Well-known member
Well I dont have a SET routine anymore.
I do 1 on 1 off / 3 on 4 off / 2 on 1 off or whatever.
I always make sure I do 2/3 sessions a week minimum.

I only do Stretching exercises, plus one width exercise.

I do VERY strong intense stretches using rolling pins and high angles of attack on my ligs/tunica.

I make sure I get the Lig burnt and really stretched heach session, which lasts around 30/45 minutes.

I do lay down stretches [Like lazy ass / and leg under]
Quick Jerks.
Squat Stretches.
Sit-up stretches.
And many types of advanced stretches using alsorts of angles of attack and rollin pins, juts basiccly making sure I get them worked out and sore.

I do the presser exercise which is a width builder.

I am now over 7 inches erect girth, just around 8 inches erect lenght, 2' erect width.

I will post the update to these soon.

I will keep this updaed as I go
hey red ...i know you and your routine.....if you keep up those insane stretches you gonna pull your pecker i seen where you are well over the 8 inch mark .......congrats ......
RED's getting into monster status with that crazy girth of his! Length time I'm guessing! Could you please explain your rollpin exercises for all the people here? Pweeeeeeese :D

Well my starting stats were

Erect length = 6.6'
Erect Girth = 5.5'
Flaccid Length = 3/3.5'
Flaccid Girth = ?????
Erect Width = ?????
Flaccid Width = ?????
Erect Volume = ?????


Measured last night for the Pride Penis comp' at that site each month.

Erect Length = 8.25'
Erect Girth = 7.3 / 7.4'
Flaccid Length = 5.80 to 6' [Varies around this]
Flaccid Girth = 6.2'
Erect width = 2/2.1'
Flaccid width = 1.7'
Erect volume = 35.47 Cubic Iinches / 1.23 LB [Pounds]


I have been doing NPenis Enlargement for very near 2 years now, but not consistant.
I did like 4 months consistant at first than on and off, than none at all, than bits here and their and than 6/7 months consistant and now here and their.

I NEVER used to fo ANY stretching till recent, like last few months, plus thats why my girth is huge and my length not caught it up, or vise versa.


I do NPenis Enlargement whenever I can, I try to do at least 2/3 sessions a week and VERY hard and intense, its unreal ) I am covered in sweat and sore as hell down their when I finished, than I swing ma cock around and shout out like a gorilla

Its all good fun and I enjoy it, but very buisy at times.

Anyway as for the Rollin pjn thing:
Just get a rollin pin and do this:

Pull ya flaccid willy out and place the pin right at the base, in a way like a crow bar trying to break/wrench a lock off.

Pull ya cock out and do this action with the rollin pin, but in the opposite way of the pin.
This creates a GREAT tug and works well for the Tunica.

I remember a guy named Johan, from Thunderz mentioning he does the same thing but with a metal pipe,
Also he and I do Blasters while doing these, ya should feel a good stretch and even a burn feel.
red i got an idea for an exercise ...i dont think there is anything out like it yet or i haven't seen or heard of it ....but b4 i do it or tell the idea here i would like to run it by you first see if you think it is worth trying so i will pm you about it tonite or tom. morn. so be sure to check your private messages ...and let me kno what you think ....but personaly i think my idea will be a good extreme exercises .......

good news im 7 inches now. I accomplished that first goal. I will now attempt my next goal by trying to get a 8incher. Can u look at my routine in the routine sect and see if it looks good to you. I like your ongoin plan thread by the way:D

Penis Enlargementace
Just finised doing a 50/60 minute session.

I did what I always do plus a few Penis Isometrics , which make the tendons and ligs be able to stretch further than ever.


I felt a few burns, a very sharp one to my left ligs on two occasions.
I didnt do any Sit-up streches today and very few Tunica rollin-pin strehces.
Tunica not really worked today, I chose not to.

I didnt do my clock/joystick strehces at FULL intensity like I mostly do.

I still did the Squat stretches very hard and good.
I missed the prostate massege out THIS TIME.
Also the erect bend was missed as well, plus the flaccid jelq.

