Big Al;307731 said:
It's natural selection. It's either because a larger penis is more efficient or (more likely) because it's more "attractive".

Here's an interesting analogy- Out of all of the primates, human females also have the largest breasts. There's no real physical advantage to having large breasts, so breast size in humans evolved because they're a desireable characteristic. Even in this modern age, large breasted females usually get more attention.

Interesting Big Al. Another on the same subject and theory is males also have a much larger penis then all other primates. Our private parts are also on the front of our body in plain view so the theory is that they are there for selection. Other primates penises are tucked away and are not in plain view as humans are so we have evolved this way for a reason.
spinner2;307758 said:
I'm not sure why people believe all of our genetic mutations have occurred due to an evolutionary reason.

Spinner I am not saying that I believe any off this but it is a interesting theory. As a matter of fact I do not give a shit why my dick is bigger then the other primates I am just happy that I have one.
little fella;307749 said:
Interesting Big Al. Another on the same subject and theory is males also have a much larger penis then all other primates. Our private parts are also on the front of our body in plain view so the theory is that they are there for selection. Other primates penises are tucked away and are not in plain view as humans are so we have evolved this way for a reason.

Interesting theory but then why are there growers and why are there showers.

If this theory is accurate there should be a lot more showers.(I mean show-ers not bathing)
Chaco;307768 said:
Interesting theory but then why are there growers and why are there showers.

If this theory is accurate there should be a lot more showers.(I mean show-ers not bathing)

Because we are talking about evolution. At this day and age you would get arrested for going to a night club and flopping your cock out but I bet that you would like to. So the theory is that we used to do this to be selected for sex and women used to use it to select there sexual partners but once again a theory.
little fella;307749 said:
Interesting Big Al. Another on the same subject and theory is males also have a much larger penis then all other primates. Our private parts are also on the front of our body in plain view so the theory is that they are there for selection. Other primates penises are tucked away and are not in plain view as humans are so we have evolved this way for a reason.

Try to picture what it was like to live in distant prehistoric times when emotions ruled over reason- at least more than they do today. It's easy to imagine that just the sight of an aroused female was enough to get an entire tribe of males erect and ready for action. In that situation, you can see how penis size may be [just] one factor in her choice of suitors. Humans are usually a bit more subjective in their criteria than other primates.
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spinner2;307758 said:
I'm not sure why people believe all of our genetic mutations have occurred due to an evolutionary reason.

Mendelism is a very widely accepted science. My apologies if I've offended any of the Creationist or alternative thinkers here.
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little fella;307769 said:
Because we are talking about evolution. At this day and age you would get arrested for going to a night club and flopping your cock out but I bet that you would like to. So the theory is that we used to do this to be selected for sex and women used to use it to select there sexual partners but once again a theory.

One possibility is that peoples from cold climates are "growers" to protect the penis from frostbite or other cold-related damage, while the opposite is true for peoples that come from more equatorial regions. There's sure to be a lot of overlap, but this is just one possible theory.

Many "showers" can appear to have small flaccid sizes if: they're exposed to certain environments (like cold water), just finished exercising, consumed a vasoconstrictor (like caffeine), or are just really nervous; while "growers" can appear to have a larger flaccid measurement if they engage in activities like brief bouts of jelqing throughout the day- there are no absolutes.
Big Al;307772 said:
Try to picture what it was like to live in distant prehistoric times when emotions ruled over reason- at least more than they do today. It's easy to imagine that just the sight of an aroused female was enough to get an entire tribe of males erect and ready for action. In that situation, you can see how penis size may be [just] one factor in her choice of suitors. Humans are usually a bit more subjective in their criteria than other primates.

Once again only the strong survive and there is nothing more characteristic to how much of a man you are then your penis. Well should I say back in the prehistoric era it was the only male characteristic or it is to be believed.
spinner2;307758 said:
I'm not sure why people believe all of our genetic mutations have occurred due to an evolutionary reason.

