I just read the whole thread. Some great stuff and some not so great.

Regardless, it's good to be reminded that the huge freaks you see here are not the norm.
WantToBeThick;496557 said:
I just read the whole thread. Some great stuff and some not so great.

Regardless, it's good to be reminded that the huge freaks you see here are not the norm.

That's because we have an instinctive mechanism in our brain that forces us to see things in a way that benefits our situation, for purposes of survival. I keep that in mind when I read articles written by men about how women don't necessarily want a huge cock.
I spoke to a very beautiful white girl (22) about penis size yesterday on one of those sites where the girls strip on a webcam, asked her some questions.
I asked what size does she prefer. She told me 7 inches and up, but girls can pretty much take anything. She told me girls like big dicks.
I then asked her what would be her depth limit, like at what point would it either hurt or just completely stop, as women can't stretch forever. She agreed, saying that all women have different depths and that there is a point where it could hurt (her exact words were "if he was a sweet enough guy, it wouldn't matter" when I asked her "what if it was so long that it reached the back of you and caused pain"). She told me she has taken one around 9 inches when I asked her how long was the longest penis she could take before it just stopped dead inside her. She is an intelligent university student, so I imagine her judgement of inches is pretty accurate. I would imagine the 9 inch was between 8.25-9 inches. She had a boyfriend with an 8 inch and she said that was the best sex she'd ever had, but I imagine that is because she loved him and the emotional attachment. So i imagine emotions play a role in sex to a degree, but keep in mind the guy still had around an 8 inch (i imagine it was proabably around 7.5-8 inches) so that is still big.
She told me girls like watching a dick go in and out of them just as much as guys do. So a big dick would give them a very satisfying visual and mental stimulation.
She has a very tight vagina and told me she prefers them long as opposed to thick (large circumference) but I imagine her inexperience led her to that answer. In other words, I imagine, say an 8x6.5 may hurt her at first, but she would soon love it. I assume she answered this way because for her the length stimulated her more than a shorter penis of greater girth. This leads to the conclusion that each are as equally important as the other.
Another interesting note, she is pale skinned with a very pink vagina, she was saying how she'd love to see a dark black cock going inside her pale pink vagina, that it would really turn her on seeing this, so I believe the mental and visual stimulation plays a great role in why white women like black guys. Also the given that the penis will be more than adequate is also a large factor.
A bit of information of the girl to see where this information is coming from: she had been with 3 guys sexually. She seems spiritual (talked about praying), and said with her first boyfriend they did not have sex for the first 3 years. She is intelligent and is taking computer programming at university. She claimed she was doing the webcam thing for extra money for school and because he boyfriend broke up with her a week prior, so I imagine she wanted some attention from men and to feel sexy. I normally don't trust anything a woman says but something about her answers and the way she carried herself led me to believe she was being honest. I imagine she could have been playing the good girl role to entice men to pay to see her strip and finger herself etc. (it was a site where you give them "tips" and they will do things) but I told her outright that I would never pay a woman for any type of sexual favour and she continued answering questions and talking to me even after I told her that, also while still wearing clothing. She was however very candid about her answers and did not feel ashamed to speak openly about her sexuality, even though her experience is lacking.
This is just one woman's opinion, and she is probably not a cock slut, although she does have a high sexual drive. She seems to be a girl with values and I imagine the way a man treats her is probably the most important part of sex to her, probably not a woman that just wants to be used by a large cock. That being said, by the way she responded to things me and others were saying to her, I still believe she would get off from being treated like a whore during sex, but not disrespected. If that makes sense. I think that is the paradox of women.
In conclusion, her answers leave me to believe that women like her, who have values but still have high sexuality, do prefer a large penis. Her estimated 7" and up, I would probably say 6.5"-6.75" and up. She claimed to not shorter thick ones and preferred longer ones, but I imagine in time she will prefer long thick ones. I also imagine that even though she claimed that no size is too big, she would still possibly prefer a man who fills her up completely with no room to spare, but who still can get it all the way in so her pelvis can be connected with his, since she seems to be the type of woman who puts intimacy and sensuality above all. Another thing is technique is very important according to the way she answered, as well as emotional connection, and how she is treated by the man. She seemed to dismiss the 9 inch as not being the best sex she's had to talk about her boyfriend with the 8 inch who she still loved. I imagine their connection and his technique made it so she remembered him so fondly.
Keep in mind there are tons of different women in the world, I know for a fact lots of them prefer to be treated like shit, and others liek taboo sexual acts, others prefer huge sizes, and others do not care, they just want money/status. But this one taht I spoke to seemed to be the type of woman I'd prefer to be with. Open and honest about the topic but also puts emotion and connection right up there, or above it. Keep in mind all my questions were blatant scientific questions regarding size, not to do with emotions (ie - what is the longest size that would not exceed your depth? would you agree that any length beyond that is for visual and mental stimulation? (she answered yes) what size was the best sex you have had? etc)
All in all, I really learned nothing new because it makes me believe 8.5x7 - 9x7 is the superior size, but it was refreshing to hear such honesty from a stranger.
An interesting side note, when she finally revealed her privates, I could see that she was wet from all the attention guys were giving her, she enjoyed being watched, admired and spoken to like a human. I think this information could be very useful for formulating good foreplay and trying to figure out the psyche of women and distinguish the difference between sex and emotions, if there is a difference.
Hope this was useful.
I spoke to a very beautiful white girl (22) about penis size yesterday on one of those sites where the girls strip on a webcam, asked her some questions.
I asked what size does she prefer. She told me 7 inches and up, but girls can pretty much take anything. She told me girls like big dicks.
I then asked her what would be her depth limit, like at what point would it either hurt or just completely stop, as women can't stretch forever. She agreed, saying that all women have different depths and that there is a point where it could hurt (her exact words were "if he was a sweet enough guy, it wouldn't matter" when I asked her "what if it was so long that it reached the back of you and caused pain"). She told me she has taken one around 9 inches when I asked her how long was the longest penis she could take before it just stopped dead inside her. She is an intelligent university student, so I imagine her judgement of inches is pretty accurate. I would imagine the 9 inch was between 8.25-9 inches. She had a boyfriend with an 8 inch and she said that was the best sex she'd ever had, but I imagine that is because she loved him and the emotional attachment. So i imagine emotions play a role in sex to a degree, but keep in mind the guy still had around an 8 inch (i imagine it was proabably around 7.5-8 inches) so that is still big.
She told me girls like watching a dick go in and out of them just as much as guys do. So a big dick would give them a very satisfying visual and mental stimulation.
She has a very tight vagina and told me she prefers them long as opposed to thick (large circumference) but I imagine her inexperience led her to that answer. In other words, I imagine, say an 8x6.5 may hurt her at first, but she would soon love it. I assume she answered this way because for her the length stimulated her more than a shorter penis of greater girth. This leads to the conclusion that each are as equally important as the other.
Another interesting note, she is pale skinned with a very pink vagina, she was saying how she'd love to see a dark black cock going inside her pale pink vagina, that it would really turn her on seeing this, so I believe the mental and visual stimulation plays a great role in why white women like black guys. Also the given that the penis will be more than adequate is also a large factor.
A bit of information of the girl to see where this information is coming from: she had been with 3 guys sexually. She seems spiritual (talked about praying), and said with her first boyfriend they did not have sex for the first 3 years. She is intelligent and is taking computer programming at university. She claimed she was doing the webcam thing for extra money for school and because he boyfriend broke up with her a week prior, so I imagine she wanted some attention from men and to feel sexy. I normally don't trust anything a woman says but something about her answers and the way she carried herself led me to believe she was being honest. I imagine she could have been playing the good girl role to entice men to pay to see her strip and finger herself etc. (it was a site where you give them "tips" and they will do things) but I told her outright that I would never pay a woman for any type of sexual favour and she continued answering questions and talking to me even after I told her that, also while still wearing clothing. She was however very candid about her answers and did not feel ashamed to speak openly about her sexuality, even though her experience is lacking.
This is just one woman's opinion, and she is probably not a cock slut, although she does have a high sexual drive. She seems to be a girl with values and I imagine the way a man treats her is probably the most important part of sex to her, probably not a woman that just wants to be used by a large cock. That being said, by the way she responded to things me and others were saying to her, I still believe she would get off from being treated like a whore during sex, but not disrespected. If that makes sense. I think that is the paradox of women.
In conclusion, her answers leave me to believe that women like her, who have values but still have high sexuality, do prefer a large penis. Her estimated 7" and up, I would probably say 6.5"-6.75" and up. She claimed to not shorter thick ones and preferred longer ones, but I imagine in time she will prefer long thick ones. I also imagine that even though she claimed that no size is too big, she would still possibly prefer a man who fills her up completely with no room to spare, but who still can get it all the way in so her pelvis can be connected with his, since she seems to be the type of woman who puts intimacy and sensuality above all. Another thing is technique is very important according to the way she answered, as well as emotional connection, and how she is treated by the man. She seemed to dismiss the 9 inch as not being the best sex she's had to talk about her boyfriend with the 8 inch who she still loved. I imagine their connection and his technique made it so she remembered him so fondly.
Keep in mind there are tons of different women in the world, I know for a fact lots of them prefer to be treated like shit, and others liek taboo sexual acts, others prefer huge sizes, and others do not care, they just want money/status. But this one taht I spoke to seemed to be the type of woman I'd prefer to be with. Open and honest about the topic but also puts emotion and connection right up there, or above it. Keep in mind all my questions were blatant scientific questions regarding size, not to do with emotions (ie - what is the longest size that would not exceed your depth? would you agree that any length beyond that is for visual and mental stimulation? (she answered yes) what size was the best sex you have had? etc)
All in all, I really learned nothing new because it makes me believe 8.5x7 - 9x7 is the superior size, but it was refreshing to hear such honesty from a stranger.
An interesting side note, when she finally revealed her privates, I could see that she was wet from all the attention guys were giving her, she enjoyed being watched, admired and spoken to like a human. I think this information could be very useful for formulating good foreplay and trying to figure out the psyche of women and distinguish the difference between sex and emotions, if there is a difference.
Hope this was useful.
petersouth;496651 said:
All this under the flawed premise that women can be satisfied.