I did do >

1] Squat Stretches
2] Few Jerks
3] Joystick and Clock stretches
4] Very vew Tunica stretches [rollin-pin]
5] Modified Lay-down stretch [The sides of the penis] DID ALOT and VERY intense
6] The presser
7] Circulation shakes [More this time]
8] The Roller Did this very intense with a turniquet around my cock at erect, made it go past 100% erect size.
9] Burn stretch


I have also been messin with new techniques with the Rolling pin.
I get it so thats it on top of my cock with my legs over each end, than I pull the penis upwards and hold, this is a great stretch.
I can feel the ligs on this very much.
Did a few of these.
Anything like this I call EXTRAS, methods that I just bundle in.
My cock is know sore when touched at the base.
The skin/tendons/ligs to the side REALLY got a good stretch in the modified lay down.
I could see the ligs at the very corner of the angle of the penis base where it meets the leg joint.

I can still feel the ligs as well, especially that left one.


I also mess with another new method.
When I come down on the Squat, I now sometimes from time to time when near the floor I stay crouched and pull my cock down and pull the rest of ma body up alittle so to make a stretch. While doing this I pull my cock left, right and hold it for say 5/10 seconds.
This really seems to stretch the base area, and I can feel it afterwards indeed.

It got to a point today where I COULD NOT do anymore lig work if I made ma self as I was experincing pain if I did.

So I guess thats I good workout?
I MIGHT do another session tonight, like a quick 15 minute one made up of Tunica stretches, the squat, ATS Roller, Erect bends and lay downs.

The ATS Roller really is an amazing exercise.
It gets the width and head HUGE.

I like that exercise the most, plus the squat and burner stretches, which are a modified 'A' stretch by DLD, I get a good stretch and pull , but I also have a vitamin tug on the top of the penis [near base] and the arm I pull with pushes down on this while the cock is being pulled out, this results in a GREAT maximum lig stretch when a reverse kegel is used as well.
The burn feeling results.

Anyways I have had a good1.

Okay I have completly redone my routine, and will fully get into it tommorow Thursday.

Here it is >>>>

1) Do 800/1000 wet jelqs at 90/100% erect everyday.
Do them mixture of slow [3 secs] to fast [1 secs] movements and
hard grip, A-Okay palms down and palms up.

Will have these 800/1000 reps broken up thru' the day.


2) Do 200 Redzulu dry jelqs each day as well.


3) Do about 20 minutes [2 ten min' sessions] ATS Rollers each day


4) Do some Testicle hanging daily


5) Do some Penis hanging daily

Also I do kegels, mixture of reverse and normal plus I do Penis Isometrics from time to time.


Also taking my pills reguler daily

* Multi vitamin + minerals
* Cranberry Extract
* Zinc
* Ginkgo Biloba
* Korean Ginseng
* Cod Liver Oil


The above plan is really made for length now.
I know for a fact that the Wet jelq will give good length results.
The Arabs ONLY used the wet jelq, 7 days on and they gained great.
I need to take ma time with this.
I should see within about 3 months of doing the above for 7 on 0 off, some sort of gains.
O yea I forgot to mention I will also be doing Prostate Pumping [Balooning] reguler, along with messin about for say 30 mins 'extra time' during sessions with old fav' stretches and the Erect twister by the German Stallion.
I have decided to do just the Hanging / Redzee Jelqs for the time being [2 weeks] on a 5 on 2 off or 6 on 1 off shedule.

My girth has increased ever so, only a few days of my RedZee Dry jelqs.
Keep ya posted.
And my Hanging is unbelivable, the stretch is awesome.
I never had my ligs/tendons/skin fatigued like this EVER.
I know with my new motivation and confidence that I will be bigger than most average men, I want length and am gunna fucking get it one way or DLD said......Die trying if I have to.......I will.
As for my update:

Things seem to be going okay,
I have done this plan for 6 days now [1 rest day] but have not missed aday of the 20 minute 10lb BTC hanging.
I really feel the stretch like never before.
I lie on the bed with the weight hanging of, my legs elevated in the air and held.
I than slowly over the 20 mins' lower my legs so that they eventually after 15 mins' come to touch my arse, so I get a maximum stretch.
I also do the reverse kegel alot in my hanging, the pull is amazing its great.

