so i've been tying for some time now. urologist wanted to take a scalpel to my best friend and I declined.
he saw the results of tying sessions 1 and 2, but made a comment about the scar tissue that is left. it's like a white, non-stretchable tissue that the fren seems to have turned into.

there is still some slight "glans tipping" as my urologist called it- and tightness, so i've just completed another tie as of about 30 minutes ago. This time with smaller 0.5mm stretch magic string, as the 1.0 was leaving wounds that were much too large, thus turning more skin into scar tissue.

from what i've read, this is somewhat normal for people who tore their frenulum during what they thought was going to be a pleasurable act. once their frenulum heals it is much the same. but i still feel it's a little tight.

any remedies for this? or continue to tie off in small stages with small string to elongate the scarred area so that it's no longer an issue?

also, I'm using polysporin triple-action ointment, seems to do the job pretty well and has some of the active ingredients in EMLA cream as well- so throughout the day it numbs the area pretty well so urinating or checking on it from time to time is less of a sharp pain.
whodat;485591 said:
there is still some slight "glans tipping" as my urologist called it- and tightness, so i've just completed another tie as of about 30 minutes ago. This time with smaller 0.5mm stretch magic string, as the 1.0 was leaving wounds that were much too large, thus turning more skin into scar tissue.

This tie is to eliminate the tipping or release it?
I'm not sure I understand the question. "glans tipping" is what my urologist referred to as the tendency for the glans to bow forward when you retract the foreskin due to short frenular skin or poor elasticity.
by tying the frenulum, you are always releasing/relieving tension, and therefore eliminating the tipping if it's successful, right?

That's really not my concern at this point, though. I'm more concerned about the scar tissue.
UnknownUser420;485293 said:
Uh oh mates, we have a bleeder!!!!!!!!!

So was checking progress this morning of the second group of ties with my gf, and noticed the top had more distance gained. Looked like the knot cut through but was still held there by maybe a small loop of skin, almost invisible or nonexistent, I couldn't see why it hadn't fallen off if it had cut through...

The top tie cut through, but I was impatient and seeing the knot still held there by almost nothing, it was just bugging me. I yanked the knot of stretch cord that seemed to be just floating there on the end of the frenulum. It started gushing blood, I was worried I hit the frenulum vein and needed to go to the hospital. Worse yet, this occurred this morning, not at home, I slept over at my girlfriends so it happened in her bed! It was bleeding heavy too, I was really worried until it stopped. Still going to wait before inspecting more, I don't want to rip and start the bleeding all over again.

Well my worst worry and fear happened, so it's not so bad now, but declined to take pics of the bloody mess to keep his from turning into a gore thread and scaring others off. Yes it did happen, yes it was lots of blood, but it wasn't bad once it stopped, what a bloody mess to clean up though.

Anyhow long story short, thought I was in serious trouble or had to go to the emergency ward at the hospital. Not fun at all mates. Anyhow it seems more superficial now after the fact, going to wait to heal before proceeding on the top again. Bottom doubletie also has work left to do, it was nowhere near as fast or quick, but I'm wondering if it's human error and I didn't prestretch the cord enough first. Time will tell, I guess the worst that can happen has already. If you heard the whole situation it was actually quite humorous but I am still recovering from the shock of gushing blood from my dick!

But up near the top tie, everything is going picture perfect accordingly to my plan, I don't think a cosmetic surgeon will have done a better job once I am done. Have gained it seems 4-5mm up top separating the glans, 1.5mm distance for the middle tie cut, and 3-4mm from the bottom tie cut. 1cm doesn't sound like much in total, but it's enough to loosen things up down there and no more ripping or tearing issues. Peace of mind is worth all the discomfort and blood and pain to get there. Many shallow ties is what I prefer for my situation for sure.

Can't wait to heal and proceed, and also finish up the middle and bottom sections too. This is going much better than expected after all the bumps in the road have been sorted and smoothed out. Very happy on results

I bet you had a fright there! lol. Yea I can imagine what the sight of blood coming from down there must be like. I had a similar thing on my 2nd tie it wasn't tight enough to cut through the remaining thread of skin which was almost invisible. I got my scalpel out and began gently cutting it loose until it finally came off. When the knot was removed there was a tiny bit of blood but nothing to cause a panic. It just didn't go as smoothly as the first time. Oh well :)

By the way, thanks for keeping an eye out for any treatments/solutions for Phimotic Rings! It means a lot and is comforting. I will say though that it isn't as bad now as it looks in a couple of those pictures. I've been practising staying retracted through the day and night which appears to be helping a bit. But there's still a way to go yet before the ring is as elasticated as the rest of the shaft skin. Jelqing exercises seem to help it too so I'm continuing with those rofl I wonder if there's any creams that might help...

Anyway keep us posted on the healing! It shouldn't be too long before it's healed :)
whodat;485687 said:
I'm not sure I understand the question. "glans tipping" is what my urologist referred to as the tendency for the glans to bow forward when you retract the foreskin due to short frenular skin or poor elasticity.
by tying the frenulum, you are always releasing/relieving tension, and therefore eliminating the tipping if it's successful, right?

That's really not my concern at this point, though. I'm more concerned about the scar tissue.

Yea that's right. The tipping is the glans bowing forward/downward when the foreskin is retracted.

Even though I've done the ties I need to do to fix my tight frenulum problem, I was going to do a 3rd tie to prevent the tipping. I still need to do it but there's no rush and the tipping isn't that bad - it only occurs when forcefully retracted to the max.

For any scar tissue I would keep doing a couple more ties to elongate the area. Doing this should help spread it out evenly up and down the frenulum area and reduce any major noticeable scarring. With me, I have a minor white piece of tissue where it was cut and healed again but it's just as soft as the surrounding skin tissue, really. One thing I did after everything had healed was to bathe thoroughly and use skin moisturising creams like cocoa butter to keep the area soft and supple. I did this for about 2 weeks.
Hey mates,

I've done another pair of ties now, to clean up and loosen up the bottom more as well. As much as I have gained there are still some tight areas that a small tie would benefit so I am working my way back up the top.

Having done a couple sets of ties before, and having bled, I figured I am experienced and confident to go a little deeper, so I did. I remember reading people's secondary and third ties cutting through much quicker and sooner, but I am perplexed to find this round dragging on.

That pinched sore twang feeling is repeated every time I do a tie and I think I am developing a chronic soreness or that perhaps I am rushing and going too fast and too many ties at once. Perhaps one at a time is best, or when one is single and does not have a partner as well, as this extended procedure is hampering my sex life somewhat and my significant other although not openly admitting seems a little sexually frustrated in my downtime. That may be the reasoning why I am going as fast as I can through this, but I find each and every cut through tie releases new nerve endings and sensitivity in the general area. It's like aggravating an already sore and tender area by doing more ties and releasing more sensitive nerve endings.

