doublelongdaddy said:
Sometimes it's nice to let one slip out:)

Last night when I went to bed, there was a folded towel on the corner of the bed - my wife's sign that we're going to have sex (I think that I've mentioned the sign previously). I was pretty tired and had absolutely no desire to have sex with my wife because of jacking off earlier. I asked her if she was horny and she said that she was, so I resigned myself to do my duty. We ended up fucking like rabbits for almost an entire hour. She WAS horny. In fact, she was making moans the whole time that I've never heard in all the years of our marriage. Because of her unprecedented sensitivity, I silently vowed not to ejaculate - which I did not. This would have been much more difficult, if not impossible, had I not jacked off earlier. Funny how things can work out.

Although it was cold in our house, I was sweating like crazy. Our sheets actually had several wet spots where my elbows and knees had rested. That was the most continuous, strenuous sex that I have ever had - hands down. We finally had to stop because my wife got too sore. We were talking afterward and I asked her if she ever got close to an orgasm. She said she was not sure, but that she thought I was hitting her "G" spot at times. You have to remember that this is a woman that has expressed the belief that the "G" spot is fictional. . . Needless to say, her statement about the G-spot really got me motivated to work on my EL. Who knows? Maybe another half an inch to an inch will hit that G-spot. It would really be incredible if I could finally give my wife the vaginal orgasm that she's never had.
philadelph said:
Thats awesome man!

It would have been even more awesome if I had not injured my back today while doing leg work at the gym . . . All that sex last night probably weakened my lower back. I'm pretty much out of commision right now. I can still do flat bench, preacher curls (no standing curls for now) and anything else that does not put pressure on my lower back. However, I may not be able to get out of bed tomorrow. Fingers crossed for a quick recovery. I definitely will rethink my "heavy" partials/static reps strategy for some of my lifting routine: i.e. - squats and leg press will be done at a weight where I can do full reps. - And I will NEVER lift heavy (back or legs) again after a long bout of sex.

Last night when I went to bed, there was a folded towel on the corner of the bed - my wife's sign that we're going to have sex (I think that I've mentioned the sign previously). I was pretty tired and had absolutely no desire to have sex with my wife because of jacking off earlier. I asked her if she was horny and she said that she was, so I resigned myself to do my duty. We ended up fucking like rabbits for almost an entire hour. She WAS horny. In fact, she was making moans the whole time that I've never heard in all the years of our marriage. Because of her unprecedented sensitivity, I silently vowed not to ejaculate - which I did not. This would have been much more difficult, if not impossible, had I not jacked off earlier. Funny how things can work out.

Although it was cold in our house, I was sweating like crazy. Our sheets actually had several wet spots where my elbows and knees had rested. That was the most continuous, strenuous sex that I have ever had - hands down. We finally had to stop because my wife got too sore. We were talking afterward and I asked her if she ever got close to an orgasm. She said she was not sure, but that she thought I was hitting her "G" spot at times. You have to remember that this is a woman that has expressed the belief that the "G" spot is fictional. . . Needless to say, her statement about the G-spot really got me motivated to work on my EL. Who knows? Maybe another half an inch to an inch will hit that G-spot. It would really be incredible if I could finally give my wife the vaginal orgasm that she's never had.

The G-Spot is in the first 2-3 inches on the upper wall of the vagina..why would you want more EL?

Nice log you got here bro. I love the girth work. My goal will also eventually be 7''.
Cockolution said:
The G-Spot is in the first 2-3 inches on the upper wall of the vagina..why would you want more EL?

Nice log you got here bro. I love the girth work. My goal will also eventually be 7''.
Shhhh! Don't tell my wife about the G-Spot location - I used that excuse to justify continuing my length work rofl

Thanks for the compliment on the log.

no warmup
10 minutes constricted bends and squeezes
a little edging/ massaging
hot/cold dips

I definitely got more brutal today on the squeezes and bends. Particular focus was paid to the right chamber. Consequently the whole right side of my shaft was covered in red dots after the routine.
Between my thrombosis and hurting my back, I've gotten thrown way off my normal daily routine - both Penis Enlargement and weightlifting. I'm starting to feel a little depressed, which is definitely an effect from being out of the gym and not doing Penis Enlargement. The problem is that although I know that exercising and doing Penis Enlargement are good for me, my motivation is getting lower - due to the increased time out of my routine (vicious cycle). Perhaps reassessing and resetting my life goals will help get things back on track.
Although I'm back at the gym, I've only done Penis Enlargement on and off about 2 days a week (constrictors). Also, I try to get in about 10 very quick V and A every day after showering.