Wait a second people can believe in what ever they want. I am not telling you that you have to believe what I am saying. No not at all as a matter of fact I am just saying what I have been learning. So I am not trying to piss you off and if I have wake up to yourself and realize that the world is a crazy place and there are much more crazy ideas than this floating around.
I wholeheartedly appreciate this thread, little fella, as well as your "reasoning" for making this topic. (Typing that sentence makes me feel like I'm actually calling you little fella...weird. anyway...) Because I know that those who feel that they were "saved" by [words=]MoS[/words] may still feel very insecure. Because sometimes it's not all about what size your dick is. Sometimes it's about feeling horribly depressed because you've discovered that women everywhere are superficial as hell. How many relationships do you think would thrive or be broken if the tides had changed for their sex lives? Who would cheat? Who would stay? What part of love is chemical and what part of love is spiritual?
And it isn't that women everywhere are's more of questioning and feeling hurt by the unanswered question of - Why do women and society make penis size issues out to be lighter than it really is? And if it is such a high problem, why aren't there MORE dedications to solving this problem rather than a single message board?
We all know that in society the penis is something you can't change, but often women will just go "pfft" and laugh and go on to the next man without a care in the world. Men will act pompous and the small penis guy more or less always begins to wonder why it was him that has this problem that is closest to his heart, preventing him from enjoying life's main pleasure in the world. Life isn't tough enough apparently. It gets to the point where simply HEARING a woman cry out in pleasure feels hurtful, because it all feels like a personal attack. Does it not? Why did the universe feel the need to randomize penis sizes anyway? Lord knows we didn't need more pompous people and more hurt people and more careless people in the world, and we were all kind of hoping life was tough enough what with trying to get a DATE, but then we need something to make the whole night blow up in smoke right after everything goes well. Then you know you got people that go nuts with a shotgun or anything may follow. a bit overemotional.

In addition, if the penis is completely irrelevant of the rest of the body, what "negative traits" exactly is the human body filtering out so that the better ones can reproduce? Just think...Miracle Scientist A has a small penis, but Dumbass Jock A has a big penis. Generic Woman A goes after Dumbass Jock A, and intelligent children are filtered out. There's logic in that.
For the most part, a lot of it is paranoia, but even with the ability to Penis Enlargement there's more to it than that. Anybody who has a small penis feels hurt by the idea of the woman seeing a penis for the first time. The big penis guy will feel good when the woman gets a look of shock on her face and turns red, and the small penis guy will feel like shit. It used to be that women turned red at the sight of strong men, or courageous men, or romantic men. But no longer. It's the man with the huge penis, or the one with the most "game".

If you ask me, a lot of women don't want to admit that they like the bigger penises because it makes them sound superficial. Because they don't want to accept that they are superficial, they try to keep it taboo. This of course, completely omits all the gossip that goes around for the sake of laughing and humiliating Small Penis Guy A and bringing pleasure and excitement for everybody except him to Big Penis Guy B, regardless of either of whom it might be. That is what makes love and relationships so fucked up in this day and age. You can't know what love is anymore, or what part of your relationship is spiritual or chemical. It's an awful feeling; one of the most awful feelings in the world, to not even be able to fantasize or even watch adult entertainment because of insecurities. A fate worse than death, in my opinion.
Wow. Some here are claiming that in caveman times females selected mates based on penis sizes? That's ridiculous. If so, everyone would have huge cocks.

I'd imagine physical superiority (strength and tenacity) would trump anything else when it came down to it. Who would better survive? A 6'5" 250 lbs of muscle guy with a baby dick or a 5'7" 130 lbs whimp with a huge dick?

Some people in the Penis Enlargement community place way too much emphasis on the "importance" of penis size in terms of survival and replication.
10inchadvantage;309188 said:
Wow. Some here are claiming that in caveman times females selected mates based on penis sizes? That's ridiculous. If so, everyone would have huge cocks.

I'd imagine physical superiority (strength and tenacity) would trump anything else when it came down to it. Who would better survive? A 6'5" 250 lbs of muscle guy with a baby dick or a 5'7" 130 lbs whimp with a huge dick?

