no pics up here, but i will have a thread in the pic proof forum in a month or so. i don't like posting pics or taking them of myself. but i do have a sort of progress picture thing going on since like January or something on my PC. It's sort of purplish, but it fades after a week or so but is still there. I think if I stopped hanging for a month it would be all but gone. Besides if you do enough girth work over time your whole penis will become darker anyway.
I've had some good Penis Enlargement sessions the past few days, hanging up to 13 pounds. My skin's been more irritable lately, so I haven't tried to go for 14 or 15 just yet. I have one annoying ingrown hair on the lower part of my shaft. If I stop shaving, it goes away, but I always shave if a girl might be down there. I got some stuff that's supposed to stop razor bumps at a drug store, so I'm trying that for now. As long as she doesn't cancel again, my girl is visiting Thursday til Sunday, so I won't get in any Penis Enlargement for those days. She seems to like my dick as is, though...

I haven't had any gains in the past month from hanging. It's frustrating since I feel I've put in and even greater intensity than before when I was gaining. Penis Enlargement is a game of dedication and patience, and I'm not about to give up. It's just hard sometimes when you're hanging your fourth or fifth 20 minute session, your skin is burning, and your ligs are shot, and you're already having sex with a hot girl that likes your dick. There's just some obsession I have with being not just better, but way better than other people. I hate knowing someone is better than me, so I'll continue to work toward my goal.
I just read (again) Dashdeming's old post about just doing one high-weight hang per day and getting fantastic results. Come Sunday, I'm gonna try this method. My personal best is 13 pounds, so I think I'll start with just one session of 14 or 15 pounds and work from there. I'm a bit worried about injury, so I'm gonna make sure I warm up beforehand, as I didn't always before. I'm going to continue with girth the same, 30+ minutes of jelq each day.

I'll be chillin with that girl and her friend the next few days and will have all my Penis Enlargement equipment discreetly tucked away. She doesn't need to know just yet that penis she enjoys is slightly modified from its original form. lol anyway, these hackers are kinda bumming me out. I can't look at threads in the general chat section without seeing gay adult entertainment... hope the mods and admins figure something out soon. :s
My girl left earlier today, back to Virginia. I'm kinda bummed out, but we're officially together now, so that feels good. I've never tried a long-distance thing before, so I have no idea what to expect.

Anyway, related to Penis Enlargement, I dunno how much longer I want my dick to get. This girl can't fully lean back when she's on top, riding me and when we're missionary, she sometimes says it's uncomfortable if I go deep. I might have to pull back my length goal to 8.5" bpel. I like to be able to fuck as hard as I like w/o worrying about hitting the cervix.

Like I said in a previous post, I'm gonna try to go with a more intense hanging routine, one or two high weight sets. Hopefully my dick is ready for the stress, with the 6 months of manual stretching, and 4 months of hanging. I'm ready for some new length gains, since I haven't had any in over a month now.

Since I'm cutting my hanging time from 4 or 5 sets of 20 min. down to 1 or 2, I can concentrate more on girth. I plan to finally get my jelqs up to 45 min. per day, instead of giving up after 30 or 35 minutes. I've already seen some progress and wanna keep that going.
I think I've found the answer to my ingrown hair problem: Shaving with the grain. I'd read this earlier as treatment, but I ignored it since I always shave against the grain on my face and have no problems. I've been careful to only go with the grain in that area on my shaft where I had the ingrown, and also on my upper thighs where I've been getting razor bumps lately. Both conditions are pretty gross. Anyway, the ingrown has totally receded and is barely noticeable after just a week. My legs hardly had any razor bumps, like I'd usually get a day after shaving against the grain. I like shaving against b/c it cuts lower and gives a better appearance at first, but the ingrowns and bumps defeats that purpose.

