Penis size has long been considered a gauge of virility, and having a larger than average penis is a valuable commodity among males. Whether this assumption has real physiological merit or is only a myth, a man's perception of his own penis size can make him feel confident, secure, even arrogant-- or, negatively, insecure, shy... even suicidal, in the most extreme cases.

The chart below is our current best data concerning penis size. The measurements were taken from the top center of the penis and are NON-BONEPRESSED. This data comes from a variety of internet sources and scientific publications, but mostly from the Lifestyles Condom Company survey and the survey conducted by during May / June 2003, which involved over 1500 men.

The Lifestyles company conducted research into the average length and circumference of the erect male member during Spring Break 2001 in Cancun. From March 11 to 17, a total 300 males over the age of 18 were measured, one at a time, by qualified medical staff (protected by Ansell Medi-Touch gloves) in private tents at the Dady Rock nightclub in Cancun, Mexico. Why? Apparently they wanted to design a better condom, to ensure that they are sized properly, are comfortable, and won't slip.

The measurements were done by a doctor and a team of four nurses, who attended each of the seven nights of this research. Length was measured from the point at the base of the erect penis where the top of the penile shaft meets the pubic area to the tip of the glans (NOTE FOR [words=]MOS[/words] MEMBERS: THIS WAS A NON-BONEPRESSED MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUE). For uncircumcised men the foreskin was retracted. The majority of participants were U.S. college men but it was not limited to this group. Volunteers were asked to enter a private area where they would gain an erection and then call for the two qualified nurses to measure their cock. To ensure the accuracy of the data, each man was measured by two of the nurses. A doctor supervised the nurses and all activity. Volunteers tended to be groups of friends, which helped ensure a wide range of penis sizes (big and small) and provided a more accurate average figure.

At 300 effective measurements, this study was twice the size of any previous study that used medical staff to measure penis size. This method is more accurate and reliable than studies where volunteers undertake self-measurement / reporting.

I think one more very important thing should also be noted: those surveyed were young, college age men who were willing to volunteer to be measured. This was not a random population sampling, and probably did not include very many older men, or those who are overweight, both of which would probably have smaller NBP measurements, and thus bring the average down. I'm also pretty sure that men who felt that they were "smaller" were not exactly knocking the door down to be measured either. I conclude from this that the true average penis size is probably a little bit lower than their 5.9" results, maybe in the 5 to 5.5" range... but this is the best set of numbers we have to go by now.

Please note that to realistically compare yourself to this average, you would have to measure your penis from the top center of the shaft, NON-bonepressed. Comparing any other numbers to these will give you a false comparison. Do not measure bonepressed. Do not measure from the side, the balls, the asshole or "with the curve", if you would like to compare your cock to the most reliable data on penis size.

Erect Length

Length Inches... Cumulative.....Bigger than you.... Smaller than you
3.75 or less.......0.6................994/1000................6/1000
5.00.................12.5%.............875/1000 ...............125/1000
5.25..................20.0%.............800/1000 ...............200/1000
6.00..................60.2%..............398/1000 ..................602/1000
6.75..................90.5% ...............95/1000..................905/1000
8.00....................98.8%.................12/1000....................988/1000 8.25....................99.1%..................9/1000......................991/1000
9.00 or more.........100.0% ................0/1000.....................999/1000

My penis currently measures around 6.5" non-bonepressed, give or take a little. This puts me in the 81 cumulative percentile, which is pretty damn good, I think. It means, basically, that only 19 of 100 men would actually have a larger penis than I would [remember what I said about male competitiveness! :) ] Feel free to measure your penis in this same method and report your size. You can lie if you want, but you're only going to be hurting yourself further down the line in your Penis Enlargement endeavors!

Alot of fuss has been made lately about penis measurements here at [words=]MOS[/words]. Instead of ranting in a negative fashion about liars and cheaters and men living in a Penis Enlargement fantasy world, I thought I would make a thread that was realistic, but above all positive, about average NBP penis measurements. I think the average is much smaller than we all believe, and our perception of what is truly a large cock unrealistic in the extreme.

