AC'sGirl said:
but AC is still out of town and I didn't get the infamous "get on AIM" from Supra last night, so for now I am CTM's chick :love: :angel:

Phew that was great!! Best I had in while!
ctmwm said:

Phew that was great!! Best I had in while!

I just learned that new trick. Tonight I am going to try something on you with honey, a 40 Watt light bulb, and blue glitter.
AC'sGirl said:
I just learned that new trick. Tonight I am going to try something on you with honey, a 40 Watt light bulb, and blue glitter.

How did it go?
Thought i should throw up some __________ pictures, while its the name on the thread. :)


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As a White person who went to a school that was 50% white, 50 % black I think I have alot of insight into this topic.

1. Blacks are not born with more athletic ability, however they ARE born with a better chance of having more muscle mass and a better muscle to fat ratio, thus why they are poor swimmers, and often good runners/ athletes.

2. Yes, we all know that in the past you were slaves, we don't need to be reminded every 15 minutes. However, your own tribesmen in Africa are the ones who sold you in the first place, I don't see many blacks blaming them though.

3. (and this is obviously a stereotype) instead of always complaining about how you were treated in the past, and using that as a crutch, you could take advantage of all the opportunities you are being given in the present, this would make the recovery time alot shorter.

4. I would just like to say this right now. I have lots of black friends, they can be some cool people. I have come to understand the differences in culture between blacks and whites. However some blacks have chosen to embrace a culture filled with Hate, that is certainly not conducive to racial equality.

5. Despite what many people think, if you are black, and you get fired, it wasn't necessarily because you are black. Stop using the race card as a crutch and things will become a lot less tense when it comes to racism.

6. I cannot tell you how many times I have been racially slured against by blacks, without prompt or reason. Yet, we are suddenly racist if we retaliate. Does this seem fair?

Basically what I'm trying to say is that while the black race has been given the opportunity to excel in the world and gain the racial equality they have wanted, they have yet to man up, and actually take the responsibility that this opportunity entails. Instead they continue to PROMOTE racial differences, and can always fall back on how they were treated in the past.

(this of course is a generalization, and while I feel this is the sentiment and actions of a particular culture in its entirety, I do feel that individuals should be judged on their own account, and do so accordingly. If you prove to me that you are a decent individual that has the intelligence to cast aside the past, take responsibility for your own actions, look toward the future, and likewise judge others upon their own accord, I will treat you with respect. Z03 has not showed me this. While claiming that blacks are the target of racism he mindlessly makes racially motivated comments against others, he further chooses to ignore all opportunities given to blacks at the moment, and concentrate on what has happened in the past. I am truley sorry for the way my fore fathers acted, but there weight is not on my shoulders, and retributions have been given, so move on and take responsibility for your own life.)
*edit- Also, for what the thread is actually saying. This thread start is pretty dead on. In most clinical studies measuring penis size, it has been documented that Blacks don't have an average larger penis than whites. While it is founded that Asians do have a slightly smaller average penis size, for the most part the averages are even. To explain why it seems like blacks have bigger penises in �naked people movies�, I think we need to look at culture, not physical attributes. I know there are plenty of white guys with very large penises, but due to our cultural stance on �naked people movies�, are not in the industry. This obviously will make the average length of a white male �naked people movies� start drop. If you don't believe me on the averages, go find out for yourself.
Frankily, there are many female �naked person� in the industry that just won't do scenes with black males. I know Taylor Rain, for one, says her father hates them ( i got this on the HOward Stern show), and so she doesn't do scenes with them. For black males to enter the adult film industry, which is horribly difficult for males alone, being black makes it worse. Therefore, you will only see black men with very large penises, b/c that is how the adult film industry gears its �naked people movies�. Large penises filling petite women. Many people have no interest in interrracial �naked people movies�, while most of the demand lies in regular �naked people movies�. So for african-american males to appeal to the �naked people movies� industry, they need to appeal greatly to the directors. That appeal lies in penis size, an extremly large penis size.
Wannabelarge99 said:
As a White person who went to a school that was 50% white, 50 % black I think I have alot of insight into this topic.

1. Blacks are not born with more athletic ability, however they ARE born with a better chance of having more muscle mass and a better muscle to fat ratio, thus why they are poor swimmers, and often good runners/ athletes.

