no warmup
14 minute Constrictor
10 minutes edging
alternating hot wraps/cold dips
10 minute Constrictor
15 minutes edging
hot/cold shower

Was getting ready for the trip to my parent's house and had was surprised to even get in the two constrictors. During the clamp sessions, I tried a few squeezes, horses and [words=]SSJ[/words]'s.


I was not able to do much of anything Tuesday because of the family trip. I did do a few short manual tugs and dry jelqs. This situation is going to last about a week, so it's going to be very difficult to find the time, place or privacy to do exercises. I will try to log when possible, but won't be consistent until after the holidays. Good luck to everyone else in the same situation.


No Warmup
10 min Basic Constrictor
1 hr sex with wife - no ejaculation
300 wet jelqs
5 ULI's
5 Horse squeezes
more sex with wife - no ejaculation
Alterating hot wrap/cold plunge
went to gym for a few hours
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
Hot wrap

Yeah, I used my wife to edge.
Good workout overall. Despite the fact that I was unable to do much more than a few squeezes and tugs during my 7 day hiatus, EL and EG seem to be close to pre-vacation measurements. I'll be measuring in the new year and will change my signature at that time. As of now, my BPenis EnlargementL is at 6 and 5/8ths" and EG is almost at 5 and 15/16ths"
Hot Wrap
100 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
Supra Slammer with Horse 440
100 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
Supra Slammer with Horse 440
100 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
Supra Slammer with Horse 440
200 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
Supra Slammer with Horse 440
200 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
Supra Slammer with Horse 440
Hot Wrap
rested an hour
Hot Wrap
10 Minute Constrictor with approx. 6x Horse 440's
Alternating hot wrap/cold plunges

Getting fully erect after the third Supra Slammer was difficult. Although my penis was at less than 100% for the constrictor, I still gave it a hard workout by doing additional Horse 440's. Although the Slammers were difficult to complete and time consuming, they seemed to work my (weaker) right chamber better than straight cable clamping. Now I know why people take Viagra for their girth workouts!!!
Since I have not yet been able to master tbirdy's technique for working individual chambers, the Supra slammers are a good alternative in the meantime. Has anyone else noticed after doing a Slammer/Horse440 that your penis stays in the same shape where your hands were squeezing - like clay? I had this happen today and was most noticeable at the base where I was clamping with my hand. After I took my hand off the base, that area stayed squished for a few seconds.
Hot Wrap
100 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
Supra Slammer with Horse 440
100 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
Supra Slammer with Horse 440
200 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
Supra Slammer with Horse 440
100 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
Supra Slammer with Horse 440
100 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
Supra Slammer with Horse 440
100 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
Supra Slammer with Horse 440
200 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
Put on cockring and did 25 base-girth squeezes
took off cockring
100 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
Supra Slammer with Horse 440
250 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
put on cockring and did 30 base-girth squeezes
Hot Wrap

Post workout (15 minutes later) flaccid girth was at 5 and 3/8ths" midshaft and 5.5" at base. I was still able to get a great pump despite the fact that I didn't edge and was unable to get 100% erect. It seemed like I was able to target the weaker right chamber a little better today. I held the ULI portion of the Slammers for about 45 seconds and the Horse440's for about 20 seconds. Tomorrow is "off day" for girth.
Happy New Year All ! ! !

OK guys, I lost about about 1/8" of girth, 3/8" of EL and .25" FSL over the holidays. Hence, the reason that my stats have not dropped much from the December signature. The good news is that I made the 1/8" back already. Obviously, the EG had been cemented more than the EL - so EL lost out during the break period. The EL should come back quickly with consistent hanging.

On the downside, Penis Enlargement will need to take a backseat until I get certified and employed. All in all, though, things will be better than when I was at my parents' house for a week+.

For those of you who were following my Shou Wu Chih usage, it also dropped off during the break. I'll continue reporting my usage and effects.