Some people in the Penis Enlargement community place way too much emphasis on the "importance" of penis size in terms of survival and replication.

Woh Woh Woh
I am not saying that this is a fact I am just saying that it was a article that I read and it seemed to have some truth about it.
Length is overrated and girth is underrated in the male population. Erection strength is key and staying power as well. each woman is different, if you can find what makes her tick during sex then your in, if you cant then shame on you.
Honestly, the answer is very simple, and it does not need so much looking into. When women say "size doesn't matter", they are usually talking in the context of a relationship i.e when they are sleeping with a guy, there are a lot of things that matter besides their size, and most of those things are mental (love, passion, mental closeness, other bs) So, most women would not be satisfied unless these factors were present, even if they are physically satisfied. BECAUSE for most women (except those who just go around sleeping with every single moving object), satisfaction from sex is a lot more mental than physical. So there. When she says "size doesn't matter", she is saying I'd much rather have those mental factors than the ideal size without the mental satisfaction.

So, as some ppl pointed out, when it comes to dildos, there IS no mental aspect. There is only a physical one. So, women only go for what they prefer physically WHICH most certainly would fall on the larger side of the scale as far as penis sizes go.

Another way to put this would be: if a woman were to only have your dick and not you as a person attached to it, she would most likely prefer a large one (length for the visual effect and girth for the physical effect), but since she is sleeping with YOU and not only your dick, there are other things that come into play that matter way more to her than your size.

Hope this makes sense.
Makes sense to me. Although women don't really know how much our penis affects us and many women could care less. Therefore they don't mind hurting us by making fun of our penis or, I should say, society in general seems to treat the penis thing with a lot more of a sour look than would be desired, given it is a horrible insecurity.
crazyed27;309220 said:
Length is overrated and girth is underrated in the male population. Erection strength is key and staying power as well. each woman is different, if you can find what makes her tick during sex then your in, if you cant then shame on you.

Very true.
I would say for women:

Girth > length

Size considered "big" to them is 8-9". Us guys tend to think more.

Aside from that I wouldn't recommend investing a lot of energy into the topic. It's true but subjective too.
???;312789 said:
I would say for women:

Girth > length

Size considered "big" to them is 8-9". Us guys tend to think more.

Aside from that I wouldn't recommend investing a lot of energy into the topic. It's true but subjective too.

You have to wonder how many women have had a very long penis though. My girlfriend says she prefers length over girth. She gets somewhat upset when she sees me doing girth exercises, etc. I still need to have a solid 6" midshaft though, I'm greedy.
10inchadvantage;312802 said:
You have to wonder how many women have had a very long penis though. My girlfriend says she prefers length over girth. She gets somewhat upset when she sees me doing girth exercises, etc. I still need to have a solid 6" midshaft though, I'm greedy.

Is she small? I'm not expert, but a poll (which is flawed to begin with obviously) said 2 of 3 women prefer girth to length, which essentially means 'who knows.':s
???;312822 said:
Is she small? I'm not expert, but a poll (which is flawed to begin with obviously) said 2 of 3 women prefer girth to length, which essentially means 'who knows.':s

No, she has a larger than average vagina. Very deep as well.
I sometimes become absorbed with bigger being better but it always seems to be in the context of size between men, as on [words=]MOS[/words]. I often wonder what women truly like, on average. I wish we had more access to real female opinion. I think many of us assume women want a massive dick because we do but what do they truly desire? What size is huge to them, what size is small? When I consider that average size, erect, is right about 5.5" with a girth of about 4.5" it blows my mind that that most desired size is 8 x 6 on this forum. What do you think? Do you believe that women want something so huge or do you believe that it is really us who want this? I know it is a strange question but I really wonder how much of this is for anyone else but ourselves (not that it is bad).

I found this on a surgery site which sparked my interest in this thread:

What Do Women Think?

Depending on who you ask . . . when you ask . . . and who is asking; women seem to have different answers to the question, “Is it better to have a bigger penis?”.