To be honest, I never really believed my wife when she told me I'm the biggest she's ever had. I'm something of a adult entertainment junkie and spend way too much time here at [words=]MOS[/words] and I believe it has really skewed my perceptions on penis size. After studying this data, I now realize that, statistically, it's probably true. I have also decided to lower my Penis Enlargement goal to a more realistic 7.00" NBP, which would place my penis in the 92% in length. I'm weird. 20 guys bigger than me is too much. I would feel better if only about 7 or 8 of a hundred were the same size or bigger! :D
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Nope. Just trying to fix the stupid chart. It'll be back out of the trash bucket in a sec. When I posted it, the chart was all mixed up. Here we go! All better...well, erm, sorta.
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Ah I thee. I thpoke too thoon.

Good thread, BTW. I'm about the same as you NBP, last time I measured anyway. Hopefully we'll be seeing that change soon!
I hate to admit this, but I'm really coming around to this whole "NBP is the only measurement that counts" thing that AC, swank and skepdick have been going on about. I just think we can do this in a positive manner. So, do you feel good knowing you are bigger than 810 out of 1000 horny, drunken college spring break partiers? :D
From the same survey data, this is a chart on penile girth. The girth on this was measured mid-shaft. If you would like to compare to this chart, you would have to measure your own penis mid-shaft, or the comparison would not be valid.

Girth Inches... Cumulative.....Bigger than you.... Smaller than you
3.50 or below.....0.9%.............991/1000...............9/1000
4.00................ 4.7%.............953/1000...............47/1000
4.25................ 8.8%.............912/1000...............88/1000
5.00.................50.0%............500/1000 .............500/1000
5.25.................83.0%............170/1000 ..............830/1000
6.00.................100%..............1/1000 .................999/1000

My mid-shaft girth is 5.75". That puts me waaaay at the top of the chart. 95.6% is nothing to sniff at. No wonder I always have to wiggle that sucker in! :D Just kidding... The main jump here seems to be about 5.25" girth. That or anything bigger means you got a fat cock. Be proud.
I'm a step below you on that one. The problem is, 44/1000 are thicker than me. I've got to do something about that pronto!! Once I hit 6" EG I'll be in the clear. :D

Well, this only proves I'm well under average again lol since I am going to measure NBP in the future.

Kong, this is a truly excellent post, great sources, great attitude and exactly the kind of info we needed at this point. Bravo!
This thread is too negative! It could show guys with smaller size that there are bigger guys!

Just kidding.

It's always good to remind of realistic penis size on this site, especially with all the anonymous huge stats floating around. It seems that any study I've ever seen where guys can't measure themselves the average is a bit under 6" length, 5" girth. I suspect that's pretty much the most common size as well. I'm even tempted to say the most common length is more like 5.5" NBP based on what some women have told and what I've seen in lockerrooms over the years, but that means about squat in terms of what it could really be.

Anyway, here's a link to a similar thread I had on the subject, just in case anybody was interest in some more info.
one thing about NBP vs. BP is that bone pressed is preferred by doctors and the medical community

i saw this show about four years ago and it was about penis length/ the average

according to them(doctors & nurses) the correct way to measure you true size is a flaccid strecth bone pressed
insearchof9inch said:
sweet! Most people's BPFSL is well over their erect length.

what you have to remember the more you strecth the more strecthy you penis becomes

i've been doing pe for 3 mouths i think, and i can only strecth my penis 1 inch over my flaccid length, i haven't strecth that much in my pe carear
Only question i have about this is what angle was the dick when it was measured. Mine pretty much points straght up and if i measure like thsts its about 5.25. If i put it so its parallel to floof its 6.75, and then straigten the little curve its just bout 7. Just added more confusion to the damn thing didnt I :s ?!
Measure with the penis parallel to the floor. Do not push the ruler into the fatpad. PS--You gain 1.5" just moving your penis 45 degrees downwards?
noluck said:
Only question i have about this is what angle was the dick when it was measured. Mine pretty much points straght up and if i measure like thsts its about 5.25. If i put it so its parallel to floof its 6.75, and then straigten the little curve its just bout 7. Just added more confusion to the damn thing didnt I :s ?!

Just so you don't drive yourself crazy, pick one normal flaccid, one stretched flaccid and either a bone pressed or non-bone pressed measurement, and then stick with them as you continue to do Penis Enlargement. Otherwise you'll have less sense of your gains. I wish I had measured before I started Penis Enlargement, but my goal was to get my former stiffies back--which I did, BIG TIME.

Whatever you do and whatever gains you make, keep in mind there will always be guys with dicks thicker and longer than yours. Other members have told me I'm close to the one in a thousand, length-wise and girth-wise.-

I'm not sure if this is true, but where ever I stand, there is a little voice in my mind that says it's not long or thick enough. I just have to remember that I'm doing Penis Enlargement for me and for no one else. I view Penis Enlargement as a sort of self-enhancement, much like other kinds of physical exercise.

You want to see how crazy it can get? Here is my situation: my normal flaccid hang is now 7.5 to 8" depending on the temperature--my girth, between 5" and 6". I have a thick fat pad, even though I'm not overweight at all, so the difference between NBP and BP for me is between 1" and 2". NBP, I'm better than 8", BP, much closer to 9".

Girth is easier to quantify. I'm 7" base, 6" midshaft and 6.25" at the glans.

But if I push it down so that it is parallel with the floor, I can edge it to an easy 10"--11" to 11.5" when I wake up in the morning and after a long stretch session. I've even hit 12"+ a few times. Is this "cemented?" Of course not. Can I document it? I've tried--without success.

Maybe if I had someone to take a pic while I was focusing on getting an accurate measurement, but I do Penis Enlargement in secret and all my pics are taken by me in secret. So I've decided that when I post my pics at [words=]MOS[/words], I'll post one of each.

After 21 months of Penis Enlargement, I've finally come to understand that I have nothing to prove. This has taken a huge burden off me. I only have to please myself, and the Mrs., of course.
All of my "official" measure is with it parallel to the floor. I do it every time for my measurements so they are consistant. I just wanted to measure the way everyone else does when there are those rankings/comparisions and what not. I guess puttting it parallel to floor is the common approach.
I measured since my last post and i gain about an inch, not 1.5 inches from "naturral boner position" rofl to parallel with the floor. But to get my dick parallel to the floor is definently more than 45 deg of movement. My dick is closer to parallel with the wall than the floor when i stand up with a boner, its probally close to 75 deg, if 90 deg is the wall. Damn thats sounds too much like trig class :O hope y'all understand now ;)
noluck--> Sorry, I misunderstood that. I thought you meant your dork measured 1.5" longer if you pushed it down! :D I was like, Whaaaaaat...?
Well, I measured sometime last week and this is where I am.

5.50" NBPenis Enlargement x 6.00" girth

I've thought about my goal alot lately and have decided a 7 x 7 would be damn impressive. At first glance it would seem that I'm not that far off. But nothing could be further from the truth...that's alot of work.

At first it intimidated me somewhat but I kept reading about so many here that have progressed big time that now I look at it as a challenge.

Thanks guys for the motivation. Nice job Kong on the numbers.
Gee I am thicker than everyone on the planet. rofl

Now I just have to work on the length. 8 X 7.5 is my goal and I will be there by end of the year
This is definately a great post -- great info. I think this will make many others, like yourself Kong, reevaluate their goals.

I find it almost difficult to believe that I'm above the 90% mark for length -- it still looks small to me. This post just tells me what I already knew... I need to get GIRTHIER!
maurizio-- > You're right on the verge of "the jump" girthwise, which is basically the measurement at which the percentages start falling off dramatically... For length, "the jump" is 6.25" NBP. These are the upper limits of "normal/average" penis size. Anything higher gets into the rare, biggie size categories, shared by 20 men or less in 100.

I'm lucky in that my girth was always good. I just need to lose some poundage so that my NBP gets a little closer to my BP. That would be nice!
Penis size has long been considered a gauge of virility, and having a larger than average penis is a valuable commodity among males. Whether this assumption has real physiological merit or is only a myth, a man's perception of his own penis size can make him feel confident, secure, even arrogant-- or, negatively, insecure, shy..

When a woman vaginally orgasms, her cervix thrusts downwards... physically into the baby batter if any is present.

A larger penis has a wicked-better chance of giving vaginal orgasms, and in like 1/4th the scientifically classical female response curve in my experience. ( 5 minutes instead of 20 ).

Problem with this concept is that the guy is probably not going to have gotten off in less than 5 minutes - and then have kept on going ....

(Yeah, you can keep going passed a nut, but people that blow in 4 minutes likely aint rolling with that skill ;-)

A repeat performance on the other hand would do it.

Anyway, ... the mechanisms there have been shown in several studies... the shape of the penis head is apparently made to create suction on the cervix to pull out the mucous plug. ( Ewwwww...). And then the female's orgasm directly dunks her into whatever is down in there waiting.

Bigger (unless it equals painful) equals definite vaginal orgasm and then it seems higher physiological odds of procreating.... therefore virility commodity.

(Trying to listen to a radio show, I hope all that made sense rofl )
Interesting, but this thread is more about what "big" really is. We need to get real about average size, be honest with ourself about where we are, and realistic with our goals to be successful at Penis Enlargement.
kong1971 said:
Interesting, but this thread is more about what "big" really is. We need to get real about average size, be honest with ourself about where we are, and realistic with our goals to be successful at Penis Enlargement.

Right on, Kong. When we get as honest as we can with ourselves and others, it makes the whole process so much easier. Realistic goals are where it's at. Realistically, if the good Lord gave you an 8"x6" dick, then your goals need to be quite different than a 6"x5". They're two different animals, especially regarding girth.

I've been reading many of your posts, Kong, and you're a wonderful example of how supportive a MOD can be.
kong1971 said:
Interesting, but this thread is more about what "big" really is. We need to get real about average size, be honest with ourself about where we are, and realistic with our goals to be successful at Penis Enlargement.

Right on, Kong. When we get as honest as we can with ourselves and others, it makes the whole process so much easier. Realistic goals are where it's at. If the good Lord gave you an 8"x6" dick, then your goals need to be quite different than a 6"x5". They're two different animals, especially regarding girth.

I've been reading many of your posts, Kong, and you're a wonderful example of how supportive a MOD can be.
Yeah baby! I was wrong in the numbers I gave last night from my measurements of last week. I thought I grew when I saw my cock during sex and who knew?

Current, as of this morning: 6.50" BPenis EnlargementL and 5.75" NBPenis Enlargement

DLD was correct about BPFS growing first then erection length catching up weeks
ocd said:
DLD was correct about BPFS growing first then erection length catching up weeks

Yep. I'm dreading it, sort of. I measured my BPFSL last night and it was a little over 7.5". If I gain length I'm going to lose foreskin coverage again. I know I'm weird, but I'm trying to not gain size right now due to FR, but my [words=]tugger[/words] is kind of acting like an [words=]All Day Stretcher[/words]. I'm currently doing some really strong skin stretching routines so I can gain length without losing coverage, so we'll see.
fallguy said:
All the stats are not valid: Dick size is not normally distributed.

Fallguy, it may be tempting to model this with a normal distribution (it is with most things), but you are missing the very basic of statistics. You should use the data and try to find a distribution that fits, not try to fit the data onto a certain distribution.
kong1971 said:
The main jump here seems to be about 5.25" girth. That or anything bigger means you got a fat cock. Be proud.

Hey, cool, that means I also have a FAT Cock ?! :-))))

Great number crunching exercise there !!!!!
Surveys can give hope or anxiety depending on it's source and outcome. I prefer the Lifestyles survey over most as this was measured by nurses. Any survey that incorporates any self measuring techniques is skewed.
one of the things i don't like about this survey is that it was out of 1000 or something to find the true average any study would have to cover 10,000 at the least what i would like to see is half a million men measured
I find the surveys interisting to see how i stack up agaonst the competition. I wish there was a survey on here where a hot nurse would come to my house and measure my cock for me! rofl
I read an article by some doctors talking about Penis Enlargement as a help for men with erectile disfunction. It's kind of a funny article because they talk about how 50% of their clients were able to get an erection after working on Penis Enlargement, kegals and jelqs and a few stretches. And before the only way these men could get an erection was with Viagra or something similar. Of course the doctors joked about how these sites claimed that you could increase your size, they seemed to think that this was a real good joke. But they did admit that Penis Enlargement helped erectile disfunction. Only thing that I have ever seen where the MD's acknowledged anything positive about Penis Enlargement.
I've always wondered why you measure from the top, and not the side. It may seem to be a very basic arguement but when you are having sex with a woman doesn't she get the penis all the way around? If you are all the way in your pubic bone would press up against her, but your penis would actually insert about .25-.5 inches further on the sides. That measurement depends on the amount of fat pad for some as well, so that is a general .25-.5. Am I off base on this or does it really matter at all?

