That's good to know. I'm very confident now that if I can combine length and girth work together, I will get to 9 inches by this same time next year. I'm so so excited now.
20mins length master dld blasters
20mins length master dld blasters
20mins length master dld blasters
She told me that she’s impressed with your training today and that she wants to ride your stallion as soon as you are ready ?
Nope she's a cute girl tough LOL
From the looks on her face you can tell that she is not a size queen.
Your future wife ?20mins length master dld blasters
20mins length master dld blasters
20mins length master dld blasters
Your future wife ?
Honestly, I pray I locate her come 2020
20mins length master dld blasters
20mins length master dld blasters
20mins length master dld blasters
I’m proud that you still push through it and got to work in. There’s always going to be interruptions, that’s life. Give yourself credit for what you did get in not what you didn’t get in.
Did you get the video link I sent you?
I've been doing bends for a good amount of time, and I have noticed no difference in my curve. In order to correct a curve, you have to keep the majority of your focus on the task. Simple bends here and there will not cut it.
Wear your unit on the opposite leg of your clothing. My curve does not bother me, as it is slight. I am working on a device that may have the potential to help to create and maybe even help in correcting curvature. Trials will begin shortly. I will keep you posted.
Keep up the great work. Bless up deh.
Consistently, yes. Everyday. Bends are an expansive exercise, so you are already working length+girth if you are doing bends. There is no such thing as "girth exercises", as they are merely expansive exercises. It is impossible to target girth alone, which is why it is important to do expansive work alongside elongation for optimal results.
Under 8". Not sure exactly, as I hadn't measured in a good while.
I've been doing bends for a good amount of time, and I have noticed no difference in my curve. In order to correct a curve, you have to keep the majority of your focus on the task. Simple bends here and there will not cut it.
Wear your unit on the opposite leg of your clothing. My curve does not bother me, as it is slight. I am working on a device that may have the potential to help to create and maybe even help in correcting curvature. Trials will begin shortly. I will keep you posted.
Keep up the great work. Bless up deh.
When do you plan to make your change in routine?
I will start pumping this month and I intend to reduce my length master routine to maybe just only one 20mins session right before pumping.
And then after pumping and ssj, I will do erect bends and other manual power assist exercises. I remember REDZULU2003 told me about doing length exercise right after pumping. I want to give That a try. My penis need something more intense now.
If you know length exercises that I can do right after pumping please tell me or help me with a routine that consist of manual length exercises to be done right after pumping.
Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shoppedguin said:Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend