The problem is vaginal men have been doing this shit for women for centuries, so the game is fucked up for us. Makes me laugh. That's why Penis Enlargement and gym is a good idea. She will always prefer the guy with a good body and big penis over the average beta who spends money on her. Or even better she'll have both.
MikeShlort;502109 said:
The problem is vaginal men have been doing this shit for women for centuries, so the game is fucked up for us. Makes me laugh. That's why Penis Enlargement and gym is a good idea. She will always prefer the guy with a good body and big penis over the average beta who spends money on her. Or even better she'll have both.

Both is more like it.
Depends what you are talking about. Women like different men for sex and for husband. Alpha for sex, beta for husband.

The LTR process turns every man into a beta provider. She would not stay with you in an LTR unless you provide travel agent service and gifts.

Doesn't matter how good the sex, eventually someone will come along and she will go with him for marriage and he may have a big dick too. If she marries you and you stop providing travel agent and gift service she will leave for bigger better deal. Of course it's easy for her to do that.

If you don't like travel and you don't like buying gifts then you don't like women.
petersouth;502470 said:
Depends what you are talking about. Women like different men for sex and for husband. Alpha for sex, beta for husband.

Too bad for us Gamma guys:)
doublelongdaddy;502554 said:
Too bad for us Gamma guys:)

LOL! I'm a gamma too :). Fuck that alpha male bullshit. Some guys study it, live by it, spend so much of their hard earned cash on books, go to seminars, etc. Most guys I think are terrified of women, because they put them on a pedestal. They fear rejection, so they don't take chances. But if we don't approach women, we're for sure NOT going to fuck them, unless we pay for a whore. Hmmm, but then again, they're all whores. Whatever. I say approach them, be sexual, and lead the way to the bedroom. They will usually follow. Works for me, and I'm no alpha male :).
hepcat;502561 said:
What about the cursed Omegas? <:(

You guys need to convert from Greek to Hebrew and you will understand better:)
cg1;502565 said:
LOL! I'm a gamma too :). Fuck that alpha male bullshit. Some guys study it, live by it, spend so much of their hard earned cash on books, go to seminars, etc. Most guys I think are terrified of women, because they put them on a pedestal. They fear rejection, so they don't take chances. But if we don't approach women, we're for sure NOT going to fuck them, unless we pay for a whore. Hmmm, but then again, they're all whores. Whatever. I say approach them, be sexual, and lead the way to the bedroom. They will usually follow. Works for me, and I'm no alpha male :).

Dude, being an alpha male has nothing to do with learning game or having women flock over you.

Being an alpha male is about having the strength and balls to be yourself in any situation, even if it means you will suffer social restrictions because of it. Being an alpha male is about not taking advantage of someone in a compromised situation to benefit yourself, but rather earning something the hard way without stepping on someone's back. Being an alpha male is having enough self esteem to not allow being alone get to you, knowing you are still the shit regardless of what anyone thinks. Alpha males don't follow trends, they don't worry about what others think of them, they don't act phony to get something. They take the hit for being themselves and having testicles. Also, alpha males don't lie to themselves and make up compromises to make themselves feel better. They attack a problem head on if it's something that causes them concern.

These guys that get tattoos, wear similar clothing, speak the same ways, follow trends and act superficially nice to people to get something from them are not alpha males. They are shit beneath my feet. Nothing they have or can get will ever impress me, because they have sold themselves to get it. When I see a steroid abuser with tattoos, trendy clothes and haircut of the month at the bar looking for a bar slut, I don't see an alpha male. I see a fucking joke, a dude with low self esteem and no self worth, no individuality, no personality. Women are the ones who need human validation to feel good about themselves, not men.
Oh well real alpha will just get you in trouble these days.

The alpha that women in America like is a tatooed douchebag.

I think it has something to do with how soft life is here, women don't appreciate a real man because it isn't required.

I think this will change in the near future.
petersouth;502652 said:
Haha there is a gamma male even in the animal kingdom.

It is an alpha that doesn't try to control or belittle others.

I'd consider myself gamma.

