Yea, I tried out the 'fulcrum' thing with this pipe, and I don't like it. I'll just stick to what I'm doing.
Hello everyone,

I ordered and received my bib starter hardcore at the end of May and started hanging at the beginning of June. So, I joined your hang-off sort of unofficially. Anyways, I decided to post my routine. I rigged a device to my desk that places the pulley about 13” above it and pulls my penis as close to my erection angle as possible while sitting. This focuses the stretch on my entire shaft. I hang three twenty minute sets in the morning. The rest of the day I do piss pulls in the bathroom, focusing mainly on the septum with V stretches, generally one minute per hand, sometimes more. I do somewhere between six and ten piss pull sessions per day. I am cut really tight so I have also been doing some work on reducing my turkey neck and the hair that is on my shaft when erect by doing ‘Reverse erect skin stretches’ after my hanging sessions and before and after the piss pulls throughout the day (they actually help warm up). I do these in a flaccid state by grabbing below the head with one hand and at the hair line with the other and pulling. By the end of June I have grown quite a bit of penile shaft skin which has improved my turkey neck, kept the hair back where it belongs and realized a 1/8” growth in erect length. I plan on measuring every month so I will stay in touch.

Happy hanging
Oh man, I'm progressing quite nicely, and more quickly than I expected after such a long lay-off. Moving back up in weight that is. Todays numbers:
(In Respective Order)

17.5lbs x2
15lbs x3
12.5lbs x1

The goal for me being to increase the number of sets with higher weight levels, and decrease the number of sets with the lower weight. In other words, I start now with 17.5lbs. My goal before moving up again in weight (to 20lbs) is to hang all of my sets for the day with 17.5lbs. I anticipate being able to do this by beginning of next month. BTW, all sets are 20 minutes.
stillwantmore2 said:
I just got back from Penis Enlargement Depot (Home Depot ;) ). Bought myself a piece of 18" long 3" diameter PVC pipe. Had some morbidly obese bull-dogga who works there (lesbian she was wearing a ring with a tell tail rainbow on it) help me cut it. I washed it well with some dish soap, and am going to start using it as a fulcrum while I do my SD hanging starting today.

Hey Still,

How come you have not built the rice sock yet much much better, you can use it for SD fulcrum hanging as well?
stillwantmore2 said:
I do not like how my penis looks when it gets pulled in the odd directions by 'fulcrums'. PLUS, what I'm doing is working for me.

The rice sock is way different than the old way, but I guess if you don't like the way you don't like the way:)

Of course this will be a little different for SD hanging tho, the same thing would still happen tho.
cool i am kindof all over the board with my sets as far as angles, but i am being consistant in reaching fatigue and in putting in 120-180 minutes a day...

i took 9 days off from the BIB and this is something I would not recommend!!! wow it was like starting over as far as my penis adapting to it and the stresses.
Hey all, just to make sure. Is fatigue basically when your penis can't be stretched very hard at all anymore cuz so little makes it hurt like a bitch due to you stressing it out already? I wanna stretch harder but get to a point where I can't.
Pandora said:
The rice sock is way different than the old way, but I guess if you don't like the way you don't like the way:)

Of course this will be a little different for SD hanging tho, the same thing would still happen tho.

Oh, you bastard! I'm going to try this out tomorrow. I have a chair I can use, and everything but the rice. Might as well try it.
alwaystrying said:
Hey all, just to make sure. Is fatigue basically when your penis can't be stretched very hard at all anymore cuz so little makes it hurt like a bitch due to you stressing it out already? I wanna stretch harder but get to a point where I can't.