Well it's probably been a week or so since I tied, and things are indeed cutting through slowly. I just tried to tighten by yanking both ends and one of them slipped and I got that rubber band snap feeling, right where it's tender. It started to bleed a bit so I've covered it in ointment and allowed it to retract back under for now. I am not going to yank the top one in fear of the same slip and snap. They both seem to be chewing through but there is ample stuff to chew through still, and I am getting that elongated hole effect, someone mentioned twisting and shoving twisted toilet paper into the hole behind the knot of the tie and it seems like that's happening to me with these ties.

Should I retie?

Anyone else has used stretch have magic and retied? The knots become so small I am not sure how to remove it.

Would it be okay to just thread another stretch magic cord into the widened hole and then just do another tie off, with the other knot still in?

I am afraid it's going to be hard to remove the previous ties and knots, but also worried that if it stops cutting through, it will heal somewhat like an earring hole and just stop cutting through but leaving a hole behind.

Maybe I will give it a few days. I remember it's sore on day one when the cream wears off. Then you really don't feel anything for a week. Then right before it cuts through you get a weird sharp painful soreness again, and then usually a sharp pain once it completely cuts through and the knotted string can be removed.

I am hoping this new soreness is an indication of almost cutting through. The wait this time is a horror show, feels like time has stalled out on me. I have lots of ties, many more to do until I get the look and freedom I want. However no tipping anymore, as well as no attachment to the glans. As well, it seems to expand fuller and bigger without the frenulum pulling it back. I am a little unhappy that once I do finally seperated all that extra nerve ending packed frenulum material from my shaft, I am going to have to cut it all off in the name of aesthetics and finishing a perfect looking result. I hope the sensivity lost won't be that much. But at the same time, now my whole gland head knob whatever you want to call it is seperated freed and exposed, that those new areas will be sensitive and now in play/not covered by a pesky tight strand of frenulum covering on top of it. But maybe lost sensivity may help me delay and prolong the time to orgasm. I just hope they are as intense as with the frenulum intact. I never realized how sensitive it is nor how attached I would feel to it, now that I basically want to cut it off of my member and have no extra sensitive skin just being a nuisance in every which way. I was going to stop tying for a while since it loosened up enough to have comfortable sex, but I am noticing where it is still attached, that has become the new frontal anchorpoint of the frenulum and where all the most tug action or pulling force is now directed to. It is obviously not as hardened or as strong as the original, being that this new anchorpoint is within the middle of the frenulum and very thin and weak. Any hard thrust by either of us and I can feel it tugging there, kind of like glands tipping forward on a hard thrust with an intact frenulum, so I am forced to continue the tying. I want it so I can go as rough, and thrust as deep and as hard without any more tug or pull on any part of me. I just want and out pure pleasure. I hope i can attain my goal. This has been an interesting journey so far, glad to have support and advice. Thanks all
Seemed like the longest wait this time ever, I questioned whether I tied the knots tight enough, but finally. More progress! Both new ties have cut through now, the bottom tie was deeper and looks like it took a chunk out, it's quite amazing how much tying can actually do. The top tie cut through just as planned, I am working down the shafts, and now as the head is completely detached from frenulum material, I could just clean up the excess skin and I think it would be an amazing result in the end cosmetically, it almost looks as though one has been cut when fully erect, but when relaxed, the foreskin covers and protects the glans maintaining all sensivity for maximum pleasure. I am removing a lot of the frenulum and excess skin material around it to finish things cosmetically as nice and sound as can be, so I may lose some sensitivity under the corona right under the glans where the frenulum existed before, but now that all that extra surface area is exposed with no frenulum and the glans can now expand to fullest with no tipping, I think it will still be sensitive or uncover a whole new area that was inaccessible before due to the frenulum being in the way!!! I think the trade off was well worth it mates!!

I have possibly 4 to 5 more small ties to go from front to back before I have full and complete separation of the frenulum, even from the foreskin, and if I decide to spread out more pressure alongside underneath or the full length there is two spots where small ties could loosen things up, and then I will finally be done with this and be able to move on and also resume people without pain or soreness, or fear of tearing oneself. Can't wait to be free, I wish you all the best of luck in your own procedures mates. It's been longer than I had imagined from what I have read, but I wanted to do a jolly good job of no botched horror stories and regrets. Can't wait to heal a few days to do the next tie.

UnknownUser420;486326 said:
Seemed like the longest wait this time ever, I questioned whether I tied the knots tight enough, but finally. More progress! Both new ties have cut through now, the bottom tie was deeper and looks like it took a chunk out, it's quite amazing how much tying can actually do. The top tie cut through just as planned, I am working down the shafts, and now as the head is completely detached from frenulum material, I could just clean up the excess skin and I think it would be an amazing result in the end cosmetically, it almost looks as though one has been cut when fully erect, but when relaxed, the foreskin covers and protects the glans maintaining all sensivity for maximum pleasure. I am removing a lot of the frenulum and excess skin material around it to finish things cosmetically as nice and sound as can be, so I may lose some sensitivity under the corona right under the glans where the frenulum existed before, but now that all that extra surface area is exposed with no frenulum and the glans can now expand to fullest with no tipping, I think it will still be sensitive or uncover a whole new area that was inaccessible before due to the frenulum being in the way!!! I think the trade off was well worth it mates!!

I have possibly 4 to 5 more small ties to go from front to back before I have full and complete separation of the frenulum, even from the foreskin, and if I decide to spread out more pressure alongside underneath or the full length there is two spots where small ties could loosen things up, and then I will finally be done with this and be able to move on and also resume people without pain or soreness, or fear of tearing oneself. Can't wait to be free, I wish you all the best of luck in your own procedures mates. It's been longer than I had imagined from what I have read, but I wanted to do a jolly good job of no botched horror stories and regrets. Can't wait to heal a few days to do the next tie.


Congrats UnknownUser420! rofl

I'm really happy to hear that this thread has helped another person with their frenulum troubles and hopefully it will continue to do so!

Keep us posted on your healing and recovery rofl
PhallusOfOsiris;491006 said:
Congrats UnknownUser420! rofl

I'm really happy to hear that this thread has helped another person with their frenulum troubles and hopefully it will continue to do so!

Keep us posted on your healing and recovery rofl

Does anyone have any before and after photos? I am very curious to see the progress you guys are making and to see what the final result looks like.
View attachment 25546
doublelongdaddy;491008 said:
Does anyone have any before and after photos? I am very curious to see the progress you guys are making and to see what the final result looks like.

