petersouth;496981 said:
You are a young guy and like I was at that age barking up the wrong trees, it's a common mistake.
For the 19-22 year old set it's not really about money if you want sex. In fact, it's better that you don't have much.
You need to be one of those douchebags with the wife beater, tatoos and spray on tan who can fit in at the bar. That is probably my biggest obstacle - refusing to get tattoos and conform. The other reason is that you don't have friends and I don't mean just any friends, I mean you have to fit into a subculture and gain status within that subculture. Emo, goth, biker, rocker, guido, wigger, whatever.
She needs to be able to tell her girlfriends what you are. "Yeah he looks just like that guy from Jersey shore..." or "He's in a band". You need a selling point or a marketing strategy, she can't tell her friends "he's a really nice guy, he has a good job and works hard". A minor criminal record wouldn't hurt, suspended license, multiple DUIs, minor drug dealing, if you can hook them up even better, etc. Get some street cred. lol
If don't have anything she can't judge your potential plus she has the joy of trying to extract your potential and reform you. Once you get that job at Arby's you're pegged as a wimpy loser. Now she has to explain to her friends what you do and will get reams of shit over it.
And you nailed it, the reasoning against hookers is mostly ego. Guys want the validation, it's reliving the whole trying to please mommy thing all over again but that's a dead end.
But after all this crap I wrote, I recommend that you figure out a way to make money. If you have not become a spray tan doucehbag at this point you are unlikely to do so. Ultimately I decided screw what women want, I'll just acquire currency and live by my own standards.
I'd look at some kind of lucrative trade and later possibly business instead of going into debt, college is a huge ripoff these days unless you've got a job with an oil company waiting. My .02.
Well I agree with almost everything you say.
The thing is, I am going the opposite route. From 19-24, I was earning very good money for my age. All I focused on was making money. Actually, since 17 all I worried about was making money and destroying myself. Depression and hard drug addiction was there the whole time.
So last year, I stopped doing what I was doing, basically was forced to stop. I rode it out too long. So now I have two shitty jobs, I am humiliated about how far behind in life I am (no college, no resume, no social connections). I find myself shitting all over myself in my head when I get the rare chance to talk to a woman. Something just says "you don't deserve her" so I just look at the floor and speak to her in a defeated, monotone way. Or I'll shit all over myself in front of her for kicks.
Anyways, I don;'t agree with the "get a a minor record, get street cred". I have the minor record and the bullshit "street cred" and I feel like a fucking loser, a failure, I'm ashamed of these things and I don't think girls find that shit cool. I imagine they peg me as a loser for how I lived my life and I agree. So I don't know where you are getting this "street cred" thing from. From what I see, girls like guys who do work hard, are a good guy, but the twist is, they have to be part of the crowd, doing well at life, and of course, good looking. Tattoos don't hurt, and always having a herd of mannequins around them is mandatory.
I feel my problem is that I am trying to start out too late. I am basically living like an 18-19 year old would - living with parents, working full time to figure out what I want to do with my life before I apply for a course. But I am nearly 26. So I think this is where the embarassment factor comes in and why I can't get a girl. Like you say, what is she going to tell her friends? "Well, he's a nice guy, lives with his parents, works at Joey Mart and doesn't smoke crack anymore! He's a catch"
I'm just wondering how much me being behind will affect my ability to get a relationship with a good woman younger than me, and how long this stigma is going to follow me. At what point is it too late for me to have a chance at getting the girls I never could in high school and when I should have been in college, and my only options are single moms or other lonely misfits?
PS - I really like your thinking. I had a friend who thought he was an individual, who thought he was like me, bitter at society, hated people for their fake traits and douchebaggery, but it turns out he's a hypocrite and always has been. Just like them. Covered in tattoos because it's trendy, although he would never admit it. Blasted people who used facebook, now posts pictures of him and his douchebag friends drinking Natty Ice or whatever. He wants to be me without the social restraints. He's always been a sellout who talks out both sides of his asshole and condemns anyone else that have the same shitty traits as he does.
I respect you for not selling yourself to have the comfort of meaningless relationships, fairweather friendships, a place to be friday and saturday night, and all the other cushy things that come with sucking enough dick to be part of the cool people.