PaloMalo said:
It is a charged word with a negative meaning and I think that rappers and other idiots who use the term are stupid but may be trying to turn the word around so that its impact is reduced.

I can't understand why rappers wan't to use a word that has neglected an whole nation of people that was taken against their will to another country, and didn't know if they even survive the journey.

And when they arrived to their "new country", they were sold to highest bidder, like they were cattles. Slave owners threated them as they pleased, and most of the time really awfully. Raping of women, whopping and lynching.

When slavery was stopped, they still were treated as garbage. And was told to go home to Africa. And why would they want to do that, they dont know were they belong. They didnt have any reason to go back.

I think all who lived then wants to forget that it has ever happened, but the scars run deep. And the story must be telled.

So as you said, i think they shouldnt use the word at all, they are using it for the wrong reason. Negro who isnt neglecting because it means black in spanish. Why cant they use that instead, then they arent discrasing their roots.

Well what can i say, we cant do anything about the past, but we can do something about the future. We all must get along, even how long the road are.
AncientChina said:
Great posts twins, Ghost, and PaloMalo. They have something that many posts and many people's own minds neglect?.insight. It's good to see that there are those who "get it" and can comprehend things beyond their own social class, race, religion, and so forth. These people are indeed very rare.

Wannabe, you have every right to voice your frustration and I commend you on that. But the fact remains is there is a sheer hypocrisy in what you say, if you indeed want to take it to the next level. I would say that your understanding on this situation is elementary at best, and the biggest cause of this is your ability to only see it from one point of view. You can have black friends and that doesn?t mean much or qualify what you are saying. That is a very old routine at best. Your objective questions are also worn out. The whole they can do it why can?t we. This is not a black and white issue its all in shades of grey.

You think it's been that long? Ask your mother when she was born? 1966 or something? Before any civil rights laws. It's has only been 40 years. Not even a generation and people expect things to change, the mindsets of both blacks and whites have been forged by the bastardization that was America's belief, and because you are upset with current events you think it?s the fault of only one group. It's irrational to put all the blame on modern day blacks, its not even possible, you really think it only takes 1 to tango? Sure, I believe that people should try to put the past on hold, and try to strive to make the best for themselves, but don't believe that its only will power alone holding everyone back, though that alone holds some of the people back. Its not always that simple.

I also don't understand how you can wipe of slavery or any racism, abuse that Whites have done today and back, and still shift the blame of stuff to blacks solely. It's everyone's (some more than others) fault, and by that I am not placing blame on you directly, don?t you see it's not a one group or one person thing. I of course lay more blame with white society from the past because of the huge effect on mindset it has had. I also find that many whites cannot understand this. It's like being a gay man, you have to walk those shoes or be a self aware person in general to understand fully. Especially for us straight men. If God made you gay for a month, and then turned you back straight, would you continue to say the word "Faggot" and "Fag"? ROFLMAO You also come off very naive to assume that everything is now "right" and racism isn't a big deal or wasn't. Very naive. By the way just as you can say blacks harp on race, one can easily point to "Rednecks" and whites in general who blame blacks for everything, but what have they suffered through? Point is hate is not always logical.

As far as Taylor Rain goes, I hear she is a adult entertainment star. Basically an amoral public whore with probably some issue, who also most likely does homosexual, acts on video also. My point is it?s not morality that is her reason for not doing it. If she was not attracted to black men than that is her right of course, but that is a great way to see just how racism, and this issue is still kept alive. White males may not see this or it may not grab your attention but it?s a great indicator. That is also a female issue. I guarantee if a White guy had racist parents and some really fine black girl came up that he was really attracted to he would still bang her?.as far as anything else who knows. Not that this matters it's only one small issue about a worthless adult entertainment star and who she decides to bang is irrelevant to me or anyone. Through away. If she does have children...will she repeat the cycle? Probably.

If you really sit back and think about it, think about all the void logic of all of this and realize what people are fighting over, and have killed over. Think about it. It's really nothing at all, it's in fact almost non-existent. Even though people say they aren't affected by it. People are arguing and minds shaped by the color and race or someone. How pathetic. ROFLMAO rofl Everyone is affected by this to some degree, everyone. None of us are perfect, some better than others on these issues but let's stop pretending.

PS. I love how DLD, has an "I don't give a shit about this stuff" philosophy and he quickly changed it back to Mandingo's size, he probably knows discussing this yields nothing, and usually it does. :)

well said is always good to get your point of view out in the open and be able to express it in a open dialogue situation..but we would really be kidding ourselves if we think a few conversations is going to change someone's mindset...first the person have to be willing to change or view things differently...then a change can began...i enjoy reading your thoughts
AncientChina said:
Mandingo is that huge, and naturally that big which is surprising. Well DLD you found an Arch rival that will provide you with the mental state to want gains like you have never wanted them before.