Do you have a Flickr account? We have the pics on a private group page on Flickr which I could PM you an invite to :)

EDIT: Just realised I could add images to posts! So yea this is my before and after image. The camera brings out all the ugly bits lol but you can see the difference is rather dramatic and the freedom now is amazing.
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PhallusOfOsiris;491015 said:
View attachment 25546

Do you have a Flickr account? We have the pics on a private group page on Flickr which I could PM you an invite to :)

EDIT: Just realised I could add images to posts! So yea this is my before and after image. The camera brings out all the ugly bits lol but you can see the difference is rather dramatic and the freedom now is amazing.

Fucking EXCELLENT results! It looks as clean as mine, very good job indeed! You did this with such expertise and professionalism! Please stick around to help other guys accomplish this, your example is prime!
Thanks for the feedback! I'll always be watching this thread for others too. I know others can achieve this and better and I'll help every step of the way. Mine would look much better if not for the phimosis but as for the frenulum I was very happy with the results.

A few months has passed since those after pics were taken so, as you can imagine, things looks even smoother now. The skin just blends in more. No scars in the first place and certainly none now rofl
Hi UnknownUser420,
It sounds to me like you are going for a world record on the number of ties ! :-) Well done though, it sounds as though you are getting the desired results !
How many days did your last tie take to cut through ?
I must agree with you on the problems with this when you have a significant other - not trivial at all !
Hey all,

Just checking in, and just wanted to say, I am achieving EXACTLY what I sought out to do. And the fact it is working so nicely, I just feel awesome. Imagine having a collar around your neck, or a motorcycle helmet over your head your whole life. And imagine the moment you get it taken off, the sense of new freedom, and how fresh the air seems now, completely unrestricted.

JanBarrel, I am not even sure how many ties it is now, because I did so many ties of two and three at a time, I must be around a dozen total or more? My last tie was very quick to cut through, maybe only 3-4 days, but up until now I have been tying very small distances, maybe releasing a few mm at a time with each tie.

The benefit of this method is the cosmetic end result. My last ties before detached the glans or head of the pens completely. Utter freedom, and my gf says definite increase in size she can notice the difference in her mouth when giving oral sex. I would also say it really seems like a 10-20% increase in just how much it can now fill up with blood and swell. Think of it like a balloon that was stretched out before inflating, it won't fill to the max. But a balloon without the pull or tug, your frenulum for example, restricting inflation/expansion, it's almost as if you really need to go through and complete this procedure to see for yourself. Obviously there's pictures but really, I didn't expect this many positive benefits at all. I just wanted to prevent future tearing and pain during rough sex or fast sex thatbwasnt smooth and controlled. My gf says it's like I'm an animal now in bed raging with hormones, I love it, she loves it. If you have this problem, do it. Tie yourself. You won't regret it at all.

The only thing I regret is not starting sooner. And I know with Penis Enlargement EXERCISES its not quick or fast, but a long term commitment. Before I found this Page (wow, thank you so much Phimosis, you absolutely do rock!) all I read about was circumcision, sorry but NO THANKS, stretching exercises lasting 3-5 yrs without guaranteed results, or what I was willing to look into. Frenuloplasty type procedures, before I found out about tying.

Sorry for the long post, just rather excited I'm finally almost done. I think started this procedure approx 2 months ago, which is still lengthy, but I'm through the worst and see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm 1-2 ties away from finishing and complete freedom. Not to mention, it just looks awesome now. I could be a poster boy for advertising the results, a poster dick for advertising cosmetic procedures (really, it's looking that good), or a stunt sick to fill in for pornos or maybe movie scenes for celebs who are shy or have problems down there. Hell, I feel like walking around naked just to show off, but I'm sure my neighbour's and gf would have something to say about that idea.

Anyways, the major problems I had before like JanBarrel regarding excess skin and getting rid of it, my method has created those small flaps between ties. Normal people with less excess skin, they can tie along the length of their frenulum and apparently the remaining skin nubs will sink back or absorbed into the shaft. I didn't notice that happening, nor did I have months recovery time to see if they would. So just being careful and also good eye, fter numbing with emla cream, they can literally be snipped off like your nails, be careful and precise. My very first clip I went too deep and into the shaft, the latter clips were perfect, but I did a few practice squeezes before the final clip these times..

I made sure to do many ties and keep things small so I wouldn't have a giant flap or slices to remove afterwards that would bleed profusely from the size. Everything was very much easy to do, and after so many ties, I feel like I could do this in my sleep and almost blindfolded. I believe at first I wanted just one tie, deep, cut a lot at once just to get the procedure over with, but that would have left two ugly ends of the frenulum still attached to deal with. And although you could clip those too, I found it beneficial to do everything from the top down, that way, the frenulum actually keeps pulling pressure from down below while the ties cut through. I feel with no tension at all, the cuts or ties wouldn't be so nicely done, or close to the shaft.

I'm sorry somewhere between the last few sets of ties, I stopped photographing each time I tied, so when I get my pics up, there may be a couple ties not documented near the tail end of my procedure. I am disappointed I didn't take a pic of the second last bottom flap before and after I clipped it. I guess I can still take an after shot once my current to that is in cuts through, and take a couple more pics just to document my last and final tie, and then the clipping of the last, uppermost, and biggest flap left as the final clean up step in achieving the ultimate result. I know I seem to be talking it up, but I am seriously ultra impressed and I'm sure anyone who checks out the photo evidence, you'd agree. It's almost as if, if I didn't document the whole procedure, and had the pics to prove it, I wouldnt believe the before and after was the same person - and I'm the guy who did the procedure!!!!! And it's me!!!!!! I'm still in shock.

Anyways, just wanted to give a detailed update. As detailed as what i read and found online was, I didn't have the guts to do it until I read this thread. And now have become a part of it. Seriously, for all the self conscious bullshit I put myself through over the past decade or more (I am 24 now) some since teenage years, and all the times I held back over some great sexual opportunities in the past, suffering from my frenulum, if I can help just one other man out there in this world, all my long posts and efforts would have been worth the while. I'm grateful for you guys having the cahonas to post prior to my website search, and allowing me to metamorphosis out of one phase of my life and catapult into another.

I wish you all the same success to all those currently tying, thinking about it, or have ties in as we speak. Anyone can do this. Anyone who needs to, should. It'll be one of the best things that ever happened to you, your ego, your manhood, your confidence in yourself. All side benefits gained from such a simple thing. Also if I ever need to do sutures or stitches on myself or someone, I feel skilled and comfortable enough now after this. Before I used to cringe at needles and poking stuff into your skin, although I do have multiple piercings and two tatoos, but now I'm much more comfortable with things, life has gotten better in so many ways. It will for you too.

I will post again soon, when something changes. My next tie should cut through in the next few days. Then I can heal a few days (like every time so far) and then tie again. It looks like my next tie might be my last. I've done this so many times now, it almost feels like habit. So weirdness it sounds, I might even miss the whole process of putting a tie in, waiting to cut through, then inspecting the positive changes and results, before moving forward again. But I guess it will be so nice just be finished entirely. I just wish I did this ten years ago when I was younger. It would have made a massive difference in my life.

Cheers all,

Yea I agree, UnknownUser420. Better late than never! Though 24 is no age. I had that same feeling that when I was done I would miss the whole procedure. I think it's because after the first tie you know it's working and then it's just about doing little ties to sculpt your masterpiece. It's like a painting where you could spend months making minor changes until you're 100% happy with it. Because it's very important to you, you research everything about it and you develop an interest in it all. I think that's what keeps you coming back as well. It did with me anyway :)

I stopped after two ties as they were bigger ties and sorted the majority of the frenulum out. I DO plan to return to the area once i've cured this phimotic ring problem tho (no idea what to do yet...). When I begin again I'll be doing a couple more ties but only very small ones just to get the maximum slack and cosmetic looks. Basically what you have done until I'm 110% happy with everything :)

It really is great how it's all working out for everyone and hopefully this method will reach more before they decide to go under the knife or something like that.

Be well all!
Hey there mate

My apologies! Sometimes I use the ipad when my gf uses the computer for writing a paper or schoolwork, so the virtual keyboard isn't all that accurate, or rather my fingers aren't! There's also an automatic word predictor that sometimes alters and changes words if you spell it wrong, and also generates words from what you have typed in its memory. I meant to type PHallus but PHimosis popped up it seems. If you will note however I have also posted before using the ipad, and mentioned to excuse typos or if a word is out of place as it sometimes substitutes words that are close, that you've typed before, or generates its best idea of what you meant to write - but that still has a long way to go it seems...

Have you tried bethamesone or any burn it scar skin cream? The steroid skin creams may help the skin stretch and grow. I don't know what the skin is actually like (hard, brittle, soft, etc) where a phimotic ring is, but maybe burn or scar cream or especially the steroid creams may soften up and help problem skin areas.

More drastic, last option type scenario, maybe a phimoticplasty similar to a frenuloplasty but instead of releasing tension along the length, maybe the Y or Z shaped incision could be turned 90 degrees and instead of adding some freedom in the length (frenulum) it could instead release tension and give freedom around the width (phimotic ring) instead. The Z or Y cuts would be sideways, so instead of stitching to give more length, they'd be stitched up to provide a lot more width, exactly where you need it.

Finally I would mention, but not recommend the procedure they do for babies who have been circumcised but too much skin was lopped off. They have a second procedure to graft or repair what is now too tight. I'm sure a competent surgeon or urologist could do the same thing with extending your diameter of the ring with extra skin.

Hope that might help, will keep seeking solutions to help you best I can.
Hey Phallus,

Have you thought about a tie through the phimotic ring? Kinda like how you can do multiple ties along the length of the frenulum to loosen up maximum distance, but why not tie around the ring in the same fashion to break up the ring all around. Would that work? I was thinking the frenulum could be easily quickly snipped to release just like a tie, but we avoid that because of pain and bleeding, so we do ties. So could a ring be cured similar to snips in a circumcision, but obviously we don't want bleeding or pain, or infection, so like the frenulum, just do ties and see if they cut through? If you use something elastic, it most certainly will. Then maybe it'll heal nice and you can continue doing them around your circle until the who ring is broken up into equal segments.

Your needle entry and exit points would be above and below the ring basically, tie a loop similar to how you'd use string to tie a double surgeons knot around a hula hoop, except that's your phimotic ring you tie around, not your hula hoop hehe. I would imagine it cutting through just the exact same, and when it heals, it would have the same effect as a snip thru the ring. Make sense? Like many things, try in an inconspicuous area first and then repeat as necessary. Personally mate, I would try this first having done the frenulum tie, you should know what to expect and how to do it too. I was skeptical that tying would work for me, but shocked how well it did. I might view this idea with the same skepticism, but who knows, maybe it's the answer to your problems.

Anyways it would be better than having a restorative surgery if the 'phimotic tie' method might work. The surgery is like the kind they do after botched circumcision for when taking off too much foreskin. I'm sure there's a name for the type or procedure, I don't know offhand. Well literally, I think a circumcision is basically like cutting a ring of skin, the foreskin, off completely. Then they restitch the bottom to the top with sutures and it heals together as if the foreskin was never there. I had wondered if they could do the same with phimosis, and cut out that tight ring of skin and sew back up the skin, minus the ring now. Then after you heal, maybe a little Penis Enlargement exercising to stretch the missing ring healed area so nothing heals up shortened or tightened (the exact reason for this restorative procedure when the doctor takes off too much skin. Sounds horrific but not as bad as another man using his mouth and teeth to perform the circumcision surgery, as they do in some religions and culture in the world. Me, I prefer a clean and hygienic procedure, anyhow off topic now, so I will end this post by saying good luck PhallusofOsiris, hopefully you will figure out a solution to your problem.

Anyone with a phimotic ring out there want to chime in? I guess it might be better if you started a whole new thread with phimosis, not frenulum in the title and you'll get more replies, maybe it'll grow like this thread has, and you'll find solution from those who may better know what your dealing with. But I am interested if the tying through and around the ring might help. Let us know if it does!
Hello to all!

So my last tie has cut through, I have no idea where it has disappeared off to, but I checked and it has indeed cut through and fallen off painlessly at some point. Just inspecting how things are healing, I am extremely happy to report that the extra skin bumps, nubs, flaps (leftover excess frenulum skin material) however you want to call it, have all been removed successfully by clipping method. Fast and little to no bleeding, especially when done numbed by a local anesthetic topical cream. Is as if they were never there in the first place at all!!!! Anyone with a large frenulum or one with lots of excess skin, don't worry, just tie, tie, tie, along the length of the frenulum to break up and release the tightness evenly along the whole length. Then just clip those suckers off like clipping your fingernails or toenails. Numb yourself first. The bumps your taking off IS your OLD frenulum, the most sensitive area of skin on your body, so they are still filled with bundles of nerves. The ties sliced through the nerves like a cross section, so the nerves are quite still intact. I was worried to lose sensitivity down there, but it seems the freshly healed skin definitely is still packed with nerves, I suspect they'll heal back close to its entirety before, just will be sublayer the skin, not on top of the skin,as the frenulum is/does.

I had read that some sufferers experienced premature ejaculation from a tight frenulum and sensitivity being so high, when tightened the frenulum really protrudes and gets a lot of friction during sex. I have noticed, another side benefit, things still are sensitive and feel great, but I can also last much longer in bed now, making me feel more comfortable as well as enjoy it more without being self conscious I'm usually the first to go. Now my control is also much better too, I feel like a pornstar who can come on command. Another great side effect of this procedure, I wonder if others who have tied notice this too?

It looks like I am at the point where I just require one more tie to fully and completely release the frenulum from my shaft!!!! It has long since detached from the glans, curing any tipping forward too! What's left is maybe 2-3mm to go, it's like a tiny bit of pinched up, folded skin that I have to deal with, super easy now. When fully erect now, I only feel the slightest tug at all from the frenulum, once that is gone finally, I look forward to easier penetration without having to be very careful of tearing or ripping when inserting into her. I can now show her penetration is a pleasurable experience for me now, it's not painful or uncomfortable anymore, and will probably be able to get more sexual positions without the pressure of tipping forward to contend with! When pulled tight, it creates a slight dimple on either side closest to the shaft, literally marking where to needle in and needle out, it's great to have a guide.

My main main worry before deciding how to tie, was having so much excess, I didn't want to have two snapped ends of extra frenulum to deal with after the fact. A big deep tie as I wanted at first would have created that no question. So instead of having the two sides of the cut through to deal with, I first broke the anchor point on the glans, and slowly worked my way back with multiple small ties as recorded in my earlier posts. ( I have pictures as well, so for those interested, they can see them once I make the album after my last tie is photographed and the last clip cleans up for a finished job.). I was worried the more I tie and cut back, the longer the flap or dangling leftover skin would be. I could take off bit by bit, but I opted to leave it all to have something to grasp and an opposite side with some meat to it to poke through easier with something to hold.

Anyhow, that hasn't happened at all, a large and forward oriented flap of skin remaining... It has shrunk up with each tie, and it's also flipped directions! I was worried about a forward facing v flap dangling forwards, but like how something curls in hot fire, it's as if the leftover 'curled' back as well, for some unknown reason. And instead of being long and having a distance to clip off (long healing area) it seems to have bunched up into a thicker bunch of skin. When stretched out, it becomes thin again, like a tight frenulum, I can almost pull it forward to the anchor point, it where it used to be on my glans anyways. Anyhow its folded back as I said, thicker, but still thin enough to fit between the two blades of a nailclipper so no problems at all to remove this. Also the folded back shape will really make it super easy to clip, it's almost the size of what a nailclipper could take off in one clip so it should be quick and easy. I will take a picture this time before I clip it off, so you can really follow the progress from before and after. I didnt do that on the last lower clipping method which I regret, because it was unsightly to me so much before, and now it's so smooth and perfect.

The last tie cut through quite deep and gained a lot of distance. I am amazed that some people can handle large ties, it's a lot of material removed at once!!! Maybe I'm just used to smaller ties, that when they cut through, it looks healed already. My last tie still looks like an open wound cut. Whodat, I can understand larger stretch magic size could leave scar tissue, I'd recommend only the smallest 0.5mm, it's closest to actual thread size. And smaller ties for less scars. If you have excess skin leftover, you can try clipping method to get rid of them. Once this heals, I am onto my last tie! What a journeying has been.

And PhallusofOsiris, I think I return like you because I feel like this has been an eye opener for me. My life is now changed for the better, and I could have just been troll lurking hunting information in complete anonymity, but if you did that, I wouldn't have found this thread too. Hopefully by me sharing with others what was a very private, embarrassing, problem down there, I can help others too to change their lives positively. And I feel this has changed my life so much how could I not help others? It wouldn't be right for me to get so much, but give so little. So my posts are in a way of saying thanks to all those who have posted and shared, to get me where I am now. Hopefully something I learned doing this can help others too.

You guys have sure have helped me. Thanks mate!
Excellent work, I am happy this tie will finish the job. You have proven that this can be done safely and effectively. Question, did you gain any length from the procedure? After I tore my frenulum I added 1/4" in length (maybe a bit more).
Hello DoubleLongDaddy,

I had to put one more tie in to complete full separation. It's now day 2 of being in, so after this, the frenulum will have completely severed from not only the glans, but now the shaft as well! I would be happy with rudimentary results and just the frenulum snapped, but now it seems I am getting the complete package, deluxe treatment. Then I have to clip the leftover skin material to get the best cosmetic result. And then to evaluate then how things are, I might have one more cosmetic tie beneath (not meant for frenulum separation, but for aesthetics and best cosmetic look, no weird extra skin, flaps, nubs or bumps.) And then, under the remaining piece of skin afterwards, just have to cut the one leftover piece of skin material from the bottom side too, and make it hang out more, so that it's easier to clip with less attachment points to the skin on the shaft. and also so I can clip as close to the shafts as I can to reduce any leftover skin nubs or bumps as many have complained about having after done this, I will have a smooth smooth result, almost I would say as though I was simply born that way. There should be little to no indication or scars from this procedure, I am well amazed.

To answer your question, I have appreciated both length gains as well as gains in width or diameter, however you prefer to call or measure by. As well, my glans can fully expand and it looks massive now. Because of all the gains, it doesn't look like pure length growth, like Pinnocio's nose growing when he is lying as in something grew longer. But it looks like the Whole thing has gotten larger, as in an increase in 'scale' not just the size of length growth that has gained. I've gotten % gains on both length, width and knob as well, so it really seems that without a tight piece of skin pulling on all (the length, the width, the head of your penis) everything is loose, nothing is under tension or stretched out, so the gains look like full growth all around. Which is unexpected and awesome. The best thing is now I can stretch without being sore or in fear if ripping. Fear of tearing yourself can limit your stretching by the amount you do, and the force you do it at, limiting your gains even further. Without these limiters in place anymore, I feel my true gains won't be immediate after, but from the new amount of extra tension and force I can handle in future stretching exercises, so I am looking forward to resuming Penis Enlargement exercises, which I stopped many many years ago, due to tearing and ripping causing pain and discomfort. In real numbers, gains are about 10-20% larger head when erect, about 10% gain in the shafts diameter, much fuller and rounder now unrestricted. And about maybe 5-10% gain in length. But keep in mind I didn't have an extreme cases of tight frenulum, pulling my head down and tipping it forward. I had an extreme cases of extra material (large frenulum) skin but I have remedied that with the method detailed in this thread.

I neglected to take any measurements beforehand as I had stopped Penis Enlargement exercises many years ago, so I don't have a baseline to compare to, and with a tie in, I really can't stretch it out or tug on it until it heals from cutting through. Physically my girlfriend notices a difference, and mentally/psychologically, I feel and see a difference too. So yes, definitely some gains. You can really tell by looking once it cuts through where it was when attached, and once it cuts through, how far back it goes. By that measure, the distance gained is between 1/2" to 3/4" distance gained, and I would imagine loosened up, it is 1/4" to 1/2" gained in length after complete cut through and frenulum separation. Some people with deep big ties will notice bigger gains in one go, where my ties were small and plentiful, so it had been a cumulative effect that definitely adds up in the end.

