doublelongdaddy;498663 said:
To be honest I would rather eat a $50 meal, buy a $300 prostitute and a half ounce of good shame in that game:)

I totally agree, no need to go hungry. Life is meant to be enjoyed, it all depends on what it's worth to you.

But that's partly my point, nobody buys a restaurant just so they can eat or pledges their whole paycheck for 18 years to a dealer to get a buzz on the weekend. It's completely out of proportion to what you are getting.

Hey why not start your own company doing janitorial services on the side so you can use the bathroom?

Only with sex do we get these bright ideas about committing ourselves to one provider in some totally disadvantageous way.
MikeShlort;498658 said:
True. But the shame of lying next to a can of stew you are suddenly disgusted with and don't want to talk to anymore is a bad feeling. However, a meal that you enjoy being around and are truly aroused by is a good feeling.

If I was a wise old mr. myagi type dude this is how I'd put it

Can stew always eating no talking no fucking.

Woman no eating or talking, only fucking, sucking, food and baby. Man good talking but no fucking unless woman.

Toilet no talking no fucking no eating, only shit and piss.

Probrem come try lay down and talking can of stew instead eat, just like suck toilet, always bad no matter how good toilet or stew.

Same with woman, you complain woman no good for talking like toilet no good fucking and sucking. Don't fuck toilet, take shit then flush. Don't talk woman, fuck, she make sandwich, then you go. Don't look whole life find woman talking and toilet fucking. Waste time, look foolish always.

Use everything alway proper use avoid probrem no look stupid always wins.

OK, ready and break!
I guess in that case the true winners are the genetically superior social ladder climber douche bags who constantly have sex with "quality" girls and then discard them because they know they can always get another one.

I definitely don't want to have to bend over backwards to get what these guys get for existing.
Now you're getting it. The only place I'd disagree is that they're getting anything all that great, it's like being envious of guys who get free hamburgers from McDonalds.

One thing you may realize is that most women generally speaking are idiots and have horrible taste in men. Not being selected is a compliment as most of the greatest men in history spent their lives alone either because they couldn't stand women or women didn't like them.

Was Beethoven genetically inferior? How about Leonardo de Vinci? So who is the genetic winner? The pool boy? How many ladies men have contributed anything to mankind?

In my opinion allowing women to define winners and losers is not productive. Look around you at the people who are reproducing the most, they are largely genetic inferiors.

One reason guys discard women is that they have enough experience to know that they are nothing special.

In fact when I look at most "beautiful" women, I feel total indifference. Very few women make me feel anything other than mild amusement. Guys around me are always chasing mediocre women, sometimes I wonder if they have functioning eyes and mostly the women ignore them.

Ironically when you reach this state you become "good with women" because women like men who don't give two shits or have very high standards. Right now you like women too much to be any good with them.

I always tell women what I think like I don't think they should not vote or drive and cover their ugly asses up in public. I say marriage is a scam and your husband is a sucker and whenever woman complains about husband I always express sympathy for him. She says "he does this" and I say "what did you do to upset him".

Theres an ice breaker, you'd be surprised at the reactions you get. Some bad, yes but some very good.
When I was 30 I took a women's studies class in college to finish my degree and I told the women and the teacher exactly what I think. I mocked everything they believed and proved them wrong with humor and derision. At first they were shocked and appalled but that did not affect me even slightly, I would keep doing it and eventually they thought it was very amusing.

By the end of the course the more attractive, feminine girls in the class thought I was great, lesbians hated me and the teacher gave me a B even though I failed the final and didn't do most of the work. Funny thing was teacher seemed to find it most amusing even though she obviously disagreed.

This is an example of how backwards a woman's psychology is, they want a man who treats them inferior. But when you think about the nature of sex, this makes sense. Man dominates woman.
petersouth;499429 said:
When I was 30 I took a women's studies class in college to finish my degree and I told the women and the teacher exactly what I think. I mocked everything they believed and proved them wrong with humor and derision. At first they were shocked and appalled but that did not affect me even slightly, I would keep doing it and eventually they thought it was very amusing.

By the end of the course the more attractive, feminine girls in the class thought I was great, lesbians hated me and the teacher gave me a B even though I failed the final and didn't do most of the work. Funny thing was teacher seemed to find it most amusing even though she obviously disagreed.

This is an example of how backwards a woman's psychology is, they want a man who treats them inferior. But when you think about the nature of sex, this makes sense. Man dominates woman.

My Son used the same strategy:)
hepcat;499531 said:
So is he turning them ho's the fuck out like poppa?:O:)

Nope, he is 18 and expecting his first baby in November:) He fell for his first love and they wanted to start early.
Okay petersouth, I agree with what you say. I don't like it, but I find it's true. I find girls are more interested in me when I ignore them. Although, by ignoring them, I also don't get a chance to get their number, etc. I'm talking about at work because this is the only place I am exposed to girls. I can't figure out the transition from work place girl to girl sucking my cock. The other guys seem to be able to figure it out, but this is mainly because of mutual social connections. And the odd time I get invited to a party, I either sit and over think or get drunk and act like a prick.

What are your suggestions for a near 26 year old who lives with his parents, has no friends, makes minimum wage money but has a decent body and a face that is ugly, but not too ugly? What are my options for having sex with girls? How do I make it happen? What are so tricks, strategies? I am starting to feel self loathing again eery time I see a female. Give me some options and tricks, methods, etc.
hepcat;500453 said:
That's cool! It is very rare today to find that someone so young in life. My parents met when they were 17 and are still happily married. Your probably going to have to consider changing your name to DLG (Double Long Grandaddy).:s:P

lol already thought about the name change:) Yeah, He is very happy with his girl, they are young but want to start early. We have a pretty good family and take care of each other. They will do just fine. What are they missing out on? The bar scene and party life? Big deal, they are about to have a Son and that is far more important to them.
MikeShlort;500444 said:
Okay petersouth, I agree with what you say. I don't like it, but I find it's true. I find girls are more interested in me when I ignore them. Although, by ignoring them, I also don't get a chance to get their number, etc. I'm talking about at work because this is the only place I am exposed to girls. I can't figure out the transition from work place girl to girl sucking my cock. The other guys seem to be able to figure it out, but this is mainly because of mutual social connections. And the odd time I get invited to a party, I either sit and over think or get drunk and act like a prick.

What are your suggestions for a near 26 year old who lives with his parents, has no friends, makes minimum wage money but has a decent body and a face that is ugly, but not too ugly? What are my options for having sex with girls? How do I make it happen? What are so tricks, strategies? I am starting to feel self loathing again eery time I see a female. Give me some options and tricks, methods, etc.
^ Interesting, I knew most of these things but it's good to see it written.

Do you think it's necessary to have other available women on standby in case of a breakup? Or could you use not caring about being alone and still not caving emotionally to her threats as leaving as leverage? Ie - You have no other women to be with if she leaves you, but you act like you don't care one bit about being alone and not give into her ultimatums if she is threatening to leave. In fact, you tell her to leave. Does she need to see you with another woman to make her jealous and gain back respect/desire for you or do you think that just the mere fact you were so quick to tell her to leave once she starts gaining back power will make her respect you?
In my opinion, after a break up, a man should stay single for a while. Enough time that he can get over the loss, if he rushes too soon he may find himself in a relationship that was created out of desperation instead of love. I am still single today as I have not gotten over my past losses completely. I know, when the time is right, God will provide!
MikeShlort;500929 said:
^ Interesting, I knew most of these things but it's good to see it written.

Do you think it's necessary to have other available women on standby in case of a breakup? Or could you use not caring about being alone and still not caving emotionally to her threats as leaving as leverage? Ie - You have no other women to be with if she leaves you, but you act like you don't care one bit about being alone and not give into her ultimatums if she is threatening to leave. In fact, you tell her to leave. Does she need to see you with another woman to make her jealous and gain back respect/desire for you or do you think that just the mere fact you were so quick to tell her to leave once she starts gaining back power will make her respect you?

The basic problem is that male/female sexual market value is extremely lopsided.

Your girlfriend breaks up with you she can have another guy within a week or even that day, even if not a bf definitely she can grab a hot guy from a bar for sex. Truth is most girls have more than one guy lined up to take your place that she calls friends. Of course she will get upset if you suggest they want to get into her pants. It's bullshit, women don't let go of one vine until they have another prepared. Often your girl wants to break up with you for six months or a year but she won't pull the rip cord until she has someone appropriate lined up. Usually, this is the case.

That is why most men get blindsided, they think things are going great when the woman has not been satisfied for a long time. The most common reason for boredom is guys when they get into relationships cut off their friends and throw away their black books and start hanging out with her friends. This isolates the man and sets him up for failure as the woman sees he has no life or options other than her. When the breakup happens the guy is often completely isolated and falls into a depression.

Now you on the other hand, if she breaks up with you it could be six long months of masturbation before you can replace what you had, maybe longer if you go into an emotional tailspin. What this means is she has all the power in the relationship.

But if you are a player and you keep 5 fuckbuddies she has no power to tell you shit. One of the girls on your list has a headache, you call the next number and she'll have to catch up with you later. The key is you don't tell any of these girls about each other and don't make any verbal commitment but don't tell her you fuck other girls. Let her wonder. That way when you blow her off after a fight she will wonder how you are so cool about it. Maybe she will see you out with that other girl and then she'll really go nuts. Tell her she's just a friend but she will read the other girl's body language believe me.

Let her see you with these other girls but don't introduce any of them as girlfriend, say they are just friends and stop being so jealous. YOu can invite these girls to the same coffee date and they will not figure it out.

All they know is they have competition. I used to do this all the time, I would invite an ex girlfriend who I was still fucking to meet a new girlfriend for coffee. You could see their hamsters going into overdrive and it made things smooth sailing with the new girl because she knew she better reel me in quick. Later I told her we used to fuck a lot but we were just friends now, if she would complain I would get indignant about it and say "am I not allowed to have friends Hitler?". My girlfriend hated it but it kept her on her toes because she knew if she doesn't put out the other girl might get her old place back.

There is nothing to worry about because there is a wall of jealousy that makes collaboration with the enemy unlikely. She just knows that bitch is sniffing around my man. lol

Of course you can seriously date one of them and have girls on the side and just not give a shit. If caught you'll laugh and chances are she'll stick around anyway when she finds out how valuable you are. She'll fight for you in many cases so don't worry about it.

A woman would rather have half a winner than all of a loser.
The problem with just "not caring" is the lack of options is what leads to the breakup and you will care. If you have a hot girl you won't be able to keep her as a loner. Other guys will be sniffing her butt constantly and the only thing that will keep her in your corner is knowing that you have the same options and could dump her just as quick.

So either learn to be a player or stick to hookers, don't be an average chump trying to keep a cute girl because these days with facebook and all the other attention whore shit it doesn't work.
petersouth;500997 said:
The problem with just "not caring" is the lack of options is what leads to the breakup and you will care. If you have a hot girl you won't be able to keep her as a loner. Other guys will be sniffing her butt constantly and the only thing that will keep her in your corner is knowing that you have the same options and could dump her just as quick.

So either learn to be a player or stick to hookers, don't be an average chump trying to keep a cute girl because these days with facebook and all the other attention whore shit it doesn't work.