I don't know how I missed this but you are very right:) I use him as my inspiration whenever I need a kick in the ass. He just is LONG. When I need a GIRTH kick in the ass it's SHANE from Bangboat.
doublelongdaddy said:
I don't know how I missed this but you are very right:) I use him as my inspiration whenever I need a kick in the ass. He just is LONG. When I need a GIRTH kick in the ass it's SHANE from Bangboat.

Me Too!!! :)
It's a myth. one that has it's roots in racism. TRUST me. I got caught up in it too. My first black porno I saw, had Lex Steele, Mandingo and Jack Napier...I felt woefully inadequate.

That's why I got caught up in Penis Enlargement. I was not very sexually active, but the girls I have been with since have been.

Both have been with a number of men, black, white, asian...

one of them swore, I was the biggest, and had to call her sister and tell her...certain positions, were painful for both of these seasoned doggy style, etc...

I'm only 7.5 nbp X 5.5.

BTW, I've seen alot more "amateur" black adult entertainment, and trust me, that would crush the "myth"..nothing exciting there...It is a VERY destructful, negative thing..I think I'm even developing a complex now, because I am getting bigger, so I am fulfilling the "myth"...maybe I should stop Penis Enlargement' a protest!

(NOT) :)
lextheimpaler said:
My first black porno I saw, had Lex Steele, Mandingo and Jack Napier...I felt woefully inadequate.

Damn, that would have fucked me up too!
My first black adult entertainment i seen had Lex in it. I was bout 16 so I figured by time I was his age I'd be the same size. A few years later and Im gainin on him girth wise although I will never know his actual legnth.
kausion_420 said:
My first black adult entertainment i seen had Lex in it. I was bout 16 so I figured by time I was his age I'd be the same size. A few years later and Im gainin on him girth wise although I will never know his actual legnth.

I think you have him beat on both.
I know this subject has pretty much been beat to death, but it looks like it's back and I'd like to comment from a woman's viewpoint. I was young, single, hot and active in Hawaii in the 70's when VietNam was the big issue and Oahu was the major staging area for the pacific. Living on an island with six military bases full of healthy young men was, shall we say, a lot of fun. I had occaision to see and be with men of all races and body types. This is first person research we're talking about. The answer is no, black men are not all bigger. No, Samoan men aren't either, by the way. But you're all missing the point here. I know this is a guy thing and you may resent the fact that women read your stuff, but we do. The point you all need to understand is that yes, a big penis feels good inside a woman, but if the guy behind it is a jerk, so what? A man who is sensitive to a woman's needs, communicates well, moves with confidence and has a great deal of fun while having fun is going to SEEM to be a lot bigger than maybe he really is. Black men have been conditioned to feel that they are better lovers and so, dear brothers, they really really are. Not because of size, but because of attitude. It's a state of mind. One black man, JG, bless his heart forever, rented a beachfront room on Waikiki, had flowers and champagne delivered, soft music, warm oil massaged me, spent an hour totally focused on me (and then I on him) and we had the most fabulous sex of my life, bar none. He was maybe 5 inches max. But he didn't know that or care and I sure didn't either. There were a few well-hung E-3's who just wanted to do it on the floor in a gas station restroom or something, no class, no cool, no luck. I tell you this because I see so many of you totally obsessed with length and witdh, but hopefully you are increasing in your capacity to really make your woman feel loved in proportion to the results you're seeing on your Penis Enlargement work, if not, you'll just end up being a lonely dork with a big dick. So, no, black men aren't all bigger, but they are more smooth and confident in most cases. And yes, women like the FEEL of a larger penis, but not at the cost of being with a dull, self-absorbed, totally clueless penophobe. Just doing the Penis Enlargement work leads to imbalance if you aren't becoming a more caring and confident lover at the same time....FYI

lextheimpaler said:
It's a myth. one that has it's roots in racism. TRUST me. I got caught up in it too. My first black porno I saw, had Lex Steele, Mandingo and Jack Napier...I felt woefully inadequate.

That's why I got caught up in Penis Enlargement. I was not very sexually active, but the girls I have been with since have been.

Both have been with a number of men, black, white, asian...

one of them swore, I was the biggest, and had to call her sister and tell her...certain positions, were painful for both of these seasoned doggy style, etc...

I'm only 7.5 nbp X 5.5.