Pictures soon for those who care, one last tie to sever the frenulum, and one last clip to clean things up! I am gonna tear that pussy up once I'm healed. My gf better be ready to pack ice. :)
I am so proud that you started something so big and through determination and tenacity you accomplished the goal. SO many guys start awesome projects on [words=]MOS[/words] only to let them fall by the wayside, leaving them unfinished. You started something, documented and proved to your brothers what can be done when you truly want it bad enough. I am glad you saw an increase, I also did.
So, a conclusion!

Last tie cut through, no more ties to do. It is healing, a bit sensitive, but looks absolutely perfect now. I also removed all the remaining extra skin, so everything is cleaned up perfectly. Smooth, no scars, zero bumps or otherwise visible signs except the fresh, pink, healing skin where the frenulum once was is really the only way you can tell something was done there recently.

The total amount of gains from where the frenulum used to be attached to, to the tip of the glans where the frenulum used to be joined, is 1" (one full inch) total distance gained or freed. Wow, fuck! I am really shocked I gained this much, or that the frenulum was really holding me back this much, but the ruler doesn't brag or lie. I am glad to be finally and permanently freed now, for LIFE. Looks amazing from below, the front, but also looks good from the top down as well. Both length and glans size and diameter seem to have grow in size without a tight band of skin putting tension on it and pulling you down anymore, all the time. Even at rest now, everything seems bigger and hangs heavier too with more blood in it, without the frenulum pulling an automatic retract all the time, erect or not. It just dangles now, vs shrinking back into the foreskin(like your cold - shrinkage lol). No more tight pressure at all, no tugging or pulling, everything just feels and looks absolutely great. I am so happy it worked, and not only that, I've ended up with something completely better than before. I feel like I won the lottery with the luck of the draw, I ended up with picture perfect results and more.

Wish you all the best of luck mates, this worked out great for me, despite my previous worries and hesitation. As I realized at some point too, my only regret is not starting and finding out about this much sooner! But better late than never I suppose... I just finished the last clipping earlier today, and I am still raw and sore from the tie finishing a day or two, so I am off now to spend a few days to a week to completely heal, I will report back in for after result, as this is my final report if you will. I am done, finally complete and more than satisfied with the results, physical, mental, and cosmetic. Hopefully no sensitivity losses will occur, but I won't know until well after the surface skin has healed over to really gauge or compare the change, if any.

If you suffer from this condition, I hope this thread can help you too. It's made a big difference for me.

UnknownUser420;493568 said:
The total amount of gains from where the frenulum used to be attached to, to the tip of the glans where the frenulum used to be joined, is 1" (one full inch) total distance gained or freed

Simply amazing!
Hi all! I've just been catching up on the last page of posts since my last visit. I'm so happy to see more and more reports of success with this whole tying procedure!

UnknownUser420;492451 said:
Hey Phallus,

Have you thought about a tie through the phimotic ring? Kinda like how you can do multiple ties along the length of the frenulum to loosen up maximum distance, but why not tie around the ring in the same fashion to break up the ring all around. Would that work? I was thinking the frenulum could be easily quickly snipped to release just like a tie, but we avoid that because of pain and bleeding, so we do ties. So could a ring be cured similar to snips in a circumcision, but obviously we don't want bleeding or pain, or infection, so like the frenulum, just do ties and see if they cut through? If you use something elastic, it most certainly will. Then maybe it'll heal nice and you can continue doing them around your circle until the who ring is broken up into equal segments.

That is a great idea! I never thought of that haha. Instead of doing horizontal ties vertically up and down the frenulum it would be the opposite on the phimotic ring. Vertical ties horizontally around the diameter of the ring. I bet this will be my next project lol I will have to do a lot of research into it though. I'm thinking it might be slightly different as once the tie is through and eventually fallen out, there might be a hole left looking into the actual shaft? :O Perhaps it wouldn't need to go so deep...Hydromaxm. Anyway Yes I think it's a good idea to make a seperate thread about Phimosis and to keep this one on topic with frenulum tying :)

I haven't tried any of those creams yet, UnknownUser420. I've used Vitamin E cream which is good for the skin but I'll need to use it for a longer time to see if it's a miracle worker...I will look into those other scar creams though!

The surgery methods have crossed my mind too but right now I'm not in the best position to go ahead with that at the moment. I would probably try the multiple ties on the ring first before going in for surgery. With the frenulum fixed it's not as much of a problem but it is considerably tighter than the rest of the shaft skin and I do believe it is hindering the potential for maximum expansion. So I will be trying different things in order to fix it eventually. Thanks for the thoughts, ideas and suggestions! They might very well have begun the process for curing this!

(BTW when you address my as Phimosis instead of Phallus, I kinda guessed what had happened lol easily done! rofl)
doublelongdaddy;492498 said:
Question, did you gain any length from the procedure? After I tore my frenulum I added 1/4" in length (maybe a bit more).

I feel safe saying that I've gained approximately 1/4" in length (give or take a millimeter or two) and certainly an increase in girth for the glans as it is no longer under the constriction of the frenulum. I bet gains from exercises such as jelqing or the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] would come slightly quicker for the glans because of this, in my opinion.
PhallusOfOsiris;494481 said:
I feel safe saying that I've gained approximately 1/4" in length (give or take a millimeter or two)

Just like me:)
I've been reading up on this art we call frenulum tying.. and I thought I was committed to doing it but when i had everything I needed I used my [words=]FleshLight[/words] to peer through the skin and found out that there was a big blue vein that was too close for comfort. I thought if I was really careful I could avoid it, but it would be close, and there were definitely some tiny red veins that would be pinched through.. .. .. is this safe? I'm sorry if this has already been covered but in my website hopping I haven't noticed anyone discussing this..
PKleon;495336 said:
I've been reading up on this art we call frenulum tying.. and I thought I was committed to doing it but when i had everything I needed I used my [words=]FleshLight[/words] to peer through the skin and found out that there was a big blue vein that was too close for comfort. I thought if I was really careful I could avoid it, but it would be close, and there were definitely some tiny red veins that would be pinched through.. .. .. is this safe? I'm sorry if this has already been covered but in my website hopping I haven't noticed anyone discussing this..

You are going to hit blood supplies but I would be very careful if it is a major vein. Perhaps a picture will help with the answer.
Hey PhallusofOsiris,

You started this thread and helped so many here, I never even heard or knew of your problem before I stumbled onto this thread. You helped fix a lot of fellows, and it is only right that you, in the end, are fixed too, frenulum and phimosis!

I think it will 100% work. The theory, the skin tissue, the area is all the same. The ring is a different structure, but just like a thick frenulum cord, it can be severed and cut through. And I think maybe that's really what you need, just to break the stubborn ring and once it happens in one place, you can repeat it around your shaft to multiply the effect of the release. It's like a rubber band, intact it holds lots of pressure, but snap it and it's restrictive forces are completely reduced. The remaining band may have stretching issues or limits but that's why you would tie around the ring, equal distances apart, as many as you need mate, only you would know.

