Thanks for the compliment, RED!REDZULU2003 said:Great stuff, real motivation material.
Thanks for the compliment, RED!REDZULU2003 said:Great stuff, real motivation material.
Well, the hanging takes 40 minutes + 10 minutes warmup cooldown + 15 minutes between sets = about 1hr 5 minutes @ 2 x 20min BTC hangs.TizZle said:That's an intense routine man ! How long does that routine take ?
Yes, the hot wraps seem to facilitate the workout in addition to aiding the recovery process.iwant8inches said:Hey, that's a good idea about the hotwrap after a few slammers. I can't do more than 4 or 5 usually. I did them back in the summer and late spring for a while and I think I got most of my girth from those and lots of wet jelqs (along with three weeks or so with Phase II's girth work) but yeah the SS are intense and for me the endurance has been an issue what with the edging component. I'll have to try these tonight if I am up to doing them in my girth routine tonight.
Thx RED. I'm hoping that the increase in weight will correspond to an increase in EL and base girth.REDZULU2003 said:Nice work. The 10lb hang is a big step that will lead onto better things.
The Supra Slammers ARE the sets. The wet jelqing is to get the erection % back up as well as restore tissue circulation. I usually break down the workouts into morning and evening. I find that girth is best done in the morning when I'm fresh and have more privacy.iwant8inches said:Hydromaxmm...I see that you do Supra Slammers in between sets...this would really help me "recover" faster...for when I do Supra Slammers....Plus it kills two birds with one stone. How long does that workout take you? It looks like 2 and a half hours or something. Nice.
I'm thinking now that this might be an ingrown hair. Although there is no visible sore/head/etc., it is possible that a hair grew sideways in the tunica from an area that I plucked earlier. This problem has gotten me pissed off since I can't hang now - just when I got to hanging at 10lbs and making fast gains again. GRRRRR. I'm probably still going to do constrictors though since I can clamp below the problem area.iwant8inches said:God I hate spiders. lol Once, I woke up in the morning and saw one crawling off my bed. It was like it had waited all night just to find it's way to say yeah...I bit yo ass. Freaked me out. Man, come to think of it I've had lots of insect/bed related incidents. I slept in my grandparents guest room one summer and I found like a squished red cockroach to the left side of my pillow. Sickest I ever felt. They live in the south so bugs are pretty much always alive down there. Here where I live every insect is pretty much dead.
I understand and agree with you completely, RED. Thanks for the words of encouragement. The only thing currently standing between me and skyrocketing my girth is "the lump." I'm going to give it one more week to show improvement and then I'll make an appointment to see the primary care phys.--> and from there get a referral to see a urologist (yeah, we gotta run through a lot of hoops with the health care system in US). I look forward to some great productive workouts when this issue is finally resolved. Gotta say that the Constricted Squeezes combined with bends are - THE BEST - HANDS DOWN - effective girth exercise in Penis Enlargement that I've tried. I LOVE THEM. Seriously, how many girth exercises do you know that give you blood spots on your SHAFT after only 10 minutes? Great expansion during workout and post workout flaccid. Get's a shitload of work done in a minimum amount of time = EFFICIENCY. Who doesn't like efficient and effective exercises?REDZULU2003 said:Hope it works out in the end for you.
Reasons why your erect girth may have gone down is simple...your perhaps more stressed. Plus you have dropped a few gears in your routine for obvious reasons, and what you had was temp building up with longterm into permanent.
I wouldnt'll all come back. What expansion you made lastime will still be inside your penis IMHO [No scientific backup] and I think that after less intense sessions that the chambers keep some of there expansion from the intense sessions so when later on you hammer it again they will expand into a large state oncemore....understand?
Thanks, philadelph, although there hasn't been any work going on for a couple of weeks now <philadelph said:Hope the lump gets better. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the advice. Good to see you back!profesionalac said:I dont know if i have real reason to advise you but if you care for EL you may try Footlong stretches.I simply dont understand how that goes but after a session of 10-15 mins. i went from 6.5 to 7 inch. so i think that this type of stretches have a real potencial.
Great girth,soldier!!!
True, but for me, this tended to mainly be a "newbie" effect. The pain is not really that bad right now - just noticeable since I didn't have any before my hiatus (when I was conditioned). It will probably pass.REDZULU2003 said:Note: Even if you do warmup you still might get pain in the area where you have constricted, just one of those side effects I'm afraid.
HOOSYODADDI said:I don't usually ejac. during edging, but felt it was needed today. Another 10 minutes from now and I'll be ready to go again.
Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shoppedguin said:Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend