so i gave these a go today and i have to say i quite like them. im not very big on manual stretches but these feel good, i think these will be my main length exercise from now on :)
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jordey;610652 said:
so i gave these a go to say and i have to say i quite like them. im not very big on manual stretches but these feel good, i think these will be my main length exercise from now on :)

They were the first exercise I invented that became hugely famous on the internet. They were a real game changer when they were released. Men who struggled to make length gains started to make them with ease.
doublelongdaddy;610658 said:
They were the first exercise I invented that became hugely famous on the internet. They were a real game changer when they were released. Men who struggled to make length gains started to make them with ease.

they certainly feel good. how many reps would you say to do?
Do you need to exhaust PC muscle to get extra length when doing a reverse kegel ? For me there's not the slightest increase in stretch when I reverse kegel. I Haven't tried this routine yet though I'll try tomorrow.
mavekovis;610914 said:
Do you need to exhaust PC muscle to get extra length when doing a reverse kegel ? For me there's not the slightest increase in stretch when I reverse kegel. I Haven't tried this routine yet though I'll try tomorrow.

did you do the 5 second hard kegel before the reverse?
jordey;611013 said:
did you do the 5 second hard kegel before the reverse?

Yes, but there may come a point in the exercise that you will reach complete fatigue. At that point the kegel is no longer necessary or even possible in many cases. At that point the Reverse Kegel will be the only thing needed. If you are going to the point where you are not reechoing total fatigue the Kegel/Reverse Kegel sequence will still be necessary.
Perestroyka;627288 said:
Why is that kegel so important? Why just simple during stretch press the RK and hold in that way? I don't understand that only...

Kegels are important because they strengthen the muscles responsible for keeping maximum blood to the penis. As you grow you will need more blood in your penis and without exercising these muscles you may end up with a bigger penis that can not get 100% erect. Reverse Kegels are used in stretches because they unflex these same muscles allowing you to stretch the penis without interference from these muscles. A reverse kegel allows 100% of the stretch to go to the penis, instead of the muscles.
As far as manual work goes, I think the DLD Blasters are hands down the best length exercises one can do. They really give you a stretch that normal one handed stretching cannot even compare to.
boohoohoo;627333 said:
As far as manual work goes, I think the DLD Blasters are hands down the best length exercises one can do. They really give you a stretch that normal one handed stretching cannot even compare to.

Indeed you are correct. The awesome thing about Blasters is the same logic can be used with any stretch to make it much more powerful.
doublelongdaddy;627448 said:
Indeed you are correct. The awesome thing about Blasters is the same logic can be used with any stretch to make it much more powerful.

Definitely, and the A stretch is the most powerful manual stretch I have ever done.
boohoohoo;627490 said:
Definitely, and the A stretch is the most powerful manual stretch I have ever done.

Definitely the best stretch position for Blasters but the theory of why Blasters work so well applies to all stretches if the protocol is followed. Pre-exaust the PF Muscles with kegels and when in the stretching position use the Reverse Kegel to give more stretch to the penis rather than the muscles.
Perestroyka;627700 said:
DLD, can I just do the Reverse Kegel during that stretch, without squeezing regular kegel? Would that be beneficial for me?

A reverse kegel should always be done with every stretch to ensure that the stretch intensity is going to the penis and not the muscles connecting the penis. When you engage in a RK it releases these muscles and allows most of the stretch go to the penis.
Can DLD blasters be done with any stretch? It appears they would be great to do using the [words=!!!]lengthmaster[/words]
texasboylife8;628164 said:
Can DLD blasters be done with any stretch? It appears they would be great to do using the [words=!!!]lengthmaster[/words]

Yes, Blasters could and should be done with every stretch. The same principal of pre-exaustion and reverse kegels to allow for ultimate stretch apply to all stretches.
VoorheesXIII;629542 said:
Gonna have to start including these into my routine.

you definitely should cuz they are damm good for stretching the lower base part of the penis which is rarely stretched if you have noticed
pogzee;629544 said:
you definitely should cuz they are damm good for stretching the lower base part of the penis which is rarely stretched if you have noticed