BTW, I've seen alot more "amateur" black adult entertainment, and trust me, that would crush the "myth"..nothing exciting there...It is a VERY destructful, negative thing..I think I'm even developing a complex now, because I am getting bigger, so I am fulfilling the "myth"...maybe I should stop Penis Enlargement' a protest!

(NOT) :)
Molly Jones said:
I know this subject has pretty much been beat to death, but it looks like it's back and I'd like to comment from a woman's viewpoint. I was young, single, hot and active in Hawaii in the 70's when VietNam was the big issue and Oahu was the major staging area for the pacific. Living on an island with six military bases full of healthy young men was, shall we say, a lot of fun. I had occaision to see and be with men of all races and body types. This is first person research we're talking about. The answer is no, black men are not all bigger. No, Samoan men aren't either, by the way. But you're all missing the point here. I know this is a guy thing and you may resent the fact that women read your stuff, but we do. The point you all need to understand is that yes, a big penis feels good inside a woman, but if the guy behind it is a jerk, so what? A man who is sensitive to a woman's needs, communicates well, moves with confidence and has a great deal of fun while having fun is going to SEEM to be a lot bigger than maybe he really is. Black men have been conditioned to feel that they are better lovers and so, dear brothers, they really really are. Not because of size, but because of attitude. It's a state of mind. One black man, JG, bless his heart forever, rented a beachfront room on Waikiki, had flowers and champagne delivered, soft music, warm oil massaged me, spent an hour totally focused on me (and then I on him) and we had the most fabulous sex of my life, bar none. He was maybe 5 inches max. But he didn't know that or care and I sure didn't either. There were a few well-hung E-3's who just wanted to do it on the floor in a gas station restroom or something, no class, no cool, no luck. I tell you this because I see so many of you totally obsessed with length and witdh, but hopefully you are increasing in your capacity to really make your woman feel loved in proportion to the results you're seeing on your Penis Enlargement work, if not, you'll just end up being a lonely dork with a big dick. So, no, black men aren't all bigger, but they are more smooth and confident in most cases. And yes, women like the FEEL of a larger penis, but not at the cost of being with a dull, self-absorbed, totally clueless penophobe. Just doing the Penis Enlargement work leads to imbalance if you aren't becoming a more caring and confident lover at the same time....FYI

Wonderfully said. Big dick dork...LOL! HA!
theres a lot to read in this thread and i skimmed quickly through some of it so forgive me if im repeating someone else.

it is a scientifically proven fact black men have on average bigger penises than white people, also asians have smaller.

i can't be buggered finding the proof, but it is there. look for yourself before trying to shoot this argument down.

if you have personally seen a black man with a big/small penis it means shit. in general, noones personal experiences count for shit when it comes to statistics.
Shithead said:
theres a lot to read in this thread and i skimmed quickly through some of it so forgive me if im repeating someone else.

it is a scientifically proven fact black men have on average bigger penises than white people, also asians have smaller.

i can't be buggered finding the proof, but it is there. look for yourself before trying to shoot this argument down.

if you have personally seen a black man with a big/small penis it means shit. in general, noones personal experiences count for shit when it comes to statistics.

Yes, well there are studies which seem to indicate that black men are a bit bigger on average, but there is one point to consider: most, if not all of the studies which ''prove'' this are done with the men measuring themselves. Now, you might logically assume that since society puts so much pressure on black men to excel in physical prowess and sexual activity, the threshold for exaggerating their own size just to live up to the stereotypes would also be significantly lower. I might also point out that there are studies from credible sources which indicate clearly that there is little if any difference between the sizes of blacks and whites. Eastern Asian men may be a tad smaller on average, but that is also probably due to their environment and diet. I've heard that Asian men living in western nations are not necessarily any smaller than their male counterparts from different races.

I think the biggest reason why the myth still persists is because the adult entertainment industry feeds it the fuel it needs to burn. There is a much greater demand for horse hung black men than there is for men of other nationalities/ethnic origins, so it's really no surprise that the ''black superstud'' is presented to a much greater degree in adult entertainment.

I just get so sick and tired of this age-old bullshit argument being rehashed over and over again. I will never be convinced that blacks are any bigger than whites on average until someone does a study in which the men DON'T measure themselves, and there are at least a thousand participants from each ethnic group.

