Tonight: Length and Supra Slammers
I have since about the 8th of Dec. 4 sets in instead of 3 of the
BTC left, center, and right for the [words=]newbie routine[/words]. Forgot to make note of that. Also, the 10 straight down and for 1 minute each stretches I've done those for about that amount of time. Last night I tried out the 6 second holds or PC squeezes I should say that jakb recommended. I did 100 of those. I also did my regular 600 fast squeeze kegels or clenches and 100 reverese kegels. Then I did JAIS after the [words=]newbie routine[/words].
Tonight, I'll work out my chest, arms, and abs like I did the other day.
I really want to get those liquid egg whites. I might just have to find them online and get them off the net anyway. I'm going to have to get a better paying job though soon with everything I want to get. So, for the things I want: ViMax [words=]Extender[/words], Digital Camera, and Liquid Egg Whites, and some new clothes also. That's going to run me back quite a few, but I won't be able to get all of that stuff right away though. I'll probably get most of it within two months hopefully. The things I'm going to do that cost money is send out a check here soon, buy three more presents, and of course a few debts.
Once, I get those egg whites I'm going to focus more on what I eat for at least a few months tto get ready for the Spring. I mean I look pretty nice without my shirt off what with my abs looking as good as they ever have, but my arm and legs are not as big as they have been in the past. I just can't put on any kind of
weight without losing my tight stomach. Plus, if I do gain
weight and get up to like 170 which is good for me as I'm like 5'10. (I'm now as it turns out 158
and I want to get my abs to look like they do now it is impossible to do without losing most if not all of the
weight I gained. It's like I have to sacrifice one for the other. My ideal
weight is about 170. But I've never been that
weight and had the stomach I like. I think if I can gain 5 pounds this winter I'll be cool. But I want it to be muscle and I want to keep my abs the way they are. I need to figure out a plan as to how I can gain
weight yet keep my stomach looking nice, fit and hard. Hopefully, hopefully, I'll just have to eat more while adding those egg whites for protein and it'll be the right amount also for me I hope and workout my abs on something like an every other week thing where one week I'll work them 2-3 times a week and then the next just once. I think that might be a good way to start. I'll stop for a week for my body like I said in January and order those liquid egg whites. Then I'll up my calories, and start lifting for power. All the while doing the every other week abs routine. Once I get my five pounds of
weight I hope it'll be all right for me to get back into a hypertrophy phase, which I really haven't done in a while. I've kind of been sloppy with the types of workouts and sets and
weight amount I've been working with. I'm only taking a few courses this quarter so I think I'll be able to have time to do this and Penis Enlargement consistently. I'm hoping I'll have enough money to get a ViMax sometime soon though so perhaps I could experiment with only using this and some erect stretching which I reconsidered last night and think I could do it every other day if I reconditioned my PC muscle with jakb's advice and started jelqing again every girth day. I mean wet jelqs though something I can't stand, but I think it's only because whenever I would do them I'd use Vaseline and throughout the day I just would feel slimy or messy. It always feel like I had just jelqed or something no matter how many times I washed my hands. But I think it's time to suck it up and do them again. My blood-flow needs to get going into my penis again regularly if it is going to gain consistently ever again. I think I'm getting a digital camera from my parents for Christmas instead of money now so perhaps I won't have to get that and I can get going real soon on this new project.
First I have to get used to the [words=]Extender[/words] once I get it so this routine will be used after I do something like what I've been doing for length during that time. I'll start the girth routine right away though during this time.
Once I'm ready to wear my ViMax (or I forgot my [words=]JES[/words] actually) my Penis Enlargement week: 5 on 2 off
Day 1 of the Penis Enlargement week starting on a Sunday: Wear ViMax [words=]extender[/words] 6 hours AND 10 sets of Erect Stretches
Also, 600 quick PC squeezes 100 reverse Kegels and 4 sets of 15 JAIs
Plus, 100 6 sec PC squeezes
Day 2: 500 Wet Jelqs, 3 sets of Toilet Compression Squeezes, and Supra Slammers (however many I can do that day) OR 50 Ulis
Also, 600 quick PC squeezes 100 reverse Kegels and 4 sets of 15 JAIs
Day 3: Wear [words=]Extender[/words] 6 hours AND 10 sets of Erect Stretches
Also, 600 quick PC squeezes 100 reverse Kegels and 4 sets of 15 JAIs
Plus, 100 6 sec. PC squeezes
Day 4: 500 Wet Jelq, 3 sets of Toilet Compression Squeezes, and Supra Slammers OR 50 Ulis
Also, 600 quick PC squeezes 100 reverse Kegels and 4 sets of 15 JAIs
Day 5: Wear [words=]Extender[/words] 6 hours AND 10 sets of Erect Stretches
Also, 600 quick PC squeezes 100 reverse Kegels and 4 sets of 15 JAIs
Plus, 100 6 sec. PC Squeezes
Eventually, I'll take it up to 600 Wet Jelqs after a month or two then 700
The Body I'm not too sure about as to what I will do workout wise/exercise wise or
weight wise. But, I'll figure it out when the time comes in the coming weeks. If anyone really went through this and read it if you have any info on the liquid egg whites and any good retailers for such a product if you could contact me through this thread or a Private Message I would be much appreciative. Thanks