I did day 1 of hardcore hanging tonight. The most I could do tonight was 13 pounds, probably b/c I took off the past four days with my gf being up here. I hope to get to 15+ pounds quickly, since I was already doing 13 pounds for multiple sets before.
15 pounds! That's what I worked up to tonight for my new hardcore hanging routine. First I did 15 min. of 5 pounds, as a warm-up. The real set started at 10 pounds, and I added weight over the next 10 min. until I reached 15 pounds. I kept that on for another 10 min. for a total hang of 20 min. We'll see if this can bust me through the plateau I've hit at 7.75". I'm going to stay at 15 pounds until I can do this weight for the full 20 min., not having to work up from a lower weight. It was a really intense hang, but it felt good. I had good circulation in the head and no sharp pains.
Did another the same routine as before... though I've been slackin on the jelqs afterward. I head back to VA to see my girlfriend tomorrow, so I won't get in any Penis Enlargement til Sunday. This whole long-distance girlfriend business is really killing my motivation. If I see her for the long weekend, that cuts out 3 days of Penis Enlargement each time. If she was in my area and I saw her all the time, I doubt I'd continue Penis Enlargement at all. I'm a pretty self-concious person, and I always do my best to be in top-form everytime I have sex with any girl, especially this one. Penis Enlargement tends to temporarily hurt my erection strength, so I never Penis Enlargement the day I expect to get some action. As I said, she gave my dick a huge compliment the first time we had sex (see page 5). Also, she grabs at it all the time, saying she likes how it feels.

Getting a bigger, stronger dick is the reason I started in the first place, and now that I've acheived some success in that regard and have found and awesome, appreciative girl to share it with it's getting tough to Penis Enlargement with the same vigor I had back in November. I've been upping the weight and putting more strain on my dick than it's ever seen before. I'd hate to injure myself with a strain or a thrombosed vein, and have it impact my sex life.

What this leads me to is I feel as long as I'm in a relationship, I may not be able to put in the time/energy to make serious gains. I will continue to Penis Enlargement to prevent losses, but I'm more wary now of injury. I am going to be very conservative on upping weights or increasing times. See ya guys on Sunday.
Back now from VA. It seems every girl I have sex with lately with really makes me appreciate the sex drive my ex from college had. She pretty much wanted sex all the time. I can't remember a time she turned me down. We'd fuck atleast three times every night we hung out. She was always wet, always ready to go. She would orgasm so easily, so often, I felt like I was the king of the bedroom.

The girl I'm currently with can only handle maybe once or twice a day. She takes a while to orgasm, and never from just sex. I'm not faulting her, as this is totally normal. It's just a problem that I'm so attracted to her, I wanna jump her any time I'm around her, but her pussy can't handle that much (ab)use.

I noticed something when she was giving me head, that made me think my dick is definitely bigger and harder than ever before. She had her entire hand around my shaft while she was sucking me off. Before Penis Enlargement, if I got a BJ, I'd see the girl wouldn't use her entire hand. Instead she'd use two or three fingers on the base and do the rest with her mouth. You might say the reason is maybe my new girl has small hands or that she just can't take too much in her mouth. I just love how it looks though; I feel like a adult entertainment star. I was always impressed by seeing that in porns, where the girl wraps her entire hand aroud the dick (loosely) and sucks the rest. I'm not sure if this girl can get her entire hand around my base shaft, but I have a feeling she can. I'm only 5.5" at the base.

I'm really liking how the new length feels during sex. The stroke feels much longer than before I started Penis Enlargement. This is a combination of stronger erections and the actual length increase. It's also a huge visual turnon seeing my 7" NBP disappear into my gf's pussy.

I'm gonna really push myself on girth in the coming weeks. 5.5" girth would be a huge milestone for me, as important or more so than 8" bpel. I'm just short on both, so we'll see where the coming weeks find me.
No Penis Enlargement news... I'm taking this week off from Penis Enlargement. :( The topic of masturbation came up with my new gf and I told her I jerk off everyday. She seemed surprised, and didn't like it. I was like "are you joking? most guys do it everyday." She wants to feel like she's everything I need sexually, but we're long-distance which causes a problem. She also said she doesn't like me looking at adult entertainment, even though I didn't mention I did. In the end, she challenged me to hold off jerking it this week, until I see her this Thursday.

Because of this, I really can't do any Penis Enlargement. Jelqing for 45 min. with a 90-95% erection is gonna give me some massive blue balls if I don't cum at the end of the session. I could just lie about it and go ahead and jerk it, but I think it'll be fun to test myself. I haven't gone more than a couple days w/o jerking off in a very long time.

Already, I feel really... tense, in that area. I didn't realize how addicted I am to my daily (or more often) orgasm. I almost caved in today when I was browsing the new "thumnail gallery" on [words=]MoS[/words]. There's some fine bitches in there. So come Thursday, I'm gonna fuck this girl for all she's worth and aim my nether nectars for her face when I pull out. She makes me wait? She's gonna pay! haha...

