Thanks for the encouragement man. That's a good idea to not measure until the 1st of every month. I never did set up a measuring date that was anywhere near consistent. I sometimes go months without doing it then the next time I do I measure for like 3 days in a row or something like that.
Last night's length routine was Hydromaxmm....good start...average middle...great finish...that's the way it felt anyway. I got a lot of soreness in the pubic bone area though after the straight down stretching so I think that did something good for it. Hopefully it did any how. I did 4 SS's. I couldn't help it. I was it was like 2 in the morning and I couldn't sleep so I went ahead and did some. The head really swells up with these. I am kind of excited to see what gains I'll have in like a month from now since I've been at least making a consistent attempt at girth. I'm going to do a full girth session on Wednesday.

Tonight: [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] plus 10 sets of straight down 1 minute each rep

Maybe even do a few JAIs. I used to do those too when I first started all the way to like August I did them and then I just stopped. I was working a lot then so maybe that's what killed me with dropping all the basics that I did. I'm hoping all this "fine tuning" will be a kick in the butt for my penis and will promote some growth.
Last night I did everything I was supposed to do including the JAIs. TOnight the same thing for length and then after a short break a girth workout.

I wonder how much longer I should do t taping. I've been doing it every night and keeping the glans covered for at least 8 hours a day so probably I could wait another month before perhaps (I'll see how I am financially) going on to more advanced forms of FR. My balls are definitely hanging lower. I'm loving it. Feels like I have more to offer down there lol.
I'm getting anxious and worried right now about gaining. It's been a while for me so I feel like I just HAVE to make some kind of progress soon!

Tonight like I wrote earlier [words=]newbie routine[/words] with 10 sets straight down and then girth a little while later. Starting at 11 tonight.

Man, as far as assets are concerned I spent waaay too much money on some people this Christmas. Stupid, but it feels good anyway. Plus I 've got five more people left to shop for. Two are getting little stuff but still. For me though the big things I'm getting for myself are a ViMax or [words=]JES[/words] I should say and probably some nice shoes. I hope I get a digital camera myself lol. I do not have one. Never had the need until I guess now. And to think it's to post a picture of my Dong. lol
My head is looking good and full and bigger even since I started doing SS again. I will not give these up. I did my length session last night along with the JAIs. I think those for some reason were a good reason/ help with my gains in the past when I was first gaining. I won't stop these either.

Tonight really is supposed to be my first rest day for the week, but I'm going to use it for a trial workout for length. I have like a mixed bag of exercises I threw together a few nights ago I thought I'd try out to see if I liked it for later use. I'll follow that up with 5 SS. Maybe even a few other girth exercises. I don't know. I can never get into girth lol. SS though...something about them. Maybe I just see them as basically a chance to jerk off. Hydromaxmmph
Well, I'll be off in a minute to tinker with an alternative length routine. I think it will last about 40-45 minutes maybe a little longer. It's a step down from the 90 minutes the incumbent routine for length takes, but it might be serviceable for days like this when i don't want to rest but don't feel the "need" to workout my penis.
iwant8inches said:
Well, I'll be off in a minute to tinker with an alternative length routine. I think it will last about 40-45 minutes maybe a little longer. It's a step down from the 90 minutes the incumbent routine for length takes, but it might be serviceable for days like this when i don't want to rest but don't feel the "need" to workout my penis.

I think light days are a great way to take some time off from the intense routine and still have good contact with your Penis Enlargement. I find if I can get even a small routine in on busy days, I feel so much better than doing nothing at all.
Okay, this is going to sound a little weird, but that's never been anything out of the norm for me anyway so here goes. Anyone out there ever seem to not get the whole length or potential of their erection when they haven't taken a shit in a couple days? Seriously, seriously I mean stay with me here cuz I swear that's what happens when I haven't taken a dump in a while lol. It's like I lose maybe a little less than a half inch in length.
Tonight, Newbie plus 10 sets of straight down 1 minute a piece. I think I'll do SS again tonight also. And JAIs when my length session is over.

On Friday I did 6 sets of BTC to the center 30 sec each rep
6 sets straight down 30 sec. each rep
6 sets straight up 30 sec. each rep
6 sets of straight out 30 sec each rep
6 sets of straight out left 30 sec each rep
6 sets of straight out right 30 sec each rep

5 sets of A stretches 30 sec each rep

4 sets of Pulse 110's 50 reps each set

4 sets of JAIs 15 reps each set

I've gotta work out tonight too. Probably just my chest and arms. Tomorrow my legs, abs, and shoulders.