And shithead, I think Molly's first hand experience (especially since she's had a LOT of it) counts for far more than some half-assed self-measure study.
I have to say one thing here. Molly has said something that I myself have known for a long while. A bigger cock might feel better to SOME (not all) women out there but as she said.. so what. It's the man behind the penis that counts, you gotta know how to treat a girl and be confident in yourselfs, what good is having a 10 incher and an asshole of a personality whos dull and lifeless to a women. As if she will stay with a bloke like that just for that simple reason, his 10 incher.
I am actually glad that I realised this in my self, (actually talking to a lot of open women about it) to get there viewpoints. I used to be a bit of an obsessive thinking size was so important, when it really isnt guys. If a women truly loves you for what you are she will accept anything in between your legs.
As society has deemed the black man as a great lover, they soon start getting an extreme heightened confidence about it and start to beleive they are and that it's true, and for this reason they have a great confidence level which is what women really want.
Just becuase Molly's greatest fucks were from black dudes doesnt mean they are the greatest lovers, it just means she has only met men from other races who are not confidenct and feel insecure, in comparison to the black blokes who had a very smooth attitude about it and high confidence.
At the end of the day we are all human and we all bleed red, which means that no one from any race is better than anyone else. It's individualism that counts, and if you know what really matters then we could be as great lovers as each other regardless of race.
Shithead said:
it is a scientifically proven fact black men have on average bigger penises than white people, also asians have smaller.

Which scientist was this? Come on, if it was proven then there would be no debate about it's validity.
Guess what Shithead?
I just found a study which demonstrates that white men are a bit bigger than black men when erect (it was stated that black men take the lead in flaccid size, though). So much for your ''scientific proof''... not that this study proves anything, either. Just to make a point: I SERIOUSLY doubt either group has a distinct advantage. These studies don't mean jack shit.
Do any of you white guys like myself get hit on ALOT by black women? It happens to me all the time. I love it :-) They are so different...anyway I was just wondering.
flyer0002 said:
its not just blacks, these stereotypical traits are usually carried throughout all tropical races, and its not a superiority thing, just genetic typing like irish with red hair.
and really are so many people obsessed with this? if its jealousy just fess up to it an dont act like black people are cocky jerks. ive always said im jealous of whites for straight hair and colored eyes.

I think it was just an innocent question. I have colored eyes and straight hair :P Why thank you rofl

Anyway, this question always comes up now and then. Don't worry about it.
Let's face the facts - I've seen alot of men naked in the gym lockers and
the myth doesn't "size up". Most men from my viewpoint were the same size.
Yea there were some fluctuations but it was from all races not just blacks
in particular.
copper_handshak said:
Do any of you white guys like myself get hit on ALOT by black women? It happens to me all the time. I love it :-) They are so different...anyway I was just wondering.

Well, the place where I live doesn't exactly have a bounty of black women, but when I go on vacation for example, then yes, it does happen to me a lot. I was also with a gorgeous black girl last summer. ;) Man, those lips.... ahhhhhhh... :drool:
She also complimented me on my lips, which are very full and 'sensual' according to her (what a gay word to describe them! :P ) . I do have big lips for a white dude. There's gotta be more than that, though. I think it's a combination of several of my traits that attracts black women.

I just wish there were more black hotties to go around in my hometown. I have a black friend (he's from Kenya originally), and he gets more attention than he wants from white girls. I guess opposites attract each other? At least in some cases.
I reckon Black men have the biggest cocks, from what I have seen on the net and in real life they seem to pack more.
White girls in the UK love the black meat, its the *thing* here with the younger generations that Black is men seem to have hoards of babes around them lol and nice white smiles hahahaha alot of my black mates got big dicks and have alot of the woman onto them, so yeah....somethings cookin, good look to the Black men who have it....nice people, so cheers.
i havnet read much of this thread but I have to agree, black dicks ARE bigger, for sure. come on now. over 95% of the black dicks u see on the net are big. ive seen black men in locker rooms and places, and i also think theyre bigger. hell, kausion420 is one of our black members and he was born with his cock being 9 inches.
I agree BeBoBox. Also, I think anyone trying to argue that everyone is created equal is just in denial. Why the need for racial pride? Who gives a shit if you're 'green' and someone else who is 'green' has a big or small dick.
thankyou for the few who agreed with me.

but to whoever it was saying that blacks only appear bigger to us because the ones in all the adult entertainment are only selected because they have to fit the stereotype of big. i suppose you'll say that all the asian men chosen to do adult entertainment are chosen because they fit the sterotype of small.

99% of black guys in adult entertainment are big, 99% of asians in adult entertainment are small. so if every race has equal average size, then why are they choosing small asian dicks.
I watch a lot of Japanese adult entertainment, and even some Japanese-male/white female ones (So what - I don't believe in just watching guys who look like me screw girls. Variety is cool.).