I have a few bugs, like I am going to get the hanger to hang lower down the shaft, so I get more pull on the actual shaft [tunicae] than all on the ligs/tendons.

But I can feel the effects from the session more than 12 hours later.
I am soon probably tommorow, going to do 30 minutes instead of 20.
I feel I can now go this distance.

After a hang, I go to the bathroom, apply cold water for 1 minute, than apply a hot wrap for another minute, than another cold one, and again the hot wrap.

This is done for 5 mins' or so and is to help circulation/health/healing/growth of the penis but the cold actually helps the nerves more, as hanging can effect them more this helps remove alot if any swelling caused.

Also I still do my RedZee Dry jelqs, but not on a reguler set plan, I do them whenever BUT I am going to starting tommorow gunna do 400 daily, split into 2 sets of 200 reps.
I will also include the ATS Rollers as well.

But for now its just the hanging, I think it looks abit longer flaccid but its early days yet.
Right okay,
I didnt do a full session lastnight as I had alittle tenderness in the ligs from a pre-session the night before, I did just 5 mins' ligament hanging with 10LB and a new workout....I did Tunicae Hanging, that focuses on the actual penis tissue getting stretched...this is done by having the weight device attached the same way, but I lie on the bed face down, with the weight hanging off....also I elavated abit at the front so not leaning into the device.
This way I get a good tug upwards on the penis, thus the Tunicae is stretched.

I will do this from now on.
Doing a 20 minute 10LB sesssion just like with the ligament work.

I aint cemented the ATS Rollers / RedZee D' Jelqs into the routine yet, but do a few RedZee's when I can, they work well for swelling the girth, I will do them more often probably getting into it tommorow than I will see after a few weeks if they really work.

Also I am trying a new way to hang from the method I use now.
I went to a vetarans site [Tom Hubbard-hanging god] and looked around for homemade stuff.
I found a good little device named the AFB.
It is so simple to make, uses the same concept as you would do using your index fingers pulling out the penis.
It can be done in 10 minutes or so.

The website is
It has visuals their as well, really good help.
I aint tryed it yet on me, but have tryed it with a rod as the penis, and it seems to work okay, later on I will try it and see if its better than the one I currently use.

I have done example pictures of this device that I done, with the pipe as the penis, I'll post them up here tommorow.

Two nights ago I had a hard session.
My left side [penis] at the top base, was really sore during and after my usual 20 min' 10lb BTC hang with the AFB set-up.
It really hurt.
I thought it was the lig' but it was the skin, it was red and rubbed abit.
I managed to also do 10 minutes of Fulcrum Hanging, same AFB Set-up with 10lb.
MAN did I feel it in the Tunicae, GREAT.


Lastnight I did NO EXERCISE, as I thought it best to leave it out so my skin to heal some.
The skin seams fine now so later on I gunna do the usual.
I will also do a few wet jelqs and extras hopefully.

I am now currently seeking out a more secure platform to be attached to the penis, currently its the bandage.
But when the AFB is attached it slips some, only some but I dont want it to near the head [glans] so I will be seeking more better materials, like Latex.
I used a wash cloth the other night, it was better grip than the bandage but it made them marks I mentioned.
So I may go back that route, but next time make sure the cloth is abit damp before using it.
Two nights ago I did the usual again

x1 20 minute 10lb BTC Ligament hanging
x1 20 minute 10lb Fulcrum Tunicae Hanging

It went well.
The Tunicae was VERY INTENSE. Jeez I can really feel the internal penis getting pulled like never before on any manuel exercise.

Lig' work went fine also, the soreness on the skin aint as bad.#

New stuff today was that I did a few wet jelqs before and after each session, both erect and flaccid states.
This got the blood going / circulation and I think may help with the Tunicae stretching as the tissue is already Knackered some.


Lastnight again the workout went fine.
Same as above.
This time I tryed a new method on the ligament hanging.
Instead of lying all over the bed [back] I sat on a desk with legs up over a chair.
It was good, felt the ligs' no real pain in the skin but it could have been better I think.

The Tunicae stuff was intense as usual and I really felt it.

