yeah i know it but i got high hopes as my tool has never felt like this before....although just noticed a black dot near the tip, wonder what it is?
I wonder if the black dot is a bruise or a region in the glans where cells have died (the Bib hanger, if used incorrectly, can put a lot stress on the glans). Anyway, why are you hanging weights that cause so much discomfort? Seems to me that you will just injure yourself and cause yourself to have to break and decondition. Beware overtraining also. BTW, you are using a Bib hardcore right?
I mean it's tiny but after a day of pe'n I always try and notice differences, it's the size of a pore, very small. on't you think goin as hard as possible is the way to tear the ligs up and elongate? An experiment I am doing. About the cells dying, it's hardly noticeable on skin only, will it replenish?
About the dot, I don't know. Could just be a slight dermatological abrasion of some sort. Concerning the 'I'm going to do things as hard as possible' experiment, just be careful, 10inchadvantage did a similar thing and actually lost length and girth. In fact, he's still trying to recover form all of the stress he placed upon himself.
Yeah my tool's on fire today, just did dome DLD Blasters so far (opposed to more hanging). Will hopefully get some good sets later if I'm feeling up to it. ?:(
So, we've been into this for almost a month now. Anyone with anything exciting to add?
I have been off Penis Enlargement the last 5 days as I was hit with a bacterial infection ... like strep.

Anyway I am just checking in and about feeling better. Will get back to the work soon )
Still at it, hardcore for 2 weeks now (late start due to some circumstances), but I am still hammering away at least an hour and a half each day, heavy too. Oh an my black dot went away too :cool:
OK, I wanna do a little roll-call. Who exactly is still in this thing? Also, are you, Still, going to participate now that you're back in the proverbial 'game'?
Okay, as stated, I'm so in I am determined to make my penis longer. I have been hangin hardcore for at least an hour a day with at least an hour of manual a day. I have a low lot and say today I did a half hour over the shoulder with 30lbs. then another ots for 20 minutes, then two more sets at 20 lbs. over my leg each side, that's an hour and a half...along with about 500 wet 60% erect jelqs and 50 DLDs, all with off and on wrap to keep penis extended for longs and an ADS off and on throughout when I go to the bathroom.

I'm at that point, I'm going to hammer away and keep all rulers out of sight til the 8th of August with this intensity, and if I don't gain sumthin noticeable in length I may just....I dunno, I luv the feeling of Penis Enlargement as I workout as a bodybuilder, my penis is sore is like my muscles being sore I like it, but my muscles get bigger easier seemingly, whereas my penis does not. I have high hopes of hitting that lengthening stride but it never seems to come? At all.
Thanks for checking in. I am still in but recovering and not ready to hang. Unfortunately I am very weak and my body or mind cannot gather the necessary motivation to do anything right now. But I am reading the posts and looking forward to feeling better so I can get my life back on track in many ways... and of course with Hanging!
I'm still chillin, waiting a bit longer for my penis to get more healing in. I should jump on at the end of July.
Yea, I'm in the game now. How long's this running for? My starting stats as of today:
7" non bp erect length (Standing)
8.25" bp erect (standing)
8.75" bp flaccid stretched (standing)

I'm posting (standing) because when I measure seated, I can get a full 1/4" more length on all measures, and I feel that is not as accurate. Sort of like calling "base girth" your actual girth when you're wrapping the tape around your turkey neck, and loose base skin which can add an extra 1/2"+ of false girth.

I plan to track my bp flaccid stretch as my main indicator of new length gains, as that has always proven the most effective, and accurate indicator.
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K, im here at work, hung one heavy set before work then ads til now....going to home depot after to make a pulley system for straight out hangin, but yeah, i'm determined to make this work. I think mixing it up and maybe heating might be the missing links for me, as I had never heated before. good experiment to see if it's the deal or not. keep it up guys, have everyone try and get in serious by end of july or say aug 1st. I need to take all my measurements (flaccid, bp, nb) as I am usually too scared to measure, but since I have already come to grips with no gains I'm gonna sack up and do it all this week, then nothing til month to month for like a year. I'm determined to join the inch or two club. It has to be possible.
alwaystrying said:
K, im here at work, hung one heavy set before work then ads til now....going to home depot after to make a pulley system for straight out hangin, but yeah, i'm determined to make this work. I think mixing it up and maybe heating might be the missing links for me, as I had never heated before. good experiment to see if it's the deal or not. keep it up guys, have everyone try and get in serious by end of july or say aug 1st. I need to take all my measurements (flaccid, bp, nb) as I am usually too scared to measure, but since I have already come to grips with no gains I'm gonna sack up and do it all this week, then nothing til month to month for like a year. I'm determined to join the inch or two club. It has to be possible.

It's definitely possible. You just need to stick to this stuff. I can tell you from personal experience that dragging it out forever by starting again, stopping again month after month will only make it take much longer to get the gains you want. I've been at this stuff off and on for around 8 years now. I could have finished in 2-3 years if I'd just been a LOT more consistent.
Sounds good Still. What, though, do you suspect that your stable routine will be? Also, to answer your above posted question, I suppose that it would be fitting to continue until about Labor Day (sept. 3).
jqsderrida said:
Sounds good Still. What, though, do you suspect that your stable routine will be? Also, to answer your above posted question, I suppose that it would be fitting to continue until about Labor Day (sept. 3).

Right now, nothing super impressive. I'm getting back into this after many months off. I'm working with 10-12.5lbs for as many sets as possible. That translates to 2 sets with the 10lbs, and 1 set with 12.5 yesterday. Today I've done 2 sets with 10lbs so far. I'm shooting for 3-4 more sets today. Most likely will hang Monday-Friday.
stillwantmore2 said:
Yea, I'm in the game now. How long's this running for? My starting stats as of today:
7" non bp erect length (Standing)
8.25" bp erect (standing)
8.75" bp flaccid stretched (standing)

I'm posting (standing) because when I measure seated, I can get a full 1/4" more length on all measures, and I feel that is not as accurate. Sort of like calling "base girth" your actual girth when you're wrapping the tape around your turkey neck, and loose base skin which can add an extra 1/2"+ of false girth.

I plan to track my bp flaccid stretch as my main indicator of new length gains, as that has always proven the most effective, and accurate indicator.

Haha, I always laugh at how comparable your situation is to mine. I get a full 1/4" more sitting rather than standing. How is your girth going? Great to have a Penis Enlargement legend going in on "the project."
10inchadvantage said:
Haha, I always laugh at how comparable your situation is to mine. I get a full 1/4" more sitting rather than standing. How is your girth going? Great to have a Penis Enlargement legend going in on "the project."

Oh comon man, I'm hardly a 'legend'. I've just been at this stuff for 6 more years than I should have been lol. Girth is good, but there's less focus on it now. I'm Still clamping a couple times a day, and after I finish hanging for the day.
Thanks Still, think u hit the nail on the head with the start and stop thing with me. I luv this community and attitude here so much, thanks for all's help and suggestions. Makes me wanna bang it out even more, got a good thing goin as far as dilligence and hard work, gonna stick with it every damn day.
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