Sorry for posting here, not hijacking, but huge-girth, your last post made me start a thread about erect stretches, in which noone have answered yet, so I will copy/paste what I asked there: " Do I have to try and maintain full erection, throughout the erect stretches , or is it ok if I lose some erection.This is what I do.I get an almost 100 % erection, kegel the head, grab it, and pull hard outwards.Now If I try to relax my Pelvic floor, aka Reverse Kegel, I cant maintain 100 % erection, it naturally decrease by 10-20 %.Is this ok, or I should kegel for the entire one minute, in order to keep max erection the entire time? "

When doing erect stretches, make sure you are grabbing the penis at the base and not the head. Get yourself erect to at least 90% or 100% and then grab the penis at the base and pull to the right or left side. You will surely lose erection while pulling but that's how it's suppose to be.

I don't even kegel while doing erect stretches.
When doing erect stretches, make sure you are grabbing the penis at the base and not the head. Get yourself erect to at least 90% or 100% and then grab the penis at the base and pull to the right or left side. You will surely lose erection while pulling but that's how it's suppose to be.

damn been doing them wrong all of these years now i knew it.... (fail)
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When doing erect stretches, make sure you are grabbing the penis at the base and not the head. Get yourself erect to at least 90% or 100% and then grab the penis at the base and pull to the right or left side. You will surely lose erection while pulling but that's how it's suppose to be.

I don't even kegel while doing erect stretches.

I've learned something new here, will try that next time I do these.
Its been ten years since then i just cant believe it,still a lot to learn..

Now imagine if you have been consistently training for the passed 10 years what type of gains you would have made by now. The longest break I can take from PE is 10 days and that might only be after 6 months of active training.
Now imagine if you have been consistently training for the passed 10 years what type of gains you would have made by now. The longest break I can take from PE is 10 days and that might only be after 6 months of active training.

Yep god knows where would i be by now, but i betray myself a lot lol,i wont take a day off until december 31st
(hope nothing shitty happens) i took lots of breaks and somteimes i got lost didnt even know what to do or what routine was i supposed to followed,some other times i felt discouraged as fuck..excuses i guess..Now i have a clearer vision of my goals..Dont need no more bull in my life fuck that bulls... 8-)
Yep god knows where would i be by now, but i betray myself a lot LOL,i wont take a day off until december 31st
(hope nothing shitty happens) i took lots of breaks and somteimes i got lost didnt even know what to do or what routine was i supposed to followed,some other times i felt discouraged as fuck..excuses i guess..Now i have a clearer vision of my goals..Dont need no more bull in my life fuck that bulls... 8-)

My PE breakthrough came after a terrible heart break last year. I channelled all my energy into PE.
My PE breakthrough came after a terrible heart break last year. I channelled all my energy into PE.

Well i met a lady last year but i couldnt be in love whit her shed had a relationship before the guy cheated on her she wasnt an ugly lady tough,but she wanted me for a sexual erotic time just didnt feel the need of her i still see her and what i knew and realized at the same time was that she was an undercover whore LOL. I still think what could have been if i we had taken things more seriously but i feel ok being free at least for now..I know a guy tht is really obsessed whit his girlfriend wife etc and hes been struggling whit that situation for years wonder why hes so obsessed whit her is kind of sad to see a man suffering so much for a girl,He says he is doing all that in the name of love SHe just left him yesterday again and hes having a really bad time..

Hope he gets better and forgets her soon Finding women that arent as unstable as they are today is a hard thing there are so many reasons why they are the way they are..LOL
yep Media has a quite effective way to spread their message"

I have a friend here called shortdick who later changed his username to longerdick or something like that. We both used to be stuck at 7 inches. But now I've gotten a bit above 8 inches. But unfortunately, he is nowhere to be found. I really wish he can come back and see how much I've gained. I also have another friend that goes by the name Childish who was stuck at 7 inches too, with a 6 inches girth.

Consistency and dedication are both very very important.
I have a friend here called shortdick who later changed his username to longerdick or something like that. We both used to be stuck at 7 inches. But now I've gotten a bit above 8 inches. But unfortunately, he is nowhere to be found. I really wish he can come back and see how much I've gained. I also have another friend that goes by the name Childish who was stuck at 7 inches too, with a 6 inches girth.