Tonight I will be trying another new method on my ligament work again, this time I am now going to do another method to really hit the ligs.
Gunna lie across the bed face down, have the weight hanging of the end, and I'll be on all fours bent over with penis area touching the bed, so it REALLY does go into the cheek area.

I tryed it briefly last night at the end of the lig' session for 2 minutes or so and MAN ITS REALLY Hardcore on the lig' area and doesnt hurt the skin too much PLUS its quite comfortable as am lay down.
This is really BTC [Behind The Cheek] stretching, as it is toauching the arse hole, cant go much further on the ligs really.
Also when the Reverse Kegel is applyed WOW its incredible, never fealt an intense pull like it period.

I will try it tonight see how it really goes for 20 minutes before deciding a final method.
Also Ii will continue with the Wet Jeql warm-ups and downs.
Here's my bi-daily update:

3rd August:
I did X1 20 minute 10lb BTC hang.
I used the new method I mentioned above and it is ALOT better than any other I done for ligament stretching.
I have tobe very careful when I apply the reverse kegel as the ligs are pulled sooooooo tight.

I didn't do any work on my Tunicae I was going to but I was sooooooooo exhausted that I had to sleep


4th August:
I did NOTHING at all on this day reason being I was SOOOOOO Buisy and I had more on at work
But while masturbating in private I noticed that my erection seems bigger, I don't think am seeing things either, but I'd say its 0.25 [(1/3) (1 quarter of an inch)] longer BP.
It looks abit longer for sure, also in flaccid as well.

My orgasms are AMAZING now as well.
I had 4/5 in a row while masturbating before roaring and cumming all over the place.

I WILL do my exercises tonight,
hopefully tommorow morning before work I will do an extra to make up for lastnight

But it seems that I am slowly getting their.

Wait till ma girl gets back from S'America shes gunna get the poke of her life

5th August

I did the usual stuff I do, hanging.
It went good, I really felt the stretch in the Tunicae, which I say all the time but its great....the whole Tunicae is stretched and I have myself positioned so that a Torsion like stretch effect is created.


6th August

I Did 100% Nuthin
I was just SO worn out, I had to sleep. Ya know the feeling when after a hard day you must sleep?
But you wonna do the exercises but cant as ya feel like hell? well one of them.
But it wont do me any harm, an odd day off may/and has helped me in the past.

I only had 3 days of now in 2 weeks [14 days] so 11 outta 14 days I have done, which is good I think for someone whos getting back into a program and not done weights before.
But I must be consistant.
Okay heres my update for lastnight.

7th August:

Deff' one of the best workouts I have ever had.
Everything got a hammering lastnight.

I did the usual stuff :lol as always.
But I messed about again with new sitting arangements while doing them.
I can get my penis Ligs BTC stretched right behind my bum crack and when I do a s l i g h t Reverse kegel I can feel the ligs under more pressure NEVER fealt it like that before, its very intense.
The left ligament started to hurt ONLY A LITTLE.

The Tunicae work went down a rush as well.
I fealt the brunt of the weight on the inside tunicae near the testicles.

I am also going to experiment with 15lb's of weight tonight, so it keeps a better pull on the stuff am exercising.

I can already notice some stretch marks on the skin.

Ill keep yaz all informed.
Heres my update for the last two nights:

August 8th:

Nothing done [Had to rest to get rid of red spots and soreness to head]

August 9th:

Nothing done [Rested again to make sure that the red-spots and soreness to head was gone]

So I missed two nights in a row :bang not summut I like to do, but I thought its better safe than sorry as I had ALOT of red spots on my head area that night, with soreness at the tip.
The reddies and soreness has now gone so tonight I am gunna hammer it.

Thats 12/17 days I have worked out now since doing weights.
I only missed 5 days in just over 2 weeks.
This aint bad really if you think about it, as its like doing 5 on and 2 off.
I just gunna keep at it and NEVER EVER have do less than 5 workouts a week.
I still aint measured yet either, I will do tonight.
August 10th

Did the same as I always do except I used an extra 2.50lb of weight, so I was on 12.50lb in each session, from 10lb.