Yeah, I feel the lower base stretching and this makes the DLD Blasters great exercise, this must not be skipped in daily workout, just like slow squash
pogzee;629544 said:
you definitely should cuz they are damm good for stretching the lower base part of the penis which is rarely stretched if you have noticed

I've only just recently started doing the expressive/base attachment type stretching with the [words=!!!]LM[/words] & can definitely feel the difference if i do that before my newb stretching routine, can't wait to see how throwing the A-stretch blasters in between those will go! 😀
VoorheesXIII;629575 said:
I've only just recently started doing the expressive/base attachment type stretching with the [words=!!!]LM[/words] & can definitely feel the difference if i do that before my newb stretching routine, can't wait to see how throwing the A-stretch blasters in between those will go! 😀

Probably it will be very good brother, try different versions and you will see what fits best for you, good luck
Perestroyka;629567 said:
Yeah, I feel the lower base stretching and this makes the DLD Blasters great exercise, this must not be skipped in daily workout, just like slow squash

completely true......i have included 5 minutes of DLD blasters in my length routine.
i basically have a select few mixed up with the [words=]newbie routine[/words] that i do
pogzee;629585 said:
completely true......i have included 5 minutes of DLD blasters in my length routine.
i basically have a select few mixed up with the [words=]newbie routine[/words] that i do

Same here, mixed exercises, every routine different schedule
pogzee;629585 said:
completely true......i have included 5 minutes of DLD blasters in my length routine.
i basically have a select few mixed up with the [words=]newbie routine[/words] that i do

Keeps rings fresh, fun and interesting keeping motivation high and allowing us to stay inspired to train.
doublelongdaddy;629634 said:
Keeps rings fresh, fun and interesting keeping motivation high and allowing us to stay inspired to train.

Man just need to keep himself reminded that the big penis will give him plenty benefits, greater confidence, better sex, my friend has big cock, he told me and I saw it in the gym, his phone always ringing, all females, guy is insane, never stops to fuck...
Perestroyka;629691 said:
Man just need to keep himself reminded that the big penis will give him plenty benefits, greater confidence, better sex, my friend has big cock, he told me and I saw it in the gym, his phone always ringing, all females, guy is insane, never stops to fuck...

Thats exaclty what we want right ?????:) you said somewhere in the middle the word CONFIDENCE... it is the key to not only getting girls but for LIFE it is the most important thing for a man.
the day i have reached my goal i would have concurred the world then...;) that how much confidence PE puts in me
pogzee;629757 said:
Thats exaclty what we want right ?????:) you said somewhere in the middle the word CONFIDENCE... it is the key to not only getting girls but for LIFE it is the most important thing for a man.
the day i have reached my goal i would have concurred the world then...;) that how much confidence PE puts in me

Pogzee brother, you are same as me, I KNOW I WILL GAIN CONFIDENCE BOOST BY BIGGER PENIS! And that's what is keeping me into this all the time, I'll never quit until goal is reached and I'LL NEVER SURRENDER! rofl
Perestroyka;629792 said:
Pogzee brother, you are same as me, I KNOW I WILL GAIN CONFIDENCE BOOST BY BIGGER PENIS! And that's what is keeping me into this all the time, I'll never quit until goal is reached and I'LL NEVER SURRENDER! rofl

and i am talking about winning in enlargement and the contest rofl but primarily enlargement

so are you saying you are posting soo much but not for contest also ???
pogzee;629899 said:
and i am talking about winning in enlargement and the contest rofl but primarily enlargement

so are you saying you are posting soo much but not for contest also ???