I want to find some liquid egg whites that do not taste like anything. I can't remember what the brand is called, but umm I'm pretty sure like that one guy with the name Priest or something or other endorses them. I want to get some of those soon. I'll rest for like a week on Penis Enlargement and on my body the first week of January, but then kick into high gear after that with a new Penis Enlargement routine (most likely) and add a new supplement to my diet. I hope all this works for me. I will GAIN in length soon. I promise this to myself. I will.
Worked out about for an hour and a half. I did end up doing my ab workout after my chest, and arms. Also did some shoulder<a onMouseOver="window.status='' ; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status='';" oncontextmenu="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="location.href='';return false;" href="" TITLE="More Info..."> work </a>too. Legs tomorrow I guess.

I have this feeling that my gains haven't been coming because there is just so much negativity right now in my life. I can't get anything in my head that is positive. I mean I can't even type the fucking word without having a feeling of doubt. Back when I first started this journey I never once questioned whether or not it could work. I did question whether or not I was performing the exercises correctly, which subsided quickly and while that might be an indirect form of doubt on whether Penis Enlargement works is arguable, but it's not really what is the problem now or do I think it was then. It's the feeling that nothing is going to change for me. Like no matter what or how much I do nothing is going to matter. It's like I want to feel like I need to pump my fist, but half way through my arm just sinks. I don't know what to do. I can only do today's work. I know this, but even knowing it doesn't seem to be helping a whole lot. I don't want to drop the [words=]newbie routine[/words] because it's only been two and a half months and knowing that Penis Enlargementers after a certain amount of gains don't see the same rate of growth as before so I am at a crossroads over whether or not the [words=]newbie routine[/words] isn't yielding any gains in length or I just haven't given it enough time to make progress.
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I did what I set out to do except I replaced the Slammers with Erect Stretches. I did ten sets total and it took an hour. I don't think I could do those every night, but maybe like twice a week. I want to try them again this week and it should be Friday. Tonight, I'll do the newbie with additional 10 straight down stretches at a minute each rep. Then JAIs.
Anyone ever notice how if you don't have to do anything like say when you're on a break from school you don't do anything period? I mean I feel like such a lazy bastard. I don't have to work this week and I have everything done Christmas wise. I don't even want to do anything either. I don't even feel like having a good time either. lol

Boy, I'm just one joyous cat huh? Oh God how I can't stand the winter.
Tonight: Length and Supra Slammers

I have since about the 8th of Dec. 4 sets in instead of 3 of the BTC left, center, and right for the [words=]newbie routine[/words]. Forgot to make note of that. Also, the 10 straight down and for 1 minute each stretches I've done those for about that amount of time. Last night I tried out the 6 second holds or PC squeezes I should say that jakb recommended. I did 100 of those. I also did my regular 600 fast squeeze kegels or clenches and 100 reverese kegels. Then I did JAIS after the [words=]newbie routine[/words].

Tonight, I'll work out my chest, arms, and abs like I did the other day.

I really want to get those liquid egg whites. I might just have to find them online and get them off the net anyway. I'm going to have to get a better paying job though soon with everything I want to get. So, for the things I want: ViMax [words=]Extender[/words], Digital Camera, and Liquid Egg Whites, and some new clothes also. That's going to run me back quite a few, but I won't be able to get all of that stuff right away though. I'll probably get most of it within two months hopefully. The things I'm going to do that cost money is send out a check here soon, buy three more presents, and of course a few debts.

Once, I get those egg whites I'm going to focus more on what I eat for at least a few months tto get ready for the Spring. I mean I look pretty nice without my shirt off what with my abs looking as good as they ever have, but my arm and legs are not as big as they have been in the past. I just can't put on any kind of weight without losing my tight stomach. Plus, if I do gain weight and get up to like 170 which is good for me as I'm like 5'10. (I'm now as it turns out 158 :( and I want to get my abs to look like they do now it is impossible to do without losing most if not all of the weight I gained. It's like I have to sacrifice one for the other. My ideal weight is about 170. But I've never been that weight and had the stomach I like. I think if I can gain 5 pounds this winter I'll be cool. But I want it to be muscle and I want to keep my abs the way they are. I need to figure out a plan as to how I can gain weight yet keep my stomach looking nice, fit and hard. Hopefully, hopefully, I'll just have to eat more while adding those egg whites for protein and it'll be the right amount also for me I hope and workout my abs on something like an every other week thing where one week I'll work them 2-3 times a week and then the next just once. I think that might be a good way to start. I'll stop for a week for my body like I said in January and order those liquid egg whites. Then I'll up my calories, and start lifting for power. All the while doing the every other week abs routine. Once I get my five pounds of weight I hope it'll be all right for me to get back into a hypertrophy phase, which I really haven't done in a while. I've kind of been sloppy with the types of workouts and sets and weight amount I've been working with. I'm only taking a few courses this quarter so I think I'll be able to have time to do this and Penis Enlargement consistently. I'm hoping I'll have enough money to get a ViMax sometime soon though so perhaps I could experiment with only using this and some erect stretching which I reconsidered last night and think I could do it every other day if I reconditioned my PC muscle with jakb's advice and started jelqing again every girth day. I mean wet jelqs though something I can't stand, but I think it's only because whenever I would do them I'd use Vaseline and throughout the day I just would feel slimy or messy. It always feel like I had just jelqed or something no matter how many times I washed my hands. But I think it's time to suck it up and do them again. My blood-flow needs to get going into my penis again regularly if it is going to gain consistently ever again. I think I'm getting a digital camera from my parents for Christmas instead of money now so perhaps I won't have to get that and I can get going real soon on this new project.