Consistency and dedication are both very very important.

hahaha wonder where he might be??lol
First and foremost, permit my poor english. For the very first time, I've decided to create a progress thread for myself because I've come to realize that it boost my zeal and love for PE. I've been doing PE off and on since 2008 with some little gains. I've bought an [words=]SG[/words] for the third time (I gave the previous 2 out due to frustration) I've been measuring wrongly before but now I know how to measure. I will measure and upload my current length later tonight. I own a [words=]Hydromax[/words] [words=]X40[/words] Extreme and the [words=]SG[/words] [words=]traction[/words] device. I also have a [words=!!!]length master[/words] which is yet to arrive my home since shipment. Today is my 4th day of stretching with the [words=]SG[/words]. I'm currently working on my length only. I want to get to 8 and a half inches in length before stopping the length exercise and start working on girth.

I'm currently wearing the [words=]SG[/words] for 4 hours daily with manual stretches in between sets and also doing erect stretches too and using the [words=]Ace bandage[/words] for wrapping when I'm not stretching. I will upload a pic of my current length later tonight when I'm done with the day's work.
Mother of god, that girth is INSANE!
DLD said shortdick lives in Mexico. I'm hopeful he is going to come back someday

I hope he returns to, he was a great member. I talked him into changing his name in as soon as he change his name thing started to pop off for him. There’s a lot in a name, Be careful what you call yourself because you’re probably end up that way.
I hope he returns to, he was a great member. I talked him into changing his name in as soon as he change his name thing started to pop off for him. There’s a lot in a name, Be careful what you call yourself because you’re probably end up that way.

Yeah that's true. I'm going to get that huge girth for sure.
Hes been doing it for years and he deserves it, PE requires discipline and knowledge..Learning everyday about PE is another important thing too.PENIS ANATOMY

I have so much respect for those members who have stuck around through the thick and thin I have always been a great supporter of the brotherhood. Huge is a great example of someone who refuses to lose!
Just dropping by to length you all know that I'm still here and I'm still training consistently. I'm currently doing the dld blasters with my length master. 20mins X 3 daily.

I want to make sure I reduce my fat pad drastically to enable me get a good bone press measurement. I accidentally broke my silistretcher so now, I'm waiting for lightening to send me a new one.

I so much want to make some gains from that silistretcher. Combining the length master and silistretcher is the best approach to gaining length in the fastest way.
One problem I'm having. One minute, I want to stop length work by 1st of December and then the next minute, I change my mind. This PE of a thing is too addictive. Something in my head keeps telling me to use the silistretcher for a solid 6 months before stopping length work.

Once I receive the silistretcher, I will use it in combination with my length master for a solid 6 months before finally stopping length work.
But there is one problem I'm having. One minute, I want to stop length work by 1st of December and then the next minute, I change my mind. This PE of a thing is too addictive. Something in my head keeps telling me to use the silistretcher for a solid 6 months before stopping length work.

Once I receive the silistretcher, I will use it in combination with my length master for a solid 6 months before finally stopping length work.

Stopping length work after 6 months?


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I’m there with you brother losing that fat pad. I need to start watching my diet closer because this week I kind of fell back into a bad diet. So I’m gonna try to eat very clean for the next month or two and hopefully get rid of the rest of this fat pad
I’m there with you brother losing that fat pad. I need to start watching my diet closer because this week I kind of fell back into a bad diet. So I’m gonna try to eat very clean for the next month or two and hopefully get rid of the rest of this fat pad

I personally think eating clean for a 60 days period will get rid of the fat pad. I've just not been able to bring myself to do it.
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I personally think eating clean for a 60 days period will get rid of the fat pad. I've just not been able to bring myself to do it.

I may try to fast again for 30 days with minimal soon as this help me lose my fat pad so quickly last time. I’ll try to find the thread describes what I did.
I may try to fast again for 30 days with minimal soon as this help me lose my fat pad so quickly last time. I’ll try to find the thread describes what I did.

I will be glad if you can point me to the thread.
I've been doing the DLD blasters for 1 hour daily 20mins X 3 for almost a month now. But my hands hurt so much so I've decided to switch over to doing downward bundled stretches. I will do the downward bundled stretches till Christmas.

Just felt I should let you all know I'm still here and going stronger than before.
I've been doing the DLD blasters for 1 hour daily 20mins X 3 for almost a month now. But my hands hurt so much so I've decided to switch over to doing downward bundled stretches. I will do the downward bundled stretches till Christmas.

Just felt I should let you all know I'm still here and going stronger than before.

I hope you got some good stretching in with the DLD Blasters. A tip, when your hands get tired you can use your Lengthmaster arm like RB fake arm to take the stress off your hands.
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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