I have to agree that is is very hard to keep a woman satisfied on any level. The joy they seem to feel is short lived. Things they love about us in the beginning they soon detest, I don't get them at all.
doublelongdaddy;496668 said:
I have to agree that is is very hard to keep a woman satisfied on any level. The joy they seem to feel is short lived. Things they love about us in the beginning they soon detest, I don't get them at all.

Maybe it's comparable to kids who grew up in the TV era have short attention spans compared to those who didn't.
The idea of sitting and being entertained without having to do anything could lead a person to get bored with somethign very quickly and have a low tolerence for boredom.
Now imagine an attractive woman. She never has to be alone. She can get sex any time she wants it. She will always have friends. She has her pick of men. Men will bend over backwards to compete for her and entertain her. Even as a child, she is used to being called a princess by her parents (more likely father) and getting things easier than if she were a boy. So basically, she is used to getting it all by just existing. So in a relationship, when the initial "fairy dust" feeling of new love wears off and reality sets in, I imagine a woman with options probably knows that it would be more exciting and easy for her to get that new love feeling back, so she goes and does that rather than stick around and become complacent.
I think the way around that is:
1. A big penis, and knowing what to do with it.
2. having a good connection with her, mutually enjoying each other's company.
That's all I can think of, lol. You basically have to be better than any other possible mate in every sense. She will stay with you for the sake of her ego.
I doubt I'll ever find a woman I can be with for life. I really can't wrap my mind around how it works, without being like LOBBS and sleeping with different people while still having a loving relationship. And that would never work for me.
Maybe they'll invent a pill that slowly lobotomizes you and causes your gonads to shrivel up, becoming useless, so you won't care about women and you can have a blast living selfish and childish, without feeling the need to have female companionship and breed.

PS - It wasn't really a post about satisfying a woman completely, just sexually. I was trying to consider some factors that would cause them to feel that sex with a man is amazing. I think the equation would be something like this:
Her emotions towards you (divided by) her hang ups/guards + your physical attractiveness X (penis size X ability to use penis) = magnitude of orgasm and overall sexual experience.
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petersouth;496835 said:
If she knows other girls want you she will cling to you for dear life.

Then you don't have to please her, she has to please you.

Ya I agree.
That's why Penis Enlargement is crucial in my mind. If you can fuck the shit out of her as good or better than those she's been with, she'll either tell her friends and they will likely be jealous, or women will just pick up on it by the way she treats you. And in turn be attracted to you.
It's just getting my foot in the door for the first time that I am having trouble figuring out. I don't have a social circle.
MikeShlort;496837 said:
Ya I agree.
That's why Penis Enlargement is crucial in my mind. If you can fuck the shit out of her as good or better than those she's been with, she'll either tell her friends and they will likely be jealous, or women will just pick up on it by the way she treats you. And in turn be attracted to you.
It's just getting my foot in the door for the first time that I am having trouble figuring out. I don't have a social circle.

That's one way to do it, if you satisfy her sexually and/or have a big dick she WILL tell her girlfriends and then they will want you and she sees this and wants you more.

Though I think at some point it all ends unfortunately no matter how hard you try. Nice while it lasts though.

I have somewhat the same problem due to being older, there just aren't very good options. Probably the best free sex I'm going to have from this point forward is banging someone's wife, it sucks but is basically a win for me because I get the pussy without dealing with the bullshit. Married women like to buy their boyfriends gifts as well.

Having a huge penis showing through your pants can help open the door if you are bold about whipping it out. That's basically my target demographic at this point, married women with sexually inadequate husbands.

I have a lot of single moms that want a relationship but I fuck them off, there's a limit to what I'll do for pussy. You are lucky if you are young enough to know eligible women at all.
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doublelongdaddy;496668 said:
I have to agree that is is very hard to keep a woman satisfied on any level. The joy they seem to feel is short lived. Things they love about us in the beginning they soon detest, I don't get them at all.

Yes, at some point I said screw it and started looking after myself. Here is an interesting theory that I believe explains female behavior very well.

Briffault's Law
“The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place.” -- Robert Briffault, The Mothers, I, 191

1 - Past benefit provided by the male does not provide for continued or future association.

2 - Any agreement where the male provides a current benefit in return for a promise of future association is null and void as soon as the male has provided the benefit (see corollary 1)

3 - A promise of future benefit has limited influence on current/future association, with the influence inversely proportionate to the length of time until the benefit will be given and directly proportionate to the degree to which the female trusts the male (which is not bloody likely).
Lol peter. How old are you?
We share the same negative views of women.
It's true the eligible number of single women decreases with age because they are incapable of ever being alone. Single moms are funny. Especially the ones who got pregnant in their teens.
Any human that would pair up with someone to make it easier on them (ie they don't have to try as hard at life to support themselves) is a piece of shit to me.
It's funny because there are girls like that already in their early twenties.
Kinda makes it seem like there is nothing to look forward to. Hopefully it's true about younger women liking older guys and I will be able to score one someday.
hepcat;496856 said:
Very interesting points. Uh oh, I'm agreeing with more than one post by Mike Shlort! I guess he was half-right about me and DLD.:)

I wish I could make half a smiley face:)
MikeShlort;496843 said:
Lol peter. How old are you?
We share the same negative views of women.
It's true the eligible number of single women decreases with age because they are incapable of ever being alone. Single moms are funny. Especially the ones who got pregnant in their teens.
Any human that would pair up with someone to make it easier on them (ie they don't have to try as hard at life to support themselves) is a piece of shit to me.
It's funny because there are girls like that already in their early twenties.
Kinda makes it seem like there is nothing to look forward to. Hopefully it's true about younger women liking older guys and I will be able to score one someday.

I'm 38, how old are you?

The young girls like that you have more money than guys their age and are more worldly. But they expect trips, expensive dinners, etc which makes escorts a better option. Unless you still look very good western feminist culture is very ageist. If you are more than a few years older it's generally considered creepy, there will be social pressure from friends not to date unless loaded with status symbols.

I get plenty of interest from women 30 and up, single moms, divorced women, and "sex in the city" types. Mainly because I spend much of my time working or associating with coworkers and these are the women I meet. This is usually the age they decide it is time to stop whoring around with the "cool kids" and find a rich nerd or ken doll to pay for it all. You can string these whores along if you like, it's not my thing.

It's not that I can't get attraction from young girls since they can't tell my age (they always guess 25) but I'm not in the right cliques to play "young guy game" do I have the same problem you do. Besides I think like an old guy, no tattoos, conservative, don't stay out late, well dressed, I can't make the scene and don't want to.

All you have to look forward to is what you will become. You'll have tons more sexual opportunities but you'll pay for most of them in some form just like any other guy. This is why I wonder at guys that shun prostitutes and spend way more money, time and bullshit on "free" women. lol

I literally don't even talk to them unless it's during sex or work related. My best pitch is "let's fuck", whip out my dick or "how much?", that's as charming as I get. I also say riveting things like "I'm gonna cum on your tits bitch! Arrrggghhhh".
petersouth;496954 said:
I'm 38, how old are you?

The young girls like that you have more money than guys their age and are more worldly. But they expect trips, expensive dinners, etc which makes escorts a better option. Unless you still look very good western feminist culture is very ageist. If you are more than a few years older it's generally considered creepy, there will be social pressure from friends not to date unless loaded with status symbols.

I get plenty of interest from women 30 and up, single moms, divorced women, and "sex in the city" types. Mainly because I spend much of my time working or associating with coworkers and these are the women I meet. This is usually the age they decide it is time to stop whoring around with the "cool kids" and find a rich nerd or ken doll to pay for it all. You can string these whores along if you like, it's not my thing.

