Morning all,
Added 3 people to the flickr group today. I hope the photos are useful, and please feel free to ask questions on this forum, as some of the other members are far more experienced than I am, so please only see the photos as 2 examples. It seems to me that every case is slightly different, and you have to find what will work best for you.

My third tie just broke through. Put it in on the afternoon of the 27th, so that makes 4 days. The elastic thread seemed to work faster, although there was a lot less skin to go through.
The cut seems very straight, and not as rounded as the thicker string I used originally. Probably killed less skin, therefore more is left, although I will have to let it settle in first before really knowing.
I would really like the pictures hosted here on [words=]MOS[/words], sending traffic out of my site is not really a goal for the forums. We have plenty of space to host as many pictures as you can post.
Hey guys,

Been following this for a little while now as I've been having tears in my frenulum for quite some time. I do not have frenulum breve, but apparently have been a little too rough with the little guy and keep getting tears in the frenulum no matter how long I wait for him to heal. After dealing with tears for almost a year now, I finally decided last week that I wanted to try tying up my frenulum to relieve me of this problem once and for all.

Last Tuesday I tied up my frenulum by following much of what I've read on here and most of the links to other sites posted. The best I could find was some nylon thread used for sewing, so I put the thread through and tied it off with a surgeons knot. Fast forward to today and my knot wasn't tight enough to finish off the job. Perhaps because of the string I've used or the lack of tension from not having frenulum breve, I'm not sure. So I decided to cut out the knot and what appears to be left is gap in my frenulum, much like the image someone drew of the "rubber band" being pulled apart in the first few pages of this thread.

Basically I'm not sure what i'm suppose to be left with since I don't have a tight enough frenulum that it's pulling down on the head like breve to see a noticeable difference for now. I've decided to let this heal for now and see what the results are as attempting to put a needle again through the same spot will most likely tear what was left of the first attempt.

Any advice or further guidance would be appreciated if anyone has any.
Ok so did my first tie on Saturday, used the emla 5% and felt nothing so wasnt that bad. I think i tied the knot wrong though and it was getting looser, so have retied today with the correct knot 3 days after my first. It had cut through some of the frenulum and i was able to pass the needle through my previous hole which was good.
MaximusPenus;521646 said:
So I decided to cut out the knot and what appears to be left is gap in my frenulum, much like the image someone drew of the "rubber band" being pulled apart in the first few pages of this thread.

Basically I'm not sure what i'm suppose to be left with since I don't have a tight enough frenulum that it's pulling down on the head like breve to see a noticeable difference for now. I've decided to let this heal for now and see what the results are as attempting to put a needle again through the same spot will most likely tear what was left of the first attempt.

Any advice or further guidance would be appreciated if anyone has any.

Hi Maximus,

It's happened a couple times before with others I think where the knot wasn't tight enough or it came loose. This is nothing to worry about though :)

The same thing happened to me on my 2nd tie and, like you, I untied/cut the thread out and tied it again straight away. You can let yours heal first though if you want and then put a tighter knot in afterwards to finish the job.

What basically should be left is a smooth area where the frenulum has healed into itself, into the shaft. The tying process divides the frenulum into parts, taking the strain and tension off the band of skin itself. With this newly created slack it allows the healed frenulum to ride with the shaft skin/foreskin instead of it being the focal point of tension. The frenulum and the shaft/foreskin become one, in other words :)

Let us know how it all goes :)

bench89;521956 said:
Ok so did my first tie on Saturday, used the emla 5% and felt nothing so wasnt that bad. I think i tied the knot wrong though and it was getting looser, so have retied today with the correct knot 3 days after my first. It had cut through some of the frenulum and i was able to pass the needle through my previous hole which was good.

Nice job, bench89 :) Did you go deep with the tie or are you approaching it with smaller steps?
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Nice job, bench89 Did you go deep with the tie or are you approaching it with smaller steps?

Hey Phallus,

I would say smaller steps, I went between 1/3 to 1/2 in depth and once this first tie is through (can see its nearly there now) I will then assess where I am. Most likely I will need a second tie but not sure where the placement would be? would appreciate any help on the matter.
How do I go about getting access to these photos? I just found this post. I have had the same issue and I thought it was something I would never be rid of, and that if I pulled too hard it would be damaging. Thank God for everyone here.

This is the fourth day since me and my gf performed the frenulum tying procedure on my self. Im not really sure if its actually cutting through or if any improvements are occurring. How What are the signs that its actually working?? Thanks to any replys.
Mrpennstate123;523994 said:

This is the fourth day since me and my gf performed the frenulum tying procedure on my self. Im not really sure if its actually cutting through or if any improvements are occurring. How What are the signs that its actually working?? Thanks to any replys.