Here's what I did yesterday:

no warmup
10 minutes constricted bends, squeezes and upward stretches(about 4 of these)
hot/cold shower

As you can see, my routine has not varied or included hanging for some time. My EG has gone down as a result. Surprisingly, my EL has gone back up to 6 and 5/8ths, which i attribute to the V and A stretches done in the mornings. Apparently, they are effective - even when done for short duration/few reps.
no warmup
10 min clamp with some upward stretches
edging with ejac - oops

Really gonna try to get back in the swing of things (swing my thing - LOL).
I have NOT measured my EG. BPenis EnlargementL is still at 6 and 5/8ths probably due to the quick daily v and a stretches done in the morning after every shower. I HAVE had good erections - just have not done any work with them. Sex has also dropped off quite a bit in frequency with my wife. I'm not sure if the cessation of Penis Enlargement and lack of sexual interest from my wife are interrelated . . .
I had to ejac after edging due to ongoing sexual frustration (lack of sex).
no warmup
10 minutes constricted squeezes and bends
12 minutes edging
no cooldown

Everything went alright. E.L. is still at 6 and 5/8ths". Have not measured EG yet. My back is still somewhat "tweaked" (injured) but I'd like to try hanging again soon.
Just wanted to touch base. I've still continued doing quick "A" and "V" stretches after showering each morning. Each stretch is held for probably a max of about 8 seconds. Despite the briefness of the holds, I believe that these stretches have not only kept me from loosing length gains, but they have also even promoted some length gains.

Things should calm down for me next week. That time will be good to start my old hanging and clamping routine. I can remeasure again then too.

On a different note, I recently reached the 200lb mark. I started working out at the gym about 7 months ago at approx. 175lbs. Not bad for a vegetarian. I did NOT get the personal training position at 24hr fitness. They treated me very poorly in the interview process and I would definitely not consider working for them again. I plan on changing gyms after my membership is up.
This morning:
no warmup
10 minutes constricted squeezes and bends
10 minutes edging
no cooldown

Have been getting good erections - so I figured it was a good time to work with one of 'em finally. Time to eat and hit the gym now. My new measurements are 6.5" BPenis EnlargementL, 5.75 EG, 1.75" EW and 7.0" BPFSL - which are now included in my signature.
I am going to try doing both Penis Enlargement work,and bodybilding as you do.Its very impresive to see how you are acheaving improvement in both areas!Its inspirative,and encouraging,i had an attitude that working in both fields,might limit Penis Enlargement growth , muscle growth,respectively.
profesionalac said:
I am going to try doing both Penis Enlargement work,and bodybilding as you do.Its very impresive to see how you are acheaving improvement in both areas!Its inspirative,and encouraging,i had an attitude that working in both fields,might limit Penis Enlargement growth , muscle growth,respectively.

Thanks. I believe that weightlifting and Penis Enlargement are mutually beneficial activities. They both increase testosterone levels as well as improving overall health. The only limit that there is to doing both is TIME. I have personally been off my normal Penis Enlargement routine since I had the thrombosis/virus. I'd like to get back into my morning clamp session followed by my nightly hang session. That routine seems to have been the most efficient and effective. Supra Slammers were VERY good too for adding girth, but do add a lot of time to the routine. Although it can be fun to go "all-out" for a time, eventually reality knocks and obligations pile up (school, work, family, etc.). I think it's best to have short and brutal sessions that can be worked into any daily schedule.


This Morning:
hot/cold shower
couple of A and V stretches
about 2hrs rest
no warmup
10 minutes clamped squeezes and bends
15 minutes edging
no cooldown

I always do A and V stretches after getting out of the shower. I did a few less today because I was running a little late. Will start doing warmups and hot/cold dip cooldowns after a bit. I'd also like to start hanging in the evenings again and work back up to 10lbs.
iwant8inches said:
You can do it! 10 lbs is nothing man!
Thanks for the encouragement :)
I have hung 10lbs before and it was plenty heavy to me - lol

Anyhow, my main obstacle now is just plain getting back in a fixed routine like before. Short and brutal clamping in the mornings followed by short and heavy hang sessions in the evening would be ideal. That seemed to be working well for me before I got the thrombosis.


How much time do you pe now?
Also have you got a [words=]extender[/words]?
REDZULU2003 said:
How much time do you pe now?
Also have you got a [words=]extender[/words]?
I try to always do a few "A" and "V" stretches daily after every shower - probably about 2 minutes worth. My log accurately reflects how sporadic I've been about doing my normal routine. Lately, I'd say that I've been doing one good 10 minute constrictor session every 3-4 days. I have not started back hanging yet. Maybe I just need another "Girth Attack"-like competition to get me more motivated.

No, I don't have an [words=]extender[/words]. How is yours working out, RED?

Hope your studies are going well. Good luck on those exams.


No warmup
10 minutes constricted squeezes, bends and upward stretches
5 minutes edging
alternating hot-cold dips

During the session, I kept feeling like something was cutting into my dick when squeezing. At first, I thought that it was my fingernails. Finally, I realized that it was my damn caluses from weightlifting.
Guess I'd better start putting on moisturizer or something - otherwise those caluses will cut my dick to ribbons.
Other than the problem with the caluses - it was a good session = short and brutal. I had an excellent erection after the constrictor, during the edging. Nice post flaccid girth/length after hot/cold dips too. Who knows? I might actually start warming up too - now that I've finally done a cooldown.
No warmup
11 minutes constricted squeezes, bends and upward stretches
5 minutes edging
alternating hot-cold dips

Great session. I really worked the right chamber hard (compensating for weak right chamber for slight curve to the right). For those of you who have a curve - you can effectively isolate one of the chambers by:

B)Grasping under the glans ("o.k." grip is fine) and squeezing (as hard as you dare rofl )
C)Kegeling while squeezing
D)Bending in the direction that is opposite your natural curve while doing steps B and C.
**Make sure to push the clamp down toward your pelvis when performing bends (as recommended and illustrated in RED's constrictor guide).