Fuck it then. I've read that site, I don't like the guys who comment. They are the type of guys who I try to fight when I drink because I hate them for existing. I'd rather die alone than become a piece of shit. I wager they treat women like shit because they couldn't get away with being an asshole to another man.

What if when you're with your girl other girls check you out the odd time? Is that enough to keep her ego appeased or do I have to be in actual contact with other women who would fuck me?
petersouth;500996 said:
The basic problem is that male/female sexual market value is extremely lopsided.

Your girlfriend breaks up with you she can have another guy within a week or even that day, even if not a bf definitely she can grab a hot guy from a bar for sex. Truth is most girls have more than one guy lined up to take your place that she calls friends. Of course she will get upset if you suggest they want to get into her pants. It's bullshit, women don't let go of one vine until they have another prepared. Often your girl wants to break up with you for six months or a year but she won't pull the rip cord until she has someone appropriate lined up. Usually, this is the case.

That is why most men get blindsided, they think things are going great when the woman has not been satisfied for a long time. The most common reason for boredom is guys when they get into relationships cut off their friends and throw away their black books and start hanging out with her friends. This isolates the man and sets him up for failure as the woman sees he has no life or options other than her. When the breakup happens the guy is often completely isolated and falls into a depression.

Now you on the other hand, if she breaks up with you it could be six long months of masturbation before you can replace what you had, maybe longer if you go into an emotional tailspin. What this means is she has all the power in the relationship.

But if you are a player and you keep 5 fuckbuddies she has no power to tell you shit. One of the girls on your list has a headache, you call the next number and she'll have to catch up with you later. The key is you don't tell any of these girls about each other and don't make any verbal commitment but don't tell her you fuck other girls. Let her wonder. That way when you blow her off after a fight she will wonder how you are so cool about it. Maybe she will see you out with that other girl and then she'll really go nuts. Tell her she's just a friend but she will read the other girl's body language believe me.

Let her see you with these other girls but don't introduce any of them as girlfriend, say they are just friends and stop being so jealous. YOu can invite these girls to the same coffee date and they will not figure it out.

All they know is they have competition. I used to do this all the time, I would invite an ex girlfriend who I was still fucking to meet a new girlfriend for coffee. You could see their hamsters going into overdrive and it made things smooth sailing with the new girl because she knew she better reel me in quick. Later I told her we used to fuck a lot but we were just friends now, if she would complain I would get indignant about it and say "am I not allowed to have friends Hitler?". My girlfriend hated it but it kept her on her toes because she knew if she doesn't put out the other girl might get her old place back.

There is nothing to worry about because there is a wall of jealousy that makes collaboration with the enemy unlikely. She just knows that bitch is sniffing around my man. lol

Of course you can seriously date one of them and have girls on the side and just not give a shit. If caught you'll laugh and chances are she'll stick around anyway when she finds out how valuable you are. She'll fight for you in many cases so don't worry about it.

A woman would rather have half a winner than all of a loser.

Can't do it, I could never pull it off. I take my hat off to you. I don't understand how it's so easy for everyone to play. I think the only thing I am capable of is getting sluts at the bar in a different city or foreign country, somewhere where I am not known and it doesn't matter what I have or who I know. But this would require alcohol.
I think the reason I don't do well with people is because my contempt for the mannequins is not well hidden :(
hepcat;501001 said:
I feel the same way. Too bad I don't make enough money to get an escort whenever I wanted one. Oh well, we're all gonna be dead in four months so who really cares.:)

If I play my cards right, ya
MikeShlort;500999 said:
Fuck it then. I've read that site, I don't like the guys who comment. They are the type of guys who I try to fight when I drink because I hate them for existing. I'd rather die alone than become a piece of shit. I wager they treat women like shit because they couldn't get away with being an asshole to another man.

What if when you're with your girl other girls check you out the odd time? Is that enough to keep her ego appeased or do I have to be in actual contact with other women who would fuck me?

That's right, they are a bunch of douchebags and many of them are doing it on purpose because they like a wet, warm hole once in a while. It's quite sad really.

If she knows other girls want you that will work but she has to see them as a clear and present danger. Like when I was playing music and girls would come up and high five and talk about putting roofies in my drink that was credible. She knew I could get a girlfriend pretty easily and that made her want me more. Now if some girl looks at me and keeps walking that's really nothing to worry about, I'd have a long way to get that woman in my bed.

Now there is something working in your favor as women tend to be someone blind about the plight of the average man. Guys who do well with women come in all shapes and sizes and there are so many factorswhere for women it's mostly physical beauty. So she may not know you are an average loser because you came off well to her. An average looking guy could be a bouncer at a strip club or a bartender and get more ass than a toilet seat.

I've found that most women think that guys get laid left and right and are surprised and dismayed to find out their boyfriend they think is so great had a 1 year losing streak before meeting her. But that's why her realizing that about you is so deadly.

After all you were good enough to get with her, why not other girls? What bad thing doesn't she know about you? Maybe he's not so great after all.
petersouth;501022 said:
That's right, they are a bunch of douchebags and many of them are doing it on purpose because they like a wet, warm hole once in a while. It's quite sad really.

If she knows other girls want you that will work but she has to see them as a clear and present danger. Like when I was playing music and girls would come up and high five and talk about putting roofies in my drink that was credible. She knew I could get a girlfriend pretty easily and that made her want me more. Now if some girl looks at me and keeps walking that's really nothing to worry about, I'd have a long way to get that woman in my bed.

Now there is something working in your favor as women tend to be someone blind about the plight of the average man. Guys who do well with women come in all shapes and sizes and there are so many factorswhere for women it's mostly physical beauty. So she may not know you are an average loser because you came off well to her. An average looking guy could be a bouncer at a strip club or a bartender and get more ass than a toilet seat.