It really doesn't change too much. The skin where the knot is tied should appear slightly whiter as time goes on. You know like when you tie a string on your finger. But as long as you tied a good initial knot you should be fine, just give it some time :). Takes more than 4 days.
Hey there. I'm new to this forum. Glad to find a current discussion and log of everyone's different methods for tying off the fren.

Just took the plunge last night and tied off my frenulum (merry christmas, me!) I was pretty confident about doing it myself after reading through this thread. Couldn't get any EMLA cream without a prescription so I just iced it and stuck the needle through. Not bad! No blood, no pain, only slight discomfort that isn't even impacted by erections. Now I'm playing the waiting game as this is Day 1.

I initially ripped my frenulum having sex about three years ago, but unfortunately it didn't tear that far and healed much tighter than it used to be. I've basically just taken things slow and used a lot of lube to compensate since then. A couple of weeks ago I got another minor tear and thought "okay, that's it" time to remedy this shit. I saw a urologist a couple years ago after researching frenuloplasty and tying methods. SOB'd only recommend circumcision and claimed to have never heard of frenuloplasty...!

Glad I've taken matters into my own hands now. Think it'll probably take two or three ties to get me where I'm going. Wish me luck!
Ah I'm so glad this is helping even more people now! Everyone who've just started tying, let us know how it all goes for you :) We'll be here if there's any problems, questions or concerns about anything.
MFOMNI;524434 said: you think your gains have been the result of your cut frenulum?

Well I gained about quarter inch when I tied mine. The way the frenulum was pulling on the head of the penis made it bow considerably when fully erect so I wasn't experiencing my full length. When it finally snapped, my penis appeared larger and straighter.

I'm guessing if the others are experiencing some kind of odd "bowing" of the penis glans because of their fren, then they stand to gain a bit of length if they tie it.
MFOMNI;524434 said: you think your gains have been the result of your cut frenulum?

Well after I cut my Frenulum I gained somewhere between a quarter to half inch but this was after I had already gained 2". From that point forward it took 6 more years to gain to where I am today. I think it may have helped me gain in two ways, first, from the initial gains of the cut but also, once the cut was done my circumcision was not so tight any longer so that may have given me more ease in stretch.
First stitch cut through tonight. Actually it didn't quite so I cut it off with some small scissors, then sterilized them and cut through the TINY piece of skin remaining. Didn't hurt a bit + no blood or anything. Sweet! I'd felt a twinge yesterday and I think most of the skin separated then. Took 7 days to go through.

I'm going to let it heal now and keep stretching the skin while it does, but I'm guessing I'll need to tie it off again to get the results I want (I made a fairly shallow tie for starters). I'm a little concerned with the amount of excess skin that's starting to slide down my shaft. After I tore my fren a few years ago, it left a little gobbler piece of skin which is now stretching out to be quite long. Looks weird to me, but I'm MUCH more concerned with a healthy pain-free sex life than a little flap of skin. My gf has a funny little mole to the left of her pussy anyway so what the fuck ever, right?
SomethingElse;525338 said:
First stitch cut through tonight. Actually it didn't quite so I cut it off with some small scissors, then sterilized them and cut through the TINY piece of skin remaining. Didn't hurt a bit + no blood or anything. Sweet! I'd felt a twinge yesterday and I think most of the skin separated then. Took 7 days to go through.

I'm going to let it heal now and keep stretching the skin while it does, but I'm guessing I'll need to tie it off again to get the results I want (I made a fairly shallow tie for starters). I'm a little concerned with the amount of excess skin that's starting to slide down my shaft. After I tore my fren a few years ago, it left a little gobbler piece of skin which is now stretching out to be quite long. Looks weird to me, but I'm MUCH more concerned with a healthy pain-free sex life than a little flap of skin. My gf has a funny little mole to the left of her pussy anyway so what the fuck ever, right?

Heh those extra features make it all the more interesting!

But congrats on getting the first stitch done :) It seems the time factor for these ties can vary depending on a number of things whether it's the type of thread used, how tight it is, the depth of the first tie, etc. Once it's all healed and you've got other stitches done, maybe we can look into your other concerns too. I wouldn't be surprised if using the same or a similar tying method, we can make the flap heal into itself. But one thing at a time :)

Keep us posted!
Just put my second stitch in. This one hurt a bit! I forgot to use any kind of lubrication after icing my frenulum, so the needle had a lot of resistance. I put on vaseline and it slid through fine. This one is deeper than the first and seems likely to relieve all the tension of the foreskin.