So what the Hell am I? :)
smallville;541595 said:
I always know that the lifestyle study was BP , in the forum Penis Enlargement GYM say that, who are wrong?

I do not understand the question?
doublelongdaddy;541683 said:
I do not understand the question?

Yes, as shenlong says, in the past I always know that the lifestyle study was BP and not NBP.
In the other forum p.e. says that is BP, who are wrong?
usually they measure BP since it's the only method to rule out deviations caused by a change of the body fat percentage.
Lifestyle Condom Study was done bone-pressed making average penis size 5.5" BPenis EnlargementL and 5" NBPenis EnlargementL.:)
hepcat;542112 said:
Lifestyle Condom Study was done bone-pressed making average penis size 5.5" BPenis EnlargementL and 5" NBPenis EnlargementL.:)

ABout the best study ever conducted as the participants were measured by a 3rd party so there was no cheating. Lifestyles really agrees with all studies we have done here. Some men do not want to believe this, they insist that men have a much bigger size than themselves. Breaking this stigma and belief system has always been a challenge when teaching new men.
I know about the study.

According LifeStyles:

Average length is 5.87'' and median length is 5.65''
Average girth is 4.97" and median girth is 4.67"

So according to the study average size is 5.87 x 4.97 and median size is 5.65 x 4.67

I can´t see anywhere that it was measured BP? I always thought of it as NBP?
I can´t see if girth was measured midshaft or at the base either?

Anyway that's why I thought the most common penis size is around 5.75NBP x 4.75.
There are a bit of confusion ( sorry for my english but i'm from italy), in the first page , the author of the 3d says that the lifestyle studies was done NBP, but at page 5 , DLD says that he believe that the lifestyle studies was done BP, so who are right?????????????????
C/man;542154 said:
I know about the study.

According LifeStyles:

Average length is 5.87'' and median length is 5.65''
Average girth is 4.97" and median girth is 4.67"

So according to the study average size is 5.87 x 4.97 and median size is 5.65 x 4.67

I can´t see anywhere that it was measured BP? I always thought of it as NBP?
I can´t see if girth was measured midshaft or at the base either?

Anyway that's why I thought the most common penis size is around 5.75NBP x 4.75.


The following strict criteria, was enforced by a doctor and a team of four nurses, who consistently attended each of the seven nights of this penis size research.

Measuring of Length was from the point at the base of the erect penis where the top of the penile shaft meets the pubic area to the tip of the glans (&#8221;head&#8221;). For uncircumcised men the foreskin was retracted. Measuring of Girth was at mid-shaft around the circumference of the penis when the penis was erect. Failure to gain an effective erection for measurement disqualified the volunteer from being included in the data for the calculation of average erect penis length and girth.

The girth is MID-SHAFT the lenght sounds NBP to me.
But if NBP the average is too high, means that the average is 6.75 BP.
smallville;543905 said:
There are a bit of confusion ( sorry for my english but i'm from italy), in the first page , the author of the 3d says that the lifestyle studies was done NBP, but at page 5 , DLD says that he believe that the lifestyle studies was done BP, so who are right?????????????????

I found, after reading and researching every study online, offline and in any other arena I have had time to entertain, average penis size for 90% of the men out there is in the 5.5 bone pressed length x 4.75" erect girth. The variations in this size can vary in different ways that will effect the actual size within this 90% group. Some of these men are thinner than others which would make their none bone pressed length look longer, while some of these men may be overweight and only 3" of their penis shows through the fat to keep it solid an consistent we use a bone-pressed measurement so as to avoid any error due to body type. I also give a deviation of about .75" on both measurements within the 90% number. So in the most plain words possible, average penis size is between 5-5.75 inches in bone-pressed length and between 4.5-5.25 in girth. Outside this 90% I account for abnormal size outside average means. about 5% of men will fall into a larger or smaller than average size. The numbers greatly reduce as the measurements become greater or smaller.
It seems like these studies report the average, however there does not seem to be a lot of focus on the mode (most), which would give a much better indication on what size(s) are the most probable.
MikeShlort;502109 said:
The problem is vaginal men have been doing this shit for women for centuries, so the game is fucked up for us. Makes me laugh. That's why Penis Enlargement and gym is a good idea. She will always prefer the guy with a good body and big penis over the average beta who spends money on her. Or even better she'll have both.

