Ghosting said:
LOL. Ok, its a leaky vien. The vien is so big it not allowing filling pressure to be greater than that of leaving pressure. :s

You obviously got insulted and are resorting to insults. The internet is full of authorities on various issues. Its something I have learned to accept.

I thought your recommendation of surgery was ridiclous calling "t-viens" leaky valves. So I called surgery crazy. I didnt blast your post like you did mine. People always get angry when they dont have a clear understanding of what they think is the problem. Its sad. However, keep recommending surgery, these are all leaky valves.:s :)

Ghosting Tbirdy is the expert in this area and has more knowledge than anyone on this subject. Id appriciate it if youd keep posts like that out of this thread, considering this thread means a lot to me and probably to some of the other guys that have this problem. Also to everyone saying or planning on saying to do kegals and talking about not overdoing it etc. Save it for somewhere else, that doesnt apply to this situation.
thefranchise said:
Ghosting Tbirdy is the expert in this area and has more knowledge than anyone on this subject. Id appriciate it if youd keep posts like that out of this thread, considering this thread means a lot to me and probably to some of the other guys that have this problem. Also to everyone saying or planning on saying to do kegals and talking about not overdoing it etc. Save it for somewhere else, that doesnt apply to this situation.

I can respect your decision, just the same I didnt start a pissing match so I dont know why (other than the obvious) you directed this post mostly at me.?:( I hardly said anything back and will stay out of this thread at your request. :)
I agree w/ FRANCHISE about the point that this thread means alot to some of us. I cant tell how much it sucks to know you have this big dick, know you have this hoe who wants to get dicked down, but you just have this one little the time you get the fuckin condom out the wrapper and over the head your shits too soft too penetrate>:(

But FRANCHISE, whats up w/ your comment out the keagles? Have you tride what STRONGSTROKE suggested? I for one plan on trying out, but seriously, WTF is a hot wrap? and how many keagles would I 'normally do'? If someone could hook me up with a link, or just a couple of lines explaining....

But thanks to the couple of guys whove taken the time to address the issue head on.
If you're having softer erections, you're doing something wrong or it's mental. It's been said in the past, erectile disfunction is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I've been doing Penis Enlargement for a while and have incredibly hard erections, definitley harder than I used to have. My best guess is that you're not doing kegels like you should. You have to realize, when you make your penis larger, it takes more blood flow. Kegels promote a healthy blood flow and are essential in the Penis Enlargement process.

You're either overworking it, having a mental problem, or not doing kegels like you should be.
Be careful, guys, not to dismiss advice without reading and thinking about it carefully. The mental part is important to consider in this situation. It can't all be "leaky valves or veins" or whatever.

Don't be your own urologists. If you truly have these problems, you should get more medical advice. But I've had periods in my life where I'd get to the condom stage and my dick would grow soft. You really have to consider the mental part here.

And don't underestimate the power of the kegel. I don't care what you may think. They can definitely counteract a sagging woody.
goinfor11x7 said:
Don't be your own urologists.

Agreed. All of us e-doctors (myself included) cant diagnose you over the internet. Go see a real doctor.
To Tbirdy, I would love some more detailed information about what you had done, and how it has now gone wrong...if you don't want to post here just PM

I have a similar problem to you, but I have had it all my life...ever since I was a young kid I didn't get strong erections, so I think my leak is congenital - and it is also just from one vein, the deep dorsol one.

I was considering surgery to fix it, but obviously it is extremely invasive, risky, and can cause scars + loss of sensitivity as you have said. I am only 18and do get good erections from viagra or cialisis and a cock I was considering waiting 5 or so years, and seeing what developments were made in this field before going under the knife.
Furthermore, I am curious to know Tbirdy whether your deep dorsol vein (our blood stealing offender) juts out? On my penis it is VERY prevalent and 'juts out' from under the skin, it is as if someone has placed a small plastic rod or something similar directly under the surface of my penis skin
Spektrum said:
If you're having softer erections, you're doing something wrong or it's mental. It's been said in the past, erectile disfunction is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I've been doing Penis Enlargement for a while and have incredibly hard erections, definitley harder than I used to have. My best guess is that you're not doing kegels like you should. You have to realize, when you make your penis larger, it takes more blood flow. Kegels promote a healthy blood flow and are essential in the Penis Enlargement process.

You're either overworking it, having a mental problem, or not doing kegels like you should be.

Did I not tell you that if you planned on using this as your advice to not bother posting... The reason I say this is becasue everytime a thread wether it be here or at �other PE site� about this sitation gets brought up it gets brushed under the table by comments like that. Then those of us who have the problem go unhelped, because ignorant people have to come along and be like.. Well he's either over doing it or not doing enough kegals, or somethings mentally wrong.

