I know the feeling man! I was there too at 17,8cm... never was able to get past that for some reason with the routine I was doing. Then I changed it up. At the moment I'm only doing hanging and it's paying off... I'll soon also incorporate my manual exercises again and they mainly are erect stretches. They really help me get past my plateau.
Or get yourself a pot of hot water and a washcloth and use that to put pressure against the head with heat. You don’t want water to be boiling hot but you want it hot enough to feel it.
Boiled water and waited for a little bit to cool down, then used a wash cloth to dip into the hot water and push it onto the head. Did it for about 5/10min and I notice the blister/bump is still there but it's softer.
Next time I'm going to hang I think I'll double sleeve... using the tighter blue sillisleeve for the head and tighten that to minimize the fluid buildup and the transparent wider one for the shaft and connecting to the Hanger.
I decided to take a break this week to let it heal. It's turning reddish so it's probably healing underneath. It's flat as well now so hopefully the dead skin will let go soon enough and it'll be healed around Monday. Maybe I'll need next week too but after that I'll continue this session I've been doing because it seems to work for me with gaining.
I decided to take a break this week to let it heal. It's turning reddish so it's probably healing underneath. It's flat as well now so hopefully the dead skin will let go soon enough and it'll be healed around Monday. Maybe I'll need next week too but after that I'll continue this session I've been doing because it seems to work for me with gaining.

Good I’m glad as that’s what I really wanted you to do. Never trained through blisters because they will end up popping in causing scarring and other skin issues. Once the blister breaks ON ITS OWN you can start training again about 48 hours after. Over this week do the things you can do like pelvic floor exercises and maybe some testicle Health massage. These will help you keep your head in the game.
The skin peeled off and it healing well. I think this weekend it'll have healed and hopefully enough to be able to continue my routine on Monday.
Yep, it's still red but it's healing quite fast so I hope today and tonight it'll heal completely and tomorrow morning I'll see how it is and if I trust it I'll do a test hanging for about 20/30min and see how it goes.
Crap! Just hanged about an hour again... felt good in the beginning, then I started feeling a little discomfort so I took it off and what was there... another blister! Argh! Don't know why this happens. Maybe 3kg is too much? Dunno, should work though. Have been doing it before. Maybe I have to apply the sleeves better? Or less vacuum pressure?
Crap! Just hanged about an hour again... felt good in the beginning, then I started feeling a little discomfort so I took it off and what was there... another blister! Argh! Don't know why this happens. Maybe 3kg is too much? Dunno, should work though. Have been doing it before. Maybe I have to apply the sleeves better? Or less vacuum pressure?
It's possible you're not conditioned. I hang 14.5 lb 2 hours a day. All I use is some sports wrap around the glands to keep the blood out then soft aid wrap. Maybe try different wrapping techniques. I used to, but you must be very careful, use micro tape just over my penis hole but just a small amount and I would make sure the sticky is mostly taken off. But that used to help me a lot. With tape I can hang at least an hour with zero issues. Nowadays I usually take off the hanger 30 minute increments. Try different hangers too!
Crap! Just hanged about an hour again... felt good in the beginning, then I started feeling a little discomfort so I took it off and what was there... another blister! Argh! Don't know why this happens. Maybe 3kg is too much? Dunno, should work though. Have been doing it before. Maybe I have to apply the sleeves better? Or less vacuum pressure?

I would say that the weight is too much and you may be going to long. How long are you spending doing a set? Perhaps you should try to attach a bit lower when you restart this may have a positive effect. I’m so sorry you’re going through what you’re going through but you’re a trooper and I know you’ll get through it.
Yeah, maybe I need to perfect my wrapping technique because I did 2 hour hangings before with 3kg without problem. I was using the LG Hanger though so maybe I'll have to go back to that.
Yeah, maybe I need to perfect my wrapping technique because I did 2 hour hangings before with 3kg without problem. I was using the LG Hanger though so maybe I'll have to go back to that.

Indeed that is exactly what you should do, go to the wrapping section and go through all the various types of wraps and see what works best for you.
my guess is the tight silisleeve on its own is not enough... once locked inside the vacuum still tends to slip off a bit from the tip of the glans and compress fluids outwards. I'll have to experiment with some wrapping techniques for the glans to and maybe also wrap behind the glans so that the silisleeve doesn't slip.
Looking forward to this blister to heal up and experimenting with wraps! The hanging does definitely help me gain at around 3kg, hanging for an hour or more at least. Will experiment with wraps, I think that's the thing.
I'm doing another hanging at the moment for about 30min... I've hooked up the 'glans-looking' headpiece that was with the SiliStretcher-2 which fits well on my glans. Under that / the glans, I've attached the DuroBand... let's see what that does. I'm currently using the LG Hanger again and have set the pressure at 5/6 Hg. At aroun 21:00 I'll check how it went.
I figured out the best way for me to hang with minimum risk to get blisters, that is with using tape first. Two pieces going as an X over the glans pulling the foreskin back. After that I apply the right blue silisleeve over the glans and then the Duro Band under the glans to secure everything. After that it's into the LG hanger with it and apply as less pressure as possible, around 5 Hg and hanging 3kg.
Lots of good work put in my brother over the past three days. Sorry I have not been around but I’ve been dealing with a bunch of other issues, especially quarantine. Keep up the excellent work as usual!