It's not that I can't get attraction from young girls since they can't tell my age (they always guess 25) but I'm not in the right cliques to play "young guy game" do I have the same problem you do. Besides I think like an old guy, no tattoos, conservative, don't stay out late, well dressed, I can't make the scene and don't want to.

All you have to look forward to is what you will become. You'll have tons more sexual opportunities but you'll pay for most of them in some form just like any other guy. This is why I wonder at guys that shun prostitutes and spend way more money, time and bullshit on "free" women. lol

I literally don't even talk to them unless it's during sex or work related. My best pitch is "let's fuck", whip out my dick or "how much?", that's as charming as I get. I also say riveting things like "I'm gonna cum on your tits bitch! Arrrggghhhh".

I'm 25, but I only really like younger girls (19-22) because they haven't turned shitty yet. Lots of girls my age either have kids, married, or are just slutty fucking stretched out cock holes that, like you say, will stop whoring around when they hit 30s and find some sucker to pay their way.

So I don't see myself ever getting a 19-22 year old because I have no friends and I don't have a good job. I am going to go back to college in a year or so (when I will be 26 or 27) but I'm not sure I'll be able to get any pussy from the 19-23 year olds, me being 26-27 at that time. What do you think my chances are?

Also, I think the main reason men won't pay a hooker is ego reasons. They'd rather chase it themselves so they can brag to their douchebag friends while they are shopping for wife beaters and spray on tan.
MikeShlort;496968 said:
I'm 25, but I only really like younger girls (19-22) because they haven't turned shitty yet. Lots of girls my age either have kids, married, or are just slutty fucking stretched out cock holes that, like you say, will stop whoring around when they hit 30s and find some sucker to pay their way.

So I don't see myself ever getting a 19-22 year old because I have no friends and I don't have a good job. I am going to go back to college in a year or so (when I will be 26 or 27) but I'm not sure I'll be able to get any pussy from the 19-23 year olds, me being 26-27 at that time. What do you think my chances are?

Also, I think the main reason men won't pay a hooker is ego reasons. They'd rather chase it themselves so they can brag to their douchebag friends while they are shopping for wife beaters and spray on tan.

You are a young guy and like I was at that age barking up the wrong trees, it's a common mistake.

For the 19-22 year old set it's not really about money if you want sex. In fact, it's better that you don't have much.

You need to be one of those douchebags with the wife beater, tatoos and spray on tan who can fit in at the bar. That is probably my biggest obstacle - refusing to get tattoos and conform. The other reason is that you don't have friends and I don't mean just any friends, I mean you have to fit into a subculture and gain status within that subculture. Emo, goth, biker, rocker, guido, wigger, whatever.

She needs to be able to tell her girlfriends what you are. "Yeah he looks just like that guy from Jersey shore..." or "He's in a band". You need a selling point or a marketing strategy, she can't tell her friends "he's a really nice guy, he has a good job and works hard". A minor criminal record wouldn't hurt, suspended license, multiple DUIs, minor drug dealing, if you can hook them up even better, etc. Get some street cred. lol

If don't have anything she can't judge your potential plus she has the joy of trying to extract your potential and reform you. Once you get that job at Arby's you're pegged as a wimpy loser. Now she has to explain to her friends what you do and will get reams of shit over it.

And you nailed it, the reasoning against hookers is mostly ego. Guys want the validation, it's reliving the whole trying to please mommy thing all over again but that's a dead end.

But after all this crap I wrote, I recommend that you figure out a way to make money. If you have not become a spray tan doucehbag at this point you are unlikely to do so. Ultimately I decided screw what women want, I'll just acquire currency and live by my own standards.

I'd look at some kind of lucrative trade and later possibly business instead of going into debt, college is a huge ripoff these days unless you've got a job with an oil company waiting. My .02.
I'm turning 29 next week and a Soph in college. It's not so bad buddy.
dickerschwanz;497010 said:

Tough, You can get chicks just by playing the numbers game 1 of X is always ready for dick.

Ah it's true but you'll notice no high value guys have to do that. It's like being a door to door dick salesman. Want some dick? Who wants some dick? Got some good dick here! And the women toy with you and fuck you off, I don't know why guys put up with this shit over and over.

If a woman doesn't like you enough to approach you, she doesn't like you and you are a john. I never approached a woman until after 26 years old which incidentally was the year I quit music and living in a closet and got a job. Never went on a date either or asked a woman on a date. Had sex many times so I am spoiled and also know how girls treat guys they really like. Not like dick salesman.

If you were here favorite move star or rock star she would offer you a blowjob but she doesn't. Because you're not good enough so I say fuck you bitch. Find someone else to carry your luggage.

Like I say I can get laid without paying but it's too much work and the girls are mostly fat and ugly moms, the odds are you will settle because girl has more power. Ugly girl can fuck handsome guy. When you get older you see it's not worth it.

Personally I can play the guitar very well, but I am too lazy to carry equipment around and go to bars. I could be professional and get girls that way but I like comfort and money instead. When I was younger playing music I would get girls doing jack shit. I get up on stage and they approach me. Only problem is at most places girls are ugly. I actually did it last year after playing a bar skank came to the apartment we were staying and stripped naked in front of me. But I make fun of her body and she wanted to kill me. lol

But those girls have more unprotected sex than an escort, she's down there every night getting trashed and plowed with no condoms either. Last night we were there she got taken away in an ambulance drinking so much, glad I did not fuck her.

It's also very hard to play numbers because in my experience I just end up with an ugly bitch. I don't like asking shit except how much, I don't need no second job. haha
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petersouth;496981 said:
You are a young guy and like I was at that age barking up the wrong trees, it's a common mistake.

For the 19-22 year old set it's not really about money if you want sex. In fact, it's better that you don't have much.

You need to be one of those douchebags with the wife beater, tatoos and spray on tan who can fit in at the bar. That is probably my biggest obstacle - refusing to get tattoos and conform. The other reason is that you don't have friends and I don't mean just any friends, I mean you have to fit into a subculture and gain status within that subculture. Emo, goth, biker, rocker, guido, wigger, whatever.