After this week, I'm not letting this girl get in the way of my Penis Enlargement routine. Starting next Sunday it's no excuses, 45 min. of jelqs and the hardcore hanging routine I started last week. I will get to 8 x 5.5"!
Man does she know the wave that's gonna hit her? lol

Yea I'm in the same situation as you, but I told my g/f that I do look at the pr0n and that was rough few weeks let me tell you. I never got blue balls from not coming in one day of pe-ing, but to each his own. :)

A lot of girls just don't get the masturbation thing, since a lot of them don't do it themselves. It's a lot different for us guys.
Yeah she got it alright. :) Thursday, was awesome, alternating with sex, oral, and hands for about two hours. She was riding me and I used my hand on her clit to get her off, which felt great around my dick. When I came I was on top of her and the first shot went clear over her head. She was laughing, but I was almost fainting, haha. I guess it was worth it, waiting. That first orgasm after 4 days of nothing and 2 hours of sex was niiiice.

Like I said, I won't be doing that again. Now that I'm more comfortable with this girl, I'm not stressing out over the sex as much. I'm gonna Penis Enlargement whenever possible and not worry about erection strength. I'm sure I'll have enough to get the job done.

Today, Sunday, I'm back into the routine, hanging 12 pounds and a did my first solid session of 45 min. jelqs. I noticed this past weekend my girth is going down again, since I've been slacking. 45 min. of wet jelqs each day is just what I need to get to 5.5" midshaft girth.
Hung 12 lbs. today. Tomorrow I'll go for 15. Did 35 min. of wet jelqs before I gave up. Tomorrow I'll try to get 45 min. for the first time. I might have a job now, though, so we'll so how that plays out. It won't affect my Penis Enlargement routine, though. I took a few non-ruler pics just for fun.
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Thanks guys, means a lot. What size do I have to get to before guys start calling my pics photoshopped? Atleast another inch, right? :D
This site's been down for two days, gdam! I was goin through withdrawal, haha. Been having some good Penis Enlargement routines lately, hanging up to 15 pounds and jelqing up to 45 minutes. I'm really happy with my dick overall. I'd say with another 1/2" of length and 1/2" of girth, I'll be super confident with my dick. A little 'cocky' if you will. ;)
my girl sent me a nice sexy video of herself, so i reciprocated with a pic of myself. i just sent that pic of my dick in the last set of three, with a little message of "wish you were here"... She says she wants pics of everything else too... damn. It's funny when your dick goes from being your point of insecurity to the only thing you wanna take pics of... haha.
Did girth for 45 minutes today. I did mostly jelqing, with some uli's and [words=]ssj[/words]'s thrown in the mix. Lately, I haven't been as religious as I'd like to be with Penis Enlargement. I don't think I'm hanging enough weight for it to really qualify as 'hardcore hanging' I should probably return to normal hanging, but 10 hours a week is tough to fit in the schedule. I'm gonna do my best to get back to atleast 5 hours a week.

I can't wait for this weekend; I haven't seen my girlfriend in 2 weeks, and she's horny as shit. She wants to make a porno with me, using her halloween outfit. I attatched a pic of that. She said the outfit is so skimpy we can have sex without even hiking up the skirt. She also gave me the go ahead on cumming inside her, something I can't wait to do. Don't worry she's on the pill....

I did an interesting comparison today. I wanted to see what a NBP 8" x 6" actually looks like, since that's my long-term goal. Being the cook that I am, I got to work with a paring knife, a peeler, and my measuring tape on a large vegetable. I wasn't trying to make a work of art, but something that mostly resembled a penis and was the exact dimensions I was looking for. I should've also made one at NBP 5.5" x 5", my guess for the average nbp penis, if 6" is the average BPenis EnlargementL.

Looking at the picture I see I still have a ways to go, especially on girth. I didn't realize how big nbp 8x6 really is. It makes my nbp 7x5.25 look tiny. Onward and Upward!
yeah, i thought that too. My hands really aren't large, especially not my fingers. I think my palms are sorta wide, though, which may account for a large looking hand in pictures. I can assure you that I made a real 8x6. The "head" is about 5.5", it's midshaft is 6" and the base is around 6.25, just like a real tapered penis might be.
I measured my hand size at slightly past 3.5" across. Not sure if this is small, average, large? Who cares...