First I have to get used to the [words=]Extender[/words] once I get it so this routine will be used after I do something like what I've been doing for length during that time. I'll start the girth routine right away though during this time.

Once I'm ready to wear my ViMax (or I forgot my [words=]JES[/words] actually) my Penis Enlargement week: 5 on 2 off

Day 1 of the Penis Enlargement week starting on a Sunday: Wear ViMax [words=]extender[/words] 6 hours AND 10 sets of Erect Stretches
Also, 600 quick PC squeezes 100 reverse Kegels and 4 sets of 15 JAIs
Plus, 100 6 sec PC squeezes

Day 2: 500 Wet Jelqs, 3 sets of Toilet Compression Squeezes, and Supra Slammers (however many I can do that day) OR 50 Ulis
Also, 600 quick PC squeezes 100 reverse Kegels and 4 sets of 15 JAIs

Day 3: Wear [words=]Extender[/words] 6 hours AND 10 sets of Erect Stretches
Also, 600 quick PC squeezes 100 reverse Kegels and 4 sets of 15 JAIs
Plus, 100 6 sec. PC squeezes

Day 4: 500 Wet Jelq, 3 sets of Toilet Compression Squeezes, and Supra Slammers OR 50 Ulis
Also, 600 quick PC squeezes 100 reverse Kegels and 4 sets of 15 JAIs

Day 5: Wear [words=]Extender[/words] 6 hours AND 10 sets of Erect Stretches
Also, 600 quick PC squeezes 100 reverse Kegels and 4 sets of 15 JAIs
Plus, 100 6 sec. PC Squeezes

Eventually, I'll take it up to 600 Wet Jelqs after a month or two then 700

The Body I'm not too sure about as to what I will do workout wise/exercise wise or weight wise. But, I'll figure it out when the time comes in the coming weeks. If anyone really went through this and read it if you have any info on the liquid egg whites and any good retailers for such a product if you could contact me through this thread or a Private Message I would be much appreciative. Thanks
I train 5-6 times a week if you want to get big fast take some sort of Creatine i use the Eas product i find that best. Remember lower reps at a higher weight produces bigger muscle but takes a lot more time but lower the weight and put the reps up and you'll get CUT very fast if you are eating right.
Yeah, I got cut up. I'm kind of dissappointed though about my arms. My triceps have always been outstanding, but like my biceps just aren't there. My shoulders look pretty nice though. There's finally a V shape there, but like I said my biceps haven't been trained as well as I would have liked to. I was thinking of dropping individual bicep curls and doing barbell curls instead. I just ordered 2 1/2 gallons worth of Liquid Egg Whites from Egg Whites International. So, I'm getting things moving here. I still don't know what I'm going to do as far as a set routine is concerned for my body, but I'll think of something. Do you know exactly how to take the liquid egg whites? Like should I take them before I go to sleep every night or when I get up with breakfast AND when I go to sleep. I've always heard it's best to take protein at night if anything. Um, I'm pretty sure like TwinLab has a whole system for Protein and Creatine (I don't know about it though...Twinlab to me just seems kind of all flash and no substance...just me though) and it has a PM protein container for night use strictly. as far as creatine goes. I'm allergic to it or something. Every time I am on it I break out all over my cheeks. I've got acne scars now because of this last time. That was almost a year ago I took GNC's Pro Performance Creatine Monohydrate shit. Broke me out in 3 weeks. I gained muscle though that's for damn sure. I must have gained at least 5 pounds at least in that time. The first time was not as bad a recovery as far as skin health is concerned. The acne or whatever it was looked like big huge ass brownish red boils on my face. Looked like I had cuts or scrapes that weren't quite healed yet. Disgusting shit. But I came out of that unscathed after 4 months of being on ProActive. That was the first experience with creatine. I used Nitro and Cell Tech. God I hate those bastards. lol But right now I'm looking for about 5 pounds and maybe a little bit more late, but for now 5 pounds. 5 pounds in 6 weeks would be ideal but if I can do it 8 that's good too. Thanks for the suggestions though. And I'd appreciate anything more on the liquid egg whites.
Interesting ..... Do you want to lengthen your bicept muscle or make it buldge like a tennis ball is hidden in there ? When you do a barbell curl ( my choice of curling ) , pull the barbell up to 90 deg dont go any further that will lenghtn your bicept wont make as much differance if you dont have a good bicept though. Now the trick is ( well ive found ) to curl all the way up to almost 180 deg after a while you WILL see a deff tennis ball effect on your bicept. Once achieveing that go for lenghthening your bicept like i explain above , thids will make your arms stand out big time. But remember if you have a good Tircept your 70 % there , this is because from what i remember.... Tricept is considered 70 % of your arm so if you've got a good tricept your set for an easy gaining system. Ive trained this way im not a body builder , im 19 and have had massive results... you WILL get good results if you train properly !

I have about 10 scrambled egg whites in the morning , i guess the best time to take it like most Suppliments is Morning , Night , 30 min Before and 30 min after you train. Your body has a 15-30 min timing system ... make sure if your taking any sort of protein or Creatine to take it 15-30 after you train any longer and it wont be absorbed as well as it could ( coming from my trainer )
Yeah? That sounds like sound advice about the bicep technique. Nice, thanks. I will do that then. But I'm a litle confused. Do you mean to say like do the 180 degree way for a few weeks(4 or so) and then do the 90 degree way? Or do you mean within the same set/workout? It makes sense to me the way it sounded like you meant to me doing it one way for a few weeks then try it out the other way. Have you tried out that Creatine pill from MRI? I forgot what it's called but I think it is something like CO3 or something?????I don't know. Maybe I'm getting it confused with NO2 because MRI sells that as well. I haven't heard anything form anyone about it. I've been so turned off by creatine from the skin diseases I've gotten from it in the past I don't think I'll ever go back to Creatine even if it did work with my hypertrophy phases in the past. When I was on that creatine monohydrate stuff from GNC Pro Performance I was also taking and had been taking NO2 for like two months. My biceps were like that tennis ball you were talking about. It was like a big sharp hump on top of a bigger more rounder hump. It looked sweet. That was when my arms were almost 17 inches and I weighed 170. But now I feel so weak what weighing 159 and really only having nice abdominal muscles and that's it. My chest only looks nice and cut because I weigh what I do and my stomach flat and rigid like. I still want that look, but I want my biceps back the way they were and I want my chest looking large again. I think 165 would do it too. God I can't wait to get started. Where are those damn egg whites lol. I want to post pictures too of my arms and trunk as soon as I get a digital camera. I want to see if anyone else thinks I looked as cut as I think I do. I might be psyching myself into believing I am more cut than I am with as much time as I 've put into getting my stomach looking good. I still have a slight problem though with them as I can't get the side muscles to develop. I need more weight I think because I've been doing exercises supposedly geared toward that part. Oh well. A lot has to do with genetics too.

Day 1 of the Penis Enlargement week starting on a Sunday: Wear ViMax [words=]extender[/words] 6 hours AND 10 sets of Erect Stretches OR 15 sets of Straight down stretches with a leg elevated 1minute each rep.
Also, 600 quick PC squeezes 100 reverse Kegels and 4 sets of 15 JAIs
Plus, 100 6 sec PC squeezes

Day 2: 500 Wet Jelqs, 3 sets of Toilet Compression Squeezes, and Supra Slammers (however many I can do that day) OR 50 Ulis
Also, 600 quick PC squeezes 100 reverse Kegels and 4 sets of 15 JAIs

Day 3: Wear [words=]Extender[/words] 6 hours AND 10 sets of Erect Stretches OR 15 sets of Straight down stretches with a leg elevated 1minute each rep.
Also, 600 quick PC squeezes 100 reverse Kegels and 4 sets of 15 JAIs
Plus, 100 6 sec. PC squeezes

Day 4: 500 Wet Jelq, 3 sets of Toilet Compression Squeezes, and Supra Slammers OR 50 Ulis
Also, 600 quick PC squeezes 100 reverse Kegels and 4 sets of 15 JAIs

Day 5: Wear [words=]Extender[/words] 6 hours AND 10 sets of Erect Stretches OR 15 sets of Straight down stretches with a leg elevated 1minute each rep.
Also, 600 quick PC squeezes 100 reverse Kegels and 4 sets of 15 JAIs
Plus, 100 6 sec. PC Squeezes

In the meantime I'll be helping someone out with a routine they want to introduce. I hope I can be of good assistance as it looks like a hellish workout for me. But I want to try it out for a week or two.
VeryShyGuy said:
Interesting ..... Do you want to lengthen your bicept muscle or make it buldge like a tennis ball is hidden in there ? When you do a barbell curl ( my choice of curling ) , pull the barbell up to 90 deg dont go any further that will lenghtn your bicept wont make as much differance if you dont have a good bicept though. Now the trick is ( well ive found ) to curl all the way up to almost 180 deg after a while you WILL see a deff tennis ball effect on your bicept. Once achieveing that go for lenghthening your bicept like i explain above , thids will make your arms stand out big time. But remember if you have a good Tircept your 70 % there , this is because from what i remember.... Tricept is considered 70 % of your arm so if you've got a good tricept your set for an easy gaining system. Ive trained this way im not a body builder , im 19 and have had massive results... you WILL get good results if you train properly !

I have about 10 scrambled egg whites in the morning , i guess the best time to take it like most Suppliments is Morning , Night , 30 min Before and 30 min after you train. Your body has a 15-30 min timing system ... make sure if your taking any sort of protein or Creatine to take it 15-30 after you train any longer and it wont be absorbed as well as it could ( coming from my trainer )

Oh! Wait, now I know what you were talking about. I didn't read it right or something. (See the post after yours) You were asking me which I wanted to achieve. I want that tennis ball look definitely. So yeah I'll be curling it 180 all the way up and what squeezing at the top so I've heard works good too? Forget that mess about lengthening it.
Going to send my money order out to the egg white people this week. Can't wait until I get my butt moving. Did nothing today as far as my body is concerned. I think I might do some erect stretches tonight. I did last night, but only did 5 sets. I bled a LOT after 3 sets. It just kind of spilled out of my pee hole all of a sudden. I think I need to start out slow and work my way into these erect exercises. Perhaps they are a bit much for me right now, but I am recording my progress with these in my Penis Enlargement binder. Well, night all.
Well...I didn't gain. Or at least the two measurements I took last night didn't show that I had. Well, I don't know what the fuck to do still. So, I guess I'm just going to have to move on from here and try something else?? I'm sad about this. I can't explain it. Maybe I really do need to do get back into jelqing regularly. I have family coming in today so I won't be able to Penis Enlargement for at least the next 4 days. I'll have to keep kegeling or soemthing and t taping though in the mean time. I didn't get a camera either, but I have some money to get one a fairly nice one. I did want that [words=]JES[/words] [words=]Extender[/words] though. I want to try anything new out so I can gain again. Oh...well
Oh, yeah and I fucked up my elbow today. I slammed it right into a shelf. It bled and now is bruised. I can barely flex it to type. No working out today either...

I think I want a digital camera more than I want that [words=]JES[/words] right now so I'll put off the [words=]JES[/words] for a little while. Maybe a month. Hopefully, I won't have to much more than that. I don't want to miss out on that good deal DLD got us. I need to figure out some kind of Penis Enlargement routine for myself that is going to generate an overall healthy penis where growth flourishes. It's going to happen for me. I know it. This is just something like a bump in the road. I'm going to look back on this and think to myself damn what was I so worried about? In SIX MONTHS I plan to be 7.5 X 5.25. That's it. End of story. Nothing else to it other than to do IT!
Ok, I feel the need to change up and set everything the way it should be fundamentally. My first aim is to set up the basics for Penis Enlargement into my routine. Secondly, I need to really have variety in my Penis Enlargement. I have changed up whole routines in the past and I saw good steady results after I got my newbie gains. I will thirdly maintain a 1 on 1 off girth schedule. I haven't really done girth in the last 5 or 6 months. I stopped doing wet jelqs even, which I hope is a major component of why I haven't gained in such a long time. So, this will be my new Penis Enlargement Routine. The only thing subject to change is perhaps Day Five, which might change into a certain set of exercises I'll be trying out soon. The only real thing left for me to do to prepare is wait patiently and get a big container of Vaseline as I have none at the moment.

Warm-up: 5 minute Hot-Wrap
100 DLD Blaster Warm-ups

Day One: [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] (w/ 4 BTC sets)
10 sets of Straight Down Stretches w/right leg elevated (1 min)
4 sets of 15 JAIS
600 Kegels 100 Reverse Kegels
5 1 minute Kegels

Day Two: 500 Wet Jelqs
3 Sets of Toilet Compression Squeezes (30 sec)
5 Supra Slammers
50 Ulis

4 sets of 15 JAIS
600 Kegels 100 Reverse Kegels
5 1 minute Kegels

Day Three: 10 sets of Erect Stretches
15 sets of Straight Down Stretches w/right leg elevated (1 min)
1 set of DLD Blasters (10)
3 sets of A stretches (30 sec)
4 sets of 15 JAIS
600 Kegels 100 Reverse Kegels
5 1 minute Kegels