Four would be my personal minimum, kind if like a North, South, East, West type of compass, with a break at each 90 degrees... Just a thought and hope it helps!
Hey guys, this thread has been more than helpfull to me

i have some questions for you, if you dont mind :)

a little background:

ive tied my Frenulum last sunday, so today 5 days has passed. ive seen very litte progress in my surgery, and is beginning to expireience a sharp pain in the frenulum, when i retract the foreskin to examine it. im keeping it clean, and steril.

So my questions to you guys:

How Long time did yours take to break?

Is the pain/sourness normal to feel?

what kind of Knot should i use? (i basicly just tied 3 standart knots ontop of each other)


im not to good to remember to soak it in water - is this very important to do? and if not done, what then?

i hope you got some answers for me dudes, this is my favorite bodypart after all :P

UnknownUser420;495533 said:
Four would be my personal minimum, kind if like a North, South, East, West type of compass, with a break at each 90 degrees... Just a thought and hope it helps!

Thanks UnknownUser24 that's a good idea and I'll look into it. So the basic idea is to break up the tissue at equal points (N, E, S, W) and let it heal back larger and hopefully with new skin instead of scar tissue crap. The only difficulty I see is keeping the ring expanded during the whole repairing phase otherwise I imagine it will heal back in the original size and I'm back to square one. I will have to carefully and gently experiment :) I'm going to look round for something to easily keep the ring in an expanded state :)

Newboy;495652 said:
How Long time did yours take to break?

Is the pain/sourness normal to feel?

what kind of Knot should i use? (i basicly just tied 3 standart knots ontop of each other)
Hi Newboy.

If I remember correctly it took me roughly 5-6 days to completely cut through and then it fell out when I was using the bathroom one day. I have posted this a few pages back so I will have to check for sure :)

Whilst I didn't feel any pain or soreness worthy of mention during my ties, if you're keeping the area clean and sterile, then I'm sure any mild discomfort is perfectly normal. After all, you DO have a stitch going through one of the most sensitive parts of your body ;) I wouldn't worry about it unless it gets considerably more noticeable.

I used a Surgeon's Knot on my ties. It's like a normal knot but with an extra throw. I did the knot twice so it was tight and secure. Your 3 standard knots should do the trick as long as the first knot is tight. I'm thinking that, as you've done 3 knots, they could be bunching up and possibly putting pressure on the area. If that's the case then that could explain any extra soreness but I'm just thinking out loud here :)

One thing to note is that whilst I did my ties I also practised getting frequent erections and occasionally did a light set of jelqing just to fully engorse the area. I believe this helped to speed up the cutting process. It might've also helped heal and repair faster as fresh blood was being forced into the area during the severing.

If you can manage one bath or shower a night then that will be fine. Make sure the area gets at least a few minutes of warm-hot water. It just makes everything softer and more pliable for the stitch to do its job and, of course, it cleans everything too.

Hope this helps!
PKleon;495336 said:
I've been reading up on this art we call frenulum tying.. and I thought I was committed to doing it but when i had everything I needed I used my [words=]FleshLight[/words] to peer through the skin and found out that there was a big blue vein that was too close for comfort. I thought if I was really careful I could avoid it, but it would be close, and there were definitely some tiny red veins that would be pinched through.. .. .. is this safe? I'm sorry if this has already been covered but in my website hopping I haven't noticed anyone discussing this..

Hi PKleon,

I also wondered about these veins and from what I could gather from some anatomy articles if it's a thick-ish blue vein then you want to avoid that. The reason why is because it's a vein that helps drain the penis head as I understand it. I could be wrong but until I know more about the vasuclinity of the penis, I'm staying clear of it for now :)

The red veins sound like capillaries, the body has millions of them and they are fine to cut through. I'd say start tying if you feel ready, just avoid any blue veins for now until we know more about what we're dealing with :)
PhallusOfOsiris;495941 said:
Hi PKleon,

I also wondered about these veins and from what I could gather from some anatomy articles if it's a thick-ish blue vein then you want to avoid that. The reason why is because it's a vein that helps drain the penis head as I understand it. I could be wrong but until I know more about the vasuclinity of the penis, I'm staying clear of it for now :)

The red veins sound like capillaries, the body has millions of them and they are fine to cut through. I'd say start tying if you feel ready, just avoid any blue veins for now until we know more about what we're dealing with :)

lol I had had one person tell me that the little red ones should be ok but it really helps to have someone else back up that theory, especially with everyone here being people focused on this topic of discussion. as far as the blue one well I figured it was pretty important for some reason or another but honestly the thing I kept telling myself is that it's only a small mod and nothing like a circumcision, I could only imagine how much stuff is lost during a circumcision!

I am a little concerned about how much wiggle room I have with that blue vein.. I might try and put up a picture but to be honest I don't know how well everything under the skin will show..

I am definitely taking my time on this and I'm not sure if I'll get around to starting it soon. I tried the other day but the needle that I was using (a new one) turned out to be dull and even though I was hoping to be ok with whatever pain this dealt I suddenly became very receptive to every sensation! I hope finding a good way to sharpen the needle and just doing it quick will help..
Use EMLA cream. That will help. It definitely is a foreign sensation stabbing yourself but I've done it enough times to get over it. Just keep applying pressure until you poke through.

The dull throbbing pain sensation is normal and expected. It's your indicator stuff is happening. No pain, and I would question if your knot was tight enough to even cut circulation, let alone tie or cut through. You may feel no pain right before. Days of soreness then all of a sudden nothing. Means your almost done! A sharp pain after that is usually the cut through.

So here's what you will feel. Nothing. (EMLA cream numbing the procedure) then the dull soreness (cutting through) and then feel nothing (its cut through, nerves severed) and then a sharp twang pain as the knot detaches from the other side, leftover microscopic piece of skin, and complete. I kind of got used to the dull soreness over a few months of multiple ties, it didn't bother me really too much.

PhallusofOsiris, don't worry. She won't shrink on you after cut through. Think elastic band. Once you break it, All of its residual pressure around the circle is gone, when you break the one point. I suggested the NSEW just to make the breakup of the elastic/phimotic ring more evenly around all the way. I think like the frenulum, after you do the first tie and it cuts through, all the ones after just help release more tension. I don't see how cutting through in one spot will make other areas tighten up. True, if the elastic ring was still intact to pull around in a circle. Once you snap the band, the pressure will be released at snap point. So I reccomend more ties around, to release more pressure evenly. It should not tighten up everywhere else as a result of you tying. Your like in essence cutting a collar off around the neck. If you cut through it completely, the rest of the collar doesn't automatically tighten. So no worries, mate. It shouldn't happen to you either. Apparently bethamesone cream works really well for stretching skin, here in the UK you can see your GP to get a prescription for it, otherwise in North America, I think it's just over the counter you ask for it. Or ask your gp, I think you call them family physicians or family doctors in North America.

