Help with my PE journey


Jan 23, 2024
Ok, so now that my vacation is over, let's get that monster cock 🤙

So, I ordered LengthMaster 3 - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging, and while I am waiting to arrive, SIM, you told me this:

This will be a lot of information. It will not be complete. I'm working on a guide (don't know when it's finnished).

The first I would do would be to get LengthMaster 3 faster. Immediately I would say. Skip stretching with your hands. But I think stretching with my hands and learning everything completely helped me a lot. With this approach you will also increase the intensity progressively.

1 hour each day for 1 month.
Start with hands, Bundled stretches, bundled stretches around a fulcrum device like the broomstick. Reached 1 Inch increase...proceed doing downward bundled stretches with LengthMaster 3. Hold each stretch for 5 minutes in order to maximize elongation and amount of bundles/rotations.

It's practically this progression.
Abbreviations down below:
DBS (Downward Bundled Stretches).
BTC-BS (Behind The Cheeks-Bundled Stretches).

I recommend this progression:
Start with lengthwork only. If you have time you can do girthwork with SRT 5X5X3 as well. Always do length work before girthwork. Not the other way around. It's hard to stretch when you have, temporary expansion in girth of your penis.

Here are the progression steps:
  1. Newbie routine (watch the: MOS DVD).
  2. Newbie routine, with only bundled stretches.
  3. Newbie routine doing bundled stretches with a fulcrum device (broomstick, Power Assist 2). Transition as fast as you can to these kind of stretches. Here is an example: Broomstick routine. You could also follow the Phases in the MOS DVD.
  4. When newbie gains of ~ 1 Inch have been reached, start using LENGTHMASTER 3. I recommend this device in order for you to, increase the intensity exponentially, in order to not get stuck in plateaus.
  5. If you prefer you can get the LENGTHMASTER 3 immediately, and skip step 1 through 4.
  6. If bundled stretches are mastered in the Newbie routine, progress to DBS with LENGTHMASTER 3. If not bundled stretches are mastered in the Newbie routine, you need to do the newbie routine with LENGTHMASTER 3, before you proceed. Do this newbie bundled routine for ~ 1 month before going to step 7.
  7. Do DBS, and when they are fully exhausted, transition to BTC-BS. Don't transition to fast. Stay on BTC-BS until you have reached your end goal in length. There are many ways to increase the intensity exponentially in BTC-BS. This exercise is the one that will increase your length the fastest, if you have the correct amount of intensity.
This progression above is optimized to increase your length the fastest. There is no other device then LENGTHMASTER 3 that can facilitate these kind of fast gains. Everything has to do with bundled stretches. They are superior to everything else.

Also remember to always apply the healing part of the; SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory.

If you follow this progression you will gain big.
Kind regards

Also do what I do/did. Work on length first and then girth. But that depends on where you are now with Erected Girth. If we should be correct I worked on girth before I found I recommend water pumping. You can water-pump with MityVac.

If starting with your hands and a fulcrum device (Power Assist 2 or Broomstick), stretch for 1 month 1 hour per day doing bundled stretches of the newbie routine. Start by holding each stretch for 1 minute. You can gain approximately 1 Inch within 1 month with this approach.

This is the reason I recommend LengthMaster 3 immediately. You will not be dependent on having strong hands. But your hands will become stronger.

When using LengthMaster 3 these are the preferred programs (I did these programs).

Program 1:

Program 2:

Program 3:

Program 5:

The first program was bare handed stretches.

I can explain more if you want to. But with LengthMaster 3. The key is bundled stretches, reverse kegels/relax into the stretch fully, high intensity and efficient recovery.

Your goals are realistic.
I started with 5" bpel I'm now 8+ Inches.
With Bathmate I got to 5.5" Erected Girth. I'm now headed to 6".

Extremely realistic goal. But there is hard work involved. For me it was obsession.

Hope this helps.

