bigbutnottoo said:
For much of the time in US of America up until less than 40 years ago, not only was it legal to discriminate against blacks, it was illegal NOT to. That was the real problem and why federal involvement was needed.

This is something I was blind to until not long ago. Philosophically, as a proponent of individualism and freedom of association, I always thought it would be inconsistent to support The Civil Rights Act as far as its scope into private matters. In other words, I thought any government or political entity should be prohibited from racial discrimination. However, private business and private property owners IMO would seem to have the right to deal with whomever they chose. Much the way private clubs can choose their members. I always thought that economic boycotts were the best way to force change as consumers vote with their wallets. I, for one, would never give my money to a company that discriminated in hiring or serving customers. Theoretically, businesses that want to stay open would serve everyone, unless they wanted to lose money and be publicly shamed and ridiculed. Then racists would pretty much congregate at places that shared their views. And well, we wouldnt want anything to do with them anyway.

But the big problem and misconception is that the federal government was the only one interfering in private business. Often, it was state governments that were forcibly segregating public as well as private commerce. For example, even if a restaruant owner wanted to serve blacks, in many places he could be fined and arrested for doing so. Growing up and in school, I was always under the impression that black kids would go into a diner or something and try to order lunch, but these mean white men didnt want to serve them. Now, this was probably often the case. But it was never really emphasized that state and local laws actually forbade it. Considering the laws and the culture of racism, one didnt have to be overly racist to follow law and social pressure and refuse to serve blacks. There were all kinds oif absurd laws. For example( This is going back in time a little further. After slavery, but pre-Civil Rights movement), railroad laws that legally required segregation and if the rail company allowed a person who was 1/8 black to sit with whites or a white person to sit with blacks could be jailed and fined $1000s. It was government enforced segregation that violated all human rights.

My point is this: I am speaking on why black Americans are more victimized than any other race in the US. BLUE already posted on this and did a great job. Not only were blacks held in slavery for most of their existence in America, until less than 40 years ago racism was the law. It wasnt as simple as some people would have you believe where people just choose to associate and the big bad feds came down and oppressed the South. It was the law that segregation was required. Not only that, but many places had mob rule. If you were black and you were even suspected of doing something, not even always something wrong, it was permissible for a lynch mob to be the judge, jury, and executioner. If blacks got "uppity" and tried to do things like vote, there were killed or made an example of to scare others to "stay in their place."
I dont support so-called "reverse racism" or racial preferences, and I think for the most part as long as someone is willing to work hard he can succeed today regardless of race. However, I do believe without a doubt, black Americans were treated worse than any other ethnic or racial group. That treatment should be put in the past, and individuals should not be forced to bear collective guilt for something they had nothing to do with, but it should be acknowledged and not made light of.

thanks man, and i agree with you "reverse racism" (if you can even call it that b/c racism is racism no matter what) is just as bad and is explainable but not excusable.
and i want to comment on the original topic of this thread, you guys are all mostly refuting a "word of mouth," rumor, and local experience based idea simply with other "word of mouth," rumors, and local experiences. so as much as you say it is probably false it equally could be true.
stereotypes are based in "word of mouth," rumors, and local experiences so trying to disprove it with that same criteria you are only showing that the idea should be taken more seriously, since you use the same thought process to build your own idea.
its a undeniable fact that races are genetically different. in terms of blacks their hair, torsos, calves, and other things let alone their skin pigment are all different than others. blacks are also more susceptible to certain diseases including certain cancers. so to think that blacks possess a difference in penis size, something so strongly rooted in genetics, it is very possible, but until a true national survery is performed considering all varibles and other factors we just dont know. (itll never happen, its arguably impossible)
also it really doesnt matter, b/c now that we know about pe you arent stuck with what you are born with anyway so we should all really just stop worrying about it. and i hate to say it, but constantly focusing on this issue really seems to just be a simple form of jealousy. (considering the high white ratio of the board) if it was whites that had this opinion associated with them there would hardly be any if not no posts refuting it, just as in society as a whole, and would have probably been used as just another reason why blacks are second class human beings.
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and i think we can all agree that chapelle's show is hilarious.
"no i cant stop yelling, cause thats how i talk!"
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REDZULU2003 said:
Yeah, this topic is not really ever going to end, always gunna be full of many thoughts , I like that ... its cool.
I always stick to my guns and I aint gunna change my stance, many other cultures other than Black have it hard I think thats what some including me are saying with the asian stuff, I would say slitty eyes is just as bad as N###a is to blacks.
Many will disagree with me, thats YOUR opinion, myn is that slitty eyes, cracker, white trash are all just as bad and degrading ... just they get not as noticed as the N word cos it has slavery to it, but that dunt make it any less nasty when said IMHO <<<< This wont change by the way no matter how much moaning some people do.