The sessions went fine, I got into the best positions so I really attacked the ligaments/Tunicae.
I REALLY fealt it in both, I have really Tuned my ligament work to an art now, never got so much burns and good stretch before.

Only problem was I had TWO Slips [The device came of in session] and I ended up with a MONSTER red spot, well it was purple/black :D , NO PAIN AT ALL, their was alot of small reddies around the penis as well.
All around the foreskin area, caused as this was dragged out thru' the device so the blood was forced in their and burst the capillieries.
I didn't however damage the actual penis, this was just the skin of it so it dun't really matter to much.

I did an extra 5 minutes on the ligaments as a result of this, which = 25 overall.

I had the same problem again with the Tunicae, this time no spots.
I added 10 extra mins' to that session which made ot 30 minutes.
I had the Sock or Scarf wrapped around my penis [as usual] and I know it wasnt the weight increase as I had this much minor happen before, no dought it's because I was really hammering the areas with extra Torsion while in the positions, so this made my penis slip.

I now know next time.
But all in all it went really good.


August 11th

I have decided not to do any Tonight as I still have the purple spot the size of a five pence on my foreskin, and another smaller one on the foreskin side, with smaller reddies here and their.
It'll be okay no problem, this is a minor thing and is just the skin but I don't wonna get more added on top tonight making it worse.
I aint really missing out as its like 1 on 1 off, this is how ya gotta think when ya gotta rest, no question.


Tommorow, I am going to get back into action this time with 15lb's of weight used in both sessions [Lig'/Tunicae] albeit still at 20 minutes.
I will also reinforce the device so that I don't get the slipages like I have been getting.
I step up to 15lb's [5lb more] simply because I have strong ligs'/tunicae, only do X1 session aday and need the areas hammering, better than light weights at getting the stretch potential, I also have to fidgit and mess around applying extra Torsion like movements while in my device as I need more weight at times to feel a constant slightly painful tug.
I feel that one needs to feel a constant slight pain when hanging as it shows the area is getting a good allrounder.
So this is where the extra weight comes in ya see.


More laterz
August 12th

It was another good set-up.
This time I used 15lb's on both Tunicae and Ligament sets.
I fealt the extra 5lb's and it really helped ALOT, get the areas more worn and fatigued.
I did 5 minutes on the ligs to see how it went, all was good so I got into a nice position [Lay on desk with legs up in air over chair while weights hanging of the edge of desk] I really fealt the ligs' I had some nice burns as well; was in this for 25 minutes, so thats 30 minutes total for ligament hanging that night.

The Tunicae was also very good.
I used a new position, I lay on my side again on the desk with the weight hanging off.
I lay on my side which is more comfortable and surprisingly gives you more of a stretch, or maybe that was the weight increase???? either way I really fealt the pull on the Tunicae, especially at the top, wear the anus is [Hidden part].
I lay on both sides just to make sure that if their was a biased stretch on either side it would be equaled out this way.

I did 15 minutes of Tunicae work.
I also didnt take of the AFB [Device] at all during these sessions like I would do, I coudn't be bothred.
I however didn't get any injuries/coldness AT ALL, which is pretty damm good for 45/50 minutes non-stop hanging.

After I unwrapped, I always check over my manhood making sure its all okay and that.
I slap it about abit to get the circulation going.
I noticed that my penis looked longer than before after this session.
I don't think I was seeing things either.
My penis was hanging nicely at 6/6.5 inches BP Flaccid length and looked really impressive.
I normally hang at 5.5/5.8 inches so I was really happy with this.
It went back to normal after 30/45 minutes as the blood gets back to normal.
I also noticed something else, another positive note.
I noticed after the session that I had a 'Vein-Like' line running from the top base middle to say the mid-point of my penis [2/3 inches in length or so visible].
It was hard to touch, it wasn't dead visible, but you could make it out.
I was flaccid the whole time, and normally I can't see this at all.
It faded alot, after 30/45 minutes till it was hardly noticable.
No pain or anything like that.
I had no slipages either tonight from my device.
I think that this line is actually the Suspensory Ligament, I have seen it in a few men running down the middle of their penis, it looks mean.
I aint sure yet and will ask around, but thats what I think it is.

I checked it out today and its very fade when am flaccid, not as visible as it was lastnight.
But another thing, when I got an erection this morning I could see it again so maybe this is the s'lig'????
If so that means that I am doing well, and that the lig' is getting a very good pull.

So overall a nice night, I adapted to the extra weight fine, and had not one slipage.
August 13th


August 14th


August 15th

Usual session as always, went well.

August 16th


August 17th

Usual Ligament work.
Did 15 mins of Tunicae as device slipped.
Did 10 consecutive minutes than another 5.
Wasn't the best session I've had.
My left ligament really got hammered and is still sore now[ next day].
I did some jelqs afterwards, nuthing set in stone just messing about with jelqs, holds, squeezes etc etc.
My girth loooked huge afterwards let me tell you.
I seem to have gained in girth from the hanging.
I can also notice some erect length also.

I did one new thing tonight.
I had the weights attahced as normal but stood up on the desk and swung my penis left to right for about 5 minutes, this is a good Explosive ligament workout, and really wears out the ligaments and makes them loose.
I also did this back and forward.
I will incorporate it into my routine at some point.
Okay alot to update here.


18th August



19th August

20 Mins of Lazy ass stretches / lay down stretches, also 5 mins of Squat stretches.


20th August



21st August



22nd August

20 mins of My Constrictors, few erect bends, wet jelqs, lay down stretches.


23rd August

37 Mins of My constrictors, few erect bends, advanced horse squeezes, Wet jelqs.


24th August



25th August



26th August



27th August



28th August

22 mins of My Constrictors, Few advanced horse squeezes, few Tunicae Constrictorized Stretches [TCS] *New


29th August

Few erect bends, light Tunicae stretching.


30th August

10 mins of My Constrictors, Few advanced horse squeezes, 100 wet jelqs, TCS stretches, Penis Isometrics.


31st August

15 minutes of Bundled exercises after masturbation and ejaculation.
Did a 10 minute Uli hold after ejac', kegeled to keep as much blood in as possible.
Did a few Horse Squeezes, The Watch stretch *New.

I got erect again in 15 minutes.
Maybe this technique with the Uli after Ejac' helps get it up quicker????


Okay so their we go.
Its patchy at times, mainly doing girth hanging till September/October at least.
I do all my Constrictors at Full erection with Cable Clamp applied.
1st September

Rest-day [None]


2nd September

20 minutes of My Constrictors with a very few Advanced Horse Squeezes.


3rd September

Rest-Day [None]


I am going to re-think my plan.
I seem to have gotten results from the insane BTC/Fulcrum Hanging I did, length wise that is.
I dunno what yet, I measure on the 6th/7th September but I have some more in Flaccid length as it hangs lower and is more uncomfortable while wearing pants and walking around; feels bigger...ya know'.
My Erect length also seems to have increased, but I'd say from looking at it, by 0.20 or 0.25 inches, not much BUT SUMMUT for me at least as I find length hardtime to achive.

My girth has deff' increased, probably by 0.20 at least, as you saw in the pictures its bigger than before...But I still shy away from full length shots as I am still insecure about the length I have, until those in-securities are stamped away I won't be doing any none underwear shots.

Another-thing I have noticed ALOT is my orgasms...they are amazing.
I can have like 5 in a row and its insane and very intense, I have to roar like that T-Rex outta Jurassic Park as it feels so good, its just incredible.
I dont do many Kegels at al, so I think the reson its getting better is becoz of the Fulcrum hanging [Seems to stretch the PC Muscle as well, maybe make it stronger?] and also taking Testostarone/DHT-Other male growth hormones, these increase pleasure and orgasm.


Now what I may start doing is in the morning, doin my usual 20 minutes of 15lb BTC and Fulcrum hanging which is around 50 mins in total including inbetween work.
I will also TRY to include a Constrictor in this session, for at least 20 minutes.
Also gunna TRY my best to do 500 or so wet jelqs at very high erection as well.
I also have some new ideas to mess with like stretching the Tunicae erect, after constriction etc etc.