Many women say that size doesn't matter, until they’re shown a picture of a Micro penis patient, at which time they’ve been known to comment, “. . . you’re kidding, right?” Most of the time though, women will say that if the sex lives between them and their mate are adequate, then they are satisfied with the size of their mate. Some have been known to comment that a bigger penis means that they don’t have to “move” as much, and merely by laying there, they have greater pleasure. Other women, after seeing a overly large penis will comment that intercourse with a person with a penis that’s huge can become a painful experience.

Women seem to prefer a man with a slightly larger-than-the-norm penis size as it aids in sexual stimulation.
It is us as men who want it. We all have either been shocked by a current or previous partner who just blurts out that we were not as big as another man. Being the sensitive creatures we are put into insane mode and start looking at how to make ourselves bigger than what they described and are usually relentless about it.

From a dominatrix who i had the fortunate experience with for a year or so in my youth who had many lovers, she was a ruler measuring woman as well, she stated she felt that 7 x 5.5 was just about perfect from what her and her girlfriends could surmise.

this definatly does not go for the entire population but i thought it was a decent guideline to go by. I just set my goals higher cause overachieving is fun.
Yeah I think a good majority of women like somewhat a little bigger than average like 7-8 and a 5.25-5.75 girth. But with the exception of those that have higher standards also. Which would be another quarter higher in size.
Pandora;318113 said:
feed off are energy:)

This is what I think I think the woman we are with will love what we love because they love us.
wow dld that was a tounge twister
also ijust hit te 7 and a half mark i was originaly dead on or slitly under 7 inches
pprreettyy dddddddddoooooooooopppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeee
i just had a female friend tell me tonight that size does matter...she's not looking for a massive dick...but maybe something about 7" in length and 5.5 in girth...but women don't know size anyway.
twins172_up;318147 said:
i just had a female friend tell me tonight that size does matter...she's not looking for a massive dick...but maybe something about 7" in length and 5.5 in girth...but women don't know size anyway.

So she is looking for a 5 x 4:)
twins172_up;318147 said:
i just had a female friend tell me tonight that size does matter...she's not looking for a massive dick...but maybe something about 7" in length and 5.5 in girth...but women don't know size anyway.

that's so true......
I was thinking about how much we think about our penis and I can't imagine that a woman would do the same, to any level. I love a big ass but I don't think about it 24/7 (well maybe sometimes but there are exceptions to my rule:))
There are several things that make us think women prefer big cocks. For instance, I have heard women say of an ex-partner things like. "... and he had a small dick anyway". I think that always smacks of trying to put him down in order to bolster her own ego that got damaged in the break-up. And women do seem to really enjoy cock size related jokes. I think it gives them a feeling of power over us. Like, we're stronger than them, but they know how to get (most of) us where it hurts - ie. right in the insecurities.

In the same way that most of us guys don't choose our girlfriends by breast size, women don't choose their partners based upon cock size either But women - lots of women - obsess about the size/shape of their breasts, and look at us right here, right now, obsessing about cock size ;o)

That well known (around here) statement 'Women can't measure' could easily be, and perhaps should be, substituted for 'women can't be bothered to measure'. But what size do they think they want? You could ask a bunch of women at a party what cock size is a good size, and a lot of them might come out with 7 or 8 or even 9 inches or more, but I really think they're being competitive rather than realistic. Those are the sizes they've read about in magazines, or they're the sizes they've overheard others bragging about. But I think if you were to ask women in isolation and in seriousness to 'hold your index fingers apart at the length of penis that you'd prefer on your man' and then measured the gap I think it might average somewhere around 6".

One last, hopefully objective, point. My wife agrees with me that after she gave birth to our son, her vagina never recovered it's former size. She is enjoying the results of my pe efforts because she now feels as full when we fuck as she did years ago. So her 'ideal penis size' has grown over the years, but it wouldn't have if I hadn't managed to 'grow' a little myself. What I mean is that it would never have occurred to her to 'want' more size if it had never occurred to me to try to provide it. That's the kind of woman she is. A real nice woman. And she loves me - not cock size.
Riven650;318251 said:
You could ask a bunch of women at a party what cock size is a good size, and a lot of them might come out with 7 or 8 or even 9 inches or more, but I really think they're being competitive rather than realistic. Those are the sizes they've read about in magazines, or they're the sizes they've overheard others bragging about. But I think if you were to ask women in isolation and in seriousness to 'hold your index fingers apart at the length of penis that you'd prefer on your man' and then measured the gap I think it might average somewhere around 6".

