I need a way to keep myself focused now that school will be starting for me very soon. The best way to do that is to keep track of your progress at least every week to maintain focus on your primary objectives. The objectives I have will help me have a better self image and in turn give me the confidence I've been craving for a very long time.

My main objectives are 1) gain another 1.25 inches in NBPenis EnlargementL so I can have those 8 inches under my belt

2) gain 5 pounds and work my body into a chisled Bruce Lee looking muthafucker

3) Write as often as possible (hone my craft)

So for the first objective I think this new journal will suffice as a focusing tool in my long journey.

Next I need some intermediary goals along the way to further steady my sight on this path to a better state of mind.

As far as Penis Enlargement is concerned I think it is best I begin recording my overall progress in length gains. I'll add a signature to my posts right now of my current stats in erect length.

First goal: 7 in NBPenis EnlargementL
Date: September 7th 2004
Need to reach before 7 month anniversary of starting Penis Enlargement (September 12th)

Second Goal: 7.25 in NBPenis EnlargementL
Date: October 19th

Milestone #1: 7.5 in NBPenis EnlargementL
Date: November 19th

Third Goal: 7.75 in NBPenis EnlargementL
Date: December 7th

Milestone #2: 8 in NBPenis EnlargementL
Date: December 31st
Need to reach before January 7th 2005

Once I reach my first milestone I will really start working on girth.

As for my second objective I will need to buy a scale since I haven't had one in like a year. The only reason I know I weigh 160 is that I had a doctor's appointment a month and a half ago.

I will check in periodically to this journal my weight and measurements of arms and calves. I don't really care about the size of my chest just its appearance. I think I will add these measurements into my signature when I get a chance to get an utmost accurate measurement.

The next objective is really just something I should keep doing considering it has everything to do with my major. One day I'd like to look back and know I have written a novel, a play, and created a comedy through any medium. This will be something only I can really keep track of, but surely I'll keep up here on the other areas I need improvement.
Thanks, all my goals that I think I reach I dont... Its weird. Like Ill measure 5 times and it is 8 then erection the next day is like 7.85 again. I never had 8 before so I think I am just not solidified and hopefully will.

To motivate you as well, I will post my landmarks in here too. Someone else gaining always motivates me :)
sephin said:
Thanks, all my goals that I think I reach I dont... Its weird. Like Ill measure 5 times and it is 8 then erection the next day is like 7.85 again. I never had 8 before so I think I am just not solidified and hopefully will.

To motivate you as well, I will post my landmarks in here too. Someone else gaining always motivates me :)

Cool. Hopefully we can help each other out in the next few months or so.
God damn it. The last two days of my sessions have been CRAP! I haven't felt like I have gotten any kind of significant or even moderate tension out of my ligs.

Sunday I bled like a bastard. Last night was better because I didn't bleed at all, but my pulse 110's were shitty because for some reason my hands kept getting moisture on them and my grip was bad. I only got maybe 3 good sets of 50 Pulse 110s out of the 6 sets. I no longer feel anything when I stretch down and to the right. I haven't for about the last 7 workout days. I'm beginning to think I should concentrate only on down and to the right and straight down from now on at least until I can get some kind of pulling sensation out of my right side.

I'm not sure what to do right now with my routine. It's sort of a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words], but not really.

Here it is and I think it is quickly turning into crap for me what with my grip slipping and not feeling anything on down and to the right stretches.

7x 1 minute of up stretch
6x 1 minute of down and to the left stretch
6x 1 minute of down and to the right stretch
6x Pulse 110s (50 each)

20 rotary cranks in both directions

Occasionally JAIs afterwards

I'm thinking of dropping the down to the right stretches and adding straight down 6 sets or even 6 sets of behind the crack ones.

Not sure. Not really motivated either. I want to gain, but shit after the last two days I don't know what to expect out of my next session.
Wash your hands and dick using handwash and dry them too. This makes stretching for me easy. DLD and I are testing a stretch I invented, called the three-legged stretch. Try it out and tell me how it goes.

Ill PM it to you. Try it in one of your workouts and PM me back or post your results here. Keep stretch underwraps though until I or DLD release it because I am still testing it.
Four words Best Fu***** workout ever!