Over the break, I got 5 x 100mg Viagra pills to try out. I took half (50mg) of one and was spectacularly unimpressed. My EL and EG were actually less than without V. I've definitely gotten more engorgement with less %erection. Hence, my hopes for using Viagra as a tool to help me measure EG and photograph it - dashed <:( . The main "benefit" that I could see was that the medicine really impacted my erectors so that my erection was almost pointing straight up. Overall, I'm pretty disappointed with the product. With 4 pills left (I gave the other half of the 1st pill to my wife as an experiment), I plan on trying some Tagamet with another 50mg dosage. If that does not produce better results, I'll just take a 100mg dose. I suppose that I could try Cialis next. . . just have to get some free ;) .

On another note, I've decided to try HST training (weightlifting) starting Monday. The main differences: 3 days a week training instead of 6 days a week, less sets per bodypart/workout and total body exercises instead of day-bodypart specific exercises. I'm also hoping for more muscular hypertrophy and my shoulders healing (and staying healed). I should probably take a 6 week break from doing any exercises that impact my shoulders, but . . . it's hard to not go in to the gym.
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hot wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
Hot Wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
alternating hot/cold dips
hot wrap
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
200 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
hot wrap
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
200 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
put on cockring
did 20+ 10sec+ Horse440's with cockring
20 min edging with cockring
hot wrap
Hot/Cold Shower

There was slight bruising on the shaft after the first BTC hang. The second hang resulted in no bruising and really felt great. The non-edging Slammers/Horsies went great. The horsies with cockring were very intense and expanded the base nicely. I had a good pump long after the session was over. Post girth 30 min after session was 5.5" and 6 and 1/8" at base.
hot wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
hot wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
hot wrap
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
put on cockring
did 30+ dry jelqs with cockring
hot wrap

This girth routine is so intense that I think I'm gonna go to a 2-on/1-off for a while. I got a sharp pain at the left base where shaft meets balls during the jelqs after the 4th Slammer. It was not a pain that I had gotten before and seemed to come from the left ligament when I pulled toward the glans on the wet jelqs. I proceeded with the other 4 Slammers without further pain/incident.

Although I did not measure today, flaccid girth and length were noticeably bigger - a lot bigger than normal. I plan on changing back to basic constrictors at some point to keep the shock factor going.

I've only had one tablespoon of Shou Wu Chih/day for the past few days. I plan to up that amount to one tablespoon 2x daily. Sleep was noticeably better with 4 x tablespoons daily, but that amount seemed a little too much. We'll see how I do with 2 x tablespoons daily for a while before upping the dosage.
I've taken a rest the last couple of days due to the unidentifiable pain that I mentioned in my last post. Although the pain has been intermittent and not extreme, I've been reluctant to exacerbate the issue by working out too soon. I'll probably start out hanging tomorrow and continue with a either a few slammers or a clamp or two if everything seems kosher.

NOTE TO SELF: Don't do two days back-to-back of super-intense, balls-to-the-wall girth exercises. --- In the future, either make one day less intense or skip a day between super intense days. :s
TizZle said:
That's an intense routine man ! How long does that routine take ?
Well, the hanging takes 40 minutes + 10 minutes warmup cooldown + 15 minutes between sets = about 1hr 5 minutes @ 2 x 20min BTC hangs.
Obviously, the Slammer routine takes longer than doing 2 x 10 minute clamp sessions :P . Seriously, though, the Slammer routine takes me around an hour @ 8 x Slammers. I'll try to time it more accurately next time since you are interested.

Slammers Broken down:
hot wrap = 5 minutes
100 wet jelqs = ?
ULI = 45 seconds
Sliding ULI hand up to glans = 25 seconds
Horse 440 = 20 seconds

So, each Slammer takes me about 1.5 minutes without edging. Please note that edging is a major component of Supra's Slammers. I removed the edging from my routine when I found that it was difficult and very time consuming to repeat more than once or twice.