100% agree. I love when you guys say what I was no able to express.
I think what women want is dependent upon their experience. The amount of sexual partners and their varying sizes all comes into play. Honestly, most girls DO want a big cock. A lot of girls either don't want to admit it because they'll hurt feelings or haven't experienced a dick that's bigger than the average. I also read that women on average choose 8x6 dildos. So there you go.
CrazyEight;318633 said:
I also read that women on average choose 8x6 dildos. So there you go.

I think this is bias because your name is CrazyEight :)
Jill Talks Dicks

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Jill (aka Firefly) is a moderator and regular contributor in our Dick Talk discussion forums. Now, she is also offering her words of feminine wisdom in this regular column where she'll be addressing male matters from a woman's perspective. Want to drop Jill a line? Email her here and mark your message for her attention. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Women and size[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]"Men do not realize average is really smaller than they think it is." [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]"The biggest turn-off for me would be a man that is fragile and insecure about his penis size." [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]"'s only an issue if he has hang-ups or insecurities about it." [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]"It doesn't matter what a man's penis size, if he has hands that can reach her clitoris." [/FONT]


Straight from the horse's mouth, or in the examples above, straight from the keyboard. When asked on a number of women's Internet forums the question; "Does the size of a man's penis matter to you?" The majority of women rose up and answered with a resounding "NO!"

Let's face it, from the moment a man discovers his most wondrous appendage, he's smitten. It becomes his best friend. He plays with it, listens to its opinion, admires it, worries about it and gets into trouble with it.

But men also obsess over it. Is it long enough? Is it thick enough? How does it measure-up compared to other men? Well, let me tell you something, men are much more obsessed with their dicks then we are. Yes, we giggle and whisper over a large dick. We look, admire, wonder and are shocked by it. Women can appreciate the visual appeal of a big stiff cock. But when it comes to satisfying sex, it's more about the man than the member.

For women, a man is much more then his penis. It's who he is as a person. It's how he makes us feel and what he means to us. As one woman put it, "I never walked away from a guy any size thinking more about the size than I did whether we enjoyed ourselves. Some guys just know how to make you feel OMG regardless of the equipment."

But while size isn't a major blip on the radar for most women, extremes of size either way – very small or very large – provide, er, certain challenges to overcome. When it's very small, there is the issue of how much a woman can feel. And "too large" brings a different set of problems.

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]"If anything, too large is not nice. It hurts in a bad way..." [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]"There is such a thing as too big." [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]"I dated a man for a while who had a huge penis... Thankfully for me, he always came in under 5 seconds." [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]"Size doesn't matter unless its cervix bumpin' huge." [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]"...if it's way too big, that might be a problem for both of us. I don't like having my cervix pounded hard, it hurts..."[/FONT]

But, larger men, don't despair! The overwhelming message from women was that they were willing to work with any size – so long as they are into the man.

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]"If you love the man you are with, size is irrelevant." [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]"If you are really into a person, it can be managed." [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]"The man is more important than the part." [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]"...intimate connection is the most fulfilling and has no basis in size..."[/FONT]

An article I just read in Psychology Today has a great quote; "There was a discrepancy between what women desired and what they would accept in a mate. Women adapt... it seemed to cut across all variables from height to weight to penis size. It seems that 'negative' appearance factors become lost within the greater gestalt of the partner. They see past or through a less-then-ideal feature."

This means that you don't have to be physically perfect to attract a woman. She looks at the big picture - who you are and what you mean to her. When a woman takes it all into account - the fact that a man doesn't have a perfect ass, or has thinning hair, or a smaller penis, gets lost in the entirety of the man. It doesn't factor in.

