no i havent yet.. i think im going to work up to that. So when you do them are you pulling straight out over the arm or ending the stretch downward? Also do you feel it in the ligs like a normal downward stretch or are you feeling it throughout the whole shaft?
DLD wouldnt dld blaster work the tunica harder as u are using a lever which stresses more of the shaft ie the tunica. also why does stretching up work the tunica more than any other style of stretch?
bigc77;387297 said:
DLD wouldnt dld blaster work the tunica harder as u are using a lever which stresses more of the shaft ie the tunica. also why does stretching up work the tunica more than any other style of stretch?

Really it trains both. As the penis is semi-wrapped around the wrist you are stretching the tunica but as you pull outward it becomes more of a ligament stretch.
Just did the exercise, guess I need more strength in the arms...I'm gonna hit the gym as soon as my back injury heals...
Did you gain the 4" with only 50 reps/day normal DLD Blasters or did you do them bundled, too? I see great potential in this exercise if I only had strong arms like I used to :( ...
Your hands will become stronger and stronger as you train. My hands have become iron grips since I started. You can also look into using the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] or [words=]PowerAssist[/words] to help with intensity in this stretch, they can increase the strength by more than double.
I just reread your description and after 10 minutes of practice I think I finally got an understanding of these. My roommate will be wondering why I take 20 minute shits in no time.

I do have a question as I think this might be the reason these never worked for me. The hand that the penis wraps over do you keep a grip with this hand on the stretching hand and stretch down with both hands or do you leave it in place and just stretch downwards with the stretching hand. It feels better in both my penis and wrists if I do the latter.
Yes, the hand that has the penis stretched over it will also be an anchor point, with an underhanded OK grip.
DLD blasters are the shit.
but after going over this thread for a second time i dont know if im doing them right...

but this is what i do.

I dont do them on the toilet(which means ive already fuct it up aha)but i do it on the edge of my bed.
i put my dicc in a A stretch using as much intensity as i can(my wrist pushing up and my other hand pulling down).
then i proceed to do the kegals, clinching my PC muscle as hard as i can holding it for 5 seconds then release.
i do 30 of these in 1 set.

is this right DLD?
I think you're supposed to stretch harder when you are on the reverse kegel. Either way, I don't feel the good stretching ache when doing these, so I guess these are not for everyone.
lazyhanger;435580 said:
I think you're supposed to stretch harder when you are on the reverse kegel. Either way, I don't feel the good stretching ache when doing these, so I guess these are not for everyone.

im starting too feel the same cuz.

my dicc stretches out too much now...everytime i do these it looks like i have a cocc for a watch aha
CRIPKING8.5X6.5;435576 said:
DLD blasters are the shit.
but after going over this thread for a second time i dont know if im doing them right...

but this is what i do.

I dont do them on the toilet(which means ive already fuct it up aha)but i do it on the edge of my bed.
i put my dicc in a A stretch using as much intensity as i can(my wrist pushing up and my other hand pulling down).
then i proceed to do the kegals, clinching my PC muscle as hard as i can holding it for 5 seconds then release.
i do 30 of these in 1 set.

is this right DLD?

You are correct, just be sure that when you are in the Reverse Kegel you stretch with all your might.
Now - are these supposed to be ligament stretches? Because I dont feel it in the ligs at all.
I feel it where my wrist is pivotting upwards while my other hands is pulling down.

I get myself into the a-stretch, kegels for 5 seconds, pivot my left arm while I pull down by the glans with my right hand while I do reverse kegels for 5 seconds.

No feeling in the ligs, actually, what I feel the most is the pressure on the glans because of the hard pull.

Am I doing it wrong??
Grandejoe;438740 said:
Now - are these supposed to be ligament stretches? Because I dont feel it in the ligs at all.
I feel it where my wrist is pivotting upwards while my other hands is pulling down.

I get myself into the a-stretch, kegels for 5 seconds, pivot my left arm while I pull down by the glans with my right hand while I do reverse kegels for 5 seconds.

No feeling in the ligs, actually, what I feel the most is the pressure on the glans because of the hard pull.

Am I doing it wrong??