Well look I've delt with this for awile now, and it's not that I cant get an erection. I can get an erection no problem. The problem is my glands and CS chamber wont fill up with blood. The only way they do is if i do a hard reverse kegal pushing the blood into it, and how long can you do that for ? When I press down on the deep dorsal vein at the base of my penis while I have an erection the blood will stay in the CS chamber and glands. So mental is not the issue, because I can get random erections. Kegals arn't the issue, because I always do a decent kegal routine, and overdoing it isnt the issue because I havnt Penis Enlargemented in over 2 months.

Now please anyone who wants to post about overdoing it or brag about how much better there erections have become from Penis Enlargement, PLEASE DO NOT POST. Yea I understand you get better erections Im happy for you. Theres some of us that dont, so please go post in some other thread. Let us and guys like Tbirdy discuss and research the problem, and if you have anything helpful that you would like to add besides the three things mentioned above. I would gladly appriciate the help and support. Thanks
I wish I could help. And I appreciate this thread, very informative. I wish you the best and I believe you'll find your way out of this.
Im going to have to second that....enough w/ the 'its mental dooood. The guy w/all the science is wrong.' I wont even address the 'its mental' comments b/c they are rediculous.

I think some people, during some periods have problems maintaing or getting erections b/c of mental problems, but that mental bullshit is what doctors have used for centuries when they cant figure out whats wrong. That and demonic possession.

To GOINFOR, what makes you know it cant be leaky valves or viens? For real? I agree that 'e-doctors' cant diagnose over the net. But I want to hear from people who have had this problem, or people who have something to say like, 'the heating action of the hot wraps causes the corpus to swell, sealing of viens...'

I mean, I didnt join to flame, its just not me. But I would like to hear from people like strongstroke or tbirdy who say this is what happend to me, this was my outcome, maybe this would work. Keagles, hot wraps, surgery, whatever. But for gods sakes, read the original post, I havent pulled or stretched or pumped the fucker for about 6 mos. A break is not the answer.
livelong said:
The guy w/all the science is wrong.

I assume that was directed at me.

livelong said:
A break is not the answer.

Not working it, is good not to further aggrevate it. So a break is certainly part of the answer.

A "t-vien" is a blood clot. Did anyone ever stop to wonder why some people get a "t-vien" and have no ED. Obviously not. ED is (simplified) blood not filling the penis faster than it leaves. A clot in the arteries would do this. Clots dont necessarily go away on their own, if they did, they wouldnt adminster heparin to stroke victims. The aspirin was included to keep cells for sticking together, it is not a blood thinner contrary to popular opinion. I really wish people would stop bashing me, based on a lack of understanding, and playing their favorites of explainations from their e-friends, simply because they dont understand what I am saying. Unless its a general belief that I just threw down 3 blood thinners. If you dont understand it, and 'think' they are 3 blood thinners, please dont talk trash. Just the idea, that I have to come back here to defend my post, is rather annoying. IOW, if you choose not to listen, based on a limited understanding of these compolunds, please dont tell me to 'take a hike' without explaining yourself.
I changed my mind, Im unsubscribing to this thread. Im not being a baby about this, but trying to help people facing ED and being told to stay out of the thread or that I am wrong is funny. Listen to your e-friends.
Ghosting said:
I changed my mind, Im unsubscribing to this thread. Im not being a baby about this, but trying to help people facing ED and being told to stay out of the thread or that I am wrong is funny. Listen to your e-friends.

livelong And thefranchise

You two are really pissing me off here with your rude comments to other members of this forum. Take a chill. Not on of you even have stated what you have tried to do to make your erection better. Execpy livelong stated that he has not Penis Enlargement'ed for a while now.

So how are you going to get the answers you want if you do not supply the information required to get your holy grail of answers. Then answers come in and you go off on the very same people trying to help. Shit just say sorry I tried that and it did not work, thats all that needs said point blank.

Give us more info and you'll get answers that you might find helpful. But if you've already done the advice, DON'T GO OFF ON THE MEMBER, he is just trying to help you for God's sake.

Dont expect everybody to be on point if you have not shared all of the facts. So get on with this thread and tell us the things you have tried to help your erection quailty.

Franchise- To me yours sounds like a genetic issue not one caused by Penis Enlargement, were you able to maintain your fully Kegaled Glans without Kegaling at all before Penis Enlargement?
I have NO PROBLEM with the 'keagle more' suggestions, or the take aspirin suggestion. If fact, I have no idea where that rant came from. Or even what it was about actually. The two things that are killing me are:

1. Its mental 2. Take a break

Ive made it as clear as I can how long my time away has been, and that I know my body and its not in my mind. All I ask is please dont be dissmissive and suggest this will all go away. All on its own. Please.

I dont favor anyones answers. If your answer is apirin, or keagles, or hot wraps, or edging, or surgery or whatever, Im all ears. Im listening AND trying them out right now. Except for the aspirin which makes me naseous.

But thats a good point CRAZY, so ill list what I have tried:
A heating pad for 4 or 5 nights till it broke on me
Orgasming no more than 1 or 2 times per week-- which actually seemed worked, until I figured out that I was just horny as well, and my weak erections were still an issue
Rubbing vitamin E into the shaft
For 3 months I made sure to not even tug on my dick when I took a piss. No relief here.