Keep in mind, that just as you are different sizes on the outside, women are different sizes on the inside. One woman may present a tight fit for you, while another will be looser. How well you fit with a woman can vary. We are all individuals with different bodies, dreams, wants and needs. When a woman finds a man who cares about her, listens to her, and just does it for her, the size of his penis is very far down on her list of priorities.

Men, don't ask your partner if your size is satisfying! If she says, "Yes, you're the biggest," then you tag her as a liar. If she says, "You're big, but not the biggest," you assume she wants a bigger dick. If she says "You're the right size for me," then it sounds like a copout. No matter how a woman answers – there's no right answer!

Remember, if you can't be her biggest lover, then work on being her best lover. If a woman is into a man, the size of his penis is irrelevant. Women tend to look at the big picture - the whole man. Be the best man you can be – both in and out of the bedroom – and she will thank you for it in ways unfit to print.

Further reading:

Our Survey

Growers And Show-ers

Size Around The World

Body Image Disorder Affecting More Men

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Just as I thought. Doesnt shock me. Its all about us mostly and sure size queens are around but guys are around who only want large breasts and blondes! Woman tend to want a guy whos on their level and can make a connection with rather than eye candy.

''A big cock in the hands of someone inexperienced is like the worlds most powerful sports car with a boy racer behind the wheel, dangerous out of control and no fun while the pro well he will control the car to its potential and be a delight to watch''

Its allot to do with foreplay, sex, talk, mood etc with woman rather than your cocks. I'm doing this for me, not the woman and you guys should aswell.
REDZULU2003;335954 said:
Just as I thought. Doesnt shock me. Its all about us mostly and sure size queens are around but guys are around who only want large breasts and blondes! Woman tend to want a guy whos on their level and can make a connection with rather than eye candy.

''A big cock in the hands of someone inexperienced is like the worlds most powerful sports car with a boy racer behind the wheel, dangerous out of control and no fun while the pro well he will control the car to its potential and be a delight to watch''

Its allot to do with foreplay, sex, talk, mood etc with woman rather than your cocks. I'm doing this for me, not the woman and you guys should aswell.

so true red. couldn't agree more when you say your doing it for yourself.

if penis size doesn't really mean that much, thats cool but I want a bigger cock for pride & confidence as well as other personal reasons
Wow... this is interesting stuff, and now after reading this, I'm kinda shocked and I think I might have a problem, but maybe not in the way you guys might be thinking.

I'm a virgin, so I need a new perspective from the more experience members of this forum. Growing up, the only way I've really learned about sex was through watching adult entertainment, so I was always under the impression that you could be... well... pretty much as rough with a girl as you'd like and she wouldn't get hurt; rather, she'd really enjoy it. And I always watch these videos of guys with huge dicks almost going balls deep (not all the time, tho, of course) with tiny girls.

Now I hear that in reality there might be a 'TOO BIG' category?? EEEEK!! How big is too big?

My stats are 6.75 NBPenis EnlargementL x 5.25 EG (6.0 EG at the base. w00t! lol). I'm 6'0" tall and 140 lb, so I'm a tall, lanky, and a skinny bastard. lol. So my dick looks pretty big on my body, which I think might add to visual appeal, and I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE and ADOOOOOOOOORE tiny, skinny emo girls. Like... really tiny girls. Like almost less than 100 lb almost anorexic girls haha. I can only imagine their pussies would be smaller than the average girl... is this gonna be a problem for me???? I'm already above average in length and girth, and I'm making Huuuuuuuuuge improvements and it's only gonna get bigger. Is there hope for me??? I'm not insecure about my dick at all.. I'm fucking looving every minute of this process! Penis Enlargement enlargement and this forum is one of the best things that's happened to me, and now I find out there's such thing as 'TOO BIG??' I don't want to hurt my next (first actually. lol) girlfriend, and I wouldn't want her to be disappointed because it's too big. I always thought that girls would be ENTHRALLED and incredibly turned on by a huge dick.

