Please see the other thread that you insist on being a dick in. You have been warned.
9cyclops9 said:
Please see the other thread that you insist on being a dick in. You have been warned.

maybe you should take another look

who the hell are you to warn anyone

just looking to cause trouble i assume

i got news for you buddy, you're not "The Show" here, so just go off warning your friends, and getting your jolly's that way, it's best you don't go chirpin to me about your problems
I'm "chirping" about MY problems? You've been whining about your little man syndrome for this long and now you say this? Do you realize how stupid this makes you look?

Who the hell am I? I'm a mod, my job is to make sure bottomfeeders like you don't ruin the forum. I'm more articulate and more intelligent (you've demonstrated that very well). Not to mention I'm better looking. As Pacino said, "There's only one thing that gives orders, and that's BALLS." I've got bigger balls than you ever thought about having. Now behave like a good little boy.
9cyclops9 said:
I'm "chirping" about MY problems? You've been whining about your little man syndrome for this long and now you say this? Do you realize how stupid this makes you look?

Who the hell am I? I'm a mod, my job is to make sure bottomfeeders like you don't ruin the forum. I'm more articulate and more intelligent (you've demonstrated that very well). Not to mention I'm better looking. As Pacino said, "There's only one thing that gives orders, and that's BALLS." I've got bigger balls than you ever thought about having. Now behave like a good little boy.

yeah, ok buddy

the only thing you have in common with Pacino, is you're all coked up, thinking you're much tougher than you are.

what happened to Scarface ?

he got whacked for acting like you, so, it's ok, i'll let you be Scarface if you want.

i envisioned you as being more like one of those jerk off, trigger happy cops, who like to pull people over and hassle em for no reason
Yes, no reason other than you've been breaking the rules. I'll remind you again, if you still think you're innocent, read the forum rules. You're allowed to have your opinion of Kittie, and you're allowed to say it. But you must do so in a respectful way, just like anyone else on this board. If you don't like the rules, nobody is forcing you to stay here. But as long as you're here you will follow the rules.

It's funny, but your description of me sounds like what I thought you were like. You think you're tougher than you are, so you're having to talk like a tough guy to some people you don't know and will never meet. I've never claimed to be tough, but I do have the authority on this board to keep guys like you from getting out of line.

If you knew anything about me at all you'd know I've never touched any drug. But your opinion of me doesn't concern me in the least. You're an insignificant gnat.
I had a question, Why is this thread still going when there is never an answer? If you want it to stop then stop posting, I mean the recent post have absolutely nothing to do with the original question there just individual opinions about who's right and who's wrong and who's an asshole who's not. If you really feel more enlightened don't argue with the person let them have there opinion right or wrong and be done with this.
I for one don't care, and I didn't even know this thread existed until a few days ago. It's been going on for a year I guess. I never said anyone was right or wrong just that it won't matter what anyone says because nothing in the form of an answer to the quesiton will come of it. I was hoping if enough BS or off topic comments were posted no one would care to post...but I'm defeating that purpose as I press the post reply
Straight8 said:
I had a question, Why is this thread still going when there is never an answer?

This is the exact reason there will never be an answer. A myth is pure fiction, essentially a half-truth that forms a collective ideology. We, as insecure people by nature, need these typifications to justify anxieties. Whether there is truth to the myths that plaque popular culture or not, the ability to rationalize these fables gives us hope.

Consider Paul Bunyan, the larger than life, super strong lumberjack in American folklore. There is truth to his existence, he was a lumberjack, he was huge but did the lakes of Minnesota begin when Paul Bunyan and Babe (his companion OX) footprints filled with water? No.
How can I get access to view the pictures of __________ (to the person that said they want to throw up on it) I've been trying to find some pictures that was sent to me!
Godsize said:
All most white people will ever know about black people is from what they see on TV. Sadly, that's all black people will ever know as well. I think everybody watches too much fucking TV in this country. Think about it. If there was no BET, kids today wouldn't know how to walk, talk, dress, or behave. Just the fact that such a thing a "BET" exists is fucking weird. Even television is segregated.

BET (which I'm not white and don't watch) was created because of the lack of programming based towards non-whites. BET was supposed to be an answer to MTV. Furthermore, caucasians (in particular) have been emulating black culture long before there was even a television, let alone a network. Have you ever noticed how blacks and most other non-caucasian races are portrayed on TV? It's only a slightly more subtle minstrel. Always got us singing and dancing for McNuggets or KitKat bars and whatnot. The reason for all of the anger towards whites is because they run the networks, ad agencies, record labels and everything else that perpetuates negative attitudes towards blacks and other monorities. Point in case, I know you remember the 2 pictures of the victims of the hurricane where the black man was "stealing" and the white people "found stuff."
Hate rap because it's violent and derogatory? Don't blame the rapper. Blame the record company executives that tell these guys that they have to be more "ghetto, raw or gangsta." I work in entertainment. Trust me, I see this shit every day. Ever notice how it's only missing white people that get all of the air-time? What that is saying is that white lives are more valuable than any other. How can this even be disputed????
I don't think it's a secret that whites (who ultimately hold ALL of the power) use certain blacks to do things (how whites want it done) and then when there is outrage, they say "Well so and so (who did all of the dirty work) is black and we had nothing to do w/it." Like rap music, the murder of Malcolm X and so on.
Just so you know. I'm a Christian and I do my part to represent myself and my family in a positive manner at all times. I'm not racist but I'm not blind to the way the world works, either. I value intelligence and would never deny anyone anything because of their race or creed. I don't think you should have to take anyone's shit either. I can understand your frustration but I do not understand why you fail to validate the opposing viewpoint. Doesn't anyone find it wierd that when Jews bring bring up the Holocaust everyone accepts it and feels symapathy (and rightfully so)but GOD forbid any black person even mentions a word that rhymes w/slavery and whites will be like "Oh! Here comes the "race/slavery" card!!" It's these kinds of things that get us pissed.

