insearchof9inch said:
I thought the average was 6.3" in white males and 6.4" in black males.
depends on what survey you'r looking at rofl The average I found intriguing was from autopsy report that had blacks at 6.2" whites at 6.1" American Asians at 6.0 Asians (from Asia)at 5.5" and Arabs at 7.2" The doc's where clueless,(brainwashed) we should tell them about Penis Enlargement. ;)
This is one of the best threads I've seen in a long time. This is a very important matter in a forum where most people come becouse they are insecure about dick size. I agree 100% with Kong, and I am a living proof that one can have a great relationship and damn good sex with a under average dick. Furthermore, ths really puts things into perspective for the average or above average guys that feel small.

I would stick this in the newbie forum for all newcomers to see.
I think the insecurity is a thing that all guys go through, probablly starting in their teen years. Most guys probablly only have seen dicks in adult entertainment and then look at their thing and say oh shit. Or hear the story about the guy with the 8 incher. Probally the only other dicks they might have seen was their dad getting outta the shower and when youra little kid it looks like a freakin anaconda. Hell i had no clue what the average size dick was until last year, i was happy at the time that i was around average, but i have more confidience now that im a little bigger.
Like the others have said, dick size is not the most important thing in life. I Penis Enlargement because i enjoy it, and maybe to compensate for how shy i am ?:( . I have figured out thats why im into lifting. I figure maybe girls will come up to me insted of me having to be outgoing, its a mental thing for me i guess :blush: . Probally also has to do with the fact that im only 5'7 and that my little guy aint short like i am haha.
kong1971 said:
Erect Length

Length Inches... Cumulative.....Bigger than you.... Smaller than you
9.00 or more.........100.0% ................0/1000.....................999/1000

Hydromaxmm, I feel so special. rofl
BP is a more error free measurement....lots of ways I can measure my NBP and go from 5 all the way to 6 :-P so I'll stick with BP and just keep with that for now ;)

good info BTW once I get back into my routine I plan to hit 6+ in NBP length and with my girth being a little over 5" now I'm sure I can hit 5.25+ and be set on overall size :)
kong1971 said:
My mid-shaft girth is 5.75". That puts me waaaay at the top of the chart. 95.6% is nothing to sniff at. No wonder I always have to wiggle that sucker in! :D Just kidding... The main jump here seems to be about 5.25" girth. That or anything bigger means you got a fat cock. Be proud.

i am proud :D lol greats stats
at the base im 6-6.5" in girth. half way up im 5.5-6" in girth and then my head is 3.75-4". So what categorie do i fall into???? Anyone got any ideas on how to increase the top half?? Dont wanna get any bigger at the base. (6" in length)
kong1971;172301 said:
Nice post, millionman.

It upsets me when I see young men post, and they have these enormous penises, and think they are sub-par because of the influence of pornography and disinformation. I really am serious when I talk about negativity and being real about penis size and sex. There is just so much emotional pain in some of these posts that it makes me want to reach out to them and make them understand that there is nothing wrong with them. These feelings of inadequacy are just illusions, and we should all be happy with what we have and be proud and confident.

I'm not saying we should all quit Penis Enlargementing and just settle for what we got. That's not the point at all. Penis Enlargementing is good for the penis. It improves circulation, makes your erections stronger and harder. It's a sound body, sound mind thing. I'm just saying that we need to do this with a positive mindset-- not that there's something wrong with us, but that it's fun and sexy to make it bigger and thicker! It's about self-improvement, not fixing something that's broken.

I don't care if it's 3 inches or 10 inches, be proud of your pecker and be confident and enjoy the pleasure it can give you and your partner. There are so many more important things about sex than cock size... love, passion, intimacy, sharing, tenderness, freedom, pleasure, giving, taking, spirituality ... Increasing the size of your prick can enhance some of these things, but not all, so don't dwell on the dimensions of your unit to the exclusion of the wonderful happiness that sex can bring to you!

This was such a great post by Kong. It's good to reread his thoughts just to remind ourselves to be proud of what we've got.
The only real difference between BP vs NBP measuring is that with NBP measuring, you're factoring in the thickness of the suprapubic fat layer. Your NBP measurement can actually decrease despite any Penis Enlargement that you're doing if you gain enough fat quickly- although your penis may be getting larger. If you're an athlete that trains using a yearly cycle, this is definitely something to consider.

If you want to make your penis appear longer, get lean and trim your pubes. This works best for men with a considerable amount of body fat, even without Penis Enlargement.

Personally, I prefer the BP measurement because the readings are more consistent and you get a "true" assessment of the size of your penis.
Big Al;298963 said:
If you want to make your penis appear longer, get lean and trim your pubes. This works best for men with a considerable amount of body fat, even without Penis Enlargement.

This is the fastest way to gain size without gaining size at all.
Whenever I see stats I just want to know where the hell they came from and what the technique for measurement was.

It seems to me the real critics are going to be women.

There was a thing on the web called the womens penis size chart. It listed girth and length that women liked. I think it's a bogus chart but people everywhere seem to post and cross post the thing.

There is also the study they did where women were shown a dildo and then they inserted it into her and she was asked to say how good it felt on a numeric scale. Well of course the test was skewed. They would sometimes show a big one and slide in a small one or show a small one and slide in a big one. etc. You get my drift. They were seeing if the visual influenced the physical and vice versa.

I'd be curious to see a comparison between a large number of studies. sort of an average of averages if that makes sense.

back to the OPS intent here. We all have a warped idea of what big is. I think there is big as in high average. There is also really big.

Most guys seem to think if their dick isn't 9 inches long it's small. If your dick is average it's not small it's normal sized. If it's bigger than average then it's still a big dick.

On here we have some guys who are in the less than 1% range. That isn't big. It's fucking huge. Most girls will never even see one of those.

From what I have read the average Vagina is 8" deep. Some girls don't like long ones, some girls don't like thicker ones. Just like penis, vaginas are all very different.
AdmiralLongDong;318801 said:
There is also the study they did where women were shown a dildo and then they inserted it into her and she was asked to say how good it felt on a numeric scale. Well of course the test was skewed. They would sometimes show a big one and slide in a small one or show a small one and slide in a big one. etc. You get my drift. They were seeing if the visual influenced the physical and vice versa.

I would love to see this study, it is one I never heard of. My first thought were, what kind of slut would do this type of survey. Next I thought that it would take a cross section greater than some chicks willing to have a dildo jammed into them, which leaves the good girls out of the study. I bet the dude doing the survey would slip his own dildo into some of these girls when they were not looking:) "How does this one feel?"
AdmiralLongDong;318801 said:
From what I have read the average Vagina is 8" deep. Some girls don't like long ones, some girls don't like thicker ones. Just like penis, vaginas are all very different.

I guess I've never fucked an average vagina if it's 8 inches deep.
My x-wife had a depth of barely 4" and sex was nearly impossible at the size I was at the time (6.5") So I think all women have different depths.

Imagine that yet another stat that is very vague. Vagina diameter and length of interior.

I decide to revisit that info and found a varioety of answers. So basically you could have a 6 incher and be with a woman who has a 4 incher and your just going to torture that poor girl.

Maybe people should just match up. Small with average to small. Size queens with monster cock.
also youll have to consider that if measured by nurses n stuff youll most likely lose 100% erection... ill like to add half an inch to the chart :P
8iG;348817 said:
also youll have to consider that if measured by nurses n stuff youll most likely lose 100% erection... ill like to add half an inch to the chart :P

Or maybe the other way if the nurses were hot.
Sometimes it isn't just the bone-pressed length that matters. I could tell you I have a 6" dick but you wouldn't think that from looking at me. I'm overweight and have a large mons so it hardly looks as 6" as your average model would. Also the girth is 4.5 and that takes away a lot of the purpose of having a 6" in the first place. WTF nature, WTF?
Average Erect Penis Length

The average erect penis length was 5.877 inches (14.928 cm). Standard deviation was 0.825 inches (2.096 cm) with 54 percent of the effective sample measuring between 5.5 inches (14 cm) and 6.3 inches (16 cm).

Average Erect Penis Girth

The average erect penis girth was 4.972 inches (12.63 cm). Standard deviation was 0.508 inches (1.29 cm) or with 53.33 percent of the effective sample measuring between 4.525 inches (11.5 cm) and 5.118 inches (13 cm).

Study behind the above data.

LifeStyles Condoms conducted research into the average length and circumference of the erect penis during Spring Break in Cancun and found that the average penis length is 5.877 inches, with the majority ranging between 5.5 inches and 6.3 inches. The average girth is 4.972 inches, with the majority ranging between 4.7 inches and 5.1 inches.