Like.. I agree with RED, I'm doing this for ME, not for the girls. I had a really rough time in High School, I was incredibly depressed, suicidal, emotionally and mentally unstable, and now I'm in college and I'm having the absolute TIME OF MY LIFE!! I'm completely revamping EVERYTHING in my life. I'm going full throttle with Penis Enlargement, and I'm even lifting weight and making great progress with my body to match the gains I'm making with my dick. So I really am doing this for my OWN gratification, but will getting a big penis actually hurt me in the long run if girls wouldn't even enjoy sex with me if it's too big?? ESPenis EnlargementCIALLY with the kind of girls that I'm attracted to - tiny, skinny girls??

What are your guys' perspectives? Cuz since I've never had sex, I don't have any reference experience, I was having a grand time building a huge dick, but now I'm really starting to freak out. lol
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nystrongstroke;3333 said:
I've also read that gay men have larger penises then straight men.I figure its because of them consuming extra testosterone when they go down on guys,and also them having their prostate stimulated duringanul sex

Hey DLD, i think its a hard one to crack, you have found here (haha)

First of all, you should really give them dildos to measure from, since its hard to measure a cock.

And also i have found that every survey where they just ask a female about the size they always say: uhh not that big, its how you use it,

But when anonymous they suddenly DO care about size.
I think it has something to do with the usual bad reputation a female gets if she loves sex, and if she wants sex with a big cock she is a SLUT! the usual bullshit going down on the street.

And if you ask them while they are drunk suddenly 15 inches is nothing and they want more!
"Originally Posted by nystrongstroke
I've also read that gay men have larger penises then straight men.I figure its because of them consuming extra testosterone when they go down on guys,and also them having their prostate stimulated duringanul sex"

Ohh my God, the ignorance...

Maybe the Earth is flat and in the center of the solar system too huh?

Damn this pains me, some people have no clue whatsoever on even the most basic stuff regarding sexuality...well lets teach them the scientific way shall we?


8InchMIKE;353195 said:
"Originally Posted by nystrongstroke
I've also read that gay men have larger penises then straight men.I figure its because of them consuming extra testosterone when they go down on guys,and also them having their prostate stimulated duringanul sex"

Ohh my God, the ignorance...

Maybe the Earth is flat and in the center of the solar system too huh?

Damn this pains me, some people have no clue whatsoever on even the most basic stuff regarding sexuality...well lets teach them the scientific way shall we?



Haha nicely put.:)
From my experience, some women MAY be visually stimulated by the sight of a large penis, but when it comes down to actually using it, they don't want it too big. As far as girth, it causes them pain when it's too thick, to the point where they may not even cum because of the discomfort. e.g the girl I am with right now isabout 5'6" so she is not small in any way, but she has pain when we have sex specially if i have pumped/done girth work earlier that day which usually puts my girth to around 6.4"-5.8" (base-to-tip). As far as length, I always DID argue that no matter how long you are, you should have no problem as long as you only use as much as the girl can take. BUT, one thing should be noted, and that's that women (specially when romantically involved with the man) like to take ALL of it in, because it makes them the sex feel more intimate, and makes them feel closer to the man. e.g My girl always tries to push me in all the way even though she finds it painful when I go all in @ about 7.5-8" long.

Nonetheless, she always jokes about why it's "so big", and that she wishes she could bite off half of it so it's smaller lol, and I think she actually DOES wish it was smaller, because she thinks sex would be more comfortable then. That still doesn't mean I am planning to stop Penis Enlargement anytime soon though :P
wesb;3502 said:
Do you plan to use photographs for graphics? If so, what frame of reference? How many different sizes should be represented? To be fair, concerning race it would be a good test to have the same sizes in white and black, possibly an "in between" color as well.

Obviously, any graphic must have a point of reference to judge size. I know that DLD has studied this in order to accurately judge sizes of adult entertainment actors. I'm wondering how much variation that there is in hand size? A dick with one or better two hands wrapped around it seems that it would be the most accurate, allowing for hand size variation. Other methods, such as face height or width are rather difficult to judge accurately. Even though they can appear to be in the same "plane" in a photo, in reality a very small difference in angle can result in major distortions of relative size. DLD has illustrated this well in his penis size study.