I'd personally recommend hot wrapping mid-routine if you are doing more than 4 Slammers at a time. I.E. - If you decide to do 5 slammers, hot wrap after the 2nd or 3rd Slammer.

I'm not sure how long each 100 wet jelqs take, but it will depend on how intensely you do them. I'd estimate that each 100 wet jelqs take me no more than 3-4 minutes at a medium-high intensity.

So multiply 4 x 8 = 32 minutes(wet jelqing) + 1.5 x 8 = 12 minutes(Slammers) + 15 minutes(hot wraps) = 59 minutes - or about an hour, as I estimated above rofl

As you can see, the BTC hangs + Slammers takes about 2 hrs total time - about 20 - 25minutes longer than hanging + 2 x 10minute clamps.
Hey, that's a good idea about the hotwrap after a few slammers. I can't do more than 4 or 5 usually. I did them back in the summer and late spring for a while and I think I got most of my girth from those and lots of wet jelqs (along with three weeks or so with Phase II's girth work) but yeah the SS are intense and for me the endurance has been an issue what with the edging component. I'll have to try these tonight if I am up to doing them in my girth routine tonight.
iwant8inches said:
Hey, that's a good idea about the hotwrap after a few slammers. I can't do more than 4 or 5 usually. I did them back in the summer and late spring for a while and I think I got most of my girth from those and lots of wet jelqs (along with three weeks or so with Phase II's girth work) but yeah the SS are intense and for me the endurance has been an issue what with the edging component. I'll have to try these tonight if I am up to doing them in my girth routine tonight.
Yes, the hot wraps seem to facilitate the workout in addition to aiding the recovery process.

A trick that I've found in doing the Slammers is to move the ULI hand toward the glans and stop when you feel maximum tension/expansion. Then hold the ULI in that position, as opposed to against your pubic bone. I'm pretty sure that Supra described this too, but it took me a while to "follow the directions."
Anyway, this really comes in handy when you are unable to get maximum erection. Another trick that I use is to visualize "sexy" images while wet jelqing and kegel at the same time. This helps me get pretty hard by the time that I get to the 100th jelq and saves me the time of edging, while still restoring circulation/etc.

I'm also looking forward to trying some Dash Raps as soon as I can buy some 3/8" rope. ;)
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no warmup
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
rested about an hour
hot wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
rested a few hours
no warmup
200 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
hot wrap
sex with wife

Yes, I was able to get an erection after my
BTW - for those of you who have a wife or gf: I just bought my wife a Hitachi "Magic Wand" handheld massager. The massager is supposed to be for your neck/back/etc., but is a great clitoral stimulator. My wife can get an intense orgasm with this thing in about 2 minutes flat! After an orgasm with the "wand," my wife's vagina tightens up so much that it is
almost impossible to penetrate. We have laughed about her "newfound virginity" when I unable to get my cock in.
Anyway, the device retails for about $65 and up. I bought ours new on ebay for $26+$9shipping= $35 total. I originally came across this device while watching adult entertainment samples from "" - Many of the women using this massager on their clits seemed to be having such a good time that I decided to find one for my wife :) .
hot wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
hot wrap
rested about 30 min
hot wrap
20 min BTC hang at 6.75lbs
hot wrap
went to gym
approx. 45min sex with wife in PM - no ejac
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
hot wrap
put on cockring for the night

The problem with doing hanging before girth exercises is that my dick sometimes gets hard against my wishes. For those of us who hang, we have all heard,"Don't hang while erect!"
Well, let me tell you one reason that you don't want want to hang while erect - or even semi-erect: During the hang, your dick looses engorgement and the stretching device slips down too far. This slippage can cause bruising and pain. This happened to me yesterday and I did not want to break the 20min hang by taking off the hanger and readjusting it. Luckily, I was not hurt by my stubborness/perfectionism (and stupidity). Next time I will try to wait out the erection, however long it takes, before attaching the hanger. If this becomes a regular problem, I'll just go back to girth first, then hanging. The funny thing is, the reason that I now like to hang first is that it gives me a good erection afterwards.
The girth session was great with the last Slammer being the most intense. My post girth flaccid state was good too. I got several erections during the night with the cockring on = several passive constrictors.