I saw this one porno with a Japanese guy screwing that young, pixie-like blonde pornstar Violet Blue. He looked to be about a good solid 7 inches long, with above average girth. Like all Japanese adult entertainment the private areas were pixelated, but this particular one was was VERY finely pixelated, to the point that you could clearly see the outline of the penis as she sucked on it or fucked him. After suckin' on that trout for a couple of minutes, she looks up at him with loving eyes and goes, "Ooh, pretty big." *points at his johnson* The guy was expressionless, maybe he didn't understand a word she was saying (understandable - it's their job to fuck for the camera, not make international communication) - but imagine how much he would've smiled if he had understood her! My Japanese friend lends me his collection of Jap guy/white girl adult entertainment, and some guys are actually about average or a bit above average. I would say on average a bit over 6 inches, and fairly thick. There indeed are Japanese guys with woeful penises, but I was surprised to find some that were pretty damn hung, at least by non-adult entertainment/Penis Enlargement standards. These guys could easily be as big as many of you here if they say down for hours on end tugging their dicks, doing jelqs and whatnot. rofl

I have also seen adult entertainment pictures of black guys who were really pitifully hung, relative to their muscular build. I mean it would take a lot of effort to find those instances of black adult entertainment that has pencil-dick black guys (that's another issue altogether - adult entertainment producers obviously only hire black men who are hung, and furthermore under-hung black guys arne't likely to turn up for adult entertainment auditions, are they? Duh... but more on that perhaps on another day) so I won't - but if I run into them again I promise to post them.

And finally I very much dislike 'Shithead's attitude on race and stereotype. How archaic, and how silly. By his reasoning he would nod enthusiastically and agree wholeheartedly when a black person tells him (assuming he's white) that whites are athletically inferior to blacks, and when an Asian man calls him an idiot because he belongs to a racial group that consistently scores lower on standardized tests than his ethnic group does. If that happens I would have no sympathy for 'Shithead' as racism begets racism in return - it's totally justified.

His way of thinking is a slap in the face of Progress. Plain and simple. Let's cut that shit out.
Blu said:
I watch a lot of Japanese adult entertainment, and even some Japanese-male/white female ones (So what - I don't believe in just watching guys who look like me screw girls. Variety is cool.).

I saw this one porno with a Japanese guy screwing that young, pixie-like blonde pornstar Violet Blue. He looked to be about a good solid 7 inches long, with above average girth. Like all Japanese adult entertainment the private areas were pixelated, but this particular one was was VERY finely pixelated, to the point that you could clearly see the outline of the penis as she sucked on it or fucked him. After suckin' on that trout for a couple of minutes, she looks up at him with loving eyes and goes, "Ooh, pretty big." *points at his johnson* The guy was expressionless, maybe he didn't understand a word she was saying (understandable - it's their job to fuck for the camera, not make international communication) - but imagine how much he would've smiled if he had understood her! My Japanese friend lends me his collection of Jap guy/white girl adult entertainment, and some guys are actually about average or a bit above average. I would say on average a bit over 6 inches, and fairly thick. There indeed are Japanese guys with woeful penises, but I was surprised to find some that were pretty damn hung, at least by non-adult entertainment/Penis Enlargement standards. These guys could easily be as big as many of you here if they say down for hours on end tugging their dicks, doing jelqs and whatnot. rofl

I have also seen adult entertainment pictures of black guys who were really pitifully hung, relative to their muscular build. I mean it would take a lot of effort to find those instances of black adult entertainment that has pencil-dick black guys (that's another issue altogether - adult entertainment producers obviously only hire black men who are hung, and furthermore under-hung black guys arne't likely to turn up for adult entertainment auditions, are they? Duh... but more on that perhaps on another day) so I won't - but if I run into them again I promise to post them.

And finally I very much dislike 'Shithead's attitude on race and stereotype. How archaic, and how silly. By his reasoning he would nod enthusiastically and agree wholeheartedly when a black person tells him (assuming he's white) that whites are athletically inferior to blacks, and when an Asian man calls him an idiot because he belongs to a racial group that consistently scores lower on standardized tests than his ethnic group does. If that happens I would have no sympathy for 'Shithead' as racism begets racism in return - it's totally justified.

His way of thinking is a slap in the face of Progress. Plain and simple. Let's cut that shit out.

Damn fucking straight.
whoa whoa hold on, your putting a dam lot of words in my mouth.

its a fact that races have different physical features, right? now if i point out that fact, it in no way means i am judging one race over another.

asians are probably shorter on average than black people, does that make them different in quality of a human being? noway.

i have no idea how you read racism into my statement "black people have bigger dicks". unless of course your attitude is that a bigger dick makes a better person. which in that case i completely disagree with you and your judging ways.

please correct me if i've misinterpreted what you've said.
sssg said:
This Universal Question Has Been Asked Black Men Really Have Larger Cocks Than Men Of Other Races???what Do You Think??? How Do You Know???