I've found that most women think that guys get laid left and right and are surprised and dismayed to find out their boyfriend they think is so great had a 1 year losing streak before meeting her. But that's why her realizing that about you is so deadly.

After all you were good enough to get with her, why not other girls? What bad thing doesn't she know about you? Maybe he's not so great after all.

So how do you know if you're good looking or ugly? If you are good looking will women just hit on you? What if you never try to talk to them but they are the first to talk to you, in a workplace setting? Are they just trying to be inclusive and nice to the loner?
Do good looking guys have to work for it ie- approach women or do women approach them? (At a bar, at the mall etc) I really can't tell what they are thinking when they look at me. A friend once said it's impossible to tell, they could find you attractive, or maybe they just think you're funny looking. Is there some sort of way to test this or would it just be that if you were good looking, you would not be single all the time and women would come up to you and hit on you?
MikeShlort;501012 said:
Can't do it, I could never pull it off. I take my hat off to you. I don't understand how it's so easy for everyone to play. I think the only thing I am capable of is getting sluts at the bar in a different city or foreign country, somewhere where I am not known and it doesn't matter what I have or who I know. But this would require alcohol.
I think the reason I don't do well with people is because my contempt for the mannequins is not well hidden :(

Well that's good, we're on the same page now, I lost my stomach for it at some point.

Reminds me of that old Glen Frey song from Miami Vice.

"It's a losing proposition but one you can't refuse..."
MikeShlort;501060 said:
So how do you know if you're good looking or ugly? If you are good looking will women just hit on you? What if you never try to talk to them but they are the first to talk to you, in a workplace setting? Are they just trying to be inclusive and nice to the loner?
Do good looking guys have to work for it ie- approach women or do women approach them? (At a bar, at the mall etc) I really can't tell what they are thinking when they look at me. A friend once said it's impossible to tell, they could find you attractive, or maybe they just think you're funny looking. Is there some sort of way to test this or would it just be that if you were good looking, you would not be single all the time and women would come up to you and hit on you?

Unless you are hot enough to earn a comfortable living from your looks alone or so ugly that children run screaming from you I wouldn't worry about it. You are probably not ugly, there are many other things that could trip you up. Nice looks are one check box on female laundry list.

Yes, women will hit on standard ok handsome guy. Mostly for ego boost or they want to give you an audition not to be confused with the role.

Better just make your own approach since it's easier to work with neutral than insincere. A man should act upon a woman not react and anticipate what she thinks. Best thing to do when woman hits on you is politely brush her off or tease her, that raises your status and maybe she will up the ante. If she doesn't, fuck her.

Looks is just one thing, there is personality, social status, and much of this she will take from behavior cues. If you act nervous you are fucked even if cute because that is a low status indicator. If she finds out you are a shy loner you are fucked again. If you are reacting to what she does there is another low status indicator. Fucked city.

Of course the easiest way to bypass all this shit is to focus on who you are and what you want to do then naturally you will not react to her or be nervous or be a shy loner. That is why I said that.
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yeah, this pretty much sums it up. the women have something called pre selection. you know how men fish in the sea is always showing off their colours. the flashy and brighest that attrect a lot of fish because of the brightness automatically have a lot of mates. well, humans are kinda of the same way, only with other humans.

Ifa woman see the man that a lot of women are wanting, that woman will automatically 50% want to talk/get know you. they already decide if they wanna fuck you or not. the dick size is really the icing on top. if youre hung.

once again, pre selection. (fitler system for the women toward men)|

research it. it holds true to me.
Use Pre-Selection to Meet More Women!

Pre-selection is part of what we call a display of Higher value, or a DHV. Pre-selection in a nut shell is exactly how it sounds. You are thought of as pre-selected when a woman observes the actions of other women in your life. For example if you walk into a club with a pretty girl, and many others are happy to see you and are open and social with you. This shows any observing women that you are ok with other women; Therefore, there must be something appealing about you that she would find interesting too. And if you recall from our definition of attraction , having interest is having some sort of attraction.

Personally, I feel pre-selection is one of the most under rated attraction switches people use.

I think a lot of people think that it is hard to get it, and impossible to fake it. Both are false. I am a big believer in fake it until you make it, but it also is not hard at all to build a circle of female friends. The trick is not being the creepy guy nor the emotional tampon. Ill explain more about that later.

The reason why it works to get women attracted to you is because women know instinctively from evolution that they can not depend on how good a man may be for them just from the outside impression a man gives. They know we can fake value and that we do. It’s also a reason they “shit test” us. They need to know that a man has value from some type of other proof. There are many things that can provide that proof, and pre-selection is a very strong one. Pre-selection is a strong one because they see first hand that other women accept you. They see that other girls want you and find you trustworthy. That allows a new female observing this to come to the conclusion that you must be high value and you must be OK for them too. This allows them to put the guard down and go straight to knowing more about you. This is a huge attraction for them.

They see that other girls want you and find you trustworthy

Think about how many men women come across all the time. Think about all the normal barrage of bore they come across at bars and clubs. They see it all, and most men get lumped into that category very fast, unless you can stand out from that group. If you don’t, you have a much harder battle to get even noticed.

Check out this Audio on Preselection Download here

Just imagine this for a moment. Imagine a guy up at the bar either by himself or just standing there with a beer in his hand up by his chest like a predator hunting women.

Now imagine that same guy with his back against the bar and very comfortable. 2 or three girls looking at him and smiling and laughing at what he is saying. You can see they are giving him their complete attention. Now imagine other guys outside of that circle of people, looking in and watching and talking too.

Now what do you think of these two guys? The guy with three girls talking to him looks much higher value, and there has to be some reason that those girls are spending their time giving him attention. Even more high value that other men are doing the same.

