I had a
Bathmate Hercules which i sold after 6 months of use, and make an Upgrade for the Hydromax7 Xtreme last 2 weeks.
Both of them, were the best devices i bought in my entire life.
I only have some issues sometimes with the Hydromax7X valve.
I start my sessions with the Hydromax7X always without the handball pump attached, its not pratical in the shower. So i start making some pumps, and then after some time i attache the hand ball pump to the Hydromax7X with the mecanism of the valve locked and rotated, but sometimes when im doing this, the valve open a little bit, and its enough to enter some air into the pump making her loosing the pressure. I dont know if it is a defect from the valve or is just me doing it wrong.
Did this happen to anyone else here?