She needs to be able to tell her girlfriends what you are. "Yeah he looks just like that guy from Jersey shore..." or "He's in a band". You need a selling point or a marketing strategy, she can't tell her friends "he's a really nice guy, he has a good job and works hard". A minor criminal record wouldn't hurt, suspended license, multiple DUIs, minor drug dealing, if you can hook them up even better, etc. Get some street cred. lol

If don't have anything she can't judge your potential plus she has the joy of trying to extract your potential and reform you. Once you get that job at Arby's you're pegged as a wimpy loser. Now she has to explain to her friends what you do and will get reams of shit over it.

And you nailed it, the reasoning against hookers is mostly ego. Guys want the validation, it's reliving the whole trying to please mommy thing all over again but that's a dead end.

But after all this crap I wrote, I recommend that you figure out a way to make money. If you have not become a spray tan doucehbag at this point you are unlikely to do so. Ultimately I decided screw what women want, I'll just acquire currency and live by my own standards.

I'd look at some kind of lucrative trade and later possibly business instead of going into debt, college is a huge ripoff these days unless you've got a job with an oil company waiting. My .02.

Well I agree with almost everything you say.

The thing is, I am going the opposite route. From 19-24, I was earning very good money for my age. All I focused on was making money. Actually, since 17 all I worried about was making money and destroying myself. Depression and hard drug addiction was there the whole time.

So last year, I stopped doing what I was doing, basically was forced to stop. I rode it out too long. So now I have two shitty jobs, I am humiliated about how far behind in life I am (no college, no resume, no social connections). I find myself shitting all over myself in my head when I get the rare chance to talk to a woman. Something just says "you don't deserve her" so I just look at the floor and speak to her in a defeated, monotone way. Or I'll shit all over myself in front of her for kicks.

Anyways, I don;'t agree with the "get a a minor record, get street cred". I have the minor record and the bullshit "street cred" and I feel like a fucking loser, a failure, I'm ashamed of these things and I don't think girls find that shit cool. I imagine they peg me as a loser for how I lived my life and I agree. So I don't know where you are getting this "street cred" thing from. From what I see, girls like guys who do work hard, are a good guy, but the twist is, they have to be part of the crowd, doing well at life, and of course, good looking. Tattoos don't hurt, and always having a herd of mannequins around them is mandatory.

I feel my problem is that I am trying to start out too late. I am basically living like an 18-19 year old would - living with parents, working full time to figure out what I want to do with my life before I apply for a course. But I am nearly 26. So I think this is where the embarassment factor comes in and why I can't get a girl. Like you say, what is she going to tell her friends? "Well, he's a nice guy, lives with his parents, works at Joey Mart and doesn't smoke crack anymore! He's a catch"

I'm just wondering how much me being behind will affect my ability to get a relationship with a good woman younger than me, and how long this stigma is going to follow me. At what point is it too late for me to have a chance at getting the girls I never could in high school and when I should have been in college, and my only options are single moms or other lonely misfits?

PS - I really like your thinking. I had a friend who thought he was an individual, who thought he was like me, bitter at society, hated people for their fake traits and douchebaggery, but it turns out he's a hypocrite and always has been. Just like them. Covered in tattoos because it's trendy, although he would never admit it. Blasted people who used facebook, now posts pictures of him and his douchebag friends drinking Natty Ice or whatever. He wants to be me without the social restraints. He's always been a sellout who talks out both sides of his asshole and condemns anyone else that have the same shitty traits as he does.

I respect you for not selling yourself to have the comfort of meaningless relationships, fairweather friendships, a place to be friday and saturday night, and all the other cushy things that come with sucking enough dick to be part of the cool people.
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Was on OkCupid earlier trying to get this girl to hook up with me. She kept asking how big I was and that she had had a guy who was 11 inches and thick. LOL
Gravik;497103 said:
Was on OkCupid earlier trying to get this girl to hook up with me. She kept asking how big I was and that she had had a guy who was 11 inches and thick. LOL

She must have been with Freddy Foolish:)
MikeShlort;497092 said:
Well I agree with almost everything you say.

The thing is, I am going the opposite route. From 19-24, I was earning very good money for my age. All I focused on was making money. Actually, since 17 all I worried about was making money and destroying myself. Depression and hard drug addiction was there the whole time.

So last year, I stopped doing what I was doing, basically was forced to stop. I rode it out too long. So now I have two shitty jobs, I am humiliated about how far behind in life I am (no college, no resume, no social connections). I find myself shitting all over myself in my head when I get the rare chance to talk to a woman. Something just says "you don't deserve her" so I just look at the floor and speak to her in a defeated, monotone way. Or I'll shit all over myself in front of her for kicks.

Anyways, I don;'t agree with the "get a a minor record, get street cred". I have the minor record and the bullshit "street cred" and I feel like a fucking loser, a failure, I'm ashamed of these things and I don't think girls find that shit cool. I imagine they peg me as a loser for how I lived my life and I agree. So I don't know where you are getting this "street cred" thing from. From what I see, girls like guys who do work hard, are a good guy, but the twist is, they have to be part of the crowd, doing well at life, and of course, good looking. Tattoos don't hurt, and always having a herd of mannequins around them is mandatory.

I feel my problem is that I am trying to start out too late. I am basically living like an 18-19 year old would - living with parents, working full time to figure out what I want to do with my life before I apply for a course. But I am nearly 26. So I think this is where the embarassment factor comes in and why I can't get a girl. Like you say, what is she going to tell her friends? "Well, he's a nice guy, lives with his parents, works at Joey Mart and doesn't smoke crack anymore! He's a catch"

I'm just wondering how much me being behind will affect my ability to get a relationship with a good woman younger than me, and how long this stigma is going to follow me. At what point is it too late for me to have a chance at getting the girls I never could in high school and when I should have been in college, and my only options are single moms or other lonely misfits?

PS - I really like your thinking. I had a friend who thought he was an individual, who thought he was like me, bitter at society, hated people for their fake traits and douchebaggery, but it turns out he's a hypocrite and always has been. Just like them. Covered in tattoos because it's trendy, although he would never admit it. Blasted people who used facebook, now posts pictures of him and his douchebag friends drinking Natty Ice or whatever. He wants to be me without the social restraints. He's always been a sellout who talks out both sides of his asshole and condemns anyone else that have the same shitty traits as he does.

I respect you for not selling yourself to have the comfort of meaningless relationships, fairweather friendships, a place to be friday and saturday night, and all the other cushy things that come with sucking enough dick to be part of the cool people.

Perhaps you could try making some money without destroying yourself, there has to be some middle ground. It doesn't sound like what you were into was very healthy.

Not to be negative but I think the odds of you finding a 50 year old "good woman" are remote let alone one younger than 25. If that's what you want I suggest you got to a place like rural Mexico. No work there for a gringo but get on disability or something so you get a nice little check every month. Or find a place like Africa and teach english, as a nice white guy with a decent job they would love you. You won't find it here, it's the culture.

It's very ageist, sexist against men, and the ugliest women want the world from a husband and they have no morals. They want a guy at most 5 years older whereas other places its ok to have a 50 year old guy with a 20 year old girl. For sex or bf they want the biggest facebook tatoo douche around. Fuck it.

Not liking older men is a cultural thing, not biological. The tatoos and the bullshit attitude are cultural, not biological. The problem is other countries are rapidly being infected by this shit with the spread of western culture and soon there will be nowhere to go that people don't have TVs, computers and phones and receive their feminist brainwashing.

I stay here because I make good coin and I can pay but there's no way I'd try to compete in this market. It's fucked.
Back on topic I've been seeing this chinese girl at the massage parlor the last couple of weeks and she gave me some pretty nice compliments last time.

She said "I love your cock, it's so big, perfect size for me. I also like this (points to balls), looks very nice. Next week, I take picture with phone for keeping.". Something along those lines.

I know what you're thinking but when I was leaving she was jumping all over me, the other girls were laughing. When I go to open the door she grabbed my arm so I gave her a hug and kissed her on the forehead. Sweet girl, just amazing T&A for an asian girl.

Anyway next weekend is last time I'll see her since she is leaving the area. I'm going to bring the flip camera so maybe she'll let me get some footage. I don't think she'll mind as long as it's not her face.

I think this Penis Enlargement stuff is definitely has it's benefits even if you pay, the girls dig it and I've gotten a lot of comments on it. I do get kind of pissed off when the girl cums twice and then I 'm the one who pays, makes you wonder.
I'm not trying to be a dick but is it not slightly ironic that a few of yours guys have the whole 'fuck bitches their worthless, were men and will be men' attitude, yet your talking about changing traits of your personality and image just to please them and get laid more?
as long as your normal personality isn't being a wussy, I think just being yourself is your best option. But it all depends on what your looking for.
pUNKY;497286 said:
I'm not trying to be a dick but is it not slightly ironic that a few of yours guys have the whole 'fuck bitches their worthless, were men and will be men' attitude, yet your talking about changing traits of your personality and image just to please them and get laid more?

I think he was saying how he doesnt want to change his traits (ie become a common tattooed douchebag because it's trendy) to get women. And I'm saying I want to become a better man so I can have a relationship with a good woman (as well as live past age 30).
I think our anger is coming from the things that are necessary to get a woman today - like have the right look, the right friends, the right career etc. All of these things should have little effect on how a woman chooses a man to be with, but it seems like it has a huge effect.
pUNKY;497286 said:
I'm not trying to be a dick but is it not slightly ironic that a few of yours guys have the whole 'fuck bitches their worthless, were men and will be men' attitude, yet your talking about changing traits of your personality and image just to please them and get laid more?

I think you missed the point, we were speaking hypothetically. More like "if you want to get laid with a lot this is what you have to do" and how ridiculous and pointless that is.
MikeShlort;497325 said:
I think he was saying how he doesnt want to change his traits (ie become a common tattooed douchebag because it's trendy) to get women. And I'm saying I want to become a better man so I can have a relationship with a good woman (as well as live past age 30).
I think our anger is coming from the things that are necessary to get a woman today - like have the right look, the right friends, the right career etc. All of these things should have little effect on how a woman chooses a man to be with, but it seems like it has a huge effect.

Mike, the problem may well be that you are a good man. Not that you are perfect but that you try and generally have good intentions. Look at how obsessed you are with your penis size and pleasing a woman, I think it's a little misguided but you do care and want to please your girl.

Women in USA will tolerate a good man only if he is rich, it's a real turnoff. Where is the excitement, the bragging rights, the spine tingling adventure?

Where is your Range Rover?

Don't despair, if you work hard and play by the rules when you are 40 you may have a chance at a 35 year old professional woman who is finished whoring around and "games" (fucking hot guys) and looking to settle down with a nice stable guy and fuck him as little as possible (and still fuck hot guys).

That's what women mean when they say "nice guys win in the end". Nice guys get to pay for these women after everyone else rode them for free.

It's like the car dealer selling you a 2007 hyundai and making you pay 2012 BathmateW price. But if you protest that it's not a 2012 BathmateW you are a jerk for saying so.
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petersouth;497381 said:
Mike, the problem may well be that you are a good man. Not that you are perfect but that you try and generally have good intentions. Look at how obsessed you are with your penis size and pleasing a woman, I think it's a little misguided but you do care and want to please your girl.

Women in USA will tolerate a good man only if he is rich, it's a real turnoff. Where is the excitement, the bragging rights, the spine tingling adventure?

Where is your Range Rover?

Don't despair, if you work hard and play by the rules when you are 40 you may have a chance at a 35 year old professional woman who is finished whoring around and "games" (fucking hot guys) and looking to settle down with a nice stable guy and fuck him as little as possible (and still fuck hot guys).