2. Yes, we all know that in the past you were slaves, we don't need to be reminded every 15 minutes. However, your own tribesmen in Africa are the ones who sold you in the first place, I don't see many blacks blaming them though.

3. (and this is obviously a stereotype) instead of always complaining about how you were treated in the past, and using that as a crutch, you could take advantage of all the opportunities you are being given in the present, this would make the recovery time alot shorter.

4. I would just like to say this right now. I have lots of black friends, they can be some cool people. I have come to understand the differences in culture between blacks and whites. However some blacks have chosen to embrace a culture filled with Hate, that is certainly not conducive to racial equality.

5. Despite what many people think, if you are black, and you get fired, it wasn't necessarily because you are black. Stop using the race card as a crutch and things will become a lot less tense when it comes to racism.

6. I cannot tell you how many times I have been racially slured against by blacks, without prompt or reason. Yet, we are suddenly racist if we retaliate. Does this seem fair?

Basically what I'm trying to say is that while the black race has been given the opportunity to excel in the world and gain the racial equality they have wanted, they have yet to man up, and actually take the responsibility that this opportunity entails. Instead they continue to PROMOTE racial differences, and can always fall back on how they were treated in the past.

(this of course is a generalization, and while I feel this is the sentiment and actions of a particular culture in its entirety, I do feel that individuals should be judged on their own account, and do so accordingly. If you prove to me that you are a decent individual that has the intelligence to cast aside the past, take responsibility for your own actions, look toward the future, and likewise judge others upon their own accord, I will treat you with respect. Z03 has not showed me this. While claiming that blacks are the target of racism he mindlessly makes racially motivated comments against others, he further chooses to ignore all opportunities given to blacks at the moment, and concentrate on what has happened in the past. I am truley sorry for the way my fore fathers acted, but there weight is not on my shoulders, and retributions have been given, so move on and take responsibility for your own life.)

Yes everyone knows how long ago slavery ended but it was only 40 yrs when desegregation your parents lifetime. It's only been 40 yrs when blacks and women had the right to vote, go to the schools of there choice, use public facilities...etc. By your statements you make it seem like every african american plays the race card which is not true at all. again generalizing blacks in one category..that's like saying all white people belong or believe in what the KKK is about no they are also a minority. & when you speak of your "black friends" and they can be some cool you look at your "white friends" in the same way...i don't think so people is people...
yes our cultures are different but demographics plays a major role in how a person acts and behaves..where, how and resources people have available can determine what type of person you are....and People hate...hate knows no color....just as easily a black person adapt to hatred any other race can easily do the same...check out what is going on overseas right honestly i do realize it is a double standard when it come to racial slurs...a caucasion person calling a african american a "nigger" yes all hell is going to break loose but if it was the other way is suppose to just be shrugged off...I don't think that is right...whooever dish it should be able to take it...ever hear the saying about walking a mile in another man shoes...i don't know what it means to be white...i'm not going to even try...but in the same breath you can't really know what it is to be black...some of us still carry around a lot of hurt and frustration because although the "playing field" is starting to be level is not equal by a long shot...they are some words that is just hurtful...i don't think there is a word out the that holds as much hatred and contempt as the word nigger...well at least nothing you can call a white person...other races have equally hateful words i would admit...

your last paragraph makes a lot of sense..i don't know who Z03 is...but he can not and doesn't speak for a whole is difficult to judge on an individual basis because of our surroundings...t.v., media, even the music we listen to give us preconcieved notions about people. a lot of negative undertone flows through these channels and if not careful you can pick them up and not even know have nothing to apologize about either....what happened in the past was not by your long as you try to live your life the way you say and deal with people as individuals and get to know someone before you judge there character your doing your part....i enjoyed reading your commentary....feel free to respond back...
twins172_up, i really like what you are saying on this.

Every man, woman or child is one different individual. No-mather what the tone of their skin they are.
Yes, some black men can be very bad, but there as many white men who can be as bad too. So i really like your oppinion on this, i think Wannabelarge99 dragged everybody over the same edge on the same cliff.

When i was younger i didn't have any white friends. The friends i had were from africa, arabia, iran, turkey. My best friends name was Lawrence and his family was from gambia, that dude could never be meen. He was the kindest person who ever existed i can tell you, everybody in his family were the nicest. He was friend with so many people on the block so i cant even count. I miss having a friend like him. Why i say was/had and such is for i have moved, so it was a long time ago i met them.

