Great posts twins, Ghost, and PaloMalo. They have something that many posts and many people's own minds neglect?.insight. It's good to see that there are those who "get it" and can comprehend things beyond their own social class, race, religion, and so forth. These people are indeed very rare.
Wannabe, you have every right to voice your frustration and I commend you on that. But the fact remains is there is a sheer hypocrisy in what you say, if you indeed want to take it to the next level. I would say that your understanding on this situation is elementary at best, and the biggest cause of this is your ability to only see it from one point of view. You can have black friends and that doesn?t mean much or qualify what you are saying. That is a very old routine at best. Your objective questions are also worn out. The whole they can do it why can?t we. This is not a black and white issue its all in shades of grey.
You think it's been that long? Ask your mother when she was born? 1966 or something? Before any civil rights laws. It's has only been 40 years. Not even a generation and people expect things to change, the mindsets of both blacks and whites have been forged by the bastardization that was America's belief, and because you are upset with current events you think it?s the fault of only one group. It's irrational to put all the blame on modern day blacks, its not even possible, you really think it only takes 1 to tango? Sure, I believe that people should try to put the past on hold, and try to strive to make the best for themselves, but don't believe that its only will power alone holding everyone back, though that alone holds some of the people back. Its not always that simple.
I also don't understand how you can wipe of slavery or any racism, abuse that Whites have done today and back, and still shift the blame of stuff to blacks solely. It's everyone's (some more than others) fault, and by that I am not placing blame on you directly, don?t you see it's not a one group or one person thing. I of course lay more blame with white society from the past because of the huge effect on mindset it has had. I also find that many whites cannot understand this. It's like being a gay man, you have to walk those shoes or be a self aware person in general to understand fully. Especially for us straight men. If God made you gay for a month, and then turned you back straight, would you continue to say the word "Faggot" and "Fag"? ROFLMAO You also come off very naive to assume that everything is now "right" and racism isn't a big deal or wasn't. Very naive. By the way just as you can say blacks harp on race, one can easily point to "Rednecks" and whites in general who blame blacks for everything, but what have they suffered through? Point is hate is not always logical.
As far as Taylor Rain goes, I hear she is a adult entertainment star. Basically an amoral public whore with probably some issue, who also most likely does homosexual, acts on video also. My point is it?s not morality that is her reason for not doing it. If she was not attracted to black men than that is her right of course, but that is a great way to see just how racism, and this issue is still kept alive. White males may not see this or it may not grab your attention but it?s a great indicator. That is also a female issue. I guarantee if a White guy had racist parents and some really fine black girl came up that he was really attracted to he would still bang her?.as far as anything else who knows. Not that this matters it's only one small issue about a worthless adult entertainment star and who she decides to bang is irrelevant to me or anyone. Through away. If she does have children...will she repeat the cycle? Probably.
If you really sit back and think about it, think about all the void logic of all of this and realize what people are fighting over, and have killed over. Think about it. It's really nothing at all, it's in fact almost non-existent. Even though people say they aren't affected by it. People are arguing and minds shaped by the color and race or someone. How pathetic. ROFLMAO rofl Everyone is affected by this to some degree, everyone. None of us are perfect, some better than others on these issues but let's stop pretending.
PS. I love how DLD, has an "I don't give a shit about this stuff" philosophy and he quickly changed it back to Mandingo's size, he probably knows discussing this yields nothing, and usually it does.