Initially, I did not feel like working girth in the evening. So when my wife said,"come to bed," I was ready to turn in for the night. Upon arriving in the bedroom, I noticed a towel sitting on the edge of the bed ^^ (towel = my wife's non-verbal signal that we're going to have sex). We had pretty intense sex and I found out rather quickly that she was having a heavy period. There was blood everywhere and we joked about "the virgin's wedding night." We have not had "period sex" since before we got married, so it was definitely a change for us. Anyway, I decided that I didn't want to ejaculate and instead focused on pounding that pussy. Since my wife was not that sensitive (vaginally), I terminated the fuck session after about 45 minutes and gave her the "magic wand." The funny thing is that the sex motivated me to do my girth workout which I had initially written off for the night.
Today (AM):
hot wrap
10 min constrictor with about 25 Horse440's
alternating hot/cold dips
200 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
200 wet jelqs
15 minutes edging
put on cockring
alternating hot/cold dips

There were a lot of blood spots above the clamp line after the constrictor/Horse440's. No pain though. There were some small fluid bubbles after the third Slammer. They went away with wet jelqing.

For those of you who have not tried alternating hot/cold dips, or, who have had difficulties, here are some tips:

1)Make sure that you have containers that are deep enough, but not too wide.
2)The cold container can be plastic, but I'd use a tall coffee cup or other ceramic vessel for the hot dip container.
3)Use a microwave to heat the water for the hot dip.
4)Always dip in the cold water FIRST. It conditions your penis to dip in hotter water. Water that would normally burn you will only feel warm after you have dipped in cold water.
5)If you are using a microwave to heat the hot water, only heat for about 30 seconds(from cold tap water). Test the water. Heat it up in 10 second increments until it's hot enough to put your finger in without burning.
6)Each time that go from the cold dip to the hot dip, you will be lowering the temperature of the hot dip water (and raising the temperature of the cold dip water too). You will want to reheat the hot dip water in the microwave for about 10 seconds after every 4-5 dips.
7)You will be able to dip in hotter water if the cold dip water is very cold. You can prepare by putting the container of pre-measured cold water in the refridgerator overnight. Move the cold dip container to the freezer about 15 minutes before you are ready for your hot/cold dips. You'll have an ice cube instead of a cold dip if you leave the cup in for longer than 20 minutes - so don't forget about it rofl .


hot wrap
20 min BTC hang at 10lbs
hot wrap

My first 10lb hang went well. Had a little initial pain from the tunica stretching which disappeared in a few seconds. There is a little discoloration on both sides of the shaft where the hanger grabs. That discoloration should be gone by tomorrow.
hot wrap
12 min constrictor with about 25 Horse440's
alternating hot/cold dips
200 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
100 wet jelqs
Supra Slammer/Horse440
200 wet jelqs
put on cockring
hot wrap
rested a few hours
20 min BTC hang at 10lbs
hot wrap
400 wet jelqs
put on cockring

I initially had a very good erection when I put the clamp on. However, I ruined it by going to the kitchen to take some supplements prior to going to the gym. Lesson Learned: Prepare in advance and maintain focus during workouts. I have noticed that I get a better extended post workout "pump" from constrictors than with any other exercise. Hands down.

