It is good to see we have a few people still in and doing this. I just had to share. I am hanging right now!!! After a 9 day stint of nothing I am glad most of all to have recovered my will to some degree. I could not even imagine the why's or actually doing Penis Enlargement I was so hurting until yesterday. So I dont wanna waste any time and still am going to push to my 9bpfsl goal!
I have a question about cycles of fatigue and wanted your opinions. It seems like hangers who get the best results really push the fatigue and have to lessen the weight ... a lot for a few days. It seems hangers who do not have as much success hang more consistantly meaning both time and weight.

I feel like really taking as many sets as it takes to focus on breaking down the ligs, tunica, or whatever particular area seems like the best approach.

what thoughts do you have?
Hey guys I have decided to try to become a part of this hang-off we are having.

Ive been hanging for about a month or two with a homemade bib. Basically since I'm at home with my parents for the summer I am limited to hanging late at night when they go to bed. This means that I hang for about 45 minutes 4-5 days a week. I have worked my way up to 7.5lbs so far.

I have ordered my bib hardcore starter (Since my homemade is hard plastic and metal I think I am conditioned enough to use the I think it hangs on tighter).

Once I get back to school in late August I will be able to hang whenever I want as long as I want so I will be trying my own program.
5 min x 15 lbs
10 min x 12.5 lbs
15 min x 10 lbs
20 min x 7.5lbs
25 min x 5 lbs

I am going to do this for about 3 days a week and then one day with heavy weight and less time each set and then another day with less weight and more time and reps.

(in addition to jelqs and/or light pumping and/or lazy ass stretch)
(I know that hanging over 20 minutes is looked down upon, but when I hang with 5lbs or less, I usually don't get cold or lose feeling)

Until then I want to join this hangoff with a 5 day a week 2-3 sets of 20 minutes at 7.5lbs program. This is also incorporated with at least 30 minutes of jelqing a day. I also try to stretch myself whenever I get a chance and I just purchased a pump today. I plan to use the pump very LIGHTLY and for a short amount of time after I jelq to supplement the jelqing.

I guess I will report back every week or two.

Happy hanging!
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mlb - good to have you onboard!

jsderrida - great posts on the BIB forum. keep those up because you are great at wording this stuff clearly.

do you find it funny that of all the angles that provide the best gains it happens to be the most uncomfortable and least productive (as far as doing other things) angle?

i do.
my 9 days off...

so I still have a sore / semi-torn left susp lig. I dont think this is anything I need to worry about but there looks like no heavy BTC poundages in my near future.

I measured (unofficial as the 20th is official haha) and was at the 8.5 barrier for a bpfsl measurement. However I have lost 10 pounds since this virus so my fat pad has gone down and I dont know what was less fat and what was more stretch.
Things are Still moving a long. I Want to use More weight, but I'm up to using 12.5lbs without issues. Just thought I would chime in.:cool:
Today so far, I've got:

(All 20 Minute Sets)

10lbs x1 I do a lighter set for my first 20 minute set to allow the wrap time to compress during hanging and 'set' so to speak...I've always found that I hang with the hanger tighter after the first set due to the wrap compressing. It's also easier to tighten the hanger more for the consecutive sets (just a little more but it makes a big difference in comfort with heavier weight) vs. on the first set.

12.5lbs x2

I had to shower, and go run some errands, so the wrap came off. I'll be re-wrapping, and basically repeating the above 3 sets here in a little bit after I eat, and then go hang out (well not with my hanger) by the pool for a little while.
3 sets in for me so far today.

2 X 16 min @ 30 lbs ots
1 X 18 min @ 35 lbs ots

......tonight I plan on hitting some over the leg action along with some DLD's.
Three sets for me today as well. I simply do not have enough time to do any more than that today; yet, of course, beginning tomorrow, considering that I 've gotten all of this vacation shit out of the way, I will be hanging 6-9 sets per day. The sets I am hanging currently are circa 11lbs, SO.
alwaystrying said:
3 sets in for me so far today.

2 X 16 min @ 30 lbs ots
1 X 18 min @ 35 lbs ots

......tonight I plan on hitting some over the leg action along with some DLD's.

That's some heavy-ass weight, my friend. You're doing this with the hardcore stater?
naw, i initially thought I was ready for the hardcore starter but went with the bib starter after all. Thing works great as grip, stability, and pull from the hanger is not my problem. My tight ligs are the damn problem lol....again we shall see, I'm going at it hardcore as ever and not measuring for 6 weeks.
Its kind of a long story. Yet, are some of the key reasons:

(1) Lack of comfort. I don't truly have the materials to organize a comfortable and convenient BTC setup.
(2) Loss of FSL. See my discussion with Bib on this matter over at his forum.
(3) Minimized erection quality.
(4) I don't like to have something busting my balls, such as, for instance, a rope attached to 10-15lbs.
jqsderrida (from your post on BIB's site) : ">My hypothesis concerning the so-called 'missing length' is slightly different from yours. Considering that the Bib starter is 1.5 inches in length, there is that length of my penis which is not being actively stretched from hanging (instead, it is being compressed etc.). If this length of penis were stretched, as when occurs when I am manually stretching SD, the full 8" of BPFSL manifests itself. Does this not seem valid to you?< "

this seems correct to me as well. I know I have actually added more penis length from tunica on the base of my penis (the first half) rather than where the BIB clamps down because of a few freckles. I have also gained from the lig area but that is different.
lately I have kind of abandoned the traditional 2 x 20 set method even more. I find that after each hang with a short rest i am able to do more weight. so, more sets, less time per set, and less rest right now.

I am concerned with reaching fatigue and this for me works. I constantly have to add weight during a set and can reach 17 pounds at the end of a session in which i initially felt a strain at 7.5.
Okay, yeah, which ties into what's goin on with me....feelin like I'm hangin (in a flaccid state) pretty well these days and seemingly have more "goin on" down there. Like more skin etc, veins, hopefully this is a good sign.
Alwaystrying :
yes that is what I started having anyway as i noticed the initial gains. Shoot if i pull my penis to a BPFS i can actually see where the ligs attach to the tunica and I know this didnt happen before.
Man, very cool....maybe we're on the brink of sumthin good together. Keep pushin. Bout ready to do some sets right now.
I just got back from Penis Enlargement Depot (Home Depot ;) ). Bought myself a piece of 18" long 3" diameter PVC pipe. Had some morbidly obese bull-dogga who works there (lesbian she was wearing a ring with a tell tail rainbow on it) help me cut it. I washed it well with some dish soap, and am going to start using it as a fulcrum while I do my SD hanging starting today.
Hey SWM2, do you place the PVC pipe on top of your legs when you do the SD (that does not sound possible) or do you rest your legs over the PVC pipe?

I use a 1 inch PVC on top of my thighs when I hang SO using a pulley under my desk. I am just not long enough to hang SD with the BIB starter hanger SD with a fulcrum. The hanger rest on top of the fulcrum.
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