Day Four: 500 Wet Jelqs
3 Sets of Toilet Compression Squeezes (30 sec)
5 Supra Slammers
50 Ulis

4 sets of 15 JAIS
600 Kegels 100 Reverse Kegels
5 1 minute Kegels

Day Five: [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] (w/ 4 BTC sets)
10 sets of Straight Down Stretches w/right leg elevated (1 min)
3 sets of Clock Bends (30 sec)
4 sets of 15 JAIS
600 Kegels 100 Reverse Kegels
5 1 minute Kegels
I'm also ordering the [words=]Power Assist[/words] instead of the [words=]JES[/words] for now. It's what I can afford and I really want a digital camera more. I can get both if I go this route. It'll benefit my penis in the long end of things.
I'm attempting to stay on the bright side of things from now on. I'm not sure how long that will last, but I'm swear I'm trying from now on. For a while now it has appeared that nothing or should I say everything I've worked towards has amounted to nothing. In the next few months I will measure. On February 12 2005 to be exact I'll measure all my stats and post them here. A new journey is beginning for me and I feel like I'm on the brink of something really good. I just need to get started.

My Body Goal: Gain 6 pounds by February 12 2005

My Penis Enlargement Goal: Gain as much as possible in length and girth by February 12 2005
Tomorrow's Penis Enlargement: I've decided to get on with it and not wait to Sunday. I'll do the [words=]newbie routine[/words] tomorrow and then do Supra Slammers and Erect Stretching on Thursday. On Friday I'll stop and wait till Sunday, but I don't want to be chomping at the bit by the time Sunday rolls around. I was planning to go out this New Year's Eve, but I think it'd be best if I didn't. I don't know what the hell is going on with me lately. I've had a bit of a bout with short temper and then just like a nonchalantness attitude. I can't mix those things with liquor.

I think Ill just eat my way into the new year lol. Get fat might be my new goal. Hey how would that be for a new year's resolution? Get fat. Nah, I think eating a lot more should help. That with the protein I'll be taking in from the liquid egg whites. I eat too many breads and things high in simple sugars. The only thing I think keeping me from really adding weight is drinking water all the time and exercise. That might seem like a well, duh moment, but not necessarily. I used to do no exercise at all and drink pop and eat whatever whenever and never gain anything. That was until I turned 16. I started working out then, but really not even then though. My weight lifting routine was atrocious. My form was jerky and I coul barely lift 100 pounds off my chest. I'm still not that strong though. 150 is my bench high at the moment and I'm too scared to try to lift more than 140 in my basement (the weight I have right now on it) without a spotter. lol

Anyway, my weight is a concern for me. I'd like to weigh 165 again and not 159. It might not seem like much, but I can see the difference and feel the difference. But like I've said I don't want it to be bloaty looking. I want to maintain the skin tight muscle I have in my arms and stomach. It shouldn't be too hard as long as I don't try to gain it all in like 2 weeks or something. Maybe I should rethink that eating my way through to the New Year thing.

Nevertheless, tomorrow I'll need to get money orders for the [words=]Power Assist[/words] and Liquid Egg whites and buy a really big ass jar of vaseline. Then I'll be set to start my new Penis Enlargement and Exercise Routine. Then school starts up again and it'll be struggle time once more.
Hey soz for late reply bro , seems like your on track with your Pe and just about there with your training :)
Im going to bite my tongue now ...... ive been on my cycle or creatine for 3 weeks now and have started to get a little achne nothing major but i never get achne ( i eat right too ) so its deff from the creatine. Ive never experianced this but ahh im so pumped who cares , doing this new exercise for my traps , deltoids , obliques and neck all the the same motion cant remember what its called but fuck me its workn !!!

AH! Acne...damn that stuff blows. I don't have it any more, but my face is pocked with little scars from it now and I still have slight redness. Did it start coming in mostly on your cheeks like from the bottom? Man, I think for some people, perhaps and this is just my own thought here, but maybe some guys can only go for like three week or 1 month cycles as opposed to say 90 days and then a few months off until the next 3 month creatine cycle. WHO knows though. I hate the stuff, but if you're getting what you want then you know...I'll never touch it again though.

I wanted to get a workout in today, but I got no sleep last night. I was so tired throughout the day all I did was play Manhunt lol on XBOX for about 4 hours straight. very sad
Supra Slammers and E.S. tonight. I had a pretty good workout last night with the [words=]newbie routine[/words]. It only took about 80 minutes for me to do.

I still have to get some vaseline soon so I can get started on my jelq and girth routine. Gotta remember this stuff.
iwant8inches said:
Supra Slammers and E.S. tonight. I had a pretty good workout last night with the [words=]newbie routine[/words]. It only took about 80 minutes for me to do.