Anyway, I feel like my increased attention to girth is paying off. My penis is looking thick during the workouts which should translate over time into a thicker cock permanently. I've been doing uli's and [words=]ssj[/words]'s along with the jelqs lately, but I may pull back on them again b/c i noticed it's looking darker again. I don't want to do another regimen of that hydroquinone cream just yet. I hope to post some girth gains in the next month or two. I was thinking I really should focus on girth b/c a nbp 7 x 6 would be more impressive than an nbp 8x5.25. I really need to thicken up before I add more length and start lookin like Heather Brooke's husband, haha.
Didn't get in any Penis Enlargement this weekend, as per usual with the gf situation. Fortunately, though, I had a ton of sex, and my girth is actually up, haha. I'm back now to 5 3/8" midshaft, when I had previously fallen back to 5 1/4. My circ. scar girth is now at 5 1/4". This was all measured Sunday, after no Penis Enlargement for three days. Today I did three 10 pound hangs and 45 min. of jelq. As I said before I'm moving back to regular hanging, so I plan to do atleast an hour of hanging a day; more if I find time.
Length has fallen to slightly past 7.5" BPenis EnlargementL... doh! Girth is solid though, holding steady at my all-time high of 5 3/8" midshaft and 5 1/4" at the circ. scar. I only got in my girth routine the past two nights unfortunately, with 45 min. of jelqs. I think the combination of heavy jelqing during the sunday through thursday and then heavy sex routine of the weekends might just be enough to bump up my girth to 5 1/2". I'd love to be able to keep going 6 or 7 days a week, but I just don't have the time/privacy on the weekend.

I've noticed that my dick in the area between midshaft and the glans seems to be raised somewhat. It's hard to describe in text, but basically it feels as though the top of my penis in this region is bulging out. This makes sense as this region takes a lot of stress in the jelqs, whereas the bottom part takes less. After a marathon sex session my dick was sore as shit and swollen, especially in that area. This is why I think lots of sex, aka erect time, might be enough to effectively exercise my girth and maintain the gains from the week. This might just be wishful thinking, though...

My girlfriend threw me for a loop this weekend though, saying she loves my length and wouldn't want me any thicker. She says she loves the feeling of me going deep, but not having an excess of girth, because that would make her get sore quicker. I'm still focusing on girth because I'm pretty sure most girls would prefer my dick thicker than it is currently, and also because I want it thicker myself. Pussy adjusts, she'll get used to an increase in girth.

I'm loving my shooting ability as of late. When I orgasm, I'll pull out and shoot on her body, which lands usually on her stomach and tits region, but more and more frequently it's ended up just to the left of her face, in her hair. This is because of my penis's natural curve to the left. Because I'm an asshole, I'm gonna try to remember to aim my dick slightly to the right next time when I cum, so I can land it square on her face.
My dick feels thicker than ever before, I plan to take a good measuremnt soon to see if I've passed 5 3/8" in midshaft girth. The Penis Enlargement routine is business as usual right now, goin good.
Like I mentioned a while back, I got some Magnum XL's to see how they fit. I wanted to cum while inside my girlfriend, but she's not down with it unless I'm covered, so I slapped one on this past weekend. First I grabbed a regular Lifestyles condom, and holy shit those things are small. I also couldn't feel a damn thing, even though it claimed to be "super thin" I wasn't sure about using the Magnum, but with the Lifestyles' torniquet around my cock I had little choice. That felt much better and I didn't notice the bagginess in the head like I did before. I still couldn't feel anything, but I'd already had about 20 min. of raw-dog sex before so it wasn't a big deal. I pity those guys who have to use condoms. For me the sex is only half as good as bareback.
I'm back into Penis Enlargement full force now, hitting girth and length hard each session. Consistency and intensity is the name of the game. I am aiming for 10 hours hangtime per week that Bib recommends. I think I'm wasting my time with just 2 or 3 20 minute hangs per day, which amounts to 3 or 4 hours total per week. Length gains just aren't coming from that little amount of work. Girth work is on pace, with the 45 min. of jelqs/uli's each day. I'll measure soon to see if I'm thicker; I feel the thickest I've ever been.
didn't get in any Penis Enlargement saturday or sunday due to being away, visiting my brother. i have four good days for Penis Enlargement coming up though, and I plan on 5 or 6 20 minute hangs followed by jelqs. I'm tired of being stuck in the 7.xx's for length. I need to bust through to 8 inches of BPenis EnlargementL soooooooon!
Did three 20 minute sessions yesterday and today, though I want to aim for five to six. Three sessions just wasn't giving me gains. I hope tomorrow and the next day are better. My skin is adapting nicely to hanging though. Before I would often have to wrap and rewrap several times just to find a comfortable hang. Now I rarely if ever have to adjust something.
I'm hitting the hanging routine even harder than ever. I was recently reading some of Bib's Penis Enlargement history and it's really inspirational. The guy basically hung all the time through the day. What does he have to show for it? a 10.5" dick. nice. I'm not giving up after an hour of hanging anymore. I need to be hanging atleast 10 hours a week, if not more. I think I'm regaining the lost ground already with the new intensity. I was almost back to 7 1/2" but now I look atleast 7 3/4". I'll measure in a week or two.