Everything felt great and after doing some behind the crack stretches I tried to do down and to the right stretches and I felt tight/some of that same resistance you get from a good stretch. I used baby powder this time as I had gotten into some bad habits (not warming up/not using baby powder for grip any more) and it worked wonders for my Pulse 110's. Every set was perfect and I felt like I was going to pull my dick outta socket or something during a few of those sets.
iwant8inches said:
Four words Best Fu***** workout ever! .

That is great but I do want to comment on your earlier post when the session sucked. Understand that you are going to have good and bad sessions for as long as you Penis Enlargement. Try to keep in mind the awesome sessions when things are not going so well and that will help you through. After over three years I still have on and off days but all in all I have gained so the end result has been worth it.
doublelongdaddy said:
That is great but I do want to comment on your earlier post when the session sucked. Understand that you are going to have good and bad sessions for as long as you Penis Enlargement. Try to keep in mind the awesome sessions when things are not going so well and that will help you through. After over three years I still have on and off days but all in all I have gained so the end result has been worth it.

Thanks. I try to think of it as somewhat of a competition where adjustments have to be made in order to succeed.
I had actually a better workout than the day before. I didn't think it possible but I felt sore in a way I hadn't in probably like 3 or 4 months.

I am going to try out that 3 Legged Stretch tonight and see how it goes sephin.

That baby powder works wonders man. I can't beleive I ignored using for so long after I'd had grip problems in the past. stupid me
I got in a great workout once again on Thursday night. I have a feeling I'll be pretty close before the 12th on my first goal. The 7th would be nice to get it on because that is what I set out for. but still a few days later...doesn't matter much

Man, I got invited to a girl's 21st birthday tonight. I was invited a few weeks back but man I just feel so fucking insecure tonight. I always feel that way at social places, but tonight I really feel like a bag of shit. A big worthless bag of nothing. Anyways I feel horrible because two weekends ago I was supposed to go out with a bunch of people to a bar that we'd gone to before. We had a blast and it was great, but tonight I just don't know. The reason I feel bad is because I didn't go, didn't return a call from this girl and now I just got a damn message from her again inviting me over to her and her friend's house who is turning 21. I don't feel like going like I said just as I didn't feel like going a few weekends ago for the same reasons. I didn't return the call the last time she left a message because my phone sucks balls and doesn't give me messages sometimes until the next day. It did just that. I had my phone on all night then the next day I charged it and turned it on again that night. Then I hear it beep hear the message and realize I am fucked. Well, I hate this because now I actually got the message. I know I should call her back and tell her, but I am a pussy. I know her boyfriend fucking doesn't like me for whatever reason. The one time we went out and he was there al he did was fucking stare at me and crack jokes in the ear of his friends. Anyway, over the years I've battled depression and attempts on my own life, but I'm better now at least mentally. Emotionally, no. Emotionally I'd say I'm still 15. Fucked up. I can't handle situations liek an adult to save my life. I went through a year or so of anxiety attacks and just flat out trippin over going to school for reasons of the past. Still, this is nothing like that. Yet, this is like the remnants of all that, the last of the last seemingly impossible tasks that are normal to others but that aren't to me. I should just call the girl and tell her I won't be coming. I hate that though. She'll ask why and then I won't have a good answer for her because shit I don't even know why I won't be able to make it. If they were going to a bar or a pub or somewhere like that I'd be fine. I can't stand college parties and this is one of them. FUCK
god damn it I'm such a pussy. Even after reading that over five times I think I sound like a pussy. I shouldn't just tell her I won't go I should call her to tell her when i am coming over. In fact the fucking house is like 5 minutes from mine. I could walk there in like 20 minutes. god damn it just when I'd started going out again all this stupid shit comes back I'm going to bed
Well, I went. I had a good time. It was a long night though. Probably will have many more nights ahead of me like that hopefully. I just needed a push out that door I suppose. As I was typing last night's last post a friend called and asked if I was going over there because she was on her way. I gave in. It seems if I just start moving rather than stopping to think of what could go wrong and what I feel like inside I'm all right. I can't think what if al my life. I just got to go sometimes.
Going to begin a sort of mini girth routine tonight. An every other day thing. I am starting another week tonight of 5 on 2 off for length as usual.

