It was pretty fucked up. If I had just not gone on the computer anymore there would have been no reason for me to not go on the computer anymore. I would spend all day going online. Before I got my laptop I would travel 45 minutes one way on the train, walk 5 blocks to the Library, go 3 floors underground, sign up for 2-4 hours, and post everyday. One day, even more than one, I traveled over 3 hours to get on a computer. One day I was so anxious to post online I found a computer with the internet that charged you like a soda machine, and for some reason, I must have been so stoned, I put $20 in the machine, didn't make a password, and then only spent 20min or less on it; losing all the money(at the time it was a lot of money for me). Nobody really reads my posts, I have a dozen or more threads started nobody has ever even commented on, for all different reasons I'm sure. Not like its a big deal or anything I've seen lots of guys on here start threads, and no one responds to them. Thats why I always try and respond to every thread that has zero responses by the end of the day, unless it is about adult entertainment, or guessing dick sizes, those I don't usually participate in.
When my mom made me leave in January I was really mad because it wasn't fair my options were very limited I practically didn't have any. I couldn't stay mad at her though because I got on hormones which is a big big deal to me and she helped me with things I desperatly needed the whole time. If it wasn't for her I would have probably had no choice but to give up and whore myself. That was just a terribly horrible long and painful experience. Can you imagine what it feels like to feel like you are making the best break through of your life and understanding such a huge new way about yourself, only for your own mom to hate you, and the next best step is to throw everything away, and be forced into fucking?! I don't think I am very clear about it, it has truly been that way. It is very disturbing and made me sick many nights. Originally my plan was to go straight into a shelter, find work and Idda been ok. I got temporary assistance from the government, and I was ready to take the step outside alone again. But when I got there I sat in a waiting room all day and they told me to come back, I sat there again a whole day and was told to come back, and this repeated for literally weeks. When I finally saw someone they told me if I had been a year younger there were 2 places they could have put me right away, but since I was 26 I was put on a waiting list.
So I ended up nowhere but in that damn waiting room hour after hour, day after day, until finally I found a run down little apartment in the ghetto I could afford with my government supported income. The only problem was for my plan to work was I needed that money for laser and stuff. Instead I had to use it to pay rent and the apartment was so gross. Well the year before in 2010 I had thrown away ALL my clothes remember? I had nothing literally except for 2 shirts and a pair of pants. I wore those 2 shirts and pair of pants everyday for months. I slowly collected a few other shirts and pants, but usually it was just to replace the previous pair this is when my mom helped me. I had facial hair literally for the 1st time in my life!! Never had I grown a full beard and when I shaved it was the first time there was ever a shadow left; it was foreign to me. I have had razor burn for the first time ever and break outs from shaving. Ever since I have been struggling with that. There is nothing worse than being dressed up in little girl clothes that don't even look good the 1st day you wear them, not to mention the 3rd, 4th, and 5th month you are wearing them. Then I had this horrible hair on my face and people gave me HELL.
My living nightmare was just beginning. I was still getting hit on like that because the truth is I am cute. I do look good and a lot of the people that are mean to me I noticed are always ugly, or not attractive in a way, they were obese a lot of the times, or missing teeth, sometimes very young, sometimes very old, sometimes I had such bad days even good looking people scoffed at me. I know there were days I didn't get it together right, but I also knew it was not the worst issue in the world. People screaming at me and laughing at me is not less bad than what I am doing, they treated me like a whore, every where I went, not to mention the prejudice from anywhere I went were I needed from a store, or just getting on a bus when I was treated mean or with disgust. I had short hair, I never wore make up, and through all of the terror others caused me there'd be some who would try and fuck me. One guy on a crowded train grabbed my ass and I tried to push him off but he made sure to get a tight grip of it. People would tell me I was pretty, then people would tell me I was ugly.
I learned a lot from this. Why anyone had anything to say to me I can't understand. Becoming a tranny becomes like other peoples personal business immediately and they must let you know about it. I mean one day a guy told me I was "the most beautiful girl he had seen all day". I got comments like that all the time, when I opened my mouth I said something like "aw thanks" I tried to sound feminine but it wasn't enough, and they started laughing and screaming at me something he said, "Oh I was just playing man, I was just playing man." It was so humiliating, nothing I have ever felt has made me want to die so quickly. Just walking down the street there was nothing I could do. I don't know what it is people have such a problem with in the first place. A girl wears these same types of jeans, a girl wears these shirts, a girl carries this hand bag, a girl does her hair like this. When I do it I wasn't trying to 'be' anything except myself, I know I'm in an in between phase, like I've seen lots of trannies. If nobody else in the world was doing it I would understand, "why are you dressed like that?" because I would look different, but I'm wearing all the same stuff as that person right there who is a girl! So why am I treated so bad? If they are concerned on if I take it up the ass or not, I don't get why they would care. Do they want to fuck a girl in the ass? Uh, usually the answer is yes nobody cares if a girl is fucked in the ass so where does the problem come for anyone else? I'm not taking it up the ass anyways because I'm not having sex, thus not trying to dress up sexual, thus clocked everywhere I go and treated like a whore, and in turn making my life miserable.