I can't remember exactly how it came about, but my girlfriend asked me my size yesterday on the phone. I told her "Between 7 1/2 and 8 inches... 7 3/4 last time I measured" I braced myself for a heart-wrenching comment like "that sounds about right, my last boyfriend was about 9" but thank god that didn't happen, haha. She just said, "oh, ok. it's just a number to me I don't know what that means really." She obviously didn't know the average length or compare me, which I wouldn't want to hear anyway. She's a very sweet and understanding girl and I'm sure she'd be fine with Penis Enlargement if I told her, but I see no reason to, atleast at the moment.
Penis Enlargement's moving along smoothly, though I only see myself getting in workouts sunday, monday, and tuesday of this week, b/c of being home for thanksgiving. I just measured my BPFSL at 8 1/4", which previously cooresponded to a BPenis EnlargementL of 7 3/4". That's up from the 7 5/8" where I was before, but I won't record it til I actually measure that again. I feel I can get back to 7 7/8" fairly easily b/c I was already there at one time. I've hung only 3 sets last night, but will get in 5 or 6 tonight and hopefully the same tomorrow.

It seems further gains are really requiring a new level of intensity. That first 1/2" was downright simple, but getting past that has been a struggle. I've found some new dedicaiton though, and I'm ready for the 2 hours a day of hanging (3 hours with breaks) necessary for further gains. Whatever it takes to get to 8" nbpel, I'll do it!
Hell yeah, after these past couple weeks of more intense hanging I'm already back to 7 7/8" of BPenis EnlargementL! I was afraid I wouldn't have even made it back to 7 3/4, but I was plesantly surprised. Unfortunately, I won't get in any Penis Enlargement until sunday b/c of the long holiday weekend, argh! I'm excited though, b/c now I know the added time is really paying off. I'm confident it will get me past the 8" BPenis EnlargementL mark I've been aiming at for a long time now. cheers!
I didn't think I'd have time for any Penis Enlargement the past couple days, but I managed two heavy hangs in the 13-15 pound range. I won't have a real Penis Enlargement session until sunday night, though, assuming I don't get caught in a ton of traffic on my way back from DC.
Hit traffic coming back so I didn't have time for a decent Penis Enlargement session tonight. I just hung 10 pounds for 20 min., so I'll be ready to go tomorrow with a full workout. Next week should have four quality 2+ hour hang sessions for a total of atleast 8 hours for the week. I'd have liked to have gotten in 2 hours tonight to get on pace for 10 hours, a la Bib's recommended pace, but 8 is still more than I've ever done in the past. If I can manage 2.5 hours for each of the four days, I'll have my 10 hours, but that might be a bit too much. Only so much time in the day.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I thought it'd be simultaneously funny, mean, and impressive if I could get my jizz in my gf's eye after pulling out. Well I managed the said deed earlier today after having sex with her one last time before leaving. It hit her hair and got in her left eye a little bit. I didn't wanna laugh first in case she was mad, but she started cracking up. Her eye got a little swollen and red which, just made me crack up even more. Hopefully she won't call me tomorrow saying she now has pink eye. :)
Just measured to see I'd lost any of my gains since I didn't Penis Enlargement much at all since wednesday, but I'm just a hair under 8" of BPenis EnlargementL. I know with the four intense routines I'll put in starting tomorrow, I'm gonna blast through the 8" mark and start working on my next inch. 9" BPenis EnlargementL... here I come!
Halfway through the Penis Enlargement week and it's going good overall, though I'm a little short of my goal times. Both Monday and Tuesday I did 5 sets of 20 min. with weights at 10-15 pounds. I was aiming for getting a 6th set each day, but 5 is pretty good for me. I plan on doing some manual stretches in bed before I pass out. My BPFSL is up to an all-time high between 8 3/8" and 8 1/2". I know once I'm a solid 8 1/2" of BPFSL I'll have a BPenis EnlargementL of 8". So, I'm close... real close. If I get in 6 sets tomorrow and the next day I guarantee I'll measure 8.0" of BPenis EnlargementL on Friday.

