Just started doing these and had one quick question....for this part from the original post "Stretch this to your max for 5 seconds. During this 5 second Reverse Kegel be sure to pivot your arm or fake arm to increase tension."....what does it mean to pivot the arm during the RK exactly?
whatisit;372578 said:
Just started doing these and had one quick question....for this part from the original post "Stretch this to your max for 5 seconds. During this 5 second Reverse Kegel be sure to pivot your arm or fake arm to increase tension."....what does it mean to pivot the arm during the RK exactly?

Yeas, you simply flex your wrist to increase the stretch intensity.
How would I know if I had a good session of this exercise or not? I'm currently doing it but am not sure if I'm doing it correctly as I feel relatively little after the routine. There is no soreness, but I do have a slightly more stretchy penis.
whatisit;372783 said:
How would I know if I had a good session of this exercise or not? I'm currently doing it but am not sure if I'm doing it correctly as I feel relatively little after the routine. There is no soreness, but I do have a slightly more stretchy penis.

Trust your ruler. Gauging a routine on soreness is never good as it happens sometimes and not others. After my first month of Penis Enlargement I rarely felt soreness. If you are a member of the pay-site here is a video on: DLD BLASTERS
I have one question: When ever i stretch my penis, and i put up a little bit more tension, my penis slides away, lack of grip. I tried toilet paper, but after a time it irritates/lets go. Any other alternatives?
trainingtzr;372869 said:
I have one question: When ever i stretch my penis, and i put up a little bit more tension, my penis slides away, lack of grip. I tried toilet paper, but after a time it irritates/lets go. Any other alternatives?

Have you tried baby powder? This worked for me great. You can also try a small amount of water with the baby powder, seems to give even better grip. I also have used leather gold gloves and latex surgical gloves...both are great with grip. You may even give dish washing gloves a shot.
Hi! I'm new to these forums, and this DLD blaster is really interesting. However, I do not understand the concept of Arm pivot, Fake arm Pivot or Increasing pull on Dual Fulcrum... Please help. Thanks
Bumped for newbies and vets alike!
I still haven't quite figured these out yet. I understand the RK and can feel the ligs relax, but i still feel more of a lig stretch when i do a normal SO stretch. When I do the blaster stretch i kind of just feel the stretch throughout the shaft. Is this how it supposed to feel? Also, should i be ending the stretch pointing down or straight out? In the video on the site it looks like DLD is pointing down.
no i havent yet.. i think im going to work up to that. So when you do them are you pulling straight out over the arm or ending the stretch downward? Also do you feel it in the ligs like a normal downward stretch or are you feeling it throughout the whole shaft?
DLD wouldnt dld blaster work the tunica harder as u are using a lever which stresses more of the shaft ie the tunica. also why does stretching up work the tunica more than any other style of stretch?
bigc77;387297 said:
DLD wouldnt dld blaster work the tunica harder as u are using a lever which stresses more of the shaft ie the tunica. also why does stretching up work the tunica more than any other style of stretch?

Really it trains both. As the penis is semi-wrapped around the wrist you are stretching the tunica but as you pull outward it becomes more of a ligament stretch.
Just did the exercise, guess I need more strength in the arms...I'm gonna hit the gym as soon as my back injury heals...
Did you gain the 4" with only 50 reps/day normal DLD Blasters or did you do them bundled, too? I see great potential in this exercise if I only had strong arms like I used to :( ...
Your hands will become stronger and stronger as you train. My hands have become iron grips since I started. You can also look into using the LengthMaster or PowerAssist to help with intensity in this stretch, they can increase the strength by more than double.
I just reread your description and after 10 minutes of practice I think I finally got an understanding of these. My roommate will be wondering why I take 20 minute shits in no time.

I do have a question as I think this might be the reason these never worked for me. The hand that the penis wraps over do you keep a grip with this hand on the stretching hand and stretch down with both hands or do you leave it in place and just stretch downwards with the stretching hand. It feels better in both my penis and wrists if I do the latter.
Yes, the hand that has the penis stretched over it will also be an anchor point, with an underhanded OK grip.
DLD blasters are the shit.
but after going over this thread for a second time i dont know if im doing them right...

but this is what i do.

I dont do them on the toilet(which means ive already fuct it up aha)but i do it on the edge of my bed.
i put my dicc in a A stretch using as much intensity as i can(my wrist pushing up and my other hand pulling down).
then i proceed to do the kegals, clinching my PC muscle as hard as i can holding it for 5 seconds then release.
i do 30 of these in 1 set.

is this right DLD?
I think you're supposed to stretch harder when you are on the reverse kegel. Either way, I don't feel the good stretching ache when doing these, so I guess these are not for everyone.
lazyhanger;435580 said:
I think you're supposed to stretch harder when you are on the reverse kegel. Either way, I don't feel the good stretching ache when doing these, so I guess these are not for everyone.

im starting too feel the same cuz.

my dicc stretches out too much now...everytime i do these it looks like i have a cocc for a watch aha
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