You can't live your life fighting everybody. I can't walk down the street telling this person on this street to shut the fuck up, then beat up a person on the next block, then cuss someone out on the next street, then fight with the bus driver, then argue with the grocery clerk, then go back home and walk down the same streets doing the same thing. Next day do it again. If that's how I want to live then I might as well learn some form of karate and I do want to but mostly for protection. So people live there lives that way making fun of me. I would get home and rush over to my full length mirror to see if something fell out of place, to see if my shirt was wrong, my pants, my hair, anything! Never was I ever embarrassed by what I wore. People were just humiliating me because I wasn't a whore and I couldn't afford to wear anything more presentable. It is very difficult to explain. I can't make it any clearer.
6 months have gone by like this. This guy who wanted me to come to live with him and buy me clothes, buy me the internet, buy me boobs, buy me anything, he was very sweet with me. He offered me a cell phone for free just to meet him, just so I could call him if I ever wanted and we did not have to "do" anything. He told me he cared for me, he told me he would come get me any time. It was very tempting. It was something I flirted with several times over the past 6 months. I would check my email when I was freaking out and I couldn't take it anymore and there would be an email from him, a day or week or so old. Even now I'm sure if I check there is one because the last time I did just to see if there was there was last month. I even made times with him to meet and then canceled. Who could live with them self? For the first time in my life I had made the decision to become celibate and I had to give that up to escape this nightmare? It seemed pretty tempting but it was just what felt like an endless uphill battle. I kept sending messages to DLD, and I am SO sorry DLD, I was just freaking out so much some days. I never meant to do that, every message I sent you I would be sobbing. If you hated me I would even totally understand. Had it not been one of the worst things I had to have been ever going through I would probably have handled it so much better. I quit smoking pot and that helped for the best but it was too late I was already in too deep of trouble. I would send DLD message after message and not getting a response usually I could understand why. What does any of this have to do with him, why couldn't I just move on?
Everyday I would spend the day working around getting online, to post on [words=]MOS[/words]. If I was going to leave posting on [words=]MOS[/words] I would never had had to leave to post on [words=]MOS[/words]. It was a double edge sword. If I quit posting I had no reason to not be celibate- at the time. The first few months I would have never stayed celibate if I didn't have the comradery of celibacy. There was no way I could have done it. Then I would have just gone with the guy who would buy me the internet, then I would never have had to leave in the first place thus I would have had to give up my celibacy and fail at what I really wanted. What kind of options are those? So I HAD to show up everyday and post. Maybe some days I could have stopped but it became my everything. Like I said I spent 45 minutes one way to get to the computer lab that opened at 10am and I had 2 library cards with different names. You could sign up with one card for 2 hours. Some how I was blessed because some days it was a necessity to spend more than 3 hours. Then it was a 45 minute ride home, at night, in bad neighborhoods. I couldn't sign on and leave so I had to stay at a computer all day. Before all of this I use to sign on at 7am and post, show up in the afternoon, post, and post at night. Now I spent the whole middle of the day online and at night before I would go to bed I would walk down to a computer shop by my run down apartment, in the dirt nasty streets of the ghetto, and pay to get online for 30 minutes or so. Whenever I read this thread I feel emotional, I wanted to keep a record of everything that was going on. I even kept it very very brief I guess you can say and left out details because they were so disgusting I'm sure someone would have said to stop posting and they even did still. Then even still it makes me pretty sick to browse through it. I'm glad its here maybe one day it could help somebody, maybe it will make a really good story, maybe it really will help me write my book. Maybe it has no purpose at all. Maybe no one ever reads the damn thing. Maybe I have been signing on the computer and spending all my energy and hard work writing this for nothing. I don't know why it happen. Sometimes I feel like I have 3,000 post of bullshit. Thats why I'm so sorry I sent you those messages DLD but I had to. There were nights I was freaking out I couldn't handle it on my own and you are one of the only one I cared about.