You will not always directly feel this in the ligs but that is no reflection on it's gain factor. You feel all that pressure at the head because it is an anchor point in the A-Stretch. Try to avoid using "feeling" as a judgement, use measurements instead.
In the reverse kegel you will want to stretch out and down with all your strength. After RK allow stretching to be a bit more flexible in strength, maybe 95%, enough room for the kegel to be felt.
doublelongdaddy;438906 said:
In the reverse kegel you will want to stretch out and down with all your strength. After RK allow stretching to be a bit more flexible in strength, maybe 95%, enough room for the kegel to be felt.

is it ok just to stretch straight out during the reverse kegel stage? because i dont want to lower my erection angles after longterm use
That is fine, the idea is to use the "extra slack" during the RK and stretch at 100%....direction makes little difference.
i feel it in the ligs and a dull ache afterwards, does this mean results will come quicker?
also, you gained 4 inches in length how much of that do you attribute to internal penis?
My dick is loosening up more for these. At first it was a tight fit to get around my wrist. Now, no issue at all. Today I also started to pull out further during the reserve kegal. I think I'm getting the hang of these. As the intensity increases now I can see how these will bring home cheddar.
pjp2002;439459 said:
My dick is loosening up more for these. At first it was a tight fit to get around my wrist. Now, no issue at all. Today I also started to pull out further during the reserve kegal. I think I'm getting the hang of these. As the intensity increases now I can see how these will bring home cheddar.

That is the best feeling when doing Blasters! WHen you can feel the slack you know you are making progress.
I got my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] about a week ago. I've encountered a few problems with it, well, a lot of problems.

The main problem is, I can't get hard when using it. I position it correctly, make sure it's full to the top, then put it on and make sure it's fully on. I think I have it on the right way because I can feel the suction on my penis vigorously. The problem is that it's simply not getting hard, at all! Just a lil' bit bigger, like when you're slightly aroused, but nothing like semi-hard, etc.

The other problem is that when I've it on, not only does it not work, but it is very painful. I have my pubes shaved and balls trimmed, it's just the penis that feels some pain. It's durable, but awkward and I'm wondering could this be the cause of the failure to get erect using [words= ]Bathmate[/words], or is it something you must put up with?

I'm reserving my judgement until I can get my penis hard and I've went over the information with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] tentatively. I'm doing all the right things, but to no avail.

I'm sure this question has been asked by newbies a plethora of times, so forgive me for being lazy and not just looking around for the info.

pjp2002;439459 said:
My dick is loosening up more for these. At first it was a tight fit to get around my wrist. Now, no issue at all. Today I also started to pull out further during the reserve kegal. I think I'm getting the hang of these. As the intensity increases now I can see how these will bring home cheddar.

Behold the power of cheese.

(had to say it :-) )
Now this is where you want to really stretch... do a Reverse Kegel (as you make this change from a Kegel to a Reverse Kegel you will feel the PC Unflex) As you RK pull your stretch to accommodate the unflex, meaning just as when you Kegel the penis pulls back the penis in a Reverse Kegel will produce more slack. Stretch this to your max for 5 seconds. During this 5 second Reverse Kegel be sure to pivot your arm or fake arm to increase tension. The idea on the Reverse Kegel is to take your stretching capasity beyond normal and this is accomplished by the Arm pivot, Fake arm Pivot or Increasing pull on Dual Fulcrum.

I'm not sure about the RK part.

I feel the pull back during the kegel, so as I'm releasing/unflex, what should I do to make the transition to RK? RK is like forcing urine out, but what should be the motion/feeling here, just releasing the kegel?

From what I understand RK is like pushing more blood into the penis in a forward motion versus the sort of backward/pulling motion of the kegel, but when doing the A-stretch, my penis is pretty much flattened against my wrist, so I'm having a tough time...

So, is the RK for this exercise just "unflexing" the PC muscle?

Thanks in advance :)
RK is simply a relaxation of said muscle.

Try to imagine and concentrate on your muscle relaxing. I can pull my cock without an involuntary contraction; years ago, all I had to do was touch my dick and it would trigger the pullback mechanism.

It will help you out in your sex life tenfold because it is analogous, really. When you're pumping the shit out of the bitch and you feel involuntary contractions early, you're en route for ejaculation + orgasm. But when you focus on keeping your pelvic floor muscles nice and relaxed with minimal contractions, you will last longer.

RK is the same movement used to push urine out, but you don't have to go extreme as if you're taking a shit. just concentrate. For me, I know I'm doing a RK when I feel a "sinking" feeling. Best way I can describe it.
I just started doing these again. Its hard for me to get in the A stretch without properly warming up and doing some basic stretches. Then I am long enough to get into the A stretch and start te DLD blasters
skarmclops;473463 said:
RK is simply a relaxation of said muscle.

Try to imagine and concentrate on your muscle relaxing. I can pull my cock without an involuntary contraction; years ago, all I had to do was touch my dick and it would trigger the pullback mechanism.