Realistically unless she's a straight up 10 an still very young ie late teens she aint gonna get both. Rich dudes are rare and huge dicks are even rarer. Women depreciate rapidly with age, a dude with a huge cock and a fat wallet is more like wine lol., he can just trade in for a newer model after a couple of years easily thats why most women even the knockouts will choose one or the other depending on whats more important to them the cock or the bankroll, most are not stupid enough to hold out for both because even if they get that they know they wont be able to keep him....

When her looks start to fade the big dick baller if hes taken care of himself at all will be able to land another 10 whos literally half his age and the girl will be alone divorced and not as pretty as she once was.
Magic Johnson;549814 said:
Realistically unless she's a straight up 10 an still very young ie late teens she aint gonna get both. Rich dudes are rare and huge dicks are even rarer. Women depreciate rapidly with age, a dude with a huge cock and a fat wallet is more like wine lol., he can just trade in for a newer model after a couple of years easily thats why most women even the knockouts will choose one or the other depending on whats more important to them the cock or the bankroll, most are not stupid enough to hold out for both because even if they get that they know they wont be able to keep him....

When her looks start to fade the big dick baller if hes taken care of himself at all will be able to land another 10 whos literally half his age and the girl will be alone divorced and not as pretty as she once was.

What if the guy with a good income and big penis just wants an attractive woman that loves him? Can they both be satisfied with that, or will the game always be more important and stronger than our ideals of love?
Yeah thats possible, but a dude like that would be rare and a woman with a personality and loyalty to warrant that would be equally rare. Most ppl that are "perfect" on the outside arent even close on the inside, they dont have to be lol theyll still get laid easy.

It all boils down to sex and reproduction for the most part, men can have healthy offspring even late in life, women have vastly increased risks of birth defects after just 30, I'm just glad im a dude lol, I have plenty of time to work on myself and get my shit together and not have to worry about tthe bio clock.
Well, yeah, it's definitely best to be a man. If I had to lie on my back and suBathmateit I'd probably kill myself. No wonder girls are fucked up. Still.... I can't seem to conquer my chronic oneitis syndrome.
Recipe for debate:
Take 1 hot firey topic
1cup gasoline


doublelongdaddy;543950 said:
I found, after reading and researching every study online, offline and in any other arena I have had time to entertain, average penis size for 90% of the men out there is in the 5.5 bone pressed length x 4.75" erect girth. The variations in this size can vary in different ways that will effect the actual size within this 90% group. Some of these men are thinner than others which would make their none bone pressed length look longer, while some of these men may be overweight and only 3" of their penis shows through the fat to keep it solid an consistent we use a bone-pressed measurement so as to avoid any error due to body type. I also give a deviation of about .75" on both measurements within the 90% number. So in the most plain words possible, average penis size is between 5-5.75 inches in bone-pressed length and between 4.5-5.25 in girth. Outside this 90% I account for abnormal size outside average means. about 5% of men will fall into a larger or smaller than average size. The numbers greatly reduce as the measurements become greater or smaller.

hepcat;542112 said:
Lifestyle Condom Study was done bone-pressed making average penis size 5.5" BPenis EnlargementL and 5" NBPenis EnlargementL.:)

smallville;543914 said:

The following strict criteria, was enforced by a doctor and a team of four nurses, who consistently attended each of the seven nights of this penis size research.

Measuring of Length was from the point at the base of the erect penis where the top of the penile shaft meets the pubic area to the tip of the glans (”head”). For uncircumcised men the foreskin was retracted. Measuring of Girth was at mid-shaft around the circumference of the penis when the penis was erect. Failure to gain an effective erection for measurement disqualified the volunteer from being included in the data for the calculation of average erect penis length and girth.