Got in a few pretty good workouts the last couple times hitting the weights. I got a complement from a few people at that party to my surprise. I've been eating a hell of a lot more now that I have just one job to work and am only going to be working like 12 hours a week from now on. My shoulders are pretty much getting ripped. I couldn't find an exercise I could do to work my shoulders better with what equipment I have. Instead I've just been going slower in my reps and trying to concentrate more. I need to work on my lower back now. The middle of my back is pretty nice and while it needs work I think my lower back needs to be strengthened. Anyone ever hear of "Superman" exercises? I have tried them and didn't find them too comfortable. There's no weight involved. Um, so I pretty much need to concentrate on my lower back and abs for a while. My chest is looking surprisingly more cut. My ab workout must be contributing somewhat. (Abs are looking better and more defined every day bitch!)

Ha, well that's my entry for today. Till tomorrow hopefully.
Ok, I'm back, but I didn't reach my goal of 7 inches. I don't know if I evened really gained. I measured three times the last week or so and not much improvement. This will take some time. I think I just need a break. It has been probably two months since my last break. I'll take a week off and do only JAIs and Testicle Health at night before I go to sleep.

I hope that works and I get to the 7 inch mark by the end of October at the latest.
iwant8inches said:
I hope that works and I get to the 7 inch mark by the end of October at the latest.

Except no substitute! 7 inches or bust! If you want it bad enough I promise you can have it.
LOL, man I'm trying over here! I had the best workout last night...length and girth especially girth. I know the October deadline is more realistic than the first one. I was just trying to see if I could psyche myself into growing faster or something.
Like I said though my routine for length is crazy at least for me it is. I really mixed it up and I know my dick will repsond. It has never experienced the kind of intensity I took it through last night. It was like 1 and a half hours of a stretch routine. A new one so that made it that much more difficult. I'll post how I feel about tonight's workout tomorrow.
iwant8inches said:
LOL, man I'm trying over here! I had the best workout last night...length and girth especially girth. I know the October deadline is more realistic than the first one. I was just trying to see if I could psyche myself into growing faster or something.

The funny thing is Penis Enlargement is all about "Psyching Yourself Up" When I have a clear, attainable goal and I can really picture this I always make it happen. Your workout last night sounds awesome, keep up the good work!
Last night I was so exhausted but I finished well. The DLD Blasters were the best part of my workout. I really felt like I was working those for the first time. I put penis over the arm farther down than I had been all the other times I'd done them.
I need to adjust to college. I have my afternoons for freedom as I have morning classes this fall and winter. I am trying to work, exercise, and Penis Enlargement and do my assignments on time. I think I'm going to do what RED calls an egg shell schedule. It will be a little more planned out I think though than what I thought I might end up having to do which was do it three times a week whenever I had the time/energy. Right now I am going to try to do it 4-5 times a week whichever days I can. I will probably start this tonight or tomorrow. I do have the energy right now but not the time. In fact I should be editing a paper right now.
Okay, after all that horse sh** I got through my work faster than I thought and actually found time at like midnight till 2 every night these past five days and got done what I needed to get done Penis Enlargement wise. So there I found time, but let me tell you it is at a price. In class I was hearing things that weren't being said or maybe it was my mind on a delay or something. I am so tired. ha

Two days off until Saturday. Go get em
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I've been slacking for a few days here on working out my body. I'm going to later tonight though after I eat. I need to exercise today even if it is late in the day. If I don't I will end up going a full week not doing anything. I was looking solid a few weeks ago too. My stomach was looking fucking excellent and my pex looked like "who you goin fuck with?" Now it probably has more to do with me not having put any time into my workouts that has me thinking i don't look as built, but still I'm definitely losing some definition here fast for some reason. I am on some medication right now and my body has been fatigued like a motherfucker. Has a little to do with school too and of course Penis Enlargement. Those Blasters can take a toll on your whole body sometimes lol.

My lymph nodes in my neck have been swollen these past 4 months and they have gotten even worse over the last 2 weeks since I got on this new medicine to the point where I can't really sleep and when I get up in the morning my neck is swollen and sore. It feels weird swallowing. But shit, I'll get through it. I've got some muscle and penis building to do. Last night's stretching session was sweeeeeet, but the girth not so much. I could only last for about 15 minutes. It was late about 2 am so you know.