The BTC hang went well, but took a looong time to set up. I had to keep readjusting the hanger because it was coming down over my glans due to the increased weight. Solution: I stretched out my penis and pulled all the loose skin toward the glans. Then I attached the hanger (Wench) mid-way. I've noticed that hanging really stretches out the tunica, almost to the point of being FR (Foreskin Restoration). This is old news, but I thought that I'd mention it anyway :s .
Hydromaxmm...I see that you do Supra Slammers in between sets...this would really help me "recover" faster...for when I do Supra Slammers....Plus it kills two birds with one stone. How long does that workout take you? It looks like 2 and a half hours or something. Nice.
iwant8inches said:
Hydromaxmm...I see that you do Supra Slammers in between sets...this would really help me "recover" faster...for when I do Supra Slammers....Plus it kills two birds with one stone. How long does that workout take you? It looks like 2 and a half hours or something. Nice.
The Supra Slammers ARE the sets. The wet jelqing is to get the erection % back up as well as restore tissue circulation. I usually break down the workouts into morning and evening. I find that girth is best done in the morning when I'm fresh and have more privacy.

Approximate Breakdown:
4 Slammers = about 35 minutes + 5 min warmup = 40 min
10 min Constrictor = 10min + 5 min warmup + 5 min hot/cold dips = 20 minutes
20 min BTC hang = 20min + 5 min warmup + 5 min cooldown = 30 min

*Of course there is rest between exercises,etc.
Yesterday was a rest day. Last night before I had sex with my wife, I found that a lot of the skin on the mid-right side of my penis was inflamed/painful to the touch. Initially, I blamed the rubber cockring which had been worn all day. However, I have now ruled out the cockring due to the following factors:
1)When the cockring irritates my skin, it leaves a complete ring of irritation around the penis.
2)The irritation goes away within minutes after removing the cockring.

Since I did not do any Penis Enlargement yesterday, I'm 99.99% sure that Penis Enlargement is not responsible. I moved the skin around and palpated all the tissue and was able to verify that the inflammation is located on the skin only. I tried a hot wrap which burned on the area and then felt ok. I also applied a cold dip which did not hurt while dipping, but did hurt more after removal. In addition, after doing the cold dip, I discovered that there was a lump/adhesion in the sore area. At that point, I verified again that it was still just skin that was affected.

Despite the inflammation, I went ahead and had sex last night. I got an erection just fine and it did not hurt - which further supports my belief that it is not a Penis Enlargement injury. Sex also did not hurt. If anything, the inflammation was slightly down after having sex.

This morning, the inflammation is highly localized to one small area of a little less than a centimeter in diameter. There is still a raised lump/adhesion. I am now of the opinion that I was probably bitten sometime yesterday by a spider. We've had a lot of them in the house and it would not be unheard of to have one make its way into clothing.

On one hand, I'd like to try clamping today to see if it aggravates the "bite" or heals the inflammation through the additional circulation provided by the exercise. This view would be supported by the positive benefit that sex had on the area last night. On the other hand, I don't want to risk pushing the venom, if any, into the surrounding tissues since it seems to be localized in the tunica at this time. What I will do for sure today is try hot/cold dips throughout the day, as well as work out at the gym.

More updates to come this evening.
Well, I went ahead and did some girth work today:

10 minutes Constricted Horses with bends
hot/cold dips
10 minutes Constricted Horses with bends
hot/cold dips

There is a bunch of fluid buildup around the spider bite - about an inch in diameter. The fluid built up after the second constrictor. I gotta say that I was pretty brutal with the squeezes and was doing bends at the same time. Since all the fluid is present on the right side, it's safe to say that it's probably in reaction to the work + spider bite. My erections were great. The workout was great.

It seems that I am able to work the left and right chambers individually while clamped by bending during horses. Since my right chamber is somewhat smaller than my left, we'll see if this technique works over time to even things out.

I won't be doing Slammers, wet jelqing or hanging until this bite heals up <:( . In the meantime, I should be able to continue clamping if the fluid buildup does not become an issue. Another change will be that I'll use the rubber lasso around my entire package instead of the normal cockrings.