There was a fellow on this site, Jamaican Joe, who had a big pecker. I do not know what happened to him? A friend of mine saw a picture of Joe once on this site. He said that he had a dick at least 8 inches long. Now whether this is the norm I do not know. But if you read what RED said I think he is correct, and some black blokes have bigger cocks.
REDZULU2003 said:
I reckon Black men have the biggest cocks, from what I have seen on the net and in real life they seem to pack more.
White girls in the UK love the black meat, its the *thing* here with the younger generations that Black is men seem to have hoards of babes around them lol and nice white smiles hahahaha alot of my black mates got big dicks and have alot of the woman onto them, so yeah....somethings cookin, good look to the Black men who have it....nice people, so cheers.

Yes I think you are correct there RED, The bloke down the street Sidney Sidebottem, came over to my place last week to give Ermgard, a taist of the good life. Man I watched him fuck her till she could not stand. His pecker was at least nine inches long. Never mind, I shall regain my old self one day, I think that I have already gained about 1/4" in three months. At this rate I shall only be 95 before I get my 7 inches back.
Some of the things you say Adolf Im not sure if you are serious or not. Part of me wants to laugh but then the other half doesn't because you just may be serious.

I have heard of this Jamaican Joe character and from what I hear he is a troll and RED's arch enemy lol...
No, black cocks are not bigger, and black men are not better fucks. It is an individual by individual thing. The media has decided to portray black men that way since the mid-90s just like they did with french men during the 70s and 80s.
Its just more bullshit ment to divide and sell to. Next it will be mexican men, probably around 2007 until 2017. Its all so predictable, I could puke.
The problem is that when black men fall out of favor with the media they are going to be in alot of trouble socially because of their behavior. Higher incidents of sexual aggression, crime...not just in the USA but world wide. Its turning everyone of to that group of people. (black men). As soon as Nike decides to start using that latest Latino star to sell their shoes and soccer takes over basketball in popularity black men are going to stop being a protected species. Then what? People will look at the vastly higher amount of crimes committed by black men then men of other groups, and kick their asses to the curb, which will be to bad.
That second paragraph has to be the most ignorant bullshit I have read in ages. Maybe you have some personal reason to hate blacks but try and keep your ignorant comments to yourself.

Yes maybe blacks arent bigger than any other race. I can tell you that rumour started a lot longer than just the 90's. The first cases of those rumours started when white people brought black slaves over from africa. I can assure you it wasn't a black man that started those rumours.

One thing I do notice in adult entertainment is obvious. Of course a black guy with a small cock is not going to do adult entertainment. Most white dudes I see in adult entertainment arent small either although you see small of both races in ameteur. The blacks I see doing adult entertainment like Lex, Napier, Biggz and Mandingo are massive end of story. The whites I see seem thicker and the blacks seem longer.

As far as spors and such I know soccer will never become more popular in America than Basketball. The nike comments and such made me laugh though. It's funny how you can call someone a shithead for saying something that doesn't even concern you personally and was said through much reasearch, yet you make very ignorant and personal comments to which you have no prior education.

Oh ya and as far as black being crime lords worldwide. I can assure you that is not the case here in Canada. Our media does a better job at targetting individuals and not groups as far as crime. Everytime I watch US news they seem to enjoy singling out groups which is why you may think that because US has black crime the whole world would too.
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copper_handshak said:
protected species

Protected species??

Listen to yourself man you sound like a KKK follower. So blacks are now a species as apposed to a race? so blacks according to you are sub-human?
How fucking dare you suggest that Im am a racist. KKK members and you have far more in common. The Illuminati running things, world population control through geniocide brought about using disease created by Nazi scientists...that is the same type of paranoid bullshit those KKK fools spout.
In college I dated black girls almost exclusivly. Try that in Tyler, Texas. The rednecks and black panther types were all shittin bricks when my girlfriends and I walked by. We would stop and kiss in front of them. She and I would double date with another inter-racial couple and often had sex in the same hotel room. Ive been there Kausion. Have you?
The media is rapeing black people in this nation. Nike portrays sports as the only way black males can make anything out of themselvs...Nike sweats black males into shelling out $200 for shoes by making these young men think they need them to represent and to be real men. Nike doesnt give a fuck about black neighborhoods. How come their not makin those shoes in those neighbor hoods, givin the people jobs?
Right now blacks in the US are enjoying the status of being media darlings. Portrayed as 'real men', beyond reproach, can get away with murder. That is going to change soon. It will be Latins next. The blacks in this country need get on it and get with it. Because when they become fair game for the ignorant script writers and dumbass advertising executives they (blacks) are going to be in a world of hurt. I dont want to see that happen.
Im sorry but when you write a paragraph like the one you stated earlier how am I not supposed to see it as ignorant racism??? Especially when you claim black people are a species. Don't say things if you don't like the reaction you will get from them.

