives? At least wait until you're in your 30's before you take the plunge.:)

I'd never thought I'd live to see the day that I was more negative than you Mr. Shlort.:s:P

I have the unfortunate disease of only wanting to be with one girl once I start to like one. But rest assured, under normal circumstances, I just want to have sex with anything that ovulates.
hepcat;497924 said:
I'm the same way regarding only wanting to be with one girl, but I don't know how realistic that is these days with 51% of all marriages ending in divorce. What you have is known as oneitus. This limits your selection of girls obviously because you are so infatuated with one girl you put all your eggs in one basket and don't take interest in all the females out there.

But keep in mind, that 51% figure includes the 90% of people that are complete shyte.
MikeShlort;497741 said:
Keep in mind that Canada's legal system is different from the United States.

So I'll videotape us both signing the pre-nup, to show she is in a sane frame of mind. I will make sure she lets her lawyer look over it. I will make sure it is well before any wedding date plans.

"According to Felder, infidelity alone isn't grounds to throw out a prenup. "
So if I happen to cheat, that doesn't necessarily void the prenup, unless it is stated in the contract a clause against cheating.

I will make her sign a document with her lawyer that agrees she was not tricked or rushed into signing the prenup.

"If the couple had been living together, was already involved sexually and had perhaps made babies together, their relationship is unique," Hennenhoefer said. "If the prenup does not reflect that, it can be tossed out. If the couple was established, they have a confidential relationship, which is different from the sort of fiduciary relationship two people looking to enter a business contract might have."
I will make the prenup cover various scenarios - ie, children, living together etc. It won't just be one scenario.

I imagine many of these prenups are thrown out because people are stupid and don't take the necessary precautions to ensure that it is iron clad.

I'm not too worried about it. Sounds like you just know a bunch of guys who don't know how to use condoms.

Eh Mike, the judge doesn't have to honor it anyway. A prenup is not binding in any way whatsoever and Canada's system is very similar.

If she doesn't have a job and she's gonna be homeless guess what? The judge is not going to let cupcake go hungry so you can keep your bankroll. Alimony can continue for months, years or even life in some cases. She could come back at you decades later and get your retirement.

And I wonder which sweet young thing is going to marry you, a man who doesn't bathe with no expectation of children. For a man who sees an 8 inch penis behind every zipper you are awfully sure of yourself.

Graveyards are littered with the corpses of men who think as you do.
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hepcat;497924 said:
I'm the same way regarding only wanting to be with one girl, but I don't know how realistic that is these days with 51% of all marriages ending in divorce. What you have is known as oneitus. This limits your selection of girls obviously because you are so infatuated with one girl you put all your eggs in one basket and don't take interest in all the other potential mates that are out there.

Failure rate is really higher when you consider that you can probably add another 25% that are miserable. This next generation is going to have much higher rates, we can't know what the current rate is for a while. Many are just waiting until the kids finish college to drop the bomb on hubby. Others simply can't afford it even though they hate each other.

My grandparents stayed together until the end and it didn't inspire me at all. Basically they knew how to stay out of each other's way.

Believe it or not a major cause of divorce today is facebook. If the "one that got away" messages her, you are toast.

In many cases you have to realize that you are her 2nd, 3rd or 32nd choice. She had to marry someone before she passed the expiration date so she married you. Congratulations! lol
MikeShlort;497918 said:
I have the unfortunate disease of only wanting to be with one girl once I start to like one. But rest assured, under normal circumstances, I just want to have sex with anything that ovulates.

BTW didn't you say somewhere that you are a virgin or did I read that wrong?
petersouth;497936 said:
BTW didn't you say somewhere that you are a virgin or did I read that wrong?

No I've had sex with a dirty cunt before.
That's actually part of the reason why I spend my time pulling on my dick in different directions and going to the gym in my free time, rather than staying sedated and thoroughly enjoying my time.
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petersouth;497934 said:
Graveyards are littered with the corpses of men who think as you do.

Think like me? You mean men who work on their bodies, mind and penis so that they have just as much chance of getting a bar slut on a given night as their partner would have getting some cock? I don't think so, pal!

When you aren't the guy that has to beg and compromise to get a woman, you hold power. We can't all be born black guys, but doesn't mean we have to allow ourselves to become vaginas.
MikeShlort;497939 said:
Think like me? You mean men who work on their bodies, mind and penis so that they have just as much chance of getting a bar slut on a given night as their partner would have getting some cock? I don't think so, pal!

When you aren't the guy that has to beg and compromise to get a woman, you hold power. We can't all be born black guys, but doesn't mean we have to allow ourselves to become vaginas.

I mean people who know it all but have no practical experience. Lots of younger people have that mentality and then they find out they are just like everybody else with no special super powers.

Just look at everything that I posted that 1 day ago you had no idea about. Now take that and multiply it several hundred times. That is what is going to kill you.

Not to be racist but I have no wish to be black, I'm happy to be white. That is your problem that you think they are better.
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Any married man is a beggar, women have too much legal power in a marriage.

She can make a phone call and have a jackboots with MP5s standing over you with a foot on your neck in half an hour. She can have you booted from the house with a restraining order because she says she is afraid. No evidence required other than her word.

And if you think a woman can't find another guy with a big dick to fuck you are sadly mistaken. Women are just like men anyway they get bored with the same guy.

You can show me a woman with the biggest tits and the best vagina in the world but 3 months later I'm ready for a break.
MikeShlort;497938 said:
No I've had sex with a dirty cunt before.
That's actually part of the reason why I spend my time pulling on my dick in different directions and going to the gym in my free time, rather than staying sedated and thoroughly enjoying my time.