My measurements today are:6.5" BPenis EnlargementL, 6.0" EG and 1 and 15/16" EW. I've stopped measuring flaccid since it fluctuates so much.
I was researching spider bites online. It is clear that I should NOT have done girth exercises or used heat on the affected area. Since there is a risk that the bite is from a brown recluse, I may have spread the toxins to other areas of my penis.

On a positive note, I cut off a little piece of aloe vera and applied the plant directly to the bite area for about 45 minutes. After that time, all of the fluid buildup was gone where the plant had contacted :s and the bite area seemed less painful. I plan on applying aloe vera again this afternoon following my gym workout and will be keeping vigilance on the bite site throughout the day.

Man, this situation has gotten me scared. I feel like a total dumbass for not checking things out prior to doing Penis Enlargement.
God I hate spiders. lol Once, I woke up in the morning and saw one crawling off my bed. It was like it had waited all night just to find it's way to say yeah...I bit yo ass. Freaked me out. Man, come to think of it I've had lots of insect/bed related incidents. I slept in my grandparents guest room one summer and I found like a squished red cockroach to the left side of my pillow. Sickest I ever felt. They live in the south so bugs are pretty much always alive down there. Here where I live every insect is pretty much dead.
iwant8inches said:
God I hate spiders. lol Once, I woke up in the morning and saw one crawling off my bed. It was like it had waited all night just to find it's way to say yeah...I bit yo ass. Freaked me out. Man, come to think of it I've had lots of insect/bed related incidents. I slept in my grandparents guest room one summer and I found like a squished red cockroach to the left side of my pillow. Sickest I ever felt. They live in the south so bugs are pretty much always alive down there. Here where I live every insect is pretty much dead.
I'm thinking now that this might be an ingrown hair. Although there is no visible sore/head/etc., it is possible that a hair grew sideways in the tunica from an area that I plucked earlier. This problem has gotten me pissed off since I can't hang now - just when I got to hanging at 10lbs and making fast gains again. GRRRRR. I'm probably still going to do constrictors though since I can clamp below the problem area.
Well, the lump is still there. Penis Enlargement'ed anyway today:

hot wrap
10 minutes constricted squeezes w/bends
alternating hot/cold dips

I'm going to continue working around the lump until it goes away. If it becomes worse, I'll give things a rest and go see the doc. The session went well today. I've got red dots all over my shaft. No fluid. I would have liked to do a second constrictor but decided to be conservative while this lump thing is going on. I'm thinking that the lump is either an ingrown hair or a pimple that has not come to a head yet. There's a little discoloration on the skin above it now after I did the girth workout. I hope to resume hanging and wet jelqing soon :s .
I'm gonna take a girth rest today and hope that the %$#@ blessed lump goes away. My daughter is home sick today so it's just as well that I rest.
Well, my kid has been sick with the flu since Friday. She is getting better but still has a low-grade fever. Hopefully, she'll be recovered to go to school on Tuesday (Monday's a holiday).

The lump: I've found that the lump gets better faster without Penis Enlargement, so . . . I'm taking a break until it's gone. It seems to have gotten smaller and is no longer painful. Erections are still normal - i.e. - my unit is still working fine. I can't wait until the lump is gone to get back hanging and doing heavy duty girth work. Penis Enlargement has become such an important part of my life that I feel out of synch on rest days.
The Lump:
Upon further palpation, I've come to the conclusion that the lump is the same size that it was when it appeared last Tuesday. I have not decided how long to wait for the lump to reduce in size/disappear before going to the doctor. Nor am I sure now that refraining from Penis Enlargement will have any impact on the lump's disappearance. My biggest fear is that I'll need to have surgery to identify/remove the lump (and something bad will happen during/after the surgery/etc).
no warmup
10 minute constricted squeezes
15 min edging
hot/cold dips

I was moderate in my squeezing and did not do any bends. No fluid present, but the area above the lump was discolored again (bruising?). No pain. Today's erect measurements: BPenis EnlargementL = 6 and 5/8ths", EG = 5.75" (yes, the EG went down). The lump has now been present for one week.

