Penis size has long been considered a gauge of virility, and having a larger than average penis is a valuable commodity among males. Whether this assumption has real physiological merit or is only a myth, a man's perception of his own penis size can make him feel confident, secure, even arrogant-- or, negatively, insecure, shy... even suicidal, in the most extreme cases.
The chart below is our current best data concerning penis size. The measurements were taken from the top center of the penis and are NON-BONEPRESSED. This data comes from a variety of internet sources and scientific publications, but mostly from the Lifestyles Condom Company survey and the survey conducted by during May / June 2003, which involved over 1500 men.
The Lifestyles company conducted research into the average length and circumference of the erect male member during Spring Break 2001 in Cancun. From March 11 to 17, a total 300 males over the age of 18 were measured, one at a time, by qualified medical staff (protected by Ansell Medi-Touch gloves) in private tents at the Dady Rock nightclub in Cancun, Mexico. Why? Apparently they wanted to design a better condom, to ensure that they are sized properly, are comfortable, and won't slip.
The measurements were done by a doctor and a team of four nurses, who attended each of the seven nights of this research. Length was measured from the point at the base of the erect penis where the top of the penile shaft meets the pubic area to the tip of the glans (NOTE FOR [words=]MOS[/words] MEMBERS: THIS WAS A NON-BONEPRESSED MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUE). For uncircumcised men the foreskin was retracted. The majority of participants were U.S. college men but it was not limited to this group. Volunteers were asked to enter a private area where they would gain an erection and then call for the two qualified nurses to measure their cock. To ensure the accuracy of the data, each man was measured by two of the nurses. A doctor supervised the nurses and all activity. Volunteers tended to be groups of friends, which helped ensure a wide range of penis sizes (big and small) and provided a more accurate average figure.
At 300 effective measurements, this study was twice the size of any previous study that used medical staff to measure penis size. This method is more accurate and reliable than studies where volunteers undertake self-measurement / reporting.
I think one more very important thing should also be noted: those surveyed were young, college age men who were willing to volunteer to be measured. This was not a random population sampling, and probably did not include very many older men, or those who are overweight, both of which would probably have smaller NBP measurements, and thus bring the average down. I'm also pretty sure that men who felt that they were "smaller" were not exactly knocking the door down to be measured either. I conclude from this that the true average penis size is probably a little bit lower than their 5.9" results, maybe in the 5 to 5.5" range... but this is the best set of numbers we have to go by now.
Please note that to realistically compare yourself to this average, you would have to measure your penis from the top center of the shaft, NON-bonepressed. Comparing any other numbers to these will give you a false comparison. Do not measure bonepressed. Do not measure from the side, the balls, the asshole or "with the curve", if you would like to compare your cock to the most reliable data on penis size.
Erect Length
Length Inches... Cumulative.....Bigger than you.... Smaller than you
3.75 or less.......0.6................994/1000................6/1000
5.00.................12.5%.............875/1000 ...............125/1000
5.25..................20.0%.............800/1000 ...............200/1000
6.00..................60.2%..............398/1000 ..................602/1000
6.75..................90.5% ...............95/1000..................905/1000
8.00....................98.8%.................12/1000....................988/1000 8.25....................99.1%..................9/1000......................991/1000
9.00 or more.........100.0% ................0/1000.....................999/1000
My penis currently measures around 6.5" non-bonepressed, give or take a little. This puts me in the 81 cumulative percentile, which is pretty damn good, I think. It means, basically, that only 19 of 100 men would actually have a larger penis than I would [remember what I said about male competitiveness!

] Feel free to measure your penis in this same method and report your size. You can lie if you want, but you're only going to be hurting yourself further down the line in your Penis Enlargement endeavors!
Alot of fuss has been made lately about penis measurements here at [words=]MOS[/words]. Instead of ranting in a negative fashion about liars and cheaters and men living in a Penis Enlargement fantasy world, I thought I would make a thread that was realistic, but above all positive, about average NBP penis measurements. I think the average is much smaller than we all believe, and our perception of what is truly a large cock unrealistic in the extreme.
To be honest, I never really believed my wife when she told me I'm the biggest she's ever had. I'm something of a adult entertainment junkie and spend way too much time here at [words=]MOS[/words] and I believe it has really skewed my perceptions on penis size. After studying this data, I now realize that, statistically, it's probably true. I have also decided to lower my Penis Enlargement goal to a more realistic 7.00" NBP, which would place my penis in the 92% in length. I'm weird. 20 guys bigger than me is too much. I would feel better if only about 7 or 8 of a hundred were the same size or bigger!