The girth is MID-SHAFT the lenght sounds NBP to me.
But if NBP the average is too high, means that the average is 6.75 BP.

I dunno man. Sounds like nbpel to me. Hate to restart old shit but I keep thinking its nbpel from the description of method.

Anyway, kinda proud of my 5.5" eg and every lover has described it as big.

Going for 8 nbpel means I have to lose weight, probably hit 7" nbpel just losing weight with my 8 bpel buried under fatpad... with PT in [words=]SRT[/words] program I can gain another inch in due time and consistency... I ain't worried.
And then there's this to consider. I mean, really this is why were here, men. Were being honest with ourselves that the mere fact of penis length is a sorting factor for females. So all things equal in body and personality, the potential male mate with the longer buldge down the leg will get picked for mating.

No shit. Did we need a study to confirm this? Apparently yes:

I think a [words=]Mos[/words] member posted this study elsewhere.

Anyway... back to work. I'm going shopping for my workout fuel food, working out hard today, pe hard today, and post as much as I can too.
kong1971;171762 said:
Penis size has long been considered a gauge of virility, and having a larger than average penis is a valuable commodity among males. Whether this assumption has real physiological merit or is only a myth, a man's perception of his own penis size can make him feel confident, secure, even arrogant-- or, negatively, insecure, shy... even suicidal, in the most extreme cases.

The chart below is our current best data concerning penis size. The measurements were taken from the top center of the penis and are NON-BONEPRESSED. This data comes from a variety of internet sources and scientific publications, but mostly from the Lifestyles Condom Company survey and the survey conducted by during May / June 2003, which involved over 1500 men.

The Lifestyles company conducted research into the average length and circumference of the erect male member during Spring Break 2001 in Cancun. From March 11 to 17, a total 300 males over the age of 18 were measured, one at a time, by qualified medical staff (protected by Ansell Medi-Touch gloves) in private tents at the Dady Rock nightclub in Cancun, Mexico. Why? Apparently they wanted to design a better condom, to ensure that they are sized properly, are comfortable, and won't slip.

The measurements were done by a doctor and a team of four nurses, who attended each of the seven nights of this research. Length was measured from the point at the base of the erect penis where the top of the penile shaft meets the pubic area to the tip of the glans (NOTE FOR [words=]MOS[/words] MEMBERS: THIS WAS A NON-BONEPRESSED MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUE). For uncircumcised men the foreskin was retracted. The majority of participants were U.S. college men but it was not limited to this group. Volunteers were asked to enter a private area where they would gain an erection and then call for the two qualified nurses to measure their cock. To ensure the accuracy of the data, each man was measured by two of the nurses. A doctor supervised the nurses and all activity. Volunteers tended to be groups of friends, which helped ensure a wide range of penis sizes (big and small) and provided a more accurate average figure.

At 300 effective measurements, this study was twice the size of any previous study that used medical staff to measure penis size. This method is more accurate and reliable than studies where volunteers undertake self-measurement / reporting.

I think one more very important thing should also be noted: those surveyed were young, college age men who were willing to volunteer to be measured. This was not a random population sampling, and probably did not include very many older men, or those who are overweight, both of which would probably have smaller NBP measurements, and thus bring the average down. I'm also pretty sure that men who felt that they were "smaller" were not exactly knocking the door down to be measured either. I conclude from this that the true average penis size is probably a little bit lower than their 5.9" results, maybe in the 5 to 5.5" range... but this is the best set of numbers we have to go by now.

Please note that to realistically compare yourself to this average, you would have to measure your penis from the top center of the shaft, NON-bonepressed. Comparing any other numbers to these will give you a false comparison. Do not measure bonepressed. Do not measure from the side, the balls, the asshole or "with the curve", if you would like to compare your cock to the most reliable data on penis size.

