I’m so happy that you will never have to feel that embarrassment again now that you have found the brotherhood. It makes no difference how big your penis was in the past and anything somebody said about you because if it takes nothing away from you was a person. It should only give you motivation to go out there and beat them. That’s what I did! My girl said she was the two guys that were bigger than me I became so motivated to destroy the record. Eventually I became the biggest man she was with and now I know I am the biggest man she will ever be with. The past is the past don’t dig it up because all you’re going to get is dirty. Do what you can for today and set some realistic goals for the future to work towards. But always keep things in the moment because in the moment there is no problems, in the moment you have total control.

Thanks DLD. I fell off PE a little, because of life, but I really want to go from 6 to 9.5 in the next five years. I think weight loss, the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging, pumping and hanging will get me there!
Thanks DLD. I fell off PE a little, because of life, but I really want to go from 6 to 9.5 in the next five years. I think weight loss, the LengthMaster, pumping and hanging will get me there!

I think so too! The Lengthmaster really has no limit to gains, the limit is our consistency and intensity (within reasonable framework of gains ofcourse) but 2,5 inches should be achievable with patience and time.
And also you can definately suffer from __________ complex even though you are not black.
Thanks DLD. I fell off PE a little, because of life, but I really want to go from 6 to 9.5 in the next five years. I think weight loss, the LengthMaster, pumping and hanging will get me there!

That and a whole lot of motivation and inspiration from the brotherhood will get you there in no time. God bless you my brother.
I think so too! The Lengthmaster really has no limit to gains, the limit is our consistency and intensity (within reasonable framework of gains ofcourse) but 2,5 inches should be achievable with patience and time.

Someday the whole world will realize that there is no better piece of equipment, for length than the Lengthmaster.

The __________ Complex
From Drumline Magazine

The real reason why black men are hardly ever seen in sex shops has little to do with a deep-seated respect for women. Nor is it to do with a strict moral upbringing, argues Shirley Brooks, as she goes out in search of the answers.

Dildos surround me. Dildos of various sizes, shapes and colours, battery powered vibrators, a vibrating handheld vagina. Packets containing blow-up sex dolls, novelty foreplay cards, penis shaped scented candles, 36GG mounds of white chocolate with dark chocolate nipples, bulging off the shelves. Surrounding these exhibits, walls made up of rows upon rows of videos clinically divided into specific genres.

I’m in a Soho sex shop. Two Asian men in sharp business suits and matching side partings hover around the ‘bondage’ section, complaining loudly to a shop assistant that there isn’t anything ‘dark’ enough for them. Several white men of varying ages and social backgrounds scan the aisles. Two young white women step inside to banter with the manager. People from seemingly all walks of life have walked into Pirate of Soho to buy sex toys and videos. But there is something missing.

In all the hours I’ve stood hovering around the shop floor I have witnessed the cautious entrance and swift exit of only one black man. “Black men don’t come in as often as our white customers do. And the ones that do come in don’t buy much,” I’m told by Lamar, the Congolese manager. “Black men ask for condoms, aphrodisiacs and magazines. They don’t usually buy toys.”

Earlier conversations with male friends produced the same information. Most swore to me that they had never stepped foot inside a sex shop. Solomon*, a 26-year-old Jamaican, said: ‘I’ve been in a sex shop about three times. I probably wouldn’t tell my black friends about it though.’ Another friend told me that he had been forced into one by an old girlfriend and had merely bought a jar of chocolate body paint to appease her. A third had entered the forbidden room on a dare with his friends and had not been tempted to buy. No one would admit to buying anything more shocking than a video ‘for a laugh.’

I rest my notepad on the counter next to a terrifyingly large black rubber penis. Seventeen inches long and 4-inches thick, the giant phallus dominates the shop counter, casting a heavy shadow across the white pages. I stare at my notes drawing a blank as to the reasons why black men stay away from sex shops. And then I realise that the answer is already lying on my page. Or at least the shadow cast by its full 17 inches of rubber is.

The reason many black men do not frequent, or do not admit to frequenting, Soho’s brightest and best sex shops has little to do with a deeply harboured respect for women. Nor is it to do with strict morals drummed into their heads by an older generation. The real reason is less noble and goes much deeper than one would expect. The simple fact is that sex shops sell sexual aids. And a sexual aid is the last thing that a black man needs if he is suffering from the latter stages of the __________ Complex.