Onward and upward
Amazingly, I tried to do length last night and had hardly an bleeding occur. The workout was actually killer. I felt like I was getting real good stretching in there. I did girth in the evening and then after I finished up some homework I hit the length routine up.
Man, I've been getting at it the last three days for length. I haven't bled either. So. hopefully that is over. I've been taking some advice from Bib and putting some triple antimbiotic ointment on the point of injury. Plus I started restoring a few weeks ago. My head is so smooth. I've never had it feel that way. Ever. It makes a huge difference orgasm wise. I shot as far as I ever have in my life the other day. Too bad it wasn't with someone else but shit I'll take an orgasm like that any day with or without someone there to share it with. lol well, I hope I gained because my date to measure is the 2nd.
I figure if I go back to the REAL basics like the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] and jelqing for a month or so I will start to see gains again. It'll be fun. I'm sure I'll gain again with this.

My new problem right now is I started T-taping about 3 weeks ago. It's great to have a smoother and more sensitive head, but when stretching I can't help but get semi erect. It takes a while to get it flaccid again. I might stop or at the least stop taping as often. Maybe I'll t tape three days a week instead of seven. Once I get that problem licked I should be in the clear for getting the most out of my length routine.

I decided to start a journal of my Penis Enlargement experience. I looked around my room and found a few note cards with my beginning measurments and again after my first month of Penis Enlargement. I have some exercises inside from fellow members here and will take a look at which ones I can use in the future to get that HUGE Cock I've always wanted. ha ha

I've all this info in a binder right now and probably will add my own charts and goals and stuff like that. It'll keep me motivated. I've gained a lot, but it just sucks that I had to start so small.
All right, I've got to stay on course this time. I've school, work, and my Penis Enlargement habits to focus on still like it has been. Only I had been slacking on my Penis Enlargement in recent weeks. I never skipped a day that I was supposed to Penis Enlargement the first few months I began. The last three months I've been much too lenient. NO MORE

This is my exact routine as of today:

5 days a week

2x DLD's [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]Newbie Routine[/words] (at least 2x)

High Leg Leverage Stretches

4 sets of 30 seconds left
4 sets of 30 seconds right
4 sets of 30 seconds up and left
4 sets of 30 seconds up and right

200 wet Jelqs at least 2x a week
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I've started a calendar to record what I did on each day and so far it's kind of neat to see how much I actually do throughout a week. I've only just started, but still it will be interesting to see how much dedication I have afterall.
All right! I am doing sweet right now. I ain't even gonna think about gaining. Just concentrating on the routine I have. I am getting back t the basics. I abandoned jelqing for the longest time and am just now this week getting into them again. I could do 800 wet jelqs easy when I stopped but now I think 200 is fine to get reconditioned. I had a really bad bleeding problem a short while ago, but man I haven't bled in a while and I think it has to do with neosporene, t taping, and warming up and warming down. I started warming up and down again this week also.

Everything is looking good. I plan on adding just the tiniest bit onto the sets I do in my length routine every week for the next 3 weeks then assess where I am at.

That calendar I made is a cool tool for me cause I can't wait to put in another entry. This binder I've made is like a scrapbook and journal all in one. It's making Penis Enlargement about as fun as it's ever been for me.
I recently found a small note card stack that is stapled together like a flip book. On the card was my measurements for my starting sizes. It was pretty cool. I'd forgotten about it. I didn't want someone to know what I was doing back then. Still, don't, but you know what I mean. Marked Feb. 12 I had a girth of 4.1. Damn. I am just over 5 now so I feel secure right now at least in that respect. I ain't measuring again till like Christmas or something. I am just going to stick with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]Newbie Routine[/words] and do a few other things with it. I'm going to try out 7 on 0 off this week. Never done that before. Not sure what it will feel like. I might go crazy or something so if I don't post for a long long while you'll know what happened.
Girth work today as well as length. I have done clock bends the past 2 days also. I think I will keep them in there. They feel pretty good to me. Only do 3 to each side though. Don't want to over do it yet. I also have started doing kegels this week. About 300 a day or so. I got in 400 today. I'm actually doing them right now so more than that.

Still doing the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] to a T plus

5 sets of down to the left
5 down to the right
5 out to the left
5 out to the right

all while having one leg elevated on my computer desk. It gives me a harder stretch and takes pressure off my hands. I think it works.

