doublelongdaddy;494329 said:
Yes, that is how it works during the entire gaining process.

Okay thanks, but why is there such a big difference between strong and normal EQ?

I was wondering about having to get different size condoms depending on my EQ? 8.5 inches sounds good, but if i'm going to have a 9.5 inch with strong EQ, that might be too big. :O

Does having a wide EQ range make a difference on how fast gains will show up?

When I do DLD blasters, I "feel" the stretch much more in the top/middle area of my penis. The intesntity feels mostly concentrated on the "skin," and I don't feel it so much "inside" and at the base of the penis as with, say, squatting behind the leg rotaries or [words= ]Bathmate[/words] Hardcore stretches. Is this an indication that I'm doing something wrong?

Lately I try to pull "out" in addition to pulling "down" (with the bend), so maybe that is helping concentrate it on the ligs more. But still the intensity is mostly in the upper/middle penis and it is this sensation that makes me have to stop and take a break between reps.
gishdu;494458 said:
When I do DLD blasters, I "feel" the stretch much more in the top/middle area of my penis. The intesntity feels mostly concentrated on the "skin," and I don't feel it so much "inside" and at the base of the penis as with, say, squatting behind the leg rotaries or [words= ]Bathmate[/words] Hardcore stretches. Is this an indication that I'm doing something wrong?

Lately I try to pull "out" in addition to pulling "down" (with the bend), so maybe that is helping concentrate it on the ligs more. But still the intensity is mostly in the upper/middle penis and it is this sensation that makes me have to stop and take a break between reps.

Try rolling your wrist forward. The wrist that the penis is wrapped around.
MikeShlort;494466 said:
Try rolling your wrist forward. The wrist that the penis is wrapped around.

by "rolling forward," do you mean rotating your hand so your pinky knuckle goes down and your pointer comes up? This seems to help concentrate the stretch more towards the base, but i still feel the majority of it on the thin skin right behind the head. Maybe the problem is my grip?
gishdu;494477 said:
by "rolling forward," do you mean rotating your hand so your pinky knuckle goes down and your pointer comes up? This seems to help concentrate the stretch more towards the base, but i still feel the majority of it on the thin skin right behind the head. Maybe the problem is my grip?

Ya pinky is going down. pull your head down wiht the other hand as you do it.
MikeShlort;494479 said:
Ya pinky is going down. pull your head down wiht the other hand as you do it.

A new [words=]MOS[/words] [words=]DVD[/words] is really overdue.
SNKRhead5O;495293 said:
Let's say I'm juss doin a regular 30 second stretch should I only reverse kegel for those 30 seconds ?

Yes. Remember, when you are doing a Reverse Kegel you are in a state of total un-flex, meaning there is no muscles preventing you from stretching. If possible, always use the Blaster theory while stretching, hanging and assisted [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] work.
Should I also reverse kegel wen doing hardcore [words= ]Bathmate[/words] stretches ? & if I can't get a erection while wearing the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] can I still do the hardcore [words= ]Bathmate[/words] stretches flaccid ?
SNKRhead5O;495426 said:
Should I also reverse kegel wen doing hardcore [words= ]Bathmate[/words] stretches ? & if I can't get a erection while wearing the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] can I still do the hardcore [words= ]Bathmate[/words] stretches flaccid ?

I suggest being able to get an erection. Enter the pump as hard as possible. Think of dirty whores or something. Ease up on the Penis Enlargement if you are having trouble getting hard. Rest or something.
And ya, reverse kegel when you pull on the [words= ]Bathmate[/words].
SNKRhead5O;495465 said:
I have slight peyronies just scare tissue my erections vary have Gudd & Bad days thts why it wouldn't work flaccid ?

[words= ]Bathmate[/words] Hardcore Stretches do require you to be Hard to get the suction and to effect the underlying tissues.
jizvicka;509937 said:
Should I feel something special when I do reverse kegel and strech? Because I feel nothing..