I have worked with MANY cultures in my life, and alot of asian, black and latin ones.
Seems the Asian and Blacks get the most stick , but the Asians that I have SEEN, or MET in these situations dont PLAY on it, the Blacks I have met do play on this like if they got de-moted they would say '''its cos am black, am gunna take this firm to court''' while the Asian man wouldnt give a toss .... or at least this is WHAT I HAVE SEEN < important point is that, WHAT I SAW, I aint condeming the WHOLE race of anything.
I geton well with all races, but when discussions like this come up I notice Black people get very hot headed and snappy ... yes we know the history its terrible, I think its DISGUSTING what happens in the USA with 5 year old kids shouting nigger, that doensnt happen here [uk] thank fuck but some black people MUST relaise they aint the only victims on race issues ... Asians are ... ALOT from what I see, also ARABS....YES arabs they are hated in parts of the UK with a sweet passion, and NOTE I am 1/3 Turkish Cypriot Arab, how do ya fucking think it makes me feel when I hear people chant in the street near me outside an arab family home death threats and abuse, about 9/11 and other shit .... people hate arabs alot, and YES alot play on it aswell ... I dont, I dont give a fuck about my 1/3 Arab roots .... couldnt care less, I do care about INNOCENT people being labbeled SCUM and whole races such as ARAB being branded MURDERERS and RAPISTS by TV folk, I mean thats bad.

Some reckon arabs are all bad bastards, all suicide maniacs, all like saddam, and its been said in the UK out loud by a TV PRESENETER and he resigned in the end and rightfully so.
Now if he said that about the Blacks it would be a fucking uproar no matter what any of ya say if you mention summut about the blacks all hell breacks loose, however the Asians and arabs [other cultures/race] dunt happen as much ....... I feel the Black communits must TRY and move on, its hard I can only imagine but some must try and not be so hot headed when the matter of ones race is mentioned cos it happens alot with other cultures and races but as I say they brush it off and get on with it.

I wish all were treated equal, but it wont happen .... damn at the end of the day this shit started cos of COLOUR,I mean fucking colour thats it ... we are all human so why dont we all just accept .... it wont happen, never has and never will .... if ya differenet than ya a target, simple as ... always will be, just have to minimize any chance of getting hit and being another victim.

I myself have a STRONG arab look to me, yeah it dunt help sometimes .... when I has a sexy lass with me I got called a Paki fucking trat and suicide bomber etc etc etc even though like I say my roots [some] are in Northern Cyprus, they still brand me as a paki or 9/11 trat, I ignore them doesnt bother me ... I only bring it up cos of I were black well.......hell would be unleahsed and the court would be in sight for a pound or two, or at least thats what some and I say SOME blacks would do.
I could have made alot of money from race abuse I have had, cos of my arab looks .... yet I dont bother .... take a note out my book and the many asians ... ignore it and get on .... the slavery was bad, but its done with , move on ..... ya ancestors did GREAT they settled in the many countries they were slaved and had familys so be proud as they have paved the way for a better future for you lot.

Peace, and I will soon be posting a pic of myself on the site so judge ya selves on my arab looks.


Anyone gunna comment on what I said earlyer? The ARAB point is important I feel.

I also wonna add that NO ONE is a 2nd class person IMHO , I know in the USA the Blacks may be this, but TRY NOT to think you are, fuck it - you have JUST AS MUCH right to be in the USA as any white man, geez alot of the Whites in the USA have come from EUROPenis Enlargement ancestry, so its all crap when y come to think of it, them calling blacks.

Keep yaz chins up...YA AINT 2ND CLASS.......Most blacks are IMHO again, BETTER people than many other races, infact I put Blacks up their with the Asians as the most freindly people in the world, I might be racist to my own race now HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA go ban me LOL j/k, but the white man has CAUSED most of this with hate, and useing ... the feeling and demand of power, the slavery thing that is ....... white man, they are the MAIN bastards, and I am in that race I may add .... I aint BIASED, just to prove it.
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REDZULU2003 said:
Anyone gunna comment on what I said earlyer? The ARAB point is important I feel.

I also wonna add that NO ONE is a 2nd class person IMHO , I know in the USA the Blacks may be this, but TRY NOT to think you are, fuck it - you have JUST AS MUCH right to be in the USA as any white man, geez alot of the Whites in the USA have come from EUROPenis Enlargement ancestry, so its all crap when y come to think of it, them calling blacks.

Keep yaz chins up...YA AINT 2ND CLASS.......Most blacks are IMHO again, BETTER people than many other races, infact I put Blacks up their with the Asians as the most freindly people in the world, I might be racist to my own race now HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA go ban me LOL j/k, but the white man has CAUSED most of this with hate, and useing ... the feeling and demand of power, the slavery thing that is ....... white man, they are the MAIN bastards, and I am in that race I may add .... I aint BIASED, just to prove it.

yeah its true whites have been responsible for a lot of the pain and suffering in the world, but they have also done a lot of things to develop it as well, which is too often ignored.
plus a lot of things whites are guilty for such as the crusades, manifest destiny, slavery, and so on need to be looked at considering how ignorant the whole world was about race issues
of course the holocaust, segregration, and the apartheid laws do carry much more weight since they occured during much more knowledgable times in history, but aside from the apartheid laws (as far as i know, the truth commisions arent very effective imo) those govts have made signifcant efforts to make up for their mistakes.
lets not say one race is better than other, i mean if it was asians or blacks or whoever who were in practically absolute power during the 1700s and 1800s they probably would have made the same mistakes, barring different cultural beliefs that may have prevented it, like native americans pretty much peaceful mentality.
we are all in this together and its sad that things like race and religion continue to seperate and retard our progress as a HUMAN race, but (to put it lightly) feelings were hurt and its gonna take a while for everyone to really forgive each other and work on coming together as one unit.

oh and arabs shouldnt be forgotten either as with any minority or majority when considering racism.
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ARABS are to easy to forget, they are forgotten.
They now have a BAD reputation from that 9/11 thing, and saddam plus the Israel + Palestine war.
Yet racism to Arabs i never really looked upon much ..... its the MOST common at the moment here in the UK, the amount of guys I spoke to who HATE the arabs, and for no real reason .... or shitty things like they are all gay, crap like that I get told for the reasons.
They look like Apes as they dont shave as much, etc etc .... my whole point is that their is others out their going thru the same if not harder times than the Black race says .... the Black racism is just the common one imho cos of the slavery issues and the history, yet we must remain open to the others suffering and stop being self centered and thinking that theirs only one race that gets or has it hard in life, cos their aint i.e. the Black race.
z03 said:
Okay, over the years Ive read a lot of posts at this and other pe forums discussing blacks and "stereotypes" without an actual black person's input and I hate to say from what Ive read it has been dissapointing.

I just have to say that it is fact that blacks are genetically different than whites, just as with other races such as far east, middle east, and central and south american. African-Americans are more susceptible to certain diseases, our hair is curlier, our calves are higer up on the backs of our legs, among other things. Im not speaking in a superior tone, but I think its time that we all admit to the fact that blacks as a whole are not necessarily better at sports, but we are naturally faster, quicker, and more aerobically inclined. Once we agree on that, I really dont think that the idea of blacks having larger penises is false.