It will help you out in your sex life tenfold because it is analogous, really. When you're pumping the shit out of the bitch and you feel involuntary contractions early, you're en route for ejaculation + orgasm. But when you focus on keeping your pelvic floor muscles nice and relaxed with minimal contractions, you will last longer.

RK is the same movement used to push urine out, but you don't have to go extreme as if you're taking a shit. just concentrate. For me, I know I'm doing a RK when I feel a "sinking" feeling. Best way I can describe it.

Ya, I think I understand the relaxation part, it's just doing it properly for this exercise. It's difficult to replicate the movement for pushing urine out, without urinating...

That's strange, I tend to get a "sinking" feeling when I suddendly do a strong kegel contraction/flex and hold it for as long as possible. I also get that feeling when urinating after several hours, when I really got to go.
Last edited:
I am making gains session gains with these followed by longer flaccid the following day, already getting the benefit of phase 2
If you are struggling getting the penis over your arm then try a mandingo type stretch, that works pretty well until you grow a bit more!
Or use a long object that you can put over you legs that you can use as a fulcrum like a small weight bar for doing curls or a chair leg that you can unscrew. Place a shirt or something over it to ease comfort. You don't necessarily need to do the bend, just do it without until you gain enough length to start including the bend. If you read through again, DLD started without the bend and included it later to increase intensity after he gained alot without the bend. Don't start at the middle or you'll lose all the knowledge you can only gain at the beginning. Remember to always work up to a new exercise. Be careful.
Finally! I just had a eureka moment with these!

I was trying last night to just reverse kegel and relax and did this for 50 reps but this was wrong! I read this post again and did it correctly - 5 seconds kegel and then 5 seconds reverse kegel (all the time stretching at full intensity, although moreso for the reverse kegels). I understand now that the kegel stretching part is just as important as the reverse kegel part to this for it to work.

All i can say is WOW! My penis feels fatigued and has that rubbery, flexible feeling to it others on this forum have talked about that gave them great gains.

I cannot wait to see the results that come from these!

Thank you DLD. What a wonderful creation!
wickedshlong;490898 said:
Finally! I just had a eureka moment with these!

I was trying last night to just reverse kegel and relax and did this for 50 reps but this was wrong! I read this post again and did it correctly - 5 seconds kegel and then 5 seconds reverse kegel (all the time stretching at full intensity, although moreso for the reverse kegels). I understand now that the kegel stretching part is just as important as the reverse kegel part to this for it to work.

All i can say is WOW! My penis feels fatigued and has that rubbery, flexible feeling to it others on this forum have talked about that gave them great gains.

I cannot wait to see the results that come from these!

Thank you DLD. What a wonderful creation!

Awesome that you figured it out, it is a tough exercise to understand but once mastered it is one of the best length exercises around. When the Kegels and Reverse Kegels are used properly the penis has little choice but to elongate. I created this exercise as an alternative method to enlargement surgery. In surgery they cut the suspensory ligaments, allowing the penis to respond to stretching exercises without the ligaments getting in the way. DLD Blasters uses the Reverse Kegel to mimic this and allow you to stretch with full confidence that the ligaments are taking up the stretch instead of the Pelvic Floor Muscles.
i couldn't figure out the right feeling for the reverse kegel either. it wasn't until i did so many kegels, then tried to hold one for 5 seconds and couldn't that i could feel it. crazy exercise.
tbone77;491516 said:
i couldn't figure out the right feeling for the reverse kegel either. it wasn't until i did so many kegels, then tried to hold one for 5 seconds and couldn't that i could feel it. crazy exercise.

That is the point of exhaustion, another important reason we do so many kegels...this makes the PC muscle so tired it is hard for them to resist.
SNKRhead5O;493201 said:
I still dont understand how to do a reverse kegel :/ can Sumone plz explain the Best they can thank yu

imagine your foot is one fire and you are trying to piss it out.. then harder you push, the faster the stream of urine right? A reverse kegel is this pushing motion.
MikeShlort;493215 said:
imagine your foot is one fire and you are trying to piss it out.. then harder you push, the faster the stream of urine right? A reverse kegel is this pushing motion.

A reverse kegel is the muscle movement when you push the flow of urine. A kegel is when you stop the flow of urine. Of course, urinating is not necessary, but it is the easiest way to find the movement.
SNKRhead5O;493380 said:
Should I kegel & reverse kegel Before any stretch ?