I still have to get some vaseline soon so I can get started on my jelq and girth routine. Gotta remember this stuff.

It is awesome you are keepin' the SUPRA legacy alive! I can't wait till he comes back:)
Nah i just got 3 on the side of my chin just little ones all gone now .... mmm mayb i should go back on it :D

Those supra slammers are the way to go man ive had huge pumps from them i think my first .3 inch in 3 weeks where from them. I used to do 15 - 20 depending on how i felt at the end of my work out but i can get myself up pretty quick so it didnt take long to do :)

Excuse my stupidity but wat is E.s ? Erect Stretches perhaps?
doublelongdaddy said:
It is awesome you are keepin' the SUPRA legacy alive! I can't wait till he comes back:)

Yeah, the pump from this workout is incredible. At least from the head size you can achieve. My head never looks bigger than after even three or four. I have done at the most 7. I can't keep from cumming after that. Most of the time I'm so into it it becomes a jerk session lol so it's no longer Penis Enlargement for me after that. I did 3 that night I said I was going to do them, BUT I DID 10 sets of Erect Stretches at one minute a set (left and right as 1 set) after that. So, I did get a really nice workout in even though I kind of had a really lazy Penis Enlargement week as I had guests for the holidays up till Thursday.
VeryShyGuy said:
Nah i just got 3 on the side of my chin just little ones all gone now .... mmm mayb i should go back on it :D

Those supra slammers are the way to go man ive had huge pumps from them i think my first .3 inch in 3 weeks where from them. I used to do 15 - 20 depending on how i felt at the end of my<a onMouseOver="window.status='' ; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status='';" oncontextmenu="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="location.href='';return false;" href="" TITLE="More Info..."> work </a>out but i can get myself up pretty quick so it didnt take long to do :)

Excuse my stupidity but wat is E.s ? Erect Stretches perhaps?

Damn, kid. 15-20. You're my friggin' hero. How the hell you do 15-20 lol. I'm done usually at 5. I do them late at night though at like 1 am usually. I don't know why I do them so late though as I could do them in the shower easily. Hmmm...maybe I will do them then. I'll do kegels and SS in the shower from now on. It'll save me time. Oh, and yes E.S. was for Erect Stretches. I hope I gain with this exercise. It was strange though that night because I was like ah right I'm going to do it even though I don't really want to. I was like I'll do 1 set just to say I did them albiet 1 set. Then I started feeling up for it lol and got to 5 then said man I can 10. I could have done 5 more sets, but I didn't bleed at all when doing them and I did the time before. This was the third time I did them and it was by far the best. I think once a week will be it for me for a while. Then I'll add another day to do just E.S.
Man, speaking of the acne scars. I've been using this shit called mederma that is at I think any grocery store or whatever. Only for two weeks and there is a noticeable difference when I look in the mirror. I also changed my shaving cream to a gel that is suppsed to give your face finer facial hair and a better complexion and normally I don't buy into that stuff, but there really is no sign of redness today or yesterday. In a few weeks there might be a huge improvement I think.
Ok, tomorrow I am starting off the new Penis Enlargement routine and it is going to be AWESOME! YEAH! FUCK YEAH UH HUH YEAH UH HUH LOL. Ok,

I'm going to gain .25 inches in penis length in the next seven weeks. That is my GOAL of GOALS this year. I'm laying it all on the line the first month and three weeks into the new year. I'm planning on gaining 1.25 inches in length this year and I am promising you this. I need someone out there to like tell me to keep things up every now and then. Like if they see that I haven't been keeping up with my stuff in Penis Enlargement they can be there for me to say hey Bitch get up and do some Penis Enlargement. I'm serious. Someone should just come in here and post those exact words every so often for motivational purposes. I won't get offended. I'm serious about this. You can say "eh! Bitch, get off your lazy ass and get to work! Aren't you the one who wants this gihugagargatuan penis?? HUH? WELL, ARRRRRREN'T YOU?!! COME ON!" Damn, I should just do that. Shit, forget you guys. rofl
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LOL Chemical peels are a general term...any plastic surgeons office and lots of spa type places offer them. I think you can get laser resurfacing too if the scarring really bad.

BTW- I'm holding you accountable for that .25" No bullshitting. Bet I can beat you too....
dreamaloud1 said:
LOL Chemical peels are a general term...any plastic surgeons office and lots of spa type places offer them. I think you can get laser resurfacing too if the scarring really bad.

BTW- I'm holding you accountable for that .25" No bullshitting. Bet I can beat you too....