Erect Length

Length Inches... Cumulative.....Bigger than you.... Smaller than you
3.75 or less.......0.6................994/1000................6/1000
5.00.................12.5%.............875/1000 ...............125/1000
5.25..................20.0%.............800/1000 ...............200/1000
6.00..................60.2%..............398/1000 ..................602/1000
6.75..................90.5% ...............95/1000..................905/1000
8.00....................98.8%.................12/1000....................988/1000 8.25....................99.1%..................9/1000......................991/1000
9.00 or more.........100.0% ................0/1000.....................999/1000

My penis currently measures around 6.5" non-bonepressed, give or take a little. This puts me in the 81 cumulative percentile, which is pretty damn good, I think. It means, basically, that only 19 of 100 men would actually have a larger penis than I would [remember what I said about male competitiveness! :) ] Feel free to measure your penis in this same method and report your size. You can lie if you want, but you're only going to be hurting yourself further down the line in your Penis Enlargement endeavors!

Alot of fuss has been made lately about penis measurements here at [words=]MOS[/words]. Instead of ranting in a negative fashion about liars and cheaters and men living in a Penis Enlargement fantasy world, I thought I would make a thread that was realistic, but above all positive, about average NBP penis measurements. I think the average is much smaller than we all believe, and our perception of what is truly a large cock unrealistic in the extreme.

To be honest, I never really believed my wife when she told me I'm the biggest she's ever had. I'm something of a adult entertainment junkie and spend way too much time here at [words=]MOS[/words] and I believe it has really skewed my perceptions on penis size. After studying this data, I now realize that, statistically, it's probably true. I have also decided to lower my Penis Enlargement goal to a more realistic 7.00" NBP, which would place my penis in the 92% in length. I'm weird. 20 guys bigger than me is too much. I would feel better if only about 7 or 8 of a hundred were the same size or bigger! :D

The average lenght in this study is 5.8 NBP , seems too much higher, is more likely 5.8 -6 BP the real average lenght.
pUNKY;491010 said:
Again I respect your opinion but for me natural penis enlargement will never become main stream. Your forgetting this stuff has been around since the dawn of time, yes the internet has now made it more accessible but still, [words=]MOS[/words] has been here for over 10 years, before that we had numerous other forums and it still has yet to be something the majority of the male public try. One the medical industry won't let it, medical professional and won't every admit this stuff works, it will destroy their business. Two, Penis Enlargement takes time and dedication and we live in a lazy society. Going to the gym and working out has been around for god knows how long, we all know most women find a guy with a good figure sexy, yet does that mean we all go to the gym? nope, less than 10% of the human population actively exercise and Penis Enlargement is the same.

I agree 110%
I just read all 19+ pages and now want to know what's happening in MikeSchlort's life these past 5 years

I would too and there are many others that I feel the same about. Mike was a great member and made very good progress plus he contributed big time to the brotherhood. Sometimes what happens is people step away from PE for a while and you’ll see them come back later. Others may have moved on to something else or even passed away, we have been online for almost 20 years. What brings people back the most is Bumpin threads that are about appreciation, gains made, I now believe, and other threads that have much feedback with many members. We have been doing this now for about 12 weeks and we have seen many big names come back.
Penis size has long been considered a gauge of virility, and having a larger than average penis is a valuable commodity among males. Whether this assumption has real physiological merit or is only a myth, a man's perception of his own penis size can make him feel confident, secure, even arrogant-- or, negatively, insecure, shy... even suicidal, in the most extreme cases.

The chart below is our current best data concerning penis size. The measurements were taken from the top center of the penis and are NON-BONEPRESSED. This data comes from a variety of internet sources and scientific publications, but mostly from the Lifestyles Condom Company survey and the survey conducted by during May / June 2003, which involved over 1500 men.

The Lifestyles company conducted research into the average length and circumference of the erect male member during Spring Break 2001 in Cancun. From March 11 to 17, a total 300 males over the age of 18 were measured, one at a time, by qualified medical staff (protected by Ansell Medi-Touch gloves) in private tents at the Dady Rock nightclub in Cancun, Mexico. Why? Apparently they wanted to design a better condom, to ensure that they are sized properly, are comfortable, and won't slip.