DLD, in my surfing I found a site which has the largest selection of dildos I've ever seen on the net. This place has some inhuman monster dildoes, many that I've never seen elsewhere. I think you should check this out, as many of the dildos are pictured next to a coke can for reference and the site lists the actual insertable length, various diameters etc. Not only is it good visual information to compare sizes, many of the reviews are very interesting reading as well and should prove conducive to your study. Both male and female "size queens" post their reviews, often they directly compare different dildoes and how they feel. "I use the Jeff Stryker model as a warmup for my John Holmes" ;-)

Be sure to check out the "vinyl dildo" section as these are all the same color and are all pictured next to a coke can - and there are extreme ranges of size.

Here is the site: Big Dildos

OMG I wouldn't have believed this unless I saw it. Kinda scary...?:(

Is this a futuristic skyscraper? Maybe... but it looks sort of like... a horsie dildo?

Whatever it looks like to you, this is one monstrous dildo! The Sky Rise Dong is 20" long, about 18" of which is insertable. The other dimensions are:

Thickness Circumference
Widest part of the head 3.75" 11.5"
Directly under the head 3" 10.5"
First fold 3.75" 11.25"
Second fold 4.5" 14"
Just above the base 5.5" 16.25"
Widest part of the base 6.25"


This toy is oval in shape, and there's a slight ridge on the back that you can see in picture 3.

This is an extreme toy for advanced players. Are you ready to ride?
Riven650;318251 said:
There are several things that make us think women prefer big cocks. For instance, I have heard women say of an ex-partner things like. "... and he had a small dick anyway". I think that always smacks of trying to put him down in order to bolster her own ego that got damaged in the break-up. And women do seem to really enjoy cock size related jokes. I think it gives them a feeling of power over us. Like, we're stronger than them, but they know how to get (most of) us where it hurts - ie. right in the insecurities.

In the same way that most of us guys don't choose our girlfriends by breast size, women don't choose their partners based upon cock size either But women - lots of women - obsess about the size/shape of their breasts, and look at us right here, right now, obsessing about cock size ;o)

That well known (around here) statement 'Women can't measure' could easily be, and perhaps should be, substituted for 'women can't be bothered to measure'. But what size do they think they want? You could ask a bunch of women at a party what cock size is a good size, and a lot of them might come out with 7 or 8 or even 9 inches or more, but I really think they're being competitive rather than realistic. Those are the sizes they've read about in magazines, or they're the sizes they've overheard others bragging about. But I think if you were to ask women in isolation and in seriousness to 'hold your index fingers apart at the length of penis that you'd prefer on your man' and then measured the gap I think it might average somewhere around 6".

One last, hopefully objective, point. My wife agrees with me that after she gave birth to our son, her vagina never recovered it's former size. She is enjoying the results of my pe efforts because she now feels as full when we fuck as she did years ago. So her 'ideal penis size' has grown over the years, but it wouldn't have if I hadn't managed to 'grow' a little myself. What I mean is that it would never have occurred to her to 'want' more size if it had never occurred to me to try to provide it. That's the kind of woman she is. A real nice woman. And she loves me - not cock size.

You have all heard me say it "size doesn't matter as long as the rest of the package is good." I would like to change that size matters, I can't speak for all women but here is what I think. I want to be filled, I said filled not stuffed. I don't want it too small or too big, being a woman I can't tell size accurately so I don't know the exact perfect size but I can say it is different for every woman. So to reiterate, all you guys who think that woman want a long thick one. Probably not, we just want a perfectly fit one. (the rest of the package is still important;)
well i think this argument can be summed up by a conversation i had with a girl a night or 2 ago. we were talking about size and how my ex couldn't handle my shit. basically, i told her my dick isn't that big compared to how most girls make it out to be and she said "oh well it doesn't matter. i'm still gonna fuck you anyways"