I really did notice that when I started to squeeze the head and base and fill the shaft with blood that when I let go, i would only semi hard. I always just assumed I wasnt turned on enough to be rock hard. But after that one night I realized that squeezing in that blood to go for the girth seemed to correlate to that weakness. Since I posted this I have tried light jelquing and massaging to promote blood flow. The edging seems/keagling seems to be giving me some results as well. This morning I woke with wood for the first time in a long time. Still cant keep an erection while standing WORTH A DAMN.
This is not a mental problem guys. I am sure that kegelling etc may slightly help, but this needs some sort of other attention. I mean, my head goes from about 5.5 in girth, and quite hard and shiny when my deep dorsal vein is pushed down to about 4" and soft when I release that pressure. I am sure it is venous leak... but I guess all I can say is to the guys it affects just use a cock ring for now. Works for me. Also, consider yourself somewhat lucky if you are older and have only just started having this, I've had to deal with it all my life.

It seems surgery is a viable option, I have found this report on someone having the same problem

Department of Urology, Allgemeine Poliklinik, Vienna, Austria.

"Lack of tumescence of the glans penis during normal penile erection may represent a handicap to sexual intercourse. The pharmacodynamic spongiosography for the evaluation of venous drainage of the corpus spongiosum is described, demonstrating a pathologic venous outflow. The patient was successfully treated by resection and ligature of the deep dorsal vein. This procedure is simple to perform and could constitute a therapy for this clinical pathologic entity."

So if leakage is purely the problem from one site it looks like it can be fixed, but like I said I personally feel using a cock ring is a pretty non invasive easy way of treating this problem temporarily, even for 2-3 years until more is known. But for those especially keen surgery is there, but we have to remember experiences like the one of Tbirdy when weighing on our decision...but the alternative surgery he mentioned did look promising...
Thanks yataghan50. Those are the kind of posts we need in this thread. Crazed I don't know why you are getting angry. I already stated previously why I dont want generic help from members telling us with the problem to do more kegals, and try taking a break. BECAUSE IT DOENS'T WORK. Ive seen threads on this topic go up and within a week go down becasue of generic advice liek that, and everyone dismissing it as lack of kegals, or something mental. That's why I didnt want this thread to turn into that, because in the end theres still those of us who have the problem that are left in the dark clueless.

This is something that those of us with the problem have to figure out and solve on our own, becuase it's obvious that no one else understands or can grasp the problem. All they know is kegals and Penis Enlargement has made their erections better so they cant understand what's wrong with us. Ill say it again. THIS IS NOT a problem that has to do with lack of kegals, overdoing Penis Enlargement, or something mental. My CS chamber and glands used to get rock hard and fill up, and then they stopped and have been like that for a couple years, and it has prevented me from having sex because its mentally crippling. I can get an erection, but it looks so dumb, becuase my shaft is hard, but my head looks flacid, and my chamber is flat so my penis looks thin and flat.

So Im sure you can understand my frustration when i already warn and tell people that kegals etc arnt the problem,and they still come in and try and tell me to do more kegals like i havnt tryed or something. The only people that can really help in this thread are people who have had the problem for a decent ammount of time and found a way to get rid of it, or those of us with the problem trying to figure out a solution. Thanks
Have you tried a cock ring?

I have seen a fair few urologists about this, and my most recent one believes it is a congenital abnormality I have - but I have to have further tests, which have been set for January 30. That will confirm if I have a leak, where it is, and whether it is congenital or not. After that I am going to be advised on what action to take, be it surgery to close the vein or whatever...or continue to use a cock ring and cialisis which works well for me at the moment.

At first I refused to believe I had ED as technically I could get an erection and was so young...but after using a cock ring and cialisis I've realised how my erections should be. I had never experienced anything like them, and they are now a novely to me and unreal. So like I have said, I advise all guys with this prob to get a rubber cock ring and some cialisis or viagra and you'll be sweet as. And I am sure surgery is an excellent option if you are young (like most here seem to be) and do not have any other tissue damage etc (Which I am sure I don't have, those who go really hard with P.E may but I doubt it...) and could permanently fix this annoying problem.
By the way Penis Enlargement DID NOT cause this, I have only recently got into P.E in order to try and correct my problem...which is uncorrectable, I believe through everything I've read, without surgery. But fuck atleast there's something we can do.

Last advice don't read into it to much and feel to bad. I have read way to much about this shit over the last year and it fucks with your head. Chicks don't know that much about dicks. if you are really worried just wear a cock ring....they are very stylish and shit and I mean a girl will have no idea that your cock is tempoarily not in 100% perfect condition. The girls I've been with love the ring anyway because it makes my veins stick out and...basically my dick looks hot. So don't fret guys we have our temporary solution and also a long term solution if you decide to do so, in 5 years I am sure there will be major progress in such surgery. Relax, get out there and have fun
. Only live once
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