Its not about being paranoid its about having an open mind towards things. Shutting yourself out from things right infront of you doesn't help things. I hope you have a great time finding the truth through your TV screen because CNN is the ultimate truth...
copper_handshak said:
We would stop and kiss in front of them. She and I would double date with another inter-racial couple and often had sex in the same hotel room. Ive been there Kausion. Have you?

Well obviously I wasn't there at the same time. I am black if you haven't figured that part out. I have dated white girls and I have kissed them infront of those who thought the fact that we were together was disgusting.

If that is what you are referring to then ya in a way i have been there.

As far as the KKK sprouting paranoid dillusions about the Illuminati, your way off. They spread paranoid thoughts about black people being a "species" and how we are going to rape their women. The Nazi's don't spread paranoid dillusions about the Illuminati because at their prime they were freemasonry members (a branch of the Illuminati). Hitler stated so in "Mein Kempf"
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copper_handshak said:
How come their not makin those shoes in those neighbor hoods, givin the people jobs?

The answer to that is very simple. They have sweat shops in Taiwan and places for that which is where most shoes are made. Also keep in mind that these sweat shop kids making these shoes make a couple cents an hour. For them to give those jobs to a community in America they would have to pay minimum wage which would lower their profits.
species= A population of individuals that are more or less alike, and that are able to breed and produce fertile offspring under natural conditions. We are all sub-species of Homo Sapiens.
Not an insult. Let go of it.

Check out the magazine 'skeptical inquirer', its an interesting one.

I take almost everything I see on TV with a grain of salt (extreme skeptisim). I also treat conspiracy theorist the same way.

Population control is achieved through education and health care.
I know a guy who feels that the prevelance of gay couples on TV is an attempt to control population. You believe that HIV\AIDS was created and disperesed by the USA to control population. I think your both nuts. You seem more interesting though.
copper_handshak said:
species= A population of individuals that are more or less alike, and that are able to breed and produce fertile offspring under natural conditions. We are all sub-species of Homo Sapiens.
Not an insult. Let go of it.

your definition is somewhat loose.
copper_handshak said:
I know a guy who feels that the prevelance of gay couples on TV is an attempt to control population.

Im not sure what he means by control population. However what he has to say brings up an interesting point in some articles I have read about social engineering.

It claims these homosexual shows you see suddenly springing up are an attempt to overtime make males in the society less hostile. Flooding the TV with sex driven adds keeps the male mind off of a lot of things and also conditions men to be pussy whipped (lack of a better word).

Anyway, the end result of these articles was saying once the truth comes out from the closet and it is obvious what is really going on men will be too estrogen driven to react appropriately.

A quote:
"How fortunate for leaders, that the masses do not think." - Hitler
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Ah, the return of the age-old question. Well, as a black male, I have been confronted with this question much of my adolescent and adult life. It definitely puts a bit of pressure of you to live up to the "black standard," so to speak. Now, we know that throughout history lots of mythology has circulated about the Mandingo-sized dicks that black males possess. Undoubtedly, some do. But the million dollar question is whether this extradordinary size is prevelant enough in the black male population to make the average for the group significantly larger than the average for other groups. The answer is: I don't know, and it really doesn't make much difference for the following reasons:

1. I have worked out for years, played sports, and caught glimpses of many a unit in the shower. Granted they were rarely erect (but this actually works in favor of my point b/c conventional wisdom has it that black men tend to be showers and others growers), but I have seen some some gargantuan white and Latino dicks and some rather average or smaller than average black ones. True, I have glimpsed some rather large black dicks over the years, but they certainly weren't a dime a dozen.

2. Most so-called scientific studies on penis size rely on self-reporting. All it takes is a quick visit to the "Picture Proof" section of this board and a glance at the debates over some poster's "actual" size and you quickly realize that self-reports of any sort aren't considered very trustworthy. Other studies that control for these discrepancies by having third parties measure almost always have too few black men in the sample to say anything meaningful about racial differences. Then, of course, there is always the question of whether any of the samples are actually representative of the implied general populations.