From March 11 to 17, a total 401 males over the age of 18 were measured, one at a time, by qualified medical staff (protected by gloves) in private tents at the Dady Rock nightclub in Cancun, Mexico. Of the 401 men, 300 were able to gain an erection for measurement — a success rate of only 75%.

Measurement methodology

The following criteria were enforced by a doctor and a team of four nurses, who attended each of the seven nights of the penis size research. Measuring of length was from the point at the base of the erect penis where the top of the penile shaft meets the pubic area to the tip of the glans ("head").

For uncircumcised men, the foreskin was retracted. Measuring of girth was at mid-shaft around the circumference of the penis when the penis was erect. Failure to gain an effective erection for measurement disqualified the volunteer from being included in the data for the calculation of average erect penis length and girth.


The majority of participants were U.S. college men, but it was not limited to this group. Volunteers were asked to enter a private area, where they would gain an erection and then call for the two nurses to measure their erect penis. To ensure the accuracy of the data, each erect penis was measured by two of the nurses. A doctor supervised the nurses and all activity.
Volunteers tended to be groups of friends, which helped ensure a wide range of penis sizes (big and small) and provide a more accurate average figure.

Sample size

The sample included 401 male volunteers, of which only 300 were "effective" male volunteers (75 percent), because 101 volunteers (25 percent) could not gain an erection for measurement. At 300 effective measurements, the study was twice the size of any previous study that used medical staff to measure penis size. This method is more accurate and reliable than studies in which volunteers undertake self-measurement/reporting.

Last edited:
True, very true. Something else to remember about the above study is that it was done by nurses observed via a Doctor. So the guys themselves didnt do it, like we see with most surveys, polls and other studies which is relevant here. Many guys measure wrong either innocently because they don't know or because they want the extra inches. I have seen girls measure adult entertainment stars way into the side of the abs, side going into the groin and from the anus running up and to the tip of the penis! < All non-medical and non-accurate ways to measure penis size.

Which is why as well I link to out girls measure wrong thread. I incl a link because its probably the way many guys also measure, who else guides these women to measure like that? certainly haven't told them to measure correctly :) so it raises the chances of possibility that if they were involved in a study, survey or poll on size they too would use the same method and alas why I incl that thread ... to note that many of the studies are pure SHIT and cant be trusted.
Is that the study I put together Red? Looks very familiar.
The older I get the less I think size matters. I say this now, after having sex with a much bigger penis than before. Funny how that works out I suppose.
millionman;419478 said:
The older I get the less I think size matters. I say this now, after having sex with a much bigger penis than before. Funny how that works out I suppose.

This is an interesting point about measuring the fat pad (more cushion for the pushin'?) and how that could alter measuremenets. I also had no clue that pointing it down would increase measurement, anyone have any idea why?

Does this mean if you want to penetrate someone deeper you should lean back so it angles like that?
tyciol;424725 said:
This is an interesting point about measuring the fat pad (more cushion for the pushin'?) and how that could alter measuremenets. I also had no clue that pointing it down would increase measurement, anyone have any idea why?

Does this mean if you want to penetrate someone deeper you should lean back so it angles like that?

Yeah it does help. I have girls lie on the side and then sort of do a thing like if you spread the thumb and index of each hand and connect the hands where the web of skin is. It helps get deeper also because you aren't losing an inch from their butt cheeks pushing you away. Hope this makes sense.
REDZULU2003;419291 said:
Average Erect Penis Length

The average erect penis length was 5.877 inches (14.928 cm). Standard deviation was 0.825 inches (2.096 cm) with 54 percent of the effective sample measuring between 5.5 inches (14 cm) and 6.3 inches (16 cm).

Average Erect Penis Girth

The average erect penis girth was 4.972 inches (12.63 cm). Standard deviation was 0.508 inches (1.29 cm) or with 53.33 percent of the effective sample measuring between 4.525 inches (11.5 cm) and 5.118 inches (13 cm).

Study behind the above data.

LifeStyles Condoms conducted research into the average length and circumference of the erect penis during Spring Break in Cancun and found that the average penis length is 5.877 inches, with the majority ranging between 5.5 inches and 6.3 inches. The average girth is 4.972 inches, with the majority ranging between 4.7 inches and 5.1 inches.

