Big Al;307731 said:
It's natural selection. It's either because a larger penis is more efficient or (more likely) because it's more "attractive".

Here's an interesting analogy- Out of all of the primates, human females also have the largest breasts. There's no real physical advantage to having large breasts, so breast size in humans evolved because they're a desireable characteristic. Even in this modern age, large breasted females usually get more attention.

Interesting Big Al. Another on the same subject and theory is males also have a much larger penis then all other primates. Our private parts are also on the front of our body in plain view so the theory is that they are there for selection. Other primates penises are tucked away and are not in plain view as humans are so we have evolved this way for a reason.
I'm not sure why people believe all of our genetic mutations have occurred due to an evolutionary reason.
spinner2;307758 said:
I'm not sure why people believe all of our genetic mutations have occurred due to an evolutionary reason.

Spinner I am not saying that I believe any off this but it is a interesting theory. As a matter of fact I do not give a shit why my dick is bigger then the other primates I am just happy that I have one.
little fella;307749 said:
Interesting Big Al. Another on the same subject and theory is males also have a much larger penis then all other primates. Our private parts are also on the front of our body in plain view so the theory is that they are there for selection. Other primates penises are tucked away and are not in plain view as humans are so we have evolved this way for a reason.

Interesting theory but then why are there growers and why are there showers.

If this theory is accurate there should be a lot more showers.(I mean show-ers not bathing)
Chaco;307768 said:
Interesting theory but then why are there growers and why are there showers.

If this theory is accurate there should be a lot more showers.(I mean show-ers not bathing)

Because we are talking about evolution. At this day and age you would get arrested for going to a night club and flopping your cock out but I bet that you would like to. So the theory is that we used to do this to be selected for sex and women used to use it to select there sexual partners but once again a theory.
little fella;307749 said:
Interesting Big Al. Another on the same subject and theory is males also have a much larger penis then all other primates. Our private parts are also on the front of our body in plain view so the theory is that they are there for selection. Other primates penises are tucked away and are not in plain view as humans are so we have evolved this way for a reason.

Try to picture what it was like to live in distant prehistoric times when emotions ruled over reason- at least more than they do today. It's easy to imagine that just the sight of an aroused female was enough to get an entire tribe of males erect and ready for action. In that situation, you can see how penis size may be [just] one factor in her choice of suitors. Humans are usually a bit more subjective in their criteria than other primates.
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spinner2;307758 said:
I'm not sure why people believe all of our genetic mutations have occurred due to an evolutionary reason.

Mendelism is a very widely accepted science. My apologies if I've offended any of the Creationist or alternative thinkers here.
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little fella;307769 said:
Because we are talking about evolution. At this day and age you would get arrested for going to a night club and flopping your cock out but I bet that you would like to. So the theory is that we used to do this to be selected for sex and women used to use it to select there sexual partners but once again a theory.

One possibility is that peoples from cold climates are "growers" to protect the penis from frostbite or other cold-related damage, while the opposite is true for peoples that come from more equatorial regions. There's sure to be a lot of overlap, but this is just one possible theory.

Many "showers" can appear to have small flaccid sizes if: they're exposed to certain environments (like cold water), just finished exercising, consumed a vasoconstrictor (like caffeine), or are just really nervous; while "growers" can appear to have a larger flaccid measurement if they engage in activities like brief bouts of jelqing throughout the day- there are no absolutes.
Big Al;307772 said:
Try to picture what it was like to live in distant prehistoric times when emotions ruled over reason- at least more than they do today. It's easy to imagine that just the sight of an aroused female was enough to get an entire tribe of males erect and ready for action. In that situation, you can see how penis size may be [just] one factor in her choice of suitors. Humans are usually a bit more subjective in their criteria than other primates.

Once again only the strong survive and there is nothing more characteristic to how much of a man you are then your penis. Well should I say back in the prehistoric era it was the only male characteristic or it is to be believed.
spinner2;307758 said:
I'm not sure why people believe all of our genetic mutations have occurred due to an evolutionary reason.

Wait a second people can believe in what ever they want. I am not telling you that you have to believe what I am saying. No not at all as a matter of fact I am just saying what I have been learning. So I am not trying to piss you off and if I have wake up to yourself and realize that the world is a crazy place and there are much more crazy ideas than this floating around.
I wholeheartedly appreciate this thread, little fella, as well as your "reasoning" for making this topic. (Typing that sentence makes me feel like I'm actually calling you little fella...weird. anyway...) Because I know that those who feel that they were "saved" by MoS may still feel very insecure. Because sometimes it's not all about what size your dick is. Sometimes it's about feeling horribly depressed because you've discovered that women everywhere are superficial as hell. How many relationships do you think would thrive or be broken if the tides had changed for their sex lives? Who would cheat? Who would stay? What part of love is chemical and what part of love is spiritual?
And it isn't that women everywhere are's more of questioning and feeling hurt by the unanswered question of - Why do women and society make penis size issues out to be lighter than it really is? And if it is such a high problem, why aren't there MORE dedications to solving this problem rather than a single message board?
We all know that in society the penis is something you can't change, but often women will just go "pfft" and laugh and go on to the next man without a care in the world. Men will act pompous and the small penis guy more or less always begins to wonder why it was him that has this problem that is closest to his heart, preventing him from enjoying life's main pleasure in the world. Life isn't tough enough apparently. It gets to the point where simply HEARING a woman cry out in pleasure feels hurtful, because it all feels like a personal attack. Does it not? Why did the universe feel the need to randomize penis sizes anyway? Lord knows we didn't need more pompous people and more hurt people and more careless people in the world, and we were all kind of hoping life was tough enough what with trying to get a DATE, but then we need something to make the whole night blow up in smoke right after everything goes well. Then you know you got people that go nuts with a shotgun or anything may follow. a bit overemotional.