3. Penis Enlargement may be the great equalizer -- IF indeed there is a difference. The more interesting question for me is whether there is a racial difference among those who actively engage in Penis Enlargement. As a black male, I can see how other black males might be motivated to engage in Penis Enlargement to attain the elusive "black standard," but do so covertly for fear of others knowing about their natural "shortcoming." Indeed, for what it's worth, I've noticed that white men seem to be more likely to walk around the locker room uncovered than black men are. Could it be that some black men are restrained by the fear that they may be exposed as falling short of "black standard," while white men are more free with their bodies because they feel the standard doesn't pertain to them?

I'd be interested in your thoughts on this.
brianrex said:
Ah, the return of the age-old question. Well, as a black male, I have been confronted with this question much of my adolescent and adult life. It definitely puts a bit of pressure of you to live up to the "black standard," so to speak. Now, we know that throughout history lots of mythology has circulated about the Mandingo-sized dicks that black males possess. Undoubtedly, some do. But the million dollar question is whether this extradordinary size is prevelant enough in the black male population to make the average for the group significantly larger than the average for other groups. The answer is: I don't know, and it really doesn't make much difference for the following reasons:

1. I have worked out for years, played sports, and caught glimpses of many a unit in the shower. Granted they were rarely erect (but this actually works in favor of my point b/c conventional wisdom has it that black men tend to be showers and others growers), but I have seen some some gargantuan white and Latino dicks and some rather average or smaller than average black ones. True, I have glimpsed some rather large black dicks over the years, but they certainly weren't a dime a dozen.

2. Most so-called scientific studies on penis size rely on self-reporting. All it takes is a quick visit to the "Picture Proof" section of this board and a glance at the debates over some poster's "actual" size and you quickly realize that self-reports of any sort aren't considered very trustworthy. Other studies that control for these discrepancies by having third parties measure almost always have too few black men in the sample to say anything meaningful about racial differences. Then, of course, there is always the question of whether any of the samples are actually representative of the implied general populations.

3. Penis Enlargement may be the great equalizer -- IF indeed there is a difference. The more interesting question for me is whether there is a racial difference among those who actively engage in Penis Enlargement. As a black male, I can see how other black males might be motivated to engage in Penis Enlargement to attain the elusive "black standard," but do so covertly for fear of others knowing about their natural "shortcoming." Indeed, for what it's worth, I've noticed that white men seem to be more likely to walk around the locker room uncovered than black men are. Could it be that some black men are restrained by the fear that they may be exposed as falling short of "black standard," while white men are more free with their bodies because they feel the standard doesn't pertain to them?

I'd be interested in your thoughts on this.

Brian, Was it you that I interviewed as the black male in the size study? I can't recall.

AlloyCG said:
Brian, maybe I missed something - you're black? I don't see anything black about you in your pics. Just light-skinned?
Racial mix.

In my assemptions one of Brians parents are light-skinned-black and the other italian or caucasian.

But lets make Brian tell us. :)
doublelongdaddy said:
Brian, Was it you that I interviewed as the black male in the size study? I can't recall.


Yes, DLD, I do believe it was me. That was some time ago. What ever became of the study, man?
GhosT_DoGG said:
Racial mix.

In my assemptions one of Brians parents are light-skinned-black and the other italian or caucasian.

But lets make Brian tell us. :)

Both of my parents identify as African American/black, as do my grandparents on both sides. I just happen to be toward the lighter end of the skin color continuum in the family. Damn, I guess I have to get more sun, lol.

(FYI -- My dick is naturally darker than the rest of my body, it's not just due to Penis Enlargement.)
brianrex said:
Both of my parents identify as African American/black, as do my grandparents on both sides. I just happen to be toward the lighter end of the skin color continuum in the family. Damn, I guess I have to get more sun, lol.

(FYI -- My dick is naturally darker than the rest of my body, it's not just due to Penis Enlargement.)

Yeah, I was going to say you looked African American/black to me and that there can be a huge variance in skin tones. For example, I am fairly sure Colin Powell's parents/grandparents identify as black, yet look how pale he is. In fact biracial people could have darker skin tones than "all black" people or could even be lighter than "all white" people.

Which brings me to another point ( may have been discussed but not sure) concerning this as well as cock size and any other trait attributed to race. If I am not mistaken, genetically, there can be much more variance intraracially than interracially. Meaning, black and white human beings ( especially so I would assume in the West and in "America" in particular) are gentically very very close and have almost exactly the same DNA. So much so that if you took a random black guy, his DNA could be closer to a random white guy than a another random black guy. There is that much variance within the given "race." IMO this pretty much debunks or renders most racial stereotypes such as IQ or penis size ( even if statistics support it) irrelevant.