No Warmup
Basic Constrictor - 12 min
penile massage
BTC hanging with Wench at 4.4lbs - 20 min
Hot Wrap
500 Wet jelqs at medium-hard intensity
10 minutes edging
Hot Wrap
Cold Water

Today, the skin was not sore anymore and I was getting horny, soooo . . . I said,"WTF!" and decided to give clamping another try. Glad that I did. Mr. T-vein delayed his appearance until about the 11th minute of clamping. It subsided easily with a little massage. I tried wrapping the shaft with [words=]ACE bandage[/words] this time and it seemed to work a lot better than what I was using before (cotton bandana). Still gotta find the right length of bandage for

BTC hang with Wench went well. Not as much pain around scrotum from pulling - as I predicted. No slippage. The glans got cold, so I massaged it a few times during the hang.

Last night: Boy was my dick SORE! Inspite of that and two days of solid Penis Enlargement, I convinced the wife to have sex. It took some work and a lot of kegeling but I got an erection and was able to keep it during sex. Talk about beating your penis up.

Today will be the first time that I've done Penis Enlargement three days in a row without resting. I think that I'm going to rest from girth work at least one day. I will hang tomorrow and do DLD Newbie Stretches if my skin is not too sore. Maybe even some hanging tonight . . .
I bought a 1.5" chrome cockring at the local sexshop yesterday and wore it through the day and all night. I did have to take it off during sex with my wife because it was very uncomfortable at the base(but put it on right after). After fiddling around with it yesterday, I found that it is GREAT for doing dry jelqs, and all the exercises that are found in the clamp guide. It probably even exceeds the clamp in effectiveness for expanding the base girth since it restricts a much smaller area than all the wrapping + the clamp and has less of a gap of coverage.
Hydromaxmm.... tell me how it works for you I'm realy getting intresed in the cockring thing ;)
Oh and befor i forget it i wanted to warn you from doing girth workout without a decent warm up. I had a realy bad injury ( it was some kind of T-Vein but a very deep sitting one) and I'm sure it came from a lack of warmup. It happend about 4 or 5 days after cutting down my warmup from 10 mins to 5 mins. I couldn't do any girth workout for 3 weeks. It came so fast and painless i didn't even notice it while on the session. But the next morning i noticed the fat realy deep sitting string cord like vein. It happend while wet jelqin so even jelqin can cause injurys. I know warmups can be a pain in the ass but belive me, since i've been doing proper warm ups again i havn't had any more problems ;)
hopful said:
Hydromaxmm.... tell me how it works for you I'm realy getting intresed in the cockring thing ;)
Oh and befor i forget it i wanted to warn you from doing girth workout without a decent warm up. I had a realy bad injury ( it was some kind of T-Vein but a very deep sitting one) and I'm sure it came from a lack of warmup. It happend about 4 or 5 days after cutting down my warmup from 10 mins to 5 mins. I couldn't do any girth workout for 3 weeks. It came so fast and painless i didn't even notice it while on the session. But the next morning i noticed the fat realy deep sitting string cord like vein. It happend while wet jelqin so even jelqin can cause injurys. I know warmups can be a pain in the ass but belive me, since i've been doing proper warm ups again i havn't had any more problems ;)
Great advice. My warm-downs typically last longer than my warm-ups, when they should both probably be the same duration.
I am not just saying,i do realy think so! Warm-up is one of the most important things in Penis Enlargement.Warm down is less important,i even dont have it,and i didnt had any probz. so far!Your girth is already very good,if you are circumsized you should putt more effort when stretching (try to hit the wall if that is your direction of pull),and you should read something about the LOT theory, in order to gain better.
profesionalac said:
I am not just saying,i do realy think so! Warm-up is one of the most important things in Penis Enlargement.Warm down is less important,i even dont have it,and i didnt had any probz. so far!Your girth is already very good,if you are circumsized you should putt more effort when stretching (try to hit the wall if that is your direction of pull),and you should read something about the LOT theory, in order to gain better.
I went to Thund3rs Pl@ce and am still uncertain as to how to determine LOT, although I do understand the theory. You'll notice that I just started hanging three days ago. To be honest, I instinctively felt that hanging would address the lengthening of my ligs better than the stretches that I was currently performing. The tunica was definitely being stretched, but my ligs were not getting hit much. In addition, there is definitely a "turkey neck" evident. All those things combined to help my decision toward hanging more and doing less manual stretches. Manual stretches are still important, but I'd like to focus more on my ligs now.

On a different note, I've started doing some dry jelqs with my new cockring. It really helps out. I can't say for certain how many dry jelq and ULI reps that I've done, but enough to make my dick sore ;)
One of these days I'll try to take a picture of the crazy expansion that I get when I do a "horse sqeeze" (grabbing glans and top of shaft) and kegeling. It's just been wonderful for working/evening out the girth along the entire shaft. The cockring allows just the right amount of expansion without the pain associated with the same exercises using the clamp. However, I would have to say that the glans expansion is higher and more constant with the clamp.

No Warmup
2 sets of 20 min BTC hang with 4.4lbs
Hot Wrap
700 wet jelqs medium-high intensity
Hot Shower
Put on cockring
20(?) horse sqeezes
20(?) ULIs
20(?) dry jelqs
couple of SSJs (no lube)

Hanging adjustment is going fine: circulation seems to be getting better during and after hanging. Boy does my dick look f**ked up though right after I take the wrap off.
I really enjoy wearing the new cockring. Whenever I notice any engorgement (not in public obviously - heheh) I whip it out and start some horses, dry jelqs and ULIs in no particular order or number of reps. I do however many I can until my dick begs for mercy (i.e.-the tunica starts hurting like hell). From the soreness in my tunica, I'd say that i'm getting a pretty damn good stretch with the few reps that I'm doing. The soreness does not last for long, but it sure does hurt sometimes after a few intense reps - and where the glans meets the shaft (circumcision scar?) too. Good stuff! I'm thinking that I'll hit 6.0" girth by the end of this month and aim to increase my length by 0.25" by that time too.

No T-vein today!!! Yay!!!!! rofl
No Warmup
20 min BTC hang at 4.4lbs
10 min massage
25 min BTC hang at 4.4lbs
light massage
Hot Wrap
10 min basic constrictor with clamp
500 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
100 wet jelqs at low intensity
2 min edging
Hot shower

Although there was no warmup per se, I did start my hang right after coming home from the gym. My dick and balls are always pretty warm/hot after a workout or getting up in the morning.
T-vein showed up on second hang(?!). Not sure what that's about. . . It also came out on the constrictor but was not painful at all.
BTW - anytime that I take a "hot shower," it's followed by a cold shower. So "hot shower" really means hot+cold shower.
I wore my rubber noose cockring (around my whole package) to the gym today. It gets "two thumbs up" for staying on the whole time - even through my abdominal workout.
Correction: I misused the terms "horses" and "ULIs," when in fact I was really just doing dry jelqs (in my previous log) with my chrome cockring.
Last edited:

How has your penis felt after routines daily and whatnot.

I have wondered how people guage their routine's effectiveness based on the way their penis feels right after/couple hours after/in bed at night/the next morning/the next afternoon, etc.

keep us updated on progress.
UpgradingUnit said:

How has your penis felt after routines daily and whatnot.

I have wondered how people guage their routine's effectiveness based on the way their penis feels right after/couple hours after/in bed at night/the next morning/the next afternoon, etc.

keep us updated on progress.
I can tell a big difference going to a three on/one off schedule from the one on/one off schedule. First of all, I've learned that my penis can recuperate in less than 24 hours from most exercise. Secondly, I've found my erect **girth to increase a lot faster with more sequential days. Third, the skin on top of the shaft at the base seems to get the sorest. It looks like angry red bumps, is tender to the touch and is aggravated by wearing the chrome cockring. However, this inflammation is going away faster and faster - within hours now.

Here's what I did today:
No warm up
10 min Basic Constrictor
100 dry jelqs without cockring
21 min BTC hang at 4.4lbs
10 min dry jelqing without cockring
30 min rest
5 min dry jelqing without cockring
20 min BTC hang at 6.6lbs
50 dry jelqs without cockring
600 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
2 min edging
Hot Shower

T-vein showed up during the constrictor but was not painful. It also appeared during both hangs - again not painful. Was not feeling any internal stretching during hangs at 4.4lbs so I increased the weight to 6.6lbs for my second hang. GREAT burn on my second hang. Now I know what a ligament burn is :) The T-vein went away almost immediately after taking the Wench off for the second hang. My guess is that the T-vein comes out because of the "ULI effect" (and the T-vein is located at the top left - right under the glans). I did not warm up today because I was already nice and warm/hot down there - had just gotten out of bed.

**My erect girth measured about 5 and 11/16ths today. I won't give an official measurement in my sig until the beginning of next month. I still expect to hit 6.0" EG by December 1st. Now when I ask my wife,"Doesn't it look bigger?", she replies,"Yes." She has a difficult time telling the difference normally. Therefore, the overall size difference (glans, girth, width) has been noticeable enough lately with the new routine so that even my wife can visually tell. Bottom Line: Screw the one day on/ one day off schedule ;)
No Warmup
10 min Basic Constrictor
100 dry jelqs without cockring
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
100 dry jelqs without cockring
Hot wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
100 dry jelqs without cockring
Hot wrap
600 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
Hot Wrap
Put on cockring for a couple of hours

T-vein showed up during the constrictor but was not painful. It also appeared during the first hang, but not the second hang. The hanging weight is approximate and was not increased from 6.6 lbs intentionally. I bought an 8" eye bolt with two washers,a nut and an s-hook to better attach the hanger. I'm just approximating the weight increase of .15lbs - it could actually be more (and probably is - it sure as hell feels like more - )

I've been doing lots of kegel exercises lately too - just haven't written down anything. If I had to guess, I'd say around 800 - 1000 quick kegels/day. Yesterday I did that and at least 50 x 5second kegels. Had a good erection today for the constrictor - despite the fact that I had a huge meal just prior to the routine. Methinks that's a good sign. Head and shaft engorgement was HUGE during wet jelqs.

My mother is visiting with us for a few days. I had to get my routine in today and said bluntly,"Don't go in my office. What you see there might make you go blind . . ."
I'll be damned if I'm gonna let her visit/presence stop me from doing Penis Enlargement.
No Warmup
10 min Basic Constrictor
130 dry jelqs with cockring
rested a few hours
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
100 dry jelqs without cockring
Hot wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
150 dry jelqs without cockring
ate dinner
Hot wrap
600 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
100 wet jelqs at low intensity
15 minutes edging with cockring

No T-vein present during workout. :) Ejaculated after edging. rofl There was a lot of ejaculate - at least 3 times as much as normal. Great workout. Some of you have commented that this routine is intense. I'd have to say that the routine is more time intensive than anything else. It's highly likely in the future that I'll have to either break up the routine more during the day or cut it down in length. If anything, I'd rather substitute another 10 minute constrictor and subtract half the wet jelqs.
Hot Wrap
11 min Basic Constrictor
100 dry jelqs without cockring
Hot wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
Hot wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
Hot wrap
rested a few hours
700 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
Hot Wrap

NOTES: T-vein came out on constrictor. Measured 6.25" BPenis EnlargementL today. That means that I've gained 1/8th" length in 10 days - exactly the amount of time that I've been hanging. Have not done any manual stretches in that time. BPFSL = 6 and 5/8ths" Looks like the current routine is working ;)
My wife said,"Are you sure that you're measuring right?" when I told her about my gains. Just for that, I'm gonna make her hold the tape and take the pictures when I hit 7" BPenis EnlargementL and 6" EG rofl
No Warmup
10 min Basic Constrictor
100 dry jelqs without cockring
Hot wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
Hot wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
Hot wrap
300 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
Sex with wife (= edging? LOL)

No T-vein. Tunica really hurt at beginning of hangs. The pain went away after maybe 30 seconds. Noticed minor capillary bruising in a couple of places after the first hang. I'm not sure if it was sustained during the constrictor or hang. Resting today.
Hot Shower
10 min basic Constrictor
few dry jelqs
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
short break
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
no cooldown
sex with wife in evening

T-vein came out on constrictor when I tried to do a stretch. Looks like I still need to stick to just the basic constrictors for a while; i.e. - no bending, stretching or squeezing while clamped yet.
Hangs went ok, but there were a few abrasions from the first hang - most likely due to minor slippage. The skin was really sore and irritated on the left side near the base on Saturday night (possibly due to clamping/constrictor), so I decided to rest Sunday as well. Everything seems back to normal today, so I'm resuming my regular routine.
doublelongdaddy said:
The best part of your routine?:)

YES (It's usually a rare ocassion).