The measurements were done by a doctor and a team of four nurses, who attended each of the seven nights of this research. Length was measured from the point at the base of the erect penis where the top of the penile shaft meets the pubic area to the tip of the glans (NOTE FOR MOS MEMBERS: THIS WAS A NON-BONEPRESSED MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUE). For uncircumcised men the foreskin was retracted. The majority of participants were U.S. college men but it was not limited to this group. Volunteers were asked to enter a private area where they would gain an erection and then call for the two qualified nurses to measure their cock. To ensure the accuracy of the data, each man was measured by two of the nurses. A doctor supervised the nurses and all activity. Volunteers tended to be groups of friends, which helped ensure a wide range of penis sizes (big and small) and provided a more accurate average figure.

At 300 effective measurements, this study was twice the size of any previous study that used medical staff to measure penis size. This method is more accurate and reliable than studies where volunteers undertake self-measurement / reporting.

I think one more very important thing should also be noted: those surveyed were young, college age men who were willing to volunteer to be measured. This was not a random population sampling, and probably did not include very many older men, or those who are overweight, both of which would probably have smaller NBP measurements, and thus bring the average down. I'm also pretty sure that men who felt that they were "smaller" were not exactly knocking the door down to be measured either. I conclude from this that the true average penis size is probably a little bit lower than their 5.9" results, maybe in the 5 to 5.5" range... but this is the best set of numbers we have to go by now.

Please note that to realistically compare yourself to this average, you would have to measure your penis from the top center of the shaft, NON-bonepressed. Comparing any other numbers to these will give you a false comparison. Do not measure bonepressed. Do not measure from the side, the balls, the asshole or "with the curve", if you would like to compare your cock to the most reliable data on penis size.

Erect Length

Length Inches... Cumulative.....Bigger than you.... Smaller than you
3.75 or less.......0.6................994/1000................6/1000
5.00.................12.5%.............875/1000 ...............125/1000
5.25..................20.0%.............800/1000 ...............200/1000
6.00..................60.2%..............398/1000 ..................602/1000
6.75..................90.5% ...............95/1000..................905/1000
8.00....................98.8%.................12/1000....................988/1000 8.25....................99.1%..................9/1000......................991/1000
9.00 or more.........100.0% ................0/1000.....................999/1000

My penis currently measures around 6.5" non-bonepressed, give or take a little. This puts me in the 81 cumulative percentile, which is pretty damn good, I think. It means, basically, that only 19 of 100 men would actually have a larger penis than I would [remember what I said about male competitiveness! :) ] Feel free to measure your penis in this same method and report your size. You can lie if you want, but you're only going to be hurting yourself further down the line in your Penis Enlargement endeavors!

Alot of fuss has been made lately about penis measurements here at MOS. Instead of ranting in a negative fashion about liars and cheaters and men living in a Penis Enlargement fantasy world, I thought I would make a thread that was realistic, but above all positive, about average NBP penis measurements. I think the average is much smaller than we all believe, and our perception of what is truly a large cock unrealistic in the extreme.

To be honest, I never really believed my wife when she told me I'm the biggest she's ever had. I'm something of a adult entertainment junkie and spend way too much time here at MOS and I believe it has really skewed my perceptions on penis size. After studying this data, I now realize that, statistically, it's probably true. I have also decided to lower my Penis Enlargement goal to a more realistic 7.00" NBP, which would place my penis in the 92% in length. I'm weird. 20 guys bigger than me is too much. I would feel better if only about 7 or 8 of a hundred were the same size or bigger! :D

I believe this for young men with a very minimal fatpad. Most young lean guys are likely between 5.75 and 6” NBP just like this study says that american college students are.

But its pretty nerve wrecking to see how many guys are actually monster size. I will need to change my goal to 8.5-9” NBP minimum.
I believe this for young men with a very minimal fatpad. Most young lean guys are likely between 5.75 and 6” NBP just like this study says that american college students are.

But its pretty nerve wrecking to see how many guys are actually monster size. I will need to change my goal to 8.5-9” NBP minimum.