In addition, if the penis is completely irrelevant of the rest of the body, what "negative traits" exactly is the human body filtering out so that the better ones can reproduce? Just think...Miracle Scientist A has a small penis, but Dumbass Jock A has a big penis. Generic Woman A goes after Dumbass Jock A, and intelligent children are filtered out. There's logic in that.
For the most part, a lot of it is paranoia, but even with the ability to Penis Enlargement there's more to it than that. Anybody who has a small penis feels hurt by the idea of the woman seeing a penis for the first time. The big penis guy will feel good when the woman gets a look of shock on her face and turns red, and the small penis guy will feel like shit. It used to be that women turned red at the sight of strong men, or courageous men, or romantic men. But no longer. It's the man with the huge penis, or the one with the most "game".

If you ask me, a lot of women don't want to admit that they like the bigger penises because it makes them sound superficial. Because they don't want to accept that they are superficial, they try to keep it taboo. This of course, completely omits all the gossip that goes around for the sake of laughing and humiliating Small Penis Guy A and bringing pleasure and excitement for everybody except him to Big Penis Guy B, regardless of either of whom it might be. That is what makes love and relationships so fucked up in this day and age. You can't know what love is anymore, or what part of your relationship is spiritual or chemical. It's an awful feeling; one of the most awful feelings in the world, to not even be able to fantasize or even watch �naked people movies� because of insecurities. A fate worse than death, in my opinion.
Wow. Some here are claiming that in caveman times females selected mates based on penis sizes? That's ridiculous. If so, everyone would have huge cocks.

I'd imagine physical superiority (strength and tenacity) would trump anything else when it came down to it. Who would better survive? A 6'5" 250 lbs of muscle guy with a baby dick or a 5'7" 130 lbs whimp with a huge dick?

Some people in the Penis Enlargement community place way too much emphasis on the "importance" of penis size in terms of survival and replication.
10inchadvantage;309188 said:
Wow. Some here are claiming that in caveman times females selected mates based on penis sizes? That's ridiculous. If so, everyone would have huge cocks.

I'd imagine physical superiority (strength and tenacity) would trump anything else when it came down to it. Who would better survive? A 6'5" 250 lbs of muscle guy with a baby dick or a 5'7" 130 lbs whimp with a huge dick?

Some people in the Penis Enlargement community place way too much emphasis on the "importance" of penis size in terms of survival and replication.

Woh Woh Woh
I am not saying that this is a fact I am just saying that it was a article that I read and it seemed to have some truth about it.
Length is overrated and girth is underrated in the male population. Erection strength is key and staying power as well. each woman is different, if you can find what makes her tick during sex then your in, if you cant then shame on you.
Honestly, the answer is very simple, and it does not need so much looking into. When women say "size doesn't matter", they are usually talking in the context of a relationship i.e when they are sleeping with a guy, there are a lot of things that matter besides their size, and most of those things are mental (love, passion, mental closeness, other bs) So, most women would not be satisfied unless these factors were present, even if they are physically satisfied. BECAUSE for most women (except those who just go around sleeping with every single moving object), satisfaction from sex is a lot more mental than physical. So there. When she says "size doesn't matter", she is saying I'd much rather have those mental factors than the ideal size without the mental satisfaction.

So, as some ppl pointed out, when it comes to dildos, there IS no mental aspect. There is only a physical one. So, women only go for what they prefer physically WHICH most certainly would fall on the larger side of the scale as far as penis sizes go.

Another way to put this would be: if a woman were to only have your dick and not you as a person attached to it, she would most likely prefer a large one (length for the visual effect and girth for the physical effect), but since she is sleeping with YOU and not only your dick, there are other things that come into play that matter way more to her than your size.

Hope this makes sense.
Makes sense to me. Although women don't really know how much our penis affects us and many women could care less. Therefore they don't mind hurting us by making fun of our penis or, I should say, society in general seems to treat the penis thing with a lot more of a sour look than would be desired, given it is a horrible insecurity.
crazyed27;309220 said:
Length is overrated and girth is underrated in the male population. Erection strength is key and staying power as well. each woman is different, if you can find what makes her tick during sex then your in, if you cant then shame on you.

Very true.
I would say for women:

Girth > length

Size considered "big" to them is 8-9". Us guys tend to think more.

Aside from that I wouldn't recommend investing a lot of energy into the topic. It's true but subjective too.
???;312789 said:
I would say for women:

Girth > length

Size considered "big" to them is 8-9". Us guys tend to think more.

Aside from that I wouldn't recommend investing a lot of energy into the topic. It's true but subjective too.

You have to wonder how many women have had a very long penis though. My girlfriend says she prefers length over girth. She gets somewhat upset when she sees me doing girth exercises, etc. I still need to have a solid 6" midshaft though, I'm greedy.
10inchadvantage;312802 said:
You have to wonder how many women have had a very long penis though. My girlfriend says she prefers length over girth. She gets somewhat upset when she sees me doing girth exercises, etc. I still need to have a solid 6" midshaft though, I'm greedy.

Is she small? I'm not expert, but a poll (which is flawed to begin with obviously) said 2 of 3 women prefer girth to length, which essentially means 'who knows.':s
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