dmoney101;575228 said:
None of this sounds like it's worth $1700 lol

It is if he gains some size.

TB4 I've had the PRP procudre done last year on my face for acne scarring It helped a little my scars are maybe 10% better,I watched the whole thing take place in front of me I know what to do if I could get my hands on the equipment I reckon I could do it myself.Of course I would pay for it first to get the procudre down pat,The cost is a turn off for some but if you gain from this it's worth it.

Do you own a extender? Useing it a couple of hours a day might help with gains?
dmoney101;575228 said:
None of this sounds like it's worth $1700 lol

Some people wouldn't pay $200,000 for a Ferrari either. To each his own.
8incyclops;575238 said:
It is if he gains some size.

TB4 I've had the PRP procudre done last year on my face for acne scarring It helped a little my scars are maybe 10% better,I watched the whole thing take place in front of me I know what to do if I could get my hands on the equipment I reckon I could do it myself.Of course I would pay for it first to get the procudre down pat,The cost is a turn off for some but if you gain from this it's worth it.

Do you own a extender? Useing it a couple of hours a day might help with gains?

I believe the stuff you mix with your blood is proprietary. I don't own an extender and don't even know what it is. It's different than a pump I presume.
mrimalive1;575291 said:
Did you take a measurement yet?

Was 6" last week according to the hash marks on the pump. Today was at 6 1/4. Of course, it slowly recedes when the pump is removed. Started at 5 1/2 L w/o the pump. Will see what happens. Again, all gains aren't expected until 3 months have passed. I'm expecting modest gains within 6 weeks though. BTW, all bruising is gone and the skin is softer....
Nope. That's all I was told I needed to do. I'm considering doing more things like I see here (extender, etc...) to maximize the full growth potential.
Same site I've been looking at
Calcium chloride is added to the plasma don't think that's propertied
tb4;575226 said:
no, the bruising was randomly all over, but mainly at the injection sites. Looks much better today. Will probably pump again tomorrow.

i think you should start taking pictures then maybe people will want to help you with cementing your gains
Hows it hangin TB4? :cool:

I have a consultation next Friday for the shots.

I feel my exercise routine is effective for me. I currently do about 1/4" in length per year these last two. My issue though is of libido and EQ. Seems as though I can't recover good libido on a daily basis any longer. It takes an extra day and that's what I'd like to fix.

FWIW here is my routine..

Morning Bathmate (15 minutes in shower getting ready for work)
Apply DMSO + paba for 5 minutes -- wash off
After work, manual expressive stretches and then size genetics extender (and homemade extender) to cement (usually 3 hours daily total)

Same routine but hit it harder. I am doing 3-4 hour extending sessions (under careful supervision) now that I use Bactine to improve comfort.
toucHydromaxyjunk;575459 said:
Hows it hangin TB4? :cool:

I have a consultation next Friday for the shots.

Please keep me posted!

I feel my exercise routine is effective for me. I currently do about 1/4" in length per year these last two. My issue though is of libido and EQ. Seems as though I can't recover good libido on a daily basis any longer. It takes an extra day and that's what I'd like to fix.

Sounds like what you're doing is working. For libido issues Google PT-141 and Proviron. One of those may help. Also, if you're over 30, consider testosterone replacement therapy. Google Low T Center. That has REALLY helped me. Good luck!!
ToucHydromaxyjunk I've been using ejacloid recommend by a member here on mos also I'm juicing celery my libido is better than before.
I'm about 16 hrs away from having liquid gold needled into my dick. TB4 still doing ok? Just checking if it fell off or something.
Nope, it's still attached, but I'm pumpin it like it owes me money! LOL I spoke with the doc this week and told him the only gains I notice are when I'm inside the pump and for a short time after I remove it. He explained that it takes time to work and that I shouldn't expect to see full results for 3 months. He also told me to expect my real length gains to be somewhere between what I started at (5 1/2") to what I am when completely pumped (6 3/8"). I know it doesn't sound like much, but it is a real difference. Girth seems awesome after the pump, so if just half that hangs around I'll be happy. Good luck with the liquid gold! Keep me posted please. :)
Well that hurt like hell, but I'm a man :cool:

I think it's more the thought of the needle than the needle. In actuality it was about 1/2 the pinch of a regular blood draw but imagine it on the penis.

Drew 5 vials from the arm. Then about 30 minutes later came back with 5 syringes full of the liquid gold.

Dr was surprised when I mentioned that another customer had bruising. He suggested that it might be that a blood vessel got hit and he always took care to avoid them.

Everything looks pretty normal right now. Very numb though as I opted to use the numbing cream. Hard to get it up while numb.

Cost me $1,500 down here in FL.
Oh I forgot to mention. I chose the regular Priapus injections, but I was told of another more potent option. There is an additional procedure which is PRP plus some stems cells they derive from your fatty tissues. Sounded a bit strange but Dr said it was more powerful than the PRP.
@toucHydromaxyjunk so what now? Did he say to stretch pump or jelq?
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