Allow me to elaborate; what I call the __________ Complex is the adherence to a myth that emerged out of the twisted ideologies current brought about by the Atlantic slave trade. During slavery the legend regarding the West African __________ tribes was that their men were statuesque bucks, virile, potent, and desired by the wives of slave owners. Advertising a slave as being a __________ was a sure way of raising a large fee at the selling blocks and thus the name __________ became associated with outstanding strength and intense sexual prowess and stamina.

In the seventies, the film __________ further solidified the image of the sexually superior black buck. Contemporary black films, music videos, rap lyrics and stereotypes, all reinforce the belief that there is something saucily unique about the black male. Endowed with agility, natural rhytHydromax, and an overwhelmingly large manhood, the sexuality of black males is the stuff of cultural legend and urban myths.

The fact that the humungous dildo, standing proudly alongside the till, is black is surely not a coincidence. The myth of the raw untainted sexual potency of the black man embodied in the novelty penis is simultaneously a subject of pride and envy as well as a heavy burden for the average black man to carry between his legs.

There is evidently a lot of pressure on black men to fulfil expectations in the bedroom. The majority of the men I spoke to told me that they would never buy a sex toy for their partner as it would be an affront to their manhood and bedroom ability. Anthony*, a 22-year-old political science student felt that buying a vibrator for his girlfriend “would be saying a lot on my part that I can’t provide in bed so she needs a substitute.” Theodore, one of the shop assistants, confessed that despite making a living selling sex toys, he himself as a black man would not use a sexual aid as he had no need. Grinning broadly he informed me, “My partners are satisfied.”

Solomon summed it up for me. “Black men are supposed to be good in bed. Big dicks; good movers. There’s more pressure on a black man in the bedroom than there is for a white man. Rap music and soul singers croon about sex and how good they are in the sack so people think that we are super-studs. Some black guys even try to live up to it. Buying a dildo would be admitting defeat.” For some men it is important to fulfil the __________ image. According to Theodore, black male customers will happily purchase penis enlarger pumps, Viagra and other concoctions to “make their dick happen.”

The __________ myth has left a historical legacy of high expectations upon today’s black male. There is pressure from music, pressure from stereotypes, pressure from themselves, pressure from received folk wisdoms like, “once you go black you never go back”. References to BathmateWs as ‘Black Man’s Willies’ give a whole new take on the luxury car as a penis extension.

Such advertisements and endorsements make it even more crucial for a black man to do what it says on the packet and completely satisfy his woman in bed. With all of these pressures it’s a wonder that black men are actually brave enough to get into under the sheets.

Theodore finally serves his first Nubian customer of the day. As the solitary black man puts the condoms he has purchased into his briefcase and prepares to step out into the Soho streets his eyes meet mine. A guilty expression flitters across his face for a split second, as if he had been caught out in the middle of a lie.

The pressure put on the black man is really brutal. They always want to stand above in the things they do because of the pressure of the stereotype. So many tend to want to perform better in bed and it ruins it for allot of women because the man is too focused on trying to perform instead of naturally enjoying the woman in the moment.

Even worst, majority of white women want black men for the __________ penis size (even if they got it, most of them wouldn't be able to handle it anyway).

Asians don't have it as bad as they are already stereotyped as having a smaller penis so if an asian has large penis, it would be a big surprise to the un-expecting partner.

Caucasians seem to be neutral, being it could be small average or large so the women isn't going into the bedroom expecting __________ like with a black man.

Many white men are afraid to get involved with black women because they are worried they may be too small for them due to black women fucking black men. Even though the few black women I've been involved with never had any __________ size dicks or anything they sit around and talk about.

So its all one big mess of stereotypes across the board.
The pressure put on the black man is really brutal. They always want to stand above in the things they do because of the pressure of the stereotype. So many tend to want to perform better in bed and it ruins it for allot of women because the man is too focused on trying to perform instead of naturally enjoying the woman in the moment.

Even worst, majority of white women want black men for the __________ penis size (even if they got it, most of them wouldn't be able to handle it anyway).

Asians don't have it as bad as they are already stereotyped as having a smaller penis so if an asian has large penis, it would be a big surprise to the un-expecting partner.

Caucasians seem to be neutral, being it could be small average or large so the women isn't going into the bedroom expecting __________ like with a black man.