Previously, I have gained 1/8th" EG in under two days after having done my first back-to-back 2-day workout and also had sex with my wife. I try to document when I have sex with my wife in case there is a correlation with girth gains.

Monday's workout:
Hot Wrap
10 min basic Constrictor
few dry jelqs
Hot Wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
short break
Hot Wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
hour or so of rest
600-700 (i'm estimating) wet jelqs followed by . . .
sex with wife in evening (She was about to get on rag = horny ;) )

T-vein came out at end of constrictor. No pain though. Everything else went ok. I took yesterday off because of time issues. I'm gonna go late tonight and try to get some work in.
Try DLD`s footlong stretch straight down.When i stretch for about 4-5 mins. my lenght increase is 0.25 inch. (temporarly!!!),but i guess i gained 0.5 inch doing them,mostly,in previous period(for about a month).
profesionalac said:
Try DLD`s footlong stretch straight down.When i stretch for about 4-5 mins. my lenght increase is 0.25 inch. (temporarly!!!),but i guess i gained 0.5 inch doing them,mostly,in previous period(for about a month).
Thanks for the advice. I'll give it a try :)

No Warmup
12 min Basic Constrictor
125 dry jelqs without cockring
Hot wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
Hot wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
600 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
100 wet jelqs at low intensity
put on cockring and slept with it on

T-vein came out at end of constrictor (as usual). BTC hangs went well. Boy was I up late for this workout. Glad I put in the time.

On 11-13-04, I said that I was at 5 and 11/16" EG. That was a "brain fart." I was really at 5 and 15/16" EG and was still at that EG measurement as of a few days ago. Sorry for the confusion. Anyway, I should hit 6.0" EG in a week or two. I'll take an "official" measurement for the sig shortly after/around the 1st of December.
Hot shower
2 minute stretches in every direction
25 cranks

Yesterday - PM (late again :s ):
No Warmup
12 min Basic Constrictor
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
600 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
no cooldown
sex with wife at 3am rofl

No T-vein. BTC hangs went alright. Got a great erection a couple of hours after completing my workout, so . . . rofl = wake up, Wifey!
No warmup
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
rested about 20 min
11 min Basic Constrictor
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
Hot Wrap
700 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
no cool down

No T-vein. No sex with wife either . . . sorry DLD :P
No Warmup
11 min Basic Constrictor
rested a few hours
Hot wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
Hot wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
Hot wrap
700 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
No cooldown

No T-vein. Workout was good but I could not get an erection last night to have sex with my wife. In fact, I was somewhat depressed the whole day - which was probably due to my sleeping pattern being out of whack again. Although I'm not tired right now, I just feel depressed. This is why I hate the holidays - they really mess up my daily/weekly routine and sleep schedule.
Exceptional Log HOOSYODADDI! This information is going to be so valuable to you as you progress. I love seeing logs like these, so thorough and organized.
doublelongdaddy said:
Exceptional Log HOOSYODADDI! This information is going to be so valuable to you as you progress. I love seeing logs like these, so thorough and organized.
Thank you, DLD! It means a lot to me that you took the time to read my log and comment.


No Warmup
10 min Basic Constrictor
Hot Wrap/cold plunge alternating
10 min Basic Constrictor
Hot Wrap/cold plunge alternating
rest 3 hrs
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
rest 45 min
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
Hot wrap
10 min Basic Constrictor
700 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
Put on cockring after jelqs

T-vein showed up during the first two constrictors but was not painful and subsided quickly. Hanging is going well if BPFSL is any indication; BPFSL= 6.75" today (up 1/8th" from 11/17/04). It was difficult to get hard enough for the last constrictor, so I used that time to do clamped erect stretches as well as some squeezes. My penis shrunk up within about 15 minutes of the last wet jelqs - not surprising, considering that it got some serious punisHydromaxent today.

Skin and tissue feel fine and should be ready for more action tomorrow. I've been noticing the ligaments more lately when I palpate/massage my penis. The ligaments seem to be thicker. It could just be my imagination though.

On a different note: I'm seriously thinking about getting some viagra/cialis/etc. in the near future. It is very difficult for me to maintain an erection while trying to measure EG. I'd like to be able to sustain an erection long enough to both measure EG and take a picture. Yes, this is a psychological issue, I'm sure - but boy is it annoying >:( Can anyone tell me if generic Cialis or generic Viagra is cheaper to get via prescription (insurance co-pay) or should I just order some online? I was thinking about going to my doctor and asking him for a few samples just to see which one works for me. However, as we all know, once I go to the doctor- and especially if I get a prescription, all that info will become public domain. . .
No Warmup
15 min Basic Constrictor
Hot Wrap/cold plunge alternating
rested a few hours
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
rested about 1.5hrs
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
Hot Wrap
700 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
Put on cockring after jelqs

T-vein showed up during the constrictor but was not painful. However, there was significant fluid buildup on the left side, mid-shaft. It was gone by the time I did the first hang. I initially thought that I'd try to do 2 x 15min basic constrictors instead of 3 x 10min sets. I'm not ready for that yet. I can probably do 2 x 12min basics though. Also, during the constrictor, I did try a few sets of upward stretches as well as a few squeezes. I know! I know! Too much,too fast. Well, in my defense, I was pretty stimulated and was not feeling any pain. rofl I know better now. Some of you guys will probably tell me,"Fluid? Great! I get it all the time. It means you are working out intensely"

The BTC hangs went well, with the second hang producing what felt like a lig burn at the end of the set. My dick was like taffy at the end of each hang - super stretchy for about a minute. After that minute, the tissue seemed to regain elasticity and tension. IMHO - hangers probably get their highest BPFSL readings within the first minute following a hang.

As far as the wet jelqs go, the first 100 reps were pretty limp (heheh) from beating my dick up. After that, I had to stop kegeling or else I got a boner. I always say that if you get a boner easily, shit must be working alright and no damage done. ;) I'm not sure if I could wet jelq after taking a viagra though . . . Guess I'll find out when kausion hooks me up.

Right now my penis looks like a short, fat accordion. Guess he had enough work today. :)
I bet you thought I forgot about you, eh? I've been avoiding the Progress section like the plague, I tend to spend hours of my day in here. But fuck it, right? I'm really impressed with your log, it's top notch man. We need to hook it up on AIM sometime again, or shit maybe you can call me sometime.

Let's go in together on some C or V from kausion, we may be able to get it cheaper.

Peace bro.

PS - You lucky bastard with your 5.75 EG... hows the wifey dig it?
AlloyCG said:
I bet you thought I forgot about you, eh? I've been avoiding the Progress section like the plague, I tend to spend hours of my day in here. But fuck it, right? I'm really impressed with your log, it's top notch man. We need to hook it up on AIM sometime again, or shit maybe you can call me sometime.

Let's go in together on some C or V from kausion, we may be able to get it cheaper.

Peace bro.

PS - You lucky bastard with your 5.75 EG... hows the wifey dig it?
I'm on the same page with you on the C & V. I'd like to try both to see which works best.

Everytime that I've gotten on AIM, it's been dead - nobody on. I'll try to get on more often and just leave it on even when it's empty.

Well, let me tell you. I was at 5 and 15/16ths (11-13-04) at one point. Shortly after I stopped taking Creatine (11-12-04), my pecker (my muscles deflated some too) apparently shrank back down to 5.75". The problem is, I may actually be higher, but I can't tell because of the limpness issue when measuring. My dick goes flaccid as soon as the measuring tape hits and no amount of adult entertainment or visualization can get it back up. Very frustrating. Also, I will probably get flamed for saying this, but Creatine DOES help Penis Enlargement workouts. Everyone will tell you that creatine only absorbs and works in the muscle tissues. My experience says that is wrong. I have noticed a dramatic increase in both recovery times for weightlifting AND Penis Enlargement since stopping creatine (I'm in the "drying out phase" right now.). So, if creatine helps recovery time, which in turn helps you do more Penis Enlargement, I'd say it helps gains too.
I'm almost willing to bet money that when I start taking creatine again on the 12th, my EG will jump up dramatically about a week or 2 later. However, since I don't go though the "loading" phase (taking large amounts of creatine when starting up) it might take longer. Anyway, it's a moot point until I can sustain an erection long enough to measure EG accurately.

As far as my wife goes, she can't tell a difference by feel but has seen a visual difference. She no longer "poo-poo's" Penis Enlargement. Last night, she actually said that she was impressed by how long I've stuck to Penis Enlargement and that she would have quit a long time ago (had it been she who was doing the Penis Enlargement).


No Warmup
12 min Basic Constrictor
alternating Hot Wrap/cold dips
12 min Basic Constrictor
alternating Hot Wrap/cold dips
rested a few hours
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
Hot wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
about 25 dry jelqs
700 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
put on cockring

T-vein showed up during the constrictors. The hot wrap/cold dips helped. Measured today as best as I could: BPenis EnlargementL= 6.25", EG= 5 and 15/16", EW= 1 and 7/8", BPFSL= 7.00" These are now going in the signature. Can't wait to get some Viagra or Cialis so that I can get a good erection for measurement. In the meantime, I may try a cheap Chinese herbal mix that got me super horny when I used it about 15yrs ago. I don't remember whether it made good erections - just wanted to fuck anything that moved. If I can still find some, I'll report back on how well it works combined with Penis Enlargement. Disclaimer: You do NOT want to use this stuff unless you have a "significant other." For those that want to try to find some themselves, it was called "Shou Wu Chi Juice" and came in a liter sized glass bottle for about $4 bucks. The main ingredient is Polygonum Multiflorum - aka- Ho Shou Wu, which can also be found in pill form (pian) - Shou Wu Pian (also cheap). Your best bet is an oriental herb store or the herb section in an oriental super market. I'd personally recommend the Shou Wu Chi Juice instead of the pills, because the Juice is a balanced formula - whereas if you take the pills (a lot of yang) you need to balance them out with something yin. Too much yang will make you very thirsty. Believe me, you'll know what I'm talking about if you take too much. Also, brush your teeth immediately after taking the juice or it WILL stain your teeth. And I mean stain with a capital "S." (Personal experience talking here.)
No Warmup
12 min Basic Constrictor
alternating Hot Wrap/cold dips
12 min Basic Constrictor
alternating Hot Wrap/cold dips
rested a few hours
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
Hot wrap
800 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
Put on cockring
Hot wrap

T-vein showed up during the constrictors and at the end of the wet jelqs. Measured BPenis EnlargementL at 6 and 3/8" today. WOOT!!! rofl I'll wait until the new year to update the BPenis EnlargementL since I just changed the sig.
REDZULU2003 said:
Looking very good.
Just remember to keep warming up and down after and before sessions.
Thanks for posting in my log, RED. I'm really bad about warming up prior to my first constrictor. It's gotten to be a habit that needs to change.
Question: Do you recommend doing the constrictors every day or every other day? I currently do them on a 3-on/1-off cycle.

No Warmup
12 min Basic Constrictor
alternating Hot Wrap/cold dips
12 min Basic Constrictor
alternating Hot Wrap/cold dips
rested a few hours
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
Hot Wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
Hot Wrap
edged for about 30 minutes
put on cockring

T-vein showed up during the constrictors and after the first hang. Really got a good burn on the second BTC hang. I dled some "women fucking machines" video samples and edged for some time to that - 30minutes is listed, but it was probably longer.

I have to say that the adult entertainment on the "fucking machines" site stimulates me more than anything else that I have seen yet. There is one sample that shows a chick "squirting" (cum?) while she is orgasming loudly and being pounded by the machine-driven dildo. Very Hottttt. Even the girl's friend was like,"Holy Shit! Wow!" Needless to say, after watching and wanking (we call it "edging" ;) ), I woke up my wife and got a quickie. For a change, I slept very well - but had a BADDD nightmare:

Here's how the nightmare went down - I went to the bathroom to take a piss. When I whipped my penis out, it was really long - almost touching the floor. Urine started exiting out of the side of the penis in one spot instead of from the meatus. Shortly after that, more holes appeared around the shaft with the urine gushing out, until, finally - the whole penis burst into vertical sections like a peeled banana. At this point, my destroyed dick started stretching even lower until it was dragging in some kind of sewer sludge at the bottom of the urinal. I was frantically reeling in my dick to pull it out of the muck while repeatedly saying,"Oh please let this be a dream!" At the same time, I was calculating how long I could get to the hospital and wondering if they could fix my dick up. The horrible thing about this dream was that it was very realistic and detailed. Anyhow, I woke up needing to take a piss and immediately opened my waistband to check my penis. PHEW!!! Talk about relief. The moral of this nightmare is: be careful about looking at pics in the Disfunctional Cafe . . . I think that one I viewed a month or so ago weaseled its way into my subconscious. Yuck.
Few months ago i had a dream in which i was home alone and had nothing to do,so i decided to masturbate.When i whipped my penis to do so,i noticed that my glans was missing,man i had no glans!!!On the other hand,as you did in your dream i was thinking about going to hospital and hoped that that is only a dream.My reason for having this nightmare was probably too much work during the day mixed with clamping exercises for too much time,(i was still a newbie in clamping,but i was doing probably more than 30 mins. at a time).I personaly think that you are overdoing something or you dont have enough healing time,or maybe both!It seams that you are doing too much from your log. but that is just my opinion!
profesionalac said:
Few months ago i had a dream in which i was home alone and had nothing to do,so i decided to masturbate.When i whipped my penis to do so,i noticed that my glans was missing,man i had no glans!!!On the other hand,as you did in your dream i was thinking about going to hospital and hoped that that is only a dream.My reason for having this nightmare was probably too much work during the day mixed with clamping exercises for too much time,(i was still a newbie in clamping,but i was doing probably more than 30 mins. at a time).I personaly think that you are overdoing something or you dont have enough healing time,or maybe both!It seams that you are doing too much from your log. but that is just my opinion!
Thanks for your concern and comments. Everything is going well with my routine so far. Any minor pain/bruising always goes away within a few hours. The 3-on/1-off schedule seems to be just the right amount of time for the fatigue/growth cycle. Although girth has not jumped up much, my length has increased very well since I started hanging. I always strive to listen to my body, rest when needed and not exceed my limits.
Hot Wrap
12 min Basic Constrictor
alternating Hot Wrap/cold dips
12 min Basic Constrictor
edged for about 20 minutes
rested a few hours
Hot Wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
Hot Wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
Hot wrap
700 wet jelqs at medium-light intensity

T-vein showed up during the constrictors and at the end of the first BTC hang but subsided quickly. Ejaculated after edging to "fucking machines" samples (again). Previously, I had only masturbated to ejaculation maybe once a month and a half. Since I've been watching the "fucking machines" samples, I've busted a nut every time. My erections have started to become better and occur more often. The downside is that I was unable to wet jelq effectively because my penis kept getting too hard. In the past, I always have had complete control over my erections during wet jelqing. Hopefully, I'll be able to wet jelq normally tomorrow. I don't plan on "busting a nut" during tommorow's routine, but DAMN - those "fucking machines" videos are stimulating!
Kegels: I need to be doing more of these. Not sure how many I've been doing lately, but not over 200/day - I think. My goal is to get back to 1k single squeezes and 50+ x 5second squeezes/day.
No Warmup
10 min Basic Constrictor
50 dry jelqs
rested a few hours
20 min BTC hang with 6.75lbs
hot wrap
500 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity

Well, I've been off for about 5 days now without so much as touching my penis - except to take a piss. Despite that, it appears that I've gained another 1/8" EL and am now at 6.5" BPenis EnlargementL as of today. WOOT! rofl All other measurements are the same except for EG - which I have not measured yet. T-vein came out on the constrictor as usual. :cool: I only did one constrictor and one hang just in case my penis was deconditioned. Everything seems to be ok.

For those of you who are wondering, there are several reasons why I slacked off recently. Firstly, I was depressed. Secondly, my wife started to interfere with my routine and made a fuss about my viewing porno to help with constrictors. Third, my sleeping pattern got off yet again. Fourth, my wife decided to have an operation at the last minute this past week. Although the operation was minor, it has definitely interfered with my routine and will probably continue to do so for a while. (No sex for at least 2 weeks <:( )The upcoming holidays will prove disruptive to my routine as well. I'll be spending a bit of time with my folks which means that it will be difficult - but (hopefully) not impossible - to clamp, jelq or hang.

In addition, I'm currently studying for my personal trainer national certification and need to complete that (and hopefully get a job) by the end of January.

To add more complication, I also weightlift about 6 days/week. As you can imagine, this takes time too. It looks like there is a gym close to my parent's house so maybe I'll be able to continue my workouts. On a different note, I did 5 reps of squats at 255lbs on my last set today. This is the maximum weight that I have ever free-squatted - including 10yrs ago when I was a beast. :P
I start taking creatine again tomorrow, so we'll see how it affects my muscles and EG in the next couple of months. My shoulder joints have been inflamed for the last couple of weeks but seem to be under control at the moment. Some rotator cuff exercises might do the trick. And no, I can't take ibuprofen - so don't tell me to take it.
No Warmup
10 min Basic Constrictor
alternating Hot Wrap/cold dips
10 min Basic Constrictor
alternating Hot Wrap/cold dips
rested a few hours
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
Hot Wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
Hot wrap
600 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity

T-vein showed up during the constrictors but not on either of the hangs. I went out to Home Depot today to pick up a metal hose clamp, which I'll be experimenting with soon.

Back on Creatine today. I took 2 x 5g doses after my gym workouts and won't be going through a "loading" phase.

I suspect that one of the moderators here at [words=]MOS[/words] deleted a post that I made to one of his threads last night, claiming that it was off topic (some of it was). I could not find my post in any of the other forums. Too bad, since I put a lot of time, thought and effort into it. Although the post was for that person specifically, I feel that a lot of other members here at [words=]MOS[/words] could have benefited from reading it. That is why I posted it instead of PMing.

It is a crying shame when moderators abuse their power in order to punish those members that they either outright don't like, or for censorship reasons.
I wonder if any of my posts in this log will be deleted or moved because I mentioned some "off topic" things like weightlifting/gym workouts or supplements. Hopefully, my log will stay intact. If not, I've taken the precaution of making copies.

Normally, I don't get too political. However, I feel it is my right and duty to speak up when the authorities in a community abuse their power - even if it's a virtual community. Favoritism and censorship have no place here. And by censorship, I'm not talking about violating the rules of the site/forums. I'm talking about censorship due to the fact that the censor does not agree with, or like the post that he deletes. Just so that everyone is crystal clear - the subject of my post was motivational in nature. Go figure why somebody would want to delete that . . .
I suspect that one of the moderators here at [words=]MOS[/words] deleted a post that I made to one of his threads last night, claiming that it was off topic (some of it was). I could not find my post in any of the other forums. Too bad, since I put a lot of time, thought and effort into it. Although the post was for that person specifically, I feel that a lot of other members here at [words=]MOS[/words] could have benefited from reading it. That is why I posted it instead of PMing.

It is a crying shame when moderators abuse their power in order to punish those members that they either outright don't like, or for censorship reasons.
I wonder if any of my posts in this log will be deleted or moved because I mentioned some "off topic" things like weightlifting/gym workouts or supplements. Hopefully, my log will stay intact. If not, I've taken the precaution of making copies.

Normally, I don't get too political. However, I feel it is my right and duty to speak up when the authorities in a community abuse their power - even if it's a virtual community. Favoritism and censorship have no place here. And by censorship, I'm not talking about violating the rules of the site/forums. I'm talking about censorship due to the fact that the censor does not agree with, or like the post that he deletes. Just so that everyone is crystal clear - the subject of my post was motivational in nature. Go figure why somebody would want to delete that . . .

No workout today. I just need to set the record straight:

My post was not deleted. Although I did a search, and was unable to find the post, it was still where I had left it - in another thread. As a result, I jumped to conclusions and assumed that the owner of the thread had deleted my post.

There was no favoritism, censorship or deletion - just my impatience and paranoia.

To make matters worse, I made negative comments to another member who then made those comments public. Although my comments were meant to be private conversation - they DID become public and caused unnecessary damage. What is ironic is that the motivational post that I referred to talked about attitude being a choice. My choice was to become angry. I'm afraid that the only example that I set was as a hypocrite.

To summarize, I was the problem - not the moderator that I mentioned in my log. This is an informal apology to that mod whom I have already PMed. I sincerely regret all hurt that I have caused you and other members in this forum due to my lack of patience and faith.
No Warmup
couple of minutes of manual ULI's (just messing around)
few minutes rest
14 min Basic Constrictor
edging with ejaculation
13 min Basic Constrictor
edging with ejaculation
no cooldown

I tried clamping with a hose clamp wrapped in electrical tape with no padding underneath. The expansion was not as good as with the cable clamp. I did feel like it was easier getting the hose clamp closer to my pelvis than the cable clamp, but it pinched where the metal touched the skin. Also, I misjudged the amount of tape and used too much. This caused the tape to bunch up when I tightened the clamp. The first 7 minutes with the hose
clamp were less intense than the last 7. I took advantage of that first half by doing a few ULI's, erect bends, upward pulls and squeezes to expand the shaft. When I was done, it looked like I had damaged the skin. It turned out to be adhesive from the tape and came off easily with vaseline.

The T-vein did not come out until the second clamp, in which I went back to the cable clamp and [words=]ACE[/words] wrap. In preparation for the second clamp, I tried to pull my dick up and out while getting the wrap as close to my pelvis as possible without folding it. Then I clamped down as low as close to the edge as possible. This was a different sensation for me - a lot of pressure below the clamp. Not extreme pain - but I did not like it, so I moved the clamp up a tiny bit. I still had that feeling of pressure, but went ahead anyway without experiencing any real pain or soreness during (or after) the session. I edged after each clamp and came both times. The T-vein disappeared very fast after I started edging after the second clamp.

Today was hectic. I really wanted to do more Penis Enlargement and was unable to hit the gym as well. Unfortunately, I'm still dealing with fallout resulting from when I got hacked a while ago. I've been getting different spam messages from people who are using one of my email accounts. Talk about cheeky! The reason that they were able hijack my email for so long was that my account provider recently merged with another company. In that merger, my main
email was transitioned over, but not my sub-accounts. I was able to change my main identity password - but not the sub-accounts because they were still under the old domain. To make a long story short, I migrated those accounts today and changed my passwords. I also suBathmateitted an abuse report to my provider with the headers from the email hijackers. I'm just glad the passwords are changed. None of this would have happened if I had secured my Windows box with antivirus beforehand. Now my system is as secure as Windows can be without being disconnected from the Internet: Hardware and software firewalls, antivirus software, anti-spyware software; all updated and scanned multiple times a day. I still have not gotten my Linux box backed up or reinstalled (the first box that got hacked). I thought that my erection looked a little longer today - and it was: by about 1/16" making my BPenis EnlargementL 6 and 9/16". My length has really jumped up quickly in the last couple of weeks. I have a feeling that my girth is due for a jump soon as well. Just a feeling -
Lol you came twice during a workout? That'll teach the naysayers...

Awesome gains man... you are coming along too fast. I'm jealous! What are you doing that I'm not...

Are you giving up on the hose clamp or are you going to experiment with it some more? I was thinking about giving it a shot as well.
AlloyCG said:
Lol you came twice during a workout? That'll teach the naysayers...

Awesome gains man... you are coming along too fast. I'm jealous! What are you doing that I'm not...

Are you giving up on the hose clamp or are you going to experiment with it some more? I was thinking about giving it a shot as well.
Actually, I ejaculated THREE times yesterday. lol
Last night my wife was feeling really horny, but we could not have vaginal sex because she just had an operation. We fooled around for a good while, she gave me a handjob and I ejaculated again. My dick stayed rock hard for about 5 minutes longer. I put on the 1.5" cockring and went to sleep with it. My penis felt GREAT today and is ready for more work.

I do have some very minor scrapes/irritation from where the hose clamp pinched me yesterday. No big deal though. As for the hose clamp, well . . . I like the way it constricts equally around the penis - as opposed to the cable clamp which turns into an oval shape as it gets smaller. The hose clamp pinches on bare skin, takes longer to adjust and is all but impossible to put on an already engorged penis (unless you went up to the next highest diameter/size clamp). I may try the hose clamp again with a very light [words=]ACE[/words] wrap and no electrical tape.

Despite the shape issue, the cable clamp seems to be the better tool due to it's rapid adjustability and ability to be placed or removed at any level of engorgement. The cable clamp seems to be most effective with a lot of wrap (about 3' of [words=]ACE[/words]). The problem with this is that the extra wrap prevents additional engorgement directly above the clamp site. I've also noticed fluid buildup will occur in that exact same area. I'm thinking of cutting the wrap in half lengthwise from 3' x 2' to 3' x 1' to see if there is an added benefit.
I'm thinking of cutting the wrap in half lengthwise from 3' x 2' to 3' x 1' to see if there is an added benefit.
Correction: I meant 3' x 2"(inches) to 3' x 1"(inch) -
If the wrap HAD been 3 feet by 2 feet . . . well, let's just say that even mummies weren't wrapped with cloth that
Superb stuff.
Now, I see you keep mentioning 'T-Vein'...I have to ask. How do you know its a T-vein? veins do and will bulge out the skin when you do constriction work. If the veins is like that of Vine grapes and all bunched up and at times painful, its probably a T-vein....otherwise it aint. I want to know more on this 'T'V' because it needs nipping in the bud now if it is a T-Vein.

REDZULU2003 said:
Superb stuff.
Now, I see you keep mentioning 'T-Vein'...I have to ask. How do you know its a T-vein? veins do and will bulge out the skin when you do constriction work. If the veins is like that of Vine grapes and all bunched up and at times painful, its probably a T-vein....otherwise it aint. I want to know more on this 'T'V' because it needs nipping in the bud now if it is a T-Vein.

Good question, RED. The vein is located on the upper left hand side about half a centimeter below the glans. It is normally invisible unless I do constrictors or intense wet jelqing for an extended length of time. When the vein pops out, it comes from deep beneath the skin and is very hard like a guitar string. The vein probably measures a little less than 2cm in length. The vein and area surrounding it hurt like hell when it initially appeared - about the first month that I started Penis Enlargementing. The injury occured because I was jelqing while too erect and was still a newbie. Although I took a week off, the pain still persisted for another few weeks. I'm going to try to attach a simple illustration to show what it looks like. All though the vein in the diagram is red, the real-life vein has no color. At some point, I'll try to take a pic of it. The good news is that recently, the vein seems to be coming out less and is receding faster than before. Also, I'm not getting any pain associated with it, so I just continue clamping whilst keeping an eye on it.
Last edited:
No Warmup
10 min Basic Constrictor
Hot Wrap/cold plunge alternating
10 min Basic Constrictor
Hot Wrap/cold plunge alternating
rest 3 hrs
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
no cooldown

No Warmup
13 min Basic Constrictor
20 minutes of edging with ejaculation
no cooldown

The T-vein seems to be coming out less during the constrictors. As some of you will notice, I've been somewhat irregular in my routines for the past 2 weeks. This has been due to both family obligations, as well as changes daily/weekly schedule that everyone has to deal with during the pre-holidays. Point in fact: My daughter is off from school today. I'll also be taking her to the doctor this morning. You can see how that might put a dent in my Penis Enlargement and gym workout. This kind of thing will only get worse as family obligations become more frequent during the upcoming holidays. In addition, I'm studying (or should be) for an important certification (NASM) that is a requisite for a new job that I'll be applying for after the vacation period. I've also got to get recertified in CPR which will take at least a day and $50.

Needless to say, it has become more and more difficult to balance all aspects of my life. Something is going to have to take a back seat for a month or two. I may end up cutting my Penis Enlargement routine in half to free up some extra time for studying.

I tried to take some pics of my my T-vein while clamped, but the flash from the camera made everything look washed out (too much contrast). I'll try again once I figure out how to disable the flash.
no warmup
20 min BTC hang with 6.75lbs
hot wrap
10 min Basic Constrictor
hot wrap
400 wet jelqs at medium intensity
put on cockring

My wife walked in while doing my constrictor and just about killed my erection. She started giving me hell again about looking at adult entertainment. I had to have yet another long conversation with her explaining why I look at adult entertainment for girth sessions and why I don't for length, etc. etc. I also explained to her that adult entertainment is just a tool for reaching my Penis Enlargement goals - nothing else.
So, instead of being supportive, she's being obstructive. Great. Needless to say, she still thinks we are all just a bunch of pervs.

The T-vein came out again on the constrictor. It went down within a minute with some massaging. I would have stayed clamped longer, but my wife walked in the office and killed the mood. Guess I was lucky to get 10 minutes.