Tying the knot stung pretty fierce. I hopped around for a little bit. Surprisingly, when I went to pee later and pulled back the foreskin, I noticed instant results! The pain must have been the string cutting through, and I can already retract my foreskin farther down the shaft than I ever have. Fuck yeah! This was the best decision of my life. There's just a dull pain from the stitch now, but I'm sure it won't take long for the skin to desensitize.

I'll update when it cuts through. These few days are going to be agonizing!

Update: Been a full day now. No pain since waking up, though I went to bed sore. This stitch is much less irritating than the first one was and isn't sensitive to touch at all. Waiting out a few days!
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Second stitch cut through last night. Results are amazing! I can fully retract my foreskin without tugging downwards on the glans now. I'm letting it heal, but it looks great and the redness from the stitch went away overnight. Can't wait to see what sex is like with such more freedom of movement!

Whole process: two stitches starting Christmas day. First cut through in seven days, second in just four. No blood or unsightly scarring. Pain only because I didn't have numbing cream and forgot to lubricate the needle the second go round. I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND the tying off method to anyone who has experienced difficulties and pain with their frenulum. Seriously, it hasn't even sunk in yet what a change this is going to be for my sex life and general happiness.

Updates to come once I'm fully healed. I'm guessing that my current state will suffice until I get bored and decide to do a shallow third stitch to complete the separation (minor frenulum still exists)

Thanks to all of you guys for your posts and step by step accounts of the tying process!
(not sure if this is in the right section or whether it should be in the injuries section)

okay so im recently had a pain in my frenulum and discovered a very small tear. not completely sure how or when it happened, but its most likely due to either hanging or stretching. this has happened twice before over the past year and a half, so im wondering if i have a tight frenulum? the white circle is the small tear which may not be visible:

Is the frenulum itself actually torn?
Or is it superficial?

I seem to remember, way back in the distant past DLD talking about tearing his own frenulum whereupon he started making his legendary incredible gains.

So....while painful, there are still opportunities for gain.
MAXAMEYES;528003 said:
Is the frenulum itself actually torn?
Or is it superficial?

I seem to remember, way back in the distant past DLD talking about tearing his own frenulum whereupon he started making his legendary incredible gains.

So....while painful, there are still opportunities for gain.

sorry im not sure what you mean by it being superficial. the actual frenulum has a little nick/ tear in it, in the middle not at either side. its happened before, but the last time it happened it was on one side.

i may be wrong, but i seem to remember DLD's tearing one day, and him seeing a massive increase in length almost instantly due to the frenulum restricting him.

im not sure if my frenulum is too tight or not and if this is the case, could it be inhibiting length gains (as ive made 0.25 inch gains in girth doing a medium amount of work, and similiar if not more work for length and only gained 0.1 inch)
MAXAMEYES;528151 said:
Superficial means the skin only.

i dont tihnk it is, the tear is in the actuall frenulum and has widened a little as i tried stretching through it. heres a (somewhat exaggerated) illustration of the tear as i can tell the original picture isnt that easy to see:


(the red line is the frenulum, the curve is the penis head and the small oval is the tear)
Thank goodness I found this board. I took the big step last Thursday, it's Monday now, and boy am I glad I did it. It's definitely mind over matter because once that needle pierced through, I was, "what? It went through? I hardly felt it."

I did feel a small amount of tenderness getting the end of the needle and magic wire through the hole but nothing to cry about. Today, I was loosening the wire so I could clean it and saw that there was just a tiny bit of skin attaching the two pieces so I just your them apart; I'm too impatient. I'm so happy I did it. After it heels I'm probably going to do one more stitch.

I used a slip knot to tie. I found I couldn't get the knot as tight as I could using a square knot so the slip knot was much better.
Well, keep the wound clean and good ol' Neosporin seems to work pretty well against infection and to promote healing.
As far as you fitting the clinical classification of frenulum breve? I'm pretty sure a urologist needs to make that call.
And even then; I'm bettin' it'll be a judgement call.

You can look at it this way; I can't tell much from the picture, one way or the other, but if your frenulum is tight enough that YOU notice it hampering your Penis Enlargement goals or sex life, then it is, for all your intents and purposes, too tight.

How you would choose to handle that would be your call alone.

Whatever you choose to do: Good luck!
MAXAMEYES;528511 said:
Well, keep the wound clean and good ol' Neosporin seems to work pretty well against infection and to promote healing.
As far as you fitting the clinical classification of frenulum breve? I'm pretty sure a urologist needs to make that call.
And even then; I'm bettin' it'll be a judgement call.