There is little feeling but you should notice a slight increase in length when doing the RK. As long as you are doing RK right it will greatly benefit you.
doublelongdaddy;509949 said:
There is little feeling but you should notice a slight increase in length when doing the RK. As long as you are doing RK right it will greatly benefit you.

I've been doing the Blasters for 2 months. Just started using the [words=]PA[/words] for a month now. I do 50 warm up kegals. Hold them for 5 secs each. Then i do 50 blasters. Thats it. Is that enough?

Just got a few more questions.

Do you push the [words=]PA[/words] all the way up to the base of the penis or do you leave a little space (like 1 cm) in between the base and the [words=]PA[/words]? I've been starting to push it all the up cuz i heard it helps bring the inner penis outwards.

I've been getting a dull ache in my ligs a few days after using the [words=]PA[/words] but not everyday. It usually has kinda of a lightning bolt ache the next day in the afternoon. Do you have to feel sore in order to get gains?

I've gained a quarter of an inch using the [words=]extender[/words] in about 2 and a half months and you said that the blasters are suppose to be better but i havn't really gained anything in a month. My vein on the top of my penis got a bit bigger. Just wondering if there is anything else i can do? Should i just continue and see what happens in 2 months??

Please reply back to me as soon as possible. Thanks.:cool:
SpitFire;516040 said:
I've been doing the Blasters for 2 months. Just started using the [words=]PA[/words] for a month now. I do 50 warm up kegals. Hold them for 5 secs each. Then i do 50 blasters. Thats it. Is that enough?

Just got a few more questions.

Do you push the [words=]PA[/words] all the way up to the base of the penis or do you leave a little space (like 1 cm) in between the base and the [words=]PA[/words]? I've been starting to push it all the up cuz i heard it helps bring the inner penis outwards.

I've been getting a dull ache in my ligs a few days after using the [words=]PA[/words] but not everyday. It usually has kinda of a lightning bolt ache the next day in the afternoon. Do you have to feel sore in order to get gains?

I've gained a quarter of an inch using the [words=]extender[/words] in about 2 and a half months and you said that the blasters are suppose to be better but i havn't really gained anything in a month. My vein on the top of my penis got a bit bigger. Just wondering if there is anything else i can do? Should i just continue and see what happens in 2 months??

Please reply back to me as soon as possible. Thanks.:cool:

I suggest always doing a set of the phase 1 stretches - stretching for 30 sec in all directions. One rep of each direction. Do two sets of the down direction. What I do is a set of down (left, right, middle), out (l,r,m), down (l,r,m), up (l,r,m), down (l,r,m), 30 sec each stretch (or more if I can) pulling out gradually until it's as hard as I can pull wihtout injuring myself (pulling a ligament). This takes me about 12-15 min. You can also do BTC stretches but I don't because I don't get a good enough grip and I hang BTC now anyways. I always do a straight down stretch every 2-3 hours throughout the day when I'm not hanging or doing manual stretches. I also throw in some DLD blasters. I think it's wise to always be doing those directional stretches, and do blasters along with them.
MikeShlort;516077 said:
I suggest always doing a set of the phase 1 stretches - stretching for 30 sec in all directions. One rep of each direction. Do two sets of the down direction. What I do is a set of down (left, right, middle), out (l,r,m), down (l,r,m), up (l,r,m), down (l,r,m), 30 sec each stretch (or more if I can) pulling out gradually until it's as hard as I can pull wihtout injuring myself (pulling a ligament). This takes me about 12-15 min. You can also do BTC stretches but I don't because I don't get a good enough grip and I hang BTC now anyways. I always do a straight down stretch every 2-3 hours throughout the day when I'm not hanging or doing manual stretches. I also throw in some DLD blasters. I think it's wise to always be doing those directional stretches, and do blasters along with them.

Ok, thanks alot. I'm confused though. LOL. So you do 3 sets in total???

ONE set of 30 sec in all directions. Left, right, middle, up, and down.