Godsize said:
I don't know guys. I don't have the answers. There's probably a million contradictions in my post, and I'm pretty sure I'll be called a racist. It's complicated. People are complex. Life is complicated. Whatever.

It's hard NOT to judge people on appearances. It's much better (and more accurate) to judge people on their behavior. And if people act like ignorant backward jerkoffs, chances are they ARE as such.... no matter what color they are. I don't really see things looking up anytime soon. Everyone hates everyone. Sure it's easy to come across as such a peace-loving, open-minded philanthropist when you're on the internet, but deep down, I don't think anyone is above predjudice. C'mon now... nobody loves everybody, no matter what they say in public.

If you want to keep shit simple, just be cool with whoever is cool with you, and fuck the rest.

I agree and I don't think you are a racist. In fact, alot of what you said is how I think and feel. But at the same time, while racism isn't as overt as it was in years gone past, it is still very alive, relevant and very much "in play." Oh and BTW, Did I ever tell you guys the one about when one of my friends (white) was temping at an employment agency? Get this, she was given a list of jobs that she wasn't supposed to recommend black people for. WOW!!! I still get goose-bumps thinking about that one!!! Anyways, I need more girth. Anyone got any suggestions? HAHAHAHA!
Somethings I forgot to mention in my post were that the reason that blacks seem to dominate sports is because of the way they were "cross-bred" during slavery to make bigger, stronger slaves. Other reasons are genetic like larger nostrils which are believed to come from the fact of Africa's altitiude. The air is thinner at higher altitudes and larger nostril make it easier to breathe. Think about it. If you were to train at altitude and scorching heat and then come to compete at sea-level where it is nie and cool and the air is thicker, you would dominate the competition. That's why boxers generally train in mountainous regions.
Their hair is curly and tight so as to protect their brains from frying in the harsh African heat. Another thing that I've read is quite interesting. The belief is that African men have longer penises due to evolution. In warmer climates, there is no need for the penis to "turtle" into the body for warmth, which may explain why there are so many black "showers" whereas caucasians, who come from colder climates needed this trait because if their penis were always out from the body, they would freeze and break off.
On a side note, people her love to say that "I'm not a racist" but then go on to say some, CLEARLY, racist things. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
Oh and I keep hearing about how blacks are getting all of these "unfair benefits" from the government...WHERE? Cuz I have to tell you, I'm NOT on or aware of that list! Everything...EVERYTHING that I have has been acquired through hard work and due diligence. You wouldn't believe how much shit I had to go through to get unemployment benefits!
About the �naked person� I've seen older videos with __________ and Lex and they were both smaller back then.. especially Lex, there's old Japanese videos with him and he looks big but very normal, not even close to now. There's definitely some Penis Enlargement going on there.
Bionic said:
Oh and I keep hearing about how blacks are getting all of these "unfair benefits" from the government...WHERE? Cuz I have to tell you, I'm NOT on or aware of that list! Everything...EVERYTHING that I have has been acquired through hard work and due diligence. You wouldn't believe how much shit I had to go through to get unemployment benefits!

Anyone who is poor, white, black, asian, spanish, whatever, thay are fucked when it comes to life in amereica.

Go to a inner city mosly black school, what will you see,?

Then go to an upper class mostly white school, what will you see?

Seeing is believing. If you got money then you have chances, and a lot of them. If you have no money, them you struggle all your life!

RACE is a SOCIAL CONSTRUCT. There is no such thing as race. It's an arbitrary categorization. Race didnt even exist until a couple hundred years ago, as a means to justify slavery and pacify the lower "white" classes.

Any discussion based on race has to be within this context. That means that there is NO BIOLOGICAL basis to say "black guys have bigger dicks".

It's a stereotype. Dont believe me? Go pick up amateur black �naked people movies�. You will be underwhelmed.
Fightthefuture said:

RACE is a SOCIAL CONSTRUCT. There is no such thing as race. It's an arbitrary categorization. Race didnt even exist until a couple hundred years ago, as a means to justify slavery and pacify the lower "white" classes.

Any discussion based on race has to be within this context. That means that there is NO BIOLOGICAL basis to say "black guys have bigger dicks".

It's a stereotype. Dont believe me? Go pick up amateur black �naked people movies�. You will be underwhelmed.

Hope these links work, but they support what you just said.
Probably one of the VERY few actual reality �naked people movies� sites, at least it seems unscripted enough. Therefore the people in it weren't pre-approved by a �naked people movies� director to appear in a film and further a well-protected stereotype is what I'm getting at.
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