That's what women mean when they say "nice guys win in the end". Nice guys get to pay for these women after everyone else rode them for free.

It's like the car dealer selling you a 2007 hyundai and making you pay 2012 BathmateW price. But if you protest that it's not a 2012 BathmateW you are a jerk for saying so.

No way Peter. Never.

I would never settle for that. I would never be with a woman who doesn't truly love me or is with me for stability reasons. If I ever got tricked into that again, the second I found out, I would buy four eightballs and greet her when she gets home naked, sweating and throwing furniture.

I'd never put up with a woman who wouldn't fuck me whenever I wanted it. I am a man and I say when I want to fuck (unless there is a legitimate reason)

If my woman ever cheated on me, I'd get rid of her that very second, no matter how much I still loved here. I am not a sucker.

These are the reasons I am single. I won't compromise one bit. I refuse to play the game.

I realize I'm not attractive enough to go to the trendiest bars of my province to get the girls who look like models, but I think I am attractive enough to go to a regular bar and have a 50% chance of pulling a half decent girl if I play it properly. It's just that time is running out for me, as I am nearly 26. And I haven't been out in a long, long time.

If I still don't have a real woman by the time I'm 40, it's back to being a selfish addict. I'll fuck hookers, teenage sluts that like older men (daddy issues), single moms, married women who have husbands that haven't been practicing Penis Enlargement for the last 15 years. I'll spend my weekends staying awake and my weekdays working and staying drunk/stoned. Doesn't matter how successful or not I am at the time.

I do live in Canada, and I realize the American Nightmare rubs off on us the most, due to proximity, but I think it is probably still a bit better than the ol' USA, USA, USA itself. Although, 80% of guys in my age range look like they are straight off a reality TV series. And most girls ignore me because I don't.

If I were 20 figuring this shit out I would not be worried, but it's my age that is fucking me. I realize that women are incapable of being single for more than three weeks, so the older I get, the less chance I have to find one that already isn't having her way paid for her by Billy.
hepcat;497413 said:
I know! I was just fucking with you.:O You wrote this long message and I only comment on the guy's name in the last sentence. I thought it was funny.rofl Any takers?:P

Oh, I laughed. I knew what you were doing. Reminds me of the humour The Simpsons had when it was funny, during the first 8 seasons.

But just to be safe, I had to clarify.
MikeShlort;497412 said:
^ It's my go-to name for any common prick-head who I hate and disrespect. Michael is the other one.

Michael, when you use that name be careful!
doublelongdaddy;497422 said:
Michael, when you use that name be careful!

Lol no disrespect DLD. It's just an inside joke kind of thing, because every person I knew named Mike in real life was retarded, not to mention that it's such a common name, it just works.
Man, don't worry about all that stuff. Look at it like this, If you want the size you want, you'll have to put in alot of work. When I use to Penis Enlargement, I did it for hours. Like 3 hours a day of everything, that includes clamping with two days off. I didn't care about anything else but having a huge penis.
keepingitbig;497448 said:
Man, don't worry about all that stuff. Look at it like this, If you want the size you want, you'll have to put in alot of work. When I use to Penis Enlargement, I did it for hours. Like 3 hours a day of everything, that includes clamping with two days off. I didn't care about anything else but having a huge penis.

Ya I do lots of Penis Enlargement.
I'm just looking ahead how to find a girl when I actually do get a nice size.
MikeShlort;497409 said:
No way Peter. Never.

I would never settle for that. I would never be with a woman who doesn't truly love me or is with me for stability reasons. If I ever got tricked into that again, the second I found out, I would buy four eightballs and greet her when she gets home naked, sweating and throwing furniture.

I'd never put up with a woman who wouldn't fuck me whenever I wanted it. I am a man and I say when I want to fuck (unless there is a legitimate reason)

If my woman ever cheated on me, I'd get rid of her that very second, no matter how much I still loved here. I am not a sucker.

These are the reasons I am single. I won't compromise one bit. I refuse to play the game.

I realize I'm not attractive enough to go to the trendiest bars of my province to get the girls who look like models, but I think I am attractive enough to go to a regular bar and have a 50% chance of pulling a half decent girl if I play it properly. It's just that time is running out for me, as I am nearly 26. And I haven't been out in a long, long time.

If I still don't have a real woman by the time I'm 40, it's back to being a selfish addict. I'll fuck hookers, teenage sluts that like older men (daddy issues), single moms, married women who have husbands that haven't been practicing Penis Enlargement for the last 15 years. I'll spend my weekends staying awake and my weekdays working and staying drunk/stoned. Doesn't matter how successful or not I am at the time.

I do live in Canada, and I realize the American Nightmare rubs off on us the most, due to proximity, but I think it is probably still a bit better than the ol' USA, USA, USA itself. Although, 80% of guys in my age range look like they are straight off a reality TV series. And most girls ignore me because I don't.

If I were 20 figuring this shit out I would not be worried, but it's my age that is fucking me. I realize that women are incapable of being single for more than three weeks, so the older I get, the less chance I have to find one that already isn't having her way paid for her by Billy.

From what I've heard Canada is even worse than USA for feminism but I only rely on some people who have lived both places. My understanding is that prostitution is becoming somewhat accepted there due to the poor quality of the women. I think US is catching up, hey - someone is banging all these hookers.

In USA most guys don't get any pussy but they try to keep up appearances by lying and bragging constantly.

Like I said earlier I see thin ok looking guys with ugly fat trollish girlfriends or young handsome guy with cougars. The funny thing is guys brag about dating or marrying an ugly hag but there's an unwritten code you can't call them on it. My dad is 62 and dating an older woman, him and his friend were bragging about how much pussy they get "WE don't know what you're talking about we get all the pussy we can handle". I said "she looks 80 years old and is a drunk bar skank, get real. I haven't seen either of you with anyone I couldn't get with 10 dollars or a pack of smokes." It was a quiet ride home.

I broke the unwritten law about unspoken truths. In movies things are portrayed as great between the sexes, women are friendly and available and any reasonably attractive guy has a shot at a reasonably attractive woman. If you try to suggest that things are the opposite you are an asshole, bitter, have a small penis and live in mom's basement.