When women see this attention from females to the guy, then it is a sure sign to them that this guy is used to women, has women in his life, and therefore, accepted and wanted by women.

I don’t think I need to tell anyone this, but I think we all know that women want what other women want. It’s a great thing to understand, trust me. Use it to your favor.

So how can you use this Pre-selection?

The key to getting good pre-selection is to get yourself a group of platonic girlfriends. I learned a lot about this from Love Systems , they go into this in great detail in Social Circle Mastery and it can take many, many articles to explain this fully. But for now let’s just say you need to befriend many women and not as the nice guy or the creepy guy. Let’s go back and talk about friend guy and creepy guy very briefly. ( more about these in separate articles).

Nice Guy is the guy that gets a lot of girlfriends but it is not because they respect him or want him. It’s because they use him as an emotional tampon to dump their issues on to like some sort of therapy for them.Or because they think of him as safe and cute like a puppy. You don’t want to be considered cute as a puppy.

Then there is creepy guy, and this is when a guy tries and hits on every girl that is around him, doesn’t use kino (touch) right and goes way past acceptable with it. It basically oozes out he just wants sex in everything he does.

You see the things these two have in common are agendas. They both come at this with an agenda of getting the girl somehow with the friendship. That is creepy. If you are setting out to get girls as friends you need to keep your bad boy edge. You still need to be seen as a possible sexual friend. You just have to make the first move of making them a friend. You need to be fun and exciting, yet you are the one that is making them a friend.

This not only turns the girls on that you are doing this to, it also makes them respect you. They know you are sexual, they know that there is a chance you to could have something, but it’s you that is stopping it. What reason can you use for not wanting to ? It’s easy. The statement of “I’m not good for you, you’re a great girl and I’m not the type of guy a girl like you should get involved with”. Something along these lines played well at the right time will work wonders. Even if there has never been any interest from her to you, you can use this. You simply throw it in as a funny comment at some point, then let it resonate. She will start to think about this all the time. It’s like a cat that can’t get what it wants. It bothers them. This process of them wondering why you chose not to have them will turn around and make them attracted to you.

The key to remember here is unless you really want to go that route with this girl, you need to keep that fish on the line and not reel it in. These girls will eventually understand and then become your best friend. They know it’s not because of them, but that your really just a good guy at heart. Although they may feel that you are just sexual ( which is not a bad thing to have), they will trust you aren’t out to use anyone. You will now be introduced to all of her friends as a great friend.

This is a huge difference e then just being a guy she knows that is trying to date her but can’t man up. Your the guy that put her in the friend zone.

What does this have to do with pre-selection?

Well the more of these you can gather up as friends, the better off you are. Now as you start going out places you will start to run into them all over. If you were smart you would find out what they are all doing on the nights out and arrange that you all meet out, or go out together as a group, or just plain “end up” at the same place.

You will be getting attention from them all night, and trust me, every girl in the place will notice this.

You just got pre-selection….. To Learn much , much more on this and find out exactly why I feel this is the most important aspect you should work on in your game

(copy and paste)
Actually yes getting platonic girlfriends is good especially if you have a big dick or like me you can invite her to your concert later. In fact I used to give flyers to women on campus all week and on the big day I have women waiting for me in the green room. This is a strong position.

The key to avoiding friend zone is show no interest and disqualify constantly, mention other women you are seeing or that you think are better in a low key, believable way. If she starts to show obvious signs of attraction good but you keep your [words=!!!]poker[/words] face.

One day get her alone (tell her you have this super awesome aquarium or some shit even if it's a fishbowl with one fish, really sell it). change subject to sex and ask "Truth or dare honest. What's the biggest dick you've ever seen". Then lay it on her "Have you ever seen one like this?" take your pants off, sit on top of her and put it right between her tits. She will either fuck or run. If she physically resist let it go but if she's whining about some boyfriend tell her "cut the shit, time to fuck" and stick to your guns. Take off rest of your clothes get on top and kiss while dry humping, commit totally and she will fold. Odds are she will be very horny, may even come with her pants on. I always made fun of them for ejaculating prematurely, they love it.

The big mistake is too much talking and no action, you don't talk a woman into bed. You physically make the move, talk just makes the introduction and it should be emotional (joking, negging, getting a rise out of her, disqualifying). Push her against the wall and kiss her, pick her up over your shoulder like a caveman and carry her off, tickle her until she falls down then get on top of her and start kissing.

You have to think like chess player, looking for the check mate. Conversation is only a way to get her alone but you can even go caveman on her in front of her friends or her boyfriend. You have to have large size eggs for this but women have not changed much for the past 40000 years. Boldness is a huge status indicator, it means you are used to having your way.

You can approach women who have boyfriend with them, if things get sticky you can say "whoa sorry pal I thought you were her brother". If you see man and woman making out walk up and say "pardon me, may I cut in?". They will probably laugh or the man will try to kill you. Then you can say "whoa sorry pal I thought you were her brother". :s
Another thing you can do if you just don't give a fuck is refuse rejection. I used to do this a lot. All objections redirected into sex talk or hyperstimulation.

Woman: I have a boyfriend
Me: That's fine, I will let him watch. I just want to fuck you until my dick falls off, not get married and have 2.5 kids.
Woman: OMG no way
Man: Well I'm really sorry to hear that. Maybe you would prefer this (gets behind her tickles her, hands under armpits, she falls to the ground and begs to stop). This is what you wanted, you don't want sex so I can only show you good time this way. Good clean wholesome fun. Does your little boyfriend make you laugh like this I bet his a real comedian isn't he?
Woman: (screaming) Stop stop
Man: Only if you beg, whine for me slut. If you think this is good wait until you feel my dick stretching your tight little pussy. Ok slut get ahold of yourself, enough of this fooling around, let's go. Those fat knockers of yours are driving me crazy. I got a fat rod in my pants with your name on it.