I think I've gotten to the point where I just don't see the point in worrying about other men's sizes or studies of other men's sizes (in no way am I being sarcastic or inflammatory or saying I am above anyone here), as I think I have learned a good deal about life in the last year and a half. I've grown up a great deal and in many respects many issues that use to be of concern are no longer a concern, as I see it in a different light now. I think there is a bit of truth in these surveys but nothing can be said as a definitive study until a larger grouping is canvassed and are measured by profressionals in a uniform way.

On another note this is a great thread, and I hope some of the guys who read this will get some insight into the penis size issues, as in many cases it is a bit over played in our heads and causes anxiety and can trully distort our overall sense of reality. I know in my personal experiences when I first started out I had no idea what I had and what I was really working toward, and I think some guys will get some perspective from this information. At least I hope someone does.
Nice post, millionman.

It upsets me when I see young men post, and they have these enormous penises, and think they are sub-par because of the influence of pornography and disinformation. I really am serious when I talk about negativity and being real about penis size and sex. There is just so much emotional pain in some of these posts that it makes me want to reach out to them and make them understand that there is nothing wrong with them. These feelings of inadequacy are just illusions, and we should all be happy with what we have and be proud and confident.

I'm not saying we should all quit Penis Enlargementing and just settle for what we got. That's not the point at all. Penis Enlargementing is good for the penis. It improves circulation, makes your erections stronger and harder. It's a sound body, sound mind thing. I'm just saying that we need to do this with a positive mindset-- not that there's something wrong with us, but that it's fun and sexy to make it bigger and thicker! It's about self-improvement, not fixing something that's broken.

I don't care if it's 3 inches or 10 inches, be proud of your pecker and be confident and enjoy the pleasure it can give you and your partner. There are so many more important things about sex than cock size... love, passion, intimacy, sharing, tenderness, freedom, pleasure, giving, taking, spirituality ... Increasing the size of your prick can enhance some of these things, but not all, so don't dwell on the dimensions of your unit to the exclusion of the wonderful happiness that sex can bring to you!
I think it should be a survey that separtes races, im black and growing up i seen some big dicks by mistake. I saw my grandfathers dick walking out the bathroom late one night when i was like 12-13 and it was atleast 6'' nbp flaccid, my uncles atleast 5.5-6''nbp flaccid, i saw another bout to bang his gf he was atleast 7.5-8'' enbp, once my friend was pissing he was like 16-17 and it looked between 5.5-6'' hang, and i heard some aunties talking few months ago she said her bf was too small sex wasnt good at all she said it was 5.5-6'' and she would tell him it was big bcuz she didnt want to hurt his feelings, and another one said she had a bf that was 12'' too big for magnums(female perspective i say it was maybe 10'') and that he said it got so big when he did 3 years in jail because he PLAYED with his self everyday(i think jelqued and didnt know it), and it seems like evrytime someone i hear bragging they always say 9''. I tried to find it it was a survey that had penis lenght size by races it was somewhere around,

dee, statistically, black men are larger on average... by a whole half inch!

I know what you're talking about, tho. Several men in my family are hung and it can be kind of disheartening to see it, especially when you're a kid. You think, Damn! Why didn't I get those genes, too! It's not fair!

That's what Penis Enlargement is for. :)
kong1971 said:
Yep. I'm dreading it, sort of. I measured my BPFSL last night and it was a little over 7.5". If I gain length I'm going to lose foreskin coverage again. I know I'm weird, but I'm trying to not gain size right now due to FR, but my [words=]tugger[/words] is kind of acting like an [words=]All Day Stretcher[/words]. I'm currently doing some really strong skin stretching routines so I can gain length without losing coverage, so we'll see.


Are you sure you have to sacrifice foreskin restauration to length gains through stretching?

I've had considerable foreskin restauration and certainly not at the expense of gains in length and girth. Does one preclude the other? When I post my pics, I have a good one of my dick completely retracted beneath the foreskin. It appears exactly like an uncircumcized dick. Maybe the good doctor cut me differently than yours. Mine left a lot of the frenulum behind.

But I never looked uncircumcized like I do now after all of this Penis Enlargement. When I do my heavy duty lap swim, or any lower body exercise at the gym or elsewhere, I come out of the exercise session with a completely retracted (beneath the foreskin) dick.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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