Then, you do 2 sets of down stretches. L,R,M.

or, one set of 30 sec in all directions..... Then, a set of down (left, right, middle), out (l,r,m), down (l,r,m), up (l,r,m), down (l,r,m)???

Thanks :cool:
SpitFire;516529 said:
Ok, thanks alot. I'm confused though. LOL. So you do 3 sets in total???

ONE set of 30 sec in all directions. Left, right, middle, up, and down.

Then, you do 2 sets of down stretches. L,R,M.

or, one set of 30 sec in all directions..... Then, a set of down (left, right, middle), out (l,r,m), down (l,r,m), up (l,r,m), down (l,r,m)???

Thanks :cool:

Keeping it simple Mike is saying that the Newbie Stretches which include Upwards, Outward, Downward, Rotaries and Behind the Cheeks is very smart as it hits every possible angle. In these positions there is a right, left and center stretch position. He is advising that you do 3 sets of these. In addition, DLD Blasters can also be included. If you want to keep time down, do the DLD Blasters during the outward position and you can skip that potion.
MikeShlort;516563 said:
Yep but you don't have to every time. You can switch it up

Ok. Thanks. I am starting to do my workouts every other day now. Everyday i think might be too much as I don't feel anything after. I think i need more time to recover. I feel my penis ache 2 days after a workout which is good cuz i think i'm gaining. I took a day off last weekend and i think i looked bigger flaccid.
SpitFire;516560 said:
Cool, thanks. Is it good to use reverse kegal with the newbie stretches?

With every stretch, the reverse kegel will allow for more effective stretching as it releases the pelvic floor muscles and allows the penis to take up most of the stretch.
doublelongdaddy;961 said:
RB Fake Arm A-Stretch

i just read this and this particular quote ive done way before Penis Enlargement and knowing bout this site the difference on the pvc pipe (im sure the pic wont show up but its post #2) and never tell my wife or mother is i used the toilet paper roll holder only one side but it worked never knew a name to this till now but since found [words=]MOS[/words] things have greatly changed in my life clean the roll first nice little hidden tool for ya lol
Tried these. Was only able to do 10. My hand got tired. Saw an increase in flaccid length but it's EL I am targeting. What about you guys. Did you start with a lower number or did 50 of these in the beginning?
IcePackx;533303 said:
Tried these. Was only able to do 10. My hand got tired. Saw an increase in flaccid length but it's EL I am targeting. What about you guys. Did you start with a lower number or did 50 of these in the beginning?

Lower number. You always gradually build up in any physical exercise. That includes Penis Enlargement.
IcePackx;533303 said:
Tried these. Was only able to do 10. My hand got tired. Saw an increase in flaccid length but it's EL I am targeting. What about you guys. Did you start with a lower number or did 50 of these in the beginning?

WHen you say 10 what are you making reference to? Thanks.
IcePackx;533363 said:
I mean 10 reps of dld blasters.

First 100 kegels while stretching
(A-stretch with 5 sec kegel + 5 sec Reverse Kegel) x 10

That sounds like a fine amount, your hand will become stronger over time and the stretch will become more intense for longer periods.
Tried a few reps of these for the first time today.. somewhere between the kegeling and the reverse kegeling I forget how to breath! I guess I need to do these two activities (kegelling and reverse kegelling) individually until they become more natural.
Push all the air out and suck in your stomach, pull with authority. Once you get it down, you'll pull that cock out. Literally. I'm also doing these after my hanging sets. You feel it so much better. It fatigues and relaxes the penis hanging first, then I do the blasters afterwards. You feel it pulling out so much better. I even do it after the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. The best move by far. Gotta keep going up in numbers though. I get 10-15 and my hands get tired.
DLD I'm doing the manual stretching part of the [words=]newbie routine[/words] in the morning. I think in the afternoon I will do these for sure! Thank you!
I'm back to using these and I'm already seeing some good flaccid length increases. They're very slight but I see them. Get around 5-8 small sets throughout the day. Get 10-20 pulls each time. Love bringing these back.
I did Penis Enlargement for the last 18months in witch I gained around 1,25" in EL and got to a plateau with 0 gains for months of Penis Enlargement witch included 1hour of various streches manuals + [words=]PA[/words] done so hard that my hand hurt for the rest of the day + 4-5 hours of wearing an extedner at medium [words=]traction[/words] force. I never got the proper thchnique of the blasters even thow I have the [words=]MOS[/words] [words=]DVD[/words], pay site membership and followed all comments on the treads regarding them here on [words=]MOS[/words] and Thunders but I decided to give them one more try the last few days and I think I got the technique down this time and I am seeing GAINS again since last summer, I only did them for the last 3 days and my flachid hang is huge, I gained about 1-1.5cm in flachid length and 3 mm in NBPenis EnlargementL in 3 days of about 30 blasters/session.

