Leosteve;405019 said:
I got interested in this question just recently and found a measurement study that took into account results from many countries and some of the individual country results polled and measured up to 5000 men. The general answer was no they dont however the nigerian study came back as being on average .5" to 1" bigger some of this might have been due to different measuring techniques but it still stood as sugesting the difference from black to white is probably .5" erect if anything. Asians and italian had the smallest at the other end of the scale :p

This is Nigerian Propaganda! Those sneaky Nigerians! :)
You see that is why its bullshit. Why Nigeria for example and not Senegal or Sierre Leone? they are all black? but Nigeria is singled out ... dont buy into this, we are all humans and individuals and with this comes some extremes in size but on a whole no I see no race as larger than the other.
Seeing that I'm bigger than most black-men who claim they have 10 inch clubs between their legs, I don't have a problem. Man, but I hated it sometimes. This dude in my high-school would constantly try to destroy my self-esteem by saying that I have a small dick. That's why I always changed in cubicles after P.E. The guy would just embarrass you out of no-where.

I would of just whoop his dumb Azz,Then slapped him with it,
Bet he would not pull that shit again,Some people just need there asses beat.:)

Speaking of Nigeria, man they sure do enjoy sending me emails about the millions of dollars from a long lost relative who died in a recent plane crash ...I'm their only heir of course...I can claim if I email them my banking account information, SSN# and fully name and address.
Superdick;405130 said:
I would of just whoop his dumb Azz,Then slapped him with it,
Bet he would not pull that shit again,Some people just need there asses beat.:)


He use to sell drugs and shit. Pretty popular, but an ass-hole. Claimed to everyone that he had a 10 inch penis and 16 years old? LOL, come on with that bullshit. Forgot to mention, he was black as well.
I bet Asian guys laughing like fuck to this bullshit, NO PRESSURE whatsoever for them ... its assumed a sparrow has a larger dick and than WHAM BHAM Look what me got! That is priceless and yet black guys must carry this stupid label, well I say carry it but to be honest most ordinary decent people who can see outside the box and not judge people for what they hear and see on the news and in papers will not go with such tales about tanned and dark monsters in exotic places but take it with a pinch of salt, get to know the person and see them for what they have INSIDE and not the penis.

We (Here on the forums) are more aware of stories like this thread is aimed at and as such we have a warped perception of what is thought out of these forums at times. I have also seen a few studies that suggest black dicks are slightly larger than white, asian, blue, purple etc but that was a pretty much poorly made study with a few men, more than likely chosen at the discretion of the bastard doing the study to have the statistical data to suit what he or maybe even she wanted the study to portray! open your eyes, many studies are pushed into the direction wanting it and although medical ones are much more tighter, the penis ones are done without as much tighter controls .... its not a subject on top of the list in many health departments like cardio or respiratory and for good reasons! No one died of having a penis that was too large or too small.

Another rumour is that black men are better in bed, make better lovers, better fathers, make the bed nicer, clean up more and are more alpha male than other races hahahaha what fucking bollocks and I really know now a commitee must be involved in some of this shit ... a commitee of head in the sand pencil pushing baboons.
REDZULU2003;405181 said:
Another rumour is that black men are better in bed, make better lovers, better fathers, make the bed nicer, clean up more and are more alpha male than other races hahahaha what fucking bollocks and I really know now a commitee must be involved in some of this shit ... a commitee of head in the sand pencil pushing baboons.

I never heard of that one. I think these things should be taught as a male of any-race. It's part of manhood of course. :/
Its obvious that any man can learn and become good at anything. The above are things I have heard only once or twice from a few women gossiping to each other and more than likely my theory is they have had a crap relationship with someone whos not black, now see a black man and he becomes the solution to Armageddon.
REDZULU2003;405194 said:
Its obvious that any man can learn and become good at anything. The above are things I have heard only once or twice from a few women gossiping to each other and more than likely my theory is they have had a crap relationship with someone whos not black, now see a black man and he becomes the solution to Armageddon.

Must be different in Europe, because in America, the black-male image isn't liked very much. I like being black very much, but I'm not the most perfect person in the world, nor can I save it. Same can be said for any race. Just like everyone else in the world. However, the white male image is praised more in America. Every person is trying to be Eurocentric nowadays than being themselves.
Than more fool them. Be proud of who you are and fuck everyone else's twisted ideology. Yes the USA is still archaic when it comes to Black and Mexicans but that because in the grand schemes of things the US is a pretty young nation. Compare that with the UK which is much older and hence we have a GREAT cosmopolitan community in our cities, especially London ... racism exists but nothing like in the US and black people are much liked here and respect like anyone else, because they are also Brits.

Visit London and see.
REDZULU2003;405198 said:
Than more fool them. Be proud of who you are and fuck everyone else's twisted ideology. Yes the USA is still archaic when it comes to Black and Mexicans but that because in the grand schemes of things the US is a pretty young nation. Compare that with the UK which is much older and hence we have a GREAT cosmopolitan community in our cities, especially London ... racism exists but nothing like in the US and black people are much liked here and respect like anyone else, because they are also Brits.

Visit London and see.

Haha, I will someday. Good thing we agree on these things. I see the UK as more matured anyway, or any place in Europe when it comes to relations such as this. Like I've said in another thread, the BIG BLACK CROCK MYTH is retarded and I don't even understand why these losers insist on keep this alive. It's the same as tall-guys ( 6'4+ ) being predisposed to already knowing how to play basketball. You know how many times I get that on a daily basis? Makes me sick to my stomach.
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BradTheGentlema;405258 said:
yes black cocks are bigger, end of story. this is getting ridicules guys

Bigger than what
BradTheGentlema;405258 said:
yes black cocks are bigger, end of story. this is getting ridicules guys

They are bigger yes, in the way they are hyped up by ignorant poor knowledgeable people. Whats ridiculous is that the hype around it has become to such an extent that most or many black men have had issues dealing with it and it does upset them. I have known black men to seek counselling because they feel the penis is such a focal point to them .... because they are black!!! how terrible is this!

I remember a few encounters with sluts in this country and I dont mind tearing pussy up for the hell of it, why not? I'm a red blooded male and that what sluts are there for - fucking the shit out of of. On several occasions when my giant taipan mamba leaped out of my pants and slapped about the place the ho would comment how it was ''bigger than the blacks'' and I was curious as to why she would see this as all color related ... needles to say I fucked her into next week and she's now going around town commenting that white guys or in my case because I look Latin, that Latin men have giant cocks ...... my point is word on the street from the hookers changes weekly or daily based on mamba-encounters or perceptions of this.

Your sweeping poorly constructed statement that black cocks are bigger end of story this is ridiculous is a fine example of ignorance, poor knowledge and someone who is brainwashed by big cock �naked people movies� on the net. Some of the largest guys in �naked people movies� were actually white.
It's stupid. It's the same as saying blacks being predisposed to eating chicken. Well, EVERYONE LOVES CHICKEN, not just blacks.
The last verse of this song is anti-racist Here:O I dont think anybody cares about the size of it, they are just fascinated by these noses:s
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Check out this thread on matters of size and see for yourselves the amount of large to huge white cocks in �naked people movies�, but they often get overlooked for darker ones and alas the myth is concocted.
Recently found a discussion in an entirely different genre of forums on Black cock and if all women feel they want to try one out or something amongst those lines. Check that out here.
Recently found a discussion in an entirely different genre of forums on Black cock and if all women feel they want to try one out or something amongst those lines. Check that out here.
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