I am going to try MY BEST to implement the BEST exercises for me thus far, the Constrictor, also doing some advanced horse squeezes while doing this, BTC and Fulcrum weight hanging and wet jelqing.
I seem to be onto my best routine I feel.
I gained most ma girth from the Constrictor, rid of any Baseball bat effect with the spot training the advanced horse does, maintained and cemented girth with the wet jelq as well as gaining with it, and of course length gains with the Hanging > BTC and Fulcrum.
With all these combined I am sure to be onto summut.
I dunno what pattern I'll do it in, most probably 1 on 1 off.

BUT NO WAY AM I GUNNA SLACK NOW......I am seeing the BEST gains of my life I think, it never fealt so good, nor have I been as confident about the thing between my legs.
I am going for it, knackered or not after work I am gunna do it.

I am gunna try DLD's visual stuff as well to listening to music.

I wonnabe 9 inches long BP erect by XMAS, and HOPenis EnlargementFULLY 8 inches in girth as well.
4th September

Not all went to plan.
I was in no mood to be messing around with weights this morning, but I did 1000 fully erect wet jelqs, took me around 40 minutes to do while looking at pictures of Lucy Pinder [UK Topless model] shes SO HOT, my cock was so hard...URGHHHHHHH.

I didn't do anything else today, I was going to do some squat stretches and constrictors but I didn't :mad: however, what I will start to do is the 1000 jelqs as usual, plus after that I'll do 10 minutes of Lay-down stretches or Lazy ass stretches, than 10 minutes of DLD's Footlong stretch, and 5 minutes Squat stretches and finally for the Tunicae; 5 minutes of Sit-Up stretches.
Later on in the day I'll do about 20 minutes of constrictors.

So its 40[jelq]+30[stretches]+10[time between]=1H 20M than I'll go bed and later on in the day I will do 20 minutes of the constrictors than am done, so that'll be 1H 40M altogether.

I WILL do this plan, as I don't have to mess about with weights which wastes time sometimes when ya aint got it to waste.

Tell ya how it all goes in 24 Hours or so.
It varies.
It is anywhere from 1 on 1 off to 2 on 1 off or 5 on 2 off etc etc.
I do it whenever, but making myself do at least 4 days outta 7 in any order.
4th September

1000 Fully erect wet jelqs, mixture of slow and fast movements with A-Okay hand sign palms up and down.
Did it non-stop while looking at Pictures of Lucy Pinder, I stay FULLY hard than.
Took like 35/45 minutes to complete.
No warm-up or warm-down.

5th September

1000 Fully erect wet jelqs, mixture of slow and fast movements with A-Okay hand sign palms up and down.
Did it non-stop while looking at Pictures of Lucy Pinder, I stay FULLY hard than.
Took like 35/45 minutes to complete.
No warm-up or warm-down.

6th September


7th September

Supposed tobe rest day but I did 22/23 minutes of My Constrictors with a few Advanced Horse Squeezes and also some CTS [Constrictorized Tunicae Stretches 'Erect Tunicae stretching'].

I have also measured today.
Some good and some bad news.
Heres the stats >>>>>


Flaccid Length = Varies SO much from 5.5/5.8 to 6.25 inches long BP, but I stay at the 6 inch mark and beyond more freq' now which would explain why its more uncomfortable in my pants now.
So its a 0.20 as I hit 6.20/6.25 now and I NEVER lasttime.

Flaccid Width = 1.6/1.5, it has decreased apparently from lastime, it was 1.7 inches.
Hmmmm, must be cos of the extra length. So nuthin here than.

Flaccid Girth = 6/6.10 inches, like the erect width it has shrunk also, both still measured in the middle of the shaft so no varient that way.
It MUST be cos I have gained in length.
I was 6.2 inches FG lastime.

Erect length = 8.4 to 8.5 < 'Maximum'. I have gained from 8.35 inches lastime.
So Its a 0.05/0.15 gain, so we'll say 0.10 inches gained.

Erect width = 2.1/2.2 I have gained 0.01 since lastime, which may not seem much but width is hard to gain, VERY hard to gain infact. I was 2/2.1 lastime.