I have talked with lots of guys in PM's on [words=]MOS[/words]. I helped a lot of guys with Penis Enlargement, and even talked through several conversations of sexuality with a few. I have met other awesome Mods in PM's and even gotten into fights with others. I couldn't ever stop posting because if I stopped posting I would never had to stop posting. Do yo understand what that means now? Do you know how horrible that actually is? Do you know how terrified I felt everyday and how nobody was ever there to fix it or take it away? And no one sees this, ever. I have poured my heart out in threads I made and spent hours composing them, and taken days to get them perfect, and sacrificed everything I could ever do to write them and they have zero responses. I understand it really. Some of the threads I have made have been ridiculous. Some I was so high at the time they made so much sense only later to look back and wonder what I was thinking. Other times I would just fill up my own thread with responses of nonsense for myself since nobody would reply. Then nobody really wouldn't reply. And other times there just wasn't anybody else to reply. I have only been here just over a year and I have seen so many people come and go, there have been times I was pretty sure DLD just made new profiles just to keep things running. Now I am sure that was just anxiety getting the best of me because all of signs that say it is true all tell me he does not do that. But when I thought he did I made several profiles too, and it was fun for a while, then it just became a mess with everything else.
How could I expect it not to? After all I have been through and harassing DLD with the most indecent messages and he would respond telling me to knock it off or not respond at all, how could I really expect things to not turn out horribly ruined. I learned how to write a hell of a lot better. I proved to myself that I could "not have sex" what a such huge feat. I feel so overwhelmed with trauma I feel like I have a whole new onslaught of issues. I never had some of the type of anxiety I have now, my depression is worse than ever, I have a new kind of anger, and etc, etc. etc. When I first began having trouble 6 or more years ago I applied for SSI and I was denied, every time. I always reapplied and the truth is I always qualified way back then. When I was 20 I was the sickest I had ever been, and now I can say it is not like when I was sick then. Now I have problems like lots of people. Since I didn't have the help back then everything got worse for me. I went through such a bad experience every job I had I would not be able to hold. I have seen doctors every year since it happen. My mom kept ALL the paper work from ALL the doctors I saw which is stacks and stacks of paper work. It is because of her I was approved of SSI this month. We never thought it was going to happen and if it didn't happen I don't know how I would have made it even one more month in August. When they told me in May I was approved the rest of May and every single day in June I struggled almost harder than ever. I had such bad anxiety I thought I wouldn't make it to July. If they didn't approve me I have no idea how I would have survived. Actually I was on the verge of a new job, and I even have heard of a really good job opportunity this week that is under the table and that is how I am going to keep hustlin while I'm on SSI.
But this last month was one of the worst. Now that they are going to approve it I have gotten all the paper work that says in July I will get my 1st check. This week I was in bed and suddenly I started itching really bad. My sheets were clean but I washed them again. I was still itching really bad so I put my mattress and sheets outside in the sun, and I was still itching really bad, I sprayed for bugs, cleaned my room, stuck my mattress and sheets outside again and I was so itchy for 2 nights I have not slept. This is 1 1/2 weeks before I am supposed to get money. There are bugs in my room now, I can feel them crawling all over me. They are invisible and you can't see what they are. I have no idea what they are the people in the building have never even heard of this. They are coming to look at it today. If I wasn't getting money what the fuck would I have done!!? I could not have handled this. Whatever they are they are infesting everything I own, in my clothes, in my bag. It is the most gruesome end to my nightmare. Why not? 2 weeks before I can leave why not infect me with some horrible insect where I sleep? I am not getting very much backpay but it is enough to move and maybe for breast implants one day- the next 2 years. I'm hoping to sign up with a tranny adult entertainment company and do personal masturbation films and I realized that probably pays some money. I was looking at their models and there models are I'm embarrassed to say fucking ugly! I was like damn they are going to love me. I just needed laser and longer hair. Now I am going to have those things.
Dude that was so horrible and nobody say, "if it was bad who cares when its over" because it matters that you went through it. It matters if you laugh at death when you are struggling through hell every single day. When the Devil is offering you the world and accepting it would be accepting fate. It matters that you wanted to die day after day because when you do finally make it out you feel like you have been traumatized and I don't care what anyone says, that is not good for anybody. It is not healthy for a person to feel like they have the shakes at every loud bang, and anxiety somebody is going to break into your apartment and kill you, or somebody is going to try and rape you, or somebody is going to try and get you arrested, and that is what I have been going through. And it matters when you finally do escape because nobody wants those memories. I have sure learned a lot I have sure grown as a person a lot, but I have been long time ago had my fair share of torture and this icing on the cake I could have done without. Hell, it is over, so there is nothing you can do BUT move on, but I could have learned just as much had I not had to suffer so bad. The truth is I learned how ignorant and fucked up people are I feel violent about it and I actually hate people in a way I have never hated before. Sure it was for a reason one day I'm sure I will find out.
I hate those eHarmony commercials because they segregate gay people from their site and that is the ignorance I now hate I once did not care about. It never bothered me people hated people for their sexual orientation. Sure I knew it was wrong and unfair but after this I feel violently angry. So there it is that finally clicked and this is finally over. When I get the new updates of my laser and if the stomach diet thing works I will post pictures here and close this thread.