At this point you can either put hands under armpits and launch her into the air and carry her off or if the location is private you can get on top and go straight to dry humping and makeout.

This is the level of effort, totally fearless and speaking your mind.

Most guys cannot get away with this in public with a stranger but when you are alone and you know her pretty well it is ok.

And this is why thugs and other miscreants tend to fuck a lot. Regular guys seem almost dickless or gay by comparison.
I agree. Once at a party I was in the invincible state. I could do no wrong, everything I said was hilarious and gold. I socialized perfectly. I had no insecurities and my dominance shone through the room. I had a girl in the bag, just waiting for me to reel it home and play it properly. But I went too far, I said something too over the line. It would not have been a big deal if I had been able to maintain my demeanor I would have recovered from the faux pas, but I shat the bed, got drunker and tried to fight. I went from everyone loving me to everyone hating me and getting kicked out. I lost it. My reign was short lived, 2 hours of the ideal me. Then I reverted to the mentally wounded social parasite. I had it, I felt what it felt like to do no wrong, what it felt like to shit where I please, what it felt like to be comfortable enough with myself to be able to say clever things in front of a room full of people I had just met. But I lost it and I have not retrieved it since. This was a good 3 months ago. At least I know the formula and the patterns in which I fucked up. It proves the theory that when everyone loves you, you will get what you want just because people are programmed to want what everyone else wants.

I really hope I can manage to get back into this state again.
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That's the problem with talking, you talk enough and eventually you will say something that offends people.

Parties, I avoid them like the plague. I used to sit there frozen not talking to anyone because I had nothing to say. I also used to drink and embarrass myself trying to fit in. Now I refuse to go, problem solved.

You should always avoid your weaknesses and play to your strengths, if you are not good at parties stay away from parties. If you are a shy or unsociable smart guy or have a talent hone that until it puts you in the limelight.

For example right now I'm working on the next chapter in my life which will be in semi-retirement playing music. Maybe playing on a cruise ship for a few months of the year and then playing in classical music competitions, teaching lessons, play in a band, whatever.

This gives me an attractive and independent lifestyle but it also coincides with me reaching my potential as a human being. That is a very powerful narrative to women, a woman will even support a man like that financially. If I have a concert I can talk to a woman and say "by the way I'm playing tonight, you should check it out" and hand her a flyer or something.

That way I never go out of my way, I am big on things happening on my terms and wouldn't waste my time with a party unless I was the guest of honor.

You don't have to fit in if you can make the rules. There are a lot of eccentric guys that are popular because they have high status.

For instance at work, I come in late and other people adjust their schedule so they can work with me. Why? Because replacing me would be much more difficult than replacing them. If I worked in the mail room they would can me and get someone else. Sometimes you fail because you are aiming too low.

Maybe you are more alpha than you think and you should be calling the shots instead of going to other people's parties and trying to play nice doggy.
Ya but how do I call the shots if I am alone?

I see how this works. I had no friends. Got a job, slowly met people. Eventually got invited to parties they hosted. Girls from work came one of the three times I went. This is how it works. I see the girls at work, maybe talk to them the odd time, then my only chance of anything is at a social function outside of work. I can't try to make out with them at work. So I rely on gatekeepers to invite me to social functions.

I can't see a way around it. Girls don't want to be asked out by someone they work with, they want to fuck around with them while drunk at a party at best. I probably blew my chance with this group, but there will be other menial jobs and other people to meet. I just don't have time on my side.
joanlynch21;501280 said:
We want the size and of course the skills and know how on using your too.

Size and Technique will always be best!
MikeShlort;501206 said:
Ya but how do I call the shots if I am alone?

I see how this works. I had no friends. Got a job, slowly met people. Eventually got invited to parties they hosted. Girls from work came one of the three times I went. This is how it works. I see the girls at work, maybe talk to them the odd time, then my only chance of anything is at a social function outside of work. I can't try to make out with them at work. So I rely on gatekeepers to invite me to social functions.

I can't see a way around it. Girls don't want to be asked out by someone they work with, they want to fuck around with them while drunk at a party at best. I probably blew my chance with this group, but there will be other menial jobs and other people to meet. I just don't have time on my side.

Try bartending or something in the entertainment field, you'll meet many more girls and they will see you in a much better light. You will also make friends and develop a clique.

If you keep working menial jobs, nothing will help you.

Raise status instead of worrying what you did wrong or how old you are. Accomplished or cool old guy in shape is ok.

Imagine a young Steve Tyler pining away for one special woman wondering how to win her heart and how to talk to her. "But I'm ugly and have big lips and time is not on my side!".

Uh bro, there's a band you need to start, it's called Aerosmith. Now write a song about it.
I know you knock College but I think I am going to try that. I might go in the direction of a trade. At least that way I will have skills to be hired somewhere no matter where I live. I don't like the idea of working at the same place for 5 years and going on vacation 2 weeks a year. I don't want a house so what's the point? I can do that when I'm older.

You've probably traveled a lot, being a musician. Do you find that it is easier to approach women when you are in a strange country? Or would I still need to be with others to make that possible?

Remember older movies, like from the 80s and earlier, where the lone guy out on the town in the smoky night was considered cool and mysterious? Do women in other countries have the same stigma about guys who aren't in a group that there is here in MTV controlled North America? Or are they more accepting? I'm hoping to travel alone and meet people to party with/have sex with. Don't really know anyone in my age range who has ever traveled alone, but then again, I hate 90% of the people I've ever met. They usually go to all inclusive packages in places like Cuba and Mexico with their bros, to eat buffet food, post pictures on facebook and gang bang sluts. I want to bicycle around the countryside in Europe and meet pretty girls in bars to defile out back.
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petersouth;501402 said:
Try bartending or something in the entertainment field, you'll meet many more girls and they will see you in a much better light. You will also make friends and develop a clique.