You can look at it this way; I can't tell much from the picture, one way or the other, but if your frenulum is tight enough that YOU notice it hampering your Penis Enlargement goals or sex life, then it is, for all your intents and purposes, too tight.

How you would choose to handle that would be your call alone.

Whatever you choose to do: Good luck!

thanks max, its healed up pretty much completely now so no need to worry about healing

and yeah im not going to be making an appointment with the doc just because im pretty sure they'll not refer me and tell me its nothing, and it'll also take weeks for me to get an appointment.
its not a problem during normal erections, just when i start to get past my normal erection limit through p.e if that makes sense.

regardless i think its preventing me from really gettin stuck into exercises and progress so i need to do something about it.

i think im gonna look into frenulum tying, although im a little scared about sticking a needle through and also have so many questions
okay so ive decided to tie my frenulum but cant really find detailed sources of how to actually do it.

for parts i reckon i need the following:

-emla cream
-3/0 suture
- needle (not sure which needle i should buy)
- disinfectant (probs isopropyl alcohol)

for the method i assume you just numb the area, and put the needle through the frenulum near the head, avoiding any veins. then you tie it off and soak 3 times a day for 15 minutes in warm water.

im not sure which type of knot i should do however, or if the materials ive listed are adequate so if someone could give me some advice it would be greatly appreciated
Yours looks similar to the way mine looked at one time:) Today I have no frenulum:) I lost it in an unfortunate smelting accident:)
Wow, Congratulations to all the guys who have put ties in ! :cool:
Glad to see this thread is helping !
Please feel free to suBathmateit photos to the flickr group. The more information we can share the better.
doublelongdaddy;529097 said:
Yours looks similar to the way mine looked at one time:) Today I have no frenulum:) I lost it in an unfortunate smelting accident:)

so weird! you say it looks similar to yours when starting, and my starting size was pretty much the same as yours!

it appears my frenulum is fairly tough though, as its partially torn 4 times now (the last tear has just reopened) but never severed all the way through. it is causing discomfort and i really think its holding me back from gaining length.

ive ordered some emla cream, and tomorrow i will be getting some needles, nylon thread and isopropyl alcohol. should be able to tie my frenulum early next week, im actually kinda excited

dyou know of anything i could use as an alternative to bacitracin? i see you recommend it alot but im in the uk so cant get it

There is a whole thread on this site about peoples experiences and techniques for tying.
Search for "Frenulum Tying" - you should find it relatively easily.

Good luck.
JanBarrel;529217 said:

Have a look for the thread called "frenulum tying" - started by PhallusofOsiris.

Good luck.

yeah ive seen the thread and i get the general idea, tomorrow im gonna go out and get the rest og the things i need, although i dont really know where to get the right thread!
Myself and a few others here have used .5mm Stretch Magic. It's a stretchy plastic cord used for beading - you can get it at Jo-Ann's or Michael's craft stores or a similar retailer. Works like a charm, probably because when you stretch it it keeps tension so the knot stays tight.
SomethingElse;529435 said:
Myself and a few others here have used .5mm Stretch Magic. It's a stretchy plastic cord used for beading - you can get it at Jo-Ann's or Michael's craft stores or a similar retailer. Works like a charm, probably because when you stretch it it keeps tension so the knot stays tight.

i went to a craft store today and they only had thicker stretchy thread. i also went to 2 supermarkets and a pharmacy and none had needles or any type of thread (which i was very surprised at given i thought it was a fairly common item). ive got a smallish needle i can use that i think will be fine and is sharp enough. as for thread, im either going to use regualr cotton sewing thread, or one of the inner strands from some paracord as its nylon and so a little stretchy. i think the paracord will be the best option. ive also bought some EMLA, e45 cream and some antiseptic, so im all set to go! ill be doing it in a couple of hours
okay so i finally did it last night.

i had to psych myself up a little when actually putting the needle in, but tbh with the EMLA cream i felt absolutely nothing!
i did a surgeons not with the single inner paracord strand. i soaked the needle and thread in boiling water, then in antiseptic. i had a shower then wiped my little fella with some antiseptic
i put the emla cream on, waited 10 minutes, rubbed antiseptic on again, put some vaseline on the needle and thread, then antiseptic again, then i put the needle through. i didnt go right to the head, instead i went slightly lower down at a point where my frenulum had a small tear a week ago, and so the frenulum was thinner there. i tied the knot HARD, as hard as possible, but even then i didnt feel like it was that tight, maybe it was the thread i used. i tied another knot to secure it then cut the thread down a little. i fel no pain last night, and no pain today. i only felt a very slight pain when tugging on the string.