Since I'm gaining I find myself measuring constantly, but it's fine b/c I see a little improvement each time. I don't obsessively measure when I'm plateauing. That'd be too depressing.

Looking to the future, I'd like to get my next inch (and my final goal length) in less time than it took my first inch. Assuming I hit 8" BPenis EnlargementL this week, that will mean I got my first inch in just over a year. I'm aiming to get to 9" BPenis EnlargementL in another 6 months, say by May '06. I know that's going against the trend of gains slowing down, but I feel I really didn't take advantage of the full potential of Penis Enlargement in the first year. Once again I have to thank Bib for his awesome hanger. I know he didn't invent hanging, but his product has given me the gains I'm looking for while being safe and comfortable. I've had zero issues with the hanger (bib starter), and had no injuries or even bruising from it. Stay UP!
Minus the short session on Sunday, this has probably been the best Penis Enlargement week for me ever. Monday and Tuesday I hung five sets of 8-12 pounds, and yesterday I did a sixth set. Today, I'm hanging up to 15 pounds, my old max, and plan on getting in the 6 sets I aim for. My dick is looking the longest I've ever seen it. I'm definitely looking forward to measuring tomorrow!
Couldn't do much of a Penis Enlargement routine tonight, b/c my dick is sore from having a lot of sex this past weekend. I'll start up again fresh tomorrow, for another solid 4 routines.

I just measured and with a raging, 100% hard-on, I'm 8" BPenis EnlargementL. I'm not sure if I grew this past week or I just had a better erection this time, so I won't celebrate it as hitting the 8 inch mark. I measured the usual 7 7/8" right before I got the 8" measurement. Still, it's movement in the right direction. I couldn't coax an 8" BPenis EnlargementL measurement out of my dick 2 weeks ago if my life depended on it.
A friend was visiting yesterday and I only got the chance to hang one session, but did 15 pounds. My dick is feeling really strong lately. I measured BPFSL at an all-time high of just barely past 8 1/2". With this, I have to grudgingly admit I have 8" BPenis EnlargementL, b/c those two measurements are always 1/2" apart. Huzzah!
Also, I just realized I need a new measuring tool. Before I used a book that is exactly 8 1/2" long for my measurements. I'll have to find something in the 9/10 inch range. Man, this is exciting! :)
Got a new book for measuring; it's 9 3/16" long, so it's a good intermediate goal to look at for BPFSL. Long term goal is 9 1/2" BPFSL, to get the 8" NBPenis EnlargementL. My current BPFSL is a solid 8 1/2", maybe a touch longer. I took my BPenis EnlargementL again (of course) to confirm the 8" I got yesterday, and I was still 8" or just barely past that. So my first inch in length is confirmed, mark it in the books. :)

As for my routines, I only got that one hang on Sunday and Monday (pathetic, i know), but I got back on track Tuesday and today with 6 and 5 hangs respectively. I'm hanging each set 10-15 pounds and it continues to feel more comfortable. 10 pounds is really no big deal anymore, when it used to hurt 50% of the time.

I really want to exploit this new growth to its full potential. I'm afraid of the almost inevitable plateau I'll hit at some point before I hit my goal. It's gonna be hard to do an even more intense routine than this one. I really hope these gains continue til I hit 9" BPenis EnlargementL, and I can focus instead on girth. I pretty much given up trying to do but length and girth at the same time. Length already takes up a lot of mental and physical energy. If I can hit 9" bpel relatively quickly with this intensity, I feel I can pretty quickly boost my girth up to 5 3/4" or 6". I'd love to hit both my long-term goals by next November.
Just noticed another thing, I think my curvature has somewhat improved over the past year of Penis Enlargement. I've always had a slight left curve which has bothered me slightly, but I know it's nothing tragic. If I remember correctly only a couple past girlfriends made a mention of it or even agreed with me when I complained about it.