I'm not sure how it relates to stretching....never held much belief in that stuff. If you're talking about hanging though, fatigue is when you can no longer hang with the given amount of weight you used for the last set, and have to back down on weight to hang another set.
K guys, still been at it. Something happened to me tonight though....didn't have time to hang earlier, did some manual stretches at work, nuthin too big, 2 good 10 minute sessions yankin as hard as I could in combo with ADS for about 2 or 3 hours only, get home tonight and go to hang and can't hang near what I had been??? I mean, like I could hang 30 to 35 lbs OTS and I start with my 25 lb set and I can't take it, seriously, like no way in hell. If I hadn't known better it seemed like 15 lbs felt heavier than the 30 lbs does on my other days, and I could only last on the 15 lbs for like 11 minutes, not even a full set!!!~! :O

I'm wondering what happened? I don't have an injury, erections are solid as a rock, coloration, everything seems good. Any input? Thanks in advance.
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alwaystrying said:
K guys, still been at it. Something happened to me tonight though....didn't have time to hang earlier, did some manual stretches at work, nuthin too big, 2 good 10 minute sessions yankin as hard as I could in combo with ADS for about 2 or 3 hours only, get home tonight and go to hang and can't hang near what I had been??? I mean, like I could hang 30 to 35 lbs OTS and I start with my 25 lb set and I can't take it, seriously, like no way in hell. If I hadn't known better it seemed like 15 lbs felt heavier than the 30 lbs does on my other days, and I could only last on the 15 lbs for like 11 minutes, not even a full set!!!~! :O

I'm wondering what happened? I don't have an injury, erections are solid as a rock, coloration, everything seems good. Any input? Thanks in advance.

Yeah it's normal, you need to carry on hanging when in that state even if it's only 5 pounds or even less.
Thanks Pandora, that's what I was thinkin....wanted someone a little more experienced to reinforce that notion. Gonna keep at it.
how often are you all measuring? I just posted my last 3 months of photos (every 30 days) in picture proof and have gone from 8 to 8.5 (started at 7.75) BPFSL.

that is an average of .18 gain a month over the period. I am proud for now - mainly that I have not given up and keep plugging away at this. not that I think I have had great, average, or poor results for the amount of work i have done. I dont really know that answer.

It helps me to be a part of this site and I hope you all get something out of this too in helping motivate you for the training. Besides the education.
airshy said:
how often are you all measuring? I just posted my last 3 months of photos (every 30 days) in picture proof and have gone from 8 to 8.5 (started at 7.75) BPFSL.

that is an average of .18 gain a month over the period. I am proud for now - mainly that I have not given up and keep plugging away at this. not that I think I have had great, average, or poor results for the amount of work i have done. I dont really know that answer.

It helps me to be a part of this site and I hope you all get something out of this too in helping motivate you for the training. Besides the education.

And you're using a BIB hanger?
yes I use the BIB. I have hung 2-3 hours per day everyday with only a 9 day break over the last 3 months. the first month I built up to the time needed and only had a vacu hanger.
airshy said:
yes I use the BIB. I have hung 2-3 hours per day everyday with only a 9 day break over the last 3 months. the first month I built up to the time needed and only had a vacu hanger.

Those are some impressive gains. I can't wait to get back into hanging but my penis still says otherwise when it comes to stretching it out. Funny how I can work girth just fine now, but whenever I stretch my penis really gets irritated.
Small exciting update: So this morning I'm doin some wet jelqs and make it to about 85 and I find myself with a 100% hard-on.....I'm not trimmed right now and I look down I'm like that thing looks and feels a little bigger/heavier. So I do one SO set for a half hour semi hard, I'm just goin for it, take it and that Jessica Beal movie commercial comes on and again I find myself like rock hard so I say screw it after all my promises to myself not to measure for a month....and measure, *AND* (drum roll) after measuring I think I was almost an 1/8" longer (definitely measuring easier at 7.25" nbp) and perhaps the best part was how I measured my msg toward top (inch or so below my cut skin) and clocked in at 6.25" for the first time ever. I was a little lubed up, made sure that measuring tape was stickin to my skin tight kept pulling thinkin there's no way I coulda bursted through thinkin is there a space or sumthin, but there wasn't!!

Ok, so this may be because I hadn't jerked off in 2 days but I had done that before (even longer) and never got these kinda measurements before. Gonna keep at it to cement and grow more. Kind of excited guys.
always - great job and congrats on getting that measurment. I have never seen my EL at or above 7 but would love to see that kind of jump too!
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