**I started taking Animal Pak vitamins and TRAC NO2 about a week ago for weightlifting. Since then, I've noticed a significant visual increase in my flaccid hang length and girth. I've also been getting erections all the time too.

I stopped taking the Shou Wu Chih tonic a few weeks ago. The holidays were mainly responsible for my lack of follow-through on taking this product. Too bad, since it really improved my sleep while I was using it at the higher dosages (2 tablespoons 2 x daily).
Hope it works out in the end for you.
Reasons why your erect girth may have gone down is simple...your perhaps more stressed. Plus you have dropped a few gears in your routine for obvious reasons, and what you had was temp building up with longterm into permanent.
I wouldnt'll all come back. What expansion you made lastime will still be inside your penis IMHO [No scientific backup] and I think that after less intense sessions that the chambers keep some of there expansion from the intense sessions so when later on you hammer it again they will expand into a large state oncemore....understand?
REDZULU2003 said:
Hope it works out in the end for you.
Reasons why your erect girth may have gone down is simple...your perhaps more stressed. Plus you have dropped a few gears in your routine for obvious reasons, and what you had was temp building up with longterm into permanent.
I wouldnt'll all come back. What expansion you made lastime will still be inside your penis IMHO [No scientific backup] and I think that after less intense sessions that the chambers keep some of there expansion from the intense sessions so when later on you hammer it again they will expand into a large state oncemore....understand?
I understand and agree with you completely, RED. Thanks for the words of encouragement. The only thing currently standing between me and skyrocketing my girth is "the lump." I'm going to give it one more week to show improvement and then I'll make an appointment to see the primary care phys.--> and from there get a referral to see a urologist (yeah, we gotta run through a lot of hoops with the health care system in US). I look forward to some great productive workouts when this issue is finally resolved. Gotta say that the Constricted Squeezes combined with bends are - THE BEST - HANDS DOWN - effective girth exercise in Penis Enlargement that I've tried. I LOVE THEM. Seriously, how many girth exercises do you know that give you blood spots on your SHAFT after only 10 minutes? Great expansion during workout and post workout flaccid. Get's a shitload of work done in a minimum amount of time = EFFICIENCY. Who doesn't like efficient and effective exercises?
Your spot fucking on.
I think alot of guys either dont or cant master constriction because it isnt easy to master and takes alot of practice and time to get it right. Also FEAR puts them off, because they think there cock might fall off.
Still refraining from Penis Enlargement while the thrombosis heals. The lump seems to be getting smaller. Hopefully, I'll be able to resume Penis Enlargement by this time next week.
philadelph said:
Hope the lump gets better. Keep up the good work.
Thanks, philadelph, although there hasn't been any work going on for a couple of weeks now <:(

On Monday, the original lump was subsided but a new big lump appeared lower down - also on the right side. There was inflammation and pain just like when the first lump appeared. Yesterday, the new lump was still there and pretty big/tender to the touch. Today, I can't find either lump and feel like I'm playing hide and seek with this shit. I'm really starting to think that this situation is really just some weird virus that is swelling my lymph nodes and causing thrombosis. Still refraining from doing Penis Enlargement.

I made a doctor's appointment for next Wednesday for a physical. I'll try to get a referral to a "pee-pee doc" at that time. Of course, by the time that I get to my appointment, the lump will be gone. Then it will probably come back after I've already seen the doctor :s .
I dont know if i have real reason to advise you but if you care for EL you may try Footlong stretches.I simply dont understand how that goes but after a session of 10-15 mins. i went from 6.5 to 7 inch. so i think that this type of stretches have a real potencial.

Great girth,soldier!!!
profesionalac said:
I dont know if i have real reason to advise you but if you care for EL you may try Footlong stretches.I simply dont understand how that goes but after a session of 10-15 mins. i went from 6.5 to 7 inch. so i think that this type of stretches have a real potencial.