I actually believe that it is true, there are so many genetic variations between races that the chance that blacks on the whole are more endowed than other races is not a myth or a simple stereotype. I really belive that the only reason that there is such a backlash about this is that in terms of popular culture it seems like blacks got the best of both worlds with athleticism and bigger penises, but that may just be the way it is. Im not accusing you guys of jealousy or racism, but Im not gonna deny the fact that in America and the world there is still an attitude against racism yet without ever giving blacks any credit or letting them have anything, which is a result of jealousy and hate.

Not too offend, but if the shoe was on the other foot, there would be no discussion about this, and lets not forget it wasnt blacks who started these claims, I belive they were formed through observation by everyone just as with the athleticism claim. It really is kind of disturbing how often and freely blacks are discussed and sometimes criticized in these forums. It really seems like the only people who care about these "myths" are those who arent black, because I know I have never talked about these things with other african-americans, but you guys seem to be unable to take your focus away from it.

Lets also not forget that in the end WHO CARES!!!??? It doesnt matter if it was swedes that could jump high or japanese with large penises, the fact is who you are is who you are and no one can change that. All of these race competition discussions are really sili and are ultimately rooted in racism. If I was born with a nine inch dick I could care less if a girl thouht I was small because I was short and white, b/c if you cant back it up whats the point?

So, come on guys until there is a official global study of all the races in terms of height, vertical, penis length, natural IQ, or whatever (which will never happen) lets just take our differences for what its worth and look at them rationally and accept the fact that we are genetically different without basing a global racial trend on our local locker room or basketball court. I mean were all in this world together and lets just let races take credit for what and who they are whether its a natural genetic trend or a sociocultural development, we all exist and try to improve, thats what counts.

I totally agree, i too am black and I have heard from numerous sources that we have larger members in comparision. Lets not forget how the black woman is built. Some of our sisters have upwards of 40 inches of ass, not to mention hips, and thighs. Knowing this, if the average size of the black man was the same as it is reported for whites (5in. or so), then it would be harder for black men to mate with black women.
jclark246 said:
I totally agree, i too am black and I have heard from numerous sources that we have larger members in comparision. Lets not forget how the black woman is built. Some of our sisters have upwards of 40 inches of ass, not to mention hips, and thighs. Knowing this, if the average size of the black man was the same as it is reported for whites (5in. or so), then it would be harder for black men to mate with black women.

I do think there is something to be said for that, but the discussion of these genetic differences is often muted; sometimes for perceived good reasons.

For example, many racists have stereotypes that blacks have small brains and big penises, are natural rapists,etc.

I tend to believe that blacks are the largest, then whites, then asians. And the inverse is true with IQs. I think there is a lot of evidence and observation to support that.

What does this mean? IMO nothing. I am an individualist, so I basically reject any use of statistics to opress groups of people. Science is not moral, political, racist,etc. Facts do not determine individual behavior.

It is stupid to judge someone on an average of their group. Following that logic a white person with a 80 IQ is superior to a black person with 110 because his races average is higher? WTF? Its like saying a 6" black guy is more hung than a 8" white guy.

Who cares. I dont care what average is because I dont aspire to be average. The only size that matters to me is mine. The thing is if black guys are bigger on average, thats cool I dont care. i dont see why people get in such a twist about it. Probably because then certain girls will only go for a certain race because they think they are all horse hung or something. or whatever
bigbutnottoo said:
i dont see why people get in such a twist about it. Probably because then certain girls will only go for a certain race because they think they are all horse hung or something. or whatever

If you're talking about black men there, I don't think women really go for them these days because they supposedly have big dicks. It has actually become cool to date a black men these days (that's an observation - I don't say that with a disapproving tone or anything) - for the women it's exciting because of the taboo, and second it also makes this sort of weird 'social statement' about one's being open-minded and not racist, and finally the recent dominance of blacks in pop-culture plays a big part. Trust me, if tommorrow the American media was dominated by images of Chinese men acting cool and hip flaunting their wealth and confidence, the masses would suddenly start accepting and imitating those Chinese men, and you'll see droves of women of all races searching for a Chinese man to date/fuck.
Blu said:
It has actually become cool to date a black men these days

I wonder if it is ever going to become cool to date Fat, hairy, Italian dudes:D
bigbutnottoo said:
I tend to believe that blacks are the largest, then whites, then asians. And the inverse is true with IQs. I think there is a lot of evidence and observation to support that.
Speaking to your IQ statement. I simply do not believe that it is a 'given' that Asians are 'smart', Whites are 'average' and Blacks are 'dumb'.