So in my life, black people and foreign people have been the best friends i can think of, havent met any white that can live up to those goals.

Im white, so i make that clear. If any of you didnt get that.

Some things i have wondered about for a while is;
If opening a dictionary and look up the words black and white in any language,
black stands for evil, and white for pure?

And why is there so many bad/neglecting words about the black man and woman, but barely none for the white man and white woman?
I haven't read the entire thread but it seems like an interesting topic so I'll throw in a few ideas.

Regardless of how long ago actual slavery ended the impact of slavery and the mindset that allows slavery based on skin color to occur has not completely died off.

I mean look at certain areas in the USA within the last hundred years and you will see cases where black men and women have been killed simply because they are black and in the wrong place at the wrong time. That was not even too long ago. We're talking about a time frame where if you were black you could have your grandparents telling you stories about what has happened. I was lucky enough to attend a lecture by Maya Angelou and she talked about her childhood and some of the racial bigotry that she encountered and it was eye opening. And we are not even talking about racial profiling and other negative stereotypes that still occur and all have a detrimental effect on individuals. And as twins pointed out the Civil Rights movement was only 40 years ago...40 years is a drop in the bucket. Do you really think that in 40 years all the damage that could be done has already been completely resolved???? C'mon...

Racial stereotypes and derogatory terms are destructive and automatically place the people they are used against in an inferior position to the person making the comments.

I remember Richard Pryor (best comedian ever) had a funny bit where he was talking about getting into an argument or fight with a guy MAN to MAN and then being called the N word and being like..."Shit" and all depressed. It is a charged word with a negative meaning and I think that rappers and other idiots who use the term are stupid but may be trying to turn the word around so that its impact is reduced. the end everyone is responsible for their own lives and behaviors but it is incorrect to assume that everyone is on equal ground.

Ok ok enough...back to Penis Enlargement....
PaloMalo said:
It is a charged word with a negative meaning and I think that rappers and other idiots who use the term are stupid but may be trying to turn the word around so that its impact is reduced.

I can't understand why rappers wan't to use a word that has neglected an whole nation of people that was taken against their will to another country, and didn't know if they even survive the journey.

And when they arrived to their "new country", they were sold to highest bidder, like they were cattles. Slave owners threated them as they pleased, and most of the time really awfully. Raping of women, whopping and lynching.

When slavery was stopped, they still were treated as garbage. And was told to go home to Africa. And why would they want to do that, they dont know were they belong. They didnt have any reason to go back.

I think all who lived then wants to forget that it has ever happened, but the scars run deep. And the story must be telled.

So as you said, i think they shouldnt use the word at all, they are using it for the wrong reason. Negro who isnt neglecting because it means black in spanish. Why cant they use that instead, then they arent discrasing their roots.

Well what can i say, we cant do anything about the past, but we can do something about the future. We all must get along, even how long the road are.
Damn, __________ is just freakin' LONG!
AncientChina said:
Great posts twins, Ghost, and PaloMalo. They have something that many posts and many people's own minds neglect?.insight. It's good to see that there are those who "get it" and can comprehend things beyond their own social class, race, religion, and so forth. These people are indeed very rare.

Wannabe, you have every right to voice your frustration and I commend you on that. But the fact remains is there is a sheer hypocrisy in what you say, if you indeed want to take it to the next level. I would say that your understanding on this situation is elementary at best, and the biggest cause of this is your ability to only see it from one point of view. You can have black friends and that doesn?t mean much or qualify what you are saying. That is a very old routine at best. Your objective questions are also worn out. The whole they can do it why can?t we. This is not a black and white issue its all in shades of grey.

You think it's been that long? Ask your mother when she was born? 1966 or something? Before any civil rights laws. It's has only been 40 years. Not even a generation and people expect things to change, the mindsets of both blacks and whites have been forged by the bastardization that was America's belief, and because you are upset with current events you think it?s the fault of only one group. It's irrational to put all the blame on modern day blacks, its not even possible, you really think it only takes 1 to tango? Sure, I believe that people should try to put the past on hold, and try to strive to make the best for themselves, but don't believe that its only will power alone holding everyone back, though that alone holds some of the people back. Its not always that simple.