i'll update with progress. so far no problems
jordey;529649 said:
okay so i finally did it last night.

i had to psych myself up a little when actually putting the needle in, but tbh with the EMLA cream i felt absolutely nothing!
i did a surgeons not with the single inner paracord strand. i soaked the needle and thread in boiling water, then in antiseptic. i had a shower then wiped my little fella with some antiseptic
i put the emla cream on, waited 10 minutes, rubbed antiseptic on again, put some vaseline on the needle and thread, then antiseptic again, then i put the needle through. i didnt go right to the head, instead i went slightly lower down at a point where my frenulum had a small tear a week ago, and so the frenulum was thinner there. i tied the knot HARD, as hard as possible, but even then i didnt feel like it was that tight, maybe it was the thread i used. i tied another knot to secure it then cut the thread down a little. i fel no pain last night, and no pain today. i only felt a very slight pain when tugging on the string.

i'll update with progress. so far no problems

Slow and steady, clean and precise! This, I do not condone in any way but if you do it please take EVERY precaution.
doublelongdaddy;529716 said:
Slow and steady, clean and precise! This, I do not condone in any way but if you do it please take EVERY precaution.

yeah ive already done it and on day 3 now. i havent been soaking in water 3 times a day, instead ive been keeping it saturated with e45 cream. ive also been wiping/ soaking it with antiseptic atleast 3 times a day (morning, evening, before bed, and sometimes more). there is no signs of infection, no swelling or inflammation at all and no excessively redness. also there has been no blood at all so i think ive done a fairly good job.
jordey;529786 said:
yeah ive already done it and on day 3 now. i havent been soaking in water 3 times a day, instead ive been keeping it saturated with e45 cream. ive also been wiping/ soaking it with antiseptic atleast 3 times a day (morning, evening, before bed, and sometimes more). there is no signs of infection, no swelling or inflammation at all and no excessively redness. also there has been no blood at all so i think ive done a fairly good job.

Great job, jordey! This is pretty much what I did when I first tied mine. I wouldn't worry about not soaking 3 times a day, I didn't soak it that much apart from when I had a shower/bath before bed. Of course, if you DO have the time and opportunity then it's recommended :)

But yea sounds like it's going really well so far and good job with the cream and hygiene too. Let us know how it progresses :)
PhallusOfOsiris;529787 said:
Great job, jordey! This is pretty much what I did when I first tied mine. I wouldn't worry about not soaking 3 times a day, I didn't soak it that much apart from when I had a shower/bath before bed. Of course, if you DO have the time and opportunity then it's recommended :)

But yea sounds like it's going really well so far and good job with the cream and hygiene too. Let us know how it progresses :)

yeah im starting to get a little stinging pain now, i think its actually cutting through the frenulum instead of just letting the tissue die. i can see a definate slit, i think i may put a little emla cream on and tighten it, maybe it'll help. and yeah about the soaking, i assumed the reason was to keep the thread moist and the frenulum tissue but tbh the e45 seems to be doing a good job of it.

looking at it i tihnk i may also need to do another tying but we'll see!

after your tying where you left with any ends of the frenulum that stuck out?
jordey;529786 said:
yeah ive already done it and on day 3 now. i havent been soaking in water 3 times a day, instead ive been keeping it saturated with e45 cream. ive also been wiping/ soaking it with antiseptic atleast 3 times a day (morning, evening, before bed, and sometimes more). there is no signs of infection, no swelling or inflammation at all and no excessively redness. also there has been no blood at all so i think ive done a fairly good job.

Very good Jordey, I just wanted to make sure.
This is becoming a revolution...We should sell off the frenulums for secret sexual formulas!!!!!
i tied my frenulum as mentioned above and it cut through in like 4 days (the thread just came out yesterday after cutting through). i didnt have the new found freedom i thought i would get, so ive tied again, in the same spot just slightly lower/ deeper down. will have to see if this works or not
Hi Jordey,
Thats about the fastest I've heard of, although I suppose it depends on how deep you went on the first one.
I also found that I had to let each one heal for about 2 weeks to see the real effect. The white skin sort of disappears and things move around quite a bit.
Good luck
Hi Everyone,
Apologies for post #285 and #286. I thought I was on another thread, and was trying to refer someone to this thread. oh well ...
Status update - the three ties have healed well, but there is still a little tightness if I retract the foreskin all the way.
I'm going to try an experiment where I cut the thin band that is left with either a nail clipper or the pair of scissors on my pen knife.
I'm scared of using a scalpel as I really don't want to cut to deep.
Anybody out there who has tried something like this ?
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