One's intellect is a direct result of their work ethic and the importance placed on gaining that intellect. I don't mean to offend anyone, BUT it is true that in Eastern culture, doing poorly in academics 'paints' a bad picture on the family's image/name. Thus, the majority of Asian children are taught to study much harder than the typical person of the Western world. There is plenty of evidence to support this too.

In a way, it is sort of racist to simplify matters and say that Whites can only do so much when compared to Asians and Blacks can only do so much when compared to Whites. This sort of logic is also the main reason that I oppose AA - it basically states that Blacks simply are not capable of doing work good enough, and thus, standards need to be lowered. Anyway, not to get off on a tangent, but work ethic, priorities and values are what come into play regarding IQ - nothing is a given in the mind, IMO.
Dario said:
Speaking to your IQ statement. I simply do not believe that it is a 'given' that Asians are 'smart', Whites are 'average' and Blacks are 'dumb'.


I never said that. It is statistical result of studies. I never said anyone was "dumb", "smart". This is why its pointless to even talk about these matters, since people always twist what you say and apply value judgements to statistics. As I said, there is no moral or political value in statistics. People apply them arbitrarily. I never said anything was a given and apparently you ignored my whole philosophy of individualism. In reality, A=A. Stating a statistic is not racist. Applying a policy (racial supremicacy, A.A.,etc) with that as justification IS.

As I said, and others have agreed, IMO it is important to just accept our differences and go from there. As I said, if a white guy has 8" or a black guy has a 150 IQ, it is irrelevant what their racial average is.
bigbutnottoo said:
I never said that. It is statistical result of studies. I never said anyone was "dumb", "smart".
Right - I should have posted what I said as an individual post rather than a reply as to what you stated, because I know you did not say that. And I didn't mean for my words to be read as an opposition to yours. I apologize for any confusion.
Dario said:
Speaking to your IQ statement. I simply do not believe that it is a 'given' that Asians are 'smart', Whites are 'average' and Blacks are 'dumb'.

One's intellect is a direct result of their work ethic and the importance placed on gaining that intellect. I don't mean to offend anyone, BUT it is true that in Eastern culture, doing poorly in academics 'paints' a bad picture on the family's image/name. Thus, the majority of Asian children are taught to study much harder than the typical person of the Western world. There is plenty of evidence to support this too.

In a way, it is sort of racist to simplify matters and say that Whites can only do so much when compared to Asians and Blacks can only do so much when compared to Whites. This sort of logic is also the main reason that I oppose AA - it basically states that Blacks simply are not capable of doing work good enough, and thus, standards need to be lowered. Anyway, not to get off on a tangent, but work ethic, priorities and values are what come into play regarding IQ - nothing is a given in the mind, IMO.

Hello, not that I'm saying that any race is smarter than the other but most of the smart asian kids in the school barely studied but always got good grades while the others who had similar grades studied very extensively. I found these people to be extremely gifted and naturally smart. Despite, that stereotype of asians being disciplined for their studies, I am always proven wrong by these natural gifted people who just happen to be asian. At the same time I watch TV and I see all these African American kids just blowing me away with their work ethics, intellects and innovation.
bigbutnottoo said:
I tend to believe that blacks are the largest, then whites, then asians. And the inverse is true with IQs. I think there is a lot of evidence and observation to support that.

What does this mean? IMO nothing. I am an individualist, so I basically reject any use of statistics to opress groups of people. Science is not moral, political, racist,etc. Facts do not determine individual behavior.

I can't believe I am hearing this from you. That kind of thinking is against the concept of individualism and I am offended. First, let me lead you to this thread to educate yourself about thinking blacks are largest, whites, asians.