I'm going to rethink my routine around this exercise and aim for 80-100 blasters /session and report back in about 3 months.

Just a few tips for the ones that are strugulling to get this exercise:
- Make sure you "push" your reverse keagel as hard as you can, almost as hard as when you're taking a crap
- Don't botther if you're not seeing any tughback or movement of the penis on the RK, I only see a minor movement of 1mm on the RK but the feeling is intense as fuck.
- Focus on felling the ligs strech when you're pulling on the RK, it should feel like a mild soreness along the shaft and in the base of the penis, change the position/angle of yout wrist in order to feel the most intense strech.

~ Blueballs
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jacob5414;607936 said:

Good bump! This thread gets buried sometimes, which makes no sense since it is one of the best PE length exercises available.
jordey;610012 said:
i see alot of guys rave about this exercise, i think i will have to add some into my routine in the near future!

This is the exercise that brought my fame in the early days. It is still one of the biggest threads on all competing forums. At Thund3rs Pl@ce they locked it to stop all the action it got, sad really.
doublelongdaddy;610045 said:
This is the exercise that brought my fame in the early days. It is still one of the biggest threads on all competing forums. At Thund3rs Pl@ce they locked it to stop all the action it got, sad really.

ive been looking for a new length exercise to add in to my program, this seems like it! ill take your word on its effectiveness :)
jordey;610065 said:
ive been looking for a new length exercise to add in to my program, this seems like it! ill take your word on its effectiveness :)

loved doing these using my [words=!!!]LM[/words]. you will like them very much. can really feel them during and after
I still remember reading the infamous DLD Blasters thread on Thund3rs Pl@ce with all the experiences reported by the guys who did the exercise for the first time I remember one guy reported an increase in EL of 0.5 in 1 week...and with DLD saying that he will leave Thunders cause shit got serious there, that was the thread that got me from Thund3rs Pl@ce to [words=]MOS[/words].

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Blueballs;610171 said:
I still remember reading the infamous DLD Blasters thread on Thund3rs Pl@ce with all the experiences reported by the guys who did the exercise for the first time I remember one guy reported an increase in EL of 0.5 in 1 week...and with DLD saying that he will leave Thunders cause shit got serious there, that was the thread that got me from Thund3rs Pl@ce to [words=]MOS[/words].


It is sad they closed the thread, all fighting aside, it is a very important exercise that all men should have access to.
doublelongdaddy;610296 said:
It is sad they closed the thread, all fighting aside, it is a very important exercise that all men should have access to.

wow!!! i just found that on there. crazy to read the lead moderators over there being against it so much when it just makes sense and is easy to feel the great intensity of it and against you as well you charging for your pay site.
youknowme123321;610127 said:
loved doing these using my [words=!!!]LM[/words]. you will like them very much. can really feel them during and after

ill post back when ive given them a try!
doublelongdaddy;608041 said:
Good bump! This thread gets buried sometimes, which makes no sense since it is one of the best PE length exercises available.
What exactly does bump mean? Are you just saying bump 'cuz you like a certain thread or comment or is it an actual thing that happens when a thread is popular or something?
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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