Should I start with MOS DVD, or should I go directly with bundled stretches with a broomstick?
Or... I should do everything on here: Video thread - MOS DVD with all exercises (videos extracted). and then, with what is left of an hour, proceed with broomstick bundled stretches.
Or, just the warm-up and then for an hour straight, just bundled stretches?
Ok, so now that my vacation is over, let's get that monster cock 🤙

So, I ordered LengthMaster 3, and while I am waiting to arrive, SIM, you told me this:

Should I start with MOS DVD, or should I go directly with bundled stretches with a broomstick?
Or... I should do everything on here: Video thread - MOS DVD with all exercises (videos extracted). and then, with what is left of an hour, proceed with broomstick bundled stretches.
Or, just the warm-up and then for an hour straight, just bundled stretches?
I would say. If you do not have the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging 3. Progress into bundled stretches as fast as possible, because it's in the bundled stretches that you will gain the most. Do the newbie routine from @DLD or look at my video about the broomstick routine. My broomstick routine are based on the MOS DVD. If you have LengthMaster 3, only use that device and do the progression that I posted to you before. I hope this clear things up.
An update.

I am still waiting for LengthMaster 3 to arrive, and while waiting, I did a lot of exercises I could find here on forum and now my routine looks like this:

Warm-up, 5 minutes: A pair of socks soaked in hot water. I use 2 socks, one minute with each, then I change them because they get cold.
Basic stretching, 5 minutes: I am doing the basic stretches.

Bundled stretches with a broomstick, 30 to 40 minutes: Pretty straight forward, I try to hold the stretch from 2 to 5 minutes. Sometimes I will do some basic stretches in this period.
Basic stretching, 5 minutes: I am doing the basic stretches again.
Warm-down, 5 minutes: A pair of socks soaked in hot water. I use 2 socks, one minute with each, then I change them because they get cold.

Right now, my goal is to add length to my erect penis.

@squirt_inducer_man what do you think? Is there anything you will change?
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An update.

I am still waiting for LengthMaster 3 to arrive, and while waiting, I did a lot of exercises I could find here on forum and now my routine looks like this:

Warm-up, 5 minutes: A pair of socks soaked in hot water. I use 2 socks, one minute with each, then I change them because they get cold.
Basic stretching, 5 minutes: I am doing the basic stretches.

Bundled stretches with a broomstick, 30 to 40 minutes: Pretty straight forward, I try to hold the stretch from 2 to 5 minutes. Sometimes I will do some basic stretches in this period.
Basic stretching, 5 minutes: I am doing the basic stretches again.
Warm-down, 5 minutes: A pair of socks soaked in hot water. I use 2 socks, one minute with each, then I change them because they get cold.

Right now, my goal is to add length to my erect penis.

@squirt_inducer_man what do you think? Is there anything you will change?

B̶u̶n̶d̶l̶e̶d̶ s̶t̶r̶e̶t̶c̶h̶e̶s̶ w̶i̶t̶h̶ a̶ b̶r̶o̶o̶m̶s̶t̶i̶c̶k̶, 3̶0̶ t̶o̶ 4̶0̶ m̶i̶n̶u̶t̶e̶s̶.

Do 60 minutes each day instead.
2x30 minutes.
An update.

I am still waiting for LengthMaster 3 to arrive, and while waiting, I did a lot of exercises I could find here on forum and now my routine looks like this:

Warm-up, 5 minutes: A pair of socks soaked in hot water. I use 2 socks, one minute with each, then I change them because they get cold.
Basic stretching, 5 minutes: I am doing the basic stretches.

Bundled stretches with a broomstick, 30 to 40 minutes: Pretty straight forward, I try to hold the stretch from 2 to 5 minutes. Sometimes I will do some basic stretches in this period.
Basic stretching, 5 minutes: I am doing the basic stretches again.
Warm-down, 5 minutes: A pair of socks soaked in hot water. I use 2 socks, one minute with each, then I change them because they get cold.

Right now, my goal is to add length to my erect penis.

@squirt_inducer_man what do you think? Is there anything you will change?
This routine looks really good brother. Keep up with it until your lengthmaster arrives and then forward to stretches with that.
Good luck with your PE journey!
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By hand upward stretches are difficult.But using the LengthMaster you'll get a lot more power
By hand upward stretches are difficult.But using the LengthMaster you'll get a lot more power
I do not understand the purpose of upward stretches, done in front of your body.
Curvature correction I understand why you can do them, but to gain length:
You are so limited by the ligaments when stretching in front of your body. Also you have no leverage to stretch hard (barehanded stretches).
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I do not understand the purpose of upward stretches, done in front of your body.
Curvature correction I understand why you can do them, but to gain length:
You are so limited by the ligaments when stretching in front of your body. Also you have no leverage to stretch hard (barehanded stretches).
Agree 👍
Upward stretches are useless without the strength of the lengthmaster
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