Finally Hell Is OVER
So there is so much good going on for me right now, it hit me this morning that it's here, all I need is my lap top. I never got to add anything good that happen yet because it was so incredibly disturbing I didn't want to confuse it with like "yeah, thats not good BUT it's not
that bad" because it WAS that bad.
On Feb. 13th I was in Venice I passed a bus stop with a bunch of nice clothes sitting there they were all my size and they were all girl clothes. A day or two ago I visited a center where they have services i.e therapy, lunch, computers, etc, and they gave me a bunch of clothes that I didnt have. When I threw out all my girls clothes in September 2010, I had almost nothing left since I started my transition. The clothes I have now are even nicer than the clothes I had from back then.
Some other good things happening to me is I always have enough food, there is cable tv in my room with all the movie channels, the train is ghetto as fuck but it only costs me 50c to get to and from Downtown L.A. or anywhere in southern cali- not to mention I already live by the ocean. My brother hooks me up with weed, this week I'm starting a work program and the business training will be great for experience to incorporate for this site(MOS). This morning a bum asked me for money and a 2nd bum gave me a little speech and then asked me for money, I put my hand on my chest and I said "Do I look that nice? I just had no where to live for like 4 weeks and I found a G.R. building" Nobody knows what a G.R. Building is, literally nobody has heard of them so I must be pretty damn fuckin lucky
My routine is getting up early like 3-4-5am I pump 45min-1 hr I kegel all the while I pump and all day, hardcore [words= ]
Bathmate[/words] stretches. I stretch in bed at night. Theres a little more but I have posting from so many different computers I'm sure they're onto me at the Library and anywhere else I go. I think its great to get the Penis Enlargement message out!
My sister just became like my best fucking friend, and she has a 14 month old Haitian, Puerto Rican/White baby who is my niece. The thing is after I finally found somewhere to sleep at night I just started kicking it with all the people that had been helping me all this time. Even the night before last my mom demanded I spend the night at her house and when I got here she yelled at me like when I alwys use to live here, now we both just laugh about it. We had a really close talk while we painted my old room about how I can't feel what its like the way they feel about me as a girl.(etc)
This also makes me think about when the guys here call me "bro", it's incorrect anymore. I don't ask to be called
she, but I would like to stop being referred to as "he", if anybody even reads this. Its just that when people are mean or rude to me they refer to me as "he" when naturally I pass as female even without makeup or very fem clothes. ANYWAYS it gets so confused with gay, I'll write about that one day. Right now I saw Red's announcement for Article Subscriptions writing so that's what I'll start concentrating on now.
I feel really bad I got so paranoid out there when I had no where to go. Overall everything just became extremely easy, later I'm going to go to a Buddhist Temple and pray and get super stonned, and post here, and live by the beach, that aint even bad a little. I'll write about the Buddhist Temple later too. When I get this lap top I can keep up again the way I like. The reason I never had a lap top is because in L.A. you don't need one. But I love [words=]MOS[/words] man I mean it, I crave writing and posting, I just dream about documenting it on film. My penis was really looking large yesterday so I'd like to have some kind of photo proof before I start the hormones- I think it will be pretty cool.