It is always wise to use Blasters in every stretch. The same kegel/reverse kegel movement can be used to increase any stretch. It can also be used while hanging and assisted extending (a new exercises recently created).
doublelongdaddy;493382 said:
It is always wise to use Blasters in every stretch. The same kegel/reverse kegel movement can be used to increase any stretch. It can also be used while hanging and assisted extending (a new exercises recently created).

Hi, i don't know how to post a seperate message on here so i am replying on here. Sorry. I have a question about how long have you heard of people doing dld blasters until they see results? A month, 2 months, a year? My goal is to get 8.5 inches and i would really like to see some gains. Can you gain anything in 1 month with Blasters?

I have just started doing them like 2 weeks ago. And am starting to get the hang of them. I bought the [words=]MOS[/words] [words=]DVD[/words] and i'm on phase 2. Somedays, when i do the RK, and stretch, my shaft feels as if it is popping out and it feels good. (Like i'm getting a goooood stretch) Does this sound normal to you?????? I am 7.25 inches length, and one day last week, i measured and i was 8 inches. I was shocked!!!! The next day it went back down to normal size. Sound normal??? I am skinny, so no fat pad. I hope i'm doing it right. I'm getting pretty excited about this exercise!!! :P

A few questions i would really appreciate if they were answered. Thanks :cool:
SpitFire;493828 said:
Hi, i don't know how to post a seperate message on here so i am replying on here. Sorry. I have a question about how long have you heard of people doing dld blasters until they see results? A month, 2 months, a year? My goal is to get 8.5 inches and i would really like to see some gains. Can you gain anything in 1 month with Blasters?

I have just started doing them like 2 weeks ago. And am starting to get the hang of them. I bought the [words=]MOS[/words] [words=]DVD[/words] and i'm on phase 2. Somedays, when i do the RK, and stretch, my shaft feels as if it is popping out and it feels good. (Like i'm getting a goooood stretch) Does this sound normal to you?????? I am 7.25 inches length, and one day last week, i measured and i was 8 inches. I was shocked!!!! The next day it went back down to normal size. Sound normal??? I am skinny, so no fat pad. I hope i'm doing it right. I'm getting pretty excited about this exercise!!! :P

A few questions i would really appreciate if they were answered. Thanks :cool:

You are describing the feeling on the reverse kegel perfectly so I think you have it down. If you measured at 8" before you should be able to get the same measurement, perhaps your erection quality was off. Try measuring flaccid-stretched, bone-pressed, this measurement will also be accurate and does not depend on an erection.

DLD Blasters are a very good stretch but estimating the gains you will make is difficult. I have seen men make an inch gain in a month and I have seen others take much longer. I believe the differences in gain rate depend on how well the exercises are done, how often and how much intensity is used. I also think it depends heavily on belief and motivation. The perfect combination of all of the above make a great Penis Enlargement'er.
doublelongdaddy;493908 said:
You are describing the feeling on the reverse kegel perfectly so I think you have it down. If you measured at 8" before you should be able to get the same measurement, perhaps your erection quality was off. Try measuring flaccid-stretched, bone-pressed, this measurement will also be accurate and does not depend on an erection.

DLD Blasters are a very good stretch but estimating the gains you will make is difficult. I have seen men make an inch gain in a month and I have seen others take much longer. I believe the differences in gain rate depend on how well the exercises are done, how often and how much intensity is used. I also think it depends heavily on belief and motivation. The perfect combination of all of the above make a great Penis Enlargement'er.

Thanks alot for the advice. Glad i'm doing it right. :P I'm glad that gaining as much as an inch, in a month is possible. rofl.

I have done the bone-pressed, flaccid stretched measurement, and its 8.25 inches. When i measured last week and i was 8 inches erect, my EQ was very high. With a normal EQ i am 7.25. (I didn't know EQ could make such a big difference.):P I haven't really gotten my EQ that high since.

If i continue the blasters, and get 8.5 inches with a normal EQ, would it be maybe around 9 inches or more with a strong EQ??? Is this how it works??? That would be insane!!!! :s
SpitFire;494132 said:
Thanks alot for the advice. Glad i'm doing it right. :P I'm glad that gaining as much as an inch, in a month is possible. rofl.

I have done the bone-pressed, flaccid stretched measurement, and its 8.25 inches. When i measured last week and i was 8 inches erect, my EQ was very high. With a normal EQ i am 7.25. (I didn't know EQ could make such a big difference.):P I haven't really gotten my EQ that high since.

If i continue the blasters, and get 8.5 inches with a normal EQ, would it be maybe around 9 inches or more with a strong EQ??? Is this how it works??? That would be insane!!!! :s

Yes, that is how it works during the entire gaining process.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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