I've been taking about a tablespoon of Shou Wu Chih in hot water once a day. To be really effective, it would be best for me to take it 3 x daily.
The stuff still costs $4 after all these years. Heheh. Here are couple of pics of what Shou Wu Chih looks like if anyone is interested:
EXELLENT logs, infact I'm gunna stick this thread....its a role-model for other members to follow. The T-vein, it kinda sounds like something else....not a T-Vein, but something kinda less serious. It should be present most of the time, even flaccid if it were a bad T-vein, and it isnt. I'd say its just a swollen area around the actual vein or artery. If you do ICE/HOT wraps or dips THEY WILL WORK. I have written extensive threads about that method and it works for T-veins...ANYWHERE on the body. Dip in ICE water for 5 seconds than HOT water for 5 seconds, keep going back and fourth for like 10-15 minutes. Your sessions look good, and I enjoy reading your threads. They are fun to read and honest. Hey, your wife.....maybe show her a picture of my penis? the one in my thread [picture] and tell her that it WORKS and this guy named Red' has gotten this girth from it and is helping you. Maybe she'll think it looks good and stop giving you shit when ya look at adult entertainment to do girth sessions.
REDZULU2003 said:
EXELLENT logs, infact I'm gunna stick this thread....its a role-model for other members to follow. The T-vein, it kinda sounds like something else....not a T-Vein, but something kinda less serious. It should be present most of the time, even flaccid if it were a bad T-vein, and it isnt. I'd say its just a swollen area around the actual vein or artery. If you do ICE/HOT wraps or dips THEY WILL WORK. I have written extensive threads about that method and it works for T-veins...ANYWHERE on the body. Dip in ICE water for 5 seconds than HOT water for 5 seconds, keep going back and fourth for like 10-15 minutes. Your sessions look good, and I enjoy reading your threads. They are fun to read and honest.
Hey, your wife.....maybe show her a picture of my penis? the one in my thread [picture] and tell her that it WORKS and this guy named Red' has gotten this girth from it and is helping you. Maybe she'll think it looks good and stop giving you shit when ya look at adult entertainment to do girth sessions.

Thanks for the support and validation. I've always said that I've tried following and incorporating your routines and techniques from the first day that I began Penis Enlargement. I started Penis Enlargement doing your 5 minute/each direction manual stretches and quickly worked up to the 1,000 wet jelqs that you recommended (bring back memories?). Now, my main exercises are constrictors and BTC hanging - which were also inspired by your Penis Enlargement logs/gains. It is no bullshit when I say that I would not be where I am now if it weren't for you.

I've been doing ice water/hotwraps following each constrictor, but would like to try dipping in hotwater instead of hot-wrapping. Your first posts about hot/cold therapies made sense to me - I've been taking hot/cold showers for years and believe that they are great for stimulating circulation and the immune system.

Since you are probably right about the vein not being a T-vein, I'll no longer refer to it in my notes as "the T-vein." Although the vein does get hard as a rock and takes some massaging/edging/wrapping to go down, it DOES go down in a relatively short period of time. It's a very minor inconvenience, at most, and is not currently painful.

RED, I think that I showed a pic of your penis to my wife when I initially started Penis Enlargement. At that time (about August - this year), she thought Penis Enlargement was a lot of bunk. As of now, she does believe in Penis Enlargement and is actually concerned about how far I'm going to take things. Last night she asked me a couple of times,"How big do you want to get??" I told her 8.5" BPenis EnlargementL and 7" EG. Well, I lied about the EG because I'm really going to shoot for 8" EG and didn't want
to scare her.
She was not too happy about the fact that I want 8.5" BPenis EnlargementL, so I explained that it really would be more like 7.75" EL with the fat pad . . . rofl I also told her that 7" would "hardly" be more than what my current EG is (half a lie). Athough I'm sure that my wife has forgotten your pics, RED, I think it would be a VERY bad idea to show them to her again right now. She is already afraid that I want to split her in half with my dick - and seeing your pics would confirm that.

We were fooling around again last night (still can't have sex for another week yet <:( ) and I convinced her to give me head (she doesn't like giving blowjobs) after getting her off. Prior to putting my penis in her mouth, she looked at it and said,"It IS bigger." Nice to hear, but I could see on her face that she was a little scared and not too pleased at the thought of it getting bigger. Personally, I think her mouth is big enough. She just needs to STFU and learn to deepthroat.
no warmup (surprised?)
14 min Basic Constrictor
alternating hotwraps/cold dips
14 min Basic Constrictor
Hot/Cold shower
worked out at gym for couple of hours
20 min BTC hang with 6.75 lbs
50 dry jelqs
20 min BTC hang with 6.75 lbs
hot wrap
400 wet jelqs

Started taking about a tablespoon of Shou Wu Chih liquid 1 x daily a couple of days ago. I took 2 x tablespoons of it today and will probably take a third tonight. I plan on changing the dosage to 2 x tablespoons taken once in the evening and once at night before bed. My wife gave me a hand job last night and there was a LOT of sperm. We were laughing our asses off like fools because the shit just kept coming (and going everywhere but the towel) and my wife was trying to aim it away from her - over the side of the bed. I told her, while laughing hysterically,"Don't stop! Don't stop!!!"
Increased sperm count is definitely a benefit of taking Shou Wu Chih, as is increased libido. Although, I have experienced an increase in horniness corresponding with taking the tonic, I haven't yet seen any noticeable improvement in erectile quality. It's only been a few days though. The reason that I am documenting the effects of the tonic is because it is very cheap, relatively easy to obtain and may help with Penis Enlargement girth workouts. The main ingredient/herb, Ho Shou Wu (polygonam multiflorum) is scientifically proven to have a gonatropic (makes your gonads bigger) effect and increases sperm count. It sure would be nice if Shou Wu Chih proved to be an inexpensive AND healthy substitute for Viagra and Cialis in Penis Enlargement girth workouts. So for now, I'll be the guinea pig. ;)
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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