This is so true. I work at home and sometimes out of a cafe and rarely meet anyone, especially girls. Maybe I will start applying for some bar tending positions:)
Sounds like a blast tooling around Europe fucking, eating and drinking! I wish I could do this!
Ahh the black stereotype is still alive and there suc ha thing as a black guy with a flaccid smaller than 6"?
MikeShlort;501405 said:
I know you knock College but I think I am going to try that. I might go in the direction of a trade. At least that way I will have skills to be hired somewhere no matter where I live. I don't like the idea of working at the same place for 5 years and going on vacation 2 weeks a year. I don't want a house so what's the point? I can do that when I'm older.

You've probably traveled a lot, being a musician. Do you find that it is easier to approach women when you are in a strange country? Or would I still need to be with others to make that possible?

Remember older movies, like from the 80s and earlier, where the lone guy out on the town in the smoky night was considered cool and mysterious? Do women in other countries have the same stigma about guys who aren't in a group that there is here in MTV controlled North America? Or are they more accepting? I'm hoping to travel alone and meet people to party with/have sex with. Don't really know anyone in my age range who has ever traveled alone, but then again, I hate 90% of the people I've ever met. They usually go to all inclusive packages in places like Cuba and Mexico with their bros, to eat buffet food, post pictures on facebook and gang bang sluts. I want to bicycle around the countryside in Europe and meet pretty girls in bars to defile out back.

College was ok but staying out of debt is very important to you future well being, 2 year programs in marketable fields have more value and you avoid debt. Tradesman sounds pretty good to me when I hear about these horny housewives. You can also own your own business in some cases. With all the money you save not repaying loans you'll catch up financially in no time.

I've never been to another country in my life, I hate traveling. I will only travel if it it can further my career, otherwise I won't drive 50 miles in either direction. Scenery change has no positive effect on me, only negative - the inconvenience, making arrangements, unfamiliar places, I have no patience for it. I also hate spending money, I need to have the whole trip covered to even consider it.

From what I understand from expats and knowing a lot of foreign women yes life is less cliquish and there is less stigma. The loner guy could be cool in other places. The US and Canada in many ways are sick cultures the way they stigmatize people over trivial things and relentless social score keeping. Europe has far less fat chicks and that is one of the big problems here. It is more common to be unmarried and not have kids. Not owning a car is less stigmatized due to better public transportation.

In the US the average woman is obese so it's difficult to get one of the few hot ones and even worse now with facebook and smart phones pumping up even that fattest bitches ego 24/7. You want to go to a place that has enough good looking women to go around. The less feminist and off the beaten trail the better, find a place where every woman doesn't have a smart phone and you are golden.

Another thing is that in certain countries you will be the exotic traveler. In asia, africa or south america the dynamic will be much different depending on your appearance. For example I have pale skin and light hair, asian women eat that up. I would go but I bang all the asians I want right here.

Also, the stigma against being a "nerd" or intelligent is less. Asian or african woman doesn't care if you are a computer programmer, she thinks it's good. Say that to an attractive American woman and you're a loser. Here every guy is supposed to play rock star, not sure about Europe.

But yes go ahead and travel if you like that. Go and teach english in different places around the world and take advantage of your students. It's better than staying here and sweeping up.
petersouth;501654 said:
Scenery change has no positive effect on me, only negative - the inconvenience, making arrangements, unfamiliar places, I have no patience for it. I also hate spending money, I need to have the whole trip covered to even consider it.

I am the same way, I will not travel more than 20 miles out of my comfort zone. I only travel when I absolutely need to for work.
petersouth;501654 said:
College was ok but staying out of debt is very important to you future well being, 2 year programs in marketable fields have more value and you avoid debt. Tradesman sounds pretty good to me when I hear about these horny housewives. You can also own your own business in some cases. With all the money you save not repaying loans you'll catch up financially in no time.

I've never been to another country in my life, I hate traveling. I will only travel if it it can further my career, otherwise I won't drive 50 miles in either direction. Scenery change has no positive effect on me, only negative - the inconvenience, making arrangements, unfamiliar places, I have no patience for it. I also hate spending money, I need to have the whole trip covered to even consider it.

From what I understand from expats and knowing a lot of foreign women yes life is less cliquish and there is less stigma. The loner guy could be cool in other places. The US and Canada in many ways are sick cultures the way they stigmatize people over trivial things and relentless social score keeping. Europe has far less fat chicks and that is one of the big problems here. It is more common to be unmarried and not have kids. Not owning a car is less stigmatized due to better public transportation.

In the US the average woman is obese so it's difficult to get one of the few hot ones and even worse now with facebook and smart phones pumping up even that fattest bitches ego 24/7. You want to go to a place that has enough good looking women to go around. The less feminist and off the beaten trail the better, find a place where every woman doesn't have a smart phone and you are golden.

Another thing is that in certain countries you will be the exotic traveler. In asia, africa or south america the dynamic will be much different depending on your appearance. For example I have pale skin and light hair, asian women eat that up. I would go but I bang all the asians I want right here.

Also, the stigma against being a "nerd" or intelligent is less. Asian or african woman doesn't care if you are a computer programmer, she thinks it's good. Say that to an attractive American woman and you're a loser. Here every guy is supposed to play rock star, not sure about Europe.

But yes go ahead and travel if you like that. Go and teach english in different places around the world and take advantage of your students. It's better than staying here and sweeping up.

I've always been very interested in the other countries of the world since I was a kid learning about them.

I think it's my only hope to have sex with beautiful women, in a foreign country. I don't have what it takes to play the social game here. I want to do it while I'm still young and have a shot at it.

Although, if things continue the way they are, I will probably be impotent in a month and only be able to think of German Shepherds and pine cones when I close my eyes to masturbate.
MikeShlort;501779 said:
I've always been very interested in the other countries of the world since I was a kid learning about them.

You and me both.
hepcat;501780 said:
What countries are you considering and would it be the capital, major city, or the countryside? Also what part of Canada are you from? Do you speak french?

I have a few ideas of where I want to go. I obviously need to research hostels and such, but I don't want to have a rigid itinerary. It would defeat the purpose of the trip.

I speak a bit of french, but very poorly. I probably wouldn't understand anything in Quebec. I will visit Montreal first before I go on any trip that is out of the country to get my chops in picking up random sluts. I hear it's easy there and the women are loose. Hopefully they like skinny white retarded guys with a 7.8" BPenis EnlargementL. (My goal is to take this trip once I am at least 195 lbs and 8.25" BPenis EnlargementL to maximize my chances. Like kingsnake says, I get confident when my ruler shows gains and my body is looking Greek God-like. If I were to have an 8" NBPenis EnlargementL, I would feel that I am owed pussy and act accordingly.)
I'm not even comfortable in my comfort zone so I'm not too afraid of being an asshole abroad. I believe I will really enjoy it, unless I get bit by a rattle snake or stabbed by Gypsies.
doublelongdaddy;501743 said:
I am the same way, I will not travel more than 20 miles out of my comfort zone. I only travel when I absolutely need to for work.

haha I thought I was the only one.

Is that a big problem for you when it comes to women? Has been for me.
Something to do, see some things. What else is there to do? May as well see some things before I'm old. Then I can come back and start chasing a house with a lawn and a deck, it'll be great!
If I go I would relocate permanently looking for a better life, not just women.

I'm looking for a place I would actually like to live even if the women suck as long as hookers are affordable. The one thing I am dissatisfied with here is the selection and price.

You will have easier times meeting a women if you live there and absorb the culture but you do not need all this game or to be a rich guy. I know this because I've been told but also because I have had girlfriends from different countries and they liked me because I'm not like other American guys. My personality is a poor fit in America but would probably fit in better other places.

I should tell you there are lots of guys traveling now trying to bang all the girls so they are wary in many places especially big cities, that's why it is more difficult if you don't live there. Then you have to get into things like game and there are whole forums dedicated to banging foreign girls.

There used to be a time when you could walk into some poor country and bang all the girls with no game whatsoever because you are American. That time is probably winding to a close in most places.

But I bet if you moved there and learned the language you would have girlfriends. The problem is the places where the girls are good is where the living sucks, the problem is getting a job that pays well so you don't have to live like the locals. Internet based income would be perfect for this.

I'm just going to stay in America and wait until the collapse and then it will be easy to pick up girls with a few bottles of water and some tampons.
petersouth;501813 said:
haha I thought I was the only one.

Is that a big problem for you when it comes to women? Has been for me.

Huge problem. In the small area I travel there are only so many girls and I really never see too many new. I really only meet women when I am out of my comfort zone sitting in Florida:) Massachusetts does not really seem worth it, the women I do encounter are like 5's at best. When I am in Florida there is rarely a girl under 9. I have really picky taste and I am completely insane, women and me usually do not mix well anyway.
You fucking Yanks, always ruining the world for the rest of us!

I just like the idea of being a strange guy in a new place... I can say whatever I want, embarrass myself, I will never see the people again! I imagine this would help my interactions with women because I would not be so afraid of rejection. Here, if I get rejected, there is a chance I will see them again, or people I know witness it. But in a different country, I could tell them my name is Mike Shlort and that I am a protologist and ask if they want to dance then rub my genitals on them. I could do that here too, but I would feel less inhibited if I was in a place thousands of miles away where I know I'll likely never go again. I think for me the psychology of it would be the biggest factor in my success. Of course, I may just get turned down each and every time and go home with swollen nuts :(. Hopefully I get a bit of luck on my side.
doublelongdaddy;501843 said:
Huge problem. In the small area I travel there are only so many girls and I really never see too many new. I really only meet women when I am out of my comfort zone sitting in Florida:) Massachusetts does not really seem worth it, the women I do encounter are like 5's at best. When I am in Florida there is rarely a girl under 9. I have really picky taste and I am completely insane, women and me usually do not mix well anyway.

But you have a 10.5" dude....... All you need to do is point at them and snap your fingers. You are owed vagina from 10s.
MikeShlort;501851 said:
But you have a 10.5" dude....... All you need to do is point at them and snap your fingers. You are owed vagina from 10s.

It's not always like that but I have to wonder what the effect is.

I was looking in the bathroom mirror the other day and with the casual slacks I was wearing things were becoming noticeable with the extra flaccid length and girth.

I can only imagine what kind of bulge that makes or in a pair of jeans. You have to be getting some attention DLD.
doublelongdaddy;501843 said:
Huge problem. In the small area I travel there are only so many girls and I really never see too many new. I really only meet women when I am out of my comfort zone sitting in Florida:) Massachusetts does not really seem worth it, the women I do encounter are like 5's at best. When I am in Florida there is rarely a girl under 9. I have really picky taste and I am completely insane, women and me usually do not mix well anyway.

Yes it is a clash with the female persona, we have nothing in common and never want to do the same things. You have to want whatever she wants.

For me to keep a relationship I have to change my life to suit whatever she likes to do. Being a boyfriend is similar to activity director or tour guide. This means taking the lead to "surprise her" with activities I know she wants to do and buying gifts based on knowledge of her various foibles as though it were my idea. The very thought of it makes me numb.

When I was in relationships we would always clash about traveling. Every 3 months they need a vacation and I don't want to.
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