Well anyway, I don't notice it as much anymore. My exercises have always been equal in all directions, not working against the curvature or anything like that. When I hang, my head will twist either one way or the other, and I've kept that equal too. Gotta love GOOD sideeffects of Penis Enlargement!
Man... just reading about people's progress like this is getting me so anxious to start Penis Enlargement... haha... I won't be able to start until Jan. though <:(

ah well, I'll be reading a-plenty until then

Congrats, BigSack
Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad I can provide some motivation. It's interesting to me that only you and a few other members have posted in my log, even though it's had a lot of hits. I can only hope there are many lurkers watching my progress, and are in turn starting or continuing with their routines.

As for me, I'm still at 8" bpel even though that feels weird to say. I was thinking the other day that possibly the reason there's a solid 1" difference in my nbpel and bpel and also the fact that my dick doesn't look "8 inches" to me, is that I do a serious bone-press. As I wrote before I use a book and then measure that, instead of using a ruler. I can push a book hardagainst my pubic bone instead of a ruler which I can only push in 1/2 or 3/4" w/o getting pain. Regardless, I'm not bullshitting on my measurements. I think I take the term "bone-pressed" more literally than others. I'm really trying to jamb that book against the bone to get every last 1/16". I've measured this way since the beginning, so it's not my measuring method that has given me my gains.

Speaking of gains... I'm really noticing hair growing up the shaft: a sure sign of gains. I think once I hit my goal length I'm going to look into laser treatment. Smaller areas are cheaper than big ones like legs or a chest, so I figure it can't be too much. Something to think about. Til then, I shave it every couple days or so.

Hung just two sets Sunday, today four, and hopefully i'll get back up to six for the other days of the week. I might not be seeing the GF this weekend, which would let me hit Penis Enlargement hard (possibly everyday?) through Christmas. That'd be sure to kickstart me into the 8.xx's territory. :)
Hitting the hanging hard: it's been five or six 20 minute sets each day since my last update. I won't be seeing the GF this weekend, so I can hang clear through til next friday when I visit her again. It'll be interesting to see how my dick responds to a solid 11 or 12 days of training, instead of the usual 4 or 5 with the weekend off. I really want to get a solid foothold into the 8" BPenis EnlargementL territory. The workouts are getting more and more comfortable, so I'm confident I can maintain the more time intensive sessions. At first I'd have to readjust or rewrap on almost every set. I now only have to do minor adjustments occassionally, if at all. I feel the shaft skin has adapted and the ligs are taking the brunt of the force.
This is a great log man, you made some progress. Real inspiring stuff, keep up the good work and dont be afraid to check out my log to give me some input.
NewGuy311 said:
This is a great log man, you made some progress. Real inspiring stuff, keep up the good work and dont be afraid to check out my log to give me some input.

Thanks! I just checked out your log, and I'll be following your progress, too.

Anyway, in other thoughts, my flaccid really sucks compared to my erect size. It's not really a big deal b/c erect size is 99% of the reason I do Penis Enlargement, but I'd like to have an impressive flaccid too. It varies due to many factors, but I just measured it flaccid at 3.5" non-bonepressed. I measure it by holding it limp, straight out from the body, just like a BPenis EnlargementL measurement. Considering I'm 7" npbel, that's quite a difference. I can't remember what I was before Penis Enlargement, but I'm guessing something in the 2.5-3" range? ugh... I'm gonna take pics to show you the guys the difference.
bigsack said:
Thanks! I just checked out your log, and I'll be following your progress, too.

Anyway, in other thoughts, my flaccid really sucks compared to my erect size. It's not really a big deal b/c erect size is 99% of the reason I do Penis Enlargement, but I'd like to have an impressive flaccid too. It varies due to many factors, but I just measured it flaccid at 3.5" non-bonepressed. I measure it by holding it limp, straight out from the body, just like a BPenis EnlargementL measurement. Considering I'm 7" npbel, that's quite a difference. I can't remember what I was before Penis Enlargement, but I'm guessing something in the 2.5-3" range? ugh... I'm gonna take pics to show you the guys the difference.

Hey man dont feel bad, my flacid sucks alot of the time UNLESS i do a Penis Enlargement workout man. After a Penis Enlargement workout im 5 inches or a bit over flacid and i stretch the shit out of it, but usually im 4 inches or a bit over depending on the conditions, and im 7.2 when fully arroused. However i get occasional shrinkage, which realy bothers me, takes me down to 3 inches and it looks like im uncercumsized (sp?), but then all i gotta do is grap it, twirl it around a little bit and its right back at 4 inchers or more. Does shrinkage like that happen do you and do you know how to stop it? Keep up the good work man and hey, atleast you made progress with it.