LOL, Great. Hey as long as we both fucking get there I'm all right pal. haha. But yeah I just looked at some stuff. The chemical peel is probably something I'd do before something like dermabrasion or dermaplaning. But I'll see. The scars aren't really deep. Like if you get close enough though and I turn a certain way you can see them. I don't know. We'll see.

Hey I haven't checked, but do you have a progress log? What's your routine like? This Penis Enlargement works and everything, but it just sucks that it really isn't like down to any form of concentrated analysis, which tells us this is what happens and this is why and this is the sure way to do it and after a certain amount of time this is what you should do and you're going to see this happen then. It seems that the beginning stages have been well documented and is evident (magnificently relayed also) from this site in particualr, but anything more than that is up to the individual and those making up the Penis Enlargement community so to speak as if we are all the future pioneers or test subjects gathering the information for the next generation. I guess what I was trying to get out in all that was there just isn't a magic formula or a formula really at all for everyone and... that.. sucks.
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All right, I purchased the money orders/western union things the other day and will send them both out monday morning. One for the [words=]Power Assist[/words] and the other for the Liquid Egg Whites. I almost pussied out on the egg whites. I wasn't sure if I wanted to really vest much more time than I had been already into my body because by the time it comes around for the weather to get to where I can take my shirt off anyway I'll be burned out from school, work, and Penis Enlargement and then to add working out 3 times a week at least. Shit this is going to get interesting. I won't let school or Penis Enlargement falter. My job man fuck my job. I get the weirdest hours anyway.

But I figure with the protein that has been missing from my diet for so long my body should start gaining the weight I need anyway to shed into muscle later. So, I will worry about that when I get there.

Tonight, [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] with 10 sets straight down with JAIs at the end just like the old routine. Then Monday: Wet Jelqs, Toilet Compression Squeezes, Supra Slammers OR 50 Ulis. JAIs, and kegels. I typed up a slightly modified routine again a few days ago and I'll have to look at it later and type it up on here sometime soon so I can refer to it every now and then on here. It'll allow me to see what I've been doing for the last how ever many months I've been doing it for the future.
Shit i havent even worked out for 3 days now , G/f has been here.... I normally do my Pe after ive been to the gym then jump into the shower :)
I cant imagine how much time you dedicate to Pe few hours mayb>? I normally only go for an 1hour and 20 or so. Im thinking bout buying a bib hanger what do you recon ? im aiming for length so i guess it wont hurt?....
Nah, a bib hanger is definitely a proven commodity around here, but I can't offer much advice as I've only experience with manual stretching. I hear that going slow or actually real slow at first to set adjustments and get used to the stress and soreness and whatnot is more than sound advice however. Good luck with it if you do decide to go that route. I need to try at least 6 months more of manual stretching before I move on. That's what I feel anyway for myself.

Hey, the g/f is more important that Penis Enlargement (it's primarily what we do it for in most cases right?) so that's good that you're giving her your time.

I'm just going to do my ab workout tonight before I hit Penis Enlargement. I have done Penis Enlargement for over 3 hours once way back, but now 90-120 minutes is common for me. Really I've only just begun the 5 on 2 off deal. I think it has only been since October 31 that I started that schedule. Before it was 1 on 1 off the vast majority of the time.
I did 500 wet Jelqs last night and my dick was hard for 450 of them. I was about 70 percent for the last few. I put on some adult entertainment and that helped me tremendously. Before I used to (like 5 or 6 months or however long ago the last time I did wet jelqs consistently) just do them in the bathroom. I did them in my room this time and then I went ahead after I was done doing them (about 60 minutes total..I think maybe more)I did the Toilet Compression Exercise recommended in Phase II for the same sets and timing. 3 sets of 3 at 30 seconds a piece) Then I did 50 sets of Ulis while watching Ladies Man lol.

My penis was sore as hell and fat once I was done. I'm definitely not used to this wet jelq thing yet. I don't know if I want to be used to it again if I see gains though.

Tonight, 10 sets of Erect Stretches and a few other flaccid exercises. I'll post them next time after I've done them. I haven't tried this workout yet so I can't remember what it was I wrote down in my Penis Enlargement journal.
I don't know. I've tried all sorts of shit through the last few years. I started with different brands and types of protein. I like whey the best, but the liquid egg whites I bought are supposed to be tasteless and odorless. So I don't know though. I'lm just trying something out new.
It's good stuff...your routine...I like that warmth at all time deal. I'm just waiting for my cack to get longer and fatter from just basically what I did back when I was gaining. I just find it insanely frustrating that I didn't see what I was missing or leaving out from my Penis Enlargement routine. It was like that month I stopped jelqing and kegeling I got my last gain. Crazy. I'm back though....started last night and it felt great. To me as long as I approach this positively I'll gain. If I don't I will not.