BPenis EnlargementL measured at 6.75" during edging. That increase in length gives me additional motivation to start my hanging routine again. I just need to set some goals. I'd like to go back to a 3day-on/1day-off routine with both my girth and stretching. I know. I know. Talk! Talk! Talk! :P
no warmup
11 minutes constricted squeezes and bends
15 minutes edging
no cooldown

Very good expansion. Got a slight pain in top of glans from too much pressure while squeezing. Great workout.
no warmup
11 minutes constricted squeezes and bends
5 minutes edging
hot/cold dips
hot/cold shower

Started again with a great erection. Good expansion. The base was notably more engorged after I removed the clamp, which tells me that it got most of the work. This is not surprising since I normally squeeze hard directly under the head. Apparently this is putting more pressure at the base - makes sense. However, I am going to concentrate on squeezing lower too, in order to hit the mid-girth as well. Another exercise that should hit the girth at mid-point is Dash Raps (which I have not tried yet). Supra Slammers have also worked well for me in gaining girth at mid-shaft, but they take a long-ass time to perform. Measured BPenis EnlargementL at 6.75" today.
no warmup
12 minutes constricted squeezes and bends
5 minutes edging
hot/cold dips

VERY intense session. I dared to squeeze even more brutally than normal and for longer periods. Despite this, I still got a quick erection right after removing the clamp. It can be scary pushing things this far, but good to try once in a while.

I know that I have to get at least 3 consecutive days of this type of work for the gains to take place. Unfortunately, I've been unable to keep up the consistency due to job interviews. Still also need to get hanging again.
no warmup
13 minutes constricted squeezes and bends
15 minutes edging with ejac
hot/cold dips

Good session. I was not able to maintain as much of an erection for as long as last time so I just squeezed harder :). I'm feeling a little tender up by the glans on the left side. Gotta watch that.

I've been kind of agitated/easily angered since yesterday. Not sure what's going on, but I decided to bust a nut after the edging session. There was a large quantity of ejaculate combined with a long and powerful orgasm - much more so than usual. I "raaaawwrred" (roared/shouted/etc.) several times which is definitely not usual for me. Perhaps my hormones have been out of whack and I just needed to bust a nut. . . :s
I recently received a PM from a member that asked the following:
xmla said:
looking at your sig, i'm wondering why your numbers are smaller in april than in january.. ?

I pasted my reply below in case others have the same question.
Several reasons. One, I have not updated my sig. My BPenis EnlargementL has been at 6.75" for a while now, but has not been changed in my sig. I credit doing only about 1-2 minutes/day of "V" and "A" stretches to that increase. However, were I still hanging, my BPenis EnlargementL would probably be at 7.5 - 8" at this time = hanging is good. If you read my logs carefully, you will note that I had a Penis Enlargement injury shortly after I reached 6.0" EG. That injury, combined with a back injury, forced me to stop Penis Enlargement for about a month. After the month was up, I had lost motivation. I have currently been sporadic in my girth work and therefore have not gained like I did during the Girth Attack competition. Like hanging, if I were doing constrictors on the same 3day-on/1day-off schedule as before, I'd estimate that my girth would be in the range of 6.5 - 7.0" EG. Yes, the constrictors are that effective. I'm not sure what my current EG is now, but it probably a little above 5.75" . I will leave the January stats in my sig until I hit 6.0" EG again.

So, if you are to learn anything from my log:
1)constrictors and hanging were the most efficient and successful.
2)Even 1 minute/day = gains. "A" and "V" stretches are a good, fast compliment to hanging.
3)Don't stop Penis Enlargementing until you reach your final goal.
4)Try to find ways to motivate yourself.

Good luck!


Honestly, I just don't have the same motivation to Penis Enlargement that I did when I started back in August last year. Yes, I would like to reach the goals listed in my sigs. One of the things killing my motivation is my current job search. After I got my national certification for personal training, I have found that getting a decent job in that field was very difficult. I have even interviewed with a previous employer for a corportate position. That process is somewhat in limbo and has caused me a lot of frustration, aggravation, anger and depression. I orginally left my job in the corporate world due to ongoing abuse from a crazy manager. Reapplying to that same company has made me do a few "sanity checks." Some of you know what I'm talking about. Going to the gym regularly is probably the only thing that has allowed me to keep from full-blown depression. Penis Enlargement has definitely taken a lower priority - but not forgotten. Hopefully, my job situation will resolve itself soon and things will get better for me (psychologically and emotionally speaking).


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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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