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Iv been interested in the Bathmate for a while but I dont really know if its worth it yet. No one has any sufficient before and after solidified gains!
I've been using the Bathmate for 2 1/2 weeks now, an I'm startin to notice some girth improvement. I'm using itin the shower each and every morning for 10 minutes, and at on weekdays I'll ave a bath, where I'll use it for 20 minutes. Whatyu have to know is that I've hadno sex drive/libido over the last 11 years, with a tiny bit of improvement over the last year. So, this means that my penis isn't getting the regular workout it should be getting. Thus, it's why I think I'm getting early benefits.

The benefits I speak of I noticed today most especially when having sex with the girlfriend. Visually speaking, let's just say I was happy. I hadn't used the pump since yesteday at noon when I've observed said improvements.
O wow well props on your gains Chip, Iv been interested in the Bathmate just dont know if I want to drop the dough just yet.
should this be used every day or only 3 times a week? unclear on what should provide the best results
I use it as often as I can..which means basically everyday. But I try to take Redzulu's advice with 1-2 days off every week for the intensity etc.
recreation_man;360062 said:
Just a thought:

Why not jelq straight after using the Bathmate, so you are jelqing a half erect bigger and fatter version of your penis? I'm very sure this will give you gains.

Why not do the newbie routine after using the Bathmate, and then progress just like you did before you had even heard of Bathmate?

Clamp off straight afterwards for 15 mins or so, whatever you can handle. Maintain good erection throughout and in time it wil help the process.

Pumping is very effective when done right and not to extremes like on those wild pumping sites that have a fetish for really fluid-swollen dicks ... avoid that and try to keep it to the minimum although some fluid will be unavoidable and infact not a bad thing as it can help to pad the internal chambers of the penis when you combine pumping with other methods of Penis Enlargement.

When one pumps aswell it creates a vacuum not just outisde the penis chambers, where we than see this fluid but from the inside ... the core of the penis and still little is known from a medical standpoint as to the exact science of pumping to the penis and how it actually helps it grow ... sure we know about it helping blood flow and doing this and that, but lets get more detailed here ... lets dig deeper right inside the penis, right inside those 3 main chambers, than inside the pockets that fill the chambers with blood as we become aroused .. whats going on?

No one knows 100% as I imagine a penis hasnt been dissected or an experiment replicated to show a pump doing the type of work we do here ... it would be awesome to see a ballistic gel model of a penis, with accurate insides go inside a penis pump and than cut open to see how it was affected .. that and other devices attached during the session.

The point of me going on ^^^ is that its important to combine pumping with other methods of Penis Enlargement such as clamping because something else is going on inside the penis that many overlook with pumping, and claim as merely fluid build-up .. it aint.
Rude_God;360788 said:
I'm still following this thread :) - opa, how's it progressing?

so far it seems I've gained 0,3cm girth and I've for sure gained flaccid length. How much I dont know yet but I can see it in the mirror for sure which feels great. I bet my ass that when this month is over I've gained 0,5cm girth totaly.
I have used it 3 times now and its easier to use in a bathtub then in a shower.
My flacid is again longer.I quitted for a while with stretching and jelqing.
I will update my progresse.

Opa did you had a warranty card??
kendyman;360903 said:
I have used it 3 times now and its easier to use in a bathtub then in a shower.
My flacid is again longer.I quitted for a while with stretching and jelqing.
I will update my progresse.

Opa did you had a warranty card??

I did not,... I think at least. Hmm I gotta check my package again.
Hey can anyone help me wich cream is best for red dots on the head??
How can it go away??
kendyman, please post in an appropriate thread. This thread is for Bathmate related post only.

But since its already here, use hydrocodisone cream, use it for a full week. if that doesn't work, try an athlete's foot cream - like lotriman ultra. if you need more help message me, dont post back in this thread, i will not respond to it.
so any updates on the Bathmate usage?
shit this thread got alot more attention on the main page.
shouldve stayed there....just my opinion.
islandboy22;361557 said:
so any updates on the Bathmate usage?
shit this thread got alot more attention on the main page.
shouldve stayed there....just my opinion.

Yeh, I got some cool flaccid gains and a little erect. The Bathmate thing works but you really have to be patient with it. Gained about 0,3cm girth errect in 1.5-2 months. And the flaccid is about 1,0cm thicker which is pretty damn cool, cuz that's alot.

No length tho, but I bet it will come. I bet a newbie with a rather small penis would get fucking awesome gains with the product.

And I agree with you about the thread getting more attention on the Main Penis Enlargement-forum. When moving it here and saying it gets as much attention as before is just pure bullshit imo. Move it back moderators, plx.
Hey opa do you have red dots or you glans? I have it everytime when I use it when iam 80 or 100% erect.
I gues its better for me to use it flaccid.
If that is not helping iam going to use the natural way again.
kendyman;361822 said:
Hey opa do you have red dots or you glans? I have it everytime when I use it when iam 80 or 100% erect.
I gues its better for me to use it flaccid.
If that is not helping iam going to use the natural way again.

naah I dont get dots..only temporary dots that dissapears whitin an hour or two. But not on the glans, only around the shaft. Bu they dissapear rly quickly for me.
maybe its because iam cut.No skin over my glans.
The dots on my shaft also dissapear very fast.
I hope you have more luck then me with the Bathmate :)
Just received my Bathmate a few days ago - Initial thoughts :
1) My sex drive has increased significantly (it was moderate-high before)
2) Increase in time (length) and hardness of erections
3) Great to use before girth work (easy to sustain erections(partial or full))
4) Great to use on off days - doesn't seem like "exercise"
5) I can see how guys on the larger side can easily outgrow the standard size (hence the need for the X-40)
flannery;361915 said:
Just received my Bathmate a few days ago - Initial thoughts :
1) My sex drive has increased significantly (it was moderate-high before)
2) Increase in time (length) and hardness of erections
3) Great to use before girth work (easy to sustain erections(partial or full))
4) Great to use on off days - doesn't seem like "exercise"
5) I can see how guys on the larger side can easily outgrow the standard size (hence the need for the X-40)

Did you buy in from mos,usa Bathmate??

Well succes with it and let uw know how it go's :).
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