I am posting because I know things about PE, and I understand what experts saying, as for contest YES also for that. But it's not my primary reason man
brother i think the moderators can decide better.....i think we should do our work of helping as much as we can and win :)
pogzee;630054 said:
brother i think the moderators can decide better.....i think we should do our work of helping as much as we can and win :)

Moderators words are last, all we can do helping others, let them decide :)
Can someone explain to me how in the world can someone kegels while holding the the A stretch , or is it that you kegel before the A stretch position then you do the reverse kegel while holding the A stretch ? I don't quite get ito_O
soulpurpose181;645247 said:
Can someone explain to me how in the world can someone kegels while holding the the A stretch , or is it that you kegel before the A stretch position then you do the reverse kegel while holding the A stretch ? I don't quite get ito_O

is it necessary to do a kegel during A stretch ????
you can do it normally also without a -stretch
soulpurpose181;645247 said:
Can someone explain to me how in the world can someone kegels while holding the the A stretch , or is it that you kegel before the A stretch position then you do the reverse kegel while holding the A stretch ? I don't quite get ito_O

No, you do nor Kegel during the stretch, all the Kegels happen before you start the DLD Blasters. What you do during the stretch is a Reverse Kegels as this releases all muscles and ligaments from taking up the stretch and gives you a much more beneficial way to gain length.
soulpurpose181;645247 said:
Can someone explain to me how in the world can someone kegels while holding the the A stretch , or is it that you kegel before the A stretch position then you do the reverse kegel while holding the A stretch ? I don't quite get ito_O

Like dld said,kegel before the strech,reverse during the stretch ;)
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doublelongdaddy;645278 said:
No, you do nor Kegel during the stretch, all the Kegels happen before you start the DLD Blasters. What you do during the stretch is a Reverse Kegels as this releases all muscles and ligaments from taking up the stretch and gives you a much more beneficial way to gain length.

lol i never tried this.....i should lol
pogzee;645397 said:
lol i never tried this.....i should lol

The first post in this thread explains it all very clearly.
'Newbie' here but thanks!
Did for a while--Whow holy shit I get it this was is
work gotta make something 'happen'
Thanks again.
The whole kegel/reverse kegel thing has gotten pretty big in my little pe adventure. I never really took them seriously but I'm really starting to think they're the most overlooked concepts by myself and newbies alike. Even a few of the long time members. Totally invaluable with eq, control, and potentially gains. You can't oversell kegels.
Longth;670250 said:
The whole kegel/reverse kegel thing has gotten pretty big in my little pe adventure. I never really took them seriously but I'm really starting to think they're the most overlooked concepts by myself and newbies alike. Even a few of the long time members. Totally invaluable with eq, control, and potentially gains. You can't oversell kegels.

This exercise is what put me on the map! DLD Blasters can be done with any stretch and after understanding what the Reverse Kegel is doing really hits home to why length gains come faster this way.
If you can't get a grip, use the [words=!!!]Lengthmaster[/words]. I'll forgo any exercise just to do these if I lived alone. They are king. You can use your legs to get so much force, you will hurt or dismember yourself, whichever lol. DLD made these both and proved it time and time again that it works. If you ain't hurtin' you ain't workin'. This exercise will test your will when done properly with a [words=!!!]LM[/words]. Follow that with [words=]SG[/words], PF or both, and your sure to see gains. Much respect.
runningignus;670468 said:
If you can't get a grip, use the [words=!!!]Lengthmaster[/words]. I'll forgo any exercise just to do these if I lived alone. They are king. You can use your legs to get so much force, you will hurt or dismember yourself, whichever lol. DLD made these both and proved it time and time again that it works. If you ain't hurtin' you ain't workin'. This exercise will test your will when done properly with a [words=!!!]LM[/words]. Follow that with [words=]SG[/words], PF or both, and your sure to see gains. Much respect.

This is a very good point that I will reiterate. For those who find it hard to get a grip, you lose your grip or you need more strength, the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] solves these issues 100%. Once strapped in you are gripped solid, no slipping, no sliding just pure stretch. And keep in mind, when you are stretching you can use 2 hands making the stretch so much more intense. In addition to these things there is so much more. From [words=]PowerAssist[/words] stretching and Hanging to Bundles & Rolls and everything in between.
Trance4life;710480 said:
dear dld, how many series do I have to do of the entire excercise?

You should continue to do rep sets of these. (formula 5sec Kegel, 5 sec Reverse Kegel= One rep. [words=]x 50[/words])
I say 3 sets are fine.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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