From March 11 to 17, a total 401 males over the age of 18 were measured, one at a time, by qualified medical staff (protected by gloves) in private tents at the Dady Rock nightclub in Cancun, Mexico. Of the 401 men, 300 were able to gain an erection for measurement &#8212; a success rate of only 75%.

Measurement methodology

The following criteria were enforced by a doctor and a team of four nurses, who attended each of the seven nights of the penis size research. Measuring of length was from the point at the base of the erect penis where the top of the penile shaft meets the pubic area to the tip of the glans ("head").

For uncircumcised men, the foreskin was retracted. Measuring of girth was at mid-shaft around the circumference of the penis when the penis was erect. Failure to gain an effective erection for measurement disqualified the volunteer from being included in the data for the calculation of average erect penis length and girth.


The majority of participants were U.S. college men, but it was not limited to this group. Volunteers were asked to enter a private area, where they would gain an erection and then call for the two nurses to measure their erect penis. To ensure the accuracy of the data, each erect penis was measured by two of the nurses. A doctor supervised the nurses and all activity.
Volunteers tended to be groups of friends, which helped ensure a wide range of penis sizes (big and small) and provide a more accurate average figure.

Sample size

The sample included 401 male volunteers, of which only 300 were "effective" male volunteers (75 percent), because 101 volunteers (25 percent) could not gain an erection for measurement. At 300 effective measurements, the study was twice the size of any previous study that used medical staff to measure penis size. This method is more accurate and reliable than studies in which volunteers undertake self-measurement/reporting.


Good post Red!

I think the biggest problem with most of the discussions on here is that people do not cite their sources very well.

I'm sure everyone remembers this chart

The thing about this chart is that its just a chart. There is no believable research data to go with it. I think the original source is some "dr." who is trying to sell penis enlargement crap.

I am inclined to believe the Life styles chart at least has some scientific basis to it. They need the stats so that they can produce a product that is reliable and pleasant to use.

Please no more cut paste jobs they are a waste of time.
hey red,
not to talk down or anything, but the data you posted seems to be the exact same one the OP is based upon here, right?
They both mention Cancun, 300 males, Lifestyles Condoms and so on.

Am I missing something?
hi there, I know this thread is about 100 years old or so, but I do get slightly different numbers when I plug the numbers from the lifestyle study into excel (I got them off Wikipedia where they claim they are 14.9cm mean at 2.1cm SD)

Might be b/c the TS calculated in inch and I calculated in cm. Anyways, If you follow my calculations, anyone above the mean can feel even slightly bigger now. Unfortunately the opposite is true as well.

Inch	cm	Cumulative
3.75	9.525	0.005240784
4	10.16	0.011999575
4.25	10.795	0.02530559
4.5	11.43	0.049228458
4.75	12.065	0.088507991
5	12.7	0.147407079
5.25	13.335	0.228063898
5.5	13.97	0.328934534
5.75	14.605	0.444141882
6	15.24	0.564309574
6.25	15.875	0.678778471
6.5	16.51	0.778360136
6.75	17.145	0.857475894
7	17.78	0.914879302
7.25	18.415	0.95291598
7.5	19.05	0.975933396
7.75	19.685	0.988653723
8	20.32	0.995073591
8.25	20.955	0.998032546
8.5	21.59	0.999278014
8.75	22.225	0.999756763
9	22.86	0.999924821
REDZULU2003;419291 said:
Average Erect Penis Length

The average erect penis length was 5.877 inches (14.928 cm). Standard deviation was 0.825 inches (2.096 cm) with 54 percent of the effective sample measuring between 5.5 inches (14 cm) and 6.3 inches (16 cm).

Average Erect Penis Girth

The average erect penis girth was 4.972 inches (12.63 cm). Standard deviation was 0.508 inches (1.29 cm) or with 53.33 percent of the effective sample measuring between 4.525 inches (11.5 cm) and 5.118 inches (13 cm).

Study behind the above data.

LifeStyles Condoms conducted research into the average length and circumference of the erect penis during Spring Break in Cancun and found that the average penis length is 5.877 inches, with the majority ranging between 5.5 inches and 6.3 inches. The average girth is 4.972 inches, with the majority ranging between 4.7 inches and 5.1 inches.

From March 11 to 17, a total 401 males over the age of 18 were measured, one at a time, by qualified medical staff (protected by gloves) in private tents at the Dady Rock nightclub in Cancun, Mexico. Of the 401 men, 300 were able to gain an erection for measurement — a success rate of only 75%.

Measurement methodology

The following criteria were enforced by a doctor and a team of four nurses, who attended each of the seven nights of the penis size research. Measuring of length was from the point at the base of the erect penis where the top of the penile shaft meets the pubic area to the tip of the glans ("head").

For uncircumcised men, the foreskin was retracted. Measuring of girth was at mid-shaft around the circumference of the penis when the penis was erect. Failure to gain an effective erection for measurement disqualified the volunteer from being included in the data for the calculation of average erect penis length and girth.


The majority of participants were U.S. college men, but it was not limited to this group. Volunteers were asked to enter a private area, where they would gain an erection and then call for the two nurses to measure their erect penis. To ensure the accuracy of the data, each erect penis was measured by two of the nurses. A doctor supervised the nurses and all activity.
Volunteers tended to be groups of friends, which helped ensure a wide range of penis sizes (big and small) and provide a more accurate average figure.

Sample size

The sample included 401 male volunteers, of which only 300 were "effective" male volunteers (75 percent), because 101 volunteers (25 percent) could not gain an erection for measurement. At 300 effective measurements, the study was twice the size of any previous study that used medical staff to measure penis size. This method is more accurate and reliable than studies in which volunteers undertake self-measurement/reporting.


Very interesting, if we assume an extra 0.5 inches on length for a BP measurement then i am about as average as you can get at the moment.

What surprises me the most is the upper end of the scale. While i knew that a proper 9*7 would probably be extremely rare, i am very surprised at how few people have 8*6 (i assumed something like 3-5%). As soon as i pass the 8*6 point i am taking full advantage of my rarity.
rakas;457268 said:
Very interesting, if we assume an extra 0.5 inches on length for a BP measurement then i am about as average as you can get at the moment.

I believe the Lifestyles study was done bone pressed.
Hello Fellow Noobs,

I have looked at all of the largest studies, excluding all that were not carried out by the medical community, that I could find. From the earliest to the latest large-scale studies that I can find in the medical journals and papers from the medical community, there has not been any significant change in the reality of penis size over the last century or so. Taking all of the data that I could find from the large-scale studies, a static average, is quite evident over time regarding penis size. From my somewhat rigorous study of mathematics in my lifetime and all of the data I can find regarding penis size, what is often referred to as "optimal" or even desirable is strictly statistically at least 2.5 to 3 deviation points from reality for the vast majority of most human beings. (Hopefully, wide-spread acceptance, practice, and study of Penis Enlargement will change this in the future :D)

The results from this study by me of the data available about the reality of human penises regarding size:

Averages population wide (all measurements bone-pressed along top of penis and erections are full naturally or chemically induced)

flaccid length = 9.25cm or 3.64"
flaccid stretched length = 14.75cm or 5.81"
flaccid girth = 10.25cm or 4.03"
erect length = 13.65cm or 5.37"
erect girth = 12.25cm or 4.82"

And no, this data was not skewed by any significant population deviation from one area or another. Perceptions and beliefs aside, there are no significant cultural, regional, or ethnic deviations placing abnormal "weights" into the averages. These numbers apply to all male human beings on this earth. There are studies for example that show that say people closer to equatorial areas have a slight tendency to have longer relaxed flaccid lengths, generally attributed to both the climate and general skin elasticity over their lifetime, but again, it is not anything outside of normal deviation, and certainly not significant. Everything that people have "heard" about certain "traits" of one people or another is more or less just urban legend and not medically backed or substantiated in any way. Humans are humans. Penises are penises. And the averages above are what they are. Representative of the average male penis, "optimal" or not. :D

irspow;470918 said:
flaccid length = 9.25cm or 3.64"
flaccid stretched length = 14.75cm or 5.81"
flaccid girth = 10.25cm or 4.03"
erect length = 13.65cm or 5.37"
erect girth = 12.25cm or 4.82"

I think this is great news for everyone cause:

a) everyone below avrg can stop whining and gain through Penis Enlargement at least an average dick.
b) everyone similiar to avrg or above can shut up about his insecuritys ;)
this is good stuff, but unless you post the studies you're referencing and your calculations, this thread is pretty pointless.
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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