I also don't understand how you can wipe of slavery or any racism, abuse that Whites have done today and back, and still shift the blame of stuff to blacks solely. It's everyone's (some more than others) fault, and by that I am not placing blame on you directly, don?t you see it's not a one group or one person thing. I of course lay more blame with white society from the past because of the huge effect on mindset it has had. I also find that many whites cannot understand this. It's like being a gay man, you have to walk those shoes or be a self aware person in general to understand fully. Especially for us straight men. If God made you gay for a month, and then turned you back straight, would you continue to say the word "Faggot" and "Fag"? ROFLMAO You also come off very naive to assume that everything is now "right" and racism isn't a big deal or wasn't. Very naive. By the way just as you can say blacks harp on race, one can easily point to "Rednecks" and whites in general who blame blacks for everything, but what have they suffered through? Point is hate is not always logical.

As far as Taylor Rain goes, I hear she is a �naked people movies� star. Basically an amoral public whore with probably some issue, who also most likely does homosexual, acts on video also. My point is it?s not morality that is her reason for not doing it. If she was not attracted to black men than that is her right of course, but that is a great way to see just how racism, and this issue is still kept alive. White males may not see this or it may not grab your attention but it?s a great indicator. That is also a female issue. I guarantee if a White guy had racist parents and some really fine black girl came up that he was really attracted to he would still bang her?.as far as anything else who knows. Not that this matters it's only one small issue about a worthless �naked people movies� star and who she decides to bang is irrelevant to me or anyone. Through away. If she does have children...will she repeat the cycle? Probably.

If you really sit back and think about it, think about all the void logic of all of this and realize what people are fighting over, and have killed over. Think about it. It's really nothing at all, it's in fact almost non-existent. Even though people say they aren't affected by it. People are arguing and minds shaped by the color and race or someone. How pathetic. ROFLMAO LMAO Everyone is affected by this to some degree, everyone. None of us are perfect, some better than others on these issues but let's stop pretending.

PS. I love how DLD, has an "I don't give a shit about this stuff" philosophy and he quickly changed it back to __________'s size, he probably knows discussing this yields nothing, and usually it does. :)

well said is always good to get your point of view out in the open and be able to express it in a open dialogue situation..but we would really be kidding ourselves if we think a few conversations is going to change someone's mindset...first the person have to be willing to change or view things differently...then a change can began...i enjoy reading your thoughts
AncientChina said:
__________ is that huge, and naturally that big which is surprising. Well DLD you found an Arch rival that will provide you with the mental state to want gains like you have never wanted them before.

I don't know how I missed this but you are very right:) I use him as my inspiration whenever I need a kick in the ass. He just is LONG. When I need a GIRTH kick in the ass it's SHANE from Bangboat.
doublelongdaddy said:
I don't know how I missed this but you are very right:) I use him as my inspiration whenever I need a kick in the ass. He just is LONG. When I need a GIRTH kick in the ass it's SHANE from Bangboat.

Me Too!!! :)
crazyed27 said:
Me Too!!! :)

Damn bro we got allot in common with this Shane cat...He will haunt me forever:D
It's a myth. one that has it's roots in racism. TRUST me. I got caught up in it too. My first black �naked people movies� I saw, had Lex Steele, __________ and __________...I felt woefully inadequate.

That's why I got caught up in Penis Enlargement. I was not very sexually active, but the girls I have been with since have been.

Both have been with a number of men, black, white, asian...

one of them swore, I was the biggest, and had to call her sister and tell her...certain positions, were painful for both of these seasoned doggy style, etc...

I'm only 7.5 nbp X 5.5.

BTW, I've seen alot more "amateur" black �naked people movies�, and trust me, that would crush the "myth"..nothing exciting there...It is a VERY destructful, negative thing..I think I'm even developing a complex now, because I am getting bigger, so I am fulfilling the "myth"...maybe I should stop Penis Enlargement' a protest!

(NOT) :)
lextheimpaler said:
My first black �naked people movies� I saw, had Lex Steele, __________ and __________...I felt woefully inadequate.

Damn, that would have fucked me up too!
My first black �naked people movies� i seen had Lex in it. I was bout 16 so I figured by time I was his age I'd be the same size. A few years later and Im gainin on him girth wise although I will never know his actual legnth.
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