ligament damage. I have found a new degree in this concept lately. I have said this but I am looking back at all my training as pre and post BIB. Post BIB has all been about getting used to the strain and not getting injured as I add weight.

The last few days I have felt a new strain and am understanding more what ligament damage is. I feel like I have extremely tough ligaments and by using 17 pounds consistently over the last several days BTC have opened a new degree of potential. I could be wrong but this is what I feel.
I have and have tried to read as many of his posts as possible. Thanks for sharing though. One of the things that kept me focused was his ideas on how at some point you will release new crinullations (spelling) and they come in stages. I just seemed to have to use a higher weight than many people did for the initial release.
Indeed, what would we have done without Bib? - not trying to deify him or anything.
it is funny you say that. I think people who take to hanging have some similar qualities. Probably most of us are fairly compulsive, can be alone and like it, somewhat tough physically... i am sure there are some more.

I have had some thoughts about BIB and he is somewhat of a mytholigical figure to me in my Penis Enlargement quest. There was Thor and his Hammer. And there is Bib and his Hanger.

I even have a few sayings about the bib that cross my mind. For example when a friend calls and I am hanging, and they ask "what are you up to?" I want badly to say "I am just hangin with BIB".

And there is a rap type song that the hook says "I love my chick" over and over. I have modified that to "I love my BIB."

Like a warrior carries their sword and shield, I am finding the same relationship to my BIB. My penis length for the time being is going to live or die with BIB by its side.
So I went heavy and often tonight. ow. I have a few thoughts I wanted to share. Lately I have found by spending about 2 very heavy and tough sessions (of course this if all relative) I can do a standard routine the rest of the week. I try to spend a few sessions of constant bombardment where the rest is short and the weights are heavy to thrash my ligs and tunica as best I can.

I have found vodka to help in some of these sessions as it numbs the pain. No - i am not pushing to the point of injury but yes - heavy ligament damage is occurring.

If for example I do 5 x 20 minutes at 17.5 pounds on the BIB with 10 min rest... I find severe soreness. I want to achieve this in the right capacity. 2 sets is not enough only because my penis is not conditioned to bear more weight. But if I am smart and take care of the boy I know... The ligs will follow. So I write this in soreness and a degree of satisfaction that the job for tonight has been done. And tomorrow is a new day.

Keep pulling, hangin, pumping... or whatever it takes
airshy said:
So I went heavy and often tonight. ow. I have a few thoughts I wanted to share. Lately I have found by spending about 2 very heavy and tough sessions (of course this if all relative) I can do a standard routine the rest of the week. I try to spend a few sessions of constant bombardment where the rest is short and the weights are heavy to thrash my ligs and tunica as best I can.

I have found vodka to help in some of these sessions as it numbs the pain. No - i am not pushing to the point of injury but yes - heavy ligament damage is occurring.

If for example I do 5 x 20 minutes at 17.5 pounds on the BIB with 10 min rest... I find severe soreness. I want to achieve this in the right capacity. 2 sets is not enough only because my penis is not conditioned to bear more weight. But if I am smart and take care of the boy I know... The ligs will follow. So I write this in soreness and a degree of satisfaction that the job for tonight has been done. And tomorrow is a new day.

Keep pulling, hangin, pumping... or whatever it takes

WOW, I think I almost got a little teary eyed reading this. It sounds like finally, there's another guy out there hanging with the BIB, and learning how to do so properly. I'd also suggest posting on BIB's forum. He responds. Also, if you have questions about hanging in general...even though it may take time send him an email:
Bib's Hangers :: Index

When you get answers to your questions, share them here for the benefit of others. Preferably in new posts.
SWM I really appreciate that and yes I am reading and trying. I have always thought it is best while learning to go to the people who have had the most success result wise and do my best to copy them in my own capacity.

Hopefully all of us hanging and working for results right now will slowly but surely see gains. I am sure we would take fast gains too!

For now, i am hurting. I can barely hang comfortably but still did so at lighter weights. One thing I may be missing in the posts on hanging is the degree of toughness it takes to create the necessary damage. Especially when one has tight ligaments like myself. Ultimately I do not think that is a negative, it requires more pushing to break them up when is not comfortable in any fashion.

I am looking forward to the next 30 days of this and if i see consistent gains I will be more than happy to share what I am learning.

Thanks again for piping in here.
You may already be aware of this, but soreness unlike with skeletal the penis when pertaining to Penis Enlargement, is not an indicator that time off is needed. It is in fact an indicator that you are doing things properly. As long as your erections are not suffering in quality, and you are not experiencing PAIN, keep at it. Take as little time off....maybe a day or two a week as possible.
stillwantmore2 said:
You may already be aware of this, but soreness unlike with skeletal the penis when pertaining to Penis Enlargement, is not an indicator that time off is needed. It is in fact an indicator that you are doing things properly. As long as your erections are not suffering in quality, and you are not experiencing PAIN, keep at it. Take as little time off....maybe a day or two a week as possible.

Have you been following my fatigue status lately? Was wondering if you had ever experienced something like it.
I have yet to take a day off - only lighter days so far. And maybe only a few sets at once instead of 2 - 3 throughout the day. I am having slight swelling in the left ligament? (I still dont know what it is) on the base of my shaft (diagramed above). I have done consistent clamping and it may be from that but I am just not sure. It feels like something stretching and a little knotted in my penis - and It will loosen up after a set of hanging. I do not think it is a Tvein but I just don't know, and it does not create pain. There is only tightness.
airshy said:
I have yet to take a day off - only lighter days so far. And maybe only a few sets at once instead of 2 - 3 throughout the day. I am having slight swelling in the left ligament? (I still dont know what it is) on the base of my shaft (diagramed above). I have done consistent clamping and it may be from that but I am just not sure. It feels like something stretching and a little knotted in my penis - and It will loosen up after a set of hanging. I do not think it is a Tvein but I just don't know, and it does not create pain. There is only tightness.

Not sure on that one. Have you asked BIB?
Just got my Bib in the mail. Will start hanging with it today. ...Such a pretty piece of equipment....
Yes, you can definitely see the ingenuity that went into that hanger! How are you liking it so far jqsderrida?
Right on, the bib starter is the way to go....have u gotten any tips on how to wrap? Also, I have taken a few days off by accident cuz a friend past away. Back on track today though, off hangin LMAO
alwaystrying said:
Right on, the bib starter is the way to go....have u gotten any tips on how to wrap? Also, I have taken a few days off by accident cuz a friend past away. Back on track today though, off hangin LMAO

Sorry to hear about your friend.

Insofar as wrapping is concerned, I've thus far tried two techniques: (1) wrapping with the staticwrap supplied with the staticstretcher, and (2) just using about a 14" long strip of 3" wide ace bandage. I prefer the latter. Essentially I am using the wrapping technique propounded by stillwantmore - it is indeed very simple, and quite effective.
The Bib is an excellent and sturdy piece of Penis Enlargement equipment. It's really unfortunate that I didn't start with it instead of the other hangers I have cycled through. The Bib is undoubtedly where it is at - the vets recommend it for a reason. I did 8lbs with it today, yet, because I didn't reach the fatigue level I wanted with it, I will hang 10lbs tomorrow. My plan is to do something like this: Hang 6 consecutive sets SD at some fatigue-inducing weight. My secondary angle will be SO with a rice-sock. Obviously, between each set I will be dry jelqing as I feel that this is an imperative. I'm still experimenting with the various settings trying to get the correct gap set at both the bottom and the top of the hanger. However, currently, using the ace wrap, I have the adjustment nuts at the bottom of the hanger about .3" or so out, almost exactly the out-of-the-box settings. With this arrangement I can close the top of the hanger very tightly and the hanger itself does not slip, nor does it ride too heavily on the area just behind the top part of the glans. If anyone has any questions are recommendations, please state them.
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