Really? What happened to the guy who couldn't be bothered with soap or a razor or going to the gym from a few posts ago?
petersouth;497954 said:
You can show me a woman with the biggest tits and the best vagina in the world but 3 months later I'm ready for a break.

And this is the reason that almost any woman is attainable, men become bored quick.
petersouth;497955 said:
Really? What happened to the guy who couldn't be bothered with soap or a razor or going to the gym from a few posts ago?

He still goes to the gym smelling like body odour and sweating more than 90% of the guys there.

You misread my earlier post. I was saying how I show up in dirty sweats and unshaven to the gym while some of the other douchebags wear stylish tank tops and shorts, cologne and sometimes even fullback hats. It was basically social commentary about substance over style or something like that...
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hepcat;498098 said:
I always heard it: "You show me a hot chick and I'll show you a guy who's tired of fucking her.":)

Unfortunately it works both ways, women want a new dick too after three months and that is why nobody is happy.
MikeShlort;498122 said:
He still goes to the gym smelling like body odour and sweating more than 90% of the guys there.

You misread my earlier post. I was saying how I show up in dirty sweats and unshaven to the gym while some of the other douchebags wear stylish tank tops and shorts, cologne and sometimes even fullback hats. It was basically social commentary about substance over style or something like that...

It appears I did, my mistake.
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petersouth;498390 said:
No, you said you can't be bothered to go to the gym.

Also the way you put things like "yes I fucked a dirty cunt" seem a little suspicious. Did the cunt actually have dirt in it? lol

Seriously sounds like a virgin making up shit.

Things aren't adding up for you I'm afraid.

I never said I don't go to the gym. I may have said I don't go to the gym shaved and wearing matching clothes. I've worked out 335 out of 365 this past year.

And it was a dirty cunt because everyone I know has hit it, and it often smelled of salmon. Although, I wish I was sucking on those filthy ragged lips right now, as I have a PGE1 rager.

I may as well be a virgin though, I am just as pathetic as one. I wish I was one, then I wouldn't know what I am missing out on.

You are right, things aren't adding up. I just have to try harder.
MikeShlort;498392 said:
I never said I don't go to the gym. I may have said I don't go to the gym shaved and wearing matching clothes. I've worked out 335 out of 365 this past year.

And it was a dirty cunt because everyone I know has hit it, and it often smelled of salmon. Although, I wish I was sucking on those filthy ragged lips right now, as I have a PGE1 rager.

I may as well be a virgin though, I am just as pathetic as one. I wish I was one, then I wouldn't know what I am missing out on.

You are right, things aren't adding up. I just have to try harder.

Sorry I did misread your post after all and I'm a little stressed out lately so please forgive my rant, totally out of proportion. Anyway you are a colorful individual and I'm sure things will turn out fine eventually one way or the other.

It's kind of funny though, as I approach 40 I have much less of a sex drive than I used to and that makes life strange without that constant urgency. I keep thinking "ok what now?" but it's amazing to actually be able to sit down and do work or enjoy playing the piano a little and enjoy it instead of thinking how I could use it to impress chicks.

One day you may look back on this time with some amusement, that's why I think it is best to moderate these impulses and proceed with caution.

Otherwise you may reach that age with significant burdens like a guy who just ate a 500 dollar meal wondering why he couldn't have had a can of stew instead.
petersouth;498566 said:
Sorry I did misread your post after all and I'm a little stressed out lately so please forgive my rant, totally out of proportion. Anyway you are a colorful individual and I'm sure things will turn out fine eventually one way or the other.

It's kind of funny though, as I approach 40 I have much less of a sex drive than I used to and that makes life strange without that constant urgency. I keep thinking "ok what now?" but it's amazing to actually be able to sit down and do work or enjoy playing the piano a little and enjoy it instead of thinking how I could use it to impress chicks.

One day you may look back on this time with some amusement, that's why I think it is best to moderate these impulses and proceed with caution.

Otherwise you may reach that age with significant burdens like a guy who just ate a 500 dollar meal wondering why he couldn't have had a can of stew instead.

Sounds reasonable but 15 years is a long time to keep being thirsty
petersouth;498566 said:
Otherwise you may reach that age with significant burdens like a guy who just ate a 500 dollar meal wondering why he couldn't have had a can of stew instead.

Once your full, your full....rather be left with $499 and a belly full of stew.
doublelongdaddy;498620 said:
Once your full, your full....rather be left with $499 and a belly full of stew.

True. But the shame of lying next to a can of stew you are suddenly disgusted with and don't want to talk to anymore is a bad feeling. However, a meal that you enjoy being around and are truly aroused by is a good feeling.
MikeShlort;498658 said:
True. But the shame of lying next to a can of stew you are suddenly disgusted with and don't want to talk to anymore is a bad feeling. However, a meal that you enjoy being around and are truly aroused by is a good feeling.

To be honest I would rather eat a $50 meal, buy a $300 prostitute and a half ounce of good weed...no shame in that game:)
doublelongdaddy;498663 said:
To be honest I would rather eat a $50 meal, buy a $300 prostitute and a half ounce of good weed...no shame in that game:)

I like how you think, DLD. That would be my idea of a good time, too :).
hepcat;498793 said:
Hey Shlorty-poo what's up with your avatar? It looks like you shot a load on a wood floor and took a picture of it?;):P

Lol no it's sweat and baby powder on the floor from a manual stretch session.
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