You little bitch you always edit your posts after I respond to them so that my responses seem senseless. I'm gonna kick your British ass.
jqsderrida said:
You little bitch you always edit your posts after I respond to them so that my responses seem senseless. I'm gonna kick your British ass.

No! Jackass I made two posts.
hey Pandora... how much weight are you up to on the BIB and how long did it take you to get there?

Also - what is your take on vaccum hangers if you don't mind me askin )
airshy said:
hey Pandora... how much weight are you up to on the BIB and how long did it take you to get there?

Also - what is your take on vaccum hangers if you don't mind me askin )

Well I have hung 30 pounds maybe a little more, I think I'm gonna make it up to the big 40 in another 6 months or maybe more. It has taken me about 2 years or more to reach that weight.

I like the Max vac, I like vacuum hangers, 1 hour hangs are really nice and relaxing, it's a nice change. But I would not say one is better than the other, they work good together but you have to be careful.
If you continually hang yourself you'll eventually get hung . . .

heck yea. Me likee!

I find many many things amusing while hanging weights from my penis... especially those things that help me smile or retain motivation at the lunacy of it all.
Well, I've finally reached that point when hanging where tissues begin to fail. It took 13lbs for me to actually reach a point were I was forced to reduce the amount of weight I was hanging in order to perform subsequent sets. Although, as according to the template routine I've posted in this thread, I am supposed to do 6 SD sets per day, my penis is just far too sore to allow me to do this. Consequently, I've attached my ADS and will resume tomorrow. Check at the link in my signature for more details. Best of luck to everyone.
Have you tried to hit the BTC angle as well? I notice a much different soreness coming more from the lig attachments on my pelvic bone where at SD the ligaments running from the bone to my tunica become much more stretched at the base of my penis.
airshy said:
Have you tried to hit the BTC angle as well? I notice a much different soreness coming more from the lig attachments on my pelvic bone where at SD the ligaments running from the bone to my tunica become much more stretched at the base of my penis.

I can't abide BTC hanging. It's too much a pain-in-the-balls.
jqsderrida said:
I can't abide BTC hanging. It's too much a pain-in-the-balls.

You tried moving your balls around having them on top of the chair, or yeah try getting a stool and putting your feet on top of it, or use a table. Ya know put your feet up.
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If there is anyway you can manage it - even if you do one hard session of sets a week from my experience it pulls from a very different angle and will help you gain. But if only SD is what is happening I am sure that will work too.
I'll keep experimenting with BTC, yet, I'm getting some good feelings from SD and SO with the rice-sock. I suspect that these angles are, within themselves, sufficient.
Well, I'm up to hanging 15lbs SD. My penis adapts very quickly to any introduced, novel stress. It's quite unfortunate. However, with 15lbs, I was again forced to reduce back to 13lbs to hang subsequent sets. I'm thinking about replacing the SO rice-sock secondary angle with either OTS or SO with a pulley rig; it can't be good to pull the penis with a great amount of force over a fulcrum, effectively smashing, for twenty minute sets, the corpus spongiosum and proximal nerve bundles.
So guys a little rundown.....I have been inconsistent to start this thing with a friend passing and a new job *HOWEVER* I have really decided to kick this thing in high gear lately, I mean really. I am to the point where I am tugging on the thing all the time, hangin and I have even made care packages for the car to DLD's (made a custom head puller that rips it up for blasters) and ADS basically at anytime. The last 3 days have been the best Penis Enlargement workout days of my life and I am really experimenting with shit now. Hangin at about 1 to to hours of intense hangin and about the same time allotted for manual stuff too....In other words I am pulling the shit out of this thing and really wanna live up to this intensity. I am sick of just doing a half hour here, and hour here, a day off. I am going every day, and hard now like the real gainers. I got visions of doing some crazy shit like gainin an inch in like 3 months. We shall see, but I can say this I have never been so damn motivated in my entire life. July is the first month for me, and don't you worry I am hangin as I type this very message, 22.5 lbs over my leg. It's fuckin screamin too, aproachin the 20 minute mark ;)
alwaystrying said:
So guys a little rundown.....I have been inconsistent to start this thing with a friend passing and a new job *HOWEVER* I have really decided to kick this thing in high gear lately, I mean really. I am to the point where I am tugging on the thing all the time, hangin and I have even made care packages for the car to DLD's (made a custom head puller that rips it up for blasters) and ADS basically at anytime. The last 3 days have been the best Penis Enlargement workout days of my life and I am really experimenting with shit now. Hangin at about 1 to to hours of intense hangin and about the same time allotted for manual stuff too....In other words I am pulling the shit out of this thing and really wanna live up to this intensity. I am sick of just doing a half hour here, and hour here, a day off. I am going every day, and hard now like the real gainers. I got visions of doing some crazy shit like gainin an inch in like 3 months. We shall see, but I can say this I have never been so damn motivated in my entire life. July is the first month for me, and don't you worry I am hangin as I type this very message, 22.5 lbs over my leg. It's fuckin screamin too, aproachin the 20 minute mark ;)

Don't get crazy on us now. Managing overzealousness is something hard for us hangers.
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