The slight discomfort or pain is worth it. Man up. It'll be over soon. My whole procedure took about 2 months, your mileage and results may vary.
Hi everyone this thread has been super informative and helpful for me. I am strongly thinking about doing this procedure. I.just dont want to have to tie multiple times. I have a short frenulum and keep getting tears on the right and left of.the.fulum which.are.annoying and make sex hurt sometimes.
Is it possible to just do one tie and get a good result. It willbe hard to avoid sex for too long during healing so i just want to do it once and be done with it. I sent off a pm to get access to the flickr site as there is some pictures of the procedure i want to have a really good grasp on the ins and outs before i start.
Hi everyone,

It's been a while since I posted in this thread but I just wanted to let you know that over the last couple weeks I've had a number of people requesting access to the Flickr group page 'fren_tying'. It's good to see that people are interested in learning more about this alternate and, from everyone's results so far, very successful method to fixing their problematic frenulums.

Anyway I just want to let any viewers know that it's not a problem at all to request access to the group page on Flickr. You can PM either myself or JanBarrel on here (Mos) to get an invitation :)

I'm not sure if JanBarrel is still around but I'll always be here checking the forum threads and my inbox. I'll do my best to get back to you within 24 hours :)
PhallusOfOsiris;502811 said:
Hi everyone,

It's been a while since I posted in this thread but I just wanted to let you know that over the last couple weeks I've had a number of people requesting access to the Flickr group page 'fren_tying'. It's good to see that people are interested in learning more about this alternate and, from everyone's results so far, very successful method to fixing their problematic frenulums.

Anyway I just want to let any viewers know that it's not a problem at all to request access to the group page on Flickr. You can PM either myself or JanBarrel on here (Mos) to get an invitation :)

I'm not sure if JanBarrel is still around but I'll always be here checking the forum threads and my inbox. I'll do my best to get back to you within 24 hours :)

Thanks for checking back in! I hope all is well. This thread is a very big accomplishment and you should be proud of the information, change and potentials you have brought into the light. Thanks for everything and I hope you continue to stay involved.
Hi all!

Quick update: I'm still and always will be managing the fren_tying group invitations so don't be discouraged if I don't get back to you straight away :) I WILL invite as soon as I can!

Each week we get 1 or 2 new members requesting access to the Flickr group which is great as it tells me that the thread is helping others with the same problem. At the very least it's reaching people's interests more.

Not much else to say at the moment except that I've set up mobile updates for when people want to PM me for group access so I should be able to reply faster now :)
PhallusOfOsiris;517168 said:
Hi all!

Quick update: I'm still and always will be managing the fren_tying group invitations so don't be discouraged if I don't get back to you straight away :) I WILL invite as soon as I can!

Each week we get 1 or 2 new members requesting access to the Flickr group which is great as it tells me that the thread is helping others with the same problem. At the very least it's reaching people's interests more.

Not much else to say at the moment except that I've set up mobile updates for when people want to PM me for group access so I should be able to reply faster now :)

That is good news, I am glad [words=]MOS[/words] is helping you out, you have definitely helped out around here!
hey guys im new, great thread btw.. how would i get access to the flickr group? also is there a list of materials that are needed thanks.
bench89;518208 said:
hey guys im new, great thread btw.. how would i get access to the flickr group? also is there a list of materials that are needed thanks.

I would think that he could also host the pictures here for easier viewing. Perhaps this is a possibility?
doublelongdaddy;518313 said:
I would think that he could also host the pictures here for easier viewing. Perhaps this is a possibility?

With JanBarrel's permission, sure. Apart from the one I posted a couple pages back, the rest are JanBarrel's of the actual tying process. I'm not sure if he's still around? I could maybe post them...

EDIT: Added 2 others to the group. Hope the pics help!
Hi Guys,

I must apologise for my absence. I have been buried in work and overseas trips, and really didn't have time and/or access to login.

Phallus, thanks for helping out with the flickr account, really appreciate it !! :cool:

UnknownUser, Congrats dude, sounds amazing, would love to compare pictures.

I must agree with UnknownUser, I have definitely solved my premature ejaculation problem, which was my main reason for tying. But interestingly, I don't feel that the penis is less sensitive, more a case that I have more control now. Also less pain in some situations.
I had a good laugh at what you had to say about the thickness of the string I used, and also remember, I never numbed myself at all.

On the flickr account, I know it is a bit of a pain, but I have four points:
1. It shows that people are serious about tying, as they are prepared to go through a two step process.
2. Most of the photos are too large for this site.
3. flickr is a nice way to manage the discussion on each photo.
4. I'm not wild about having my photos findable using just a normal google search - I prefer a bit of privacy.
So I would prefer to keep the flickr account going.
Please feel free to post your photos there - I think people who are in my contacts group can suBathmateit photos. UnknownUser, you should try this.

I did my third tie today, using an elastic/cotton combination, and have posted pictures on flickr.

UnknownUser, I like you clipping approach for the nubs - wat tool do you use ? scissors or something like a nail clipper ?

I am impressed to see the number of new people in this thread, glad we are helping people out there.

Regards, and good to be back,
Hi I am new to this thread and very interested in tying my frenulum to free things up a bit. It sounds like there is a lot of added information and pics on the Flickr group site and i was wondering how I can check that out, thanks
Jtrogge;519388 said:
Hi I am new to this thread and very interested in tying my frenulum to free things up a bit. It sounds like there is a lot of added information and pics on the Flickr group site and i was wondering how I can check that out, thanks

Hi Jtrogge,

Welcome !
Get yourself a flickr account so that you have a username, then send me that user name as a personal message here, and I (or Phallus) will invite you to the flickr group.

Looking back over the photos, and playing around with my current tie, the relative positions of things is not that fixed. Everything is quite stretchy so I wonder what the best way is to specify positions of ties ? Perhaps rather with an erection and nearly maximum pull back of the foreskin ?
That nub of skin I have left on the underside of the glans, do you think 2 ties to split it up, and then clip the smaller pieces off ?
What did you use as a clipping tool ?
JanBarrel;519400 said:
Hi Jtrogge,

Welcome !
Get yourself a flickr account so that you have a username, then send me that user name as a personal message here, and I (or Phallus) will invite you to the flickr group.


Great thanks my Flickr account is
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    tbean750 is our newest member. Welcome!
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    Guest pedguin has joined the room.
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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  • Hey_There @ Hey_There:
    So happy to see the forums back. Hello everyone!!
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  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Hey_There, howdy. Come join us in the forum.
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      MoS Notifier MoS Notifier: _toenail is our newest member. Welcome!