Erect Girth = 7.50 and 1/16th of an inch.
So I have gained 0.10/0.20 from lastime, so we'll say 0.15 of a gain.
I was 7.3/7.4 lastime.


So at least I have some gains.
My flaccid length has grown along with my erect length slightly and my girth has increased ALOT.
I have made a slight re-adjustment to my plans.
I have scrapped ALL stretches and have replaced them with 200 Dry Jelqs which will be done at full erection and with slow/fast movements.
I belive these may be the key in length for some.
I am giving the 1000 wet jelqs, 20 min' constrictors and 200 dry jelqs ago for the next 3/4 weeks [month] and see how it goes.

My gains also recently are

Gained 0.20 in flaccid length
Gained 0.10 in erect length
Gained 0.01 in Erect width
Gained 0.15 in erect girth
Thanks for the support.


Seems tobe going erections are good...seems tobe working well, I am damm postive that I'll see some goodies in time from this routine.

Heres my update >>>>>


September 8th:
1000+[few over] wet jelqs at 90+% erection with hard grip, mixture of grips as well.
200 Dry jelqs; while doing them the penis looks longer and thicker.


September 9th:
1000+[few over] wet jelqs at 90+% erection with hard grip, mixture of grips as well.
200 Dry jelqs; while doing them the penis looks longer and thicker.


September 10th:
220 Dry Jelqs, penis looked AMAZING while doing them, the veins, length and girth/width looked stunning.
22 Minutes of My Constrictors, with a few advacned horse squeezes, TCS [Tunicae Constrictorixed Stretch] did a few.

My left testicle REALLY hurt after this session, I had abit of it trapped in the cable clamp.....after a big lump under the skin was present but now its gone and their is no was just swelling from the constrictor......but please be careful where you constrict and how tight you do it...remember I beenn doing these for over 12 months.
I can't wait! :)

Oh I tried those exercises you discovered. The Constrictors I think they're called. Man those things are serious! I love them!!!
More to update:

September 11th: None
September 12th: 20 minutes of My constrictors, Few advanced horses and a few CTS stretches.
Also 1000 wet jelqs.
September 13th: None
September 14th: None
September 15th: 22 Minutes of My Constrictors, Few advanced horses and CTS Stretches. 1000 Wet jelqs, 200 Dry jelqs......had problems today maintaining erection.
September 16th: 1000 Wet Jelqs.
September 17th: None
September 18th: None
September 19th: 1000 Wet Jelqs.
September 20th: None
September 21st: None
September 22nd: 1000 Wet Jelqs
Did this session in front of fire.
September 23rd: 25 Minutes of My Constrictors, 2 CTS stretches, and a few Advanced Horses.
Did this session in front of fire.


Summary thus far:

My Erections are great.
My flaccid penis hangs amazing now...infact its embarassing at alot of times unless the right underwear is worn to stop the bulge.
My orgasms and ejac' volume seem tobe better.....the orgasms are DEFF' better and more intense...I have multiple orgasms now at the point of ejaculation...its awesome.
The flappy skin is still their as always.......and it seems that theirs some MORE hair further down the shaft from streching over the past months maybe? finally grown and caught up I guess.
Its too hard to tell if I have gained yet sinnce last measure...but things are looking up.

cya in the weeks ahead for more updates.
Okay heres another update:

September 24th: None
September 25th: 25 Minutes of the Constrictors, a few advanced horses and CTS stretches.
September 26th: None
September 27th: None
September 28th: 25 minutes of the Constrictors, few advanced horses and CTS stretches.
September 29th: None
September 30th: None

I have been SO CUT for time this week.
I am fucked of as I cant get into it like before.....but am gunna make more time....get up earlyer, go bed later to get a great workout in.

The above reads 1 on 2 off, so abit of a routine was still held.

I am going to have to da some very intense stuff soon anyways to make up for the break.

I am gunna try a Constrcitorized Wet Jelq/Dry Jelq....NOT ADVISED to anyone else.....I am gunna be very careful on that one, but it'll be like a extremely powerful wet jelq/dry jelq.

Anyways, tonight [1/10/03] I gunna try and get at least 200 Dr y jelqs done.....resume the hardcore tomoroz.