Gotta be happy mate, well doneShort term goal would be to cement on 19cm BPEL (7.5"). Almost there!
Yes, I'm quite excited about this! Getting closer. How about you?
Ahhh, the things we endure for gains!
You recommend I wait till the blister is gone? I'm not sure if I should puncture it or if it'll go away on its own.
Very safe and effectiveBetter keep with just doing erect manual stretches, not erect hanging indeed!
I decided to take a break this week to let it heal. It's turning reddish so it's probably healing underneath. It's flat as well now so hopefully the dead skin will let go soon enough and it'll be healed around Monday. Maybe I'll need next week too but after that I'll continue this session I've been doing because it seems to work for me with gaining.
Good, back in actionThe skin peeled off and it healing well. I think this weekend it'll have healed and hopefully enough to be able to continue my routine on Monday.
Hoping I'm going to be able to hang again coming week for at least 2 hours a day... these hanging sessions have really got me gaining!
It's possible you're not conditioned. I hang 14.5 lb 2 hours a day. All I use is some sports wrap around the glands to keep the blood out then soft aid wrap. Maybe try different wrapping techniques. I used to, but you must be very careful, use micro tape just over my penis hole but just a small amount and I would make sure the sticky is mostly taken off. But that used to help me a lot. With tape I can hang at least an hour with zero issues. Nowadays I usually take off the hanger 30 minute increments. Try different hangers too!Crap! Just hanged about an hour again... felt good in the beginning, then I started feeling a little discomfort so I took it off and what was there... another blister! Argh! Don't know why this happens. Maybe 3kg is too much? Dunno, should work though. Have been doing it before. Maybe I have to apply the sleeves better? Or less vacuum pressure?
Crap! Just hanged about an hour again... felt good in the beginning, then I started feeling a little discomfort so I took it off and what was there... another blister! Argh! Don't know why this happens. Maybe 3kg is too much? Dunno, should work though. Have been doing it before. Maybe I have to apply the sleeves better? Or less vacuum pressure?
Yeah, maybe I need to perfect my wrapping technique because I did 2 hour hangings before with 3kg without problem. I was using the LG Hanger though so maybe I'll have to go back to that.