Many white men are afraid to get involved with black women because they are worried they may be too small for them due to black women fucking black men. Even though the few black women I've been involved with never had any __________ size dicks or anything they sit around and talk about.

So its all one big mess of stereotypes across the board.
My girlfriend dated a black guy when we were both in college who was a basketball player for our school. He was tall and muscular and I assume huge but she claims I am the biggest she's ever been with. I told her I didn't believe her and that I didn't care if he was bigger but she insisted very adamantly that she wasn't bullshitting.

So there ya go. Not all stereotypes are true. Although I think it's safe to say they're mostly true, but to assume they're true all the time would be foolish.
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I was with a black girl last night and before we started getting intimate, we chatted about all kinds of topics and the 'black myth' reared its ugly head to which she replied, 'yes, black men are bigger'...I kinda chuckled and mentioned that there must be an inordinate amount of pressure put upon these men having to live-up to these expectations, and she seemed either unaware of what we endure as men or just plain dismissive. In an odd way, I think she was trying to throw a quick 'shit-test' my way...

TL/DR, she tapped-out after about 7" inserted
My woman told me that she dated a few black guys just right before we started to be together 15 years ago.
One of them black guys she said had a massive huge penis and he was the biggest she has been with.
I did like the honesty. But then she said she did not want to talk about it. i did ask her how it was, but she did not want to say anything about it. First thing i thought was that it was the best sex ever, she just told me he was huge. She said to me for 15 years that i was the biggest, i was the biggest until few days ago :)
My woman told me that she dated a few black guys just right before we started to be together 15 years ago.
One of them black guys she said had a massive huge penis and he was the biggest she has been with.
I did like the honesty. But then she said she did not want to talk about it. i did ask her how it was, but she did not want to say anything about it. First thing i thought was that it was the best sex ever, she just told me he was huge. She said to me for 15 years that i was the biggest, i was the biggest until few days ago :)
Usually, I don't take things personally and make assumptions, but in that situation, it's hard not to take it personally. Then you must not make assumptions because you don't know the true reasons why the lie...
My woman told me that she dated a few black guys just right before we started to be together 15 years ago.
One of them black guys she said had a massive huge penis and he was the biggest she has been with.
I did like the honesty. But then she said she did not want to talk about it. i did ask her how it was, but she did not want to say anything about it. First thing i thought was that it was the best sex ever, she just told me he was huge. She said to me for 15 years that i was the biggest, i was the biggest until few days ago :)

Forget about it and put it behind you completely. If you fall into the success of trap of what went on in the past you’re asking for a lot of trouble. Trust me, do not dig up the past because all you’re going to get is very dirty
My woman told me that she dated a few black guys just right before we started to be together 15 years ago.
One of them black guys she said had a massive huge penis and he was the biggest she has been with.
I did like the honesty. But then she said she did not want to talk about it. i did ask her how it was, but she did not want to say anything about it. First thing i thought was that it was the best sex ever, she just told me he was huge. She said to me for 15 years that i was the biggest, i was the biggest until few days ago :)
So this conversation happened a few days ago and it came out-of-the-blue? Is your SO aware of your PE endeavors? Any idea what precipitated/prompted this conversation? As DLD mentioned, delving in the past is dangerous and counter-productive.
Words have consequences just like actions, I'm sorry those couldn't be 'unsaid'
So this conversation happened a few days ago and it came out-of-the-blue? Is your SO aware of your PE endeavors? Any idea what precipitated/prompted this conversation? As DLD mentioned, delving in the past is dangerous and counter-productive.
Words have consequences just like actions, I'm sorry those couldn't be 'unsaid'

Do not dig up your past ever! And especially in this case as the more you bring it up the less respect she will have for you and she will take the upper hand and the relationship will fall apart. Confidence is so much more important than penis size every single time. Sometimes women bring up size as a way to test their power in a relationship. So be cautious of these types of attacks too. If you show total confidence in the face of something that should make you jealous it’s like throwing water on the fire, it kills their method of degrading you and shows your unshaken confidence!
classic female shit test...they come in all shapes/sizes and at any moment. know the signs so you can avoid the traps. DO NOT react or show signs of frailty cuz this will be logged in her memory and used at a moment convenient for her. she has to know that she can trust you through thick and thin (because you vital to her personal protection and provisioning...and kids, if any), so never allow any petty comment throw you off balance.
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