Interesting post as I have felt the same, which is contrary to many hanging posts I have read.

When our penis can handle more weight, the bottom line is that the ligaments are stronger. Bib says they begin to form into similar size and strength and work in concert as we break down further layers.

To me this would mean ligament integrety is involved, not stretched cadaverous weak ligaments.

I am still practincing different routines constantly to feel out what weight, angle, rest, etc seems to create results. But the one constant is that I am pulling my inner penis out of my body with some weight at some angle, which alone will lead to some gains.

I think when it comes to the greuling sport of hanging, well over half of the results we acheive will come from just putting in the time of 2-3 hours per day. The other quarter or so will come from the "perfect" blend of weights and angles... whatever that is.
Yeah, I'm likin this guys. As stated, I think I'd be a girth gainer myself, but goin for length primarily and gonna get some serious hangin in later. Today is the 24th, sorry to say but I measured with this in mind, so yeah, what I said the other day seemed to be somewhat easy to get again. 7.25 nbp, 7.75 bp with a 6.25 mid girth.....and I'm throwin my rulers away and not measuring for 90 days (hope I can stick with this, as this is a big deal for me). I'm one of those people that even if I grow 1/8 inch it just doesn't seem like a lot and will attribute it to whatever I feel like and write it off and have never not measured at least every 2 weeks. Again, I have visions of being a gainer, and I feel that measuring too frequently makes it hard to do just that, so yeah I'm not measuring til Halloween. Sorry guys, just know that I am a.) a mental case when it comes to measuring, b.) someone who has never done this, and c.) stickin with it more than ever previous. So for the sake of this hangoff, mine will end on Halloween (got a tad late of a start anyway). I'm one of those people who have had somewhat success in whatever I do (as far as stickin with it) and have found that the measuring thing is the single most thing that discourages me cuz it's never enough in 2 weeks and tell myself "Oh it's not workin etc.". So I am currently measuring the biggest I ever have, and if in 90 days I make some kinda substantial gains then I'm hooked for life plain and simple, so this is do or die for me. I have visions of gaining a half inch in 3 months with hangin 2 to 3 hours everyday, ADS, manual exercises the whole bit so wish me luck. *AND* also know that I'm right here with you all beatin the shit outta myself every day along with you guys, my update will just be a little late. I also have plans to dress up as something cool and if I'm measuring close to 8 nbp (best case scenario, gain close to .25 each month??) then I'll have to be something along the lines of the incredible hulk or superman haha, let alone the girth I may pick up as a side deal along the way...............
Always - 6.25 midshaft is sick!

on girth I have a funny story. Last night I pumped 5 sets at 10 minutes 10Hg, then clamped for 10 minutes.

My midshaft was over 6 for the first time ever after the workout, but I had the ugliest penis I have ever seen. omg!!!

Well, through girth training I for sure have conditioned things to temporarily get bigger. But I want to make sure I am clear in my posts I am really only about a 5 cold turkey.
Am I the only one who experiences a BPFSL decrease after around 5 consecutive sets?
My opinion, seeing that this perhaps is a universal phenomenon, is that the penis goes into shock as result of the stress placed upon it. For growth this is horrendous, as several chemical messengers are released from cells when tissues are traumatized and prevents regular cell functioning (reproduction and growth).
I meant to add: as there exist various economic indexes which provide Ben Bernanke (current Fed chief) with data from which he can steer the growth of the economy, so too does our penis provide us with physiological indexes, the interpretation of which we must grow competent in. Perhaps it is better to stop hanging after the initial BPFSL drop is incurred. That is, at least, what I did today after following a hunch. Perhaps we over-train too severely?
I'm going to do some research on the biochemistry of cell trauma. Ill report what I find.
but the fact that it got shorter after such an extreme pull, u don't think that means anything Pandora?
alwaystrying said:
but the fact that it got shorter after such an extreme pull, u don't think that means anything Pandora?

Yeah your not stressing the right things maybe?? Your not attaching the hanger properly.
Hydromaxmm, attachin the hanger tight enough? cuz I thought how high or low the hanger is placed on your penis is just a matter of preference?
alwaystrying said:
Hydromaxmm, attachin the hanger tight enough? cuz I thought how high or low the hanger is placed on your penis is just a matter of preference?

Well the best way to attach the hanger is as close to the head as possible which is like 1 inch or something, but me being uncut it's different for me lol I reckon I would be an ACE with the Bib if I was cut :D
I kinda live by the motto of pulling the shit out of my dick when I train but now I'm wondering. My train of thought is that I'm a hard gainer so I need to train hard, right? I was with Pandora and figured when I hang hard my penis doesn't hang as well as one might think right after, in fact it almost looks shriveled, but jelqin it out always works for a great hang.

So we can add this to the long list of questions, does pulling it as hard as possible for the most cumulative time make for better length gains, or does it make it harder in the sense of overtraining?
Pandora said:
You jelq it back out.

These are measurements taken after exactly 5 minutes of dry jelqing. Additionally, there is no way in hell that I have the hanger attached incorrectly.
jqsderrida said:
These are measurements taken after exactly 5 minutes of dry jelqing. Additionally, there is no way in hell that I have the hanger attached incorrectly.

Are you seeing any deformation straight after you take the hanger off. Well I'm just telling you what I do when it retracts, I jelq then keep on hanging, it depends tho you know when you have done to much when you get the electric feeling or should I say you know when you have done enough, all tho I still try to carry on through this too.
Pandora said:
Are you seeing any deformation straight after you take the hanger off. Well I'm just telling you what I do when it retracts, I jelq then keep on hanging, it depends tho you know when you have done to much when you get the electric feeling or should I say you know when you have done enough, all tho I still try to carry on through this too.

No I dig what you're saying. These changes in BPFSL that we are discussing are not really at all visible unless measured. There is, too, that curious feeling of tenseness produced after hanging for long periods of time. I'm just questioning the paradigm, that's all.
I forgot try to keep it warm, turn up the heating, or use a heating pad lol

Try measure using heat:)
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