You will see why the smallness of asians is exaggerated (because many are skinny) and how media always focuses on unamericanized new immigrant asians to exploit and make fun of. You'll also learn how diet affects body growth and why there is a big difference in conservative asians and american-asians. There is also different physical/genetic makeup in asians and all asians are not created equal.

I stated before that I was from asian descent and I measured 6.5 NBP and somebody in this forum said I measured 6.5 NBP because I was half white. That fucking pissed me off. He had nothing to say when I told him my Korean father is over 7 NBP and I shut his ass up.
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I remember watching one Asian male-White female interracial �naked people movies� from Japan, featuring the popular American adult actress Violet Blue. She was suckin' on some Japanese dude's dick, and after a while, she looked into his eyes and smiled, saying "Wow.... pretty big!" :D Unfortunately like all Japanese �naked people movies� the gentials were pixelated, but I could still make out the general outline/length of the man's penis, and I could tell that it was at least 7 inches, probably NBP. So not Japanese men or even Japanese men in �naked people movies� have small dicks. I actually know for a fact that the Japanese hire more hung Japanese adult actors to star in their ever-popular Asian male-white female interracial series DVDs - they probably are vaguely aware of the negative sterotype attached to Asian men and their penises, so they probably want to represent.

And finally.... it's not like every single black or white man on this planet is accurately represented by the white and black �naked people movies� actors in American �naked people movies�. Come on. Most white men are no where NEAR as hung as Peter North, nor are most black men hung like __________ or even Mr. Marcus. All those men are just freakishly hung by anyone's standards. Another disclaimer: before all the hung white and black individuals here try to counter this argument, think about this: you are in the top 10% in terms of penis size and penile knowledge. The other 90% of mankind are either blissfully ignorant of this information/lifestyle, or do not really care for it. So beware before you assume that all white or black men in America see the world thru your Penis Enlargement-tinted eyes. Most don't.
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Its very very sad that we still have ignorant rasists out there.I'm not just pointing at white people either,i'm black and had to correct a couple of my friends for coming out their mouth about white people in general.People should of been understood that no one's skin color is better than the other,and that we're all human fucking beings.Its bullshit issues like this that clog up our fucking minds and prevent us from moving forward on finding cures for fatal diseases or making it so that no one's homeless.In my opinion alot of people just need to grow the fuck up and thank god that we're all diffrent, if we were all the same color or had the same backround this world would be a very dull place. I mean and come on now with all these stereotypes. I could damn near go against every one of em personally.I know white boys that are thugs,that dropped out of school and don't do anything but drink beer smoke weed and fuck all day.I also know asian drug dealers,black doctors,and latin real estate agents.That dosent mean they represent everyone of their backround.We're all apart of the human race,the second u forget it is when u lost.
All white races of peoples throughout history have not created anything. They simply went to Africa, where the world's first universities were, studied there and took credit for ideas that were already being used (ie Greeks and Romans). Or whites went to Asia and learned things over there, and used them for their advantage. Or maybe a better exaple is how whites came to America, a land that was already discovered, stole it, and then took credit for its discovery. I am not trying to be racist here but a good bit of you who think blacks have low IQs need to realize that blacks have been opressed for a while and some of has become self inflicted. if given the oppurtunity, black people have the abilty to completely dominate any are we wish-not just sports. If you are up on your reading, you would know that most of the modern medical, engineering, and technoological breakthroughs were pioneered by black people (and other peoples of color). We can't be denied and we won't be denied if you have any doubts about the things that I am saying, just take some time, research these events and maybe you all we be enlightened.
By the way, If a race was reallysuperior, then that race would not need to constantly remind itself of its superiority.
I wonder if midgets have the same average as normal height folks:D
JamesA said:
I can't believe I am hearing this from you. That kind of thinking is against the concept of individualism and I am offended.

Sorry Buddy, but its not. Part of being a rational individualist is accepting reality and then choosing to treat people on an individual basis. It doesnt matter what the group average is,etc. I dont felling like going over the same ground over and over again. Either you get it or you dont. A is A.
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