Lol the goal always gets bigger! (drunk)
Someone explained to me it was exteapolated numbers not raw data. Actually nobody was bigger than 8,25” (pheeeew)

I don’t quite understand what you mean my brother can you explain it better? Thanks
I don’t quite understand what you mean my brother can you explain it better? Thanks

Someone showed me the Raw Data from the study and how many people were actually in each size bracket. The longest measured dude was in the 8.25-8.5 bracket. The 8.5-8.75 bracket had 0 observations or people in it. So the rarity in percentage is estimation or extrapolation on the 8.5,8,75 etc. no dudes were actually 8.5 or bigger!
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Someone showed me the Raw Data from the study and how many people were actually in each size bracket. The longest measured dude was in the 8.25-8.5 bracket. The 8.5-8.75 bracket had 0 observations or people in it. So the rarity in percentage is estimation or extrapolation on the 8.5,8,75 etc. no dudes were actually 8.5 or bigger!

This was also common to the Kinsey Study where the largest man was 8.75 x 6. Most fell into the mean average of 5.5 x 4.75. Smallest in study was 4.75 in length x 4.25 in girth. There used to be a site online with the entire study with pictures...,I wish I downloaded the site.
I’ve read a lot of things to this particular study. The official wording of how the penis is measured, whether bone pressed or non bone pressed is and can be quite confusing. If the penises in this study was measured “ non” bone pressed, it goes against so many other studies and researches done that state they have have measured bone pressed where the average length is around 5.65 inches give or take. The lifestyles studies give a much higher average ( if assuming “non” bone pressed) compared to “ most” bone pressed studies out there.

Sorry, I promise you I’m not trying to be argumentative, but given all the other studies done which are many that I have read and reviewed the lifestyles study doesn’t add up to the other studies if we are saying the lifestyles study was “ non” bone pressed in my humble opinion. I can absolutely believe the results from this study( lifestyles) if ipenises were measured “ bone pressed”. It would then correlate to most other studies in my opinion. Just my opinion.

I’ve been on other penis enlargement sites where some say the lifestyle study was “ non” bone pressed and just as many say it was “ bone pressed” ( for reasons I’ve already stated above). Again I sat lifestyles or anssell was not very good on how they said they measured the penises with their wording. But in my opinion the lifestyles study was at least “ MIDLY “ bone pressed if I have to go by other legitimate studies where penises were measured “ bone pressed”.

It only makes sense or we have to throw the other studies out the window and only go according to the lifestyles study? For one to say the lifestyles study was “ NON” bone pressed unless they can provide legitimate proof in wording that the study was done conclusively “NON” bone pressed from the source that actually physically did the research and study is not merit and should not be trusted unless we are going to go against all the other studies in my humble opinion.

I’ve also heard explanations about the “majority” of those measured in this study was college aged kids/adults and had very little fat pad. In my experience I’ve seen obese college students just as much as lean( very little fat pads). I think we automatically think all young people are thin. This is not the case in my experience. And to think that only lean ( very little fat pads) college students are going to Cancun is not realistic to me. Maybe I’m wrong but I would think that even the heavier people want to go there( or anywhere for spring break) to have their good time and do what they can just as much as the the leaner people.

Sorry for the long message ! I’m not trying to cause an argument in the least. But I am truly trying to understand these things and get a better perspective if it’s out there.

I’m new to this site and love it very much so far. I’ve been in the penis enlargement scene for 2 years now and I have a long ways to go to know and understand everything that applies to this.

I have seen many times in other sites where it seems half the people say this study( lifestyles) was “non” bone pressed and the other half say it was “ bone” pressed.. but for someone to claim the study was “NON” bone pressed (especially compared to other legitimate “ bone “ pressed studies) doesn’t make sense to me. If someone/s has a better explanation of these things I would truly appreciate it. I’m just here to learn and grow and understand.? Sorry for suck a long post, I’m usually the quite reserved guy, but I feel something different here on this site compared to the others and l e it! Thanks again!
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    How's everyone
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @sam hi, good to see you brother. Post in the forum and we'll chat more.
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  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Hi. Good to be here.
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
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    Which forum? How do I get there?
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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