Great girth,soldier!!!
Thanks for the advice. Good to see you back!

I have refrained from any Penis Enlargement for about 2 weeks. The lump was absent last night and today. I plan on starting some wet jelqs tonight. Depending on how things go, I'll continue the wet jelqs and manual stretching for about a week and gradually introduce clamping and hanging back in the routine.
Well, I didn't do the wet jelqs. . . I was sick all last night and got about an hour's worth of sleep. In spite of that, I took my national personal training certification test (National Academy of Sports Medicine) this morning and PASSED!!!! The test was hard as hell so I'm glad that it's behind me now.

The wife has been out of town all this week on business. Too bad that I'm sick . . . I was really looking forward to sex tonight :s .

The good news is that the lump/thrombosis appears to be gone. I'm starting to think that the lumps were just lymph nodes that got swollen because of this virus I've got now. They appeared and disappeared without doing Penis Enlargement, so I'm leaning toward that theory. Hopefully, I'll be well enough to get in some wet jelqs tonight.
no warmup
300 wet jelqs at medium-high intensity
hot wrap

The T-Vein like vein came out after the 200th jelq and did not go away for a while -even after the hot wrap. Great expansion, probably due to deconditioning.


no warmup
10 minute constrictor with light squeezes and bends
hot wrap

Tiny bit of fluid buildup and slight pain where clamp attached at base. A few red dots were present on the shaft. Warmups . . . I know! I know! I haven't done them - Don't give me any shit :P

My measurements today are 6.5" EL, 5.75 EG;

EW and BPFSL not measured yet
Note: Even if you do warmup you still might get pain in the area where you have constricted, just one of those side effects I'm afraid.
REDZULU2003 said:
Note: Even if you do warmup you still might get pain in the area where you have constricted, just one of those side effects I'm afraid.
True, but for me, this tended to mainly be a "newbie" effect. The pain is not really that bad right now - just noticeable since I didn't have any before my hiatus (when I was conditioned). It will probably pass.

no warmup
10 min constricted light squeezes with bends
hot/cold dips

No fluid buildup this time. I used the same pressure as last time, but fewer red dots on shaft. Great post workout flaccid state. Still a little pain on right side of shaft where the clamp goes. It's funny because I used to always have pain on my left side. Never on the right. Now the pain/irritation happens on the right.
hot wrap
20 min btc hang at 7lbs
hot wrap

My first day hanging/serious length work since the thrombosis. Hang went alright. The plan is to build up to two x 20min sets slowly and then up to one [words=]x 20[/words] min hang at 10lbs eventually - where I was right before the thrombosis.
no warmup
10 minute constrictor with light bends and squeezes
30 minutes edging
hot/cold dips

I got some of the best wood I've ever had for a clamp session. Excellent engorgement throughout the entire session. Because of the high level of engorgement and my deconditioning, I started doing the squeezes and bends slowly and lightly. There were a lot of red dots on my shaft after this exercise. No pain or fluid buildup. I stayed rock hard after the session and semi-edged for about 30 minutes (looked through the adult entertainment section). I guess that my stimulation was so high that I could not leave my erection alone.
Hopefully, my wife will be off the rag tonight or tomorrow so I can give her a good poke.
no warmup
10 minutes constricted bends and squeezes
hot/cold dips
45 minutes edging w/ ejaculation

Started out light on the squeezes and progressively got more brutal. Despite that, there were hardly any red dots on shaft. Conditioning must be progressing quickly. I was still horny so I edged for about 45 min. Got a very large load despite the fact that I already had sex with the wife earlier this morning. I don't usually ejac. during edging, but felt it was needed today :) . Another 10 minutes from now and I'll be ready to go again.
I don't usually ejac. during edging, but felt it was needed today :) . Another 10 minutes from now and I'll be ready to go again.

Sometimes it's nice to let one slip out:)
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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