Then followed by clock bends
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I think I'm making progress. The fact that I've stayed consistent and know just what I've done this month by tracking it in a journal is helping. I've warmed up every day this month and started doing so on Oct.31. I've kept up with a consistent light girth workout and an intense length one. I'm loving it. I'm done after tonight with my experiment of doing 7 on 0 off. I will be going away for Thanksgiving so i'll stop for a few days to rest, but in all I'll have done 10 straight days of Penis Enlargement for the first time in my Penis Enlargement life. I think that rocks for me lol.
iwant8inches said:
Another thing, my cock looks so much bigger in the mirror than when I'm looking at my cock without one. I'm not exactly sure why that is.

I am the exact opposite ?:( I hate mirrors! I have not looked in one for ages.
Who knows???? We're all weird like that. lol

Last night I got back into my length routine. I got about ten hours of sleep from Wednesday to Saturday so I was definitely not up for a girth routine. Tonight I probably won't do it either because I have school tomorrow.

Still on the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words]. Didn't do clock bends either. I kind of had a let down from where I left off last week. I think 7 on 0 off was a bit much for me. I'm glad I tried it out and succeeded in doing 10 straight days (and it felt great and I had intense workouts) but I think my cock was real tired after all that. So, back to 5 on 2 off.

On another note, I can no longer get a real good stetch downward anymore. I just can't . I don't know what it is. I have always had circulation problems with my hands. They are always cold and I can't always grip shit well. And when I lift weights my wrists and fingers get real seering/stinging like pain that shoots up my hands and it feels like a vein is going to fuckign pop. So I have to say my grip was not great to begin with when i first started Penis Enlargement and now it seems to have gotten worse. I'm not sure what to do now. My grip is bad and my penis no longer gets that lig soreness after a session. I get lig burn after some workouts and during certain stretches, but not always. The only ones that really get a good stretch out of my penis anymore seems like Manual BTCs.

Anyone else out there that has been Penis Enlargementing for about 6 months to a year that no longer gets that sore feeling after a length session?
I had an unbelievable breakthrough for my downward stretching last night and the night before. While doing the newbie's downward stretch portion I've begun lifting my leg onto my computer desk while doing them and using both hands. I never used both hands before for downward stretches but I definitely will from now on. I've also started doing 5 extra sets of 1 minute reps each at the end of my length sessions. This seems to be helping a lot more. Today my penis is actually fucking sore. I'm gaining. I know it. Fuck this I'm gaining now. Seee ya later plateau ya bitch ass!
I think I had performance anxiety or something last night. I was pumped up till I got to my length workout. Then I choked. lol I had an average workout at best. No lig sorness today. Hopefully after the short break these next two days I'll get the same kind of soreness again Sunday.
Last night or should I say this morning's length routine went great. I didn't start it until 145 am and didn't finish until around 3 15. I felt that soreness again today. I can usually feel it especially when I get an erection the next day it seems and i think that is how it usually was in the beginning back in February.

Going Christmas shopping this week once exams are all done. I've got some money saved up for this time of year. Probably going to get only a few people out of the way this first trip though. I'll have to work more than I have been during my break to get my "paper" up.
All right, all right I have to start some kind of consistent and more strenous girth regimen for at least this month as I won't have school to deal with soon. Ok, I think I am going to do Phase II erect workouts except for the Bends. I never could keep my erection after like 4 or 5 in a row. Just wasn't appealing to me or something. I'll add<a onMouseOver="window.status='' ; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status='';" oncontextmenu="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="location.href='http://www.enhancemysearch.com/admin/results.php?q=base&id=3';return false;" href="" TITLE="More Info..."> base </a>squeezes with kegels to it instead.

For length all this month just like since October 31 I believe, I am doing the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] to a T and adding a few extra sets of my own. 5 on 2 off

Girth 1 day out of the weekday and 2 days out of the weekend. Also I just did my length routine right after class a minute ago so I will have to try to make a habit of getting it in around ts time consistently. I think this doggedness I'm feeling lately has a LOT to do with staying up till 3 in the morning five days a week to Penis Enlargement. Gotta stop that if I can.

Length Routine through-January 1st

DLD's [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]Newbie Routine[/words]
5 sets of straight down with one leg elevated for leverage 1 minute hold each
5 sets of to the right stretches with a leg elevated for leverage 30 second hold each
5 sets of to the left stretches with a leg elevated for leverage 30 seconds hold each

Girth Routine through- January 7th

Phase II (except DLD Jelq/Bends? I forget if those are what I am referring to)

plus 5 sets of 30 second power<a onMouseOver="window.status='' ; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status='';" oncontextmenu="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="location.href='http://www.enhancemysearch.com/admin/results.php?q=base&id=3';return false;" href="" TITLE="More Info..."> base </a>squeezes with kegels throughout.

And at least 600 kegels and 100 reverse kegels a day. I HAVE TO REMEMBER THIS!
iwant8inches said:
I figure if I go back to the REAL basics like the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] and jelqing for a month or so I will start to see gains again. It'll be fun. I'm sure I'll gain again with this.

My new problem right now is I started T-taping about 3 weeks ago. It's great to have a smoother and more sensitive head, but when stretching I can't help but get semi erect. It takes a while to get it flaccid again. I might stop or at the least stop taping as often. Maybe I'll t tape three days a week instead of seven. Once I get that problem licked I should be in the clear for getting the most out of my length routine.

I decided to start a journal of my Penis Enlargement experience. I looked around my room and found a few note cards with my beginning measurments and again after my first month of Penis Enlargement. I have some exercises inside from fellow members here and will take a look at which ones I can use in the future to get that HUGE Cock I've always wanted. ha ha

I've all this info in a binder right now and probably will add my own charts and goals and stuff like that. It'll keep me motivated. I've gained a lot, but it just sucks that I had to start so small.

I'm still having a little problem with getting semi erect, but not much anymore. Right now my penis is so dry and raw though it's disgusting to look at. It's like red and sore. I've been putting lotion on at night or vaseline but it hasn't helped too much. As far as this binder is concerned I've made it a project of some sorts. I'm going to get a much thicker one so I can sort of arrange it to like have categories for length routines, girth routines, individual length or girth exercises I can choose from, current routine on front page, and pockets to store all calendars I have and a measurement log. It's gonna kick. I just have to get my lazy ass to buy a big binder now and those manilla looking dividers with tabs.

I have really thought about ViMax's [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] and I am thinking I can afford to buy it this month. I'll have some cash from Christmas from my parents and that'll help go towards it. I want to try this contraption out. I'm still new to all this Penis Enlargement stuff so I just feel like I should jump in and try something out.
All right, I shot one off earlier today. Felt damn good too. Shooting everywhere. It sucked cleaning up. I gotta get myself some trim here soon. I hadn't jerked it in almost 2 weeks so the fella had it coming.

I'm not gonna do a damn thing tomorrow so I think I might go ahead and do a double shift for length tonight. Never done that before, but DLD suggested it to me once. I think I will have to try and test those waters. Probably won't keep it up, but still I gotta see if I can still shock my guy.

I don't know what it is, but I have this confidence about having gained some in length. I can't say for sure, but I'm pretty sure I've made a gain. I can just feel it when it's in my hand. I don't know. I hope I'm not just imagining it though. I need this like a fiend man.
I did my dual [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] yesterday. It was kind of hard to get the same intensity in the night session as I had during the day. I don't think I'll continue with that. Maybe once in a while or something like that, but definitely not every day. Just can't do it. I'm starting my girth routine tonight though. I'm anxious to get going but I want to get a length session in a few minutes here then do girth later at like 8 or something.
Did girth work on Wednesday. Going for some later tonight as well.

I did 50 Dry Jelqs
7 sets of Iso Comp Squeezes
3 sets of 3 chambers for Toilet Comp

It's not much but it went over an hour and 15 minutes long. I couldn't keep an erection after doing the Iso Compression Squeezes. It took me like 5 minutes to get one after the first two then like anohter 5 after the next one. I don't what it is, but when I know I am goign to do girth work I never get as excited about it as it seems a lot of other Penis Enlargementers here do. It should be the most fun(girth) but instead for me it's a pain in my ass for some reason. I'm thinking of just doing Supra Slammers because it's pretty much edging and some squeezing and kegaling so I like that. I've done them before and they worked for me. I could stay hard or at least semi hard after one and then get hard real quick again.

I'm doing those tonight. I am going to do 5 then work my way up to 6, 7, etc.

I get so discouraged with girthwork.
Did the SS's. I like those still the best. I need to do them at least 3 times a week probably to get any kind of results, but if that's what it takes then I gotta do it.

Tonight [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]Newbie Routine[/words] and 10 extra sets of straight down stretches 1 minute a rep.
I might switch things up a bit soon here just give it a shock. I feel that is one way to get gains. Just do something really different than what your penis has been used to if you've been Penis Enlargementing for a while. I mean it makes sense since when someone starts Penis Enlargement it's kind of the same idea.
Just read your progress. You are really dedicated and looks like it has been paying off tremendously to say the least. I didn't read anything about any days you measured and gained. Wish you had put that in there, but its cool. I seem to stretch a bit more than you do. I do it up 45 or an hour some time, but its hard for me to stay loose, so I end up putting the heat pad on a lot in between sets. I hope it pays off as well as your work has.

Oh and about your anxiety, you're not the only one. I have social anxiety. I find its best to be as positive as you can be, but I know it can be hard, b/c with anxiety comes depression. However, no one said life's easy, so I just try and put a smile on my face and do things that make me happy.

Best of luck to you reaching the big 8". I'll be more than content with 7" and another .5" of girth myself. :D
against_odds21 said:
Just read your progress. You are really dedicated and looks like it has been paying off tremendously to say the least. I didn't read anything about any days you measured and gained. Wish you had put that in there, but its cool. I seem to stretch a bit more than you do. I do it up 45 or an hour some time, but its hard for me to stay loose, so I end up putting the heat pad on a lot in between sets. I hope it pays off as well as your<a onMouseOver="window.status='' ; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status='';" oncontextmenu="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="location.href='http://www.enhancemysearch.com/admin/results.php?q=work&id=4';return false;" href="" TITLE="More Info..."><a onMouseOver="window.status='' ; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status='';" oncontextmenu="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="location.href='http://www.enhancemysearch.com/admin/results.php?q=work&id=4';return false;" href="" TITLE="More Info..."> work </a></a>has.

Oh and about your anxiety, you're not the only one. I have social anxiety. I find its best to be as positive as you can be, but I know it can be hard, b/c with anxiety comes depression. However, no one said life's easy, so I just try and put a smile on my face and do things that make me happy.

Best of luck to you reaching the big 8". I'll be more than content with 7" and another .5" of girth myself. :D

LOL, yeah in the beginning those who stick with it do tend to stretch more often than those who have done it for a while. You're doing great. I saw that you gained already. That's gotta be sweet. As for not posting anything for when I've gained. I made this so that I could just post my thoughts more than anything else, but will surely do so when I get back to gaining. I usually take about 1.5 hours to do the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] plus other sets. I have to say though the other day I was doing Supra Slammers and I grabbed my penis with both hands and I had more than half my head above my hands so I think I may have made another gain. I'm not too sure though. I was tempted to measure but I didn't. I didn't want to spoil it or bring me down if it turned out to be nothing. I will measure on Christmas or some time in January depending on what I'll be doing around that time. I was thinking of taking a week off in January.

Thanks for the encouragement. Those of us with anxiety/deep depression in our pasts or in our life currently need anything we can get to keep our heads up. Thanks. Keep doing what you're doing.
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Tonight: [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]Newbie Routine[/words] and 10 sets of straight down 1 minute each

30 minutes later: 5 Supra Slammers

Wednesday I'm planning on doing a girth session that will be more like say 7 Iso Comp Squ. 3 sets of 3 Toilet Comp Squ. and maybe even 500 wet jelqs...I'll have to buy some vaseline...I haven't kept my promise of starting back up doing jelqs again like I did about 2 months or so ago...I have done kegels every day since I made that promise...the one thing I have done is kegels that's for sure...
I think you did the right thing holding off on your measurement. I'm sure you'll be happy when you get to your measure time. I just decided a week ago I'm only gonna measure on the first of the month. After stretching last night and getting a hard on I was tempted to grab that measuring stick, but I subsided. :)

Anyways I'll get out your log now. Good luck. :)