A sexy woman will walk by and a friend will say "yeah I should hit her up" but then excuses fly. Most guys know they will get fucked off in under a minute and do not want to admit to zero chance with beautiful young women. Again why have you not been out to a bar if it is 50/50?

For what you want your odds are non-existent unless you leave North America. You can probably teach english somewhere for a salary that will be decent for the area. Usually they want a 4 year degree but many of these places you can get some bullshit teaching credential and fool them. You will find women in other lands that would like you and your age is no problem, MY age is no problem. You can have an 18 year old christian virgin without breaking a sweat, maybe even a 15 year old if her parents approve. Yes even the cherished age of consent is not the same everywhere.
I really don't know where you are getting this. Every guy I know gets pussy. I see hot girls all the time with a guy who is not that attractive. I do see attractive guys with fat girls the odd time, but usually I see an average guy with an above average woman.

And there is no shortage of sexy girls in Canada, not where I live.

It's just so hard to get a foot in the door if you don't have a social connection.

I think I am going to conduct an experiment in two months time, depending on my gains. My confidence level depends on how fat my dick is swinging and how cut my body looks at a given time.

I am going to start asking out women blatantly and see if I can get a girlfriend without having any friends, a good job, or my own place. This will require going to bars and embarrassing myself many times in front of other people, but I will try it out once I am ready. This has been the plan for the past year, but I think I need to start implementing it.
I really need to prove you wrong, Peter, for my own sanity. Because if what you say is true, and I continue to think how you do for another 13 years, I will be dead long before that time expires.

I'll let you guys know how my experiment goes once I start it. Wish me luck!
MikeShlort;497464 said:
I really don't know where you are getting this. Every guy I know gets pussy. I see hot girls all the time with a guy who is not that attractive. I do see attractive guys with fat girls the odd time, but usually I see an average guy with an above average woman.

And there is no shortage of sexy girls in Canada, not where I live.

It's just so hard to get a foot in the door if you don't have a social connection.

I think I am going to conduct an experiment in two months time, depending on my gains. My confidence level depends on how fat my dick is swinging and how cut my body looks at a given time.

I am going to start asking out women blatantly and see if I can get a girlfriend without having any friends, a good job, or my own place. This will require going to bars and embarrassing myself many times in front of other people, but I will try it out once I am ready. This has been the plan for the past year, but I think I need to start implementing it.
I really need to prove you wrong, Peter, for my own sanity. Because if what you say is true, and I continue to think how you do for another 13 years, I will be dead long before that time expires.

I'll let you guys know how my experiment goes once I start it. Wish me luck!

I don't know one guy that gets laid regularly without any of those things but then my friends are in their 30s. Also it's not normal or average to randomly approach 50 women a week. One day you get mentally too old for bar scene, etc.

But I have no doubt that a lot of college aged guys do get laid since the demagraphics are so skewed. I was close to 50 lays by your age but between 25 and 30 a huge dropoff. Changing demographics, loss of college social connections, quit performing, starting at the bottom of a new career were devastating to sex life. But things were different then, probably easier without every girl being a facebook attention whore.

But most guys I knew even in college didn't get laid that much. These guys would get ONE decent girl and hang onto her but the reality is they had few options.

I have two friends who met their wives on match.com in their late 20s but other than that I've never heard of them get laid or have a girlfriend. It took a while to get a date on match, like months of emails and flakes. They are both divorced now living with mom and have the same complaints you do.

Humiliate yourself publicly lol. Sure you will get some eventually but would humiliate yourself for a steak or a toilet? Sex is a human need like eating or taking a shit, there's no need to make a steak like you or marry a special toilet. Just goes to show the depth of the conditioning we are subjected to as the disposable sex.

One thing I don't understand is why men want to talk to women at all beyond sex and baby talk. What do you have in common with them? Seriously if any guy can tell me I'd love to hear it. I've never had anything in common with any of my girlfriends other than I was tall enough, cute enough and I was a performer. Amazing how my personality stops sucking when I got it going on or I drop some bodyfat and my face thins out, that's why eHarmony is bullshit with their 18 levels of compatibility. I can't believe anyone takes it seriously filling out these profiles like anyone cares.

But when I was your age I started looking for my special little toilet to settle down with and this is where I ended up. This is your future. ahahahahaha Good luck!
Well, I'm glad I know how to cook blow then.
At least I will have a big cock to toss around when I'm jacked up on toots and horny as fuck. And I'll have the PGE1 to get me hard because I'll be so blasted I can't get it up.
I'll remember what you say next time a woman tries to talk to me and just be a complete asshole to her. Even though that's already what I do.
If you can learn some coping skills and figure out some worthy goals in life you will be fine. Self esteem is the way.

99% of the time women a woman flirts with you it's bullshit to get an ego boost so being an asshole is good.

Now I'm not saying this so you can turn things around and date her, you want to teach her a lesson. Make fun of her voice, answer with non sequitor, if she asks tell her you are an astronaut, like that until she fucks off or cries.

On the off chance that she is sincere she will probably start crying so then maybe you can take advantage of that.

Oh you are so sad, what is your problem? Do you at least know how to give a decent blowjob? I'll bet. Get on your knees slut.
But what if you're a complete loser and act like a social pariah? How could she get an ego boost from flirting with someone who has been cast from society?
MikeShlort;497535 said:
But what if you're a complete loser and act like a social pariah? How could she get an ego boost from flirting with someone who has been cast from society?

Then you won't have to worry about it. :s

But if you want back in society there are ways, just don't get high on your own supply :). Or get a job or a trade. You will put yourself in their proximity and develop social skills in time. There's really no great reward other than the satisfaction of fucking off dumb whores but making a living is very important to your future happiness.

Plumbers and other tradesmen make out like bandits with bored housewives and it's usually decent coin. I bet if you knocked on doors all day with a huge flaccid bulge in your pants you'd get some attention.

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