My SizeGenetics with Daily Updates

03/16/2011 - Day 60

Rods: Large x 4, Small x 2 (2 per side)
Spring: 1450-1500g
Time: 1.75H
Position: 100% Down
Supplements: MultiVitamins + TSPR

Didn't have much time again today and will reserve the measure session for tomorrow. I used the SG for just over 1.5hours with an average strap in. There was some slippage which I corrected early in the session and had a good but not great stretch. I think my body is worn out and I need some rest as it definitely affects the SG sessions. Will do better tomorrow.
Hi DLD and JIL thanks for your encouragement. You know I have completely kept aside my SG in my drawer. I could not get any quote for Velcro strap purchase in India because they only sell in bulk. Please send me a link where I can purchase with a reasonable price. I feel bad about my experience on SG usage. Hope some day I will also try like JIL who really tempts me.
hey thanks for your help man.
hows the stats then? made significant improvements?

may i ask where you get the velcro from? is it sticky back ones or can i get it from ebay? whats the best?

im cirrently on one large rod, one medium and one small on each side on a traction of. 1000 and wear for upto 6 hours a day. i am planning this for a week and then move up to 1200 next week nd do same, is this good.

can i ask when was it the right time to put both large rods on? sounds insane lol
another thinf, do you push the springs down before fstening in? then let springs go when ur fastened in?
J1L;420706 said:
My SizeGenetics with Daily Updates

03/16/2011 - Day 60

Rods: Large x 4, Small x 2 (2 per side)
Spring: 1450-1500g
Time: 1.75H
Position: 100% Down
Supplements: MultiVitamins + TSPR

Didn't have much time again today and will reserve the measure session for tomorrow. I used the SG for just over 1.5hours with an average strap in. There was some slippage which I corrected early in the session and had a good but not great stretch. I think my body is worn out and I need some rest as it definitely affects the SG sessions. Will do better tomorrow.

J1L, any updates? I'm curious to know what your progress has been. I would say I've been "pulling" for you, but that has some weird connotations!
Ya J1L youre leaving us hanging (snicker), what's the beef here? Let's have those measurements!!
This is like a season finale, and we all have popcorn!!
03/17/2011 - Day 61

Rods: Large x 4,
Spring: 1450-1500g
Time: 1.5H
Position: 100% Down
Supplements: MultiVitamins

I changed to using a cloth wrap. 100% strip of cotton torn off a t-shirt. ZERO slippage, nothing. I also took out the 2x small rods but didn't have to. Got this session in at the end of the day and the next couple of weeks plus takes me to the next post.

Sorry to leave everyone waiting on the next measurement. I've been so busy I haven't had a second to myself and that includes any form of Penis Enlargement whatsoever. I also thought it would be a good time to take a break since I've used the SG for over 2 months straight. Seems like a month since I've posted, but it's only been 11 days.

I hope to have more time in the coming weeks. Just started wearing the SG again today.


Max length: 8.25" (from tip to base while wearing the SG downwards)
Previous measurement at 30 days of use: 7.5"

SG length gain: 0.75" over the last 31 days of use

No formal NBPFL or EG measurements this round.


I have noticed my girth and erect girth is slightly reduced since I haven't been using the SG for the last couple fo weeks and the Bathmate for more than a month. NBPFL appears to be similar to before. Gains in the SG are definitely happening, but equal gains while erect or manually stretched doesn't seem to come as quickly.

I missed my target of gaining another inch by 0.25" or 1/4 of an inch. I attribute this to not wearing the SG properly for at least a week if not two with locked stretches and slippage happening hours into a session. The cloth wrap seems to be a great improvement with NO slippage which should help with further gains.

Hopefully the couple of weeks rest will help ready me for the next set of gains. I haven't been eating very healthy with little sleep and a poor diet which can negatively affect gains.
afewmoreinches;422717 said:
So you haven't had any erect gains from the sg and Bathmate combo?

I have definitely made erect gains, they're just not as large as the in device gains yet. It would be awesome if the erect gains were similar to the in device gains but not quite.
If anyone deserves a break it's you those are some great gains. Just don't get too comfortable keep it going:)
bubblehead;423454 said:
If anyone deserves a break it's you those are some great gains. Just don't get too comfortable keep it going:)

Thanks for the support bubblehead, and on that note I think it's time to start up again!
04/09/11 - Day (61) 1

Rods: 2x Large + 2x Small (per side)
Spring: 1450-1500g
Time: 2.5H
Position: 100% Down

After almost 3.5 weeks of rest, I'm getting back to using the SG. It seems like a lot longer than that after almost daily use since the new year. To my surprise, I was able to stretch close to where I left off. I removed the 2x Small rods to ease back in to stretching and was able to max out the 2x Large setup after an hour of use. I then switched back to the setup listed above and continued for another 30 mins. Later in the evening I went straight into the setup listed above and it was a bit trickier without the warmup with less rods. After some adjusting I was able to stretch for another hour. I thought there would be more tension in the penis from the stretch but not really. I have also moved over to a cloth wrap using a strip of cotton cut from a t-shirt about 1" wide and 10" long. This greatly reduced any slippage and allowed for a good strap in. I'm hoping more time with this setup will result in a better stretch. Overall a good session and wanting to get more time in tomorrow.

What does 1 month of rest do? A lot. My health had deteriorated during this time and I was overworked with a poor diet. Not only that, my motivation to use the SG or do any Penis Enlargement was very low. I had been using it for such a long time consistently that I just didn't want to deal with the routine anymore. It had become a chore. I figured this was a good time to take a break.

I've noticed a definite decrease in girth and EG. Upon measuring I am 0.5" less in circumference which is pretty major. I had lost a bit of girth when I stopped using the Bathmate but it was negligible. Without using the SG, the girth loss is more. I had received a bit girth gain when using the SG initially and I hope that is the case again. I also wasn't fully erect when measuring as I was last time so that might account for the loss as well as the poor diet, health and overall mood.

As for length, I'm able to stretch nearly the same as where I left off. In fact, I tried to go for a "max stretch" in the SG at the end of my session just out of curiosity and was able to hit 8.5" in the SG! That means I have gained 2" in stretched length in the SG since I started less than 3.5 months ago. My erect length has shortened a bit as well, but again I wasn't fully erect when measuring. My measure sessions aren't exact. It's more that when I'm erect and I have the ruler and I care to I'll measure just to get an idea of my progress or lack thereof.

This leads me to focus a bit more on manual exercises to cement gains. Any major gains I've made quickly have come from supplementing the SG and Bathmate with manual exercises. I usually perform jelqs, erect bends, and DLD Girth Blasters depending on what I feel like.

I don't regret taking a break as my mindset is back in that of routine and motivation no matter what. I'll make time to get the SG sessions in, and hopefully start up with the Bathmate again too. I mentioned before that I wanted to use the Male Extra pills that came with the SG to boost the results of my routine, but I am currently going through some health issues and I don't think it'll be wise to use them at this time. I also can't use The Secret Potency Report supplements for the time being as well. This is a bit frustrating since I had good results from it.

Another item on my list is to get back to exercising regularly which will also benefit the Penis Enlargement routines. I think the last while has been on the extreme side of things. I don't see other people losing as much from a break period unless they also have their lifestyle altered in an extreme manner to a negative state. The good news is the length gains have stuck and I can stretch even longer, and I'm sure the girth will build back quickly.
04/10/11 - Day (61) 2

Rods: 2x Large + 2x Small (per side)
Spring: 1450-1500g
Time: 1.5H +1H
Position: 100% Down

Another day back in the SG and it feels great. The new cloth wrap method is really helping eliminate slippage and maximize the time spent. I used the SG without the small rods to start and once I was stretched out, I attached the smaller rods again.

At this point of length, I can use the small rods with some small adjustments to the thumbscrews, or I can use the setup without the small rods maxed out. I may switch it up depending on the day and hours put in.

Overall an excellent session. A good secure wrap is key to using the SG and I was lucky to achieve that today. I still don't feel as much of a strain on the penis as I did before using the Memory Foam. I'm not sure if that's good or bad but there is definitely no slippage now. I still have some discomfort against the testicles from the base of the SG, but a fresh wrap of TP always helps.

I am hoping to combine my routine with the Bathmate X-40 as well. I feel like after all this rest it's time to hit the next goal.

Looking forward to the next session.
Excellent news on starting up again, how long did you break for?
doublelongdaddy;424607 said:
Excellent news on starting up again, how long did you break for?

Hey DLD. I think it was over 3 weeks. Felt like over a month or more.
04/11-12/11 - Day (61) 3-4

Rods: 2x Large + 2x Small (per side)
Spring: 1450-1500g
Time: 2.5h, 1.5h
Position: 100% Down

Another 2 good days with the SG. I did day 3 without the small rods first, then proceeded to add them after about an hour of stretching. The tension was good but not as intense as I have felt before. Before I mentioned that locked stretches weren't working for me and were detrimental to my gains due to minor slippage that I couldn't see until I took off the SG. With the cloth wrap, I'm now able to stretch locked with zero slippage.

This is a whole new game. I've definitely gained as I can use the SG with the small rods without any strapping in issues. I'm also able to adjust the thumbscrews quite far on this setup. A good strap in is the first step to great gains in the SG as I can now stretch with higher tension than before.

On the next day I started with the small rods and was able to strap in right away. I only had 1.5hours so I didn't bother adjusting the thumbscrews. The tension of the stretch was better today from not locking out the SG. I'm still not sure if locked stretches are effective or not. Theoretically if you're applying more tension without slippage, it should work better? I'll work these back into the routine and see what happens.
04/13-14/11 - Day (61) 4-5

Rods: 2x Large + 2x Small (per side)
Spring: 1450-1500g
Time: 1H, 2.5H
Position: 100% Down

Didn't have much time for the SG but I got in an hour on the 13th still. I started with the full setup and just used the locked stretch method for the 1 hour.

Today was on and off. I used the SG whenever I had the time and took off the small rods. I got a decent stretch and was able to max out the current setup with a good strap in and do some minor head clamping as well. The goal is to work in 4+ hours a day but I can't find the time lately.

Also need to hit the Bathmate which I've missed 2 days in a row now.
J1L;424761 said:
Hey DLD. I think it was over 3 weeks. Felt like over a month or more.

Bravo for coming back after almost a month! I worry when guys don't train for a while, I fear they have given up. Good to know you are back on the horse and steady!
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